11 resultados para Import

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The outer plastid envelope protein OEP16-1 was previously identified as an amino acid-selective channel protein and translocation pore for NADPH:protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase A (PORA). Reverse genetic approaches used to dissect these mutually not exclusive functions of OEP16-1 in planta have led to descriptions of different phenotypes resulting from the presence of several mutant lines in the SALK_024018 seed stock. In addition to the T-DNA insertion in the AtOEP16-1 gene, lines were purified that contain two additional T-DNA insertions and as yet unidentified point mutations. In a first attempt to resolve the genetic basis of four different lines in the SALK_024018 seed stock, we used genetic transformation with the OEP16-1 cDNA and segregation analyses after crossing out presumed point mutations. We show that AtOEP16-1 is involved in PORA precursor import and by virtue of this activity confers photoprotection onto etiolated seedlings during greening


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NADPH: protochlorophyllide oxido reductase (POR) A is a key enzyme of chlorophyll biosynthesis in angiosperms. It is nucleus-encoded, synthesized as a larger precursor in the cytosol and imported into the plastids in a substrate-dependent manner. Plastid envelope membrane proteins, called protochlorophyllide dependent translocon proteins, Ptcs, have been identified that interact with pPORA during import. Amongthem are a 16-kDa ortholog of the previously characterized outer envelope protein Oep16 (named Ptc16) and a33-kDa protein (Ptc33) related to the GTP-binding proteins Toc33 and Toc34 of Arabidopsis. In the present work, we studied the interactions and roles of Ptc16 and Ptc33 during pPORA import. Radio labeled Ptc16/Oep16 was synthesized from a corresponding cDNA and imported into isolated Arabidopsis plastids. Crosslinking experiments revealed that import of35S-Oep16/Ptc16 is stimulated by GTP.35S-Oep16/Ptc16forms larger complexes with Toc33 but not Toc34. Plastids of the ppi1 mutant of Arabidopsis lacking Toc33, were unable to import pPORA in darkness but imported the small subunit precursor of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (pSSU), precursor ferredoxin (pFd) as well as pPORB which is a close relative of pPORA. In white light, partial suppressions of pSSU, pFd and pPORB import were observed. Our results unveil a hitherto unrecognized role of Toc33 in pPORA import and suggest photo oxidative membrane damage, induced by excess Pchlide accumulating in ppi1 chloroplasts because of the lack of pPORA import, to be the cause of the general drop of protein import.


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Symbiotic nitrogen fixation is a process that requires relatively high quantities of iron provided by the host legume. Using synchrotron-based X-ray fluorescence, we have determined that this iron is released from the vasculature into the apoplast of zone II of M. truncatula nodules. This overlaps with the distribution of MtNramp1, a plasma membrane iron importer. The importance of MtNramp1 in iron transport for nitrogen fixation is indicated by the 60% reduction of nitrogenase activity observed in knock-down lines, most likely due to deficient incorporation of this essential metal cofactor at the necessary levels.


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Singlet oxygen is a prominent form of reactive oxygen species in higher plants. It is easily formed from molecular oxygen by triplet–triplet interchange with excited porphyrin species. Evidence has been obtained from studies on the flu mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana of a genetically determined cell death pathway that involves differential changes at the transcriptome level. Here we report on a different cell death pathway that can be deduced from the analysis of oep16 mutants of A. thaliana. Pure lines of four independent OEP16-deficient mutants with different cell death properties were isolated. Two of the mutants overproduced free protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) in the dark because of defects in import of NADPH:Pchlide oxidoreductase A (pPORA) and died after illumination. The other two mutants avoided excess Pchlide accumulation. Using pulse labeling and polysome profiling studies we show that translation is a major site of cell death regulation in flu and oep16 plants. flu plants respond to photooxidative stress triggered by singlet oxygen by reprogramming their translation toward synthesis of key enzymes involved in jasmonic acid synthesis and stress proteins. In contrast, those oep16 mutants that were prone to photooxidative damage were unable to respond in this way. Together, our results show that translation is differentially affected in the flu and oep16 mutants in response to singlet oxygen.


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The Metadata Provenance Task Group aims to define a data model that allows for making assertions about description sets. Creating a shared model of the data elements required to describe an aggregation of metadata statements allows to collectively import, access, use and publish facts about the quality, rights, timeliness, data source type, trust situation, etc. of the described statements. In this paper we outline the preliminary model created by the task group, together with first examples that demonstrate how the model is to be used.


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Abstract. The uptake of Linked Data (LD) has promoted the proliferation of datasets and their associated ontologies for describing different domains. Ac-cording to LD principles, developers should reuse as many available terms as possible to describe their data. Importing ontologies or referring to their terms’ URIs are the two main ways to reuse knowledge from available ontologies. In this paper, we have analyzed 18589 terms appearing within 196 ontologies in-cluded in the Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV) registry with the aim of under-standing the current state of ontology reuse in the LD context. In order to char-acterize the landscape of ontology reuse in this context, we have extracted sta-tistics about currently reused elements, calculated ratios for reuse, and drawn graphs about imports and references between ontologies. Keywords: ontology, vocabulary, reuse, linked data, ontology import


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A number of data description languages initially designed as standards for trie WWW are currently being used to implement user interfaces to programs. This is done independently of whether such programs are executed in the same or a different host as trie one running the user interface itself. The advantage of this approach is that it provides a portable, standardized, and easy to use solution for the application programmer, and a familiar behavior for the user, typically well versed in the use of WWW browsers. Among the proposed standard description languages, VRML is a aimed at representing three dimensional scenes including hyperlink capabilities. VRML is already used as an import/export format in many 3-D packages and tools, and has been shown effective in displaying complex objects and scenarios. We propose and describe a Prolog library which allows parsing and checking VRML code, transforming it, and writing it out as VRML again. The library converts such code to an internal representation based on first order terms which can then be arbitrarily manipulated. We also present as an example application the use of this library to implement a novel 3-D visualization for examining and understanding certain aspects of the behavior of CLP(FD) programs.


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The energy and specific energy absorbed in the main cell compartments (nucleus and cytoplasm) in typical radiobiology experiments are usually estimated by calculations as they are not accessible for a direct measurement. In most of the work, the cell geometry is modelled using the combination of simple mathematical volumes. We propose a method based on high resolution confocal imaging and ion beam analysis (IBA) in order to import realistic cell nuclei geometries in Monte-Carlo simulations and thus take into account the variety of different geometries encountered in a typical cell population. Seventy-six cell nuclei have been imaged using confocal microscopy and their chemical composition has been measured using IBA. A cellular phantom was created from these data using the ImageJ image analysis software and imported in the Geant4 Monte-Carlo simulation toolkit. Total energy and specific energy distributions in the 76 cell nuclei have been calculated for two types of irradiation protocols: a 3 MeV alpha particle microbeam used for targeted irradiation and a 239Pu alpha source used for large angle random irradiation. Qualitative images of the energy deposited along the particle tracks have been produced and show good agreement with images of DNA double strand break signalling proteins obtained experimentally. The methodology presented in this paper provides microdosimetric quantities calculated from realistic cellular volumes. It is based on open-source oriented software that is publicly available.


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The recognition of an increasing and worldwide demand for high quality in fruits and vegetables has grown in recent years. Evidence of severe problems of mechanical damage is increasing, and this is affecting the trade of fruits in European and other countries. The potential market for fresh high-quality vegetables and fruits remains restricted by the lack of quality of the majority of products that reach consumers; this is the case for local as well as import/export markets, so a reduction in the consumption of fresh fruits in favour of other fixed-quality products (dairy in particular) may become widespread. In a recent survey (King, 1988, cited in Bellon, 1989), it appears that, for the moment, one third of the surveyed consumers are still continuing to increase their fresh produce consumption. The factors that appear as being most important in influencing the shopping behaviour of these consumers are taste/flavour, freshness/ripeness, appealing look, and cleanliness. Research on mechanical damage in fruit and vegetables has been underway for several years. The first research made on physical properties of fruits was in fact directed towards analysing the response to slow or rapid loading of selected fruits (Fridley et al, 1968; Horsefield et al., 1972). From that time on, research has expanded greatly, and different aspects of the problem have been approached. These include applicable mechanical models for the contact problem, the response of biological tissues to loading, devices for detecting damage causes in machines and equipment, and procedures for sensing bruises in grading and sorting. This chapter will be devoted to the study of actual research results relative to the cause and mechanisms of mechanical damage in fruits (secondarily in vegetables), the development of bruises in these commodities, the models that have been used up to now, and the different factors which have been recognized as influencing the appearance and development of mechanical damage in fruits. The study will be focused mainly on contact-damage - that is, slow or rapid loads applied to the surface of the products and causing bruises. (A bruise is defined as an altered volume of fruit tissues below the skin that is discoloured and softened.) Other types of mechanical damage, like abrasion and scuffing, punctures and cuts, will be also mentioned briefly.


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This report is based on the outcome of a study carried out by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre - Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS, Spain) in cooperation with EuroCARE (Bonn, Germany). The report provides a detailed description of the methodology developed to assess the implications of the European Renewable Energy Directive on the agricultural sector, with an explicit focus on regional effects of biofuel targets in the EU. For the analysis, the spatial agricultural sector model CAPRI has been extended to include a global representation of biofuel markets (with endogenous supply, demand and trade flows for biofuels and biofuel feedstocks) while keeping the focus on regional impacts in the EU. The model is capable to simulate the impacts of EU biofuel policies on food production and prices, the potential use of by-products in the feed chain, the increasing pressure on marginal and idle land and the share of imported biofuels (self-sufficiency indicators). CAPRI is now able to jointly assess biofuel and agricultural policies, including policy instruments defined at the Member State level. The CAPRI biofuel module allows for a detailed analysis of most relevant biofuel support instruments like consumer tax exemptions, quota obligations, import tariffs and other trade measures. Additionally, the model allows for analysing scenarios regarding technical progress in 2nd generation technologies for biofuels.


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Los precios de compra de gas natural en el mercado mayorista español son los más altos de toda Europa. Este escenario provoca que haya que buscar alternativas para minimizar los costes de aprovisionamiento para una comercializadora de gas. En este proyecto se analizan distintas oportunidades de compra de gas en los mercados europeos y su importación al sistema gasista español para el suministro final a clientes, con el fin de optimizar los costes del gas natural para una comercializadora. En la búsqueda de nuevas oportunidades se incluye también un análisis del impacto económico en el mercado, de la producción de “shale gas” en España a medio - largo plazo. ABSTRACT The gas prices in the Spanish gas market are the highest in Europe. This scenario leads the Spanish gas trading companies to look for alternatives to minimize gas supply costs. In this project it is analyzed different opportunities of gas supply in the European markets and the gas import to the Spanish gas system, in order to optimize the costs of the natural gas for a gas trading company. Along with this, it is also studied, the economic impact of the “shale gas” production in Spain in a medium - long term on the Spanish gas market