36 resultados para Industrial Control Systems (ICS)

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The main objective of ventilation systems in case of fire is the reduction of the possible consequences by achieving the best possible conditions for the evacuation of the users and the intervention of the emergency services. In the last years, the required quick response of the ventilation system, from normal to emergency mode, has been improved by the use of automatic and semi-automatic control systems, what reduces the response times through the support to the operators decision taking, and the use of pre-defined strategies. A further step consists on the use of closedloop algorithms, which takes into account not only the initial conditions but their development (air velocity, traffic situation, etc), optimizing the quality of the smoke control process


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This article presents a cooperative manoeuvre among three dual mode cars – vehicles equipped with sensors and actuators, and that can be driven either manually or autonomously. One vehicle is driven autonomously and the other two are driven manually. The main objective is to test two decision algorithms for priority conflict resolution at intersections so that a vehicle autonomously driven can take their own decision about crossing an intersection mingling with manually driven cars without the need for infrastructure modifications. To do this, the system needs the position, speeds, and turning intentions of the rest of the cars involved in the manoeuvre. This information is acquired via communications, but other methods are also viable, such as artificial vision. The idea of the experiments was to adjust the speed of the manually driven vehicles to force a situation where all three vehicles arrive at an intersection at the same time.


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Evaluation of three solar and daylighting control systems based on Calumen II, Ecotect and Radiance simulation programs to obtain an energy efficient and healthy interior in the experimental building prototype SDE10


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The solutions to cope with new challenges that societies have to face nowadays involve providing smarter daily systems. To achieve this, technology has to evolve and leverage physical systems automatic interactions, with less human intervention. Technological paradigms like Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are providing reference models, architectures, approaches and tools that are to support cross-domain solutions. Thus, CPS based solutions will be applied in different application domains like e-Health, Smart Grid, Smart Transportation and so on, to assure the expected response from a complex system that relies on the smooth interaction and cooperation of diverse networked physical systems. The Wireless Sensors Networks (WSN) are a well-known wireless technology that are part of large CPS. The WSN aims at monitoring a physical system, object, (e.g., the environmental condition of a cargo container), and relaying data to the targeted processing element. The WSN communication reliability, as well as a restrained energy consumption, are expected features in a WSN. This paper shows the results obtained in a real WSN deployment, based on SunSPOT nodes, which carries out a fuzzy based control strategy to improve energy consumption while keeping communication reliability and computational resources usage among boundaries.


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This paper describes new approaches to improve the local and global approximation (matching) and modeling capability of Takagi–Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy model. The main aim is obtaining high function approximation accuracy and fast convergence. The main problem encountered is that T-S identification method cannot be applied when the membership functions are overlapped by pairs. This restricts the application of the T-S method because this type of membership function has been widely used during the last 2 decades in the stability, controller design of fuzzy systems and is popular in industrial control applications. The approach developed here can be considered as a generalized version of T-S identification method with optimized performance in approximating nonlinear functions. We propose a noniterative method through weighting of parameters approach and an iterative algorithm by applying the extended Kalman filter, based on the same idea of parameters’ weighting. We show that the Kalman filter is an effective tool in the identification of T-S fuzzy model. A fuzzy controller based linear quadratic regulator is proposed in order to show the effectiveness of the estimation method developed here in control applications. An illustrative example of an inverted pendulum is chosen to evaluate the robustness and remarkable performance of the proposed method locally and globally in comparison with the original T-S model. Simulation results indicate the potential, simplicity, and generality of the algorithm. An illustrative example is chosen to evaluate the robustness. In this paper, we prove that these algorithms converge very fast, thereby making them very practical to use.


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An efficient approach is presented to improve the local and global approximation and modelling capability of Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy model. The main aim is obtaining high function approximation accuracy. The main problem is that T-S identification method cannot be applied when the membership functions are overlapped by pairs. This restricts the use of the T-S method because this type of membership function has been widely used during the last two decades in the stability, controller design and are popular in industrial control applications. The approach developed here can be considered as a generalized version of T-S method with optimized performance in approximating nonlinear functions. A simple approach with few computational effort, based on the well known parameters' weighting method is suggested for tuning T-S parameters to improve the choice of the performance index and minimize it. A global fuzzy controller (FC) based Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) is proposed in order to show the effectiveness of the estimation method developed here in control applications. Illustrative examples of an inverted pendulum and Van der Pol system are chosen to evaluate the robustness and remarkable performance of the proposed method and the high accuracy obtained in approximating nonlinear and unstable systems locally and globally in comparison with the original T-S model. Simulation results indicate the potential, simplicity and generality of the algorithm.


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By analysing the dynamic principles of the human gait, an economic gait‐control analysis is performed, and passive elements are included to increase the energy efficiency in the motion control of active orthoses. Traditional orthoses use position patterns from the clinical gait analyses (CGAs) of healthy people, which are then de‐normalized and adjusted to each user. These orthoses maintain a very rigid gait, and their energy cosT is very high, reducing the autonomy of the user. First, to take advantage of the inherent dynamics of the legs, a state machine pattern with different gains in eachstate is applied to reduce the actuator energy consumption. Next, different passive elements, such as springs and brakes in the joints, are analysed to further reduce energy consumption. After an off‐line parameter optimization and a heuristic improvement with genetic algorithms, a reduction in energy consumption of 16.8% is obtained by applying a state machine control pattern, and a reduction of 18.9% is obtained by using passive elements. Finally, by combining both strategies, a more natural gait is obtained, and energy consumption is reduced by 24.6%compared with a pure CGA pattern.


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In this paper, we propose a novel control scheme for bilateral teleoperation of n degree-of-freedom (DOF) nonlinear robotic systems with time-varying communication delay. We consider that the human operator contains a constant force on the local manipulator. The local and remote manipulators are coupled using state convergence control scheme. By choosing a Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional, we show that the local-remote teleoperation system is asymptotically stable. It is also shown that, in the case of reliable communication protocols, the proposed scheme guarantees that the remote manipulator tracks the delayed trajectory of the local manipulator. The time delay of communication channel is assumed to be unknown and randomly time varying, but the upper bounds of the delay interval and the derivative of the delay are assumed to be known.


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Es bien conocido por todos que la Primera Revolución Industrial, que tuvo su inicio en la segunda mitad del Siglo XVIII, conllevó un aumento del uso de los recursos energéticos que no se ha detenido para llegar a los niveles de desarrollo tecnológico, industrial y de calidad de vida, de los que se dispone en la actualidad. A simple vista podría intuirse que para disponer de un mayor nivel tecnológico, industrial, de confort, etc. sea necesario un mayor consumo de energía primaria. La actual generación de energía está principalmente basada en el procesamiento de los diversos compuestos del carbono (hidrocarburos, gases y productos derivados del petróleo), que son contaminantes y además, se agotan. Desde hace unas pocas décadas, la humanidad ha sido consciente que es necesario generar energía a partir de fuentes de origen renovable, y que además resulten menos contaminantes. Así, en la actualidad, se ha llegado a un estado de desarrollo avanzado para la explotación de diversas fuentes de energías como la eólica, a la vez que se comienza a mirar con realismo la posibilidad de explotación de diversas energías de origen marino. Se considera que las energías renovables procedentes de los océanos que se encuentran más desarrolladas tecnológicamente hablando, sin tener en cuenta la energía eólica fuera costa (offshore), son la denominada energía undimotriz o de las olas y la energía de las corrientes marinas, no necesariamente en este orden. El trabajo propuesto en esta Tesis se centra en este último recurso energético y, aunque no se dispone todavía de ningún dispositivo en fase de explotación comercial, la concepción, diseño y desarrollo de dispositivos para la extracción de energía de las corrientes, y su evolución, han sido relativamente rápidos e importantes en estos últimos años. Existen ya diferentes dispositivos en fase de pruebas con resultados muy prometedores. Aunque los dispositivos actuales se encuentran limitados a la explotación energética en zonas de poca profundidad, los diferentes estudios del recurso indican la necesidad de explotar corrientes marinas a mayores profundidades, para lo que se están desarrollando actualmente dispositivos, cuya evolución en lo que a sistemas de fondeo se refiere, está siendo muy parecida a la que se ha producido en los parques eólicos fuera costa, similar a su vez, a la evolución llevada a cabo en las plataformas oceánicas para la explotación de recursos petrolíferos (denominados oil & gas) que se extraen de profundidades cada vez mayores. Las soluciones tecnológicas que resulten válidas han de ser también económicamente viables, y en la actualidad se requiere todavía reducir costos en todas las fases de instalación, explotación y mantenimiento de estos dispositivos, sea cual sea su profundidad de operación. Uno de los focos de estudio para abaratar los costes de explotación en general, pasa por abaratar y reducir los costes en las maniobras necesarias de inmersión (de la superficie del mar a la profundidad de operación) y emersión (de la profundidad de operación a la superficie del mar) de estos dispositivos, para llevar a cabo tareas de mantenimiento in situ, en el mar, y sin necesidad de buques especializados ni de su transporte a tierra. En esta Tesis se propone, en primer lugar, un método para evaluar el ciclo de vida de diversos dispositivos de aprovechamiento de las corrientes marinas. Se evidencia que el coste de la energía así generada sigue siendo no plenamente competitivo, por lo que se requiere avanzar en el abaratamiento de costes, principalmente en la instalación y en su mantenimiento. Para ello se propone como novedad principal, introducir sistemas de control en lazo cerrado para realizar maniobras de instalación y mantenimiento de forma automática. También se aporta un modelo dinámico original y muy sencillo para dispositivos bajo estos movimientos de emersión/inmersión, a partir del cual se han desarrollado los algoritmos de control para el propósito mencionado, que no es otro sino automatizar en todo lo posible las maniobras completas. Los algoritmos de control propuestos han sido validados mediante simulación. Se proponen trayectorias de referencia de movimiento suaves (smooth) similares a las utilizadas en robótica. Estos movimientos de cambios de profundidad en lazo cerrado, combinados con secuencias de movimientos en bucle abierto para cuando el dispositivo interacciona en la superficie libre, han dado lugar a nuevas maniobras completas de instalación y mantenimiento que se presentan en esta Tesis, diferentes a las actuales. Finalmente, y como justificación de la viabilidad económica del método novedoso aportado, se ha realizado un estudio comparativo de los costes de la tecnología propuesta, frente a la tecnología actual. Este nuevo sistema de maniobras automáticas implica un ciclo de vida diferente para los dispositivos de aprovechamiento de la energía de las corrientes, ciclo que se cuantifica a partir de un dispositivo base que ha sido modificado y adaptado para la nueva tecnología propuesta, demostrando su viabilidad tanto técnica como económica. ABSTRACT It’s well known that the First Industrial Revolution started in the second half of the eighteenth century, carried the increasing of the use of energy resource which have not been stopped until reach the present technology, industrial evolution and daily life quality. On the surface, it can be known intuitively that a higher consumption of primary energy resource is demanded for benefiting from a higher technological industrial and daily life level. Today, the generation of energy is mainly based in the processing of carbon products (hydrocarbons, gases and petroleum products) which are pollutants, and additionally, are depleted. From a few decades ago, the humanity is aware the energy should be obtained from renewable resources, which besides, should be cleaner. So, at the present, a technical develop has been gained to exploit several energy source, as wind energy, and, at the same time, the extraction of the marine energy starts to seem as a reality. The renewable marine energies considered more advanced and technically developed, without keeping in mind, the offshore wind energy, are the wave energy and the tidal current energy, not necessarily in that order. This Thesis is focused in this last energy resource, and, although, any device is under commercial operation, the concept, design and develop of this type of devices to extract the tidal current energy and their evolution has been comparatively fast and important the last years. There are several devices under test with promising results. Even through the current devices are limited to lower depth areas, the several studies of the tidal energy resource suggest the need to exploit the marine current at greater depths to what is being developed devices, where their evolution in the anchoring system is being very similar to the evolution performed in the offshore wind farms, which is at the same time, similar to the evolution in the oil and gas exploitation which are extracted to greatest depths. Viable technical solutions should be also viable economically and nowadays the cost in all phases of the project (installation, maintenance and operation) should be decreased whatever the operation depth is. One focus of study to lower the operation cost is the cost decreasing of immersion manoeuvring operations (from sea surface to the operation depth) and immersion manoeuvring operations (from operation depth to the sea surface), therefore the maintenance operations can be performed on – site, in the sea, and no specialized vessels are required to transport the devices from the sea to shore. In this dissertation, firstly is proposed a method to evaluate the life cycle of the tidal energy current devices. It is proved the energy generated by these devices is not fully competitive; therefore, the cost falling is mainly an objective in the installation and the maintenance operations. For that, it is proposed as main novelty, the using of closed loop control systems to perform the automatic installation and manoeuvring operations. It is also contributed with an original and simple dynamic model and for controlling the immersion/emersion movements of these devices, from which the control algorithms are developed in order to automate as much as possible the complete manoeuvring. The control algorithms proposed has been validated by simulations. Reference paths with smooth movements, similar which are used in robotics, are suggested. These movements to change the depth using closed loop control, combined with the sequences in open loop movements when the device is in free surface, have been development for a new complete manoeuvring to installation and maintenance operations which are advanced in this Thesis and they are different to the present manoeuvrings. Finally and as justification of the economic viability of this original method, a comparative cost study between the technology proposed and the current technology is performed. This new automatic manoeuvring system involves a different life cycle for the tidal energy current devices, cycle that is quantified from a base device which has been modified and adapted for the new proposed technology, showing the technical and economic viability.


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A medida que se incrementa la energía de los aceleradores de partículas o iones pesados como el CERN o GSI, de los reactores de fusión como JET o ITER, u otros experimentos científicos, se va haciendo cada vez más imprescindible el uso de técnicas de manipulación remota para la interacción con el entorno sujeto a la radiación. Hasta ahora la tasa de dosis radioactiva en el CERN podía tomar valores cercanos a algunos mSv para tiempos de enfriamiento de horas, que permitían la intervención humana para tareas de mantenimiento. Durante los primeros ensayos con plasma en JET, se alcanzaban valores cercanos a los 200 μSv después de un tiempo de enfriamiento de 4 meses y ya se hacía extensivo el uso de técnicas de manipulación remota. Hay una clara tendencia al incremento de los niveles de radioactividad en el futuro en este tipo de instalaciones. Un claro ejemplo es ITER, donde se esperan valores de 450 Sv/h en el centro del toroide a los 11 días de enfriamiento o los nuevos niveles energéticos del CERN que harán necesario una apuesta por niveles de mantenimiento remotos. En estas circunstancias se enmarca esta tesis, que estudia un sistema de control bilateral basado en fuerza-posición, tratando de evitar el uso de sensores de fuerza/par, cuyo contenido electrónico los hace especialmente sensitivos en estos ambientes. El contenido de este trabajo se centra en la teleoperación de robots industriales, que debido a su reconocida solvencia y facilidad para ser adaptados a estos entornos, unido al bajo coste y alta disponibilidad, les convierte en una alternativa interesante para tareas de manipulación remota frente a costosas soluciones a medida. En primer lugar se considera el problema cinemático de teleoperación maestro-esclavo de cinemática disimilar y se desarrolla un método general para la solución del problema en el que se incluye el uso de fuerzas asistivas para guiar al operador. A continuación se explican con detalle los experimentos realizados con un robot ABB y que muestran las dificultades encontradas y recomendaciones para solventarlas. Se concluye el estudio cinemático con un método para el encaje de espacios de trabajo entre maestro y esclavo disimilares. Posteriormente se mira hacia la dinámica, estudiándose el modelado de robots con vistas a obtener un método que permita estimar las fuerzas externas que actúan sobre los mismos. Durante la caracterización del modelo dinámico, se realizan varios ensayos para tratar de encontrar un compromiso entre complejidad de cálculo y error de estimación. También se dan las claves para modelar y caracterizar robots con estructura en forma de paralelogramo y se presenta la arquitectura de control deseada. Una vez obtenido el modelo completo del esclavo, se investigan diferentes alternativas que permitan una estimación de fuerzas externas en tiempo real, minimizando las derivadas de la posición para minimizar el ruido. Se comienza utilizando observadores clásicos del estado para ir evolucionando hasta llegar al desarrollo de un observador de tipo Luenberger-Sliding cuya implementación es relativamente sencilla y sus resultados contundentes. También se analiza el uso del observador propuesto durante un control bilateral simulado en el que se compara la realimentación de fuerzas obtenida con las técnicas clásicas basadas en error de posición frente a un control basado en fuerza-posición donde la fuerza es estimada y no medida. Se comprueba como la solución propuesta da resultados comparables con las arquitecturas clásicas y sin embargo introduce una alternativa para la teleoperación de robots industriales cuya teleoperación en entornos radioactivos sería imposible de otra manera. Finalmente se analizan los problemas derivados de la aplicación práctica de la teleoperación en los escenarios mencionados anteriormente. Debido a las condiciones prohibitivas para todo equipo electrónico, los sistemas de control se deben colocar a gran distancia de los manipuladores, dando lugar a longitudes de cable de centenares de metros. En estas condiciones se crean sobretensiones en controladores basados en PWM que pueden ser destructivas para el sistema formado por control, cableado y actuador, y por tanto, han de ser eliminadas. En este trabajo se propone una solución basada en un filtro LC comercial y se prueba de forma extensiva que su inclusión no produce efectos negativos sobre el control del actuador. ABSTRACT As the energy on the particle accelerators or heavy ion accelerators such as CERN or GSI, fusion reactors such as JET or ITER, or other scientific experiments is increased, it is becoming increasingly necessary to use remote handling techniques to interact with the remote and radioactive environment. So far, the dose rate at CERN could present values near several mSv for cooling times on the range of hours, which allowed human intervention for maintenance tasks. At JET, they measured values close to 200 μSv after a cooling time of 4 months and since then, the remote handling techniques became usual. There is a clear tendency to increase the radiation levels in the future. A clear example is ITER, where values of 450 Sv/h are expected in the centre of the torus after 11 days of cooling. Also, the new energetic levels of CERN are expected to lead to a more advanced remote handling means. In these circumstances this thesis is framed, studying a bilateral control system based on force-position, trying to avoid the use of force/torque sensors, whose electronic content makes them very sensitive in these environments. The contents of this work are focused on teleoperating industrial robots, which due its well-known reliability, easiness to be adapted to these environments, cost-effectiveness and high availability, are considered as an interesting alternative to expensive custom-made solutions for remote handling tasks. Firstly, the kinematic problem of teloperating master and slave with dissimilar kinematics is analysed and a new general approach for solving this issue is presented. The solution includes using assistive forces in order to guide the human operator. Coming up next, I explain with detail the experiments accomplished with an ABB robot that show the difficulties encountered and the proposed solutions. This section is concluded with a method to match the master’s and slave’s workspaces when they present dissimilar kinematics. Later on, the research studies the dynamics, with special focus on robot modelling with the purpose of obtaining a method that allows to estimate external forces acting on them. During the characterisation of the model’s parameters, a set of tests are performed in order to get to a compromise between computational complexity and estimation error. Key points for modelling and characterising robots with a parallelogram structure are also given, and the desired control architecture is presented. Once a complete model of the slave is obtained, different alternatives for external force estimation are review to be able to predict forces in real time, minimizing the position differentiation to minimize the estimation noise. The research starts by implementing classic state observers and then it evolves towards the use of Luenberger- Sliding observers whose implementation is relatively easy and the results are convincing. I also analyse the use of proposed observer during a simulated bilateral control on which the force feedback obtained with the classic techniques based on the position error is compared versus a control architecture based on force-position, where the force is estimated instead of measured. I t is checked how the proposed solution gives results comparable with the classical techniques and however introduces an alternative method for teleoperating industrial robots whose teleoperation in radioactive environments would have been impossible in a different way. Finally, the problems originated by the practical application of teleoperation in the before mentioned scenarios are analysed. Due the prohibitive conditions for every electronic equipment, the control systems should be placed far from the manipulators. This provokes that the power cables that fed the slaves devices can present lengths of hundreds of meters. In these circumstances, overvoltage waves are developed when implementing drives based on PWM technique. The occurrence of overvoltage is very dangerous for the system composed by drive, wiring and actuator, and has to be eliminated. During this work, a solution based on commercial LC filters is proposed and it is extensively proved that its inclusion does not introduce adverse effects into the actuator’s control.


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EURATOM/CIEMAT and Technical University of Madrid (UPM) have been involved in the development of a FPSC [1] (Fast Plant System Control) prototype for ITER, based on PXIe (PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation). One of the main focuses of this project has been data acquisition and all the related issues, including scientific data archiving. Additionally, a new data archiving solution has been developed to demonstrate the obtainable performances and possible bottlenecks of scientific data archiving in Fast Plant System Control. The presented system implements a fault tolerant architecture over a GEthernet network where FPSC data are reliably archived on remote, while remaining accessible to be redistributed, within the duration of a pulse. The storing service is supported by a clustering solution to guaranty scalability, so that FPSC management and configuration may be simplified, and a unique view of all archived data provided. All the involved components have been integrated under EPICS [2] (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System), implementing in each case the necessary extensions, state machines and configuration process variables. The prototyped solution is based on the NetCDF-4 [3] and [4] (Network Common Data Format) file format in order to incorporate important features, such as scientific data models support, huge size files management, platform independent codification, or single-writer/multiple-readers concurrency. In this contribution, a complete description of the above mentioned solution is presented, together with the most relevant results of the tests performed, while focusing in the benefits and limitations of the applied technologies.


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La incorporación de un lazo de tensión eficaz de (RMS) es una posibilidad atractiva para el control de inversores de potencia de una manera sencilla. Si se combina con un control en modo corriente usando una sonda de efecto Hall, el ruido de modo común de la etapa de potencia transmitido al control puede ser reducido, mejorando la distorsión armónica total (THD) y manteniendo la posibilidad de operación en paralelo. Además, al estar el control de tensión definido sobre baja frecuencia (DC), obtener una gran ganancia a la frecuencia de interés (0Hz) es sencilla con control basado en PI, lo cual garantiza una onda de tensión de salida a 400Hz sin error, a costa de un peor desempeño ante transitorios y ante cargas no lineales. Sin embargo, la implementación de una estrategia de control de esta naturaleza puede provocar la aparición de offset en la salida. Por otra parte, el esquema oculta la información de la fase de la onda de tensión de salida, necesaria para sincronizar tres módulos monofásicos en un montaje trifásico. En este artículo el diseño e implementación del sistema completo es abordado, resolviendo los inconvenientes mencionados mediante un tercer lazo analógico de control para el offset y un algoritmo de sincronización implementado en una FPGA.


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Communications Based Train Control Systems require high quality radio data communications for train signaling and control. Actually most of these systems use 2.4GHz band with proprietary radio transceivers and leaky feeder as distribution system. All them demand a high QoS radio network to improve the efficiency of railway networks. We present narrow band, broad band and data correlated measurements taken in Madrid underground with a transmission system at 2.4 GHz in a test network of 2 km length in subway tunnels. The architecture proposed has a strong overlap in between cells to improve reliability and QoS. The radio planning of the network is carefully described and modeled with narrow band and broadband measurements and statistics. The result is a network with 99.7% of packets transmitted correctly and average propagation delay of 20ms. These results fulfill the specifications QoS of CBTC systems.


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This paper shows the actual state of a compilation work on Thermal Control Design Data being done at Madrid (Lamf-ETSIA) under several ESTEC contracts, introducing a Handbook already issued, its additions and updatings.


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A set of software development tools for building real-time control systems on a simple robotics platform is described in the paper. The tools are being used in a real-time systems course as a basis for student projects. The development platform is a low-cost PC running GNU/Linux, and the target system is LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT, thus keeping the cost of the laboratory low. Real-time control software is developed using a mixed paradigm. Functional code for control algorithms is automatically generated in C from Simulink models. This code is then integrated into a concurrent, real-time software architecture based on a set of components written in Ada. This approach enables the students to take advantage of the high-level, model-oriented features that Simulink oers for designing control algorithms, and the comprehensive support for concurrency and real-time constructs provided by Ada.