9 resultados para INTERMITTENCY

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Intermittency phenomenon is a continuous route from regular to chaotic behaviour. Intermittency is an occurrence of a signal that alternates chaotic bursts between quasi-regular periods called laminar phases, driven by the so called reinjection probability density function (RPD). In this paper is introduced a new technique to obtain the RPD for type-II and III intermittency. The new RPD is more general than the classical one and includes the classical RPD as a particular case. The probabilities of the laminar length, the average laminar lengths and the characteristic relations are determined with and without lower bound of the reinjection in agreement with numerical simulations. Finally, it is analyzed the noise effect in intermittency. A method to obtain the noisy RPD is developed extending the procedure used in the noiseless case. The analytical results show a good agreement with numerical simulations.


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Renewable energy sources are believed to reduce drastically greenhouse gas emissions that would otherwise be generated from fossil fuels used to generate electricity. This implies that a unit of renewable energy will replace a unit of fossil-fuel, with its CO2 emissions, on an equivalent basis (with no other effects on the grid). But, the fuel economy and emissions in the existing power systems are not proportional with the electricity production of intermittent sources due to cycling of the fossil fuel plants that make up the balance of the grid (i.e. changing the power output makes thermal units to operate less efficiently). This study focuses in the interactions between wind generation and thermal plants cycling, by establishing the levels of extra fuel use caused by decreased efficiencies of fossil back-up for wind electricity in Spain. We analyze the production of all thermal plants in 2011, studying different scenarios where wind penetration causes major deviations in programming, while we define a procedure for quantifying the carbon reductions by using emission factors and efficiency curves from the existing installations. The objectives are to discuss the real contributions of renewable energies to the environmental targets as well as suggest alternatives that would improve the reliability of future power systems.


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The type-I intermittency route to (or out of) chaos is investigated within the horizontal visibility (HV) graph theory. For that purpose, we address the trajectories generated by unimodal maps close to an inverse tangent bifurcation and construct their associatedHVgraphs.We showhowthe alternation of laminar episodes and chaotic bursts imprints a fingerprint in the resulting graph structure. Accordingly, we derive a phenomenological theory that predicts quantitative values for several network parameters. In particular, we predict that the characteristic power-law scaling of the mean length of laminar trend sizes is fully inherited by the variance of the graph degree distribution, in good agreement with the numerics. We also report numerical evidence on how the characteristic power-law scaling of the Lyapunov exponent as a function of the distance to the tangent bifurcation is inherited in the graph by an analogous scaling of block entropy functionals defined on the graph. Furthermore, we are able to recast the full set of HV graphs generated by intermittent dynamics into a renormalization-group framework, where the fixed points of its graph-theoretical renormalization-group flow account for the different types of dynamics.We also establish that the nontrivial fixed point of this flow coincides with the tangency condition and that the corresponding invariant graph exhibits extremal entropic properties.


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The classical theory of intermittency developed for return maps assumes uniform density of points reinjected from the chaotic to laminar region. Though it works fine in some model systems, there exist a number of so-called pathological cases characterized by a significant deviation of main characteristics from the values predicted on the basis of the uniform distribution. Recently, we reported on how the reinjection probability density (RPD) can be generalized. Here, we extend this methodology and apply it to different dynamical systems exhibiting anomalous type-II and type-III intermittencies. Estimation of the universal RPD is based on fitting a linear function to experimental data and requires no a priori knowledge on the dynamical model behind. We provide special fitting procedure that enables robust estimation of the RPD from relatively short data sets (dozens of points). Thus, the method is applicable for a wide variety of data sets including numerical simulations and real-life experiments. Estimated RPD enables analytic evaluation of the length of the laminar phase of intermittent behaviors. We show that the method copes well with dynamical systems exhibiting significantly different statistics reported in the literature. We also derive and classify characteristic relations between the mean laminar length and main controlling parameter in perfect agreement with data provided by numerical simulations


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In previous papers, the type-I intermittent phenomenon with continuous reinjection probability density (RPD) has been extensively studied. However, in this paper type-I intermittency considering discontinuous RPD function in one-dimensional maps is analyzed. To carry out the present study the analytic approximation presented by del Río and Elaskar (Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos 20:1185-1191, 2010) and Elaskar et al. (Physica A. 390:2759-2768, 2011) is extended to consider discontinuous RPD functions. The results of this analysis show that the characteristic relation only depends on the position of the lower bound of reinjection (LBR), therefore for the LBR below the tangent point the relation {Mathematical expression}, where {Mathematical expression} is the control parameter, remains robust regardless the form of the RPD, although the average of the laminar phases {Mathematical expression} can change. Finally, the study of discontinuous RPD for type-I intermittency which occurs in a three-wave truncation model for the derivative nonlinear Schrodinger equation is presented. In all tests the theoretical results properly verify the numerical data


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El objetivo central de la presente investigación es profundizar la interpretación de los parámetros multifractales en el caso de las series de precipitación. Para ello se aborda, en primer lugar, la objetivación de la selección de la parte lineal de las curvas log-log que se encuentra en la base de los métodos de análisis fractal y multifractal; y, en segundo lugar, la generación de series artificiales de precipitación, con características similares a las reales, que permitan manipular los datos y evaluar la influencia de las modificaciones controladas de las series en los resultados de los parámetros multifractales derivados. En cuanto al problema de la selección de la parte lineal de las curvas log-log se desarrollaron dos métodos: a. Cambio de tendencia, que consiste en analizar el cambio de pendiente de las rectas ajustadas a dos subconjuntos consecutivos de los datos. b. Eliminación de casos, que analiza la mejora en el p-valor asociado al coeficiente de correlación al eliminar secuencialmente los puntos finales de la regresión. Los resultados obtenidos respecto a la regresión lineal establecen las siguientes conclusiones: - La metodología estadística de la regresión muestra la dificultad para encontrar el valor de la pendiente de tramos rectos de curvas en el procedimiento base del análisis fractal, indicando que la toma de decisión de los puntos a considerar redunda en diferencias significativas de las pendientes encontradas. - La utilización conjunta de los dos métodos propuestos ayuda a objetivar la toma de decisión sobre la parte lineal de las familias de curvas en el análisis fractal, pero su utilidad sigue dependiendo del número de datos de que se dispone y de las altas significaciones que se obtienen. En cuanto al significado empírico de los parámetros multifratales de la precipitación, se han generado 19 series de precipitación por medio de un simulador de datos diarios en cascada a partir de estimaciones anuales y mensuales, y en base a estadísticos reales de 4 estaciones meteorológicas españolas localizadas en un gradiente de NW a SE. Para todas las series generadas, se calculan los parámetros multifractales siguiendo la técnica de estimación de la DTM (Double Trace Moments - Momentos de Doble Traza) desarrollado por Lavalle et al. (1993) y se observan las modificaciones producidas. Los resultados obtenidos arrojaron las siguientes conclusiones: - La intermitencia, C1, aumenta al concentrar las precipitaciones en menos días, al hacerla más variable, o al incrementar su concentración en los días de máxima, mientras no se ve afectado por la modificación en la variabilidad del número de días de lluvia. - La multifractalidad, α, se ve incrementada con el número de días de lluvia y la variabilidad de la precipitación, tanto anual como mensual, así como también con la concentración de precipitación en el día de máxima. - La singularidad probable máxima, γs, se ve incrementada con la concentración de la lluvia en el día de precipitación máxima mensual y la variabilidad a nivel anual y mensual. - El grado no- conservativo, H, depende del número de los días de lluvia que aparezcan en la serie y secundariamente de la variabilidad general de la lluvia. - El índice de Hurst generalizado se halla muy ligado a la singularidad probable máxima. ABSTRACT The main objective of this research is to interpret the multifractal parameters in the case of precipitation series from an empirical approach. In order to do so the first proposed task was to objectify the selection of the linear part of the log-log curves that is a fundamental step of the fractal and multifractal analysis methods. A second task was to generate precipitation series, with real like features, which allow evaluating the influence of controlled series modifications on the values of the multifractal parameters estimated. Two methods are developed for selecting the linear part of the log-log curves in the fractal and multifractal analysis: A) Tendency change, which means analyzing the change in slope of the fitted lines to two consecutive subsets of data. B) Point elimination, which analyzes the improvement in the p- value associated to the coefficient of correlation when the final regression points are sequentially eliminated. The results indicate the following conclusions: - Statistical methodology of the regression shows the difficulty of finding the slope value of straight sections of curves in the base procedure of the fractal analysis, pointing that the decision on the points to be considered yield significant differences in slopes values. - The simultaneous use of the two proposed methods helps to objectify the decision about the lineal part of a family of curves in fractal analysis, but its usefulness are still depending on the number of data and the statistical significances obtained. Respect to the empiric meaning of the precipitation multifractal parameters, nineteen precipitation series were generated with a daily precipitation simulator derived from year and month estimations and considering statistics from actual data of four Spanish rain gauges located in a gradient from NW to SE. For all generated series the multifractal parameters were estimated following the technique DTM (Double Trace Moments) developed by Lavalle et al. (1993) and the variations produced considered. The results show the following conclusions: 1. The intermittency, C1, increases when precipitation is concentrating for fewer days, making it more variable, or when increasing its concentration on maximum monthly precipitation days, while it is not affected due to the modification in the variability in the number of days it rained. 2. Multifractility, α, increases with the number of rainy days and the variability of the precipitation, yearly as well as monthly, as well as with the concentration of precipitation on the maximum monthly precipitation day. 3. The maximum probable singularity, γs, increases with the concentration of rain on the day of the maximum monthly precipitation and the variability in yearly and monthly level. 4. The non-conservative degree, H’, depends on the number of rainy days that appear on the series and secondly on the general variability of the rain. 5. The general Hurst index is linked to the maximum probable singularity.


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Four-dimensional flow in the phase space of three amplitudes of circularly polarized Alfven waves and one relative phase, resulting from a resonant three-wave truncation of the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation, has been analyzed; wave 1 is linearly unstable with growth rate , and waves 2 and 3 are stable with damping 2 and 3, respectively. The dependence of gross dynamical features on the damping model as characterized by the relation between damping and wave-vector ratios, 2 /3, k2 /k3, and the polarization of the waves, is discussed; two damping models, Landau k and resistive k2, are studied in depth. Very complex dynamics, such as multiple blue sky catastrophes and chaotic attractors arising from Feigenbaum sequences, and explosive bifurcations involving Intermittency-I chaos, are shown to be associated with the existence and loss of stability of certain fixed point P of the flow. Independently of the damping model, P may only exist as against flow contraction just requiring.In the case of right-hand RH polarization, point P may exist for all models other than Landau damping; for the resistive model, P may exist for RH polarization only if 2+3/2.


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The characteristics of turbulent/nonturbulent interfaces (TNTI) from boundary layers, jets and shear-free turbulence are compared using direct numerical simulations. The TNTI location is detected by assessing the volume of turbulent flow as function of the vorticity magnitude and is shown to be equivalent to other procedures using a scalar field. Vorticity maps show that the boundary layer contains a larger range of scales at the interface than in jets and shear-free turbulence where the change in vorticity characteristics across the TNTI is much more dramatic. The intermittency parameter shows that the extent of the intermittency region for jets and boundary layers is similar and is much bigger than in shear-free turbulence, and can be used to compute the vorticity threshold defining the TNTI location. The statistics of the vorticity jump across the TNTI exhibit the imprint of a large range of scales, from the Kolmogorov micro-scale to scales much bigger than the Taylor scale. Finally, it is shown that contrary to the classical view, the low-vorticity spots inside the jet are statistically similar to isotropic turbulence, suggesting that engulfing pockets simply do not exist in jets


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La región cerca de la pared de flujos turbulentos de pared ya está bien conocido debido a su bajo número de Reynolds local y la separación escala estrecha. La región lejos de la pared (capa externa) no es tan interesante tampoco, ya que las estadísticas allí se escalan bien por las unidades exteriores. La región intermedia (capa logarítmica), sin embargo, ha estado recibiendo cada vez más atención debido a su propiedad auto-similares. Además, de acuerdo a Flores et al. (2007) y Flores & Jiménez (2010), la capa logarítmica es más o menos independiente de otras capas, lo que implica que podría ser inspeccionado mediante el aislamiento de otras dos capas, lo que reduciría significativamente los costes computacionales para la simulación de flujos turbulentos de pared. Algunos intentos se trataron después por Mizuno & Jiménez (2013), quien simulan la capa logarítmica sin la región cerca de la pared con estadísticas obtenidas de acuerdo razonablemente bien con los de las simulaciones completas. Lo que más, la capa logarítmica podría ser imitado por otra turbulencia sencillo de cizallamiento de motor. Por ejemplo, Pumir (1996) encontró que la turbulencia de cizallamiento homogéneo estadísticamente estacionario (SS-HST) también irrumpe, de una manera muy similar al proceso de auto-sostenible en flujos turbulentos de pared. Según los consideraciones arriba, esta tesis trata de desvelar en qué medida es la capa logarítmica de canales similares a la turbulencia de cizalla más sencillo, SS-HST, mediante la comparación de ambos cinemática y la dinámica de las estructuras coherentes en los dos flujos. Resultados sobre el canal se muestran mediante Lozano-Durán et al. (2012) y Lozano-Durán & Jiménez (2014b). La hoja de ruta de esta tarea se divide en tres etapas. En primer lugar, SS-HST es investigada por medio de un código nuevo de simulación numérica directa, espectral en las dos direcciones horizontales y compacto-diferencias finitas en la dirección de la cizalla. Sin utiliza remallado para imponer la condición de borde cortante periódica. La influencia de la geometría de la caja computacional se explora. Ya que el HST no tiene ninguna longitud característica externa y tiende a llenar el dominio computacional, las simulaciopnes a largo plazo del HST son ’mínimos’ en el sentido de que contiene sólo unas pocas estructuras media a gran escala. Se ha encontrado que el límite principal es el ancho de la caja de la envergadura, Lz, que establece las escalas de longitud y velocidad de la turbulencia, y que las otras dos dimensiones de la caja debe ser suficientemente grande (Lx > 2LZ, Ly > Lz) para evitar que otras direcciones estando limitado también. También se encontró que las cajas de gran longitud, Lx > 2Ly, par con el paso del tiempo la condición de borde cortante periódica, y desarrollar fuertes ráfagas linealizadas no físicos. Dentro de estos límites, el flujo muestra similitudes y diferencias interesantes con otros flujos de cizalla, y, en particular, con la capa logarítmica de flujos turbulentos de pared. Ellos son exploradas con cierto detalle. Incluyen un proceso autosostenido de rayas a gran escala y con una explosión cuasi-periódica. La escala de tiempo de ruptura es de aproximadamente universales, ~20S~l(S es la velocidad de cizallamiento media), y la disponibilidad de dos sistemas de ruptura diferentes permite el crecimiento de las ráfagas a estar relacionado con algo de confianza a la cizalladura de turbulencia inicialmente isotrópico. Se concluye que la SS-HST, llevado a cabo dentro de los parámetros de cílculo apropiados, es un sistema muy prometedor para estudiar la turbulencia de cizallamiento en general. En segundo lugar, las mismas estructuras coherentes como en los canales estudiados por Lozano-Durán et al. (2012), es decir, grupos de vórticidad (fuerte disipación) y Qs (fuerte tensión de Reynolds tangencial, -uv) tridimensionales, se estudia mediante simulación numérica directa de SS-HST con relaciones de aspecto de cuadro aceptables y número de Reynolds hasta Rex ~ 250 (basado en Taylor-microescala). Se discute la influencia de la intermitencia de umbral independiente del tiempo. Estas estructuras tienen alargamientos similares en la dirección sentido de la corriente a las familias separadas en los canales hasta que son de tamaño comparable a la caja. Sus dimensiones fractales, longitudes interior y exterior como una función del volumen concuerdan bien con sus homólogos de canales. El estudio sobre sus organizaciones espaciales encontró que Qs del mismo tipo están alineados aproximadamente en la dirección del vector de velocidad en el cuadrante al que pertenecen, mientras Qs de diferentes tipos están restringidos por el hecho de que no debe haber ningún choque de velocidad, lo que hace Q2s (eyecciones, u < 0,v > 0) y Q4s (sweeps, u > 0,v < 0) emparejado en la dirección de la envergadura. Esto se verifica mediante la inspección de estructuras de velocidad, otros cuadrantes como la uw y vw en SS-HST y las familias separadas en el canal. La alineación sentido de la corriente de Qs ligada a la pared con el mismo tipo en los canales se debe a la modulación de la pared. El campo de flujo medio condicionado a pares Q2-Q4 encontró que los grupos de vórticidad están en el medio de los dos, pero prefieren los dos cizalla capas alojamiento en la parte superior e inferior de Q2s y Q4s respectivamente, lo que hace que la vorticidad envergadura dentro de las grupos de vórticidad hace no cancele. La pared amplifica la diferencia entre los tamaños de baja- y alta-velocidad rayas asociados con parejas de Q2-Q4 se adjuntan como los pares alcanzan cerca de la pared, el cual es verificado por la correlación de la velocidad del sentido de la corriente condicionado a Q2s adjuntos y Q4s con diferentes alturas. Grupos de vórticidad en SS-HST asociados con Q2s o Q4s también están flanqueadas por un contador de rotación de los vórtices sentido de la corriente en la dirección de la envergadura como en el canal. La larga ’despertar’ cónica se origina a partir de los altos grupos de vórticidad ligada a la pared han encontrado los del Álamo et al. (2006) y Flores et al. (2007), que desaparece en SS-HST, sólo es cierto para altos grupos de vórticidad ligada a la pared asociados con Q2s pero no para aquellos asociados con Q4s, cuyo campo de flujo promedio es en realidad muy similar a la de SS-HST. En tercer lugar, las evoluciones temporales de Qs y grupos de vórticidad se estudian mediante el uso de la método inventado por Lozano-Durán & Jiménez (2014b). Las estructuras se clasifican en las ramas, que se organizan más en los gráficos. Ambas resoluciones espaciales y temporales se eligen para ser capaz de capturar el longitud y el tiempo de Kolmogorov puntual más probable en el momento más extrema. Debido al efecto caja mínima, sólo hay un gráfico principal consiste en casi todas las ramas, con su volumen y el número de estructuras instantáneo seguien la energía cinética y enstrofía intermitente. La vida de las ramas, lo que tiene más sentido para las ramas primarias, pierde su significado en el SS-HST debido a las aportaciones de ramas primarias al total de Reynolds estrés o enstrofía son casi insignificantes. Esto también es cierto en la capa exterior de los canales. En cambio, la vida de los gráficos en los canales se compara con el tiempo de ruptura en SS-HST. Grupos de vórticidad están asociados con casi el mismo cuadrante en términos de sus velocidades medias durante su tiempo de vida, especialmente para los relacionados con las eyecciones y sweeps. Al igual que en los canales, las eyecciones de SS-HST se mueven hacia arriba con una velocidad promedio vertical uT (velocidad de fricción) mientras que lo contrario es cierto para los barridos. Grupos de vórticidad, por otra parte, son casi inmóvil en la dirección vertical. En la dirección de sentido de la corriente, que están advección por la velocidad media local y por lo tanto deforman por la diferencia de velocidad media. Sweeps y eyecciones se mueven más rápido y más lento que la velocidad media, respectivamente, tanto por 1.5uT. Grupos de vórticidad se mueven con la misma velocidad que la velocidad media. Se verifica que las estructuras incoherentes cerca de la pared se debe a la pared en vez de pequeño tamaño. Los resultados sugieren fuertemente que las estructuras coherentes en canales no son especialmente asociado con la pared, o incluso con un perfil de cizalladura dado. ABSTRACT Since the wall-bounded turbulence was first recognized more than one century ago, its near wall region (buffer layer) has been studied extensively and becomes relatively well understood due to the low local Reynolds number and narrow scale separation. The region just above the buffer layer, i.e., the logarithmic layer, is receiving increasingly more attention nowadays due to its self-similar property. Flores et al. (20076) and Flores & Jim´enez (2010) show that the statistics of logarithmic layer is kind of independent of other layers, implying that it might be possible to study it separately, which would reduce significantly the computational costs for simulations of the logarithmic layer. Some attempts were tried later by Mizuno & Jimenez (2013), who simulated the logarithmic layer without the buffer layer with obtained statistics agree reasonably well with those of full simulations. Besides, the logarithmic layer might be mimicked by other simpler sheardriven turbulence. For example, Pumir (1996) found that the statistically-stationary homogeneous shear turbulence (SS-HST) also bursts, in a manner strikingly similar to the self-sustaining process in wall-bounded turbulence. Based on these considerations, this thesis tries to reveal to what extent is the logarithmic layer of channels similar to the simplest shear-driven turbulence, SS-HST, by comparing both kinematics and dynamics of coherent structures in the two flows. Results about the channel are shown by Lozano-Dur´an et al. (2012) and Lozano-Dur´an & Jim´enez (20146). The roadmap of this task is divided into three stages. First, SS-HST is investigated by means of a new direct numerical simulation code, spectral in the two horizontal directions and compact-finite-differences in the direction of the shear. No remeshing is used to impose the shear-periodic boundary condition. The influence of the geometry of the computational box is explored. Since HST has no characteristic outer length scale and tends to fill the computational domain, longterm simulations of HST are ‘minimal’ in the sense of containing on average only a few large-scale structures. It is found that the main limit is the spanwise box width, Lz, which sets the length and velocity scales of the turbulence, and that the two other box dimensions should be sufficiently large (Lx > 2LZ, Ly > Lz) to prevent other directions to be constrained as well. It is also found that very long boxes, Lx > 2Ly, couple with the passing period of the shear-periodic boundary condition, and develop strong unphysical linearized bursts. Within those limits, the flow shows interesting similarities and differences with other shear flows, and in particular with the logarithmic layer of wallbounded turbulence. They are explored in some detail. They include a self-sustaining process for large-scale streaks and quasi-periodic bursting. The bursting time scale is approximately universal, ~ 20S~l (S is the mean shear rate), and the availability of two different bursting systems allows the growth of the bursts to be related with some confidence to the shearing of initially isotropic turbulence. It is concluded that SS-HST, conducted within the proper computational parameters, is a very promising system to study shear turbulence in general. Second, the same coherent structures as in channels studied by Lozano-Dur´an et al. (2012), namely three-dimensional vortex clusters (strong dissipation) and Qs (strong tangential Reynolds stress, -uv), are studied by direct numerical simulation of SS-HST with acceptable box aspect ratios and Reynolds number up to Rex ~ 250 (based on Taylor-microscale). The influence of the intermittency to time-independent threshold is discussed. These structures have similar elongations in the streamwise direction to detached families in channels until they are of comparable size to the box. Their fractal dimensions, inner and outer lengths as a function of volume agree well with their counterparts in channels. The study about their spatial organizations found that Qs of the same type are aligned roughly in the direction of the velocity vector in the quadrant they belong to, while Qs of different types are restricted by the fact that there should be no velocity clash, which makes Q2s (ejections, u < 0, v > 0) and Q4s (sweeps, u > 0, v < 0) paired in the spanwise direction. This is verified by inspecting velocity structures, other quadrants such as u-w and v-w in SS-HST and also detached families in the channel. The streamwise alignment of attached Qs with the same type in channels is due to the modulation of the wall. The average flow field conditioned to Q2-Q4 pairs found that vortex clusters are in the middle of the pair, but prefer to the two shear layers lodging at the top and bottom of Q2s and Q4s respectively, which makes the spanwise vorticity inside vortex clusters does not cancel. The wall amplifies the difference between the sizes of low- and high-speed streaks associated with attached Q2-Q4 pairs as the pairs reach closer to the wall, which is verified by the correlation of streamwise velocity conditioned to attached Q2s and Q4s with different heights. Vortex clusters in SS-HST associated with Q2s or Q4s are also flanked by a counter rotating streamwise vortices in the spanwise direction as in the channel. The long conical ‘wake’ originates from tall attached vortex clusters found by del A´ lamo et al. (2006) and Flores et al. (2007b), which disappears in SS-HST, is only true for tall attached vortices associated with Q2s but not for those associated with Q4s, whose averaged flow field is actually quite similar to that in SS-HST. Third, the temporal evolutions of Qs and vortex clusters are studied by using the method invented by Lozano-Dur´an & Jim´enez (2014b). Structures are sorted into branches, which are further organized into graphs. Both spatial and temporal resolutions are chosen to be able to capture the most probable pointwise Kolmogorov length and time at the most extreme moment. Due to the minimal box effect, there is only one main graph consist by almost all the branches, with its instantaneous volume and number of structures follow the intermittent kinetic energy and enstrophy. The lifetime of branches, which makes more sense for primary branches, loses its meaning in SS-HST because the contributions of primary branches to total Reynolds stress or enstrophy are almost negligible. This is also true in the outer layer of channels. Instead, the lifetime of graphs in channels are compared with the bursting time in SS-HST. Vortex clusters are associated with almost the same quadrant in terms of their mean velocities during their life time, especially for those related with ejections and sweeps. As in channels, ejections in SS-HST move upwards with an average vertical velocity uτ (friction velocity) while the opposite is true for sweeps. Vortex clusters, on the other hand, are almost still in the vertical direction. In the streamwise direction, they are advected by the local mean velocity and thus deformed by the mean velocity difference. Sweeps and ejections move faster and slower than the mean velocity respectively, both by 1.5uτ . Vortex clusters move with the same speed as the mean velocity. It is verified that the incoherent structures near the wall is due to the wall instead of small size. The results suggest that coherent structures in channels are not particularly associated with the wall, or even with a given shear profile.