5 resultados para Health sector
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
The important developments in technology in all areas of human life have generated high expectations and hopes with regard to the health sector. Science and technology have favored the development of incredible therapeutic treatments to help resolve numerous problems relating to illness and disability. Nonetheless, many developments in the therapeutic realm have given rise to discussions over the possibility of whether this same scientific and technological progress could be beneficial even for those who may not be sick. One may ask: why not apply the same knowledge and technology used for treatment of illness for conditions where therapy is not necessary, but there is a desire to care for, improve and enhance human person? These new horizons offered by biomedical technologies undoubtedly express a deep desire of every person for health, happiness, and a long life. In order to offer a response to these questions, current biomedical technologies and those in development offer a wide range of possibilities. Therefore, in this investigation we attempt to identify and define four areas of non-therapeutic treatment: illness prevention, health promotion, improving human nature, and human enhancement. These four areas, which do not directly regard illness, give rise to a series of questions, which range from those regarding the meaning of health and illness to those concerning anthropological questions, such as situations and conditions that must be taken into account so human dignity is respected. The treatment, improvement and enhancement of the human being imply clarifying in scientific and technological terms the truth and meaning of the human person as such. This research identifies and looks at the relationship between the four anthropological cornerstones which non-therapeutic biomedical technologies should be based upon so as not to impact or violate the dignity of the human person. This research presents the anthropological boundaries which non-therapeutic biomedical technologies should take into consideration so as not to alter or violate the dignity of the human person. At the same time, the research proposes an anthropological foundation on which to build a code of ethics for non-therapeutic biomedical technologies. El gran desarrollo de las tecnologías en todos los ámbitos de la vida del hombre ha generado una gran expectativa y esperanza en lo que se refiere a la salud. Ciencia y técnica están aportando grandes beneficios en materia terapéutica, ayudando a resolver muchos problemas concernientes a la enfermedad y a la discapacidad. Pero este desarrollo que se ha producido en el ámbito terapéutico nos conduce a la formulación de preguntas sobre las posibilidades que esos avances técnico-científicos pueden aportar en beneficio del hombre, cuando no se encuentra enfermo: ¿por qué no pueden aplicarse los conocimientos y tecnologías usados en terapia a un ámbito diferente, no terapéutico, con el fin de mantener, mejorar o incluso potenciar al hombre? Ciertamente los nuevos horizontes que abren las Tecnologías Biomédicas encuentran repercusión en el deseo de bienestar, de felicidad e incluso de prolongación de la vida presente en todos los hombres. Para responder a esta pregunta las Tecnologías Biomédicas han desarrollado y están desarrollando una gama muy amplia de posibilidades. En este trabajo intentamos organizar en cuatro áreas los conceptos de los tratamientos no-terapéuticos: prevención de la enfermedad, promoción de la salud, mejoramiento de la naturaleza humana y potenciación del hombre. Estas cuatro áreas, que no se refieren directamente a la enfermedad, generan una serie de interrogantes que van desde las preguntas sobre el significado de salud y enfermedad, hasta las cuestiones antropológicas relativas a la posibilidad y las condiciones que se han de dar para que tales acciones respeten la dignidad humana. Cuidar, mejorar y potenciar al hombre implica que los objetivos de la ciencia y de la técnica mantengan siempre claros los valores y la realidad del hombre en cuanto tal. ... Este Trabajo de Investigación presenta los límites antropológicos dentro de los cuales deben moverse las Tecnologías Biomédicas no-terapéuticas para no alterar el ser ni menoscabar la dignidad del hombre. Y ofrece los fundamentos antropológicos sobre los cuales se pueda construir un código ético y deontológico para las Tecnologías Biomédicas no-terapéuticas.
Diversos estudios consideran que las claves para el desarrollo técnico, social y económico de los países en desarrollo, y en especial en África, son la educación, la investigación y la innovación. No obstante, en el ámbito sanitario en particular, la formación e investigación en África sigue siendo escasa por diversos motivos. Por un lado, los investigadores africanos encuentran dificultades añadidas para obtener financiación frente a investigadores en países de desarrollo. Y, por otro lado, los investigadores no disponen de las herramientas y tecnologías adecuadas para acceder a información relevante para su trabajo. En este contexto, el proyecto AFRICA BUILD tiene como principal objetivo mejorar y fomentar la investigación y educación sanitaria en África a través de las nuevas tecnologías. Uno de los resultados principales de este proyecto es el AFRICA BUILD Portal (ABP), que pretende ser un punto de encuentro para los investigadores africanos, donde podrán encontrar un amplio abanico de herramientas que les permita no sólo mejorar su educación, sino compartir conocimientos con otros investigadores. Este portal, que está actualmente en desarrollo, pretende fomentar la comunicación entre instituciones africanas y les proveerá herramientas biomédicas avanzadas. En este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se han marcado como principal objetivo la mejora del sistema de e-learning que existía en el ABP. El nuevo sistema será: (i) más potente, óptimo y rico en funcionalidades, (ii) tendrá una importante base social permitiendo a los usuarios aportar información y compartir conocimiento, y (iii) será distribuido y escalable, capaz de integrar distintos gestores de contenidos didácticos como fuentes de información. Los resultados obtenidos son positivos y el nuevo sistema de aprendizaje ha mejorado la usabilidad, funcionalidad y apariencia del anterior. Para concluir, la herramienta posee aún un gran margen de mejora, pero gracias al trabajo realizado el sistema de e-learning es ahora más social, distribuido, escalable e innovador. ---ABSTRACT---Several studies find that the keys to the technical, social and economic development of developing countries, especially in Africa, are education, research and innovation. However, in the health sector in particular, training and research in Africa remains low for various reasons. On the one hand, African researchers experience additional difficulties for funding against researchers in developing countries. And on the other hand, researchers do not have the right tools and technologies to access information relevant to their work. In this context, the AFRICA BUILD project's main objective is to improve and enhance research and health education in Africa through new technologies. One of the main results of this project is the AFRICA BUILD Portal (ABP), which aims to be a meeting point for African researchers, where they can find a wide range of tools that allows them to not only improve their education but to share knowledge with other researchers. This portal, which is currently under development, aims to promote communication between African institutions and will provide advanced biomedical tools. The main objective of this Final Year Project is the improvement of the former elearning system that already existed in the ABP. The new system will be: (i) more powerful, richer in features, (ii) will have an important social base allowing users to contribute information and knowledge sharing; and (iii) will be distributed and scalable, capable of integrating different learning management systems as sources of information. The final results obtained are fairly positive and the new e-learning system has improved its usability, functionality and appearance of the former. To conclude, the tool still has much room for improvement, but thanks to the new features of the improved elearning system has become more social, distributed, scalable and innovative.
The graphical user interface (GUI) are all graphic elements that help to communicate with a system. The design of a GUI allow to land the central idea of a draft information technology. Today technology has become one of the largest and most useful tools to automate and facilitate processes for that reason fit into any kind of productive sectors, for example, in the health sector. The CAD systems (Systems Computer Aided Diagnosis) are the type of technology used in the health sector, in order to automate online modular learning environment with a fast placed in service. In the present paper the use of a Learning Management Systems (LMS) as continuous education tool is proposed.
The figure of the coordinator in health and safety issues in the construction sector first appeared in our legislation through the incorporation of the European Directives (in our case Royal Decree 1627/97 on the minimum health and safety regulations in construction works), and is viewed differently in different countries of the European Union regarding the way they are hired and their role in the construction industry. Coordinating health and safety issues is also a management process that requires certain competencies that are not only based on technical or professional training, but which, taking account of the work environment, require the use of strategies and tools that are related to experience and personal skills. Through a piece of research that took account of expert opinions in the matter, we have found which competencies need to be possessed by the health and safety coordinator in order to improve the safety in the works they are coordinating. The conclusions of the analyses performed using the appropriate statistical methods (comparing means and multivariate analysis techniques), will enable training programmes to be designed and ensure that the health and safety coordinators selected have the competencies required to carry out their duties.
The figure of the coordinator in health and safety issues in the construction sector first appeared in our legislation through the incorporation of the European Directives (in our case Royal Decree 1627/97 on the minimum health and safety regulations in construction works), and is viewed differently in different countries of the European Union regarding the way they are hired and their role in the construction industry. Coordinating health and safety issues is also a management process that requires certain competencies that are not only based on technical or professional training, but which, taking account of the work environment, require the use of strategies and tools that are related to experience and personal skills. Through a piece of research that took account of expert opinions in the matter, we have found which competencies need to be possessed by the health and safety coordinator in order to improve the safety in the works they are coordinating. The conclusions of the analyses performed using the appropriate statistical methods (comparing means and multivariate analysis techniques), will enable training programmes to be designed and ensure that the health and safety coordinators selected have the competencies required to carry out their duties.