19 resultados para Gas production

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Los precios de compra de gas natural en el mercado mayorista español son los más altos de toda Europa. Este escenario provoca que haya que buscar alternativas para minimizar los costes de aprovisionamiento para una comercializadora de gas. En este proyecto se analizan distintas oportunidades de compra de gas en los mercados europeos y su importación al sistema gasista español para el suministro final a clientes, con el fin de optimizar los costes del gas natural para una comercializadora. En la búsqueda de nuevas oportunidades se incluye también un análisis del impacto económico en el mercado, de la producción de “shale gas” en España a medio - largo plazo. ABSTRACT The gas prices in the Spanish gas market are the highest in Europe. This scenario leads the Spanish gas trading companies to look for alternatives to minimize gas supply costs. In this project it is analyzed different opportunities of gas supply in the European markets and the gas import to the Spanish gas system, in order to optimize the costs of the natural gas for a gas trading company. Along with this, it is also studied, the economic impact of the “shale gasproduction in Spain in a medium - long term on the Spanish gas market


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En este proyecto se evalúa la posibilidad de mejorar la producción de gas en un yacimiento en el que las reservas son todavía suficientes para ser explotadas. Para realizar esta evaluación se estudia en primer lugar la cantidad de gas que se extrae sin ningún método de mejoramiento de producción, y después se evalúa la cantidad de gas que se extraería si se aplicase el método de estimulación de yacimientos llamado fracturación hidráulica mediante unos ensayos de calibración que se han realizado en uno de los pozos que hay en el yacimiento de gas. Finalmente se hace una comparación económica de cómo mejoraría la producción de gas cuando el yacimiento no está estimulado y cuando lo está. Además, se aprovecha también para hacer una sucinta revisión de la base teórica de la fracturación hidráulica y de la ingeniería de yacimientos, así como un breve estudio de impacto ambiental de la fracturación. ABSTRACT This project is trying to assess the possibility to improve the gas production of a reservoir in which there are still enough reserves to be exploited. To do that, it is necessary to evaluate the quantity of gas that is producing without any type of stimulation method and then assess how the production will grow if a stimulation method called hydraulic fracturing is applied though some calibration tests, subsequently compare how much the incomes will be increased in case of application of the stimulation method. In addition, some of the basis and concepts of reservoir stimulation and reservoir engineering are reviewed in order to understand the project. Finally, a brief environmental impact is also assessed.


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Sugar beet pulp was digested in vitro using protease and pancreatin and the final residue (with no filtering) was fermented in vitro using three different ileal and caecal inocula (each one combining the digesta of three 70 d ols rabbits), respectively. In vitro gas production was measured and modeled using single and dual pool models (logistic and Groot model).


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There is strong evidence to indicate that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are accumulating at unprecedented concentrations in out atmosphere contributing to global climate change. Evidence is equally strong that human activities, mainly the burning of fossil fuels, are driving force in this process (IPCC 2007). While different industries contribute varying amounts to total anthropogenic greenhouse gases, it is incumbent upon each to understand its contribution and search for sensible ways to reduce overall greenhouse gas production. The aim of this paper is the development of a methodology to determine the amount of CO2 emissions of a highway, allowing providing solutions that can improve the energy footprint and reduce its emissions


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The aim of this work was to assess the effects of four doses of three commercial fibrolytic enzymes on ruminal fermentation of rice straw, maize stover and Pennisetum purpureum clon Cuba CT115 hay in batch cultures of ruminal micro-organisms from sheep. One enzyme was produced by Penicillium funiculosum (PEN) and two were from Trichoderma longibrachiatum (TL1 and TL2). Each liquid enzyme was diluted 200 (D1), 100 (D2), 50 (D3) and 10 (D4) - fold and applied to each substrate in quadruplicate over time and incubated for 120 h in rumen fluid. The D4 dose of each enzyme increased (P<0.05) the fractional rate of gas production and organic matter effective degradability for all substrates, and TL2 had similar effects when applied at D3. In 9 h incubations, PEN at D4, TL1 at all tested doses, and TL2 at D2, D3 and D4 increased (P<0.05) volatile fatty acid production and dry matter degradability for all substrates. The commercial enzymes tested were effective at increasing in vitro ruminal fermentation of low-quality forages, although effective doses varied with the enzyme.


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Actualmente existe un gran interés orientado hacia el mercado del gas natural. Son muchas las razones por las que este combustible se posiciona como uno de los más importantes dentro del panorama energético mundial. Además de que salvaría el hueco dejado por el carbón y el petróleo, supone una alternativa mucho más limpia que se podría desarrollar aún más tanto a nivel doméstico, industrial como en el mundo de los transportes. La industria del gas natural está cambiando rápidamente fundamentalmente por la aparición del gas no convencional y sus técnicas de extracción. Por lo que se está produciendo un cambio en la economía de la producción de gas así como en la dinámica y los movimientos del GNL a lo largo de todo el planeta. El propósito de este estudio es enfocar el estado del sector y mercado del gas natural en todo el mundo y de esta forma subrayar las principales regiones que marcan la tendencia general de los precios de todo el planeta. Además, este trabajo reflejará los pronósticos esperados para los próximos años así como un resumen de las tendencias que se han seguido hasta el momento. Particularmente, se centrará la atención en el movimiento hacia los sistemas basados en forma de hub que comenzaron en EE.UU. y que llegaron a Reino Unido y al continente Europeo a principios del S.XX. Esta tendencia es la que se pretende implantar en España con el fin de conseguir una mayor competitividad, flexibilidad y liquidez en los precios y en el sistema gasista. De esta forma, poco a poco se irá construyendo la estructura hacia un Mercado Único Europeo que es el objetivo final que plantean los organismos de los estados miembros. Sin embargo, para la puesta en marcha de este nuevo modelo es necesario realizar una serie de cambios en el sistema como la modificación de la Ley de Hidrocarburos, la designación de un Operador de Mercado, elaboración de una serie de reglas para regular el mercado así como fomentar la liquidez del mercado. Cuando tenga lugar el cambio regulatorio, la liquidez del sistema español incrementará y se dará la oportunidad de crear nuevas formas para balancear las carteras de gas y establecer nuevas estrategias para gestionar el riesgo. No obstante, antes de que se hagan efectivos los cambios en la legislación, se implantaría uno de los modelos planteados en el “Gas Target Model”, el denominado “Modelo de Asignación de Capacidad Implícita”. La introducción de este modelo sería un primer paso para la integración de un mercado de gas sin la necesidad de afrontar un cambio legislativo, lo que serviría de VIII impulso para alcanzar el “Modelo de Área de Mercado” que sería el mejor para el sistema gasista español y se conectaría ampliamente con el resto de mercados europeos. Las conclusiones del estudio en relación a la formación del nuevo modelo en forma de hub plantean la necesidad de aprovechar al máximo la nueva situación y conseguir implantar el hub lo antes posible para poder dotar al sistema de mayor competencia y liquidez. Además, el sistema español debe aprovechar su gran capacidad y moderna infraestructura para convertir al país en la entrada de gas del suroeste de Europa ampliando así la seguridad de suministro de los países miembros. Otra conclusión que se puede extraer del informe es la necesidad de ampliar el índice de penetración del gas en España e incentivar el consumo frente a otros combustibles fósiles como el carbón y el petróleo. Esto situaría al gas natural como la principal energía de respaldo con respecto a las renovables y permitiría disminuir los precios del kilovatio hora del gas natural. El estudio y análisis de la dinámica que se viene dando en la industria del gas en el mundo es fundamental para poder anticiparse y planear las mejores estrategias frente a los cambios que poco a poco irán modificando el sector y el mercado gasista. ABSTRACT There is a great deal of focus on the natural gas market at the moment. Whether you view natural gas as bridging the gap between coal/oil and an altogether cleaner solution yet to be determined, or as a destination fuel which will be used not only for heating and gas fired generation but also as transportation fuel, there is no doubt that natural gas will have an increasingly important role to play in the global energy landscape. The natural gas industry is changing rapidly, as shale gas exploration changes the economics of gas production and LNG connects regions across the globe. The purpose of this study is to outline the present state of the global gas industry highlighting the differing models around the world. This study will pay particular attention to the move towards hub based pricing that has taken hold first in the US and over the past decade across the UK and Continental Europe. In the coming years the Spanish model will move towards hub based pricing. As gas market regulatory change takes hold, liquidity in the Spanish gas market will increase, bringing with it new ways to balance gas portfolios and placing an increasing focus on managing price risk. This study will in turn establish the links between the changes that have taken place in other markets as a way to better understanding how the Spanish market will evolve in the coming years.


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Winter oats were grown according to European organic farming regulations in monoculture (oats) and in intercropping with bard vetch (BAV), bitter vetch (BIV) or both legumes (MIX) to evaluate the effects of intercropping on forage yield and nutritive value for ruminants. The experiment was carried out as a randomised complete block design with four replications, and whole forage samples were obtained at two harvest dates (June and July). For both harvest times, all intercrops increased (P < 0.05) forage yield compared with oats, but forage crude protein content was only increased (P < 0.05) for BAV and MIX. Compared with oats, intercropping with BAV increased (P < 0.05) in vitro rate of gas production and total volatile fatty acid production, indicating a higher rate and extent of rumen degradation of BAV forage. In contrast, BIV forage harvested in June had lower (P < 0.05) rate of gas production and total volatile fatty acid production than June oats, but in general no differences in the in vitro rumen fermentation were detected between oats and BIV samples harvested in July. The results indicate that forage yield and quality can be enhanced by intercropping oats with BAV; however, intercropping with BIV increased yield but decreased nutritive value of the forage.


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An in vitro experiment was carried out using the Hohenheim gas production technique to evaluate 24-h gas production, apparently and truly degraded dry matter (DM), partitioning factor (PF), short chain fatty acids, crude protein (CP) and carbohydrate (CHO) fractionation of grass and multipurpose tree species (MPTS) foliage diets. Four grasses and three MPTS were used to formulate 12 diets of equal mixtures (0.5:0.5 on DM basis) of each grass with each MPTS. In vitro gas production was terminated after 24 h for each diet. True DM degradability was measured from incubated samples and combined with gas volume to estimate PF. Diets had greater (P<0.001) CP (102–183 g/kg DM) content than sole grasses (66–131 g/kg DM) and lower (P<0.001) concentrations of fibre fractions. Contrary to in vitro apparently degraded DM, in vitro truly degraded DM coefficient was greater (P<0.001) in diets (0.63–0.77) than in sole grasses (0.48–0.68). The PF was on average higher in diets than in sole grasses. The proportion of potentially degradable CP fractions (A1, B1, B2 and B3, based on the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System) in the diets ranged from 971 to 989 g/kg CP. Crude protein fractions, A and B2 were greater in diets but B1 and B3 fractions were less in diets than in sole grasses. A similar trend was also observed in the CHO fractions. Results showed that the nutritive value of the four grasses was improved when MPTS leaves were incorporated into the diet and this could ensure higher productivity of the animals.


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La gasificación de lodos de depuración es una alternativa atractiva para generar gases combustibles como H2 y CO. A su vez, estos gases pueden emplearse como materias primas para la obtención de productos químicos orgánicos y combustibles líquidos. Sin embargo, la gasificación no está exenta de problemas como el ligado a la generación de residuos sólidos y alquitrán. El alquitrán en el gas puede ser un inconveniente para emplear el gas como combustible por las obstrucciones y corrosión en los equipos. Dado que las condiciones de gasificación influyen en la producción de alquitrán, este trabajo de investigación se ha centrado en analizar la influencia de parámetros como la temperatura, la carga de alimentación, el tamaño de partícula, el agente gasificante y la utilización de catalizadores en la gasificación en lecho fluidizado de lodos de depuración. Adicionalmente a la medición del efecto de los anteriores parámetros en la producción y composición del alquitrán, también se ha cuantificado su influencia en la producción y composición del gas y en producción del residuo carbonoso. Los resultados muestran que el incremento de la carga de alimentación (kg/h.m2) provoca el descenso de la producción de gas combustible y el incremento del residuo carbonoso y del alquitrán debido a la reducción del tiempo de residencia del gas lo que supone un menor tiempo disponible para las reacciones gas-gas y gas-sólido ligadas a la conversión del alquitrán y del residuo carbonoso en gases combustibles. También se ha comprobado que, el aumento del tamaño de partícula, al incrementar el tiempo de calentamiento de ésta, tiene un efecto similar en los productos de la gasificación que el derivado del incremento en la carga de alimentación. La utilización de una temperatura de gasificación alta (850 ºC), el empleo de aire-vapor como agente gasificante y/o catalizadores primarios como la dolomía consiguen reducir la producción de alquitrán. ABSTRACT Gasification of sewage sludge is an attractive alternative for generating of fuel gases such as H2 and CO. These gases, in turn, can be used as raw materials for the production of organic chemicals and liquid fuel. However, gasification is not without problems as the linked ones to production of char and tar. The tar in the gas can be an inconvenience for to use it as fuel by the problems of blockage and corrosion in the equipments. Since the gasification conditions affect the production of tar, this research has focused on analysing the influence of parameters such as temperature, throughput, the particle size, the gasifying agent and the use of catalysts in the fluidized bed gasification of sewage sludge. In addition to measuring the effect of the above parameters on the production and composition of the tar, it has also been quantified their influence on the yield and composition of the gas and char production. The results show that higher throughput (kg/h.m2) leads to a reduction of fuel gas production and an increase in the production of char and tar, this owes to a lower of gas residence time or what is the same thing less time available for gas-solid and gas-gas reactions attached to the conversion of tar and char to fuel gases. There has also been proven that the rising in particle size, by the increasing heating time of it, has a similar effect in the products of gasification that the results by the rise in the throughput. The applications a high gasification temperature (850 ° C), the use of air-steam as gasifying agent and/or dolomite as primary catalysts are able to reduce the production of tar.


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The effects of three treatments of fibrolytic enzymes (cellulase from Trichoderma longibrachiatum (CEL), xylanase from rumen micro-organisms (XYL) and a 1:1 mixture of CEL and XYL (MIX) on the in vitro fermentation of two samples of Pennisetum clandestinum (P1 and P2), two samples of Dichanthium aristatum (D1 and D2) and one sample of each Acacia decurrens and Acacia mangium (A1 and A2) were investigated. The first experiment compared the effects of two methods of applying the enzymes to forages, either at the time of incubation or 24 h before, on the in vitro gas production. In general, the 24 h pre-treatment resulted in higher values of gas production rate, and this application method was chosen for a second study investigating the effects of enzymes on chemical composition and in vitro fermentation of forages. The pre-treatment with CEL for 24 h reduced (p < 0.05) the content of neutral detergent fibre (NDF) of P1, P2, D1 and D2, and that of MIX reduced the NDF content of P1 and D1, but XYL had no effect on any forage. The CEL treatment increased (p < 0.05) total volatile fatty acid (VFA) production for all forages (ranging from 8.6% to 22.7%), but in general, no effects of MIX and XYL were observed. For both P. clandestinum samples, CEL treatment reduced (p < 0.05) the molar proportion of acetate and increased (p < 0.05) that of butyrate, but only subtle changes in VFA profile were observed for the rest of forages. Under the conditions of the present experiment, the treatment of tropical forages with CEL stimulated their in vitro ruminal fermentation, but XYL did not produce any positive effect. These results showed clearly that effectiveness of enzymes varied with the incubated forage and further study is warranted to investigate specific, optimal enzyme-substrate combinations.


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Two in vitro experiments were conducted to analyse the effects of replacing dietary barley grain with wastes of tomato and cucumber fruits and a 1 : 1 tomato : cucumber mixture on rumen fermentation characteristics and microbial abundance. The control (CON) substrate contained 250 g/kg of barley grain on a dry matter (DM) basis, and another 15 substrates were formulated by replacing 50, 100, 150, 200 or 250 g of barley grain/kg with the same amount (DM basis) of tomato or cucumber fruits or 1 : 1 tomato : cucumber mixture. In Expt 1, all substrates were incubated in batch cultures with rumen micro-organisms from goats for 24 h. Increasing amounts of tomato, cucumber and the mixture of both fruits in the substrate increased final pH and gas production, without changes in final ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N) concentrations, substrate degradability and total volatile fatty acid (VFA) production, indicating that there were no detrimental effects of any waste fruits on rumen fermentation. Therefore, in Expt 2 the substrates including 250 g of waste fruits (T250, C250 and M250 for tomato, cucumber and the mixture of both fruits, respectively) and the CON substrate were incubated in single-flow continuous-culture fermenters for 8 days. Total VFA production did not differ among substrates, but there were differences in VFA profile. Molar proportions of propionate, isobutyrate and isovalerate were lower and acetate : propionate ratio was greater for T250 compared with CON substrate. Fermentation of substrates containing cucumber (C250 and M250) resulted in lower proportions of acetate, isobutyrate and isovalerate and acetate : propionate ratio, but greater butyrate proportions than the CON substrate. Carbohydrate degradability and microbial N synthesis tended to be lower for substrates containing cucumber than for the CON substrate, but there were no differences between CON and T250 substrates. Abundance of total bacteria, Fibrobacter succinogenes and Ruminococcus flavefaciens, fungi, methanogenic archaea and protozoa were similar in fermenters fed T250 and CON substrates, but fermenters fed C250 and M250 substrates had lower abundances of R. flavefaciens, fungi and protozoa than those fed the CON substrate. Results indicated that tomato fruits could replace dietary barley grain up to 250 g/kg of substrate DM without noticeable effects on rumen fermentation and microbial populations, but the inclusion of cucumber fruits at 250 g/kg of substrate DM negatively affected some microbial populations as it tended to reduce microbial N synthesis and changed the VFA profile. More studies are needed to identify the dietary inclusion level of cucumber which produces no detrimental effects on rumen fermentation and microbial growth.


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The in vitro gas production of pepsin/pancreatin used in the determination of in vitro digestibility was evaluated using different inocula from rabbits (ileal, caecal and soft faeces from rabbits). In experiment 1 were used 3 different ileal and caecal inocula obtained each one from the combination of the digesta of 3 different 70 d old rabbits.


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A Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) is being developed for a steam-methane reforming hydrogen production plant linked to a High-Temperature Gas Cooled Nuclear Reactor (HTGR). This work is based on the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute’s (JAERI) High Temperature Test Reactor (HTTR) prototype in Japan. This study has two major objectives: calculate the risk to onsite and offsite individuals, and calculate the frequency of different types of damage to the complex. A simplified HAZOP study was performed to identify initiating events, based on existing studies. The initiating events presented here are methane pipe break, helium pipe break, and PPWC heat exchanger pipe break. Generic data was used for the fault tree analysis and the initiating event frequency. Saphire was used for the PSA analysis. The results show that the average frequency of an accident at this complex is 2.5E-06, which is divided into the various end states. The dominant sequences result in graphite oxidation which does not pose a health risk to the population. The dominant sequences that could affect the population are those that result in a methane explosion and occur 6.6E-8/year, while the other sequences are much less frequent. The health risk presents itself if there are people in the vicinity who could be affected by the explosion. This analysis also demonstrates that an accident in one of the plants has little effect on the other. This is true given the design base distance between the plants, the fact that the reactor is underground, as well as other safety characteristics of the HTGR. Sensitivity studies are being performed in order to determine where additional and improved data is needed.


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Este proyecto consiste en el dimensionamiento del proceso de licuación de una planta offshore para la producción de gas natural licuado, usando únicamente N2 como refrigerante, evitando de este modo riesgos potenciales que podrían surgir con el uso de refrigerantes mixtos compuestos de hidrocarburos. El proceso ha sido diseñado para acomodar 35,23 kg/s (aproximadamente un millón de toneladas por año) de gas natural seco, sin separación de gases licuados de petróleo (GLP) y ajustarlo dentro de los parámetros requeridos en las especificaciones del proceso. Para proceder al dimensionamiento del proceso de licuación de gas natural de la planta se ha empleado el programa Aspen Plus. Los sistemas floating production, storage and offloading para licuar el gas natural (LNG-FPSO), es una nueva unidad conceptual y un modo realista y efectivo para la explotación, recuperación, almacenamiento, transporte y agotamiento de los campos marginales de gas y las fuentes de gas asociadas offshore. En el proyecto se detalla el proceso, equipos necesarios y costes estimados, potencia aproximada requerida y un breve análisis económico. ABSTRACT This project consist of the dimensioning of a liquefaction process in an offshore plant to produce liquefied natural, using only N2 as refrigerant in the cooling cycles to avoid potential hazards of mixed hydrocarbon refrigerants. The process was designed to accommodate 35.23 kg/s (roughly 1 MTPA) of raw natural gas feed without separation of LPG, and fits within all parameters required in the process specifications. The plant has been designed with the computer tool Aspen Plus. The floating production, storage and offloading system for liquefied natural gas (LNGFPSO), is a new conceptual unit and an effective and realistic way for exploitation, recovery, storage, transportation and end-use applications of marginal gas fields and offshore associated-gas resources. The following report details the process, equipment needs and estimated costs, approximated power requirements, and a brief economic analysis.


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Este proyecto trata sobre la gestión del boil-off gas, o BOG (vapor de gas natural que se produce en las instalaciones de gas natural licuado de las plantas de regasificación), generado en la planta de regasificación de Gas Natural Licuado de Cartagena, tanto en las situaciones en las que se opera por debajo del mínimo técnico, como en las cargas y descargas de buques, en las cuales se ha de gestionar una cantidad del boil-off adicional. Para recuperar el boil-off, las plantas cuentan con un relicuador (intercambiador de calor) en el que el BOG es relicuado por el GNL que se envía a los vaporizadores para ser regasificado y emitido a la red. De forma complementaria cuentan también con una antorcha/venteo donde se quema el exceso de boil-off que no puede ser tratado por el relicuador. Se procede a un análisis de la situación actual, y de cómo la baja demanda de regasificación dificulta la gestión del boil-off. Se simula el proceso de relicuación actual en distintas situaciones de operación. Ante la situación de baja demanda, ha aumentado considerablemente el número de días en los que las plantas españolas en general, y la planta de Cartagena en particular, operan por debajo del mínimo técnico, que es el nivel de producción mínimo para recuperar todo el boil-off generado en cualquier situación de operación al tiempo que mantiene en frío todas las instalaciones, y garantiza el 100% de disponibilidad inmediata del resto de los equipos en condiciones de seguridad de funcionamiento estable. Esta situación supone inconvenientes tanto operativos como medioambientales y acarrea mayores costes económicos, a los cuales da solución el presente proyecto, decidiendo qué alternativa técnica es la más adecuada y definiéndola. Abstract This project is about the management of the boil-off gas (BOG), natural vapour gas that is produced in liquefied natural gas (LNG) regasification plants. Specifically, the study is focused on the LNG regasification plant located in Cartagena, when it operates both below the technical minimum level of regasification and in the loading/unloading of LNG carriers, situations when it is needed to handle additional BOG. In order to make the most of BOG, the plants have a re-condenser (heat exchanger). Here, the BOG is re-liquefied by the LNG that is submitted to the vaporizers and delivered to the grid. The plants also have a flare/vent where the excess of BOG that cannot be treated by the re-condenser is burned. An analysis of the current situation of the demand is performed, evaluating how low markets demand for regasification difficult the BOG management. Besides, it is simulated the current re-liquefaction operating in different environments. Due to the reduction of the demand for natural gas, the periods when Spanish LNG regasification plants (and particularly the factory of Cartagena) are operating below the technical minimum level of regasification are more usual. This level is the minimum production to recover all the BOG generated in any operating situation while maintaining cold all facilities, fully guaranteeing the immediate availability from other equipment in a safely and stable operation. This situation carries both operational and environmental drawbacks, and leads to higher economic costs. This project aims to solve this problem, presenting several technical solutions and deciding which is the most appropriate.