3 resultados para Geological model

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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El objetivo de este proyecto es investigar la viabilidad del almacenamiento de CO2 en un acuífero salino profundo ubicado en el margen suroccidental de la Cuenca del Guadalquivir. Este proyecto está destinado a una operación industrial con tasas de emisión de CO2 superiores a medio millón de toneladas anuales. Se ha construido un modelo geológico de la formación almacén en Petrel y se ha simulado la inyección utilizando la versión composicional de ECLIPSE. El objetivo es inyectar CO2 manteniendo una tasa de inyección constante durante 30 años, el máximo periodo permitido por la legislación española sobre almacenamiento geológico de CO2. La cantidad de CO2 inyectada en cada uno de los casos ha sido determinada. Los resultados parecen indicar que la inyección de CO2 a escala industrial podría ser viable, aunque la viabilidad del proyecto podría verse comprometida por la escasa profundidad a la que se encuentra el contacto entre la formación almacén y el sello lateral. Antes de seguir adelante con el desarrollo del proyecto sería conveniente determinar mejor la continuidad lateral de la formación almacén y sus condiciones de sello. ABSTRACT The aim of this project is to investigate the feasibility of CO2 geological storage in a deep saline aquifer located onshore in the southwestern margin of Guadalquivir Basin. The project is addressed for an industrial scale operation with CO2 emission rates higher than half a million tons per year. A geological model of the target reservoir was built in Petrel and injection simulations were performed with the compositional version of ECLIPSE. The purpose is to inject CO2 at constant rate during 30 years, the maximum period allowed by the Spanish law on carbon dioxide geological storage. The amount of CO2 injected in each studied scenario has been determined. Results suggest that CO2 injection at industrial scale could be viable, but the project feasibility could be endangered by the shallow depth of the contact between the target reservoir and the lateral seal. Prior to injection, further work should include ascertaining the reservoir’s lateral continuity and better determination of its sealing conditions


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El presente proyecto lleva a cabo un análisis de la viabilidad de la estructura geológica Villameriel, situada en la provincia de Palencia, para el almacenamiento geológico profundo de CO2. Las dos medidas determinadas para su análisis serán la determinación de la cantidad de CO2 que se puede inyectar en la formación y el comportamiento del mismo en su interior durante los próximos 100 años. Para calcular estas medidas utilizamos la simulación numérica, a través de dos programas de SCHLUMBERGER. El primero, PETREL, diseñando un modelo estático que escenifique las propiedades del medio geológico lo más real posible, llamado modelo estático. El segundo, ECLIPSE300, que simula el comportamiento del fluido según entra en la formación y a lo largo de todo el período de estudio. Como conclusión final llevaremos a cabo un estudio económico que analice el potencial que tiene este proyecto para llevarse a cabo en la sociedad en la que nos encontramos ahora mismo ABSTRACT This project analyzes the viability of Villameriel geological structure, which is situated in Palencia, Spain. There will be two measures to probe it. The first will be to calculate how much amount of CO2 can be stored in this structure, and second will be to see how the CO2 behaves inside the first 100 years. In order to obtain the answers from these questions, Schlumberger programs are used specifically PETREL and ECLIPSE300. This programs work with numerical methods and they simulate a static model and a dynamic model. Static model is created in order to build a geological model with the same properties than in the real life. Dynamic model works to obtain the maximum amount of CO2 that it can be introduced inside storage formation and to know how CO2 will move inside the first 100 years. At the end, an economic study will be done with the objective to know if it would cost money, if there would be profits or no.


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Geologic storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) has been proposed as a viable means for reducing anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Once injection begins, a program for measurement, monitoring, and verification (MMV) of CO2 distribution is required in order to: a) research key features, effects and processes needed for risk assessment; b) manage the injection process; c) delineate and identify leakage risk and surface escape; d) provide early warnings of failure near the reservoir; and f) verify storage for accounting and crediting. The selection of the methodology of monitoring (characterization of site and control and verification in the post-injection phase) is influenced by economic and technological variables. Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) refers to a methodology developed for making decisions in the presence of multiple criteria. MCDM as a discipline has only a relatively short history of 40 years, and it has been closely related to advancements on computer technology. Evaluation methods and multicriteria decisions include the selection of a set of feasible alternatives, the simultaneous optimization of several objective functions, and a decision-making process and evaluation procedures that must be rational and consistent. The application of a mathematical model of decision-making will help to find the best solution, establishing the mechanisms to facilitate the management of information generated by number of disciplines of knowledge. Those problems in which decision alternatives are finite are called Discrete Multicriteria Decision problems. Such problems are most common in reality and this case scenario will be applied in solving the problem of site selection for storing CO2. Discrete MCDM is used to assess and decide on issues that by nature or design support a finite number of alternative solutions. Recently, Multicriteria Decision Analysis has been applied to hierarchy policy incentives for CCS, to assess the role of CCS, and to select potential areas which could be suitable to store. For those reasons, MCDM have been considered in the monitoring phase of CO2 storage, in order to select suitable technologies which could be techno-economical viable. In this paper, we identify techniques of gas measurements in subsurface which are currently applying in the phase of characterization (pre-injection); MCDM will help decision-makers to hierarchy the most suitable technique which fit the purpose to monitor the specific physic-chemical parameter.