15 resultados para Highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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In this work, we present a novel interferometer based on liquid crystal and photonic crystal fiber technology. The objective of this project is the development of a tunable (switchable) modal (Mach-Zehnder) interferometer for optical communications or sensing.


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Photonic crystal fibers (PCF) have been selectively filled with a cholesteric liquid crystal (ChLC) with special interest in the blue phase (BP) of the liquid crystal. It has been observed thermal tuning of the guided light in the visible region. A dramatically enhance appears when the phase of the liquid crystal changes from cholesteric to blue phase I (BPI). When a thermal range of the blue phase I is achieved, no changes are observed while increasing temperature from BPI through BPII and to the isotropic phase.


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In this work, we present a novel interferometer based on liquid crystal and photonic crystal fiber technology. The objective of this project is the development of a tunable (switchable) modal (Mach-Zehnder) interferometer for optical communications or sensing. This interferometer has been manufactured splicing a short portion (between 15 and 30 mm) of photonic crystal fiber with two single mode fiber pigtails. The study shows a high sensitivity of the interferometer to the polarization of the launching light.


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A photonic crystal fiber selectively filled with silver nanoparticles dispersed in polydimethylsiloxane has been numerically studied via finite elements analysis. These nanoparticles possess a localized surface plasmon resonance in the visible region which depends on the refractive index of the surrounding medium. The refractive index of polydimethylsiloxane can be thermally tuned leading to the design of polarization tunable filters. Filters found with this setup show anisotropic attenuation of the x-polarization fundamental mode around ?x = 1200dB/cm remarkably higher than the y-polarization mode. Moreover, high fiber birefringence and birefringence reversal is observed in the spectral region of the plasmon.


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El presente trabajo de Tesis se ha centrado en el diseño, fabricación y caracterización de dispositivos basados en fibras de cristal fotónico infiltrado selectivamente con cristales líquidos, polímeros y una mezcla de ambos. Todos los dispositivos son sintonizables, y su área de aplicación se centra en comunicaciones ópticas y sensores. La manipulación y fusionado de fibras fotónicas, el llenado selectivo de determinadas cavidades y la alineación recíproca de fibras mantenedoras de polarización son tareas muy específicas y delicadas para las que se requieren protocolos muy estrictos. Previo a la fabricación de dispositivos ha sido necesaria por tanto una tarea de sistematización y creación de protocolos de fabricación. Una vez establecidos se ha procedido a la fabricación y caracterización de dispositivos. Los dispositivos fabricados se enumeran a continuación para posteriormente detallar una a una las singularidades de cada uno. • Interferómetros intermodales hechos a partir de una porción de fibra fotónica soldada entre dos fibras estándar, bien monomodo o PANDA (mantenedora de polarización). Estos interferómetros han sido sumergidos o bien llenados selectivamente con cristales líquidos para así sintonizar la señal interferométrica guiada a través de la fibra. • Infiltración de fibras fotónicas con cristales líquidos colestéricos con especial énfasis en la fase azul (blue phase) de estos materiales. Las moléculas de cristal líquido se autoalinean en volumen por lo que la infiltración de fibras fotónicas con estos cristales líquidos es muy interesante, pues es conocida la dificultad de alinear apropiadamente cristales líquidos dentro de cavidades micrométricas de las fibras fotónicas. • Grabación de redes holográficas de forma selectiva en las cavidades de una fibra fotónica. Estas redes holográficas, llamadas POLICRYPS (POlymer-LIquid CRYstal-Polymer Slices), son redes fabricadas a base de franjas de polímero y cristal líquido alineado perpendicularmente a dichas franjas. Las franjas son a su vez perpendiculares al eje de la fibra como lo puede ser una red de Bragg convencional. El cristal líquido, al estar alineado perpendicularmente a dichos franjas y paralelo al eje de la fibra, se puede conmutar aplicando un campo eléctrico externo, modificando así el índice efectivo de la red. Se puede fabricar por lo tanto una red de Bragg sintonizable en fibra, muy útil en comunicaciones ópticas. • Llenado selectivo de fibras fotónicas con polidimetilsiloxano (PDMS), un polímero de tipo silicona. Si se realiza un llenado selectivo asimétrico se puede inducir birrefringencia en la fibra. El índice de refracción del PDMS tiene una fuerte dependencia térmica, por lo que se puede sintonizar la birrefringencia de la fibra. • Estudio teórico de llenado selectivo de fibras fotónicas con PDMS dopado con nanopartículas de plata de 5, 40 y 80 nm. Estas nanopartículas poseen un pico de absorción en torno a los 450 nm debido a resonancias superficiales localizadas de plasmones (LSPR). La resonancia del plasmon tiene una fuerte dependencia con el índice de refracción del material colindante, y al ser éste PDMS, la variación de índice de refracción se ve amplificada, obteniendo una absorción sintonizable. Se ha propuesto la fabricación de polarizadores sintonizables usando esta técnica. Como ya se ha dicho, previamente a la fabricación ha sido necesaria la protocolización de diversos procedimientos de fabricación de alta complejidad, así como protocolizar el proceso de toma de medidas para optimizar los resultados. Los procedimientos que han requerido la formulación de protocolos específicos han sido los siguientes: • Llenado selectivo de cavidades en una fibra fotónica. Dichas fibras tienen generalmente un diámetro externo de 125 μm, y sus cavidades son de entre 5 y 10 μm de diámetro. Se han desarrollado tres técnicas diferentes para el llenado/bloqueado selectivo, pudiéndose combinar varios protocolos para la optimización del proceso. Las técnicas son las siguientes: o Llenado y bloqueado con un prepolímero. Dicho prepolímero, también llamado adhesivo óptico, está inicialmente en estado líquido y posee una cierta viscosidad. Las cavidades de la fibra fotónica que se desea llenar o bloquear poseen un diámetro diferente al resto, por lo que en el proceso de llenado aparecen dos frentes de llenado dependientes de su diámetro. A mayor diámetro, mayor velocidad de llenado. Polimerizando cuando existe dicha diferencia en los frentes se puede cortar por medio, obteniendo así una fibra parcialmente bloqueada. o Colapsamiento de las cavidades de menor diámetro mediante aplicación de calor. El calor producido por un arco voltaico de una soldadora de fibra estándar fusiona el material exterior de la fibra produciendo el colapsamiento de las cavidades de menor diámetro. En esta técnica también es necesaria una diferencia de diámetros en las cavidades de la fibra. o Bloqueo una a una de las cavidades de la fibra fotónica con adhesivo óptico. Este procedimiento es muy laborioso y requiere mucha precisión. Con este sistema se pueden bloquear las cavidades deseadas de una fibra sin importar su diámetro. • Alineación de una fuente de luz linealmente polarizada con una fibra mantenedora de polarización ya sea PANDA o fotónica. Así mismo también se han alineado entre sí fibras mantenedoras de polarización, para que sus ejes rápidos se fusionen paralelos y así el estado de polarización de la luz guiada se mantenga. • Sistematización de toma de medidas para caracterizar los interferómetros modales. Éstos son altamente sensibles a diversas variables por lo que el proceso de medida es complejo. Se deben aislar variables de forma estrictamente controlada. Aunque todos los dispositivos tienen en común el llenado selectivo de cavidades en una fibra fotónica cada dispositivo tiene sus peculiaridades, que van a ser explicadas a continuación. ABSTRACT The present Thesis has been centered in the design, fabrication and characterization of devices based on photonic crystal fibers selectively filled with liquid crystals, polymers and a mixture of both. All devices are tunable and their work field is optical communications and sensing The handling and splicing of photonic crystal fibers, the selective filling of their holes and the aligning of polarization maintaining fibers are very specific and delicate tasks for which very strict protocols are required. Before the fabrication of devices has therefore been necessary task systematization and creation of manufacturing protocols. Once established we have proceeded to the fabrication and characterization of devices. The fabricated devices are listed below and their peculiarities are detailed one by one: • Intermodal interferometers made with a portion of photonic crystal fiber spliced between two optical communication fiber pigtails, either single mode or PANDA (polarization-maintaining) fiber. These interferometers have been submerged or selectively filled with liquid crystals to tune the interferometric guided signal. • Infiltration of photonic fibers with cholesteric liquid crystals with special emphasis on their blue phase (blue phase). The liquid crystal molecules are self-aligning in volume so the infiltration of photonic fibers with these liquid crystals is very interesting. It is notoriously difficult to properly align liquid crystals within micron cavities such as photonic fibers. • Selectively recording of holographic gratings in the holes of photonic crystal fibers. These holographic gratings, called POLICRYPS (POlymer-LIquid CRYstal-Polymes Slices), are based on walls made of polymer and liquid crystal aligned perpendicular to them. These walls are perpendicular to the axis of the fiber as it can be a conventional Bragg grating. The liquid crystal is aligned perpendicular to the walls and parallel to the fiber axis, and can be switched by applying an external electric field and thus change the effective index of the grating. It is thus possible to manufacture a tunable Bragg grating fiber, useful in optical communications. •Asymmetrically selective filling of photonic crystal fibers with a silicone polymer like called polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) to induce birefringence in the fiber. The refractive index of PDMS has temperature dependence, so that the birefringence of the fiber can be tuned. • Theoretical study of photonic crystal fibers selectively filled with PDMS doped with silver nanoparticles of 5, 40 and 80 nm. These nanoparticles have an absorption peak around 450 nm due to localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPR). Plasmon resonance has a strong dependence on the refractive index of the adjacent material, and as this is PDMS, the refractive index variation is amplified, obtaining a tunable absorption. Fabrication of tunable polarizers using this technique has been proposed. Before starting the fabrication, it has been necessary to optimize several very delicate procedures and different protocols have been designed. The most delicate procedures are as follows: • Selective filling of holes in a photonic crystal fiber. These fibers generally have an outer diameter of 125 μm, and their holes have a diameter around between 5 and 10 μm. It has been developed three different techniques for filling / selective blocking, and they can be combined for process optimization. The techniques are: o Filling and blocked with a prepolymer. This prepolymer also called optical adhesive is initially in liquid state and has a certain viscosity. The holes of the photonic crystal fiber that are desired to be filled or blocked should have a different diameter, so that in the filling process appear two different fronts depending on the hole diameter. The holes with larger diameter are filled faster. Then the adhesive is polymerized when there is such a difference on the front. A partially blocked fiber is obtained cutting between fronts. o Collapsing of holes of smaller diameter by application of heat. The heat produced by an arc of a standard fusion splicer fuses the outer fiber material producing the collapsing of the cavities of smaller diameter. In this technique also you need a difference of diameters in the fiber holes. o Blocking one by one the holes of photonic crystal fiber with optical adhesive. This procedure is very laborious and requires great precision. This system can block unwanted cavities regardless fiber diameter. • Aligning a linearly polarized light source with a polarization-maintaining fiber (either a PANDA fiber as a photonic crystal fiber). It is needed also an aligning between polarization-maintaining fibers, so that their fast axes parallel merge and that is state of polarization of light guided is maintained. • Systematization of taking measurements to characterize the modal interferometers. These are highly sensitive to several variables so the measurement process is very complicated. Variables must be fixed in a very controlled manner. Although all devices have the common characteristic of being selectively filled PCFs with some kind of material, each one has his own peculiarities, which are explained below.


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The effect of crystal misorientation, geometrical tilt, and contact misalignment on the compression of highly anisotropic single crystal micropillars was assessed by means of crystal plasticity finite element simulations. The investigation was focused in single crystals with the NaCl structure, like MgO or LiF, which present a marked plastic anisotropy as a result of the large difference in the critical resolved shear stress between the “soft” {110}〈110〉 and the “hard” {100}〈110〉 active slip systems. It was found that contact misalignment led to a large reduction in the initial stiffness of the micropillar in crystals oriented in the soft and hard direction. The crystallographic tilt did not modify, however, the initial crystal stiffness. From the viewpoint of the plastic response, none of the effects analyzed led to significant differences in the flow stress when the single crystals were oriented along the “soft” [100] direction. Large differences were found, however, if the single crystal was oriented in the “hard” [111] direction as a result of the activation of the soft slip system. Numerical simulations were in very good agreement with experimental literature data.


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Selectively filled photonic crystal fibers with polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), a silicon-type material, have been studied. Is has been demonstrated that polarization properties of these hybrid devices and the properties of the guided light in relation with the temperature changes, finding that the state of polarization (SOP) change with the increasing temperature but remains constant for a wide spectrum of wavelengths for a determinate temperature.


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The threat of impact or explosive loads is regrettably a scenario to be taken into account in the design of lifeline or critical civilian buildings. These are often made of concrete and not specifically designed for military threats. Numerical simulation of such cases may be undertaken with the aid of state of the art explicit dynamic codes, however several difficult challenges are inherent to such models: the material modeling for the concrete anisotropic failure, consideration of reinforcement bars and important structural details, adequate modeling of pressure waves from explosions in complex geometries, and efficient solution to models of complete buildings which can realistically assess failure modes. In this work we employ LS-Dyna for calculation, with Lagrangian finite elements and explicit time integration. Reinforced concrete may be represented in a fairly accurate fashion with recent models such as CSCM model [1] and segregated rebars constrained within the continuum mesh. However, such models cannot be realistically employed for complete models of large buildings, due to limitations of time and computer resources. The use of structural beam and shell elements for this purpose would be the obvious solution, with much lower computational cost. However, this modeling requires careful calibration in order to reproduce adequately the highly nonlinear response of structural concrete members, including bending with and without compression, cracking or plastic crushing, plastic deformation of reinforcement, erosion of vanished elements etc. The main objective of this work is to provide a strategy for modeling such scenarios based on structural elements, using available material models for structural elements [2] and techniques to include the reinforcement in a realistic way. These models are calibrated against fully three-dimensional models and shown to be accurate enough. At the same time they provide the basis for realistic simulation of impact and explosion on full-scale buildings


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Four longitudinal control techniques are compared: a classical Proportional-Integral (PI) control; an advanced technique-called the i-PI-that adds an intelligent component to the PI; a fuzzy controller based on human experience; and an adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference system. The controllers were designed to tackle one of the challenging topics as yet unsolved by the automotive sector: managing autonomously a gasoline-propelled vehicle at very low speeds. The dynamics involved are highly nonlinear and constitute an excellent test-bed for newly designed controllers. A Citroën C3 Pluriel car was modified to permit autonomous action on the accelerator and the brake pedals-i.e., longitudinal control. The controllers were tested in two stages. First, the vehicle was modeled to check the controllers' feasibility. Second, the controllers were then implemented in the Citroën, and their behavior under the same conditions on an identical real circuit was compared.


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Use of a (bare) conductive tape electrically floating in LEO as an effective e-beam source that produces artificial auroras, and is free of problems that have marred standard beams, is considered. Ambient ions impacting the tape with KeV energies over most of its length liberate secondary electrons, which race down the magnetic field and excite neutrals in the E-layer, resulting in auroral emissions. The tether would operate at night-time with both a power supply and a plasma contactor off; power and contactor would be on at daytime for reboost. The optimal tape thickness yielding a minimum mass for an autonomous system is determined; the alternative use of an electric thruster for day reboost, depending on mission duration, is discussed. Measurements of emission brightness from the spacecraft could allow determination of the (neutral) density vertical profile in the critical E-layer; the flux and energy in the beam, varying along the tether, allow imaging line-of-sight integrated emissions that mix effects with altitude-dependent neutral density and lead to a brightness peak in the beam footprint at the E-layer. Difficulties in tomographic inversion, to determine the density profile, result from beam broadening, due to elastic collisions, which flattens the peak, and to the highly nonlinear functional dependency of line-of-sight brightness. Some dynamical issues are discussed.


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The Monge–Ampère (MA) equation arising in illumination design is highly nonlinear so that the convergence of the MA method is strongly determined by the initial design. We address the initial design of the MA method in this paper with the L2 Monge-Kantorovich (LMK) theory, and introduce an efficient approach for finding the optimal mapping of the LMK problem. Three examples, including the beam shaping of collimated beam and point light source, are given to illustrate the potential benefits of the LMK theory in the initial design. The results show the MA method converges more stably and faster with the application of the LMK theory in the initial design.


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La frecuencia con la que se producen explosiones sobre edificios, ya sean accidentales o intencionadas, es reducida, pero sus efectos pueden ser catastróficos. Es deseable poder predecir de forma suficientemente precisa las consecuencias de estas acciones dinámicas sobre edificaciones civiles, entre las cuales las estructuras reticuladas de hormigón armado son una tipología habitual. En esta tesis doctoral se exploran distintas opciones prácticas para el modelado y cálculo numérico por ordenador de estructuras de hormigón armado sometidas a explosiones. Se emplean modelos numéricos de elementos finitos con integración explícita en el tiempo, que demuestran su capacidad efectiva para simular los fenómenos físicos y estructurales de dinámica rápida y altamente no lineales que suceden, pudiendo predecir los daños ocasionados tanto por la propia explosión como por el posible colapso progresivo de la estructura. El trabajo se ha llevado a cabo empleando el código comercial de elementos finitos LS-DYNA (Hallquist, 2006), desarrollando en el mismo distintos tipos de modelos de cálculo que se pueden clasificar en dos tipos principales: 1) modelos basados en elementos finitos de continuo, en los que se discretiza directamente el medio continuo mediante grados de libertad nodales de desplazamientos; 2) modelos basados en elementos finitos estructurales, mediante vigas y láminas, que incluyen hipótesis cinemáticas para elementos lineales o superficiales. Estos modelos se desarrollan y discuten a varios niveles distintos: 1) a nivel del comportamiento de los materiales, 2) a nivel de la respuesta de elementos estructurales tales como columnas, vigas o losas, y 3) a nivel de la respuesta de edificios completos o de partes significativas de los mismos. Se desarrollan modelos de elementos finitos de continuo 3D muy detallados que modelizan el hormigón en masa y el acero de armado de forma segregada. El hormigón se representa con un modelo constitutivo del hormigón CSCM (Murray et al., 2007), que tiene un comportamiento inelástico, con diferente respuesta a tracción y compresión, endurecimiento, daño por fisuración y compresión, y rotura. El acero se representa con un modelo constitutivo elastoplástico bilineal con rotura. Se modeliza la geometría precisa del hormigón mediante elementos finitos de continuo 3D y cada una de las barras de armado mediante elementos finitos tipo viga, con su posición exacta dentro de la masa de hormigón. La malla del modelo se construye mediante la superposición de los elementos de continuo de hormigón y los elementos tipo viga de las armaduras segregadas, que son obligadas a seguir la deformación del sólido en cada punto mediante un algoritmo de penalización, simulando así el comportamiento del hormigón armado. En este trabajo se denominarán a estos modelos simplificadamente como modelos de EF de continuo. Con estos modelos de EF de continuo se analiza la respuesta estructural de elementos constructivos (columnas, losas y pórticos) frente a acciones explosivas. Asimismo se han comparado con resultados experimentales, de ensayos sobre vigas y losas con distintas cargas de explosivo, verificándose una coincidencia aceptable y permitiendo una calibración de los parámetros de cálculo. Sin embargo estos modelos tan detallados no son recomendables para analizar edificios completos, ya que el elevado número de elementos finitos que serían necesarios eleva su coste computacional hasta hacerlos inviables para los recursos de cálculo actuales. Adicionalmente, se desarrollan modelos de elementos finitos estructurales (vigas y láminas) que, con un coste computacional reducido, son capaces de reproducir el comportamiento global de la estructura con una precisión similar. Se modelizan igualmente el hormigón en masa y el acero de armado de forma segregada. El hormigón se representa con el modelo constitutivo del hormigón EC2 (Hallquist et al., 2013), que también presenta un comportamiento inelástico, con diferente respuesta a tracción y compresión, endurecimiento, daño por fisuración y compresión, y rotura, y se usa en elementos finitos tipo lámina. El acero se representa de nuevo con un modelo constitutivo elastoplástico bilineal con rotura, usando elementos finitos tipo viga. Se modeliza una geometría equivalente del hormigón y del armado, y se tiene en cuenta la posición relativa del acero dentro de la masa de hormigón. Las mallas de ambos se unen mediante nodos comunes, produciendo una respuesta conjunta. En este trabajo se denominarán a estos modelos simplificadamente como modelos de EF estructurales. Con estos modelos de EF estructurales se simulan los mismos elementos constructivos que con los modelos de EF de continuo, y comparando sus respuestas estructurales frente a explosión se realiza la calibración de los primeros, de forma que se obtiene un comportamiento estructural similar con un coste computacional reducido. Se comprueba que estos mismos modelos, tanto los modelos de EF de continuo como los modelos de EF estructurales, son precisos también para el análisis del fenómeno de colapso progresivo en una estructura, y que se pueden utilizar para el estudio simultáneo de los daños de una explosión y el posterior colapso. Para ello se incluyen formulaciones que permiten considerar las fuerzas debidas al peso propio, sobrecargas y los contactos de unas partes de la estructura sobre otras. Se validan ambos modelos con un ensayo a escala real en el que un módulo con seis columnas y dos plantas colapsa al eliminar una de sus columnas. El coste computacional del modelo de EF de continuo para la simulación de este ensayo es mucho mayor que el del modelo de EF estructurales, lo cual hace inviable su aplicación en edificios completos, mientras que el modelo de EF estructurales presenta una respuesta global suficientemente precisa con un coste asumible. Por último se utilizan los modelos de EF estructurales para analizar explosiones sobre edificios de varias plantas, y se simulan dos escenarios con cargas explosivas para un edificio completo, con un coste computacional moderado. The frequency of explosions on buildings whether they are intended or accidental is small, but they can have catastrophic effects. Being able to predict in a accurate enough manner the consequences of these dynamic actions on civil buildings, among which frame-type reinforced concrete buildings are a frequent typology is desirable. In this doctoral thesis different practical options for the modeling and computer assisted numerical calculation of reinforced concrete structures submitted to explosions are explored. Numerical finite elements models with explicit time-based integration are employed, demonstrating their effective capacity in the simulation of the occurring fast dynamic and highly nonlinear physical and structural phenomena, allowing to predict the damage caused by the explosion itself as well as by the possible progressive collapse of the structure. The work has been carried out with the commercial finite elements code LS-DYNA (Hallquist, 2006), developing several types of calculation model classified in two main types: 1) Models based in continuum finite elements in which the continuous medium is discretized directly by means of nodal displacement degrees of freedom; 2) Models based on structural finite elements, with beams and shells, including kinematic hypothesis for linear and superficial elements. These models are developed and discussed at different levels: 1) material behaviour, 2) response of structural elements such as columns, beams and slabs, and 3) response of complete buildings or significative parts of them. Very detailed 3D continuum finite element models are developed, modeling mass concrete and reinforcement steel in a segregated manner. Concrete is represented with a constitutive concrete model CSCM (Murray et al., 2007), that has an inelastic behaviour, with different tension and compression response, hardening, cracking and compression damage and failure. The steel is represented with an elastic-plastic bilinear model with failure. The actual geometry of the concrete is modeled with 3D continuum finite elements and every and each of the reinforcing bars with beam-type finite elements, with their exact position in the concrete mass. The mesh of the model is generated by the superposition of the concrete continuum elements and the beam-type elements of the segregated reinforcement, which are made to follow the deformation of the solid in each point by means of a penalty algorithm, reproducing the behaviour of reinforced concrete. In this work these models will be called continuum FE models as a simplification. With these continuum FE models the response of construction elements (columns, slabs and frames) under explosive actions are analysed. They have also been compared with experimental results of tests on beams and slabs with various explosive charges, verifying an acceptable coincidence and allowing a calibration of the calculation parameters. These detailed models are however not advised for the analysis of complete buildings, as the high number of finite elements necessary raises its computational cost, making them unreliable for the current calculation resources. In addition to that, structural finite elements (beams and shells) models are developed, which, while having a reduced computational cost, are able to reproduce the global behaviour of the structure with a similar accuracy. Mass concrete and reinforcing steel are also modeled segregated. Concrete is represented with the concrete constitutive model EC2 (Hallquist et al., 2013), which also presents an inelastic behaviour, with a different tension and compression response, hardening, compression and cracking damage and failure, and is used in shell-type finite elements. Steel is represented once again with an elastic-plastic bilineal with failure constitutive model, using beam-type finite elements. An equivalent geometry of the concrete and the steel is modeled, considering the relative position of the steel inside the concrete mass. The meshes of both sets of elements are bound with common nodes, therefore producing a joint response. These models will be called structural FE models as a simplification. With these structural FE models the same construction elements as with the continuum FE models are simulated, and by comparing their response under explosive actions a calibration of the former is carried out, resulting in a similar response with a reduced computational cost. It is verified that both the continuum FE models and the structural FE models are also accurate for the analysis of the phenomenon of progressive collapse of a structure, and that they can be employed for the simultaneous study of an explosion damage and the resulting collapse. Both models are validated with an experimental full-scale test in which a six column, two floors module collapses after the removal of one of its columns. The computational cost of the continuum FE model for the simulation of this test is a lot higher than that of the structural FE model, making it non-viable for its application to full buildings, while the structural FE model presents a global response accurate enough with an admissible cost. Finally, structural FE models are used to analyze explosions on several story buildings, and two scenarios are simulated with explosive charges for a full building, with a moderate computational cost.


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El estudio sísmico en los últimos 50 años y el análisis del comportamiento dinámico del suelo revelan que el comportamiento del suelo es altamente no lineal e histéretico incluso para pequeñas deformaciones. El comportamiento no lineal del suelo durante un evento sísmico tiene un papel predominante en el análisis de la respuesta de sitio. Los análisis unidimensionales de la respuesta sísmica del suelo son a menudo realizados utilizando procedimientos lineales equivalentes, que requieren generalmente pocos parámetros conocidos. Los análisis de respuesta de sitio no lineal tienen el potencial para simular con mayor precisión el comportamiento del suelo, pero su aplicación en la práctica se ha visto limitada debido a la selección de parámetros poco documentadas y poco claras, así como una inadecuada documentación de los beneficios del modelado no lineal en relación al modelado lineal equivalente. En el análisis del suelo, el comportamiento del suelo es aproximado como un sólido Kelvin-Voigt con un módulo de corte elástico y amortiguamiento viscoso. En el análisis lineal y no lineal del suelo se están considerando geometrías y modelos reológicos más complejos. El primero está siendo dirigido por considerar parametrizaciones más ricas del comportamiento linealizado y el segundo mediante el uso de multi-modo de los elementos de resorte-amortiguador con un eventual amortiguador fraccional. El uso del cálculo fraccional está motivado en gran parte por el hecho de que se requieren menos parámetros para lograr la aproximación exacta a los datos experimentales. Basándose en el modelo de Kelvin-Voigt, la viscoelasticidad es revisada desde su formulación más estándar a algunas descripciones más avanzada que implica la amortiguación dependiente de la frecuencia (o viscosidad), analizando los efectos de considerar derivados fraccionarios para representar esas contribuciones viscosas. Vamos a demostrar que tal elección se traduce en modelos más ricos que pueden adaptarse a diferentes limitaciones relacionadas con la potencia disipada, amplitud de la respuesta y el ángulo de fase. Por otra parte, el uso de derivados fraccionarios permite acomodar en paralelo, dentro de un análogo de Kelvin-Voigt generalizado, muchos amortiguadores que contribuyen a aumentar la flexibilidad del modelado para la descripción de los resultados experimentales. Obviamente estos modelos ricos implican muchos parámetros, los asociados con el comportamiento y los relacionados con los derivados fraccionarios. El análisis paramétrico de estos modelos requiere técnicas numéricas eficientemente capaces de simular comportamientos complejos. El método de la Descomposición Propia Generalizada (PGD) es el candidato perfecto para la construcción de este tipo de soluciones paramétricas. Podemos calcular off-line la solución paramétrica para el depósito de suelo, para todos los parámetros del modelo, tan pronto como tales soluciones paramétricas están disponibles, el problema puede ser resuelto en tiempo real, porque no se necesita ningún nuevo cálculo, el solucionador sólo necesita particularizar on-line la solución paramétrica calculada off-line, que aliviará significativamente el procedimiento de solución. En el marco de la PGD, parámetros de los materiales y los diferentes poderes de derivación podrían introducirse como extra-coordenadas en el procedimiento de solución. El cálculo fraccional y el nuevo método de reducción modelo llamado Descomposición Propia Generalizada han sido aplicado en esta tesis tanto al análisis lineal como al análisis no lineal de la respuesta del suelo utilizando un método lineal equivalente. ABSTRACT Studies of earthquakes over the last 50 years and the examination of dynamic soil behavior reveal that soil behavior is highly nonlinear and hysteretic even at small strains. Nonlinear behavior of soils during a seismic event has a predominant role in current site response analysis. One-dimensional seismic ground response analysis are often performed using equivalent-linear procedures, which require few, generally well-known parameters. Nonlinear analyses have the potential to more accurately simulate soil behavior, but their implementation in practice has been limited because of poorly documented and unclear parameter selection, as well as inadequate documentation of the benefits of nonlinear modeling relative to equivalent linear modeling. In soil analysis, soil behaviour is approximated as a Kelvin-Voigt solid with a elastic shear modulus and viscous damping. In linear and nonlinear analysis more complex geometries and more complex rheological models are being considered. The first is being addressed by considering richer parametrizations of the linearized behavior and the second by using multi-mode spring-dashpot elements with eventual fractional damping. The use of fractional calculus is motivated in large part by the fact that fewer parameters are required to achieve accurate approximation of experimental data. Based in Kelvin-Voigt model the viscoelastodynamics is revisited from its most standard formulation to some more advanced description involving frequency-dependent damping (or viscosity), analyzing the effects of considering fractional derivatives for representing such viscous contributions. We will prove that such a choice results in richer models that can accommodate different constraints related to the dissipated power, response amplitude and phase angle. Moreover, the use of fractional derivatives allows to accommodate in parallel, within a generalized Kelvin-Voigt analog, many dashpots that contribute to increase the modeling flexibility for describing experimental findings. Obviously these rich models involve many parameters, the ones associated with the behavior and the ones related to the fractional derivatives. The parametric analysis of all these models require efficient numerical techniques able to simulate complex behaviors. The Proper Generalized Decomposition (PGD) is the perfect candidate for producing such kind of parametric solutions. We can compute off-line the parametric solution for the soil deposit, for all parameter of the model, as soon as such parametric solutions are available, the problem can be solved in real time because no new calculation is needed, the solver only needs particularize on-line the parametric solution calculated off-line, which will alleviate significantly the solution procedure. Within the PGD framework material parameters and the different derivation powers could be introduced as extra-coordinates in the solution procedure. Fractional calculus and the new model reduction method called Proper Generalized Decomposition has been applied in this thesis to the linear analysis and nonlinear soil response analysis using a equivalent linear method.


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Nowadays robots have made their way into real applications that were prohibitive and unthinkable thirty years ago. This is mainly due to the increase in power computations and the evolution in the theoretical field of robotics and control. Even though there is plenty of information in the current literature on this topics, it is not easy to find clear concepts of how to proceed in order to design and implement a controller for a robot. In general, the design of a controller requires of a complete understanding and knowledge of the system to be controlled. Therefore, for advanced control techniques the systems must be first identified. Once again this particular objective is cumbersome and is never straight forward requiring of great expertise and some criteria must be adopted. On the other hand, the particular problem of designing a controller is even more complex when dealing with Parallel Manipulators (PM), since their closed-loop structures give rise to a highly nonlinear system. Under this basis the current work is developed, which intends to resume and gather all the concepts and experiences involve for the control of an Hydraulic Parallel Manipulator. The main objective of this thesis is to provide a guide remarking all the steps involve in the designing of advanced control technique for PMs. The analysis of the PM under study is minced up to the core of the mechanism: the hydraulic actuators. The actuators are modeled and experimental identified. Additionally, some consideration regarding traditional PID controllers are presented and an adaptive controller is finally implemented. From a macro perspective the kinematic and dynamic model of the PM are presented. Based on the model of the system and extending the adaptive controller of the actuator, a control strategy for the PM is developed and its performance is analyzed with simulation.


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As has been shown in the literature, an interface between two dielectric materials, one of which has an intensity-dependent refractive index is capable of exhibing a wide range of complex and potentially useful optical phenomena.