12 resultados para In-house Administration
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Advances in solid-state lighting have overcome common limitations on optical wireless such as power needs due to light dispersion. It's been recently proposed the modification of lamp's drivers to take advantages of its switching behaviour to include data links maintaining the illumination control they provide. In this paper, a remote access application using visible light communications is presented that provides wireless access to a remote computer using a touchscreen as user interface
Land value bears significant weight in house prices in historical town centers. An essential aim for regulating the mortgage market, particularly in the financial and property crisis that countries such as Spain are undergoing, is to have at hand objective procedures for its valuation, whatever the conditions (location, construction, planning). Of all the factors contributing to house price make-up, the land is the only one whose value does not depend on acquisition cost, but rather on the location-time binomial. That is to say, the specific circumstances at that point and at the exact moment of valuation. For this reason, the most commonly applied procedure for land valuation in town centers is the use of the residual method: once the selling price of new housing in a district is known, the other necessary costs and expenses of development are deducted, including those of building and the developer’s profit. The value left is that of the land. To apply these procedures it is vital to have figures such as building costs, technical fees, tax costs, etc. But, above all, it is essential to obtain the selling price of the new housing. This is not always feasible, on account of the lack of newbuild development in this location. This shortage of information occurs in historical town cities, where urban renewal is slight due to the heritage-protection policies, and where, nevertheless there is substantial activity in the secondary market. In these circumstances, as an alternative for land valuation in consolidated urban areas, we have the adaptation of the residual method to the particular characteristics of the secondary market. To these ends, there is the proposal for the appreciation of the dwelling which follows, in a backwards direction, the application of traditional depreciation methods proposed by the various valuation manuals and guidelines. The reliability of the results obtained is analyzed by contrasting it with published figures for newly-built properties, according to different rules applied in administrative appraisals in Spain and the incidence of an eventual correction due to conservation state.
Today, it is more and more important to develop competences in the learning process of the university students (that is to say, to acquire knowledge but also skills, abilities, attitudes and values). This is because professional practice requires that the future graduates design and market products, defend the interests of their clients, be introduced in the Administration or, even, in the Politics. Universities must form professionals that become social and opinion leaders, consultants, advisory, entrepreneurs and, in short, people with capacity to solve problems. This paper offers a tool to evaluate the application for the professor of different styles of management in the process of the student’s learning. Its main contribution consists on advancing toward the setting in practice of a model that overcomes the limitations of the traditional practices based on the masterful class, and that it has been applied in Portugal and Spain.
Background Obeche wood dust is a known cause of occupational asthma where an IgE-mediated mechanism has been demonstrated. Objective To characterize the allergenic profile of obeche wood dust and evaluate the reactivity of the proteins by in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo assays in carpenters with confirmed rhinitis and/or asthma Materials and methods An in-house obeche extract was obtained, and two IgE binding bands were purified (24 and 12 kDa) and sequenced by N-terminal identity. Specific IgE and IgG, basophil activation tests and skin prick tests (SPTs) were performed with whole extract and purified proteins. CCD binding was analyzed by ELISA inhibition studies. Results Sixty-two subjects participated: 12 with confirmed occupational asthma/rhinitis (ORA+), 40 asymptomatic exposed (ORA−), and 10 controls. Of the confirmed subjects, 83% had a positive SPT to obeche. There was a 100% recognition by ELISA in symptomatic subjects vs. 30% and 10% in asymptomatic exposed subjects and controls respectively (p<0.05). Two new proteins were purified, a 24 kDa protein identified as a putative thaumatin-like protein and a 12 kDa gamma-expansin. Both showed allergenic activity in vitro, with the putative thaumatin being the most active, with 92% recognition by ELISA and 100% by basophil activation test in ORA+ subjects. Cross-reactivity due to CCD was ruled out in 82% of cases. Conclusions Two proteins of obeche wood were identified and were recognized by a high percentage of symptomatic subjects and by a small proportion of asymptomatic exposed subjects. Further studies are required to evaluate cross reactivity with other plant allergens.
The objective of the current work is to present the results of several numerical simulations of pulsatile blood flow in healthy and diseased arteries and compare with clinical expectations. Different realistic and physiological aspects such as blood flow interaction with arterial walls, effect of heart movement, cardiovascular autoregulation, arterial walls' hyperelasticity and cardiovascular disorders have been incorporated in the models thanks to a direct coupling of Abaqus and STAR-CCM+. Comparisons of implicit and explicit coupling methods in cardiovascular simulations have been discussed. An in-house methodology combined with explicit FSI coupling has reduced considerably calculation time while the simulations stay realistic and reliable for clinicians
Las transformaciones martensíticas (MT) se definen como un cambio en la estructura del cristal para formar una fase coherente o estructuras de dominio multivariante, a partir de la fase inicial con la misma composición, debido a pequeños intercambios o movimientos atómicos cooperativos. En el siglo pasado se han descubierto MT en diferentes materiales partiendo desde los aceros hasta las aleaciones con memoria de forma, materiales cerámicos y materiales inteligentes. Todos muestran propiedades destacables como alta resistencia mecánica, memoria de forma, efectos de superelasticidad o funcionalidades ferroicas como la piezoelectricidad, electro y magneto-estricción etc. Varios modelos/teorías se han desarrollado en sinergia con el desarrollo de la física del estado sólido para entender por qué las MT generan microstructuras muy variadas y ricas que muestran propiedades muy interesantes. Entre las teorías mejor aceptadas se encuentra la Teoría Fenomenológica de la Cristalografía Martensítica (PTMC, por sus siglas en inglés) que predice el plano de hábito y las relaciones de orientación entre la austenita y la martensita. La reinterpretación de la teoría PTMC en un entorno de mecánica del continuo (CM-PTMC) explica la formación de los dominios de estructuras multivariantes, mientras que la teoría de Landau con dinámica de inercia desentraña los mecanismos físicos de los precursores y otros comportamientos dinámicos. La dinámica de red cristalina desvela la reducción de la dureza acústica de las ondas de tensión de red que da lugar a transformaciones débiles de primer orden en el desplazamiento. A pesar de las diferencias entre las teorías estáticas y dinámicas dado su origen en diversas ramas de la física (por ejemplo mecánica continua o dinámica de la red cristalina), estas teorías deben estar inherentemente conectadas entre sí y mostrar ciertos elementos en común en una perspectiva unificada de la física. No obstante las conexiones físicas y diferencias entre las teorías/modelos no se han tratado hasta la fecha, aun siendo de importancia crítica para la mejora de modelos de MT y para el desarrollo integrado de modelos de transformaciones acopladas de desplazamiento-difusión. Por lo tanto, esta tesis comenzó con dos objetivos claros. El primero fue encontrar las conexiones físicas y las diferencias entre los modelos de MT mediante un análisis teórico detallado y simulaciones numéricas. El segundo objetivo fue expandir el modelo de Landau para ser capaz de estudiar MT en policristales, en el caso de transformaciones acopladas de desplazamiento-difusión, y en presencia de dislocaciones. Comenzando con un resumen de los antecedente, en este trabajo se presentan las bases físicas de los modelos actuales de MT. Su capacidad para predecir MT se clarifica mediante el ansis teórico y las simulaciones de la evolución microstructural de MT de cúbicoatetragonal y cúbicoatrigonal en 3D. Este análisis revela que el modelo de Landau con representación irreducible de la deformación transformada es equivalente a la teoría CM-PTMC y al modelo de microelasticidad para predecir los rasgos estáticos durante la MT, pero proporciona una mejor interpretación de los comportamientos dinámicos. Sin embargo, las aplicaciones del modelo de Landau en materiales estructurales están limitadas por su complejidad. Por tanto, el primer resultado de esta tesis es el desarrollo del modelo de Landau nolineal con representación irreducible de deformaciones y de la dinámica de inercia para policristales. La simulación demuestra que el modelo propuesto es consistente fcamente con el CM-PTMC en la descripción estática, y también permite una predicción del diagrama de fases con la clásica forma ’en C’ de los modos de nucleación martensítica activados por la combinación de temperaturas de enfriamiento y las condiciones de tensión aplicada correlacionadas con la transformación de energía de Landau. Posteriomente, el modelo de Landau de MT es integrado con un modelo de transformación de difusión cuantitativa para elucidar la relajación atómica y la difusión de corto alcance de los elementos durante la MT en acero. El modelo de transformaciones de desplazamiento y difusión incluye los efectos de la relajación en borde de grano para la nucleación heterogenea y la evolución espacio-temporal de potenciales de difusión y movilidades químicas mediante el acoplamiento de herramientas de cálculo y bases de datos termo-cinéticos de tipo CALPHAD. El modelo se aplica para estudiar la evolución microstructural de aceros al carbono policristalinos procesados por enfriamiento y partición (Q&P) en 2D. La microstructura y la composición obtenida mediante la simulación se comparan con los datos experimentales disponibles. Los resultados muestran el importante papel jugado por las diferencias en movilidad de difusión entre la fase austenita y martensita en la distibución de carbono en las aceros. Finalmente, un modelo multi-campo es propuesto mediante la incorporación del modelo de dislocación en grano-grueso al modelo desarrollado de Landau para incluir las diferencias morfológicas entre aceros y aleaciones con memoria de forma con la misma ruptura de simetría. La nucleación de dislocaciones, la formación de la martensita ’butterfly’, y la redistribución del carbono después del revenido son bien representadas en las simulaciones 2D del estudio de la evolución de la microstructura en aceros representativos. Con dicha simulación demostramos que incluyendo las dislocaciones obtenemos para dichos aceros, una buena comparación frente a los datos experimentales de la morfología de los bordes de macla, la existencia de austenita retenida dentro de la martensita, etc. Por tanto, basado en un modelo integral y en el desarrollo de códigos durante esta tesis, se ha creado una herramienta de modelización multiescala y multi-campo. Dicha herramienta acopla la termodinámica y la mecánica del continuo en la macroescala con la cinética de difusión y los modelos de campo de fase/Landau en la mesoescala, y también incluye los principios de la cristalografía y de la dinámica de red cristalina en la microescala. ABSTRACT Martensitic transformation (MT), in a narrow sense, is defined as the change of the crystal structure to form a coherent phase, or multi-variant domain structures out from a parent phase with the same composition, by small shuffles or co-operative movements of atoms. Over the past century, MTs have been discovered in different materials from steels to shape memory alloys, ceramics, and smart materials. They lead to remarkable properties such as high strength, shape memory/superelasticity effects or ferroic functionalities including piezoelectricity, electro- and magneto-striction, etc. Various theories/models have been developed, in synergy with development of solid state physics, to understand why MT can generate these rich microstructures and give rise to intriguing properties. Among the well-established theories, the Phenomenological Theory of Martensitic Crystallography (PTMC) is able to predict the habit plane and the orientation relationship between austenite and martensite. The re-interpretation of the PTMC theory within a continuum mechanics framework (CM-PTMC) explains the formation of the multivariant domain structures, while the Landau theory with inertial dynamics unravels the physical origins of precursors and other dynamic behaviors. The crystal lattice dynamics unveils the acoustic softening of the lattice strain waves leading to the weak first-order displacive transformation, etc. Though differing in statics or dynamics due to their origins in different branches of physics (e.g. continuum mechanics or crystal lattice dynamics), these theories should be inherently connected with each other and show certain elements in common within a unified perspective of physics. However, the physical connections and distinctions among the theories/models have not been addressed yet, although they are critical to further improving the models of MTs and to develop integrated models for more complex displacivediffusive coupled transformations. Therefore, this thesis started with two objectives. The first one was to reveal the physical connections and distinctions among the models of MT by means of detailed theoretical analyses and numerical simulations. The second objective was to expand the Landau model to be able to study MTs in polycrystals, in the case of displacive-diffusive coupled transformations, and in the presence of the dislocations. Starting with a comprehensive review, the physical kernels of the current models of MTs are presented. Their ability to predict MTs is clarified by means of theoretical analyses and simulations of the microstructure evolution of cubic-to-tetragonal and cubic-to-trigonal MTs in 3D. This analysis reveals that the Landau model with irreducible representation of the transformed strain is equivalent to the CM-PTMC theory and microelasticity model to predict the static features during MTs but provides better interpretation of the dynamic behaviors. However, the applications of the Landau model in structural materials are limited due its the complexity. Thus, the first result of this thesis is the development of a nonlinear Landau model with irreducible representation of strains and the inertial dynamics for polycrystals. The simulation demonstrates that the updated model is physically consistent with the CM-PTMC in statics, and also permits a prediction of a classical ’C shaped’ phase diagram of martensitic nucleation modes activated by the combination of quenching temperature and applied stress conditions interplaying with Landau transformation energy. Next, the Landau model of MT is further integrated with a quantitative diffusional transformation model to elucidate atomic relaxation and short range diffusion of elements during the MT in steel. The model for displacive-diffusive transformations includes the effects of grain boundary relaxation for heterogeneous nucleation and the spatio-temporal evolution of diffusion potentials and chemical mobility by means of coupling with a CALPHAD-type thermo-kinetic calculation engine and database. The model is applied to study for the microstructure evolution of polycrystalline carbon steels processed by the Quenching and Partitioning (Q&P) process in 2D. The simulated mixed microstructure and composition distribution are compared with available experimental data. The results show that the important role played by the differences in diffusion mobility between austenite and martensite to the partitioning in carbon steels. Finally, a multi-field model is proposed by incorporating the coarse-grained dislocation model to the developed Landau model to account for the morphological difference between steels and shape memory alloys with same symmetry breaking. The dislocation nucleation, the formation of the ’butterfly’ martensite, and the redistribution of carbon after tempering are well represented in the 2D simulations for the microstructure evolution of the representative steels. With the simulation, we demonstrate that the dislocations account for the experimental observation of rough twin boundaries, retained austenite within martensite, etc. in steels. Thus, based on the integrated model and the in-house codes developed in thesis, a preliminary multi-field, multiscale modeling tool is built up. The new tool couples thermodynamics and continuum mechanics at the macroscale with diffusion kinetics and phase field/Landau model at the mesoscale, and also includes the essentials of crystallography and crystal lattice dynamics at microscale.
Within the framework of the Collaborative Project for a European Sodium Fast Reactor, the reactor physics group at UPM is working on the extension of its in-house multi-scale advanced deterministic code COBAYA3 to Sodium Fast Reactors (SFR). COBAYA3 is a 3D multigroup neutron kinetics diffusion code that can be used either as a pin-by-pin code or as a stand-alone nodal code by using the analytic nodal diffusion solver ANDES. It is coupled with thermalhydraulics codes such as COBRA-TF and FLICA, allowing transient analysis of LWR at both fine-mesh and coarse-mesh scales. In order to enable also 3D pin-by-pin and nodal coupled NK-TH simulations of SFR, different developments are in progress. This paper presents the first steps towards the application of COBAYA3 to this type of reactors. ANDES solver, already extended to triangular-Z geometry, has been applied to fast reactor steady-state calculations. The required cross section libraries were generated with ERANOS code for several configurations. The limitations encountered in the application of the Analytic Coarse Mesh Finite Difference (ACMFD) method –implemented inside ANDES– to fast reactors are presented and the sensitivity of the method when using a high number of energy groups is studied. ANDES performance is assessed by comparison with the results provided by ERANOS, using a mini-core model in 33 energy groups. Furthermore, a benchmark from the NEA for a small 3D FBR in hexagonal-Z geometry and 4 energy groups is also employed to verify the behavior of the code with few energy groups.
En los últimos años la externalización de TI ha ganado mucha importancia en el mercado y, por ejemplo, el mercado externalización de servicios de TI sigue creciendo cada año. Ahora más que nunca, las organizaciones son cada vez más los compradores de las capacidades necesarias mediante la obtención de productos y servicios de los proveedores, desarrollando cada vez menos estas capacidades dentro de la empresa. La selección de proveedores de TI es un problema de decisión complejo. Los gerentes que enfrentan una decisión sobre la selección de proveedores de TI tienen dificultades en la elaboración de lo que hay que pensar, además en sus discursos. También de acuerdo con un estudio del SEI (Software Engineering Institute) [40], del 20 al 25 por ciento de los grandes proyectos de adquisición de TI fracasan en dos años y el 50 por ciento fracasan dentro de cinco años. La mala gestión, la mala definición de requisitos, la falta de evaluaciones exhaustivas, que pueden ser utilizadas para llegar a los mejores candidatos para la contratación externa, la selección de proveedores y los procesos de contratación inadecuados, la insuficiencia de procedimientos de selección tecnológicos, y los cambios de requisitos no controlados son factores que contribuyen al fracaso del proyecto. La mayoría de los fracasos podrían evitarse si el cliente aprendiese a comprender los problemas de decisión, hacer un mejor análisis de decisiones, y el buen juicio. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es el desarrollo de un modelo de decisión para la selección de proveedores de TI que tratará de reducir la cantidad de fracasos observados en las relaciones entre el cliente y el proveedor. La mayor parte de estos fracasos son causados por una mala selección, por parte del cliente, del proveedor. Además de estos problemas mostrados anteriormente, la motivación para crear este trabajo es la inexistencia de cualquier modelo de decisión basado en un multi modelo (mezcla de modelos adquisición y métodos de decisión) para el problema de la selección de proveedores de TI. En el caso de estudio, nueve empresas españolas fueron analizadas de acuerdo con el modelo de decisión para la selección de proveedores de TI desarrollado en este trabajo. Dos softwares se utilizaron en este estudio de caso: Expert Choice, y D-Sight. ABSTRACT In the past few years IT outsourcing has gained a lot of importance in the market and, for example, the IT services outsourcing market is still growing every year. Now more than ever, organizations are increasingly becoming acquirers of needed capabilities by obtaining products and services from suppliers and developing less and less of these capabilities in-house. IT supplier selection is a complex and opaque decision problem. Managers facing a decision about IT supplier selection have difficulty in framing what needs to be thought about further in their discourses. Also according to a study from SEI (Software Engineering Institute) [40], 20 to 25 percent of large information technology (IT) acquisition projects fail within two years and 50 percent fail within five years. Mismanagement, poor requirements definition, lack of comprehensive evaluations, which can be used to come up with the best candidates for outsourcing, inadequate supplier selection and contracting processes, insufficient technology selection procedures, and uncontrolled requirements changes are factors that contribute to project failure. The majority of project failures could be avoided if the acquirer learns how to understand the decision problems, make better decision analysis, and good judgment. The main objective of this work is the development of a decision model for IT supplier selection that will try to decrease the amount of failures seen in the relationships between the client-supplier. Most of these failures are caused by a not well selection of the supplier. Besides these problems showed above, the motivation to create this work is the inexistence of any decision model based on multi model (mixture of acquisition models and decision methods) for the problem of IT supplier selection. In the case study, nine different Spanish companies were analyzed based on the IT supplier selection decision model developed in this work. Two software products were used in this case study, Expert Choice and D-Sight.
Neuronal growth is a complex process involving many intra- and extracellular mechanisms which are collaborating conjointly to participate to the development of the nervous system. More particularly, the early neocortical development involves the creation of a multilayered structure constituted by neuronal growth (driven by axonal or dendritic guidance cues) as well as cell migration. The underlying mechanisms of such structural lamination not only implies important biochemical changes at the intracellular level through axonal microtubule (de)polymerization and growth cone advance, but also through the directly dependent stress/stretch coupling mechanisms driving them. Efforts have recently focused on modeling approaches aimed at accounting for the effect of mechanical tension or compression on the axonal growth and subsequent soma migration. However, the reciprocal influence of the biochemical structural evolution on the mechanical properties has been mostly disregarded. We thus propose a new model aimed at providing the spatially dependent mechanical properties of the axon during its growth. Our in-house finite difference solver Neurite is used to describe the guanosine triphosphate (GTP) transport through the axon, its dephosphorylation in guanosine diphosphate (GDP), and thus the microtubules polymerization. The model is calibrated against experimental results and the tensile and bending mechanical stiffnesses are ultimately inferred from the spatially dependent microtubule occupancy. Such additional information is believed to be of drastic relevance in the growth cone vicinity, where biomechanical mechanisms are driving axonal growth and pathfinding. More specifically, the confirmation of a lower stiffness in the distal axon ultimately participates in explaining the controversy associated to the tensile role of the growth cone.
MP2RAGE has proven to be a bias-free MR acquisition with excellent contrast between grey and white matter. We investigated the ability of three state-of-the-art algorithms to automatically extract white matter (WM), grey matter (GM) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from MPRAGE and MP2RAGE images: unified Segmentation (S) in SPM82 , its extension New Segment (NS), and an in-house Expectation-Maximization Markov Random Field tissue classification3 (EM-MRF) with Graph Cut (GC) optimization4 . Our goal is to quantify the differences between MPRAGE and MP2RAGE-based brain tissue probability maps.
La región del espectro electromagnético comprendida entre 100 GHz y 10 THz alberga una gran variedad de aplicaciones en campos tan dispares como la radioastronomía, espectroscopíamolecular, medicina, seguridad, radar, etc. Los principales inconvenientes en el desarrollo de estas aplicaciones son los altos costes de producción de los sistemas trabajando a estas frecuencias, su costoso mantenimiento, gran volumen y baja fiabilidad. Entre las diferentes tecnologías a frecuencias de THz, la tecnología de los diodos Schottky juega un importante papel debido a su madurez y a la sencillez de estos dispositivos. Además, los diodos Schottky pueden operar tanto a temperatura ambiente como a temperaturas criogénicas, con altas eficiencias cuando se usan como multiplicadores y con moderadas temperaturas de ruido en mezcladores. El principal objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es analizar los fenómenos físicos responsables de las características eléctricas y del ruido en los diodos Schottky, así como analizar y diseñar circuitos multiplicadores y mezcladores en bandas milimétricas y submilimétricas. La primera parte de la tesis presenta un análisis de los fenómenos físicos que limitan el comportamiento de los diodos Schottky de GaAs y GaN y de las características del espectro de ruido de estos dispositivos. Para llevar a cabo este análisis, un modelo del diodo basado en la técnica de Monte Carlo se ha considerado como referencia debido a la elevada precisión y fiabilidad de este modelo. Además, el modelo de Monte Carlo permite calcular directamente el espectro de ruido de los diodos sin necesidad de utilizar ningún modelo analítico o empírico. Se han analizado fenómenos físicos como saturación de la velocidad, inercia de los portadores, dependencia de la movilidad electrónica con la longitud de la epicapa, resonancias del plasma y efectos no locales y no estacionarios. También se ha presentado un completo análisis del espectro de ruido para diodos Schottky de GaAs y GaN operando tanto en condiciones estáticas como variables con el tiempo. Los resultados obtenidos en esta parte de la tesis contribuyen a mejorar la comprensión de la respuesta eléctrica y del ruido de los diodos Schottky en condiciones de altas frecuencias y/o altos campos eléctricos. También, estos resultados han ayudado a determinar las limitaciones de modelos numéricos y analíticos usados en el análisis de la respuesta eléctrica y del ruido electrónico en los diodos Schottky. La segunda parte de la tesis está dedicada al análisis de multiplicadores y mezcladores mediante una herramienta de simulación de circuitos basada en la técnica de balance armónico. Diferentes modelos basados en circuitos equivalentes del dispositivo, en las ecuaciones de arrastre-difusión y en la técnica de Monte Carlo se han considerado en este análisis. El modelo de Monte Carlo acoplado a la técnica de balance armónico se ha usado como referencia para evaluar las limitaciones y el rango de validez de modelos basados en circuitos equivalentes y en las ecuaciones de arrastredifusión para el diseño de circuitos multiplicadores y mezcladores. Una notable característica de esta herramienta de simulación es que permite diseñar circuitos Schottky teniendo en cuenta tanto la respuesta eléctrica como el ruido generado en los dispositivos. Los resultados de las simulaciones presentados en esta parte de la tesis, tanto paramultiplicadores comomezcladores, se han comparado con resultados experimentales publicados en la literatura. El simulador que integra el modelo de Monte Carlo con la técnica de balance armónico permite analizar y diseñar circuitos a frecuencias superiores a 1 THz. ABSTRACT The terahertz region of the electromagnetic spectrum(100 GHz-10 THz) presents a wide range of applications such as radio-astronomy, molecular spectroscopy, medicine, security and radar, among others. The main obstacles for the development of these applications are the high production cost of the systems working at these frequencies, highmaintenance, high volume and low reliability. Among the different THz technologies, Schottky technology plays an important rule due to its maturity and the inherent simplicity of these devices. Besides, Schottky diodes can operate at both room and cryogenic temperatures, with high efficiency in multipliers and moderate noise temperature in mixers. This PhD. thesis is mainly concerned with the analysis of the physical processes responsible for the characteristics of the electrical response and noise of Schottky diodes, as well as the analysis and design of frequency multipliers and mixers at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths. The first part of the thesis deals with the analysis of the physical phenomena limiting the electrical performance of GaAs and GaN Schottky diodes and their noise performance. To carry out this analysis, a Monte Carlo model of the diode has been used as a reference due to the high accuracy and reliability of this diode model at millimeter and submillimter wavelengths. Besides, the Monte Carlo model provides a direct description of the noise spectra of the devices without the necessity of any additional analytical or empirical model. Physical phenomena like velocity saturation, carrier inertia, dependence of the electron mobility on the epilayer length, plasma resonance and nonlocal effects in time and space have been analysed. Also, a complete analysis of the current noise spectra of GaAs and GaN Schottky diodes operating under static and time varying conditions is presented in this part of the thesis. The obtained results provide a better understanding of the electrical and the noise responses of Schottky diodes under high frequency and/or high electric field conditions. Also these results have helped to determine the limitations of numerical and analytical models used in the analysis of the electrical and the noise responses of these devices. The second part of the thesis is devoted to the analysis of frequency multipliers and mixers by means of an in-house circuit simulation tool based on the harmonic balance technique. Different lumped equivalent circuits, drift-diffusion and Monte Carlo models have been considered in this analysis. The Monte Carlo model coupled to the harmonic balance technique has been used as a reference to evaluate the limitations and range of validity of lumped equivalent circuit and driftdiffusion models for the design of frequency multipliers and mixers. A remarkable feature of this reference simulation tool is that it enables the design of Schottky circuits from both electrical and noise considerations. The simulation results presented in this part of the thesis for both multipliers and mixers have been compared with measured results available in the literature. In addition, the Monte Carlo simulation tool allows the analysis and design of circuits above 1 THz.
This paper presents an assessment analysis of damage domains of the 30 MWth prototype High-Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) operated by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). For this purpose, an in-house deterministic risk assessment computational tool was developed based on the Theory of Stimulated Dynamics (TSD). To illustrate the methodology and applicability of the developed modelling approach, assessment results of a control rod (CR) withdrawal accident during subcritical conditions are presented and compared with those obtained by the JAEA.