3 resultados para Industrial emissions

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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El proyecto que se presenta a continuación recoge la adaptación de una Central Térmica de carbón al cumplimiento de la DIRECTIVA 2010/75/UE DEL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO Y DEL CONSEJO de 24 de noviembre de 2010 sobre las emisiones industriales. La Central sobre la que se realiza el proyecto tiene un grupo térmico de carbón suscritico refrigerado por agua, con una potencia a plena carga de 350 MWe y de 190 MWe a mínimo técnico. Genera 1 090 t/h de vapor a 540 °C y 168 kg/cm2 funcionando a plena carga. Actualmente las emisiones de NOx son de 650 mg/m3, (condiciones normales, seco, 6 % O2). El objeto del proyecto es reducir estas emisiones a un valor máximo de 200 mg/m3 en las mismas condiciones. El proyecto analiza detalladamente las condiciones actuales de operación de la instalación en cuanto a combustible utilizado, horas de funcionamiento, condiciones climáticas y producción. Se analiza así mismo, todas las técnicas disponibles en mercado para la reducción del NOx, diferenciando entre medidas primarias (actúan sobre los efectos de formación) y secundarias (limpieza de gases). Las medidas primarias ya están implementadas en la central, por tanto, el proyecto plantea la reducción con medidas secundarias. De las medidas secundarias analizadas se ha seleccionado la instalación de un Reactor de Reducción Selectiva Catalítica (Reactor SCR). Tras un análisis de los diferentes reactores y catalizadores disponibles se ha seleccionado un reactor de configuración High-dust, una disposición de catalizador en 3 capas más 1, cuyos componentes están basados en óxidos metálicos (TiO2, V2O5, WO3) y estructura laminar. Se ha buscado la instalación del reactor para operar a una temperatura inferior a 450 °C. Como agente reductor se ha seleccionado NH3 a una dilución del 24,5 %. El proyecto recoge también el diseño de todo el sistema de almacenamiento, evaporación, dilución e inyección de amoniaco. El resultado del proyecto garantiza una concentración en los gases de salida por la chimenea inferior 180 mg/m3(n) de NOx. La reducción del NOx a los límites establecidos, tienen un coste por MWh neto generado para la central, trabajando 60 % a plena carga y 40 % a mínimo técnico y una amortización de 10 años, de 4,10 €/MWh. ABSTRACT The following project shows the compliance adjustment of a coal-fired power station to the 2010/75/EU Directive of the European Parliament and Council 24th November 2010 on industrial emissions. The project is based on a power station with a subcritical thermal coal unit, cooled with water, with a maximum power of 350 MWe and a technical minimum of 190 MWe. It produces 1 090 t/h of steam at 540 ° C and 168 kg/cm2 operating under full load. Currently, NOx emissions are 650 mg / m3 (normal conditions, dry, 6% O2). The project aims to reduce these emissions to a maximum value of 200 mg / m3 under the same conditions. The project analyses in detail the current operating conditions of the system in terms of fuel used, hours of operation, climatic conditions and production. In addition, it also analyses every available technique of NOx reduction on the market, distinguishing between primary (acting on the effects of formation) and secondary measures (gas cleaning). Primary measures are already implemented in the plant, thus proposing reduction with secondary measures. Among the secondary measures analyzed, it has been selected to install a Selective Catalytic Reduction Reactor (SCR Reactor). Having researched the different reactors and catalysts available, for the reactor has been selected High-dust configuration, an arrangement of catalyst in 3 layers plus 1, whose components are based on metal oxides (TiO2, V2O5, WO3) and laminar structure. The reactor has been sought facility to operate at a temperature below 450 ° C. NH3 diluted to 24,5 % has been selected as reducing agent. The project also includes the design of the entire storage system, evaporation, dilution and ammonia injection. The results of the project ensure a gas concentration in the lower chimney exit below 180 mg / m3(n) NOx. The reduction of NOx to the established limits has a cost per net MWh generated in the plant, working at 60% of full load and at 40% of technical minimum, with an amortization of 10 years, 4,10 € / MWh.


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Current studies about nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from legume crops have raised considerable doubt, observing a high variability between sites (0.03-7.09 kg N2O–N ha−1 y -1) [1]. This high variability has been associated to climate and soil conditions, legume species and soil management practices (e.g. conservation or conventional tillage). Conservation tillage (i.e. no tillage (NT) and minimum tillage (MT)) has spread during the last decades because promotes several positive effects (increase of soil organic content, reduction of soil erosion and enhancement of carbon (C) sequestration). However, these benefits could be partly counterbalanced by negative effects on the release of N2O emissions. Among processes responsible for N2O production and consumption in soils, denitrification plays an importantrole both in tilled and no-tilled ropping systems [2]. Recently, amplification of functional bacterial genes involved in denitrification is being used to examine denitrifiers abundance and evaluate their influence on N2O emissions. NirK and nirS are functional genes encoding the cytochrome cd1 and copper nitrite reductase, which is the key enzyme regulating the denitrification process.


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The emission of different harmful gases during the storage of solid fuels is a common phenomenon. The gases emitted during the heating process of those combustibles are the same as those emitted during combustion, mainly CO and CO2[1]. Nowadays, measurement of these emissions is mandatory. That is why in many industrial facilities different gas detectors are located to measure these gases. But it should be also useful if emissions could be predicted and the temperatures at the beginning of the emission process could be determined.