12 resultados para Geophysical instruments
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
During the last five years, in order to improve understanding of content related to "Coordinate Metrology", the Laboratorio de Metrología y Metrotecnia (LMM) from the Polytechnic University of Madrid offers its PhD students, as a course work, the construction of a virtual instrument. This virtual instrument simulates the imaging of a part to be measured by optical dimensional metrology instruments (microscopes, profile projectors, vision machines). The LMM provides students with images similar to those they would obtain with real instrumentation for the instrument adjustment and calibration process. Working with these images, students should determine the adjustment parameters of the virtual instrument. Once these parameters are set, the student can perform the proper calibration of the virtual instrument. Beyond this process, the instrument is already able to perform traceable measurement. In order to do that, LMM offers students some images of parts. Students should perform some measurements using those images and estimate the corresponding uncertainties.
Se trata de estudiar el comportamiento de un sistema basado en el chip CC1110 de Texas Instruments, para aplicaciones inalámbricas. Los dispositivos basados en este tipo de chips tienen actualmente gran profusión, dada la demanda cada vez mayor de aplicaciones de gestión y control inalámbrico. Por ello, en la primera parte del proyecto se presenta el estado del arte referente a este aspecto, haciendo mención a los sistemas operativos embebidos, FPGAs, etc. También se realiza una introducción sobre la historia de los aviones no tripulados, que son el vehículo elegido para el uso del enlace de datos. En una segunda parte se realiza el estudio del dispositivo mediante una placa de desarrollo, verificando y comprobando mediante el software suministrado, el alcance del mismo. Cabe resaltar en este punto que el control con la placa mencionada se debe hacer mediante programación de bajo nivel (lenguaje C), lo que aporta gran versatilidad a las aplicaciones que se pueden desarrollar. Por ello, en una tercera parte se realiza un programa funcional, basado en necesidades aportadas por la empresa con la que se colabora en el proyecto (INDRA). Este programa es realizado sobre el entorno de Matlab, muy útil para este tipo de aplicaciones, dada su versatilidad y gran capacidad de cálculo con variables. Para terminar, con la realización de dichos programas, se realizan pruebas específicas para cada uno de ellos, realizando pruebas de campo en algunas ocasiones, con vehículos los más similares a los del entorno real en el que se prevé utilizar. Como implementación al programa realizado, se incluye un manual de usuario con un formato muy gráfico, para que la toma de contacto se realice de una manera rápida y sencilla. Para terminar, se plantean líneas futuras de aplicación del sistema, conclusiones, presupuesto y un anexo con los códigos de programación más importantes. Abstract In this document studied the system behavior based on chip CC1110 of Texas Instruments, for wireless applications. These devices currently have profusion. Right the increasing demand for control and management wireless applications. In the first part of project presents the state of art of this aspect, with reference to the embedded systems, FPGAs, etc. It also makes a history introduction of UAVs, which are the vehicle for use data link. In the second part is studied the device through development board, verifying and checking with provided software the scope. The board programming is C language; this gives a good versatility to develop applications. Thus, in third part performing a functionally program, it based on requirements provided by company with which it collaborates, INDRA Company. This program is developed with Matlab, very useful for such applications because of its versatility and ability to use variables. Finally, with the implementation of such programs, specific tests are performed for each of them, field tests are performed in several cases, and vehicles used for this are the most similar to the actual environment plain to use. Like implementing with the program made, includes a graphical user manual, so your understanding is conducted quickly and easily. Ultimately, present future targets for system applications, conclusions, budget and annex of the most important programming codes.
Un estudio geofísico mediante resonancia se realiza mediante la excitación del agua del subsuelo a partir de la emisión de una intensidad variable a lo largo de un cable extendido sobre la superficie en forma cuadrada o circular. El volumen investigado depende del tamaño de dicho cable, lo cual, junto con la intensidad utilizada para la excitación del agua determina las diferentes profundidades del terreno de las que se va a extraer información, que se encuentran entre 10 y 100 m, habitualmente. La tesis doctoral presentada consiste en la adaptación del Método de Resonancia Magnética para su utilización en aplicaciones superficiales mediante bucles de tamaño reducido. Dicha información sobre el terreno en la escala desde decímetros a pocos metros es interesante en relación a la física de suelos y en general en relación a diferentes problemas de Ingeniería, tanto de extracción de agua como constructiva. Una vez realizada la revisión del estado de conocimiento actual del método en relación a sus aplicaciones usuales, se estudian los problemas inherentes a su adaptación a medidas superficiales. Para solventar dichos problemas se han considerado dos líneas de investigación principales: En primer lugar se realiza un estudio de la influencia de las características del pulso de excitación emitido por el equipo en la calidad de las medidas obtenidas, y las posibles estrategias para mejorar dicho pulso. El pulso de excitación es un parámetro clave en la extracción de información sobre diferentes profundidades del terreno. Por otro lado se busca la optimización del dispositivo de medida para su adaptación al estudio de los primeros metros del suelo mediante el equipo disponible, tratándose éste del equipo NumisLITE de la casa Iris Instruments. ABSTRACT Magnetic Resonance Sounding is a geophysical method performed through the excitation of the subsurface water by a variable electrical intensity delivered through a wire extended on the surface, forming a circle or a square. The investigated volume depends on the wire length and the intensity used, determining the different subsurface depths reached. In the usual application of the method, this depth ranges between 10 and 100 m. This thesis studies the adaptation of the above method to more superficial applications using smaller wire loops. Information about the subsurface in the range of decimeter to a few meters is interesting regarding physics of soils, as well as different Engineering problems, either for water extraction or for construction. After a review of the nowadays state of the art of the method regarding its usual applications, the special issues attached to its use to perform very shallow measures are studied. In order to sort out these problems two main research lines are considered: On the one hand, a study about the influence of the characteristics of the emitted pulse in the resulting measure quality is performed. Possible strategies in order to improve this pulse are investigated, as the excitation pulse is a key parameter to obtain information from different depths of the subsurface. On the other hand, the study tries to optimize the measurement device to its adaptation to the study of the first meters of the ground with the available instrumentation, the NumisLITE equipment from Iris Instruments.
Satellite image data have become an important source of information for monitoring vegetation and mapping land cover at several scales. Beside this, the distribution and phenology of vegetation is largely associated with climate, terrain characteristics and human activity. Various vegetation indices have been developed for qualitative and quantitative assessment of vegetation using remote spectral measurements. In particular, sensors with spectral bands in the red (RED) and near-infrared (NIR) lend themselves well to vegetation monitoring and based on them [(NIR - RED) / (NIR + RED)] Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) has been widespread used. Given that the characteristics of spectral bands in RED and NIR vary distinctly from sensor to sensor, NDVI values based on data from different instruments will not be directly comparable. The spatial resolution also varies significantly between sensors, as well as within a given scene in the case of wide-angle and oblique sensors. As a result, NDVI values will vary according to combinations of the heterogeneity and scale of terrestrial surfaces and pixel footprint sizes. Therefore, the question arises as to the impact of differences in spectral and spatial resolutions on vegetation indices like the NDVI. The aim of this study is to establish a comparison between two different sensors in their NDVI values at different spatial resolutions.
Satellite image data have become an important source of information for monitoring vegetation and mapping land cover at several scales. Beside this, the distribution and phenology of vegetation is largely associated with climate, terrain characteristics and human activity. Various vegetation indices have been developed for qualitative and quantitative assessment of vegetation using remote spectral measurements. In particular, sensors with spectral bands in the red (RED) and near-infrared (NIR) lend themselves well to vegetation monitoring and based on them [(NIR - RED) / (NIR + RED)] Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) has been widespread used. Given that the characteristics of spectral bands in RED and NIR vary distinctly from sensor to sensor, NDVI values based on data from different instruments will not be directly comparable. The spatial resolution also varies significantly between sensors, as well as within a given scene in the case of wide-angle and oblique sensors. As a result, NDVI values will vary according to combinations of the heterogeneity and scale of terrestrial surfaces and pixel footprint sizes. Therefore, the question arises as to the impact of differences in spectral and spatial resolutions on vegetation indices like the NDVI and their interpretation as a drought index. During 2012 three locations (at Salamanca, Granada and Córdoba) were selected and a periodic pasture monitoring and botanic composition were achieved. Daily precipitation, temperature and monthly soil water content were measurement as well as fresh and dry pasture weight. At the same time, remote sensing images were capture by DEIMOS-1 and MODIS of the chosen places. DEIMOS-1 is based on the concept Microsat-100 from Surrey. It is conceived for obtaining Earth images with a good enough resolution to study the terrestrial vegetation cover (20x20 m), although with a great range of visual field (600 km) in order to obtain those images with high temporal resolution and at a reduced cost. By contranst, MODIS images present a much lower spatial resolution (500x500 m). The aim of this study is to establish a comparison between two different sensors in their NDVI values at different spatial resolutions. Acknowledgements. This work was partially supported by ENESA under project P10 0220C-823. Funding provided by Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) through project no. MTM2009-14621 and i-MATH No. CSD2006-00032 is greatly appreciated.
Wave radiation by a conductor carrying a steady current in both a polar, highly eccentric, low perijove orbit, as in NASA's planned Juno mission, and an equatorial low Jovian orbit (LJO) mission below the intense radiation belts, is considered. Both missions will need electric power generation for scientific instruments and communication systems. Tethers generate power more efficiently than solar panels or radioisotope power systems (RPS). The radiation impedance is required to determine the current in the overall tether circuit. In a cold plasma model, radiation occurs mainly in the Alfven and fast magnetosonic modes, exhibiting a large refraction index. The radiation impedance of insulated tethers is determined for both modes and either mission. Unlike the Earth ionospheric case, the low-density, highly magnetized Jovian plasma makes the electron gyrofrequency much larger than the plasma frequency; this substantially modifies the power spectrum for either mode by increasing the Alfven velocity. Finally, an estimation of the radiation impedance of bare tethers is considered. In LJO, a spacecraft orbiting in a slow downward spiral under the radiation belts would allow determining magnetic field structure and atmospheric composition for understanding the formation, evolution, and structure of Jupiter. Additionally, if the cathodic contactor is switched off, a tether floats electrically, allowing e-beam emission that generate auroras. On/off switching produces bias/current pulses and signal emission, which might be used for Jovian plasma diagnostics.
Purpose: To compare assessment capabilities of a motion analysis tool against a validated checklist during laparoscopic training.
Background Objective assessment of psychomotor skills has become an important challenge in the training of minimally invasive surgical (MIS) techniques. Currently, no gold standard defining surgical competence exists for classifying residents according to their surgical skills. Supervised classification has been proposed as a means for objectively establishing competence thresholds in psychomotor skills evaluation. This report presents a study comparing three classification methods for establishing their validity in a set of tasks for basic skills’ assessment. Methods Linear discriminant analysis (LDA), support vector machines (SVM), and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems (ANFIS) were used. A total of 42 participants, divided into an experienced group (4 expert surgeons and 14 residents with >10 laparoscopic surgeries performed) and a nonexperienced group (16 students and 8 residents with <10 laparoscopic surgeries performed), performed three box trainer tasks validated for assessment of MIS psychomotor skills. Instrument movements were captured using the TrEndo tracking system, and nine motion analysis parameters (MAPs) were analyzed. The performance of the classifiers was measured by leave-one-out cross-validation using the scores obtained by the participants. Results The mean accuracy performances of the classifiers were 71 % (LDA), 78.2 % (SVM), and 71.7 % (ANFIS). No statistically significant differences in the performance were identified between the classifiers. Conclusions The three proposed classifiers showed good performance in the discrimination of skills, especially when information from all MAPs and tasks combined were considered. A correlation between the surgeons’ previous experience and their execution of the tasks could be ascertained from results. However, misclassifications across all the classifiers could imply the existence of other factors influencing psychomotor competence.
We examine, with recently developed Lagrangian tools, altimeter data and numerical simulations obtained from the HYCOM model in the Gulf of Mexico. Our data correspond to the months just after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the year 2010. Our Lagrangian analysis provides a skeleton that allows the interpretation of transport routes over the ocean surface. The transport routes are further verified by the simultaneous study of the evolution of several drifters launched during those months in the Gulf of Mexico. We find that there exist Lagrangian structures that justify the dynamics of the drifters, although the agreement depends on the quality of the data. We discuss the impact of the Lagrangian tools on the assessment of the predictive capacity of these data sets.
One of the core objectives of urban planning practice is to provide spatial equity in terms of opportunities and use of public space and facilities. Accessibility is the element that serves this purpose as a concept linking the reciprocal relationship between transport and land use, thus shaping individual potential mobility to reach the desired destinations. Accessibility concepts are increasingly acknowledged as fundamental to understand the functioning of cities and urban regions. Indeed, by introducing them in planning practice, better solutions can be achieved in terms of spatial equity. The COST Action TU1002 "Accessibility instruments for planning practice" was specifically designed to address the gap between scientific research in measuring and modelling accessibility, and the current use of indicators of accessibility in urban planning practice. This paper shows the full process of introducing an easily understandable measure of accessibility to planning practitioners in Madrid, which is one of the case studies of the above-mentioned COST action. Changes in accessibility after the opening of a new metro line using contour measures were analyzed and then presented to a selection of urban planners and practitioners in Madrid as part of a workshop to evaluate the usefulness of this tool for planning practice. Isochrone maps were confirmed as an effective tool, as their utility can be supplemented by other indicators, and being GIS-based, it can be easily computed (when compared with transport models) and integrated with other datasets.
El presente proyecto es un estudio teórico-práctico de una plataforma: Multi-Standart Senortag (denominada “Sensortag” en este proyecto). En este contexto se evalúa la viabilidad de Sensortag como plataforma de desarrollo para redes de sensores, y su competitividad en diferentes aspectos respecto a las Cookies, otra plataforma desarrollada por el Centro de Electrónica Industrial (CEI). El objetivo de presente trabajo es estudiar las posibilidades de Sensortag, tanto para medir como procesar y transmitir la información, así como evaluar su simplicidad de uso. Para lograrlo se introducen los conceptos de Red Inalámbrica de Sensores y Internet de Cosas, se desarrolla una serie de aplicaciones prácticas de prueba, y para completar el estudio se propone posibles aplicaciones en la vida real así como vías de investigación futura. El estudio se puede dividir según la siguiente estructura: - Introducción y avances tecnológicos relacionados con el ámbito de estudio (Capítulos 1). - Desarrollo del proyecto (Capítulo 2): - Sensortag: sus características y sus prestaciones. - El estudio del dispositivo, su arquitectura, su diseño de Hardware. - El estudio de las herramientas y del Software que puede soportar: - El procesado – el Sistema Operativo - Transmisión de datos - Protocolos de comunicación - Las pruebas y las aplicaciones realizadas: - Resultados (Capítulo 3) - Experiencia, conclusiones y líneas futuras de investigación (Capítulo 4): - Trabajos previos y experiencia personal, - Resumen y conclusiones del estudio - Propuestas para seguir investigando
Physical and social transformation processes that take place in urban contexts with strong spatial growth and hardly any economic development frequently have significant adverse impacts for the affected people, which tend to be made invisible. This paper presents an analytical framework to explore different ways to approach urban transformation processes (supply side), their impacts on the set of needs of the community (demand side) and their consequences on the urban environment as a whole (context). The proposed method has been used to assess three actions related to the physical and social transformation of the largest self-made settlement in the city of Dakar, Senegal, during the 2005–2012 period. Research findings show how exogenous interests are privileged over the common good when the affected citizens are not effectively involved in decision-making processes.