19 resultados para Innovation System, Research Policy
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
The adaptation to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is becoming a great challenge for the University Community, especially for its teaching and research staff, which is involved actively in the teaching-learning process. It is also inducing a paradigm change for lecturers and students. Among the methodologies used for processes of teaching innovation, system thinking plays an important role when working mainly with mind maps, and is focused to highlighting the essence of the knowledge, allowing its visual representation. In this paper, a method for using these mind maps for organizing a particular subject is explained. This organization is completed with the definition of duration, precedence relationships and resources for each of these activities, as well as with their corresponding monitoring. Mind maps are generated by means of the MINDMANAGER package whilst Ms-PROJECT is used for establishing tasks relationships, durations, resources, and monitoring. Summarizing, a procedure and the necessary set of applications for self organizing and managing (timed) scheduled teaching tasks has been described in this paper.
The adaptation to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is becoming a great challenge for the University Community, especially for its teaching and research staff, which is involved actively in the teaching-learning process. It is also inducing a paradigm change for lecturers and students. Among the methodologies used for processes of teaching innovation, system thinking plays an important role when working mainly with mind maps, and is focused to highlighting the essence of the knowledge, allowing its visual representation. In this paper, a method for using these mind maps for organizing a particular subject is explained. This organization is completed with the definition of duration, precedence relationships and resources for each of these activities, as well as with their corresponding monitoring. Mind maps are generated by means of the MINDMANAGER package whilst Ms-PROJECT is used for establishing tasks relationships, durations, resources, and monitoring. Summarizing, a procedure and the necessary set of applications for self organizing and managing (timed) scheduled teaching tasks has been described in this paper
This proposed project aims to design a Model of Public Policy for R&D &I to lead, coordinate and direct the Regional Innovation System (RIS) in support of the SMI sector. The case study of the Bolivar State, Venezuela, is analyzed. The project represents a no- experimental research of projective type and is divided into two parts. In the first one, the current state of the SRI and its relationship with the SMIs is diagnosed, evaluated and described. In the second part, a model of public policy for R&D&I is designed and proposed in order to strengthen the capacity for innovation in SMIs.
El estado Bolvar con una superficie de 238.000 Km2 se encuentra ubicado al SE de Venezuela y su capital es Ciudad Bolvar. Ocupa el 26,24% de la superficie del territorio nacional. Ciudad Guayana es la principal regin del desarrollo econmico del estado siendo sede de las empresas bsicas de los sectores siderrgicos y del aluminio que se encargan de la extraccin, procesamiento y transformacin del mineral de hierro y de la transformacin de la bauxita en aluminio primario. Adems, cuenta con un gran potencial hidroelctrico, garantizando el suministro de energa elctrica para el funcionamiento de las empresas bsicas, para el parque industrial de la regin, as como para el desarrollo industrial, econmico y social de la nacin. Con relacin al sector de la industria del mineral de hierro y del aluminio, las empresas destinan ms del 60 por ciento de su produccin al mercado internacional. A pesar de que el sector de las Pequeas y Medianas Industrias (PYMIS) del estado Bolvar cuenta con un mercado cercano y seguro, no se le ha propiciado un desarrollo integral en trminos de orientar sus esfuerzos en innovar en nuevos productos o mejoras de procesos. Debido a la falta del personal de investigacin calificado, la escasa vinculacin con centros de investigacin, la baja inversin en investigacin, desarrollo tecnolgico e innovacin (I+D+i), la ausencia de la aplicacin de una poltica pblica de I+D+i y la desarticulacin de los miembros del Sistema Regional de Innovacin (SRI), constituyen los principales obstculos para generar bienes y servicios con un alto valor agregado. Esta situacin desequilibra y hace ineficiente el funcionamiento del SRI. La baja capacidad de las PYMIS del estado Bolvar en I+D+i, es una situacin que impide generar por si sola nuevos productos o procesos para satisfacer las demandas del mercado regional. Por lo tanto, se requiere de la intervencin y participacin activa de la institucin gubernamental responsable del diseo y aplicacin de una poltica pblica de I+D+i para dinamizar la capacidad de innovacin en las PYMIS, en su articulacin y vinculacin con los miembros del SRI. xiii El presente proyecto se plante como objetivo disear una metodologa de poltica pblica de I+D+i para liderar, coordinar y direccionar el SRI del estado Bolvar, para el desarrollo de la capacidad de innovacin en el sector industrial y especficamente en las PYMIS. La presente tesis representa una investigacin no experimental de tipo proyectivo que analiza la situacin actual del Sistema Regional de Innovacin del estado Bolvar. El anlisis de los resultados se ha dividido en tres fases. En la primera se realizan diagnsticos por medio de encuestas de las PYMIS en materia de I+D+i, de los centros y laboratorios de investigacin pertenecientes a las universidades de la regin en el rea de Materiales y de los sectores financieros pblico y privado. En dichas encuestas se evala el nivel de integracin con los entes gubernamentales que definen y administran la poltica pblica de I+D+i. En la segunda fase, con el diagnstico y procesamiento de los resultados de la primera fase, se procede a desarrollar un anlisis de las fortalezas, oportunidades, debilidades y amenazas (FODA) del Sistema Regional de Innovacin, permitiendo comprender la situacin actual de la relacin y vinculacin de las PYMIS con los centros de investigacin, instituciones financieras y entes gubernamentales. Con la problemtica detectada, result necesario el diseo de estrategias y un modelo de gestin de poltica pblica de I+D+i para la articulacin de los miembros del SRI, para el apoyo de las PYMIS. En la tercera fase se disea la metodologa de poltica pblica de I+D+i para fortalecer la innovacin en las PYMIS. La metodologa se representa a travs de un modelo propuesto que se relaciona con las teoras de los procesos de innovacin, con los modelos de sistemas de innovacin y con las reflexiones y recomendaciones hechas por diferentes investigadores e instituciones de cooperacin internacional referentes a la aplicacin de polticas pblicas de I+D+i para dinamizar la capacidad de innovacin en el sector industrial. La metodologa diseada es comparada con diferentes modelos de aplicacin de poltica pblica de I+D+i. Cada modelo se representa en una figura y se analiza su xiv situacin presente y la funcin que desempea el ente gubernamental en la aplicacin del enfoque de poltica pblica de I+D+i. El diseo de la metodologa de poltica pblica de I+D+i propuesta aportar nuevos conocimientos y podr ser aplicado para apoyar el progreso de la I+D+i en las PYMIS de la regin, como caso de estudio, con el fin de impulsar una economa ms competitiva y reducir el grado de dependencia tecnolgica. La metodologa una vez evaluada podr ser empleada en el contexto de la gran industria y en otras regiones de Venezuela y adems, puede aplicarse en otros pases con caractersticas similares en su tejido industrial. En la tesis doctoral se concluye que el desarrollo de la capacidad de innovacin en las PYMIS depende del diseo y aplicacin de la poltica pblica de I+D+i como elemento dinamizador y articulador del SRI del estado Bolvar. xv ABSTRACT The Bolivar state with an area of 238,000 km2 is located in the SE of Venezuela and its capital is Ciudad Bolivar. It occupies a surface which is 26.24% of the national territory. Ciudad Guayana is the main area of the state's economic development and the location of the corporate headquarters of the basic steel and aluminum sectors that are responsible for the extraction, processing and transformation of iron ore and bauxite processing for primary aluminum. It also has a great hydroelectric potential, ensuring the supply of electricity for the operation of enterprises, for the regional industrial park as well as for the industrial, economic and social development of the nation. With regard to the iron ore and aluminum industry, companies allocate more than 60 percent of their production to the international market. Although the sector of Small and Medium Industries (SMIs) of the Bolivar state has a secure market, it has not been led to an integral development in terms of targeting its efforts on innovating new products or improving processes. Due to the lack of qualified research staff, poor links with research centers, low investment in research, technological development and innovation (R & D & I), the absence of the implementation of a public policy for R & D & I and the dismantling of the members of the Regional Innovation System (RIS), are the main obstacles to generate goods and services with high added value. This situation makes the RIS unbalanced and inefficient. The low capacity of Bolivar states SMIs in R & D & I, is a situation that cannot generate by itself new products or processes to meet regional market demands. Therefore, it requires the active involvement and participation of the government institution responsible for the design and implementation of R & D & I public policy to boost the innovation capacity in SMIs, through the connection and integration with members of the RIS. This project is intended to design a methodology aimed at public policy for R & D & I to lead, coordinate and direct the RIS of Bolivar state, for the development of innovation capacity in the industrial sector and specifically in the SMIs. xvi This thesis is an experimental investigation of projective type which analyzes the current situation of the Regional Innovation System of the Bolivar state. The analysis of the results is divided into three phases. In the first one, a diagnosis is performed through surveys of SMIs in R & D & I centers and research laboratories belonging to the universities of the region in the area of materials and public and private financial sectors. In such surveys the level of integration with government agencies that define and manage the public policy of R & D & I is assessed. In the second phase, with the diagnosis and processing of the results of the first phase, we proceed to develop an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of the Regional Innovation System, allowing the comprehension of the current status of the relationship of SMIs with research centers, financial institutions and government agencies. With the problems identified it was necessary to design strategies and a model of public policy management of R & D & I for the articulation of the members of the RIS, to support the SMIs. In the third phase a public policy methodology for R & D & I is designed in order to strengthen innovation in SMIs. The methodology is shown through a proposed model that relates to the theories of the innovation process, with models of innovation systems and with the discussions and recommendations made by different researchers and institutions of international cooperation concerning the implementation of policies public for R & D & I to boost innovation capacity in the industrial sector. The methodology designed is compared with different models of public policy implementation for R & D & I. Each model is represented in a figure and its current situation and the role of the government agency in the implementation of the public policy approach to R & D & I is analyzed. The design of the proposed public policy methodology for R & D & I will provide new knowledge and can be applied to support the progress of R & D & I in the regions SMIs, as a case study, in order to boost a more competitive economy and reduce the degree of technological dependence. After being evaluated the methodology can be used in the context of big industry and in other regions of Venezuela and can also be applied in other countries with similar characteristics in their industrial structure. xvii The thesis concludes that the development of the innovation capacity in SMIs depends on the design and implementation of the public policy for R & D & I as a catalyst and coordination mechanism of the Regional Innovation System of the Bolivar state.
During the last century many researches on the business, marketing and technology fields have developed the innovation research line and large amount of knowledge can be found in the literature. Currently, the importance of systematic and openness approaches to manage the available innovation sources is well established in many knowledge fields. Also in the software engineering sector, where the organizations need to absorb and to exploit as much innovative ideas as possible to get success in the current competitive environment. This Master Thesis presents an study related with the innovation sources in the software engineering eld. The main research goals of this work are the identication and the relevance assessment of the available innovation sources and the understanding of the trends on the innovation sources usage. Firstly, a general review of the literature have been conducted in order to define the research area and to identify research gaps. Secondly, the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) has been proposed as the research method in this work to report reliable conclusions collecting systematically quality evidences about the innovation sources in software engineering field. This contribution provides resources, built-on empirical studies included in the SLR, to support a systematic identication and an adequate exploitation of the innovation sources most suitable in the software engineering field. Several artefacts such as lists, taxonomies and relevance assessments of the innovation sources most suitable for software engineering have been built, and their usage trends in the last decades and their particularities on some countries and knowledge fields, especially on the software engineering, have been researched. This work can facilitate to researchers, managers and practitioners of innovative software organizations the systematization of critical activities on innovation processes like the identication and exploitation of the most suitable opportunities. Innovation researchers can use the results of this work to conduct research studies involving the innovation sources research area. Whereas, organization managers and software practitioners can use the provided outcomes in a systematic way to improve their innovation capability, increasing consequently the value creation in the processes that they run to provide products and services useful to their environment. In summary, this Master Thesis research the innovation sources in the software engineering field, providing useful resources to support an effective innovation sources management. Moreover, several aspects should be deeply study to increase the accuracy of the presented results and to obtain more resources built-on empirical knowledge. It can be supported by the INno- vation SOurces MAnagement (InSoMa) framework, which is introduced in this work in order to encourage openness and systematic approaches to identify and to exploit the innovation sources in the software engineering field.
Los sistemas intangibles y los sistemas de innovacin son importantes en la generacin de conocimientos que contribuyan al desarrollo de las Naciones. La finalidad de este estudio es jerarquizar los Recursos Intangibles presentes en las Instituciones de Educacin Superior (IES), como parte de los Sistemas de Innovacin. Se puede caracterizar como una investigacin de tipo exploratorio, descriptiva. Los resultados de la jerarquizacin de los recursos intangibles indican como relevantes en las fases del sistema de innovacin: Reputacin Institucional. Formacin y desarrollo del Recurso Humano, Capacidad de Innovacin. Intangible resources and innovation systems are important in generating knowledge that contributes to developing nations. The purpose of this study is to ranking the present Intangible Resources in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) as part of the Systems of Innovation. We performed an exploratory research, descriptive. The results of the ranking of relevant intangible assets as indicated in the phases of the innovation system: Institutional Reputation. Human Resource Training, innovation. Intangible resources enhance knowledge management processes and innovations in higher education institutions.
La investigacin, plantea como podemos evaluar la competividad en 135 pases a partir nicamente de variables tecnolgicas. En la metodologa se plantea el Protocolo de Clculo para el total de las economas seleccionadas dentro de los periodos 2005-2006 y 2007-2008, realizando una evaluacin estadstica. Y estableciendo una discusin, donde analizamos la explicacin de las relaciones as como la interpretacin de los resultados. Finalmente, evaluamos las conclusiones para las economas mundiales. Dentro de estas economas, localizamos las variables que tienen que priorizarse para mejorar la competividad de las mismas. Estas variables par ten inicialmente de un grupo de 68, y al final de la implementacin del mtodo se reducen notablemente. Estas variables finales, llamadas Indicadores Claves de Actuacin, se agrupan en factores (Factores Clave de Actuacin) que nos simplifican notablemente lo planteado. Para cada grupo de economas se realizan los conglomerados de acuerdo a sus valores dentro de las variables seleccionadas. Se evala pas a pas un anlisis detallado de su posicionamiento para cada uno de los Indicadores Claves de Actuacin seleccionados matemticamente. La principal voluntad de la presente informacin, es simplificar notablemente la comparacin entre la competividad de las naciones y su nivel tecnolgico. Palabras clave: indicadores, ndices, economas, mundiales, anlisis multivariante, regresin, factorizacin, clusterizacin, anlisis de conglomerados, competividad, tecnologa, polticas pblicas, aspectos regulatorios, operaciones, estrategias comerciales, internet, comparativa cros nacionales, anlisis multinivel. Analysis of the relationship between competitiveness and technological development for 135 worldwide countries. Factors and Key Performance Indicators. Clusters of economies Abstract:The research evaluates the competitiveness of 135 countries, based solely on technological variables. The methodology raises calculation protocol for the total of selected economies in the periods 2005-2006 and 2007- 2008. This protocol makes a statistical evaluation. And setting up a discussion, where we analyzed the explanation of the relationship and the interpretation of results. Finally, we evaluate the conclusions for the world economies. Within each group of economies, we know which variables need originally to be prioritized to improve the competitiveness. These variables are from a group of 68, and after the implementation of the method are reduced dramatically in number. These variables will be called Key Performance Indicators and will be grouped into Factors (Key Performance Factors) this will significantly simplify matters. Within this group of countries have been reduced three factors that collect their Key Performance Indicators . A country to country detailed analysis of their positions according to each of the Key Performance Indicators on a mathematical basis.The main desire of this research is to significantly simplify the comparison between the competitiveness of nations and their technological level. Key words: economies, innovation, competitiveness, public policy, business strategies.
The change towards a sustainable economic system represents a big challenge for the present as well as next generations. Such a process requires important long-term changes in technologies, lifestyle, infrastructures and institutions. In this scenario the innovation process is a crucial element for fostering sustainability as well as an egalitarian development in developing countries. For those reasons the concept of Eco-Innovation System is introduced and further considerations are provided for the case of less-developed countries. The paper illustrates that sustainable development is possible by exploiting local potential and traditional knowledge in order to achieve at the same time economic growth, social equality and environmental sustainability. In order to prove such an assumption a specic case study is described: The renewable energy sector in Bolivia. The case study summarizes many important dimensions of the innovation process in developing countries such as technological transfer, diffusion and adaptation, social dimension and development issues.
In some countries photovoltaic (PV) technology is at a stage of development at which it can compete with conventional electricity sources. A case in point is Germany where PV market has reached a mature stage. As a manifest of this, the German government has recently reduced the feed-in-tariff, which had been the strongest driver of PV diffusion. This development raises a fundamental question: Why would potential adopters be motivated to adopt PV when feed-in tariff diminishes? The point of departure for the literature on diffusion of PV has been on the effect of subsidies but little attention has paid to adopter motives when the policy support is scaled down. This paper presents an in-depth analysis of the adopter motives for photovoltaic applications. Anchored in an extensive exploratory case study we provide an encompassing explanation of roles of policy, adopters and system suppliers on diffusion of PV.
Background Energy Policy is one of the main drivers of Transport Policy. A number of strategies to reduce current energy consumption trends in the transport sector have been designed over the last decades. They include fuel taxes, more efficient technologies and changing travel behavior through demand regulation. But energy market has a high degree of uncertainty and the effectiveness of those policy options should be assessed. Methods A scenario based assessment methodology has been developed in the frame of the EU project STEPS. It provides an integrated view of Energy efficiency, environment, social and competitiveness impacts of the different strategies. It has been applied at European level and to five specific Regions. Concluding remarks The results are quite site specific dependent. However they show that regulation measures appear to be more effective than new technology investments. Higher energy prices could produce on their turn a deterioration of competitiveness and a threat for social goals.
The TALISMAN+ project, financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, aims to research and demonstrate innovative solutions transferable to society which offer services and products based on information and communication technologies in order to promote personal autonomy in prevention and monitoring scenarios. It will solve critical interoperability problems among systems and emerging technologies in a context where heterogeneity brings about accessibility barriers not yet overcome and demanded by the scientific, technological or social-health settings.
Initially, service sector was defined as complementary to manufacturing sector. This situation has changed in recent times; services growth has resulted in a dominance of employment and economic activity in most developed nations and is becoming a key process for the competitiveness of their industrial sectors. New services related to commodities have become a strategy to differentiate their value proposition (Robinson et al., 2002). The service sector's importance is evident when evaluating its share in the gross domestic product. According to the World Bank (2011), in 2009, 74.8% of GDP in the euro area and 77.5% in United States were attributed to services. Globalization and use of information and communication technology has accelerated dissemination of knowledge and increasing customer expectations about services available worldwide. Innovation becomes essential to ensure that service organizations respond with appropriate products and services for each market segment. Customized and placed on time-tomarket new services require a more developed innovation process. Service innovation and new service development process are cited as one of the priorities for academic research in the following years (Karniouchina et al., 2005) This paper has the following objectives: -To present a model for the analysis of innovation process through the service value network, -To verify its applicability through an empirical research, and -To identify the path and mode of innovation for a group of studied organizations and to compare it with previous studies.
In this paper we present a global description of a telematic voting system based on advanced cryptography and on the use of smart cards (VOTESCRIPT system) whose most outstanding characteristic is the ability to verify that the tally carried out by the system is correct, meaning that the results published by the system correspond with votes cast. The VOTESCRIPT system provides an individual verification mechanism allowing each Voter to confirm whether his vote has been correctly counted. The innovation with respect to other solutions lies in the fact that the verification process is private so that Voters have no way of proving what they voted in the presence of a non-authorized third party. Vote buying and selling or any other kind of extortion are prevented. The existence of the Intervention Systems allows the whole electoral process to be controlled by groups of citizens or authorized candidatures. In addition to this the system can simply make an audit not only of the final results, but also of the whole process. Global verification provides the Scrutineers with robust cryptographic evidence which enables unequivocal proof if the system has operated in a fraudulent way.
Las reformas de agua en pases en desarrollo suelen llevarse a cabo junto con cambios institucionales ms profundos o, incluso, acompaadas de cambios constitucionales o de rgimen poltico. Por lo tanto, los marcos institucionales adaptados a pases gobernados sujetos al estado de derecho pueden no ser apropiados para contextos gobernados fundamentalmente, al menos en sus inicios, por instituciones informales o poco maduras. Esta tesis toma las reformas de agua como punto de partida y pretende contribuir a la literatura mediante una serie de anlisis empricos tanto del mbito general como del plano individual o sujeto personal de la poltica del agua. En el mbito general, el foco se pone en los factores que explican el fallo de la accin colectiva en dos contextos diferentes: 1) en la implementacin de la nueva Ley de Aguas de Nicaragua y 2) en el mantenimiento y revitalizacin de las instituciones de riego en Surinam. En el plano del individuo, la investigacin se centra en las decisiones de los usuarios de los recursos y analiza el papel crtico de las variables sociales para la gestin de los recursos comunes. Para ello, el mtodo de investigacin utilizado es mixto, combinando el anlisis de entrevistas, encuestas y experimentos. En el mbito general, los resultados muestran que las principales barreras para la implementacin de la nueva Ley de Aguas de Nicaragua podran tener su reflejo en el lenguaje de la Ley y, por tanto, en la forma en la que se definen y configuran las instituciones incluidas en dicha Ley. As, la investigacin demuestra que la implementacin de polticas no puede ser estudiada o entendida sin tener en cuenta tanto el diseo de la propia poltica como el marco socio-ecolgico en el que se enmarca. El contexto especfico de Nicaragua remarca la importancia de considerar tanto las instituciones formales como informales en los procesos de transicin poltica. A pesar de que las reformas de agua requieren plazos largos para su implementacin, el hecho de que exista una diferencia entre las reglas tal cual se definen formalmente y las reglas que operan en la realidad merece una mayor consideracin en el diseo de polticas basadas fundamentalmente en instituciones formales. En el mbito de la conducta individual, el anlisis de la accin colectiva ofrece una serie de observaciones empricas interesantes. En el caso de Nicaragua, los resultados indican que la intensidad de las relaciones sociales, el tipo de agentes dispuestos a proporcionar apoyo social y el nivel de confianza en la comunidad son factores que explican de manera significativa la participacin en la comunidad. Sin embargo, el hecho de que la gestin colectiva de riego se produzca, en la mayora de casos, en torno a lazos familiares sugiere que las variables de capital social crticas se definen en gran medida en la esfera familiar, siendo difcil que se extiendan fuera de estos nexos. El anlisis experimental de los resultados de un juego de uso de recurso comn y contribucin al bien pblico muestra que las preferencias pro-sociales de los individuos y la heterogeneidad del grupo en trminos de composicin por sexo son factores que explican significativamente los resultados y las decisiones de apropiacin a lo largo del juego. En trminos del diseo de las polticas, es fundamental tener en cuenta las dinmicas de participacin y uso de los recursos comunes de manera que los niveles de cooperacin puedan mantenerse en el largo plazo, lo cual, como se observa en el caso de Surinam, no es siempre posible. Finalmente, el caso de Surinam es un ejemplo ilustrativo de los procesos de accin colectiva en economas en transicin. El anlisis del fallo de la accin colectiva en Surinam muestra que los procesos polticos vinculados al perodo colonial y de independencia explican en gran medida la falta de claridad en las reglas operacionales y colectivas que gobiernan la gestin de los sistemas de riego y drenaje. Los resultados empricos sugieren que a pesar de que la accin colectiva para la provisin de los servicios de riego y drenaje estaba bien establecida bajo el rgimen colonial, la auto-organizacin no prosper en un contexto dependiente del apoyo externo y regido fundamentalmente por reglas diseadas al nivel competencial del gobierno central. El sistema socio-ecolgico que se desarroll durante la transicin post-colonial favoreci, as, la emergencia de comportamientos oportunistas, y posteriormente la inoperancia de los Water Boards (WBs) creados en la poca colonial. En este sentido, cualquier intento por revitalizar los WBs y fomentar el desarrollo de la auto-organizacin de los usuarios necesitar abordar los problemas relacionados con los patrones demogrficos, incluyendo la distribucin de la tierra, el diseo de instituciones y la falta de confianza en el gobierno, adems de las inversiones tpicas en infraestructura y sistemas de informacin hidrolgicos. El liderazgo del gobierno, aportando empuje de arriba-abajo, es, adems, otro elemento imprescindible en Surinam. ABSTRACT Water reforms in developing countries take place along deeper institutional and even constitutional. Therefore, institutional frameworks that might result in positive outcomes in countries governed by the rule of law might not fit in contexts governed mainly by informal or immature institutions. This thesis takes water reforms as the starting point and aims to contribute to the literature by presenting several conceptual and empirical analyses at both general and individual levels. At the general national level, the focus is on the factors explaining failure of collective action in two different settings: 1) in the implementation of the new Nicaraguan Water Law and 2) in sustaining and revitalizing irrigation institutions in Suriname. At the individual level, the research focuses on the actions of resource users and analyzes the critical role of social variables for common pool resources management. For this purpose, the research presented in this thesis makes use of a mixed-method approach, combining interviews, surveys and experimental methods. Overall, the results show that major barriers for the implementation of the new Nicaraguan Water Law have its reflection on the language of the Law and, therefore, on the way institutions are defined and configured. In this sense, our study shows that implementation cannot fruitfully be studied and understood without taking into account both the policy design and the social-ecological context in which it is framed. The specific setting of Nicaragua highlights the relevance of considering both formal and informal institutions when promoting policy transitions. Despite the unquestionable fact that water reforms implementation needs long periods of time, there is still a gap between the rules on paper and the rules on the ground that deserves further attention when proposing policy changes on the basis of formal institutions. At the level of the individual agent, the analysis of collective action provides a number of interesting empirical insights. In the case of Nicaragua, I found that the intensity of social networks, the type of agents willing to provide social support and the level of trust in the community are all significant factors in explaining collective action at community level. However, the fact that most collective irrigation relies on family ties suggests that critical social capital variables might be defined within the family sphere and making it difficult to go beyond it. Experimental research combining a common pool resource and a public good game in Nicaragua shows that individuals pro-social traits and group heterogeneity in terms of sex composition are significant variables in explaining efficiency outcomes and effort decisions along the game. Thus, with regard to policy design, it is fundamental to consider carefully the dynamics of agents' participation and use of common pool resources, for sustaining cooperation in the long term, which, as seen in the case and Surinam, is not always possible. The case of Suriname provides a rich setting for the analysis of collective action in transition economies. The analysis of decay of collective irrigation in Suriname shows that the lack of clear operational and collective choice rules appear to be rooted in deeper political processes that date back to the colonial period. The empirical findings suggest that despite collective action for the provision of irrigation and drainage services was well established during the colonial period, self-organization did not flourish in a context governed by colonial state-crafted rules and mostly dependent on external support. The social-ecological system developed during the post-colonial transition process favored the emergence of opportunistic behavior. In this respect, any attempt to revitalize WBs and support self-organization will need to tackle the problems derived from demographic patterns, including land allocation, institutions design and government distrust, in addition to the typical investments in both physical infrastructure and hydrological information systems. The leadership role of the government, acting as a top-down trigger, is another essential element in Suriname.
In some countries photovoltaic (PV) technology has already achieved a stage of development at which it can compete with conventional electricity sources. Germany provides a good illustration of this where PV market has reached a mature stage. As a manifest of this, the German government has recently reduced subsidies for households and industry by decreasing the feed in tariff for PV. This development raises fundamental questions: could the PV industry survive? Will consumers be motivated to continue to adopt PV when feed-in tariff diminish? The point of departure for the relevant literature on diffusion of PV has been on the effect of subsidies but little attention has paid to consumer motives when the policy support is scaled down. This paper introduces an in-depth analysis on understanding the consumer motives for adopting photovoltaic applications. Anchored in an extensive exploratory case study on PV consumers and PV system providers, this study aims to provide an encompassing explanation of diffusion of PV by revealing the link between consumer motives and the impact of policy.