52 resultados para Frequency range selection

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Satellites and space equipment are exposed to diffuse acoustic fields during the launch process. The use of adequate techniques to model the response to the acoustic loads is a fundamental task during the design and verification phases. Considering the modal density of each element is necessary to identify the correct methodology. In this report selection criteria are presented in order to choose the correct modelling technique depending on the frequency ranges. A model satellite’s response to acoustic loads is presented, determining the modal densities of each component in different frequency ranges. The paper proposes to select the mathematical method in each modal density range and the differences in the response estimation due to the different used techniques. In addition, the methodologies to analyse the intermediate range of the system are discussed. The results are compared with experimental testing data obtained in an experimental modal test.


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We investigate the sputter growth of very thin aluminum nitride (AlN) films on iridium electrodes for electroacoustic devices operating in the super high frequency range. Superior crystal quality and low stress films with thicknesses as low as 160 nm are achieved after a radio frequency plasma treatment of the iridium electrode followed by a two-step alternating current reactive magnetron sputtering of an aluminum target, which promotes better conditions for the nucleation of well textured AlN films in the very first stages of growth. Solidly mounted resonators tuned around 8 GHz with effective electromechanical coupling factors of 5.8% and quality factors Q up to 900 are achieved.


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Durante los últimos años el flujo de datos en la transmisión que tiene lugar en los sistemas de comunicación ha aumentado considerablemente de forma que día a día se requieren más aplicaciones trabajando en un rango de frecuencias muy alto (3-30 GHz). Muchos de estos sistemas de comunicación incluyen dispositivos de onda acústica superficial (SAW) y por tanto se hace necesario el aumento de frecuencia a la que éstos trabajan. Pero este incremento de frecuencia de los dispositivos SAW no sólo es utilizado en los sistemas de comunicación, varios tipos de sensores, por ejemplo, aumentan su sensibilidad cuando la frecuencia a la que trabajan también lo hace. Tradicionalmente los dispositivos SAW se han fabricado sobre cuarzo, LiNbO3 y LiTaO3 principalmente. Sin embargo la principal limitación de estos materiales es su velocidad SAW. Además, debido a la alta temperatura a la que se depositan no pueden ser integrados en la tecnología de fabricación CMOS. El uso de la tecnología de capa delgada, en la que un material piezoeléctrico es depositado sobre un substrato, se está utilizando en las últimas décadas para incrementar la velocidad SAW de la estructura y poder obtener dispositivos trabajando en el rango de frecuencias requerido en la actualidad. Por otra parte, esta tecnología podría ser integrada en el proceso de fabricación CMOS. Durante esta tesis nos hemos centrado en la fabricación de dispositivos SAW trabajando a muy alta frecuencia. Para ello, utilizando la tecnología de capa delgada, hemos utilizado la estructura nitruro de aluminio (AlN) sobre diamante que permite conseguir velocidades SAW del sustrato que no se pueden alcanzar con otros materiales. El depósito de AlN se realizó mediante sputtering reactivo. Durante esta tesis se han realizado diferentes experimentos para optimizar dicho depósito de forma que se han obtenido los parámetros óptimos para los cuales se pueden obtener capas de AlN de alta calidad sobre cualquier tipo de sustrato. Además todo el proceso se realizó a baja temperatura para que el procesado de estos dispositivos pueda ser compatible con la tecnología CMOS. Una vez optimizada la estructura AlN/diamante, mediante litografía por haz de electrones se fabricaron resonadores SAW de tamaño nanométrico que sumado a la alta velocidad resultante de la combinación AlN/diamante nos ha permitido obtener dispositivos trabajando en el rango de 10-28 GHz con un alto factor de calidad y rechazo fuera de la banda. Estás frecuencias y prestaciones no han sido alcanzadas por el momento en resonadores de este tipo. Por otra parte, se han utilizado estos dispositivos para fabricar sensores de presión de alta sensibilidad. Estos dispositivos son afectados altamente por los cambios de temperatura. Se realizó también un exhaustivo estudio de cómo se comportan en temperatura estos resonadores, entre -250ºC y 250ºC (rango de temperaturas no estudiado hasta el momento) diferenciándose dos regiones una a muy baja temperatura en la que el dispositivo muestra un coeficiente de retraso en frecuencia (TCF) relativamente bajo y otra a partir de los -100ºC en la que el TCF es similar al observado en la bibliografía. Por tanto, durante esta tesis se ha optimizado el depósito de AlN sobre diamante para que sea compatible con la tecnología CMOS y permita el procesado de dispositivos trabajando a muy alta frecuencia con altas prestaciones para comunicaciones y sensores. ABSTRACT The increasing volume of information in data transmission systems results in a growing demand of applications working in the super-high-frequency band (3–30 GHz). Most of these systems work with surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices and thus there is a necessity of increasing their resonance frequency. Moreover, sensor application includes this kind of devices. The sensitivity of them is proportional with its frequency. Traditionally, quartz, LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 have been used in the fabrication of SAW devices. These materials suffer from a variety of limitations and in particular they have low SAW velocity as well as being incompatible with the CMOS technology. In order to overcome these problems, thin film technology, where a piezoelectric material is deposited on top of a substrate, has been used during the last decades. The piezoelectric/substrate structure allows to reach the frequencies required nowadays and could be compatible with the mass electronic production CMOS technology. This thesis work focuses on the fabrication of SAW devices working in the super-high-frequency range. Thin film technology has been used in order to get it, especially aluminum nitride (AlN) deposited by reactive sputtering on diamond has been used to increase the SAW velocity. Different experiments were carried out to optimize the parameters for the deposit of high quality AlN on any kind of substrates. In addition, the system was optimized under low temperature and thus this process is CMOS compatible. Once the AlN/diamond was optimized, thanks to the used e-beam lithography, nanometric SAW resonators were fabricated. The combination of the structure and the size of the devices allow the fabrication of devices working in the range of 10-28 GHz with a high quality factor and out of band rejection. These high performances and frequencies have not been reached so far for this kind of devices. Moreover, these devices have been used as high sensitivity pressure sensors. They are affected by temperature changes and thus a wide temperature range (-250ºC to 250ºC) study was done. From this study two regions were observed. At very low temperature, the temperature coefficient of frequency (TCF) is low. From -100ºC upwards the TCF is similar to the one appearing in the literature. Therefore, during this thesis work, the sputtering of AlN on diamond substrates was optimized for the CMOS compatible fabrication of high frequency and high performance SAW devices for communication and sensor application.


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In this paper, an AlN/free-standing nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) system is proposed in order to process high frequency surface acoustic wave (SAW) resonators for sensing applications. The main problem of synthetic diamond is its high surface roughness that worsens the sputtered AlN quality and hence the device response. In order to study the feasibility of this structure, AlN films from 150 nm up to 1200 nm thick have been deposited on free-standing NCD. We have then analysed the influence of the AlN layer thickness on its crystal quality and device response. Optimized thin films of 300 nm have been used to fabricate of one-port SAW resonators operating in the 10–14 GHz frequency range. A SAW based sensor pressure with a sensibility of 0.33 MHz/bar has been fabricated.


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This work presents a behavioral-analytical hybrid loss model for a buck converter. The model has been designed for a wide operating frequency range up to 4MHz and a low power range (below 20W). It is focused on the switching losses obtained in the power MOSFETs. Main advantages of the model are the fast calculation time and a good accuracy. It has been validated by simulation and experimentally with one Ga, power transistor and two Si MOSFETs. Results show good agreement between measurements and the model.


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This work presents a behavioral-analytical hybrid loss model for a buck converter. The model has been designed for a wide operating frequency range up to 4MHz and a low power range (below 20W). It is focused on the switching losses obtained in the power MOSFETs. Main advantages of the model are the fast calculation time (below 8.5 seconds) and a good accuracy, which makes this model suitable for the optimization process of the losses in the design of a converter. It has been validated by simulation and experimentally with one GaN power transistor and three Si MOSFETs. Results show good agreement between measurements and the model


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Esta Tesis Doctoral presenta las investigaciones y los trabajos desarrollados durante los años 2008 a 2012 para el análisis y diseño de un patrón primario de ruido térmico de banda ancha en tecnología coaxial. Para ubicar esta Tesis en su campo científico es necesario tomar conciencia de que la realización de mediciones fiables y trazables forma parte del sostenimiento del bienestar de una sociedad moderna y juega un papel crítico en apoyo de la competitividad económica, la fabricación y el comercio, así como de la calidad de vida. En el mundo moderno actual, una infraestructura de medición bien desarrollada genera confianza en muchas facetas de nuestra vida diaria, porque nos permite el desarrollo y fabricación de productos fiables, innovadores y de alta calidad; porque sustenta la competitividad de las industrias y su producción sostenible; además de contribuir a la eliminación de barreras técnicas y de dar soporte a un comercio justo, garantizar la seguridad y eficacia de la asistencia sanitaria, y por supuesto, dar respuesta a los grandes retos de la sociedad moderna en temas tan complicados como la energía y el medio ambiente. Con todo esto en mente se ha desarrollado un patrón primario de ruido térmico con el fin de aportar al sistema metrológico español un nuevo patrón primario de referencia capaz de ser usado para desarrollar mediciones fiables y trazables en el campo de la medida y calibración de dispositivos de ruido electromagnético de radiofrecuencia y microondas. Este patrón se ha planteado para que cumpla en el rango de 10 MHz a 26,5 GHz con las siguientes especificaciones: Salida nominal de temperatura de ruido aproximada de ~ 83 K. Incertidumbre de temperatura de ruido menor que ± 1 K en todo su rango de frecuencias. Coeficiente de reflexión en todo su ancho de banda de 0,01 a 26,5 GHz lo más bajo posible. Se ha divido esta Tesis Doctoral en tres partes claramente diferenciadas. La primera de ellas, que comprende los capítulos 1, 2, 3, 4 y 5, presenta todo el proceso de simulaciones y ajustes de los parámetros principales del dispositivo con el fin de dejar definidos los que resultan críticos en su construcción. A continuación viene una segunda parte compuesta por el capítulo 6 en donde se desarrollan los cálculos necesarios para obtener la temperatura de ruido a la salida del dispositivo. La tercera y última parte, capítulo 7, se dedica a la estimación de la incertidumbre de la temperatura de ruido del nuevo patrón primario de ruido obtenida en el capítulo anterior. Más concretamente tenemos que en el capítulo 1 se hace una exhaustiva introducción del entorno científico en donde se desarrolla este trabajo de investigación. Además se detallan los objetivos que se persiguen y se presenta la metodología utilizada para conseguirlos. El capítulo 2 describe la caracterización y selección del material dieléctrico para el anillo del interior de la línea de transmisión del patrón que ponga en contacto térmico los dos conductores del coaxial para igualar las temperaturas entre ambos y mantener la impedancia característica de todo el patrón primario de ruido. Además se estudian las propiedades dieléctricas del nitrógeno líquido para evaluar su influencia en la impedancia final de la línea de transmisión. En el capítulo 3 se analiza el comportamiento de dos cargas y una línea de aire comerciales trabajando en condiciones criogénicas. Se pretende con este estudio obtener la variación que se produce en el coeficiente de reflexión al pasar de temperatura ambiente a criogénica y comprobar si estos dispositivos resultan dañados por trabajar a temperaturas criogénicas; además se estudia si se modifica su comportamiento tras sucesivos ciclos de enfriamiento – calentamiento, obteniendo una cota de la variación para poder así seleccionar la carga que proporcione un menor coeficiente de reflexión y una menor variabilidad. En el capítulo 4 se parte del análisis de la estructura del anillo de material dieléctrico utilizada en la nota técnica NBS 1074 del NIST con el fin de obtener sus parámetros de dispersión que nos servirán para calcular el efecto que produce sobre el coeficiente de reflexión de la estructura coaxial completa. Además se realiza un estudio posterior con el fin de mejorar el diseño de la nota técnica NBS 1074 del NIST, donde se analiza el anillo de material dieléctrico, para posteriormente realizar modificaciones en la geometría de la zona donde se encuentra éste con el fin de reducir la reflexión que produce. Concretamente se estudia el ajuste del radio del conductor interior en la zona del anillo para que presente la misma impedancia característica que la línea. Y para finalizar se obtiene analíticamente la relación entre el radio del conductor interior y el radio de la transición de anillo térmico para garantizar en todo punto de esa transición la misma impedancia característica, manteniendo además criterios de robustez del dispositivo y de fabricación realistas. En el capítulo 5 se analiza el comportamiento térmico del patrón de ruido y su influencia en la conductividad de los materiales metálicos. Se plantean las posibilidades de que el nitrógeno líquido sea exterior a la línea o que éste penetre en su interior. En ambos casos, dada la simetría rotacional del problema, se ha simulado térmicamente una sección de la línea coaxial, es decir, se ha resuelto un problema bidimensional, aunque los resultados son aplicables a la estructura real tridimensional. Para la simulación térmica se ha empleado la herramienta PDE Toolbox de Matlab®. En el capítulo 6 se calcula la temperatura de ruido a la salida del dispositivo. Se parte del estudio de la aportación a la temperatura de ruido final de cada sección que compone el patrón. Además se estudia la influencia de las variaciones de determinados parámetros de los elementos que conforman el patrón de ruido sobre las características fundamentales de éste, esto es, el coeficiente de reflexión a lo largo de todo el dispositivo. Una vez descrito el patrón de ruido electromagnético se procede, en el capítulo 7, a describir los pasos seguidos para estimar la incertidumbre de la temperatura de ruido electromagnético a su salida. Para ello se utilizan dos métodos, el clásico de la guía para la estimación de la incertidumbre [GUM95] y el método de simulación de Monte Carlo. En el capítulo 8 se describen las conclusiones y lo logros conseguidos. Durante el desarrollo de esta Tesis Doctoral se ha obtenido un dispositivo novedoso susceptible de ser patentado, que ha sido registrado en la Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (O.E.P.M.) en Madrid, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 20 de la Ley 11/1986, de 20 de Marzo, de Patentes, con el título Patrón Primario de Ruido Térmico de Banda Ancha (Referencia P-101061) con fecha 7 de febrero de 2011. ABSTRACT This Ph. D. work describes a number of investigations that were performed along the years 2008 to 2011, as a preparation for the study and design of a coaxial cryogenic reference noise standard. Reliable and traceable measurement underpins the welfare of a modern society and plays a critical role in supporting economic competitiveness, manufacturing and trade as well as quality of life. In our modern world, a well developed measurement infrastructure gives confidence in many aspects of our daily life, for example by enabling the development and manufacturing of reliable, high quality and innovative products; by supporting industry to be competitive and sustainable in its production; by removing technical barriers to trade and supporting fair trade; by ensuring safety and effectiveness of healthcare; by giving response to the major challenges in key sectors such energy and environment, etc. With all this in mind we have developed a primary standard thermal noise with the aim of providing the Spanish metrology system with a new primary standard for noise reference. This standard will allow development of reliable and traceable measurements in the field of calibration and measurement of electromagnetic noise RF and microwave devices. This standard has been designed to work in the frequency range from 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz, meeting the following specifications: 1. Noise temperature output is to be nominally ~ 83 K. 2. Noise temperature uncertainty less than ± 1 K in the frequency range from 0.01 to 26.5 GHz. 3. Broadband performance requires as low a reflection coefficient as possible from 0.01 to 26.5 GHz. The present Ph. D. work is divided into three clearly differentiated parts. The first one, which comprises Chapters 1 to 5, presents the whole process of simulation and adjustment of the main parameters of the device in order to define those of them which are critical for the manufacturing of the device. Next, the second part consists of Chapter 6 where the necessary computations to obtain the output noise temperature of the device are carried out. The third and last part, Chapter 7, is devoted to the estimation of the uncertainty related to the noise temperature of the noise primary standard as obtained in the preceding chapter. More specifically, Chapter 1 provides a thorough introduction to the scientific and technological environment where this research takes place. It also details the objectives to be achieved and presents the methodology used to achieve them. Chapter 2 describes the characterization and selection of the bead dielectric material inside the transmission line, intended to connect the two coaxial conductors equalizing the temperature between the two of them and thus keeping the characteristic impedance constant for the whole standard. In addition the dielectric properties of liquid nitrogen are analyzed in order to assess their influence on the impedance of the transmission line. Chapter 3 analyzes the behavior of two different loads and of a commercial airline when subjected to cryogenic working conditions. This study is intended to obtain the variation in the reflection coefficient when the temperature changes from room to cryogenic temperature, and to check whether these devices can be damaged as a result of working at cryogenic temperatures. Also we try to see whether the load changes its behavior after successive cycles of cooling / heating, in order to obtain a bound for the allowed variation of the reflection coefficient of the load. Chapter 4 analyzes the ring structure of the dielectric material used in the NBS technical note 1074 of NIST, in order to obtain its scattering parameters that will be used for computation of its effect upon the reflection coefficient of the whole coaxial structure. Subsequently, we perform a further investigation with the aim of improving the design of NBS technical note 1074 of NIST, and modifications are introduced in the geometry of the transition area in order to reduce the reflection it produces. We first analyze the ring, specifically the influence of the radius of inner conductor of the bead, and then make changes in its geometry so that it presents the same characteristic impedance as that of the line. Finally we analytically obtain the relationship between the inner conductor radius and the radius of the transition from ring, in order to ensure the heat flow through the transition thus keeping the same reflection coefficient, and at the same time meeting the robustness requirements and the feasibility of manufacturing. Chapter 5 analyzes the thermal behavior of the noise standard and its influence on the conductivity of metallic materials. Both possibilities are raised that the liquid nitrogen is kept outside the line or that it penetrates inside. In both cases, given the rotational symmetry of the structure, we have simulated a section of coaxial line, i.e. the equivalent two-dimensional problem has been resolved, although the results are applicable to the actual three-dimensional structure. For thermal simulation Matlab™ PDE Toolbox has been used. In Chapter 6 we compute the output noise temperature of the device. The starting point is the analysis of the contribution to the overall noise temperature of each section making up the standard. Moreover the influence of the variations in the parameters of all elements of the standard is analyzed, specifically the variation of the reflection coefficient along the entire device. Once the electromagnetic noise standard has been described and analyzed, in Chapter 7 we describe the steps followed to estimate the uncertainty of the output electromagnetic noise temperature. This is done using two methods, the classic analytical approach following the Guide to the Estimation of Uncertainty [GUM95] and numerical simulations made with the Monte Carlo method. Chapter 8 discusses the conclusions and achievements. During the development of this thesis, a novel device was obtained which was potentially patentable, and which was finally registered through the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO) in Madrid, in accordance with the provisions of Article 20 of Law 11/1986 about Patents, dated March 20th, 1986. It was registered under the denomination Broadband Thermal Noise Primary Standard (Reference P-101061) dated February 7th, 2011.


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During launch, satellite and their equipment are subjected to loads of random nature and with a wide frequency range. Their vibro-acoustic response is an important issue to be analysed, for example for folded solar arrays and antennas. The main issue at low modal density is the modelling combinations engaging air layers, structures and external fluid. Depending on the modal density different methodologies, as FEM, BEM and SEA should be considered. This work focuses on the analysis of different combinations of the methodologies previously stated used in order to characterise the vibro-acoustic response of two rectangular sandwich structure panels isolated and engaging an air layer between them under a diffuse acoustic field. Focusing on the modelling of air layers, different models are proposed. To illustrate the phenomenology described and studied, experimental results from an acoustic test on an ARA-MKIII solar array in folded configuration are presented along with numerical results.


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This paper presents the design and characterization process of an active array demonstrator for the mid-frequency range (i.e., 300 MHz-1000 MHz) of the future Square Kilometre Array (SKA) radio telescope. This demonstrator, called FIDA3 (FG-IGN: Fundación General Instituto Geográfico Nacional - Differential Active Antenna Array), is part of the Spanish contribution for the SKA project. The main advantages provided by this design include the use of a dielectric-free structure, and the use of a fully-differential receiver in which differential low-noise amplifiers (LNAs) are directly connected to the balanced tapered-slot antennas (TSAs). First, the radiating structure and the differential low-noise amplifiers were separately designed and measured, obtaining good results (antenna elements with low voltage standing-wave ratios, array scanning capabilities up to 45°, and noise temperatures better than 52 K with low-noise amplifiers at room temperature). The potential problems due to the differential nature of the proposed solution are discussed, so some effective methods to overcome such limitations are proposed. Second, the complete active antenna array receiving system was assembled, and a 1 m2 active antenna array tile was characterized.


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This work describes the assessment of the acoustic properties of sputtered tantalum oxide films intended as high impedance films for the acoustic isolation of bulk acoustic wave devices operating in the GHz frequency range. The films are grown by sputtering a metallic tantalum target under different oxygen and argon gas mixtures, total pressures, pulsed DC powers and substrate bias. The structural properties of the films are assessed through infrared absorption spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction measurements. Their acoustic impedance is obtained after estimating the mass density by X-ray reflectometry measurements and the longitudinal acoustic velocity by analyzing the longitudinal λ/2 resonance induced in a tantalum oxide film inserted between an acoustic reflector and an AlN-based resonator. A second measurement of the sound velocity is achieved through picosecond acoustic spectroscopy.


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Flat or worn wheels rolling on rough or corrugated tracks can provoke airborne noise and ground-borne vibration, which can be a serious concern for nearby neighbours of urban rail transit lines. Among the various treatments used to reduce vibration and noise, resilient wheels play an important role. In conventional resilient wheels, a slightly prestressed V­shaped rubber ring is mounted between the steel wheel centre and tyre. The elastic layer enhances rolling noise and vibration suppression, as well as impact reduction on the track. In this paper the effectiveness of resilient wheels in underground lines, in comparison to monobloc ones, is assessed. The analysed resilient wheel is able to carry greater loads than standard resilient wheels used for light vehicles. It also presents a greater radial resiliency and a higher axial stiffness than conventional V­wheels. The finite element method was used in this study. A quarter car model was defined, in which the wheelset was modelled as an elastic body. Several simulations were performed in order to assess the vibrational behaviour of elastic wheels, including modal, harmonic and random vibration analysis, the latter allowing the introduction of realistic vertical track irregularities, as well as the influence of the running speed. Due to numerical problems some simplifications were needed. Parametric variations were also performed, in which the sensitivity of the whole system to variations of rubber prestress and Poisson’s ratio of the elastic material was assessed.Results are presented in the frequency domain, showing a better performance of the resilient wheels for frequencies over 200 Hz. This result reveals the ability of the analyzed design to mitigate rolling noise, but not structural vibrations, which are primarily found in the lower frequency range.


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An EMI filter for a three-phase buck-type medium power pulse-width modulation rectifier is designed. This filter considers differential mode noise and complies with MIL-STD- 461E for the frequency range of 10kHz to 10MHz. In industrial applications, the frequency range of the standard starts at 150kHz and the designer typically uses a switching frequency of 28kHz because the fifth harmonic is out of the range. This approach is not valid for aircraft applications. In order to design the switching frequency in aircraft applications, the power losses in the semiconductors and the weight of the reactive components should be considered. The proposed design is based on a harmonic analysis of the rectifier input current and an analytical study of the input filter. The classical industrial design does not consider the inductive effect in the filter design because the grid frequency is 50/60Hz. However, in the aircraft applications, the grid frequency is 400Hz and the inductance cannot be neglected. The proposed design considers the inductance and the capacitance effect of the filter in order to obtain unitary power factor at full power. In the optimization process, several filters are designed for different switching frequencies of the converter. In addition, designs from single to five stages are considered. The power losses of the converter plus the EMI filter are estimated at these switching frequencies. Considering overall losses and minimal filter volume, the optimal switching frequency is selected


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An EMI filter for a three-phase buck-type medium power pulse-width modulation rectifier is designed. This filter considers differential mode noise and complies with MIL-STD-461E for the frequency range of 10kHz to 10MHz. In industrial applications, the frequency range of the standard starts at 150kHz and the designer typically uses a switching frequency of 28kHz because the fifth harmonic is out of the range. This approach is not valid for aircraft applications. In order to design the switching frequency in aircraft applications, the power losses in the semiconductors and the weight of the reactive components should be considered. The proposed design is based on a harmonic analysis of the rectifier input current and an analytical study of the input filter. The classical industrial design does not consider the inductive effect in the filter design because the grid frequency is 50/60Hz. However, in the aircraft applications, the grid frequency is 400Hz and the inductance cannot be neglected. The proposed design considers the inductance and the capacitance effect of the filter in order to obtain unitary power factor at full power. In the optimization process, several filters are designed for different switching frequencies of the converter. In addition, designs from single to five stages are considered. The power losses of the converter plus the EMI filter are estimated at these switching frequencies. Considering overall losses and minimal filter volume, the optimal switching frequency is selected.


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El estudio de vibraciones tiene por objetivo fijar una banda de seguridad para proteger la nueva línea ferroviaria de alta velocidad Madrid – Vitoria – San Sebastián (tramo Andoain – Urnieta).Las tomas de datos han permitido el cálculo de unas leyes de amortiguación de la propagación de las ondas de vibración que permiten predecir cuál será la magnitud de vibración generada a una cierta distancia de la explotación cuando se detona una carga de explosivo determinada. Así mismo, se lleva a cabo un análisis de las concentraciones de energía (vibraciones) que podrían producirse durante una voladura tipo de producción atendiendo a diferentes secuencias de disparo. Con este método, basado en el disparo de un “barreno semilla” de similares condiciones de carga y arranque que un barreno típico de producción, se pretende resaltar la importancia que tiene el rango de las frecuencias en el proceso de generación y transmisión de vibraciones en el terreno, y consecuentemente en los criterios de protección de estructuras frente a tales vibraciones. ABSTRACT The aim of the vibration study is to set a security band to protect the Spanish high speed train (AVE) which goes Madrid-Vitoria-San Sebastian (section Andoain- Urnieta). The data gathered has made possible the calculation of absorption laws of propagation of vibrating waves, that allow the prediction of the magnitude created at a certain distance of the detonation of a known explosive. In addition, an analysis of the energy concentrations that could appear during a blasting in different sequences is made. With this method based on the firing of a seed drill with similar load and boot conditions of a common production drill, is intended to highlight the importance of the frequency range in the process of vibrations transmission and generation in the field, and consequently the importance in the structures protection criteria against these vibrations.


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En el presente trabajo de tesis se afronta el problema de la optimización de la superficie de grandes antenas reflectoras. Es sabido que los grandes reflectores, formados por una superficie panelada, sufren deformaciones debidas al impacto del viento, a los cambios de temperatura y a los efectos gravitacionales derivados del gran peso de la estructura. Estos efectos hacen que los reflectores pierdan su forma ideal, generalmente de paraboloide, y se reduzca su eficiencia de apertura y, por tanto, se limite la máxima frecuencia de uso de los mismos. Es necesario, por tanto, disponer de técnicas que permitan medir el estado de la superficie de grandes reflectores, y derivar los ajustes necesarios a aplicar sobre los tornillos de soporte de cada uno de los paneles que conforman dicha superficie. De esta manera, se devolvería al reflector su forma óptima y aumentaría la eficiencia de apertura y el rango de frecuencias de uso. Hay que resaltar que el aumento de la eficiencia de un radiotelescopio supone una reducción en el tiempo de integración necesario para la detección de las debilísimas señales generadas por las radiofuentes naturales, ahorrando así valioso tiempo de observación. Además, el incremento en el rango de frecuencias permite la detección de nuevas líneas o especies moleculares en dichas radiofuentes. Tras un primer capítulo introductorio, se presenta, en el capítulo segundo, la geometría de estos grandes reflectores y la influencia de los distintos factores que afectan a la calidad de la superficie de los mismos, como la gravedad, el viento y la temperatura, particularizando para el caso del radiotelescopio de 40 metros del Centro Astronómico de Yebes. En el tercer capítulo, se presentan las diferentes técnicas metrológicas empleadas actualmente para abordar la determinación de estos ajustes, mostrándose las ventajas e inconvenientes de cada una de ellas. Actualmente, la técnica metrológica más precisa y rápida para llevar a cabo esta tarea de caracterización de la superficie de un gran reflector, es la radio-holografía de microondas presentada en el capítulo cuarto. A partir de las medidas proporcionadas por esta técnica, realizadas con la ayuda de un transmisor, y mediante transformaciones de campo, se calculan los errores de la superficie del reflector, respecto al paraboloide ideal, y se derivan los ajustes necesarios. En los capítulos quinto y sexto se presentan los resultados de la aplicación de esta técnica a dos radiotelescopios: el de 30 metros de IRAM en Pico de Veleta (Granada) y los prototipos de 12 metros de las antenas del proyecto ALMA. Por su parte, el capítulo séptimo contiene el núcleo fundamental de esta tesis y presenta el desarrollo de la técnica de radio-holografía de microondas para optimizar la superficie del radiotelescopio de 40 metros del Centro Astronómico de Yebes. Para ello, ha sido necesario diseñar, construir e instalar un receptor de doble canal en banda Ku en foco primario, y la instrumentación asociada para hacer las medidas de amplitud y fase del diagrama de radiación. Además, ha sido necesario desarrollar el software para llevar a cabo las transformaciones de campo y derivar los ajustes de los paneles. De las medidas holográficas iniciales resultó un error de la superficie del radiotelescopio de 485 μm WRMS, respecto al paraboloide ideal en dirección normal. Tras varias iteraciones del proceso de medida y ajuste, se consiguió reducir dicho error a 194 μm WRMS. Esta notable mejora de la calidad de la superficie ha supuesto aumentar la eficiencia de apertura desde 2,6% al 38,2% a 86 GHz, para un receptor a esta frecuencia situado en el foco primario que produjese la misma iluminación que el receptor de holografía. In this thesis the problem of large reflector antenna surface optimization is faced. It is well known that large reflectors, which are made of a panelled surface, suffer from deformations due to the impact of wind, temperature gradients and gravity loads coming from the high weigth of the structure. These effects distort the ideal reflector shape, which is a paraboloid in most cases, hence reducing the aperture efficiency of the reflector and limiting the maximum frequency of operation. Therefore, it is necessary to have some techniques to measure the status of large reflector surfaces and to derive the adjustment values to be applied to the screws that connect the surface panels to the reflector back-up structure. In this way, the reflector would recover its optimum shape and the aperture efficiency and frequency range would increase. It has to be stated that an increment in the radiotelescope aperture efficiency would imply a reduction in the integration time needed to detect such weak signals coming from natural radiosources in space and, hence, an important saving in observation time. In addition, the increase in the frequency range of operation would allow the detection of new molecular lines in those radiosources. After the introduction, the second chapter shows the geometry of large reflector antennas and the impact on its surface quality of different factors like gravity, wind and temperature, particularly for the case of the Centro Astronómico de Yebes 40 meter radiotelescope. The third chapter deals with the different metrology techniques used to determine the panel adjustments, including the advantages and drawbacks of each one Currently, the most accurate and fast metrologic technique to carry out the characterization of large reflector surfaces is microwave radio-holography2, which is shown in chapter four. From the measurements provided by microwave radio-holography, performed with the help of a transmitter, and with the use of field transformations, the reflector surface errors are computed and the panel adjustments are derived. Chapters five and six show the results of holographic measurements applied to two first class radiotelescopes: the IRAM 30 meter radiotelescope and the 12 meter prototype antennas for the ALMA project. Chapter seven contains the main work of this thesis. It presents the development of the microwave radio-holography technique for the optimization of the Centro Astronómico de Yebes 40m radiotelescope. The work implied the design, construction and instalation of a prime focus Ku-band dual channel receiver, together with the associated instrumentation to measure the amplitude and phase of the radiotelescope radiation pattern. In addition, the software to carry out field transformations and screw settings computations was developed too. Initial holography measurements came up with an surface error of 485 μmWRMS in normal direction with respect to the best-fit paraboloid. After a few iterations of the measurementadjustment cycle, the surface error was reduced to 194 μm WRMS. This remarkable improvement in surface quality means an increment in aperture efficiency from 2,6% to 38,2% at 86 GHz, assuming a receiver at this frequency in prime focus position which produces the same illumination as the holography receiver.