14 resultados para Foliar fertilization
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Las hojas representan el centro básico de la actividad de la vid, en ellas se realizan múltiples funciones que van desde las funciones fisiológicas más conocidas entre las que destaca la fotosíntesis, a través de la cual las hojas captan de la atmosfera la energía luminosa, que trasforman en energía química para trasformar el anhídrido carbónico (CO2) atmosférico en hidratos de carbono, en azúcares, que son el primer eslabón de todas las cadenas metabólicas de la planta, azúcares que la vid utilizará para edificar los diferentes tejidos y órganos, que empleará como fuente de energía para las diferentes funciones de crecimiento y metabolismo, azúcares que acumula como reserva en frutos o en los o en otras partes de las plantas (hojas, tallos o raíces); con el concurso de los azúcares las plantas obtienen los restantes compuestos orgánicos, desde las proteínas, las hormonas o los ácidos orgánicos tienen su origen en los azucares.
La superficie foliar total del viñedo LAI (m2/m2) es un indicador de la potencialidad general, su medición en el viñedo es muy laboriosa, pues si se quiere con precisión hay que recurrir a medidores de superficie portátiles o recurrir a métodos destructivos que requieren tomar muestras muy grandes de hojas y medir en laboratorio, en otros casos hay cierto equipamiento más o menos sofisticado que da buenas aproximaciones.
In the present study (i) the impact of plant Boron (B) status on foliar B absorption and (ii) the effect of B complexation with polyols (sorbitol or mannitol) on B absorption and translocation was investigated. Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Meer.) plants grown in nutrient solution containing 0 μM, 10 μM, 30 μM or 100 μM 11B labelled boric acid (BA) were treated with 50 mM 10B labelled BA applied to the basal parts of two leaflets of one leaf, either pure or in combination with 500 mM sorbitol or mannitol. After one week, 10B concentrations in different plant parts were determined. In B deficient leaves (0 μM 11B), 10B absorption was significantly lower than in all other treatments (9.7% of the applied dose vs. 26%–32%). The application of BA in combination with polyols increased absorption by 18–25% as compared to pure BA. The absolute amount of applied 10B moving out of the application zone was lowest in plants with 0 μM 11B supply (1.1% of the applied dose) and highest in those grown in 100 μM 11B (2.8%). The presence of sorbitol significantly decreased the share of mobile 10B in relation to the amount absorbed. The results suggest that 11B deficiency reduces the permeability of the leaf surface for BA. The addition of polyols may increase 10B absorption, but did not improve 10B distribution within the plant, which was even hindered when applied a sorbitol complex.
Th e CERES-Maize model is the most widely used maize (Zea mays L.) model and is a recognized reference for comparing new developments in maize growth, development, and yield simulation. Th e objective of this study was to present and evaluate CSMIXIM, a new maize simulation model for DSSAT version 4.5. Code from CSM-CERES-Maize, the modular version of the model, was modifi ed to include a number of model improvements. Model enhancements included the simulation of leaf area, C assimilation and partitioning, ear growth, kernel number, grain yield, and plant N acquisition and distribution. Th e addition of two genetic coeffi cients to simulate per-leaf foliar surface produced 32% smaller root mean square error (RMSE) values estimating leaf area index than did CSM-CERES. Grain yield and total shoot biomass were correctly simulated by both models. Carbon partitioning, however, showed diff erences. Th e CSM-IXIM model simulated leaf mass more accurately, reducing the CSM-CERES error by 44%, but overestimated stem mass, especially aft er stress, resulting in similar average RMSE values as CSM-CERES. Excessive N uptake aft er fertilization events as simulated by CSM-CERES was also corrected, reducing the error by 16%. Th e accuracy of N distribution to stems was improved by 68%. Th ese improvements in CSM-IXIM provided a stable basis for more precise simulation of maize canopy growth and yield and a framework for continuing future model developments
The need to reduce nitrogen (N) fertilizer pollution strengthens the importance of improving the utilization efficiency of applied N to crops. This requires knowledge of crop N uptake characteristics and how fertilization management affects it. A three-year field experiment was conducted from May to September in central Spain to investigate the influence of different N rates, which ranged from 11 to 393 kg ha-1, applied through drip irrigation, on the dynamics of N uptake, nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), fruit yield and quality of a ?Piel de sapo? melon crop (Cucumis melo L. cv. Sancho). Both N concentration and N content increased in different plant parts with the N rate. Leaves had the highest N concentration, which declined by 40-50% from 34-41 days after transplanting (DAT), while the highest N uptake rate was observed from 30-35 to 70-80 DAT, coinciding with fruit development. In each year, NUE declined with increasing N rate. With N fertilizer applications close to the optimum N rate of 90-100 kg ha-1, the fruits removed approximately 60 kg N ha-1, and the amount of N in the crop residue was about 80 kg N ha-1; this serves to replenish the organic nutrient pool in the soil and may be used by subsequent crops following mineralization.
BACKGROUND: The immediate lethality caused by spinosad has been widely studied on Spodoptera exigua (H ¿ ubner). However, long-term effects can also provide valuable information on insecticide toxic action. Here, the persistence of spinosad on Capsicum annuum L. foliage and the lethal and sublethal effects of greenhouse-aged foliar residues of this insecticide on third instars of S. exigua are reported. RESULTS: Foliage was collected at 0, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 days after application, and spinosad residues were measured. Residues decreased over time according to first-order kinetics. The average rate constant and half-life of disappearance were 4.44×10?3 and156 daysand5.80×10?3 and120 days for60and120 mg L?1 respectively. Larval mortalitygradually decreased, corresponding to the residues, but was still appreciable (35 and 65% for 60 and 120 mg L?1 respectively) when the larvae were fed with foliage collected 50 days after treatment. Subsequently, pupal development was reduced and varied between 20 and 60% and between 21 and 41% for 60 and 120 mg L?1, respectively, in all ages of leaf residues that were bioassayed. At all time points, the consumption rate by the larvae was reduced between 62 and 84% for both concentrations that were bioassayed. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that, under the present greenhouse conditions, the degradation of spinosad was slower than that reported by other authors in the field, and, because of that, its residues could cause lethal and sublethal effects to S. exigua larvae.
El óxido nitroso (N2O) es un potente gas de efecto invernadero (GHG) proveniente mayoritariamente de la fertilización nitrogenada de los suelos agrícolas. Identificar estrategias de manejo de la fertilización que reduzcan estas emisiones sin suponer un descenso de los rendimientos es vital tanto a nivel económico como medioambiental. Con ese propósito, en esta Tesis se han evaluado: (i) estrategias de manejo directo de la fertilización (inhibidores de la nitrificación/ureasa); y (ii) interacciones de los fertilizantes con (1) el manejo del agua, (2) residuos de cosecha y (3) diferentes especies de plantas. Para conseguirlo se llevaron a cabo meta-análisis, incubaciones de laboratorio, ensayos en invernadero y experimentos de campo. Los inhibidores de la nitrificación y de la actividad ureasa se proponen habitualmente como medidas para reducir las pérdidas de nitrógeno (N), por lo que su aplicación estaría asociada al uso eficiente del N por parte de los cultivos (NUE). Sin embargo, su efecto sobre los rendimientos es variable. Con el objetivo de evaluar en una primera fase su efectividad para incrementar el NUE y la productividad de los cultivos, se llevó a cabo un meta-análisis. Los inhibidores de la nitrificación dicyandiamide (DCD) y 3,4-dimetilepyrazol phosphate (DMPP) y el inhibidor de la ureasa N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) fueron seleccionados para el análisis ya que generalmente son considerados las mejores opciones disponibles comercialmente. Nuestros resultados mostraron que su uso puede ser recomendado con el fin de incrementar tanto el rendimiento del cultivo como el NUE (incremento medio del 7.5% y 12.9%, respectivamente). Sin embargo, se observó que su efectividad depende en gran medida de los factores medioambientales y de manejo de los estudios evaluados. Una mayor respuesta fue encontrada en suelos de textura gruesa, sistemas irrigados y/o en cultivos que reciben altas tasas de fertilizante nitrogenado. En suelos alcalinos (pH ≥ 8), el inhibidor de la ureasa NBPT produjo el mayor efecto. Dado que su uso representa un coste adicional para los agricultores, entender las mejores prácticas que permitan maximizar su efectividad es necesario para posteriormente realizar comparaciones efectivas con otras prácticas que incrementen la productividad de los cultivos y el NUE. En base a los resultados del meta-análisis, se seleccionó el NBPT como un inhibidor con gran potencial. Inicialmente desarrollado para reducir la volatilización de amoniaco (NH3), en los últimos años algunos investigadores han demostrado en estudios de campo un efecto mitigador de este inhibidor sobre las pérdidas de N2O provenientes de suelos fertilizados bajo condiciones de baja humedad del suelo. Dada la alta variabilidad de los experimentos de campo, donde la humedad del suelo cambia rápidamente, ha sido imposible entender mecanísticamente el potencial de los inhibidores de la ureasa (UIs) para reducir emisiones de N2O y su dependencia con respecto al porcentaje de poros llenos de agua del suelo (WFPS). Por lo tanto se realizó una incubación en laboratorio con el propósito de evaluar cuál es el principal mecanismo biótico tras las emisiones de N2O cuando se aplican UIs bajo diferentes condiciones de humedad del suelo (40, 60 y 80% WFPS), y para analizar hasta qué punto el WFPS regula el efecto del inhibidor sobre las emisiones de N2O. Un segundo UI (i.e. PPDA) fue utilizado para comparar el efecto del NBPT con el de otro inhibidor de la ureasa disponible comercialmente; esto nos permitió comprobar si el efecto de NBPT es específico de ese inhibidor o no. Las emisiones de N2O al 40% WFPS fueron despreciables, siendo significativamente más bajas que las de todos los tratamientos fertilizantes al 60 y 80% WFPS. Comparado con la urea sin inhibidor, NBPT+U redujo las emisiones de N2O al 60% WFPS pero no tuvo efecto al 80% WFPS. La aplicación de PPDA incrementó significativamente las emisiones con respecto a la urea al 80% WFPS mientras que no se encontró un efecto significativo al 60% WFPS. Al 80% WFPS la desnitrificación fue la principal fuente de las emisiones de N2O en todos los tratamientos mientras que al 60% tanto la nitrificación como la desnitrificación tuvieron un papel relevante. Estos resultados muestran que un correcto manejo del NBPT puede suponer una estrategia efectiva para mitigar las emisiones de N2O. Con el objetivo de trasladar nuestros resultados de los estudios previos a condiciones de campo reales, se desarrolló un experimento en el que se evaluó la efectividad del NBPT para reducir pérdidas de N y aumentar la productividad durante un cultivo de cebada (Hordeum vulgare L.) en secano Mediterráneo. Se determinó el rendimiento del cultivo, las concentraciones de N mineral del suelo, el carbono orgánico disuelto (DOC), el potencial de desnitrificación, y los flujos de NH3, N2O y óxido nítrico (NO). La adición del inhibidor redujo las emisiones de NH3 durante los 30 días posteriores a la aplicación de urea en un 58% y las emisiones netas de N2O y NO durante los 95 días posteriores a la aplicación de urea en un 86 y 88%, respectivamente. El uso de NBPT también incrementó el rendimiento en grano en un 5% y el consumo de N en un 6%, aunque ninguno de estos incrementos fue estadísticamente significativo. Bajo las condiciones experimentales dadas, estos resultados demuestran el potencial del inhibidor de la ureasa NBPT para mitigar las emisiones de NH3, N2O y NO provenientes de suelos arables fertilizados con urea, mediante la ralentización de la hidrólisis de la urea y posterior liberación de menores concentraciones de NH4 + a la capa superior del suelo. El riego por goteo combinado con la aplicación dividida de fertilizante nitrogenado disuelto en el agua de riego (i.e. fertirriego por goteo) se considera normalmente una práctica eficiente para el uso del agua y de los nutrientes. Algunos de los principales factores (WFPS, NH4 + y NO3 -) que regulan las emisiones de GHGs (i.e. N2O, CO2 y CH4) y NO pueden ser fácilmente manipulados por medio del fertirriego por goteo sin que se generen disminuciones del rendimiento. Con ese propósito se evaluaron opciones de manejo para reducir estas emisiones en un experimento de campo durante un cultivo de melón (Cucumis melo L.). Los tratamientos incluyeron distintas frecuencias de riego (semanal/diario) y tipos de fertilizantes nitrogenados (urea/nitrato cálcico) aplicados por fertirriego. Fertirrigar con urea en lugar de nitrato cálcico aumentó las emisiones de N2O y NO por un factor de 2.4 y 2.9, respectivamente (P < 0.005). El riego diario redujo las emisiones de NO un 42% (P < 0.005) pero aumentó las emisiones de CO2 un 21% (P < 0.05) comparado con el riego semanal. Analizando el Poder de Calentamiento global en base al rendimiento así como los factores de emisión del NO, concluimos que el fertirriego semanal con un fertilizante de tipo nítrico es la mejor opción para combinar productividad agronómica con sostenibilidad medioambiental en este tipo de agroecosistemas. Los suelos agrícolas en las áreas semiáridas Mediterráneas se caracterizan por su bajo contenido en materia orgánica y bajos niveles de fertilidad. La aplicación de residuos de cosecha y/o abonos es una alternativa sostenible y eficiente desde el punto de vista económico para superar este problema. Sin embargo, estas prácticas podrían inducir cambios importantes en las emisiones de N2O de estos agroecosistemas, con impactos adicionales en las emisiones de CO2. En este contexto se llevó a cabo un experimento de campo durante un cultivo de cebada (Hordeum vulgare L.) bajo condiciones Mediterráneas para evaluar el efecto de combinar residuos de cosecha de maíz con distintos inputs de fertilizantes nitrogenados (purín de cerdo y/o urea) en estas emisiones. La incorporación de rastrojo de maíz incrementó las emisiones de N2O durante el periodo experimental un 105%. Sin embargo, las emisiones de NO se redujeron significativamente en las parcelas enmendadas con rastrojo. La sustitución parcial de urea por purín de cerdo redujo las emisiones netas de N2O un 46 y 39%, con y sin incorporación de residuo de cosecha respectivamente. Las emisiones netas de NO se redujeron un 38 y un 17% para estos mismos tratamientos. El ratio molar DOC:NO3 - demostró predecir consistentemente las emisiones de N2O y NO. El efecto principal de la interacción entre el fertilizante nitrogenado y el rastrojo de maíz se dio a los 4-6 meses de su aplicación, generando un aumento del N2O y una disminución del NO. La sustitución de urea por purín de cerdo puede considerarse una buena estrategia de manejo dado que el uso de este residuo orgánico redujo las emisiones de óxidos de N. Los pastos de todo el mundo proveen numerosos servicios ecosistémicos pero también suponen una importante fuente de emisión de N2O, especialmente en respuesta a la deposición de N proveniente del ganado mientras pasta. Para explorar el papel de las plantas como mediadoras de estas emisiones, se analizó si las emisiones de N2O dependen de la riqueza en especies herbáceas y/o de la composición específica de especies, en ausencia y presencia de una deposición de orina. Las hipótesis fueron: 1) las emisiones de N2O tienen una relación negativa con la productividad de las plantas; 2) mezclas de cuatro especies generan menores emisiones que monocultivos (dado que su productividad será mayor); 3) las emisiones son menores en combinaciones de especies con distinta morfología radicular y alta biomasa de raíz; y 4) la identidad de las especies clave para reducir el N2O depende de si hay orina o no. Se establecieron monocultivos y mezclas de dos y cuatro especies comunes en pastos con rasgos funcionales divergentes: Lolium perenne L. (Lp), Festuca arundinacea Schreb. (Fa), Phleum pratense L. (Php) y Poa trivialis L. (Pt), y se cuantificaron las emisiones de N2O durante 42 días. No se encontró relación entre la riqueza en especies y las emisiones de N2O. Sin embargo, estas emisiones fueron significativamente menores en ciertas combinaciones de especies. En ausencia de orina, las comunidades de plantas Fa+Php actuaron como un sumidero de N2O, mientras que los monocultivos de estas especies constituyeron una fuente de N2O. Con aplicación de orina la comunidad Lp+Pt redujo (P < 0.001) las emisiones de N2O un 44% comparado con los monocultivos de Lp. Las reducciones de N2O encontradas en ciertas combinaciones de especies pudieron explicarse por una productividad total mayor y por una complementariedad en la morfología radicular. Este estudio muestra que la composición de especies herbáceas es un componente clave que define las emisiones de N2O de los ecosistemas de pasto. La selección de combinaciones de plantas específicas en base a la deposición de N esperada puede, por lo tanto, ser clave para la mitigación de las emisiones de N2O. ABSTRACT Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a potent greenhouse gas (GHG) directly linked to applications of nitrogen (N) fertilizers to agricultural soils. Identifying mitigation strategies for these emissions based on fertilizer management without incurring in yield penalties is of economic and environmental concern. With that aim, this Thesis evaluated: (i) the use of nitrification and urease inhibitors; and (ii) interactions of N fertilizers with (1) water management, (2) crop residues and (3) plant species richness/identity. Meta-analysis, laboratory incubations, greenhouse mesocosm and field experiments were carried out in order to understand and develop effective mitigation strategies. Nitrification and urease inhibitors are proposed as means to reduce N losses, thereby increasing crop nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). However, their effect on crop yield is variable. A meta-analysis was initially conducted to evaluate their effectiveness at increasing NUE and crop productivity. Commonly used nitrification inhibitors (dicyandiamide (DCD) and 3,4-dimethylepyrazole phosphate (DMPP)) and the urease inhibitor N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) were selected for analysis as they are generally considered the best available options. Our results show that their use can be recommended in order to increase both crop yields and NUE (grand mean increase of 7.5% and 12.9%, respectively). However, their effectiveness was dependent on the environmental and management factors of the studies evaluated. Larger responses were found in coarse-textured soils, irrigated systems and/or crops receiving high nitrogen fertilizer rates. In alkaline soils (pH ≥ 8), the urease inhibitor NBPT produced the largest effect size. Given that their use represents an additional cost for farmers, understanding the best management practices to maximize their effectiveness is paramount to allow effective comparison with other practices that increase crop productivity and NUE. Based on the meta-analysis results, NBPT was identified as a mitigation option with large potential. Urease inhibitors (UIs) have shown to promote high N use efficiency by reducing ammonia (NH3) volatilization. In the last few years, however, some field researches have shown an effective mitigation of UIs over N2O losses from fertilized soils under conditions of low soil moisture. Given the inherent high variability of field experiments where soil moisture content changes rapidly, it has been impossible to mechanistically understand the potential of UIs to reduce N2O emissions and its dependency on the soil water-filled pore space (WFPS). An incubation experiment was carried out aiming to assess what is the main biotic mechanism behind N2O emission when UIs are applied under different soil moisture conditions (40, 60 and 80% WFPS), and to analyze to what extent the soil WFPS regulates the effect of the inhibitor over N2O emissions. A second UI (i.e. PPDA) was also used aiming to compare the effect of NBPT with that of another commercially available urease inhibitor; this allowed us to see if the effect of NBPT was inhibitor-specific or not. The N2O emissions at 40% WFPS were almost negligible, being significantly lower from all fertilized treatments than that produced at 60 and 80% WFPS. Compared to urea alone, NBPT+U reduced the N2O emissions at 60% WFPS but had no effect at 80% WFPS. The application of PPDA significantly increased the emissions with respect to U at 80% WFPS whereas no significant effect was found at 60% WFPS. At 80% WFPS denitrification was the main source of N2O emissions for all treatments. Both nitrification and denitrification had a determinant role on these emissions at 60% WFPS. These results suggest that adequate management of the UI NBPT can provide, under certain soil conditions, an opportunity for N2O mitigation. We translated our previous results to realistic field conditions by means of a field experiment with a barley crop (Hordeum vulgare L.) under rainfed Mediterranean conditions in which we evaluated the effectiveness of NBPT to reduce N losses and increase crop yields. Crop yield, soil mineral N concentrations, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), denitrification potential, NH3, N2O and nitric oxide (NO) fluxes were measured during the growing season. The inclusion of the inhibitor reduced NH3 emissions in the 30 d following urea application by 58% and net N2O and NO emissions in the 95 d following urea application by 86 and 88%, respectively. NBPT addition also increased grain yield by 5% and N uptake by 6%, although neither increase was statistically significant. Under the experimental conditions presented here, these results demonstrate the potential of the urease inhibitor NBPT in abating NH3, N2O and NO emissions from arable soils fertilized with urea, slowing urea hydrolysis and releasing lower concentrations of NH4 + to the upper soil layer. Drip irrigation combined with split application of N fertilizer dissolved in the irrigation water (i.e. drip fertigation) is commonly considered best management practice for water and nutrient efficiency. Some of the main factors (WFPS, NH4 + and NO3 -) regulating the emissions of GHGs (i.e. N2O, carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4)) and NO can easily be manipulated by drip fertigation without yield penalties. In this study, we tested management options to reduce these emissions in a field experiment with a melon (Cucumis melo L.) crop. Treatments included drip irrigation frequency (weekly/daily) and type of N fertilizer (urea/calcium nitrate) applied by fertigation. Crop yield, environmental parameters, soil mineral N concentrations, N2O, NO, CH4, and CO2 fluxes were measured during the growing season. Fertigation with urea instead of calcium nitrate increased N2O and NO emissions by a factor of 2.4 and 2.9, respectively (P < 0.005). Daily irrigation reduced NO emissions by 42% (P < 0.005) but increased CO2 emissions by 21% (P < 0.05) compared with weekly irrigation. Based on yield-scaled Global Warming Potential as well as NO emission factors, we conclude that weekly fertigation with a NO3 --based fertilizer is the best option to combine agronomic productivity with environmental sustainability. Agricultural soils in semiarid Mediterranean areas are characterized by low organic matter contents and low fertility levels. Application of crop residues and/or manures as amendments is a cost-effective and sustainable alternative to overcome this problem. However, these management practices may induce important changes in the nitrogen oxide emissions from these agroecosystems, with additional impacts on CO2 emissions. In this context, a field experiment was carried out with a barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) crop under Mediterranean conditions to evaluate the effect of combining maize (Zea mays L.) residues and N fertilizer inputs (organic and/or mineral) on these emissions. Crop yield and N uptake, soil mineral N concentrations, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), denitrification capacity, N2O, NO and CO2 fluxes were measured during the growing season. The incorporation of maize stover increased N2O emissions during the experimental period by c. 105 %. Conversely, NO emissions were significantly reduced in the plots amended with crop residues. The partial substitution of urea by pig slurry reduced net N2O emissions by 46 and 39 %, with and without the incorporation of crop residues respectively. Net emissions of NO were reduced 38 and 17 % for the same treatments. Molar DOC:NO3 - ratio was found to be a robust predictor of N2O and NO fluxes. The main effect of the interaction between crop residue and N fertilizer application occurred in the medium term (4-6 month after application), enhancing N2O emissions and decreasing NO emissions as consequence of residue incorporation. The substitution of urea by pig slurry can be considered a good management strategy since N2O and NO emissions were reduced by the use of the organic residue. Grassland ecosystems worldwide provide many important ecosystem services but they also function as a major source of N2O, especially in response to N deposition by grazing animals. In order to explore the role of plants as mediators of these emissions, we tested whether and how N2O emissions are dependent on grass species richness and/or specific grass species composition in the absence and presence of urine deposition. We hypothesized that: 1) N2O emissions relate negatively to plant productivity; 2) four-species mixtures have lower emissions than monocultures (as they are expected to be more productive); 3) emissions are lowest in combinations of species with diverging root morphology and high root biomass; and 4) the identity of the key species that reduce N2O emissions is dependent on urine deposition. We established monocultures and two- and four-species mixtures of common grass species with diverging functional traits: Lolium perenne L. (Lp), Festuca arundinacea Schreb. (Fa), Phleum pratense L. (Php) and Poa trivialis L. (Pt), and quantified N2O emissions for 42 days. We found no relation between plant species richness and N2O emissions. However, N2O emissions were significantly reduced in specific plant species combinations. In the absence of urine, plant communities of Fa+Php acted as a sink for N2O, whereas the monocultures of these species constituted a N2O source. With urine application Lp+Pt plant communities reduced (P < 0.001) N2O emissions by 44% compared to monocultures of Lp. Reductions in N2O emissions by species mixtures could be explained by total biomass productivity and by complementarity in root morphology. Our study shows that plant species composition is a key component underlying N2O emissions from grassland ecosystems. Selection of specific grass species combinations in the context of the expected nitrogen deposition regimes may therefore provide a key management practice for mitigation of N2O emissions.
El regenerado de Pinus pinaster Ait. en la tierra de pinares segoviana presenta frecuentemente, en estado de monte bravo, un desarrollo deficiente de la guía y de las ramas del tercio superior de la copa. El objetivo del presente estudio es tratar de determinar si este deficiente desarrollo está relacionado con alguna carencia nutricional. Para ello se realiza un ensayo de fertilización foliar y se analiza su influencia sobre la Longitud de las acículas y la Longitud de los ramillos desarrollados en el periodo vegetativo siguiente a la fertilización. Se consideran cuatro localizaciones diferentes y tres tratamientos distintos (Testigo, T, sin fertilización; fertilización simple, F; y fertilización doble, FF).
The application of agrochemical sprays to the aerial parts of crop plants is an important agricultural practice world-wide. While variable effectiveness is often seen in response to foliar treatments, there is abundant evidence showing the beneficial effect of foliar fertilizers in terms of improving the metabolism, quality, and yields of crops. This mini-review is focused on the major bottlenecks associated with the uptake and translocation of foliar-applied nutrient solutions. A better understanding of the complex scenario surrounding the ultimate delivery of foliar-applied nutrients to sink cells and organs is essential for improving the effectiveness and performance of foliar fertilizers.
La teca (Tectona grandis L.f.) ha sido tradicionalmente considerada como una madera preciosa en los países del SE Asiático, de donde es originaria, pero durante las últimas décadas ha alcanzado especial relevancia en el sector internacional de las maderas tropicales duras de buena calidad. La especie ha sido ampliamente establecida en América Central, donde tiene una gran importancia socioeconómica, tanto por el impacto de las grandes empresas multinacionales que gestionan grandes plantaciones en la región, como por el gran número de pequeños y medianos propietarios que han elegido esta especie para reforestar sus tierras. Pese a la gran importancia de esta especie, se ha desarrollado relativamente poca investigación acerca de su nutrición y de la gestión del suelo necesaria para su establecimiento y mantenimiento en condiciones sostenibles y productivas. En la presente Tesis Doctoral, tras realizar una amplia revisión bibliográfica, se caracterizan los suelos y la nutrición de las plantaciones de teca en América Central y se proponen varias herramientas para la mejora de su gestión. Las plantaciones de teca de América Central presentan habitualmente deficiencias de K y P, además de algunos problemas de acidez ocasionales. Estos se originan, principalmente, por la mala selección de sitio que se realizó en las últimas dos décadas del siglo XX y por el establecimiento de plantaciones de teca por pequeños propietarios en terrenos que no tienen características propicias para la especie. Además, estos problemas comunes relativos a la baja disponibilidad de P y de K en el suelo son causantes de las relativamente bajas concentraciones foliares de estos elementos (0,88±0,07% K y 0,16±0,04% P) encontradas en plantaciones de teca características de la región. Se presentan varios modelos estadísticos que permiten a los gestores: (a) usarlos como referencia para la interpretación de análisis foliares, ya que ofrecen valores que se consideran característicos de plantaciones de teca con un buen estado nutricional; (b) estimar la cantidad de nutrientes acumulados en la biomasa aérea de sus plantaciones y, sobre todo, su extracción a través de la madera en un aprovechamiento forestal, bien sea una clara o la corta final. La gran acumulación de N, P y K en plantaciones de teca ha de ser considerada como un factor fundamental en su gestión. Además, P y K adquieren mayor relevancia aún ya que su extracción del sistema a través de la madera y su escasa disponibilidad en los suelos hacen que se presente un importante desequilibrio que pone en riesgo la sostenibilidad del sistema. En ese sentido, cambiar la época de cosecha, de la actual (en Enero-Mayo) a Septiembre o Diciembre, puede reducir entre un 24 y un 28% la salida de N asociada a la extracción de madera, un 29% la de P y entre un 14 y un 43% la de K. Se estima que la concentración foliar de P es un factor limitante de la productividad de plantaciones de teca en América Central, proponiéndose un nivel crítico de 0,125%. Además, la teca presenta una tolerancia muy baja a suelos salinos, tendencia que no había sido señalada hasta el momento, siendo muy alta la probabilidad de que la plantación tenga un crecimiento lento o muy lento cuando la Saturación de Na es mayor de 1,1%. Por otro lado, se confirma que K es uno de los elementos clave en la nutrición de las plantaciones de teca en la región centroamericana, proponiéndose un nivel crítico provisional de 3,09% para la Saturación de K, por encima del cual es muy probable que la plantación tenga un crecimiento muy alto. Se ha comprobado que las técnicas estadísticas de análisis multivariante pueden ser usadas como herramientas para agrupar los rodales en base a sus similitudes en cuanto a la fertilidad del suelo y mejorar así el diseño de planes de fertilización en plantaciones con una superficie relativamente grande. De esta manera, se pueden ajustar planes de fertilización más eficientes a escala de grupos de rodales, como un primer paso hacia la selvicultura de precisión, intensificando y diversificando la gestión en función de las diferencias edáficas. Finalmente, aunque los análisis foliares y de suelos indiquen la existencia de deficiencias nutricionales, la fertilización de las plantaciones no siempre va a producir efectos positivos sobre su crecimiento si no se diseña adecuadamente teniendo en cuenta varios factores que pueden estar influyendo negativamente en dicha respuesta, como la densidad de las plantaciones (sinergias con la programación de los clareos y claras) y la elección de la dosis y del producto a aplicar (habitualmente dosis bajas de N-P-K en lugar de incluir otros nutrientes como Mg, B y Zn o usar otros productos como micorrizas, biofertilizantes etc…). ABSTRACT Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) has been traditionally considered as a precious wood in SE Asia, where it is indigenous. However, during recent decades the species has reached worldwide relevance in the tropical high quality hardwood sector. Teak has been widely established in Central America, where it has become a key species in the forest sector due to its socioeconomic impact, either because of the big-scale plantations of transnational companies and the abundant small-scale plantations established by many farmers. Despite the relevance of the species, little research has been carried out regarding its soil fertility and nutrition management, a key issue both for sustainability and productivity. The present Thesis performs a literature review to this respect, characterize the soil fertility and the nutrition of teak plantations of Central America and propose several management tools. Soil deficiencies of K and P are usually found in teak plantations in Central America, in addition to occasional acidity problems. These problems are mainly derived of (a) a poor site selection performed during 80s and 90s; and (b) small-scale plantations by farmers in sites which are not adequate for the species. These common soil fertility problems related with P and K soil availability are probably the cause of the relatively low P and K foliar concentration (0,88±0,07% K y 0,16±0,04% P) found in representative teak plantations of the region. Several statistical models are proposed, which allow forest managers to: (a) use them as a reference for foliar analysis interpretation, as they show values considered as representative for teak plantations with an adequate nutritional status in the region; (b) estimate the amount of nutrients accumulated in the aerial biomass of the plantations and, especially, the amount of them which are extracted from the systems as wood is harvested in thinning or final clearcuts. The accumulation of N, P and K result in a key factor for teak management in the region. This turns out to be especially relevant for the P and K because their high output rate by timber extraction and the low soil availability result in an important unbalance which constitutes a risk regarding the sustainability of the system. To this respect, modifying the harvesting time from the usual right now (January-May, business as usual scenario) to September or December (proposed alternatives) can reduce between 24 and 28% the N output associated to timber extraction, 29% the P output and between 14 and 43% the K. Foliar P concentration is a main limiting factor for teak plantations productivity in Central America and a 0.125% critical level is proposed. In addition, the results show a very low tolerance for soil salinity, tendency which was not previously reported. Hence, the probability of teak plantations to have low or very low Site Index is high when Na Saturation is higher than 1.1%. On the other hand, K is confirmed as one of the key nutrients regarding teak nutrition in Central America and a 3.09% provisional critical level is proposed for K Saturation; when values are above this level the probability of having very high Site Index is high. Multivariate statistical analyses have been successfully tested to be used as tools to group forest stands according to their soil fertility similarities. Hence, more efficient fertilization plans can be designed for each group of stands, intensifying and diversifying nutritional management according to soil fertility differences. This methodology, which is considered as a first step towards precision forestry, is regarded as helpful tool to design fertilization plans in big scale plantations. Finally, even though foliar and soil analysis would point out some nutritional deficiencies in a forest stand, the results show how the fertilization is not always going to have a positive effect over forest growth if it is not adequately designed. Some factors have been identified as determinants of tree response to fertilization: density (synergisms between fertilization and thinning scheduling) and the appropriate selection of dosages and product (usually low dosages are applied and N-P-K is preferred instead of applying other nutrients such as Mg, B or Zn or using other alternatives such as mycorrhizas or biofertilizers).
In hot Spanish climate, Toledo, Syrah and Sauvignon blanc Vineyard were treated in pre veraison with yeast derivatives RD-LM and RD- LA to stimulate phenolic and aromatic maturity respectively (application of yeast derivatives specifically designed to be used with the patent foliar application technology WO/2014/024039, Lallemand Inc. Canada). For studied effects in berry and wine composition three harvest time had been done. Experimented yeast derivatives had no significant effects on yield components and vegetative growth in both varieties. The Syrah RD-LM variety presented higher total and extractable anthocyanins and also more amount of tannins, although this last ones are not evident in the sensory analysis. The sensory analysis of wine has given very similar results in both varieties but with significant results in favored by phenols and tannins derived RD- LM and RD-LA respectively.
Drip irrigation combined with split application of fertilizer nitrogen (N) dissolved in the irrigation water (i.e. drip fertigation) is commonly considered best management practice for water and nutrient efficiency. As a consequence, its use is becoming widespread. Some of the main factors (water-filled pore space, NH4+ and NO3−) regulating the emissions of greenhouse gases (i.e. N2O, CO2 and CH4) and NO from agroecosystems can easily be manipulated by drip fertigation without yield penalties. In this study, we tested management options to reduce these emissions in a field experiment with a melon (Cucumis melo L.) crop. Treatments included drip irrigation frequency (weekly/daily) and type of N fertilizer (urea/calcium nitrate) applied by fertigation. Crop yield, environmental parameters, soil mineral N concentrations and fluxes of N2O, NO, CH4 and CO2 were measured during 85 days. Fertigation with urea instead of calcium nitrate increased N2O and NO emissions by a factor of 2.4 and 2.9, respectively (P < 0.005). Daily irrigation reduced NO emissions by 42% (P < 0.005) but increased CO2 emissions by 21% (P < 0.05) compared with weekly irrigation. We found no relation between irrigation frequency and N2O emissions. Based on yield-scaled Global Warming Potential as well as NO cumulative emissions, we conclude that weekly fertigation with a NO3−-based fertilizer is the best option to combine agronomic productivity with environmental sustainability. Our study shows that adequate management of drip fertigation, while contributing to the attainment of water and food security, may provide an opportunity for climate change mitigation.
Melon is traditionally cultivated in fertigated farmlands in the center of Spain with high inputs of water and N fertilizer. Excess N can have a negative impact, from the economic point of view, since it can diminish the production and quality of the fruit, from the environmental point of view, since it is a very mobile element in the soil and can contaminate groundwater. From health point of view, nitrate can be accumulated in fruit pulp, and, in addition, groundwater is the fundamental supply source of human populations. Best management practices are particularly necessary in this region as many zones have been declared vulnerable to NO3- pollution (Directive 91/676/CEE) During successive years, a melon crop (Cucumis melo L.) was grown under field conditions applying mineral and organic fertilizers under drip irrigation. Different doses of ammonium nitrate were used as well as compost derived from the wine-distillery industry which is relevant in this area. The present study reviews the most common N efficiency indexes under the different management options with a view to maximizing yield and minimizing N loss.
In order to establish rational nitrogen (N) application and reduce groundwater contamination, a clearer understanding of the N distribution through the growing season and its balance is crucial. Excessive doses of N and/or water applied to fertigated crops involve a substantial risk of aquifer contamination by nitrate; but knowledge of N cycling and availability within the soil could assist in avoiding this excess. In central Spain, the main horticultural fertigated crop is the melon type ?piel de sapo¿ and it is cultivated in vulnerable zones to nitrate pollution (Directive 91/676/CEE). However, until few years ago there were not antecedents related to the optimization of nitrogen fertilization together with irrigation. Water and N footprint are indicators that allow assessing the impact generated by different agricultural practices, so they can be used to improve the management strategies in fertigated crop systems. The water footprint distinguishes between blue water (sources of water applied to the crop, like irrigation and precipitation), green water (water used by the crop and stored in the soil), and it is furthermore possible to quantify the impact of pollution by calculating the grey water, which is defined as the volume of polluted water created from the growing and production of crops. On the other hand, the N footprint considers green N (nitrogen consumed by the crops and stored in the soil), blue N (N available for crop, like N applied with mineral and/or organic fertilizers, N applied with irrigation water and N mineralized during the crop period), whereas grey N is the amount of N-NO3- washed from the soil to the aquifer. All these components are expressed as the ratio between the components of water or N footprint and the yield (m3 t-1 or kg N t-1 respectively). The objetives of this work were to evaluate the impact derivated from the use of different fertilizer practices in a melon crop using water and N footprint.