em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Identifying, quantifying, and minimizing technical risks associated with investment decisions is a key challenge for mineral industry decision makers and investors. However, risk analysis in most bankable mine feasibility studies are based on the stochastic modelling of project “Net Present Value” (NPV)which, in most cases, fails to provide decision makers with a truly comprehensive analysis of risks associated with technical and management uncertainty and, as a result, are of little use for risk management and project optimization. This paper presents a value-chain risk management approach where project risk is evaluated for each step of the project lifecycle, from exploration to mine closure, and risk management is performed as a part of a stepwise value-added optimization process.


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NPV is a static measure of project value which does not discriminate between levels of internal and external risk in project valuation. Due to current investment project?s characteristics, a much more complex model is needed: one that includes the value of flexibility and the different risk levels associated with variables subject to uncertainty (price, costs, exchange rates, grade and tonnage of the deposits, cut off grade, among many others). Few of these variables present any correlation or can be treated uniformly. In this context, Real Option Valuation (ROV) arose more than a decade ago, as a mainly theoretical model with the potential for simultaneous calculation of the risk associated with such variables. This paper reviews the literature regarding the application of Real Options Valuation in mining, noting the prior focus on external risks, and presents a case study where ROV is applied to quantify risk associated to mine planning.


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After more than a decade of development work and hopes, the usage of mobile Internet has finally taken off. Now, we are witnessing the first signs of evidence of what might become the explosion of mobile content and applications that will be shaping the (mobile) Internet of the future. Similar to the wired Internet, search will become very relevant for the usage of mobile Internet. Current research on mobile search has applied a limited set of methodologies and has also generated a narrow outcome of meaningful results. This article covers new ground, exploring the use and visions of mobile search with a users' interview-based qualitative study. Its main conclusion builds upon the hypothesis that mobile search is sensitive to a mobile logic different than today's one. First, (advanced) users ask for accessing with their mobile devices the entire Internet, rather than subsections of it. Second, success is based on new added-value applications that exploit unique mobile functionalities. The authors interpret that such mobile logic involves fundamentally the use of personalised and context-based services.


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Tras un proceso que había durado cuatro años, en los días finales de 2009 se publicaron las normas que reforman el marco europeo regulador de las telecomunicaciones. El nuevo marco no introduce grandes novedades respecto al precedente de 2002 que adoptó un enfoque más acorde con las reglas generales de defensa de la competencia, basando la regulación en la definición y análisis de mercados relevantes. Este trabajo analiza estas normas, y de modo general la política sobre telecomunicaciones de la Comisión, y evalúa su eficacia de cara al progreso del mercado único. Mercado único que afronta otros obstáculos: cumplido el plazo de dieciocho meses para la transposición a los respectivos ordenamientos internos de las nuevas Directivas, sólo una minoría de Estados miembros había cumplido con dicha obligación.


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Given the significant impact of Web 2.0-related innovations on new Internet-based initiatives, this paper seeks to identify to what extent the main developments are protected by patents and whether patents have had a leading role in the advent of Web 2.0. The article shows that the number of patent applications filed is not that important for many of the Web 2.0 technologies in frequent use and that, of those filed, those granted are even less. The conclusion is that patents do not seem to be a relevant factor in the development of the Web 2.0 (and more generally in dynamic markets) where there is a high degree of innovation and low entry barriers for newcomers.


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Next generation telecommunications infrastructures are considered as a principal example of a new technology for sustainable economic growth. From their deployment it is expected that a wealth of innovations – hopefully converted into economic growth – new sources of employment and improved quality of life will result. In line with these prospects, public administrations at supranational, national, regional and local levels have encouraged the development of these new infrastructures. Moreover, in times of economic crisis, public assistance to deploy such networks encompasses the promise of placing a weak economy on the road to prosperity. However, such arguments and political claims clearly require rigorous assessment. In particular, any such assessment must adequately address the appropriate form of modelling that best captures key elements for identifiable progress from next generation access networks (NGAN).


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Success in the mobile search market will come to those who provide value-added apps that exploit unique mobile functionalities, especially those related to personalized and context-based services.


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The debate on network neutrality has reached sufficient notoriety to eliminate the need for detailed explanation. A simple definition will suffice: “network neutrality” is understood as the principle by which the owners of broadband networks would not be allowed to establish any type of discrimination or preference over the traffic transmitted through them


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It has taken more than a decade of intense technical and market developments for mobile Internet to take off as a mass phenomenon. And it has arrived with great intensity: an avalanche of mobile content and applications is now overrunning us. Similar to its wired counterpart, wireless Web users will continuously demand access to data and content in an efficient and user-friendly manner.


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ICTs account nowadays for 2% of total carbon emissions. However, in a time when strict measures to reduce energyconsumption in all the industrial and services sectors are required, the ICT sector faces an increase in services and bandwidth demand. The deployment of NextGenerationNetworks (NGN) will be the answer to this new demand and specifically, the NextGenerationAccessNetworks (NGANs) will provide higher bandwidth access to users. Several policy and cost analysis are being carried out to understand the risks and opportunities of new deployments, though the question of which is the role of energyconsumption in NGANs seems off the table. Thus, this paper proposes amodel to analyze the energyconsumption of the main fiber-based NGAN architectures, i.e. Fiber To The House (FTTH) in both Passive Optical Network (PON) and Point-to-Point (PtP) variations, and FTTx/VDSL. The aim of this analysis is to provide deeper insight on the impact of new deployments on the energyconsumption of the ICT sector and the effects of energyconsumption on the life-cycle cost of NGANs. The paper presents also an energyconsumption comparison of the presented architectures, particularized in the specific geographic and demographic distribution of users of Spain, but easily extendable to other countries.


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El objetivo de este artículo es presentar las opciones que están considerándose (incluso ya aplicándose) para la reforma de los mecanismos de gestión del espectro radioeléctrico y evaluar su conveniencia y oportunidad. En concreto, se describen y valoran los tres cambios más profundos en este posible cambio de modelo: autorización del mercado secundario, utilización de la subasta para la asignación primaria y liberalización plena del uso del espectro. El proceso ya en marcha de introducción de estos cambios en España es también analizado.


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La detección temprana del final de la vida útil de un árbol singular es fundamental para la evaluación de los síntomas relacionados con la seguridad, la estabilidad y la integridad del árbol, así como de los riesgos asociados cuando se encuentran cerca de edificios o existe tránsito de personas bajo el mismo. En ocasiones, la situación de los árboles protegidos obliga a decidir sobre su viabilidad en poco tiempo, puesto que un árbol puede morir en pie debido a senescencia intrínseca, por la incidencia de agentes causantes de estrés y por incapacidad para competir con éxito por los recursos. Generalmente, los árboles singulares son monumentales y de edad avanzada, y todos los agentes externos potencialmente causantes de daños son relevantes y deben vigilarse.


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Identificar, cuantificar y gestionar el riesgo económico asociado a las decisiones de inversión supone un desafío para ejecutivos e inversores del sector minero. Sin embargo, en gran parte de los estudios de factibilidad de proyectos mineros, la evaluación de riesgo se basa en la modelización estocástica de la rentabilidad, que aportan poco en los aspectos de gestión del riesgo y toma de decisión. En mi presentación, les planteo un nuevo enfoque en que el riesgo se evalúa en cada etapa de la cadena de valor del proyecto, desde la exploración hasta el cierre de la mina, lo que permite la gestión de riesgo como un proceso escalonado de optimización del valor añadido.


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Next generation access networks (NGAN) will support a renewed electronic communication market where main opportunities lie in the provision of ubiquitous broadband connectivity, applications and content. From their deployment it is expected a wealth of innovations. Within this framework, the project reviews the variety of NGAN deployment options available for rural environments, derives a simple method for approximate cost calculations, and then discusses and compares the results obtained. Data for Spain are used for practical calculations, but the model is applicable with minor modifications to most of the rural areas of European countries. The final part of the paper is devoted to review the techno-economic implications of a network deployment in a rural environment as well as the adequacy and possible developments of the regulatory framework involved


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Next generation access networks (NGAN) will support a renewed communication structure where opportunities lie in the provision of ubiquitous broadband connectivity, a wide variety of new applications, appealing contents and a general support to the sustainable growth of diverse sectors. From their deployment it is expected a wealth of innovations, jobs creation and a new wave of economic growth. In this paper we discuss which could be the role of Hybrid Fibre Coax (HFC) in the Next Generation Access Network (NGAN) roadmap. Thus, we propose a simplified model for making approximate cost calculations for HFC deployment based on the geographic and sociodemographic characteristics of Spain. Considering the latest evolution of HFC based on DOCSIS 3.0 from integrated (I-CMTS) towards modular (M-CMTS), the results from the model are compared with the most competitive NGAN for ultrabroadband speeds: Fibre to the Home (FTTH) based on Gigabitcapable Passive Optical Networks (GPON)