16 resultados para Germplasm, Hordeum, Microsatellite, SSR
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Brachypodium distachyon (2n = 2x = 10) is a small annual grass species where the existence of three different cytotypes (10, 20 and 30 chromosomes) has long been regarded as a case of autopolyploid series, with x = 5. However, it has been demonstrated that the cytotypes assumed to be polyploids represent two separate Brachypodium species recently named as B. stacei (2n = 2x = 20) and B. hybridum (2n = 4x = 30). The aim of this study was to find a PCR-based alternative approach that could replace standard cytotyping methods (i. e., chromosome counting and flow cytometry) to characterize each of the three Brachypodium species. We have analyzed with four microsatellite (SSR) markers eighty-three Brachypodium distachyon-type lines from varied locations in Spain, including the Balearic and Canary Islands. Within this set of lines, 64, 4 and 15 had 10, 20 and 30 chromosomes, respectively. The surveyed markers produced cytotype-specific SSR profiles. So, a single amplification product was generated in the diploid samples, with non-overlapping allelic ranges between the 2n = 10 and 2n = 20 cytotypes, whereas two bands, one in the size range of each of the diploid cytotypes, were amplified in the 2n = 30 lines. Furthermore, the remarkable size difference obtained with the SSR ALB165 allowed the identification of the Brachypodium species by simple agarose gel electrophoresis.
In recent decays university class small satellites are creating many opportunities for space research and professional trainings while at the same time responding to constrained budgets. In this work the main focus is on developing a simple and rapid structural sizing tool considering the main objectives of a low cost university class microsatellite project. In satellite projects, structure subsystem is one of the influential subsystems as a driver of the cost and acceptance of the final design. At the first steps of such projects there is no confirmed data regarding the launch vehicle or even in some cases there is no data for the satellite payload. Due to these facts, developing simple sizing tools at conceptual design phase for obtaining an over view of the effect of different variables is useful before entering complex calculations in detailed design phases. In this study, after developing a simple analytical model of satellite structure subsystem, a design space is evaluated with practical boundaries considering mass and dimensions constraints of such projects. The results are useful to give initial insight to establish the system level structural sizing
This study uses PCR-derived marker systems to investigate the extent and distribution of genetic variability of 53 Garnacha accessions coming from Italy, France and Spain. The samples studied include 28 Italian accessions (named Tocai rosso in Vicenza area; Alicante in Sicily and Elba island; Gamay perugino in Perugia province; Cannonau in Sardinia), 19 Spanish accessions of different types (named Garnacha tinta, Garnacha blanca, Garnacha peluda, Garnacha roja, Garnacha erguida, Garnacha roya) and 6 French accessions (named Grenache and Grenache noir). In order to verify the varietal identity of the samples, analyses based on 14 simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci were performed. The presence of an additional allele at ISV3 locus (151 bp) was found in four Tocai rosso accessions and in a Sardinian Cannonau clone, that are, incidentally, chimeras. In addition to microsatellite analysis, intravarietal variability study was performed using AFLP, SAMPL and M-AFLP molecular markers. AFLPs could discriminate among several Garnacha samples; SAMPLs allowed distinguishing few genotypes on the basis of their geographic origin, whereas M-AFLPs revealed plant-specific markers, differentiating all accessions. Italian samples showed the greatest variability among themselves, especially on the basis of their different provenance, while Spanish samples were the most similar, in spite of their morphological diversity.
Esta tesis tiene dos objetivos generales: el primero, analizar el uso de protenas del endospermo y SSRs para la racionalizacin de las colecciones de trigo, y el segundo, estudiar la influencia de las protenas del endospermo, del ao de cultivo y del abonado nitrogenado en la calidad en un grupo de variedades locales espaolas. Dentro del primer objetivo, se estudi la diversidad gentica de la coleccin de Triticum monococcum L. (escaa menor), y de una muestra de la coleccin de Triticum turgidum L. (trigo duro) del CRF-INIA, con 2 y 6 loci de gliadinas, y 6 y 24 SSRs, para la escaa menor y el trigo duro, respectivamente. Ambas colecciones presentaron una gran diversidad gentica, con una gran diferenciacin entre las variedades y pequea dentro de ellas. Los loci de gliadinas mostraron una gran variabilidad, siendo los loci Gli-2 los ms tiles para distinguir variedades. En la escaa menor, las gliadinas presentaron mayor poder de discriminacin que los SSRs; aunque en trigo duro los SSRs identificaron ms genotipos. El nmero de alelos encontrado fue alto; 24 y 38 en gliadinas, y 29 y 203 en SSRs, en escaa menor y trigo duro, respectivamente. En trigo duro, se identificaron 17 alelos nuevos de gliadinas lo que demuestra que el germoplasma espaol es muy singular. En ambas especies, se detectaron asociaciones entre la variacin allica en prolaminas y el origen geogrfico y filogentico de las variedades. La utilidad de las protenas (6 loci de gliadinas, 2 loci de gluteninas y protena total) y de los SSRs (24 loci) para verificar duplicados, y analizar la variabilidad intraaccesin, se estudi en 23 casos de duplicados potenciales de trigo duro. Los resultados indicaron que tanto los biotipos como las accesiones duplicadas mostraban el mismo genotipo en gliadinas, pocas diferencias o ninguna en las subunidades de gluteninas HMW y protena total, y diferencias en menos de tres loci de SSRs. El mismo resultado se obtuvo para los biotipos de la coleccin de T. monococcum. Sin embargo, las discrepancias observadas en algunos casos entre protenas y SSRs demostraron la utilidad del uso conjunto de ambos tipos de marcadores. Tanto las protenas como los SSRs mostraron gran concordancia con los caracteres agro-morfolgicos, especialmente cuando las diferencias entre los genotipos eran grandes. Sin embargo, los caracteres agro-morfolgicos fueron menos discriminantes que los marcadores moleculares. Para el segundo objetivo de la tesis, se analiz la variacin allica en siete loci de prolaminas relacionados con la calidad en trigo duro: Glu-A1 y Glu-B1 de gluteninas HMW, Glu-A3, Glu-B3 y Glu-B2 de gluteninas B-LMW, y Gli-A1 y Gli-B1 de gliadinas. La submuestra analizada inclua variedades locales de todas las provincias espaolas donde se ha cultivado tradicionalmente el trigo duro. Todos los loci, excepto el Glu-B2, mostraron gran variabilidad gentica, siendo los Glu-3 los ms polimrficos. En total, se identificaron 65 alelos, de los que 29 eran nuevos, que representan una fuente importante de variabilidad gentica para la mejora de la calidad. Se detectaron diferencias en la composicin en prolaminas entre la convar. turgidum y la zona norte, y la convar. durum y la zona sur; el genotipo Glu-B3new-1 - Gli-B1new-1 fue muy comn en la convar. turgidum, mientras que el Glu-B3a - Gli-B1c, asociado con mejor calidad, fue ms frecuente en la convar. durum. En la convar. turgidum, se observ mayor variabilidad que en la convar. durum, principalmente en los loci Glu-B1 y Glu-B3, lo que indica que esta convariedad puede ser una fuente valiosa de nuevos alelos de gluteninas. Esta submuestra fue evaluada para calidad (contenido en protena, P, y test de sedimentacin, SDSS) con dos dosis de abonado nitrogenado (N), y en dos aos diferentes. No se detectaron interacciones Variedad Ao, ni Variedad N en la calidad. Para la P, los efectos ambientales (ao y N) fueron mayores que el efecto de la variedad, siendo, en general, mayor la P con dosis altas de N. La variedad influy ms en el test SDSS, que no se vio afectado por el ao ni el N. El aumento del contenido en protena no influy significativamente sobre la fuerza del gluten estimada con el SDSS. Respecto a la influencia de las prolaminas en la fuerza del gluten, se confirm la superioridad del Glu-B3a; aunque tambin se detect una influencia alta y positiva de los alelos nuevos Glu-A3new-1, y Glu-B3new-6 y new-9. La no correlacin entre el rendimiento (evaluado en un trabajo anterior) y la P, en las variedades adaptadas a bajo N, permiti seleccionar cuatro variedades locales con alto rendimiento y buena fuerza del gluten para produccin con bajo N. SUMMARY There are two main objectives in this thesis: The first, to analyse the use of endosperm proteins and SSRs to rationalize the wheat collections, and the second, to study the influence on quality of endosperm proteins, year and nitrogen fertilization in a group of Spanish landraces. For the first objective, we studied the genetic diversity of the collection of Triticum monococcum L. (cultivated einkorn), and of a sample of the collection of Triticum turgidum L. (durum wheat) maintained at the CRF-INIA. Two and 6 gliadin loci, and 6 and 24 SSRs, were used for einkorn and durum wheat, respectively. Both collections possessed a high genetic diversity, being the differentiation large between varieties and small within them. Gliadin loci showed great variability, being the loci Gli-2 the most useful for distinguish among varieties. In einkorn, the gliadins showed higher discrimination power than SSRs; although SSRs identified more genotypes in durum wheat. Large number of alleles were found; 24 and 38 in gliadins, and 29 and 203 in SSRs, for einkorn and durum wheat, respectively. In durum wheat, 17 new alleles of gliadins were identified, which indicate that Spanish durum wheat germplasm is rather unique. Some associations between prolamin alleles and geographical and phylogenetic origin of varieties were found in both species. The value of endosperm proteins (6 gliadin loci, 2 glutenin loci and total protein) and SSRs (24 loci) for validation of duplicates, and monitoring the intra-accession variability, was studied in 23 potential duplicates of durum wheat. The results indicated that biotypes and duplicated accessions showed identical gliadin genotype, few or none differences in HMW glutenin subunits and total protein, and less than three different SSR loci. A similar result was obtained for biotypes of T. monococcum. However, the discrepancies in some cases support the convenience to use together both marker systems. A good concordance among endosperm proteins, agro-morphological traits and SSRs were also found, mainly when differences between genotypes were high. However, agro-morphological traits discriminated less between accessions than molecular markers. For the second objective of the thesis, we analysed the allelic variation at seven prolamin loci, involved in durum wheat quality: Glu-A1 and Glu-B1 of HMW glutenin, Glu-A3, Glu-B3 and Glu-B2 of B-LMW glutenin, and Gli-A1 and Gli-B1 of gliadin. The subsample analysed included landraces from all the Spanish provinces where the crop was traditionally cultivated. All the loci, except for Glu-B2, showed high genetic variability, being Glu-3 the most polymorphic. A total of 65 alleles were studied, 29 of them being new, which represent an important source of variability for quality improvement. Differences in prolamin composition were detected between convar. turgidum and the North zone, and the convar. durum and the South zone; the genotype Glu-B3new-1 - Gli-B1new-1 was very common in the convar. turgidum, while the Glu- B3a - Gli-B1c, associated with better quality, was more frequent in the convar. durum. Higher variability was detected in the convar. turgidum than in the convar. durum, mainly at the Glu-B1 and Glu-B3, showing that this convariety could be a valuable source of new glutenin alleles. The subsample was evaluated for quality (protein content, P, and sedimentation test, SDSS) with two doses of nitrogen fertiliser (N), and in two different years. No significant Variety x Year or Variety x Nitrogen interactions were detected. For P, environmental (year and N) effects were higher than variety effect, being P values , in general, larger with high dose of N. The variety exhibited a strong influence on SDSS test, which was not affected by year and N. Increasing values of P did not significantly influence on gluten strength, estimated with the SDSS. Respect to the prolamin effects on gluten strength, the superiority of Glu-B3a was confirmed; although a high positive effect of the new alleles Glu-A3new-1, and Glu-B3new-6 and new-9 was also detected. The no correlation between yield (evaluated in a previous research) and P, in the landraces adapted to low N, allowed to select four landraces with high yield and high gluten strength for low N production.
In recent years, there has been continuing interest in the participation of university research groups in space technology studies by means of their own microsatellites. The involvement in such projects has some inherent challenges, such as limited budget and facilities. Also, due to the fact that the main objective of these projects is for educational purposes, usually there are uncertainties regarding their in orbit mission and scientific payloads at the early phases of the project. On the other hand, there are predetermined limitations for their mass and volume budgets owing to the fact that most of them are launched as an auxiliary payload in which the launch cost is reduced considerably. The satellite structure subsystem is the one which is most affected by the launcher constraints. This can affect different aspects, including dimensions, strength and frequency requirements. In this paper, the main focus is on developing a structural design sizing tool containing not only the primary structures properties as variables but also the system level variables such as payload mass budget and satellite total mass and dimensions. This approach enables the design team to obtain better insight into the design in an extended design envelope. The structural design sizing tool is based on analytical structural design formulas and appropriate assumptions including both static and dynamic models of the satellite. Finally, a Genetic Algorithm (GA) multiobjective optimization is applied to the design space. The result is a Pareto-optimal based on two objectives, minimum satellite total mass and maximum payload mass budget, which gives a useful insight to the design team at the early phases of the design.
The purpose of this research is to explore the extent and significance of possible interacting factors on the viability of stored germplasm. Our work begins with characterizing the kinetics of TAG and water phase changes in peanut (Arachis hypogaea) and Papaya (Carica papaya) seeds equilibrated to different water contents and stored at temperatures between -5 and -80C. Water and TAG phase was measured using a Perkin Elmer Differential Scanning Calorimeter. Cytoplasm ultra-structure was visualized without chemical fixatives using low temperature scanning electron microscopy (cryo-SEM) performed with a Zeiss DSN 960 scanning microscope equipped with a Cryotrans CT-1500 cold plate (Oxford, UK).
En la actualidad, las tcnicas de crioconservacin poseen una importancia creciente para el almacenamiento a largo plazo de germoplasma vegetal. En las dos ltimas dcadas, estos mtodos experimentaron un gran desarrollo y se han elaborado protocolos adecuados a diferentes sistemas vegetales, utilizando diversas estrategias como la vitrificacin, la encapsulacin-desecacin con cuentas de alginato y el mtodo de droplet-vitrificacin. La presente tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo aumentar el conocimiento sobre los procesos implicados en los distintos pasos de un protocolo de crioconservacin, en relacin con el estado del agua presente en los tejidos y sus cambios, abordado mediante diversas tcnicas biofsicas, principalmente calorimetra diferencial de barrido (DSC) y microscopa electrnica de barrido a baja temperatura (crio-SEM). En un primer estudio sobre estos mtodos de crioconservacin, se describen las fases de enfriamiento hasta la temperatura del nitrgeno lquido y de calentamiento hasta temperatura ambiente, al final del periodo de almacenamiento, que son crticas para la supervivencia del material crioconservado. Tanto enfriamiento como calentamiento deben ser realizados lo ms rpidamente posible pues, aunque los bajos contenidos en agua logrados en etapas previas de los protocolos reducen significativamente las probabilidades de formacin de hielo, stas no son del todo nulas. En ese contexto, se analiza tambin la influencia de las velocidades de enfriamiento y calentamiento de las soluciones de crioconservacin de plantas en sus parmetros termofsicos referente a la vitrificacin, en relacin su composicin y concentracin de compuestos. Estas soluciones son empleadas en la mayor parte de los protocolos actualmente utilizados para la crioconservacin de material vegetal. Adems, se estudia la influencia de otros factores que pueden determinar la estabilidad del material vitrificado, tales como en envejecimiento del vidrio. Se ha llevado a cabo una investigacin experimental en el empleo del crio-SEM como una herramienta para visualizar el estado vtreo de las clulas y tejidos sometidos a los procesos de crioconservacin. Se ha comparado con la ms conocida tcnica de calorimetra diferencial de barrido, obtenindose resultados muy concordantes y complementarios. Se explor tambin por estas tcnicas el efecto sobre tejidos vegetales de la adaptacin a bajas temperaturas y de la deshidratacin inducida por los diferentes tratamientos utilizados en los protocolos. Este estudio permite observar la evolucin biofsica de los sistemas en el proceso de crioconservacin. Por ltimo, se estudi la aplicacin de pelculas de quitosano en las cuentas de alginato utilizadas en el protocolo de encapsulacin. No se observaron cambios significativos en su comportamiento frente a la deshidratacin, en sus parmetros calorimtricos y en la superficie de las cuentas. Su aplicacin puede conferir propiedades adicionales prometedoras. ABSTRACT Currently, cryopreservation techniques have a growing importance for long term plant germplasm storage. These methods have undergone great progress during the last two decades, and adequate protocols for different plant systems have been developed, making use of diverse strategies, such as vitrification, encapsulation-dehydration with alginate beads and the dropletvitrification method. This PhD thesis has the goal of increasing the knowledge on the processes underlying the different steps of cryopreservation protocols, in relation with the state of water on tissues and its changes, approached through diverse biophysical techniques, especially differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and low-temperature scanning electron microscopy (cryo-SEM). The processes of cooling to liquid nitrogen temperature and warming to room temperature, at the end of the storage period, critical for the survival of the cryopreserved material, are described in a first study on these cryopreservation methods. Both cooling and warming must be carried out as quickly as possible because, although the low water content achieved during previous protocol steps significantly reduces ice formation probability, it does not completely disappear. Within this context, the influence of plant vitrification solutions cooling and warming rate on their vitrification related thermophysical parameters is also analyzed, in relation to its composition and component concentration. These solutions are used in most of the currently employed plant material cryopreservation protocols. Additionally, the influence of other factors determining the stability of vitrified material is studied, such as glass aging. An experimental research work has been carried out on the use of cryo-SEM as a tool for visualizing the glassy state in cells and tissues, submitted to cryopreservation processes. It has been compared with the better known differential scanning calorimetry technique, and results in good agreement and complementary have been obtained. The effect on plant tissues of adaptation to low temperature and of the dehydration induced by the different treatments used in the protocols was explored also by these techniques. This study allows observation of the system biophysical evolution in the cryopreservation process. Lastly, the potential use of an additional chitosan film over the alginate beads used in encapsulation protocols was examined. No significant changes could be observed in its dehydration and calorimetric behavior, as well as in its surface aspect; its application for conferring additional properties to gel beads is promising.
Spanish wheat (Triticum spp.) landraces have a considerable polymorphism, containing many unique alleles, relative to other collections. The existence of a core collection is a favored approach for breeders to efficiently explore novel variation and enhance the use of germplasm. In this study, the Spanish durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) core collection (CC) was created using a population structurebased method, grouping accessions by subspecies and allocating the number of genotypes among populations according to the diversity of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. The CC of 94 genotypes was established, which accounted for 17% of the accessions in the entire collection. An alternative core collection (CH), with the same number of genotypes per subspecies and maximizing the coverage of SSR alleles, was assembled with the Core Hunter software. The quality of both core collections was compared with a random core collection and evaluated using geographic, agromorphological, and molecular marker data not previously used in the selection of genotypes. Both core collections had a high genetic representativeness, which validated their sampling strategies. Geographic and agromorphological variation, phenotypic correlations, and gliadin alleles of the original collection were more accurately depicted by the CC. Diversity arrays technology (DArT) markers revealed that the CC included genotypes less similar than the CH. Although more SSR alleles were retained by the CH (94%) than by the CC (91%), the results showed that the CC was better than CH for breeding purposes.
The annual grass Brachypodium distachyon has been recently recognized as the model plant for functional genomics of temperate grasses, including cereals of economic relevance like wheat and barley. Sixty-two lines of B. distachyon were assessed for response to drought stress and heat tolerance. All these lines, except the reference genotype BD21, derive from specimens collected in 32 distinct locations of the Iberian Peninsula, covering a wide range of geo- climatic conditions. Sixteen lines of Brachypodium hybridum, an allotetraploid closely related to B. distachyon were used as reference of abiotic-stress well-adapted genotypes. Drought tolerance was assessed in a green-house trial. At the rosette-stage, no irrigation was applied to treated plants whereas their replicates at the control were maintained well watered during all the experiment. Thermographic images of treated and control plants were taken after 2 and 3 weeks of drought treatment, when stressed plants showed medium and extreme wilting symptoms. The mean leaf temperature of stressed (LTs) and control (LTc) plants was estimated based upon thermographic records from selected pixels (183 per image) that strictly correspond to leaf tissue. The response to drought was based on the analysis of two parameters: LTs and the thermal difference (TD) between stressed and control plants (LTs LTc). The response to heat stress was based on LTc. Comparison of the mean values of these parameters showed that: 1) Genotypes better adapted to drought (B. hybridum lines) presented a higher LTs and TD than B. distachyon lines. 2) Under high temperature conditions, watered plants of B. hybridum lines maintained lower LTc than those of B. distachyon. Those results suggest that in these species adaptation to drought is linked to a more efficient stomata regulation: under water stress stomata are closed, increasing foliar temperature but also water use efficiency by reducing transpiration. With high temperature and water availability the results are less definite, but still seems that opening stomata allow plants to increase transpiration and therefore to diminish foliar temperature.
Simulation of satellite subsystems behaviour is extramely important in the design at early stages. The subsystems are normally simulated in the both ways : isolated and as part of more complex simulation that takes into account imputs from other subsystems (concurrent design). In the present work, a simple concurrent simulation of the power subsystem of a microsatellite, UPMSat-2, is described. The aim of the work is to obtain the performance profile of the system (battery charging level, power consumption by the payloads, power supply from solar panels....). Different situations such as battery critical low or high level, effects of high current charging due to the low temperature of solar panels after eclipse,DoD margins..., were analysed, and different safety strategies studied using the developed tool (simulator) to fulfil the mission requirements. Also, failure cases were analysed in order to study the robustness of the system. The mentioned simulator has been programed taking into account the power consumption performances (average and maximum consumptions per orbit/day) of small part of the subsystem (SELEX GALILEO SPVS modular generators built with Azur Space solar cells, SAFT VES16 6P4S Li-ion battery, SSBV magnetometers, TECNOBIT and DATSI/UPM On Board Data Handling -OBDH-...). The developed tool is then intended to be a modular simulator, with the chance of use any other components implementing some standard data.
Esta tesis se ha realizado en el contexto del proyecto UPMSat-2, que es un microsatlite diseado, construido y operado por el Instituto Universitario de Microgravedad "Ignacio Da Riva" (IDR / UPM) de la Universidad Politcnica de Madrid. Aplicacin de la metodologa Ingeniera Concurrente (Concurrent Engineering: CE) en el marco de la aplicacin de diseo multidisciplinar (Multidisciplinary Design Optimization: MDO) es uno de los principales objetivos del presente trabajo. En los ltimos aos, ha habido un inters continuo en la participacin de los grupos de investigacin de las universidades en los estudios de la tecnologa espacial a travs de sus propios microsatlites. La participacin en este tipo de proyectos tiene algunos desafos inherentes, tales como presupuestos y servicios limitados. Adems, debido al hecho de que el objetivo principal de estos proyectos es fundamentalmente educativo, por lo general hay incertidumbres en cuanto a su misin en rbita y cargas tiles en las primeras fases del proyecto. Por otro lado, existen limitaciones predeterminadas para sus presupuestos de masa, volumen y energa, debido al hecho de que la mayora de ellos estn considerados como una carga til auxiliar para el lanzamiento. De este modo, el costo de lanzamiento se reduce considerablemente. En este contexto, el subsistema estructural del satlite es uno de los ms afectados por las restricciones que impone el lanzador. Esto puede afectar a diferentes aspectos, incluyendo las dimensiones, la resistencia y los requisitos de frecuencia. En la primera parte de esta tesis, la atencin se centra en el desarrollo de una herramienta de diseo del subsistema estructural que evala, no slo las propiedades de la estructura primaria como variables, sino tambin algunas variables de nivel de sistema del satlite, como la masa de la carga til y la masa y las dimensiones extremas de satlite. Este enfoque permite que el equipo de diseo obtenga una mejor visin del diseo en un espacio de diseo extendido. La herramienta de diseo estructural se basa en las frmulas y los supuestos apropiados, incluyendo los modelos estticos y dinmicos del satlite. Un algoritmo gentico (Genetic Algorithm: GA) se aplica al espacio de diseo para optimizaciones de objetivo nico y tambin multiobjetivo. El resultado de la optimizacin multiobjetivo es un Pareto-optimal basado en dos objetivo, la masa total de satlites mnimo y el mximo presupuesto de masa de carga til. Por otro lado, la aplicacin de los microsatlites en misiones espaciales es de inters por su menor coste y tiempo de desarrollo. La gran necesidad de las aplicaciones de teledeteccin es un fuerte impulsor de su popularidad en este tipo de misiones espaciales. Las misiones de tele-observacin por satlite son esenciales para la investigacin de los recursos de la tierra y el medio ambiente. En estas misiones existen interrelaciones estrechas entre diferentes requisitos como la altitud orbital, tiempo de revisita, el ciclo de vida y la resolucin. Adems, todos estos requisitos puede afectar a toda las caractersticas de diseo. Durante los ltimos aos la aplicacin de CE en las misiones espaciales ha demostrado una gran ventaja para llegar al diseo ptimo, teniendo en cuenta tanto el rendimiento y el costo del proyecto. Un ejemplo bien conocido de la aplicacin de CE es la CDF (Facilidad Diseo Concurrente) de la ESA (Agencia Espacial Europea). Est claro que para los proyectos de microsatlites universitarios tener o desarrollar una instalacin de este tipo parece estar ms all de las capacidades del proyecto. Sin embargo, la prctica de la CE a cualquier escala puede ser beneficiosa para los microsatlites universitarios tambin. En la segunda parte de esta tesis, la atencin se centra en el desarrollo de una estructura de optimizacin de diseo multidisciplinar (Multidisciplinary Design Optimization: MDO) aplicable a la fase de diseo conceptual de microsatlites de teledeteccin. Este enfoque permite que el equipo de diseo conozca la interaccin entre las diferentes variables de diseo. El esquema MDO presentado no slo incluye variables de nivel de sistema, tales como la masa total del satlite y la potencia total, sino tambin los requisitos de la misin como la resolucin y tiempo de revisita. El proceso de diseo de microsatlites se divide en tres disciplinas; a) diseo de rbita, b) diseo de carga til y c) diseo de plataforma. En primer lugar, se calculan diferentes parmetros de misin para un rango prctico de rbitas helio-sncronas (sun-synchronous orbits: SS-Os). Luego, segn los parmetros orbitales y los datos de un instrumento como referencia, se calcula la masa y la potencia de la carga til. El diseo de la plataforma del satlite se estima a partir de los datos de la masa y potencia de los diferentes subsistemas utilizando relaciones empricas de diseo. El diseo del subsistema de potencia se realiza teniendo en cuenta variables de diseo ms detalladas, como el escenario de la misin y diferentes tipos de clulas solares y bateras. El escenario se selecciona, de modo de obtener una banda de cobertura sobre la superficie terrestre paralelo al Ecuador despus de cada intervalo de revisita. Con el objetivo de evaluar las interrelaciones entre las diferentes variables en el espacio de diseo, todas las disciplinas de diseo mencionados se combinan en un cdigo unificado. Por ltimo, una forma bsica de MDO se ajusta a la herramienta de diseo de sistema de satlite. La optimizacin del diseo se realiza por medio de un GA con el nico objetivo de minimizar la masa total de microsatlite. Segn los resultados obtenidos de la aplicacin del MDO, existen diferentes puntos de diseos ptimos, pero con diferentes variables de misin. Este anlisis demuestra la aplicabilidad de MDO para los estudios de ingeniera de sistema en la fase de diseo conceptual en este tipo de proyectos. La principal conclusin de esta tesis, es que el diseo clsico de los satlites que por lo general comienza con la definicin de la misin y la carga til no es necesariamente la mejor metodologa para todos los proyectos de satlites. Un microsatlite universitario, es un ejemplo de este tipo de proyectos. Por eso, se han desarrollado un conjunto de herramientas de diseo para encarar los estudios de la fase inicial de diseo. Este conjunto de herramientas incluye diferentes disciplinas de diseo centrados en el subsistema estructural y teniendo en cuenta una carga til desconocida a priori. Los resultados demuestran que la mnima masa total del satlite y la mxima masa disponible para una carga til desconocida a priori, son objetivos conflictivos. En este contexto para encontrar un Pareto-optimal se ha aplicado una optimizacin multiobjetivo. Segn los resultados se concluye que la seleccin de la masa total por satlite en el rango de 40-60 kg puede considerarse como ptima para un proyecto de microsatlites universitario con carga til desconocida a priori. Tambin la metodologa CE se ha aplicado al proceso de diseo conceptual de microsatlites de teledeteccin. Los resultados de la aplicacin del CE proporcionan una clara comprensin de la interaccin entre los requisitos de diseo de sistemas de satlites, tales como la masa total del microsatlite y la potencia y los requisitos de la misin como la resolucin y el tiempo de revisita. La aplicacin de MDO se hace con la minimizacin de la masa total de microsatlite. Los resultados de la aplicacin de MDO aclaran la relacin clara entre los diferentes requisitos de diseo del sistema y de misin, as como que permiten seleccionar las lneas de base para el diseo ptimo con el objetivo seleccionado en las primeras fase de diseo. ABSTRACT This thesis is done in the context of UPMSat-2 project, which is a microsatellite under design and manufacturing at the Instituto Universitario de Microgravedad Ignacio Da Riva (IDR/UPM) of the Universidad Politcnica de Madrid. Application of Concurrent Engineering (CE) methodology in the framework of Multidisciplinary Design application (MDO) is one of the main objectives of the present work. In recent years, there has been continuing interest in the participation of university research groups in space technology studies by means of their own microsatellites. The involvement in such projects has some inherent challenges, such as limited budget and facilities. Also, due to the fact that the main objective of these projects is for educational purposes, usually there are uncertainties regarding their in orbit mission and scientific payloads at the early phases of the project. On the other hand, there are predetermined limitations for their mass and volume budgets owing to the fact that most of them are launched as an auxiliary payload in which the launch cost is reduced considerably. The satellite structure subsystem is the one which is most affected by the launcher constraints. This can affect different aspects, including dimensions, strength and frequency requirements. In the first part of this thesis, the main focus is on developing a structural design sizing tool containing not only the primary structures properties as variables but also the satellite system level variables such as payload mass budget and satellite total mass and dimensions. This approach enables the design team to obtain better insight into the design in an extended design envelope. The structural design sizing tool is based on the analytical structural design formulas and appropriate assumptions including both static and dynamic models of the satellite. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) is applied to the design space for both single and multiobejective optimizations. The result of the multiobjective optimization is a Pareto-optimal based on two objectives, minimum satellite total mass and maximum payload mass budget. On the other hand, the application of the microsatellites is of interest for their less cost and response time. The high need for the remote sensing applications is a strong driver of their popularity in space missions. The satellite remote sensing missions are essential for long term research around the condition of the earth resources and environment. In remote sensing missions there are tight interrelations between different requirements such as orbital altitude, revisit time, mission cycle life and spatial resolution. Also, all of these requirements can affect the whole design characteristics. During the last years application of the CE in the space missions has demonstrated a great advantage to reach the optimum design base lines considering both the performance and the cost of the project. A well-known example of CE application is ESA (European Space Agency) CDF (Concurrent Design Facility). It is clear that for the university-class microsatellite projects having or developing such a facility seems beyond the project capabilities. Nevertheless practicing CE at any scale can be beneficiary for the university-class microsatellite projects. In the second part of this thesis, the main focus is on developing a MDO framework applicable to the conceptual design phase of the remote sensing microsatellites. This approach enables the design team to evaluate the interaction between the different system design variables. The presented MDO framework contains not only the system level variables such as the satellite total mass and total power, but also the mission requirements like the spatial resolution and the revisit time. The microsatellite sizing process is divided into the three major design disciplines; a) orbit design, b) payload sizing and c) bus sizing. First, different mission parameters for a practical range of sun-synchronous orbits (SS-Os) are calculated. Then, according to the orbital parameters and a reference remote sensing instrument, mass and power of the payload are calculated. Satellite bus sizing is done based on mass and power calculation of the different subsystems using design estimation relationships. In the satellite bus sizing, the power subsystem design is realized by considering more detailed design variables including a mission scenario and different types of solar cells and batteries. The mission scenario is selected in order to obtain a coverage belt on the earth surface parallel to the earth equatorial after each revisit time. In order to evaluate the interrelations between the different variables inside the design space all the mentioned design disciplines are combined in a unified code. The integrated satellite system sizing tool developed in this section is considered as an application of the CE to the conceptual design of the remote sensing microsatellite projects. Finally, in order to apply the MDO methodology to the design problem, a basic MDO framework is adjusted to the developed satellite system design tool. Design optimization is done by means of a GA single objective algorithm with the objective function as minimizing the microsatellite total mass. According to the results of MDO application, there exist different optimum design points all with the minimum satellite total mass but with different mission variables. This output demonstrates the successful applicability of MDO approach for system engineering trade-off studies at the conceptual design phase of the design in such projects. The main conclusion of this thesis is that the classical design approach for the satellite design which usually starts with the mission and payload definition is not necessarily the best approach for all of the satellite projects. The university-class microsatellite is an example for such projects. Due to this fact an integrated satellite sizing tool including different design disciplines focusing on the structural subsystem and considering unknown payload is developed. According to the results the satellite total mass and available mass for the unknown payload are conflictive objectives. In order to find the Pareto-optimal a multiobjective GA optimization is conducted. Based on the optimization results it is concluded that selecting the satellite total mass in the range of 40-60 kg can be considered as an optimum approach for a university-class microsatellite project with unknown payload(s). Also, the CE methodology is applied to the remote sensing microsatellites conceptual design process. The results of CE application provide a clear understanding of the interaction between satellite system design requirements such as satellite total mass and power and the satellite mission variables such as revisit time and spatial resolution. The MDO application is done with the total mass minimization of a remote sensing satellite. The results from the MDO application clarify the unclear relationship between different system and mission design variables as well as the optimum design base lines according to the selected objective during the initial design phases.
The use of microsatellite markers in large-scale genetic studies is limited by its low throughput and high cost and labor requirements. Here, we provide a panel of 45 multiplex PCRs for fast and cost-efficient genome-wide fluorescence-based microsatellite analysis in grapevine. The developed multiplex PCRs panel (with up to 15-plex) enables the scoring of 270 loci covering all the grapevine genome (9 to 20 loci/chromosome) using only 45 PCRs and sequencer runs. The 45 multiplex PCRs were validated using a diverse grapevine collection of 207 accessions, selected to represent most of the cultivated Vitis vinifera genetic diversity. Particular attention was paid to quality control throughout the whole process (assay replication, null allele detection, ease of scoring). Genetic diversity summary statistics and features of electrophoretic profiles for each studied marker are provided, as are the genotypes of 25 common cultivars that could be used as references in other studies.
El trabajo realizado en la presente tesis doctoral se debe considerar parte del proyecto UPMSat-2, que se enmarca dentro del mbito de la tecnologa aeroespacial. El UPMSat-2 es un microsatlite (de bajo coste y pequeo tamao) diseado, construido, probado e integrado por la Universidad Politcnica de Madrid (Espaa), para fines de demostracin tecnolgica y educacin. El objetivo de la presente tesis doctoral es presentar nuevos modelos analticos para estudiar la interdependencia energtica entre los subsistemas de potencia y de control de actitud de un satlite. En primer lugar, se estudia la simulacin del subsistema de potencia de un microsatlite, prestando especial atencin a la simulacin de la fuente de potencia, esto es, los paneles solares. En la tesis se presentan mtodos sencillos pero precisos para simular la produccin de energa de los paneles en condiciones ambientales variables a travs de su circuito equivalente. Los mtodos propuestos para el clculo de los parmetros del circuito equivalente son explcitos (o al menos, con las variables desacopladas), no iterativos y directos; no se necesitan iteraciones o valores iniciales para calcular los parmetros. La precisin de este mtodo se prueba y se compara con mtodos similares de la literatura disponible, demostrando una precisin similar para mayor simplicidad. En segundo lugar, se presenta la simulacin del subsistema de control de actitud de un microsatlite, prestando especial atencin a la nueva ley de control propuesta. La tesis presenta un nuevo tipo de control magntico es aplicable a la rbita baja terrestre (LEO). La ley de control propuesta es capaz de ajustar la velocidad de rotacin del satlite alrededor de su eje principal de inercia mximo o mnimo. Adems, en el caso de rbitas de alta inclinacin, la ley de control favorece la alineacin del eje de rotacin con la direccin normal al plano orbital. El algoritmo de control propuesto es simple, slo se requieren magnetopares como actuadores; slo se requieren magnetmetros como sensores; no hace falta estimar la velocidad angular; no incluye un modelo de campo magntico de la Tierra; no tiene por qu ser externamente activado con informacin sobre las caractersticas orbitales y permite el rearme automtico despus de un apagado total del subsistema de control de actitud. La viabilidad terica de la citada ley de control se demuestra a travs de anlisis de Monte Carlo. Por ltimo, en trminos de produccin de energa, se demuestra que la actitud propuesto (en eje principal perpendicular al plano de la rbita, y el satlite que gira alrededor de ella con una velocidad controlada) es muy adecuado para la misin UPMSat-2, ya que permite una rea superior de los paneles apuntando hacia el sol cuando se compara con otras actitudes estudiadas. En comparacin con el control de actitud anterior propuesto para el UPMSat-2 resulta en un incremento de 25% en la potencia disponible. Adems, la actitud propuesto mostr mejoras significativas, en comparacin con otros, en trminos de control trmico, como la tasa de rotacin angular por satlite puede seleccionarse para conseguir una homogeneizacin de la temperatura ms alta que apunta satlite y la antena. ABSTRACT The work carried out in the present doctoral dissertation should be considered part of the UPMSat-2 project, falling within the scope of the aerospace technology. The UPMSat-2 is a microsatellite (low cost and small size) designed, constructed integrated and tested for educational and technology demonstration purposes at the Universidad Politcnica de Madrid (Spain). The aim of the present doctoral dissertation is to present new analytical models to study the energy interdependence between the power and the attitude control subsystems of a satellite. First, the simulation of the power subsystem of a microsatellite is studied, paying particular attention to the simulation of the power supply, i.e. the solar panels. Simple but accurate methods for simulate the power production under variable ambient conditions using its equivalent circuit are presented. The proposed methods for calculate the equivalent circuit parameters are explicit (or at least, with decoupled variables), non-iterative and straight forward; no iterations or initial values for the parameters are needed. The accuracy of this method is tested and compared with similar methods from the available literature demonstrating similar precision but higher simplicity. Second, the simulation of the control subsystem of a microsatellite is presented, paying particular attention to the new control law proposed. A new type of magnetic control applied to Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites has been presented. The proposed control law is able to set the satellite rotation speed around its maximum or minimum inertia principal axis. Besides, the proposed control law favors the alignment of this axis with the normal direction to the orbital plane for high inclination orbits. The proposed control algorithm is simples, only magnetorquers are required as actuators; only magnetometers are required as sensors; no estimation of the angular velocity is needed; it does not include an in-orbit Earth magnetic field model; it does not need to be externally activated with information about the orbital characteristics and it allows automatic reset after a total shutdown of attitude control subsystem. The theoretical viability of the control law is demonstrated through Monte Carlo analysis. Finally, in terms of power production, it is demonstrated that the proposed attitude (on principal axis perpendicular to the orbit plane, and the satellite rotating around it with a controlled rate) is quite suitable for the UPMSat-2 mission, as it allows a higher area of the panels pointing towards the sun when compared to other studied attitudes. Compared with the previous attitude control proposed for the UPMSat-2 it results in a 25% increment in available power. Besides, the proposed attitude showed significant improvements, when compared to others, in terms of thermal control, as the satellite angular rotation rate can be selected to achieve a higher temperature homogenization of the satellite and antenna pointing.
El transporte areo constituye un sector estratgico para el crecimiento econmico de cualquier pas. El sistema de gestin de trfico areo ATM tiene como objetivo el movimiento seguro y eficiente de las aeronaves dentro del espacio areo y de los aeropuertos, siendo la seguridad, en la fase tctica, gestionada por el servicio de control de la circulacin area. Mediante los procesos de control el trfico areo es vigilado a travs de sensores, regulado y guiado de forma organizada y segura. Es precisamente sobre la vigilancia donde se enfoca el contenido de la tesis, en el desarrollo de nuevos conceptos que proporcionen informacin de vigilancia de bajo coste basados en las seales existentes proporcionadas por la infraestructura actual de radar secundario y por los sistemas de posicionamiento basados en satlite que utiliza la ADS-B. El conocimiento y acceso en tiempo real a las trayectorias de las aeronaves es un elemento de valor aadido no slo para la provisin de los servicios de control de trnsito areo, sino para todos los actores del transporte areo o de la investigacin, siendo uno de los elementos clave en el concepto operacional de los dos grandes proyectos tecnolgicos, SESAR en Europa y NextGen en EE.UU.. En las ltimas dcadas el control de la circulacin area en espacios areos de media y alta densidad de trfico se ha basado en tecnologas complejas que requieren importantes infraestructuras como son el radar primario de vigilancia (PSR) y el radar secundario de vigilancia (SSR). La filosofa de los programas SESAR y NextGen siguiendo las directrices de la OACI es la de alejarse de las tecnologas basadas en tierra para evolucionar hacia nuevas tecnologas ms dinmicas basadas en satlite como la ADS-B. Pero hasta que la implementacin y operacin de la ADS-B sea completa, existir un perodo de transicin que implica la coexistencia de aeronaves equipadas o no con ADS-B. El objetivo de la presente Tesis es determinar las metodologas y algoritmos ms adecuados para poder hibridar las dos tecnologas descritas anteriormente, utilizando para ello un receptor de bajo coste con antena esttica omnidireccional, que analice todas las seales presentes en el canal que comparten el SSR y ADS-B. Mediante esta hibridacin se podr obtener la posicin de cualquier aeronave que transmita respuestas a interrogaciones SSR, en cualquiera de sus modos de trabajo, o directamente mensajes de posicin ADS-B. Para desarrollar los algoritmos propuestos, adems del hardware correspondiente, se han utilizado las aplicaciones LabVIEW para funciones de adquisicin de datos reales, y el software MATLAB para el desarrollo de algoritmos y anlisis de datos. La validacin de resultados se ha realizado mediante los propios mensajes de posicin ADS-B y a travs de las trazas radar proporcionadas por la entidad pblica empresarial ENAIRE. La tcnica desarrollada es autnoma, y no ha requerido de ninguna otra entrada que no sea la recepcin omnidireccional de las seales. Sin embargo para la validacin de resultados se ha utilizado informacin pblica de las ubicaciones de la red de estaciones SSR desplegadas sobre territorio espaol y portugus y trazas radar. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran, que con tcnicas basadas en superficies de situacin definidas por los tiempos de llegada de las respuestas, es posible determinar con una precisin aceptable la posicin de las estaciones SSR y la posicin de cualquier aeronave que responda mediante el Modo A a stas. ABSTRACT Air transport is a strategic sector for the economic growth of any country. The air traffic management system (ATM) aims at the safe and efficient movement of aircraft while operating within the airspace and airports, where safety, in the tactical phase, is managed by the air traffic control services. Through the air traffic control processes, aircraft are monitored by sensors, regulated and guided in an organized and safe manner. It is precisely on surveillance where this thesis is focused, developing new concepts that provide a 'low cost' surveillance information based on existing signals provided by currently secondary radar infrastructure and satellite-based positioning systems used by ADS-B. Having a deeper knowledge and a real-time access to the trajectories of the aircraft, is an element of added value not only for the provision of air traffic control services, but also for all air transport or research actors. This is one of the key elements in the operational concept proposed by the two large scale existing technological projects, SESAR in Europe and NextGen in the US. In recent decades, air traffic control in medium and high traffic density areas has been based on complex technologies requiring major infrastructures, such as the primary surveillance radar (PSR) and secondary surveillance radar (SSR). The philosophy of SESAR and NextGen programs, both following the guidelines of ICAO, is to move away from land-based technologies and evolving into some new and more dynamic satellite-based technologies such as ADS-B. Nevertheless, until the ADS-B implementation and operation is fully achieved, there will be a transitional period where aircraft with and without ADS-B equipment will have to coexist. The main objective of this thesis is to determine those methodologies and algorithms which are considered more appropriate to hybridize those two technologies, by using a low cost omnidirectional receiver, which analyzes all signals on the SSR and ADS-B shared channel. Through this hybridization, it is possible to obtain the position of any aircraft answering the SSR interrogations, in any of its modes of operation, or through the emission of ADS-B messages. To develop the proposed algorithms, LabVIEW application has been used for real-time data acquisition, as well as MATLAB software for algorithm development and data analysis, together with the corresponding hardware. The validation of results was performed using the ADS-B position messages and radar tracks provided by the Public Corporate Entity ENAIRE The developed technique is autonomous, and it does not require any other input other than the omnidirectional signal reception. However, for the validation of results, not only radar records have been used, but also public information regarding the position of SSR stations spread throughout the Spanish and Portuguese territory. The results show that using techniques based in the definition of positioning surfaces defined by the responses times of arrival, it is possible to determine with an acceptable level of accuracy both the position of the SSR stations as well as the position of any aircraft which transmits Mode A responses.
La vid silvestre se considera como el ancestro autctono de las vides cultivadas y una enorme reserva gentica en peligro de extincin. La prospeccin llevada a cabo entre 2003 y 2004 permiti catalogar 51 localizaciones de vides silvestres espaolas, la mayora de ellas ubicadas en riberas de ros. Estos ejemplares se incluyeron en el Banco de Germoplasma de la Finca "El Encn" (BGVCAM - Alcal de Henares, Madrid, Espaa). En primer lugar, se caracteriz la cantidad y la distribucin de su diversidad gentica utilizando 25 loci empleando microsatlites nucleares (SSR). Hemos analizado tambin la posible coexistencia en el hbitat natural de vides silvestres con vides cultivadas naturalizadas y portainjertos. De este modo, los anlisis fenotpicos y genticos identificaron el 19% de las muestras recogidas como derivadas de genotipos cultivados, siendo, o bien vides cultivadas naturalizadas o genotipos hbridos derivados de cruces espontneos entre vides silvestres y cultivadas. La diversidad gentica de las poblaciones de vides silvestres fue similar a la observada en el grupo de las cultivadas. El anlisis molecular mostr que el germoplasma de cultivadas y silvestres es genticamente divergente con bajo nivel de introgresin. Se ha identificado cuatro grupos genticos, con dos de ellos fundamentalmente representados por los genotipos de vides cultivadas y dos por las accesiones silvestres. El anlisis de los vnculos genticos entre las vides silvestres y cultivadas podra sugerir una contribucin gentica de las accesiones silvestres espaolas a las actuales variedades occidentales. En segundo lugar, se realiz un profundo estudio morfolgico "ex situ " y se contrastaron con los resultados de la caracterizacin realizada en 182 variedades comerciales espaolas de la misma coleccin. Todos los individuos silvestres mostraron diferencias morfolgicas con Vitis vinifera L subsp. vinifera, pero no se encontraron diferencias significativas dentro Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris, ni por localizacin geogrfica ni por sexo. Los resultados de este estudio describen las principales caractersticas morfolgicas de las vides silvestres espaolas y sus rasgos diferenciales con su pariente cultivada. Por ltimo, se analiz la composicin antocinica presente en 21 accesiones de vides silvestres de la Pennsula Ibrica conservadas en el BGVCAM de la Finca "El Encn" y seleccionadas basndose en diferencias ampelogrficas y caracterizacin molecular. La concentracin de antocianinas es similar la encontrad en vides cultivadas con destino a la vinificacin. Las accesiones estudiadas mostraron una variabilidad considerable en su perfil antocinico y fue posible distinguir varios grupos. Sin embargo, la presencia de material silvestre con perfiles antocinicos poco comunes o inexistentes en variedades espaolas, sugiere que la variabilidad gentica relacionada con antocianinas en poblaciones espaolas de vides silvestres podra ser ms alta que la de variedades cultivadas comnmente consideradas de origen espaol. ABSTRACT The wild grapevine is considered an autochthonous relative of cultivated vines and a huge gene pool endangered in Europe. Prospecting carried out between 2003 and 2004 enabled to inventory 51 Spanish sites with wild grapevines, most of them located near rivers. These individuals were grafted in the collection of "El Encn" (BGVCAM - Alcal de Henares, Madrid, Spain). Firstly, werw characterized the amount and distribution of their genetic diversity using 25 nuclear SSR loci. We have also analysed the possible coexistence in the natural habitat of wild grapevines with naturalized grapevine cultivars and rootstocks. In this way, phenotypic and genetic analyses identified 19% of the collected samples as derived from cultivated genotypes, being either naturalized cultivars or hybrid genotypes derived from spontaneous crosses between wild and cultivated grapevines. The genetic diversity of wild grapevine populations was similar than that observed in the cultivated group. The molecular analysis showed that cultivated germplasm and wild germplasm are genetically divergent with low level of introgression. We identified four genetic groups, with two of them fundamentally represented among cultivated genotypes and two among wild accessions. The analyses of genetic relationships between wild and cultivated grapevines could suggest a genetic contribution of wild accessions from Spain to current Western cultivars. Secondly, a morphological study was done "ex situ" and were compared with data from 182 Spanish commercial cultivars grown in the same collection. All wild individuals showed morphological differences with Vitis vinifera L. ssp. vinifera but no significant differences were found within Vitis vinifera L subsp. sylvestris neither by geographic origin nor by sex. A pattern with the main characteristics of Spanish wild grapevines is suggested. Ultimately, were investigated the anthocyanin composition of 21 mostly Spanish wild grapevine accessions preserved at BGVCAM "El Encn" and selected in consideration of observed ampelographic differences and molecular characterization. Total anthocyanin concentration was similar to that found in winegrape cultivars. The accessions studied showed considerable variability in their anthocyanin fingerprints and it was possible to distinguish several groups, similar to previous reports on the anthocyanin fingerprint of winegrapes. The anthocyanin composition of wild grapevine accessions was similar to that of cultivated grapes. Nevertheless, the presence of wild accessions with anthocyanin fingerprints uncommon or nonexistent in Spanish cultivated varieties suggests that the genetic variability related to anthocyanins in Spanish wild grapevine populations may be higher than that of cultivated varieties commonly considered of Spanish origin.