2 resultados para Hydroponics.

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Aquaponics is the science of integrating intensive fish aquaculture with plant production in recirculating water systems. Although ion waste production by fish cannot satisfy all plant requirements, less is known about the relationship between total feed provided for fish and the production of milliequivalents (mEq) of different macronutrients for plants, especially for nutrient flow hydroponics used for strawberry production in Spain. That knowledge is essential to consider the amount of macronutrients available in aquaculture systems so that farmers can estimate how much nutrient needs to be supplemented in the waste water from fish, to produce viable plant growth. In the present experiment, tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) were grown in a small-scale recirculating system at two different densities while growth and feed consumption were noted every week for five weeks. At the same time points, water samples were taken to measure pH, EC25, HCO3 – , Cl – , NH4 + , NO2 – , NO3 – , H2PO4 – , SO4 2– , Na + , K+ , Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ build up. The total increase in mEq of each ion per kg of feed provided to the fish was highest for NO3 - , followed, in decreasing order, by Ca 2+ , H2PO4 – , K+ , Mg 2+ and SO4 2– . The total amount of feed required per mEq ranged from 1.61- 13.1 kg for the four most abundant ions (NO3 – , Ca 2+ , H2PO4 – and K+ ) at a density of 2 kg fish m–3 , suggesting that it would be rather easy to maintain small populations of fish to reduce the cost of hydroponic solution supplementation for strawberries.


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La presente investigación se presenta como una alternativa para la reducción de la contaminación por nutrientes que produce el vertido de aguas residuales provenientes de núcleos urbanos que acaban en lagos, lagunas o embalses acelerando los procesos de eutrofización de los mismos. El objetivo de esta tesis es analizar la reducción de nutrientes, fundamentalmente nitrógeno, fósforo y potasio, del agua residual doméstica sometida a tratamiento a través de cultivos hidropónicos en un determinado periodo de tiempo, observando a su vez la evolución del cultivo seleccionado. El sistema se diseñó para funcionar en circuito cerrado con el agua residual circulando por entre las raíces de los vegetales estudiados. El cultivo seleccionado fue el “kenaf”, aunque después de mucho tiempo dedicado a la obtención de semillas de “kenaf “por diferentes proveedores, se decidió comenzar un primer ensayo utilizando plantas de aloe vera durante un periodo de un mes de verano. Se procedió a la colocación de plantas en un tubo conteniendo agua residual de una fosa séptica domiciliaria. La reducción de la DBO5 y la DQO fue notable aunque los resultados de la variación de nitratos y fosfatos no fueron concluyentes. Las altas temperaturas alcanzada en esas fechas por el agua circulante, finalmente imposibilitó la continuación del ensayo. Si bien esta primera puesta en marcha no resultó como se esperaba, aportó numerosa información para modificar el planteo del estudio, la forma de llevarlo a cabo y la puesta a punto de la propia instalación. El segundo ensayo se llevó a cabo en otoño con plantas de kenaf obtenidas del ensayo previo en suelo en una parcela piloto en los llanos de Villamartín, en la provincia de Cádiz. Antes de incorporar el agua al sistema hidropónico se analizaron todos los parámetros requeridos por la normativa española del agua para determinar su clasificación como agua residual doméstica. Luego se le dio seguimiento a la variación de los nutrientes, nitrógeno, fósforo y potasio a lo largo de varias semanas para evaluar la efectividad del tratamiento. Las plantas de kenaf continuaron su desarrollo utilizando las sustancias disueltas en el agua residual como única fuente de nutrientes disponible. This research is presented as an alternative to reduce the pollution that wastewater discharges from towns generate when they end in lakes, ponds and reservoirs, by accelerating the eutrophication processes. The objective of this thesis is to analyze the reduction of nutrients, mainly nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, of domestic wastewater treated through hydroponics crops in a given period of time, noting at the same time the evolution of the selected crop. The system was designed to operate in closed circuit with the wastewater circulating through the roots of the studied plants. The selected crop was "kenaf", although after much time spent in obtaining seeds of "kenaf"by different vendors and the impossibility of achieving its germination; it was decided to start a first test using Aloe Vera plants for a period of one month in the summer. The plants were introduced in the holes of a tube containing septic wastewater. The BOD5 and COD reduction was remarkable though the results of the variation in nitrates and phosphates were inconclusive. High temperatures achieved in those dates by circulating water, eventually precluded the continuation of the test. Although this first implementation was not running as expected, it provided information to modify the proposal of the study, the way to carry it out and the development of the installation itself. The second test was conducted in autumn with kenaf plants obtained from the previous test in a pilot plant in the flatness of Villamartín, province of Cádiz. Before adding the water to the hydroponic system all the parameters required by the Spanish water regulations were analyzed to determine their classification as domestic waste water. Then, the variation of nutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was tracking over several weeks to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment. Kenaf plants continued its development using the substances dissolved in wastewater as sole source of nutrients available.