2 resultados para HDE URG PED
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
En robótica móvil existen diferentes dispositivos que permiten percibir la configuración del entorno. Pueden utilizarse alternativas de gran alcance como por ejemplo los ultrasonidos, pero que tienen la desventaja de consumir un tiempo elevado en la realización de las medidas. En corta distancia destacan los sensores basados en la emisión de luz infrarroja, que responden a muy alta velocidad pero tienen muy poco alcance. La obtención de fotografia, en incluso video, por medio de camaras, permite obtener mucha información del entorno, pero exige un procesado normalmente muy elaborado. Los “Laser Range Finder” son dispositivos basados en la emisión de un haz laser que responden a muy alta velocidad en el entorno de unos cuantos metros alrededor del robot móvil, lo que los hacen especialmente adecuados para un uso continuo que permita obtener de forma rapida un mapa de los obstaculos mas próximos. En el presente proyecto se va a realizar un ejercicio de medida con el laser range finder URG-04LX-UG01 para confirmar su utilidad en el ambito de la robótica móvil. ABSTRACT In mobile robotics there are different devices that allow sense the environment configuration. Powerful alternatives may be used as e.g. ultrasounds, but they have the disadvantage of consuming a large time to perform measurements. In short range highlights the infrared light based sensors, that responds at very high speed but have very low range. The photography obtaining, even video, by cameras, allow acquire many environmental information but normally require a very elaborate processing. The Laser Range Finder are devices based on laser beam broadcasting that respond a very high speed in the vicinity of a few meters around the mobile robot, which make them especially suitable for the continuous use, that allows fast obtain of the nearests obstacles map. In this project we are going to do an measurement exercise with laser range finder URG-04LX-UG01 to confirm its utility in mobile robotics scope.
The main problem of pedestrian dead-reckoning (PDR) using only a body-attached inertial measurement unit is the accumulation of heading errors. The heading provided by magnetometers in indoor buildings is in general not reliable and therefore it is commonly not used. Recently, a new method was proposed called heuristic drift elimination (HDE) that minimises the heading error when navigating in buildings. It assumes that the majority of buildings have their corridors parallel to each other, or they intersect at right angles, and consequently most of the time the person walks along a straight path with a heading constrained to one of the four possible directions. In this article we study the performance of HDE-based methods in complex buildings, i.e. with pathways also oriented at 45°, long curved corridors, and wide areas where non-oriented motion is possible. We explain how the performance of the original HDE method can be deteriorated in complex buildings, and also, how severe errors can appear in the case of false matches with the building's dominant directions. Although magnetic compassing indoors has a chaotic behaviour, in this article we analyse large data-sets in order to study the potential use that magnetic compassing has to estimate the absolute yaw angle of a walking person. Apart from these analysis, this article also proposes an improved HDE method called Magnetically-aided Improved Heuristic Drift Elimination (MiHDE), that is implemented over a PDR framework that uses foot-mounted inertial navigation with an extended Kalman filter (EKF). The EKF is fed with the MiHDE-estimated orientation error, gyro bias corrections, as well as the confidence over that corrections. We experimentally evaluated the performance of the proposed MiHDE-based PDR method, comparing it with the original HDE implementation. Results show that both methods perform very well in ideal orthogonal narrow-corridor buildings, and MiHDE outperforms HDE for non-ideal trajectories (e.g. curved paths) and also makes it robust against potential false dominant direction matchings.