13 resultados para Inherent Soil Variability

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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El óxido nitroso (N2O) es un potente gas de efecto invernadero (GHG) proveniente mayoritariamente de la fertilización nitrogenada de los suelos agrícolas. Identificar estrategias de manejo de la fertilización que reduzcan estas emisiones sin suponer un descenso de los rendimientos es vital tanto a nivel económico como medioambiental. Con ese propósito, en esta Tesis se han evaluado: (i) estrategias de manejo directo de la fertilización (inhibidores de la nitrificación/ureasa); y (ii) interacciones de los fertilizantes con (1) el manejo del agua, (2) residuos de cosecha y (3) diferentes especies de plantas. Para conseguirlo se llevaron a cabo meta-análisis, incubaciones de laboratorio, ensayos en invernadero y experimentos de campo. Los inhibidores de la nitrificación y de la actividad ureasa se proponen habitualmente como medidas para reducir las pérdidas de nitrógeno (N), por lo que su aplicación estaría asociada al uso eficiente del N por parte de los cultivos (NUE). Sin embargo, su efecto sobre los rendimientos es variable. Con el objetivo de evaluar en una primera fase su efectividad para incrementar el NUE y la productividad de los cultivos, se llevó a cabo un meta-análisis. Los inhibidores de la nitrificación dicyandiamide (DCD) y 3,4-dimetilepyrazol phosphate (DMPP) y el inhibidor de la ureasa N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) fueron seleccionados para el análisis ya que generalmente son considerados las mejores opciones disponibles comercialmente. Nuestros resultados mostraron que su uso puede ser recomendado con el fin de incrementar tanto el rendimiento del cultivo como el NUE (incremento medio del 7.5% y 12.9%, respectivamente). Sin embargo, se observó que su efectividad depende en gran medida de los factores medioambientales y de manejo de los estudios evaluados. Una mayor respuesta fue encontrada en suelos de textura gruesa, sistemas irrigados y/o en cultivos que reciben altas tasas de fertilizante nitrogenado. En suelos alcalinos (pH ≥ 8), el inhibidor de la ureasa NBPT produjo el mayor efecto. Dado que su uso representa un coste adicional para los agricultores, entender las mejores prácticas que permitan maximizar su efectividad es necesario para posteriormente realizar comparaciones efectivas con otras prácticas que incrementen la productividad de los cultivos y el NUE. En base a los resultados del meta-análisis, se seleccionó el NBPT como un inhibidor con gran potencial. Inicialmente desarrollado para reducir la volatilización de amoniaco (NH3), en los últimos años algunos investigadores han demostrado en estudios de campo un efecto mitigador de este inhibidor sobre las pérdidas de N2O provenientes de suelos fertilizados bajo condiciones de baja humedad del suelo. Dada la alta variabilidad de los experimentos de campo, donde la humedad del suelo cambia rápidamente, ha sido imposible entender mecanísticamente el potencial de los inhibidores de la ureasa (UIs) para reducir emisiones de N2O y su dependencia con respecto al porcentaje de poros llenos de agua del suelo (WFPS). Por lo tanto se realizó una incubación en laboratorio con el propósito de evaluar cuál es el principal mecanismo biótico tras las emisiones de N2O cuando se aplican UIs bajo diferentes condiciones de humedad del suelo (40, 60 y 80% WFPS), y para analizar hasta qué punto el WFPS regula el efecto del inhibidor sobre las emisiones de N2O. Un segundo UI (i.e. PPDA) fue utilizado para comparar el efecto del NBPT con el de otro inhibidor de la ureasa disponible comercialmente; esto nos permitió comprobar si el efecto de NBPT es específico de ese inhibidor o no. Las emisiones de N2O al 40% WFPS fueron despreciables, siendo significativamente más bajas que las de todos los tratamientos fertilizantes al 60 y 80% WFPS. Comparado con la urea sin inhibidor, NBPT+U redujo las emisiones de N2O al 60% WFPS pero no tuvo efecto al 80% WFPS. La aplicación de PPDA incrementó significativamente las emisiones con respecto a la urea al 80% WFPS mientras que no se encontró un efecto significativo al 60% WFPS. Al 80% WFPS la desnitrificación fue la principal fuente de las emisiones de N2O en todos los tratamientos mientras que al 60% tanto la nitrificación como la desnitrificación tuvieron un papel relevante. Estos resultados muestran que un correcto manejo del NBPT puede suponer una estrategia efectiva para mitigar las emisiones de N2O. Con el objetivo de trasladar nuestros resultados de los estudios previos a condiciones de campo reales, se desarrolló un experimento en el que se evaluó la efectividad del NBPT para reducir pérdidas de N y aumentar la productividad durante un cultivo de cebada (Hordeum vulgare L.) en secano Mediterráneo. Se determinó el rendimiento del cultivo, las concentraciones de N mineral del suelo, el carbono orgánico disuelto (DOC), el potencial de desnitrificación, y los flujos de NH3, N2O y óxido nítrico (NO). La adición del inhibidor redujo las emisiones de NH3 durante los 30 días posteriores a la aplicación de urea en un 58% y las emisiones netas de N2O y NO durante los 95 días posteriores a la aplicación de urea en un 86 y 88%, respectivamente. El uso de NBPT también incrementó el rendimiento en grano en un 5% y el consumo de N en un 6%, aunque ninguno de estos incrementos fue estadísticamente significativo. Bajo las condiciones experimentales dadas, estos resultados demuestran el potencial del inhibidor de la ureasa NBPT para mitigar las emisiones de NH3, N2O y NO provenientes de suelos arables fertilizados con urea, mediante la ralentización de la hidrólisis de la urea y posterior liberación de menores concentraciones de NH4 + a la capa superior del suelo. El riego por goteo combinado con la aplicación dividida de fertilizante nitrogenado disuelto en el agua de riego (i.e. fertirriego por goteo) se considera normalmente una práctica eficiente para el uso del agua y de los nutrientes. Algunos de los principales factores (WFPS, NH4 + y NO3 -) que regulan las emisiones de GHGs (i.e. N2O, CO2 y CH4) y NO pueden ser fácilmente manipulados por medio del fertirriego por goteo sin que se generen disminuciones del rendimiento. Con ese propósito se evaluaron opciones de manejo para reducir estas emisiones en un experimento de campo durante un cultivo de melón (Cucumis melo L.). Los tratamientos incluyeron distintas frecuencias de riego (semanal/diario) y tipos de fertilizantes nitrogenados (urea/nitrato cálcico) aplicados por fertirriego. Fertirrigar con urea en lugar de nitrato cálcico aumentó las emisiones de N2O y NO por un factor de 2.4 y 2.9, respectivamente (P < 0.005). El riego diario redujo las emisiones de NO un 42% (P < 0.005) pero aumentó las emisiones de CO2 un 21% (P < 0.05) comparado con el riego semanal. Analizando el Poder de Calentamiento global en base al rendimiento así como los factores de emisión del NO, concluimos que el fertirriego semanal con un fertilizante de tipo nítrico es la mejor opción para combinar productividad agronómica con sostenibilidad medioambiental en este tipo de agroecosistemas. Los suelos agrícolas en las áreas semiáridas Mediterráneas se caracterizan por su bajo contenido en materia orgánica y bajos niveles de fertilidad. La aplicación de residuos de cosecha y/o abonos es una alternativa sostenible y eficiente desde el punto de vista económico para superar este problema. Sin embargo, estas prácticas podrían inducir cambios importantes en las emisiones de N2O de estos agroecosistemas, con impactos adicionales en las emisiones de CO2. En este contexto se llevó a cabo un experimento de campo durante un cultivo de cebada (Hordeum vulgare L.) bajo condiciones Mediterráneas para evaluar el efecto de combinar residuos de cosecha de maíz con distintos inputs de fertilizantes nitrogenados (purín de cerdo y/o urea) en estas emisiones. La incorporación de rastrojo de maíz incrementó las emisiones de N2O durante el periodo experimental un 105%. Sin embargo, las emisiones de NO se redujeron significativamente en las parcelas enmendadas con rastrojo. La sustitución parcial de urea por purín de cerdo redujo las emisiones netas de N2O un 46 y 39%, con y sin incorporación de residuo de cosecha respectivamente. Las emisiones netas de NO se redujeron un 38 y un 17% para estos mismos tratamientos. El ratio molar DOC:NO3 - demostró predecir consistentemente las emisiones de N2O y NO. El efecto principal de la interacción entre el fertilizante nitrogenado y el rastrojo de maíz se dio a los 4-6 meses de su aplicación, generando un aumento del N2O y una disminución del NO. La sustitución de urea por purín de cerdo puede considerarse una buena estrategia de manejo dado que el uso de este residuo orgánico redujo las emisiones de óxidos de N. Los pastos de todo el mundo proveen numerosos servicios ecosistémicos pero también suponen una importante fuente de emisión de N2O, especialmente en respuesta a la deposición de N proveniente del ganado mientras pasta. Para explorar el papel de las plantas como mediadoras de estas emisiones, se analizó si las emisiones de N2O dependen de la riqueza en especies herbáceas y/o de la composición específica de especies, en ausencia y presencia de una deposición de orina. Las hipótesis fueron: 1) las emisiones de N2O tienen una relación negativa con la productividad de las plantas; 2) mezclas de cuatro especies generan menores emisiones que monocultivos (dado que su productividad será mayor); 3) las emisiones son menores en combinaciones de especies con distinta morfología radicular y alta biomasa de raíz; y 4) la identidad de las especies clave para reducir el N2O depende de si hay orina o no. Se establecieron monocultivos y mezclas de dos y cuatro especies comunes en pastos con rasgos funcionales divergentes: Lolium perenne L. (Lp), Festuca arundinacea Schreb. (Fa), Phleum pratense L. (Php) y Poa trivialis L. (Pt), y se cuantificaron las emisiones de N2O durante 42 días. No se encontró relación entre la riqueza en especies y las emisiones de N2O. Sin embargo, estas emisiones fueron significativamente menores en ciertas combinaciones de especies. En ausencia de orina, las comunidades de plantas Fa+Php actuaron como un sumidero de N2O, mientras que los monocultivos de estas especies constituyeron una fuente de N2O. Con aplicación de orina la comunidad Lp+Pt redujo (P < 0.001) las emisiones de N2O un 44% comparado con los monocultivos de Lp. Las reducciones de N2O encontradas en ciertas combinaciones de especies pudieron explicarse por una productividad total mayor y por una complementariedad en la morfología radicular. Este estudio muestra que la composición de especies herbáceas es un componente clave que define las emisiones de N2O de los ecosistemas de pasto. La selección de combinaciones de plantas específicas en base a la deposición de N esperada puede, por lo tanto, ser clave para la mitigación de las emisiones de N2O. ABSTRACT Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a potent greenhouse gas (GHG) directly linked to applications of nitrogen (N) fertilizers to agricultural soils. Identifying mitigation strategies for these emissions based on fertilizer management without incurring in yield penalties is of economic and environmental concern. With that aim, this Thesis evaluated: (i) the use of nitrification and urease inhibitors; and (ii) interactions of N fertilizers with (1) water management, (2) crop residues and (3) plant species richness/identity. Meta-analysis, laboratory incubations, greenhouse mesocosm and field experiments were carried out in order to understand and develop effective mitigation strategies. Nitrification and urease inhibitors are proposed as means to reduce N losses, thereby increasing crop nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). However, their effect on crop yield is variable. A meta-analysis was initially conducted to evaluate their effectiveness at increasing NUE and crop productivity. Commonly used nitrification inhibitors (dicyandiamide (DCD) and 3,4-dimethylepyrazole phosphate (DMPP)) and the urease inhibitor N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) were selected for analysis as they are generally considered the best available options. Our results show that their use can be recommended in order to increase both crop yields and NUE (grand mean increase of 7.5% and 12.9%, respectively). However, their effectiveness was dependent on the environmental and management factors of the studies evaluated. Larger responses were found in coarse-textured soils, irrigated systems and/or crops receiving high nitrogen fertilizer rates. In alkaline soils (pH ≥ 8), the urease inhibitor NBPT produced the largest effect size. Given that their use represents an additional cost for farmers, understanding the best management practices to maximize their effectiveness is paramount to allow effective comparison with other practices that increase crop productivity and NUE. Based on the meta-analysis results, NBPT was identified as a mitigation option with large potential. Urease inhibitors (UIs) have shown to promote high N use efficiency by reducing ammonia (NH3) volatilization. In the last few years, however, some field researches have shown an effective mitigation of UIs over N2O losses from fertilized soils under conditions of low soil moisture. Given the inherent high variability of field experiments where soil moisture content changes rapidly, it has been impossible to mechanistically understand the potential of UIs to reduce N2O emissions and its dependency on the soil water-filled pore space (WFPS). An incubation experiment was carried out aiming to assess what is the main biotic mechanism behind N2O emission when UIs are applied under different soil moisture conditions (40, 60 and 80% WFPS), and to analyze to what extent the soil WFPS regulates the effect of the inhibitor over N2O emissions. A second UI (i.e. PPDA) was also used aiming to compare the effect of NBPT with that of another commercially available urease inhibitor; this allowed us to see if the effect of NBPT was inhibitor-specific or not. The N2O emissions at 40% WFPS were almost negligible, being significantly lower from all fertilized treatments than that produced at 60 and 80% WFPS. Compared to urea alone, NBPT+U reduced the N2O emissions at 60% WFPS but had no effect at 80% WFPS. The application of PPDA significantly increased the emissions with respect to U at 80% WFPS whereas no significant effect was found at 60% WFPS. At 80% WFPS denitrification was the main source of N2O emissions for all treatments. Both nitrification and denitrification had a determinant role on these emissions at 60% WFPS. These results suggest that adequate management of the UI NBPT can provide, under certain soil conditions, an opportunity for N2O mitigation. We translated our previous results to realistic field conditions by means of a field experiment with a barley crop (Hordeum vulgare L.) under rainfed Mediterranean conditions in which we evaluated the effectiveness of NBPT to reduce N losses and increase crop yields. Crop yield, soil mineral N concentrations, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), denitrification potential, NH3, N2O and nitric oxide (NO) fluxes were measured during the growing season. The inclusion of the inhibitor reduced NH3 emissions in the 30 d following urea application by 58% and net N2O and NO emissions in the 95 d following urea application by 86 and 88%, respectively. NBPT addition also increased grain yield by 5% and N uptake by 6%, although neither increase was statistically significant. Under the experimental conditions presented here, these results demonstrate the potential of the urease inhibitor NBPT in abating NH3, N2O and NO emissions from arable soils fertilized with urea, slowing urea hydrolysis and releasing lower concentrations of NH4 + to the upper soil layer. Drip irrigation combined with split application of N fertilizer dissolved in the irrigation water (i.e. drip fertigation) is commonly considered best management practice for water and nutrient efficiency. Some of the main factors (WFPS, NH4 + and NO3 -) regulating the emissions of GHGs (i.e. N2O, carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4)) and NO can easily be manipulated by drip fertigation without yield penalties. In this study, we tested management options to reduce these emissions in a field experiment with a melon (Cucumis melo L.) crop. Treatments included drip irrigation frequency (weekly/daily) and type of N fertilizer (urea/calcium nitrate) applied by fertigation. Crop yield, environmental parameters, soil mineral N concentrations, N2O, NO, CH4, and CO2 fluxes were measured during the growing season. Fertigation with urea instead of calcium nitrate increased N2O and NO emissions by a factor of 2.4 and 2.9, respectively (P < 0.005). Daily irrigation reduced NO emissions by 42% (P < 0.005) but increased CO2 emissions by 21% (P < 0.05) compared with weekly irrigation. Based on yield-scaled Global Warming Potential as well as NO emission factors, we conclude that weekly fertigation with a NO3 --based fertilizer is the best option to combine agronomic productivity with environmental sustainability. Agricultural soils in semiarid Mediterranean areas are characterized by low organic matter contents and low fertility levels. Application of crop residues and/or manures as amendments is a cost-effective and sustainable alternative to overcome this problem. However, these management practices may induce important changes in the nitrogen oxide emissions from these agroecosystems, with additional impacts on CO2 emissions. In this context, a field experiment was carried out with a barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) crop under Mediterranean conditions to evaluate the effect of combining maize (Zea mays L.) residues and N fertilizer inputs (organic and/or mineral) on these emissions. Crop yield and N uptake, soil mineral N concentrations, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), denitrification capacity, N2O, NO and CO2 fluxes were measured during the growing season. The incorporation of maize stover increased N2O emissions during the experimental period by c. 105 %. Conversely, NO emissions were significantly reduced in the plots amended with crop residues. The partial substitution of urea by pig slurry reduced net N2O emissions by 46 and 39 %, with and without the incorporation of crop residues respectively. Net emissions of NO were reduced 38 and 17 % for the same treatments. Molar DOC:NO3 - ratio was found to be a robust predictor of N2O and NO fluxes. The main effect of the interaction between crop residue and N fertilizer application occurred in the medium term (4-6 month after application), enhancing N2O emissions and decreasing NO emissions as consequence of residue incorporation. The substitution of urea by pig slurry can be considered a good management strategy since N2O and NO emissions were reduced by the use of the organic residue. Grassland ecosystems worldwide provide many important ecosystem services but they also function as a major source of N2O, especially in response to N deposition by grazing animals. In order to explore the role of plants as mediators of these emissions, we tested whether and how N2O emissions are dependent on grass species richness and/or specific grass species composition in the absence and presence of urine deposition. We hypothesized that: 1) N2O emissions relate negatively to plant productivity; 2) four-species mixtures have lower emissions than monocultures (as they are expected to be more productive); 3) emissions are lowest in combinations of species with diverging root morphology and high root biomass; and 4) the identity of the key species that reduce N2O emissions is dependent on urine deposition. We established monocultures and two- and four-species mixtures of common grass species with diverging functional traits: Lolium perenne L. (Lp), Festuca arundinacea Schreb. (Fa), Phleum pratense L. (Php) and Poa trivialis L. (Pt), and quantified N2O emissions for 42 days. We found no relation between plant species richness and N2O emissions. However, N2O emissions were significantly reduced in specific plant species combinations. In the absence of urine, plant communities of Fa+Php acted as a sink for N2O, whereas the monocultures of these species constituted a N2O source. With urine application Lp+Pt plant communities reduced (P < 0.001) N2O emissions by 44% compared to monocultures of Lp. Reductions in N2O emissions by species mixtures could be explained by total biomass productivity and by complementarity in root morphology. Our study shows that plant species composition is a key component underlying N2O emissions from grassland ecosystems. Selection of specific grass species combinations in the context of the expected nitrogen deposition regimes may therefore provide a key management practice for mitigation of N2O emissions.


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The Actively Heated Fiber Optic (AHFO) method is shown to be capable of measuring soil water content several times per hour at 0.25 m spacing along cables of multiple kilometers in length. AHFO is based on distributed temperature sensing (DTS) observation of the heating and cooling of a buried fiber-optic cable resulting from an electrical impulse of energy delivered from the steel cable jacket. The results presented were collected from 750 m of cable buried in three 240 m colocated transects at 30, 60, and 90 cm depths in an agricultural field under center pivot irrigation. The calibration curve relating soil water content to the thermal response of the soil to a heat pulse of 10 W m−1 for 1 min duration was developed in the lab. This calibration was found applicable to the 30 and 60 cm depth cables, while the 90 cm depth cable illustrated the challenges presented by soil heterogeneity for this technique. This method was used to map with high resolution the variability of soil water content and fluxes induced by the nonuniformity of water application at the surface.


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Arundo donax L., commonly known as giant reed or arundo, is a perennial rhizomatous grass that has been studied since the decade of 1980 for bioenergy. In the Mediterranean region -characterised by dry and hot summers- arundo is usually grown with the support of irrigation. However, there is evidence that this plant species can tolerate dry-farming conditions once the crop is fully established. In this work the variation observed in plant growth of a 5-year-old arundo crop when the management changed from irrigated to dry-farming, is assessed. The hypothesis underlying this work was that punctual variations of soil properties might be responsible for the differences observed in plant growth


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Runoff generation depends on rainfall, infiltration, interception, and surface depressional storage. Surface depressional storage depends on surface microtopography, usually quantified trough soil surface roughness (SSR). SSR is subject to spatial and temporal changes that create a high variability. In an agricultural environment, tillage operations produce abrupt changes in roughness. Subsequent rainfall gradually decreases roughness. Beside it, local variation in soil properties and hydrology cause its SSR to vary spatially at different scales. The methods commonly used to measure it involve collecting point elevations in regular grids using laser profilers or scanners, digital close range stereo-photogrammetry and terrestrial laser scanning or LIDAR systems. In this case, a laser-scanning instrument was used to obtain representative digital elevation models (DEMs) at a grid resolution of 7.2x7.2mm that cover an area of 0.9x0.9m. The DEMs were obtained from two study sites with different soils. The first study site was an experimental field on which five conventional tillage methods were applied. The second study site was a large olive orchard with trees planted at 7.5x5.0m and bare soils between rows. Here, three tillage treatments were applied. In this work we have evaluated the spatial variability of SSR at several scales studying differences in height calculated from points separated by incremental distances h were raised to power values q (from 0 to 4 in steps of 0.1). The q = 2 data were studied as a semivariogram model. The logarithm of average differences plotted vs. log h were characterized by their slope, ?(q). Structure functions [?(q) vs. q] were fitted showing that data had nonlinear structure functions typical of multiscale phenomena. Comparisson of the two types of soil in their respective structure functions are shown.


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Spatial variability of Vertisol properties is relevant for identifying those zones with physical degradation. In this sense, one has to face the problem of identifying the origin and distribution of spatial variability patterns. The objectives of the present work were (i) to quantify the spatial structure of different physical properties collected from a Vertisol, (ii) to search for potential correlations between different spatial patterns and (iii) to identify relevant components through multivariate spatial analysis. The study was conducted on a Vertisol (Typic Hapludert) dedicated to sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) production during the last sixty years. We used six soil properties collected from a squared grid (225 points) (penetrometer resistance (PR), total porosity, fragmentation dimension (Df), vertical electrical conductivity (ECv), horizontal electrical conductivity (ECh) and soil water content (WC)). All the original data sets were z-transformed before geostatistical analysis. Three different types of semivariogram models were necessary for fitting individual experimental semivariograms. This suggests the different natures of spatial variability patterns. Soil water content rendered the largest nugget effect (C0 = 0.933) while soil total porosity showed the largest range of spatial correlation (A = 43.92 m). The bivariate geostatistical analysis also rendered significant cross-semivariance between different paired soil properties. However, four different semivariogram models were required in that case. This indicates an underlying co-regionalization between different soil properties, which is of interest for delineating management zones within sugarcane fields. Cross-semivariograms showed larger correlation ranges than individual, univariate, semivariograms (A ≥ 29 m). All the findings were supported by multivariate spatial analysis, which showed the influence of soil tillage operations, harvesting machinery and irrigation water distribution on the status of the investigated area.


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Erosion potential and the effects of tillage can be evaluated from quantitative descriptions of soil surface roughness. The present study therefore aimed to fill the need for a reliable, low-cost and convenient method to measure that parameter. Based on the interpretation of micro-topographic shadows, this new procedure is primarily designed for use in the field after tillage. The principle underlying shadow analysis is the direct relationship between soil surface roughness and the shadows cast by soil structures under fixed sunlight conditions. The results obtained with this method were compared to the statistical indexes used to interpret field readings recorded by a pin meter. The tests were conducted on 4-m2 sandy loam and sandy clay loam plots divided into 1-m2 subplots tilled with three different tools: chisel, tiller and roller. The highly significant correlation between the statistical indexes and shadow analysis results obtained in the laboratory as well as in the field for all the soil?tool combinations proved that both variability (CV) and dispersion (SD) are accommodated by the new method. This procedure simplifies the interpretation of soil surface roughness and shortens the time involved in field operations by a factor ranging from 12 to 20.


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No tillage, minimum tillage and conventional tillage practices are commonly used in maize crops in Alentejo, affecting soil physic conditions and determining seeders performance. Seeders distribution can be evaluated in the longitudinal and vertical planes. Vertical plane is specified by seeding depth (Karayel et al., 2008). If, in one hand seeding depth uniformity is a goal for all crop establishment , in the other hand, seeders furrow openers depth control is never constant depending on soil conditions. Seed depth uniformity affects crop emergence, Liu et al. (2004) showed an higher correlation between crop productivity and emergence uniformity than with longitudinal plants distribution. Neto et al. (2007) evaluating seed depth placement by measuring maize mesocotyl length under no tillage conditions in 38 farms concluded that 20% of coefficient of variation suggests the need of improvement seeders depth control mechanisms. The objective of this study was to evaluate casual relationships and create spatial variability maps between soil mechanic resistance and vertical distribution under three different soil practices to improve seed depth uniformity.


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El proyecto geotécnico de columnas de grava tiene todas las incertidumbres asociadas a un proyecto geotécnico y además hay que considerar las incertidumbres inherentes a la compleja interacción entre el terreno y la columna, la puesta en obra de los materiales y el producto final conseguido. Este hecho es común a otros tratamientos del terreno cuyo objetivo sea, en general, la mejora “profunda”. Como los métodos de fiabilidad (v.gr., FORM, SORM, Monte Carlo, Simulación Direccional) dan respuesta a la incertidumbre de forma mucho más consistente y racional que el coeficiente de seguridad tradicional, ha surgido un interés reciente en la aplicación de técnicas de fiabilidad a la ingeniería geotécnica. Si bien la aplicación concreta al proyecto de técnicas de mejora del terreno no es tan extensa. En esta Tesis se han aplicado las técnicas de fiabilidad a algunos aspectos del proyecto de columnas de grava (estimación de asientos, tiempos de consolidación y aumento de la capacidad portante) con el objetivo de efectuar un análisis racional del proceso de diseño, considerando los efectos que tienen la incertidumbre y la variabilidad en la seguridad del proyecto, es decir, en la probabilidad de fallo. Para alcanzar este objetivo se ha utilizado un método analítico avanzado debido a Castro y Sagaseta (2009), que mejora notablemente la predicción de las variables involucradas en el diseño del tratamiento y su evolución temporal (consolidación). Se ha estudiado el problema del asiento (valor y tiempo de consolidación) en el contexto de la incertidumbre, analizando dos modos de fallo: i) el primer modo representa la situación en la que es posible finalizar la consolidación primaria, parcial o totalmente, del terreno mejorado antes de la ejecución de la estructura final, bien sea por un precarga o porque la carga se pueda aplicar gradualmente sin afectar a la estructura o instalación; y ii) por otra parte, el segundo modo de fallo implica que el terreno mejorado se carga desde el instante inicial con la estructura definitiva o instalación y se comprueba que el asiento final (transcurrida la consolidación primaria) sea lo suficientemente pequeño para que pueda considerarse admisible. Para trabajar con valores realistas de los parámetros geotécnicos, los datos se han obtenido de un terreno real mejorado con columnas de grava, consiguiendo, de esta forma, un análisis de fiabilidad más riguroso. La conclusión más importante, obtenida del análisis de este caso particular, es la necesidad de precargar el terreno mejorado con columnas de grava para conseguir que el asiento ocurra de forma anticipada antes de la aplicación de la carga correspondiente a la estructura definitiva. De otra forma la probabilidad de fallo es muy alta, incluso cuando el margen de seguridad determinista pudiera ser suficiente. En lo que respecta a la capacidad portante de las columnas, existen un buen número de métodos de cálculo y de ensayos de carga (tanto de campo como de laboratorio) que dan predicciones dispares del valor de la capacidad última de las columnas de grava. En las mallas indefinidas de columnas, los resultados del análisis de fiabilidad han confirmado las consideraciones teóricas y experimentales existentes relativas a que no se produce fallo por estabilidad, obteniéndose una probabilidad de fallo prácticamente nula para este modo de fallo. Sin embargo, cuando se analiza, en el contexto de la incertidumbre, la capacidad portante de pequeños grupos de columnas bajo zapatas se ha obtenido, para un caso con unos parámetros geotécnicos típicos, que la probabilidad de fallo es bastante alta, por encima de los umbrales normalmente admitidos para Estados Límite Últimos. Por último, el trabajo de recopilación sobre los métodos de cálculo y de ensayos de carga sobre la columna aislada ha permitido generar una base de datos suficientemente amplia como para abordar una actualización bayesiana de los métodos de cálculo de la columna de grava aislada. El marco bayesiano de actualización ha resultado de utilidad en la mejora de las predicciones de la capacidad última de carga de la columna, permitiendo “actualizar” los parámetros del modelo de cálculo a medida que se dispongan de ensayos de carga adicionales para un proyecto específico. Constituye una herramienta valiosa para la toma de decisiones en condiciones de incertidumbre ya que permite comparar el coste de los ensayos adicionales con el coste de una posible rotura y , en consecuencia, decidir si es procedente efectuar dichos ensayos. The geotechnical design of stone columns has all the uncertainties associated with a geotechnical project and those inherent to the complex interaction between the soil and the column, the installation of the materials and the characteristics of the final (as built) column must be considered. This is common to other soil treatments aimed, in general, to “deep” soil improvement. Since reliability methods (eg, FORM, SORM, Monte Carlo, Directional Simulation) deals with uncertainty in a much more consistent and rational way than the traditional safety factor, recent interest has arisen in the application of reliability techniques to geotechnical engineering. But the specific application of these techniques to soil improvement projects is not as extensive. In this thesis reliability techniques have been applied to some aspects of stone columns design (estimated settlements, consolidation times and increased bearing capacity) to make a rational analysis of the design process, considering the effects of uncertainty and variability on the safety of the project, i.e., on the probability of failure. To achieve this goal an advanced analytical method due to Castro and Sagaseta (2009), that significantly improves the prediction of the variables involved in the design of treatment and its temporal evolution (consolidation), has been employed. This thesis studies the problem of stone column settlement (amount and speed) in the context of uncertainty, analyzing two failure modes: i) the first mode represents the situation in which it is possible to cause primary consolidation, partial or total, of the improved ground prior to implementation of the final structure, either by a pre-load or because the load can be applied gradually or programmed without affecting the structure or installation; and ii) on the other hand, the second mode implies that the improved ground is loaded from the initial instant with the final structure or installation, expecting that the final settlement (elapsed primary consolidation) is small enough to be allowable. To work with realistic values of geotechnical parameters, data were obtained from a real soil improved with stone columns, hence producing a more rigorous reliability analysis. The most important conclusion obtained from the analysis of this particular case is the need to preload the stone columns-improved soil to make the settlement to occur before the application of the load corresponding to the final structure. Otherwise the probability of failure is very high, even when the deterministic safety margin would be sufficient. With respect to the bearing capacity of the columns, there are numerous methods of calculation and load tests (both for the field and the laboratory) giving different predictions of the ultimate capacity of stone columns. For indefinite columns grids, the results of reliability analysis confirmed the existing theoretical and experimental considerations that no failure occurs due to the stability failure mode, therefore resulting in a negligible probability of failure. However, when analyzed in the context of uncertainty (for a case with typical geotechnical parameters), results show that the probability of failure due to the bearing capacity failure mode of a group of columns is quite high, above thresholds usually admitted for Ultimate Limit States. Finally, the review of calculation methods and load tests results for isolated columns, has generated a large enough database, that allowed a subsequent Bayesian updating of the methods for calculating the bearing capacity of isolated stone columns. The Bayesian updating framework has been useful to improve the predictions of the ultimate load capacity of the column, allowing to "update" the parameters of the calculation model as additional load tests become available for a specific project. Moreover, it is a valuable tool for decision making under uncertainty since it is possible to compare the cost of further testing to the cost of a possible failure and therefore to decide whether it is appropriate to perform such tests.


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Scaling is becoming an increasingly important topic in the earth and environmental sciences as researchers attempt to understand complex natural systems through the lens of an ever-increasing set of methods and scales. The guest editors introduce the papers in this issue’s special section and present an overview of some of the work being done. Scaling remains one of the most challenging topics in earth and environmental sciences, forming a basis for our understanding of process development across the multiple scales that make up the subsurface environment. Tremendous progress has been made in discovery, explanation, and applications of scaling. And yet much more needs to be done and is being done as part of the modern quest to quantify, analyze, and manage the complexity of natural systems. Understanding and succinct representation of scaling properties can unveil underlying relationships between system structure and response functions, improve parameterization of natural variability and heterogeneity, and help us address societal needs by effectively merging knowledge acquired at different scales.


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Among the various factors that contribute towards producing a successful maize crop, seed depth placement is a key determinant, especially in a no-tillage system. The main objective of this work was to evaluate the spatial variability of seed depth placement and crop establishment in a maize crop under no-tillage conditions, using precision farming technologies. The obtained results indicate that seed depth placement was significantly affected by soil moisture content, while a very high coefficient of variation of 39% was found for seed depth. Seeding depth had a significant impact on mean emergence time and percentage of emerged plants. Shallow average depth values and the high coefficient of variation suggest a need for improvement in controlling the seeder sowing depth.


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The requirements for a good stand in a no-till field are the same as those for conventional planting as well as added field and machinery management. Among the various factors that contribute towards producing a successful maize crop, seed depth placement is a key determinant. Although most no-till planters on the market work well under good soil and residue conditions, adjustments and even modifications are frequently needed when working with compacted or wet soils or with heavy residues. The main objective of this study, carried out in 2010, 2011 and 2012, was to evaluate the vertical distribution and spatial variability of seed depth placement in a maize crop under no-till conditions, using precision farming technologies and conventional no-till seeders. The results obtained indicate that the seed depth placement was affected by soil moisture content and forward speed. The seed depth placement was negatively correlated with soil resistance and seeding depth had a significant impact on mean emergence time and the percentage of emerged plants. Shallow average depth values and high coefficients of variation suggest a need for improvements in controlling the seeders’ sowing depth mechanism or more accurate calibration by operators in the field.


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Among the various factors that contribute towards producing a successful maize crop, seed depth placement is a key determinant, especially in a no-tillage system. The main objective of this work was to evaluate the spatial variability of seed depth placement and crop establishment in a maize crop under no-tillage conditions, using precision farming technologies. The obtained results indicate that seed depth placement was significantly affected by soil moisture content, while a very high coefficient of variation of 39% was found for seed depth. Seeding depth had a significant impact on mean emergence time and percentage of emerged plants. Shallow average depth values and the high coefficient of variation suggest a need for improvement in controlling the seeders sowing depth.


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Entre os vários fatores que contribuem para a produção de uma cultura de milho, a distribuição vertical dos semeadores avaliada através da localização da semente em profundidade é um fator-chave, especialmente na técnica de sementeira direta. Simultaneamente, dada a complexidade dos ecossistemas naturais e agrícolas em sistemas de agricultura de conservação, a gestão diferenciada e localizada das parcelas assume um importante papel na análise e gestão da variabilidade das propriedades do solo e estabelecimento das culturas, nomeadamente utilizando informação geo referenciada e tecnologia expedita. Assim, o principal objetivo desta Tese foi a avaliação em culturas de milho da variabilidade espacial da localização de semente em profundidade e estabelecimento da cultura em sementeira direta usando sistemas convencionais de controlo de profundidade, tendo-se comparado com diferentes sistemas de mobilização e recorrendo a tecnologias de agricultura de precisão. Os ensaios decorreram na região Mediterrânea do Alentejo, em propriedades agrícolas no decorrer das campanhas de 2010, 2011, 2012 e 2015 em 6 diferentes campos experimentais. O trabalho experimental consistiu em ensaios com avaliações in loco do solo e cultura, consumo de combustível das operações e deteção remota. Os resultados obtidos indicam que não só o sistema de mobilização afetou a localização da semente em profundidade, como em sementeira direta a profundidade de sementeira foi afetada pelo teor de humidade do solo, resistência do solo à profundidade e velocidade da operação de sementeira. Adicionalmente observaram-se condições heterogéneas de emergência e estabelecimento da cultura afetadas por condições físicas de compactação do solo. Comparando os diferentes sistemas de mobilização, obteve-se uma significativa redução de combustível para a técnica de sementeira direta, apesar de se terem observado diferenças estatísticas significativas considerando diferentes calibrações de profundidade de sementeira Do trabalho realizado nesta Tese ressalva-se a importância que as tecnologias de agricultura de precisão podem ter no acompanhamento e avaliação de culturas em sementeira direta, bem como a necessidade de melhores procedimentos no controlo de profundidade dos semeadores pelo respetivos operadores ou ao invés, a adoção de semeadores com mecanismos ativos de controlo de profundidade. ABSTRACT Among the various factors that contribute towards producing a successful maize crop, seeders vertical distribution evaluated through seed depth placement is a key determinant, especially under a no-tillage technique. At the same time in conservation agriculture systems due to the complexity of natural and agricultural ecosystems site specific management became an important approach to understand and manage the variability of soil properties and crop establishment, especially when using geo spatial information and affording readily technology Thus, the main objective of this Thesis was to evaluate the spatial variability of seed depth placement and crop establishment in maize crops under no-tillage conditions compared to different tillage systems, using conventional seed depth control no till seeders and precision farming technologies. Trials were carried out in the Mediterranean region of Alentejo, in private farms along the sowing operations season over the years 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2015 in 6 different experimental fields. Experimental work covered field tests with in loco soil and crop evaluations, fuel operation evaluations and aerial sensing. The results obtained indicate that not only tillage system affected seed depth placement but under no till conditions seed depth was affected by soil moisture content, soil resistance to penetration and seeders forward speed. In addition uneven crop seedling and establishment depended on seed depth placement and could be affected by physical problems of compaction layers. Significant reduction in fuel consumption was observed for no till operations although significant differences observed according to different setting calibrations of seed depth control. According to the results, precision agriculture is an important tool to evaluate crops under no till conditions and seed depth mechanisms should be more accurate by the operators or is determinant the adoption of new active depth control technology to improve seeders performance.