86 resultados para Guzmán de Alfarache

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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El baño de Doña Leonor de Guzmán en el palacio de Tordesillas


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El proyecto ''Atlas y Libro Rojo de la Flora Vascular Amenazada de España" (proyecto AFA) se ha desarrollado a iniciativa del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, en el que han participado de forma coordinada más de 200 personas organizadas en una treintena de equipos de trabajo procedentes de universidades, centros de investigación y otras instituciones vinculadas a la conservación de plantas. Su objetivo principal es el inventariado basado en la cartografía, censo y catalogación de la flora vascular amenazada española. Este proyecto se encuentra enmarcado dentro en un extenso programa nacional de caracterización de la biodiversidad, denominado Inventario Nacional de Biodiversidad, que tiene como finalidad la creación y el mantenimiento a largo plazo de un inventario de la biodiversidad española, organizado en una serie de Atlas estructurados por grupos taxonómicos (http://www.mma.es/portal! secciones/biodiversidad / inventarios / inb/) . En el caso de la flora vascular, un total de 466 especies prioritarias, en su mayoría pertenecientes a las categorías "en peligro crítico" (CR) y "en peligro" (EN) se encuentran informatizadas en una base de datos del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, I cuyos campos describen su corología en cuadrículas de 500 x 500 m, el tamaño de cada una de sus poblaciones, los factores de amenaza, el grado de protección territorial, las actuaciones emprendidas y las propuestas futuras de conservación. Una síntesis de dicha información fue publicada en 2003 (reeditada en 2004 y 2007) bajo el título ''Atlas y Libro Rojo de la Flora Vascular Amenazada de España" (Bañares el al., 2004). En un proceso continuo de ampliación se han sumado al proyecto otras series de 35 y 53 especies (mayoritariamente "vulnerables", VU), publicadas como adendas al Atlas y Libro Rojo en años sucesivos (Bañares el al., 2007, 2009). En el inicio de las labores organizativas del proyecto AFA, y con antelación a los trabajos de campo, se constituyó un grupo de trabajo con el objetivo de preparar un manual metodológico de obtención de datos aplicable a todos los taxones de flora vascular considerados y en todo el territorio. Este manual de metodología, que fue presentado a los equipos de trabajo en una reunión técnica celebrada en Miraflores de la Sierra (Madrid) en febrero de 2001 y que se publica con la presente edición, recopila las pautas dadas a los equipos de trabajo que participaron en la obtención de los datos de campo. Con la publicación de este Manual de Metodología aplicado en la ejecución del proyecto AFA se intenta lograr un doble objetivo: por un lado, divulgar la metodología empleada a un público más amplio al objeto de que pueda servir de base para la ejecución de otros estudios de la misma naturaleza en éste u otros entornos geográficos; en segundo lugar, dar máxima difusión a esta información para facilitar la posibilidad de que, en un futuro, cuando se emprendan acciones de naturaleza semejante sobre las plantas vasculares amenazadas de España, resulte posible comparar los resultados obtenidos en tal estudio con los publicados en el Atlas y Libro Rojo de la Flora Vascular Amenazada de España. La experiencia adquirida tras la aplicación de esta metodología a los más de 500 taxones estudiados durante estos años, más una serie de avances, fundamentalmente el acceso a ciertas herramientas como los Sistemas Globales de Navegación por Satélite (GNSS) (p.ej. GPS), los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG), la fotografía digital y también el desarrollo de ciertas bases de datos fácilmente consultables, nos ha permitido ahora incluir un apartado adicional que recopila nuevas recomendaciones metodológicas a incorporar en futuros estudios de esta naturaleza.


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Mining in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB), the biggest VMS metallogenetic province known in the world to date, has to face a deep crisis in spite of the huge reserves still known after ≈5 000 years of production. This is due to several factors, as the difficult processing of complex Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag- Au ores, the exhaustion of the oxidation zone orebodies (the richest for gold, in gossan), the scarce demand for sulphuric acid in the world market, and harder environmental regulations. Of these factors, only the first and the last mentioned can be addressed by local ore geologists. A reactivation of mining can therefore only be achieved by an improved and more efficient ore processing, under the constraint of strict environmental controls. Digital image analysis of the ores, coupled to reflected light microscopy, provides a quantified and reliable mineralogical and textural characterization of the ores. The automation of the procedure for the first time furnishes the process engineers with real-time information, to improve the process and to preclude or control pollution; it can be applied to metallurgical tailings as well. This is shown by some examples of the IPB.


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Low optical degradation in GaInAsN(Sb)/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) p–i–n structures emitting up to 1.55 μm is presented in this paper. We obtain emission at different energies by means of varying N content from 1 to 4%. The samples show a low photoluminescence (PL) intensity degradation of only 1 order of magnitude when they are compared with pure InGaAs QD structures, even for an emission wavelength as large as 1.55 μm. The optimization studies of these structures for emission at 1.55 μm are reported in this work. High surface density and homogeneity in the QD layers are achieved for 50% In content by rapid decrease in the growth temperature after the formation of the nanostructures. Besides, the effect of N and Sb incorporation in the redshift and PL intensity of the samples is studied by post-growth rapid thermal annealing treatments. As a general conclusion, we observe that the addition of Sb to QD with low N mole fraction is more efficient to reach 1.55 μm and high PL intensity than using high N incorporation in the QD. Also, the growth temperature is determined to be an important parameter to obtain good emission characteristics. Finally, we report room temperature PL emission of InGaAsN(Sb)/GaAs at 1.4 μm.


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In this paper, we show room temperature operation of a quantum well infrared photodetector (QWIP) using lateral conduction through ohmic contacts deposited at both sides of two n-doped quantum wells. To reduce the dark current due to direct conduction in the wells, we apply an electric field between the quantum wells and two pinch-off Schottky gates, in a fashion similar to a field effect device. Since the normal incidence absorption is strongly reduced in intersubband transitions in quantum wells, we first analyze the response of a detector based on quantum dots (QD). This QD device shows photocurrent signal up to 150 K when it is processed in conventional vertical detector. However, it is possible to observe room temperature signal when it is processed in a lateral structure. Finally, the room temperature photoresponse of the QWIP is demonstrated, and compared with theory. An excellent agreement between the estimated and measured characteristics of the device is found


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The processes of adsorption of grafted copolymers onto negatively charged surfaces were studied using a dissipative quartz crystal microbalance (D-QCM) and ellipsometry. The control parameters in the study of the adsorption are the existence or absence on the molecular architecture of grafted polyethyleneglycol (PEG) chains with different lengths and the chemical nature of the main chain, poly(allylamine) (PAH) or poly(L-lysine) (PLL). It was found out that the adsorption kinetics of the polymers showed a complex behavior. The total adsorbed amount depends on the architecture of the polymer chains (length of the PEG chains), on the polymer concentration and on the chemical nature of the main chain. The comparison of the thicknesses of the adsorbed layers obtained from D-QCM and from ellipsometry allowed calculation of the water content of the layers that is intimately related to the grafting length. The analysis of D-QCM results also provides information about the shear modulus of the layers, whose values have been found to be typical of a rubber-like polymer system. It is shown that the adsorption of polymers with a charged backbone is not driven exclusively by the electrostatic interactions, but the entropic contributions as a result of the trapping of water in the layer structure are of fundamental importance.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es contribuir a la valorización del residuo de caucho sintético que proviene de coquillas aislantes de tuberías, estudiando su comportamiento formando parte del material compuesto escayola-caucho. Para ello se ha elaborado un plan experimental que permite evaluar su idoneidad como material de construcción, caracterizando el nuevo compuesto desde el punto de vista físico-mecánico; peso desecado, dureza Shore C, resistencia a flexión y resistencia a compresión. Se han estudiado cuatro granulometrías de residuo de caucho, 1-2 mm, 2-4 mm, 4-6 mm y 20-25 mm y distintos porcentajes de incorporación a la escayola, 1,25%; 2,50%; 5,00% y 7,50%, con una relación de agua/escayola de 0,76. Los resultados de los ensayos muestran que a pesar de que las resistencias mecánicas disminuyen con la incorporación del caucho, se obtiene un material de baja densidad, existiendo buena compatibilidad entre el residuo de caucho y la matriz de escayola, distribuyéndose los granos de caucho uniformemente en las probetas.


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The endemic Canary Island pine (Pinus canariensis) has an effective strategy to counteract fire disturbance in the short term. It has a mixed strategy that combines the presence of serotinous cones and thick barks with the ability to re-sprout from the trunk after a fire, a rare trait in pine species. High frequency of fires in the Canary Islands is related to human action, as natural fires by lightning or vulcan activity have very low frequency; hence, the how and whys of the presence of serotinous cones in the species is still a topic of debate. Previous studies showed that the frequency of serotinous cones varies from stand to stand. Here, we analyzed the presence of serotinous cones at a local scale. We selected a Canary Island pine stand in the transition zone between dry and humid forests in the south of Tenerife. Branches were pruned from 20 trees in order to evaluate the presence of serotinous vs. non-serotinous cones by direct verticile counting on the branches. The opening temperature of serotinous cones was assessed in the laboratory. Percentages of serotinous vs. non-serotinous cones varied from 0 to 93 %, showing high variability between trees. Opening temperatures were very high (above 65 ºC) as compared to other Mediterranean pine species with serotinous cones


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The development of high efficiency laser diodes (LD) and light emitting diodes (LED) covering the 1.0 to 1.55 μm region of the spectra using GaAs heteroepitaxy has been long pursued. Due to the lack of materials that can be grown lattice-macthed to GaAs with bandgaps in the 1.0 to 1.55 μm region, quantum wells (QW) or quantum dots (QD) need be used. The most successful approach with QWs has been to use InGaAs, but one needs to add another element, such as N, to be able to reach 1.3/1.5μm. Even though LDs have been successfully demonstrated with the QW approach, using N leads to problems with compositional homogeneity across the wafer, and limited efficiency due to strong non-radiative recombination. The alternative approach of using InAs QDs is an attractive option, but once again, to reach the longest wavelengths one needs very large QDs and control over the size distribution and band alignment. In this work we demonstrate InAs/GaAsSb QDLEDs with high efficiencies, emitting from 1.1 to 1.52 μm, and we analyze the band alignment and carrier loss mechanisms that result from the presence of Sb in the capping layer.


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Self-organized InGaAs QDs are intensively studied for optoelectronic applications. Several approaches are in study to reach the emission wavelengths needed for these applications. The use of antimony (Sb) in either the capping layer or into the dots is one example. However, these studies are normally focused on buried QD (BQD) where there are still different controversial theories concerning the role of Sb. Ones suggest that Sb incorporates into the dot [1], while others support the hypothesis that the Sb occupies positions surrounding the dot [2] thus helping to keep their shape during the capping growth.


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Self-assembled InGaAs quantum dots show unique physical properties such as three dimensional confinement, high size homogeneity, high density and low number of dislocations. They have been extensively used in the active regions of laser devices for optical communications applications [1]. Therefore, buried quantum dots (BQDs) embedded in wider band gap materials have been normally studied. The wave confinement in all directions and the stress field around the dot affect both optical and electrical properties [2, 3]. However, surface quantum dots (SQDs) are less affected by stress, although their optical and electrical characteristics have a strong dependence on surface fluctuation. Thus, they can play an important role in sensor applications


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The optical and structural properties of InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QD) are strongly modified through the use of a thin (~ 5 nm) GaAsSb(N) capping layer. In the case of GaAsSb-capped QDs, cross-sectional scanning tunnelling microscopy measurements show that the QD height can be controllably tuned through the Sb content up to ~ 14 % Sb. The increased QD height (together with the reduced strain) gives rise to a strong red shift and a large enhancement of the photoluminescence (PL) characteristics. This is due to improved carrier confinement and reduced sensitivity of the excitonic bandgap to QD size fluctuations within the ensemble. Moreover, the PL degradation with temperature is strongly reduced in the presence of Sb. Despite this, emission in the 1.5 !lm region with these structures is only achieved for high Sb contents and a type-II band alignment that degrades the PL. Adding small amounts of N to the GaAsSb capping layer allows to progressively reduce the QD-barrier conduction band offset. This different strategy to red shift the PL allows reaching 1.5 !lm with moderate Sb contents, keeping therefore a type-I alignment. Nevertheless, the PL emission is progressively degraded when the N content in the capping layer is increased


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Quantum dot infrared photodetectors (QDIPs) are very attractive for infrared imaging applications due to its promising features such as high temperature operation, normal incidence response and low dark current [1]. However, the key issue is to obtain a high quality active region which requires a structural optimization of the nanostructures. With using GaAsSb capping layer, the optical properties, such as the PL intensity and its full width at half maximum (FWHM), of InAs QDs have been improved in the range between 1.15 and 1.5 m, because of the reduction of the compressive strain in QDs and the increment of QD height [2]. In this work, we have demonstrated strong and narrow intraband photoresponse spectra from GaAsSb-capped InAs-based QDIPs


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Quantum dot infrared photodetectors (QDIPs) are very attractive for many applications such as infrared imaging, remote sensing and gas sensing, thanks to its promising features such as high temperature operation, normal incidence response and low dark current [1]. However, the key issue is to obtain a high-quality active region which requires an optimization of the nanostructure. By using GaAsSb capping layer, InAs QDs have improved their optical emission in the range between 1.15 and 1.3 m (at Sb composition of 14 %), due to a reduction of a compressive strain in QD and an increment of a QD height [2]. In this work, we have demonstrated strong and narrow intraband photoresponses at ~ 5 m from GaAsSb-capped InAs/GaAs QDIPs under normal light-incidence.


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Diluted nitride self-assembled In(Ga)AsN quantum dots (QDs) grown on GaAs substrates are potential candidates to emit in the windows of maximum transmittance for optical fibres (1.3-1.55 μm). In this paper, we analyse the effect of nitrogen addition on the indium desorption occurring during the capping process of InxGa1−xAs QDs (x = l and 0.7). The samples have been grown by molecular beam epitaxy and studied through transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and photoluminescence techniques. The composition distribution inside the dots was determined by statistical moiré analysis and measured by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. First, the addition of nitrogen in In(Ga)As QDs gave rise to a strong redshift in the emission peak, together with a large loss of intensity and monochromaticity. Moreover, these samples showed changes in the QDs morphology as well as an increase in the density of defects. The statistical compositional analysis displayed a normal distribution in InAs QDs with an average In content of 0.7. Nevertheless, the addition of Ga and/or N leads to a bimodal distribution of the Indium content with two separated QD populations. We suggest that the nitrogen incorporation enhances the indium fixation inside the QDs where the indium/gallium ratio plays an important role in this process. The strong redshift observed in the PL should be explained not only by the N incorporation but also by the higher In content inside the QDs