16 resultados para Flexural strengthening

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Los polímeros armados con fibras (FRP) se utilizan en refuerzos de estructuras de hormigón debido sobre todo a sus excelentes propiedades mecánicas, su resistencia a la corrosión y a su ligereza que se traduce en facilidad y ahorro en el transporte, puesta en obra y aplicación, la cual se realiza de forma muy rápida, con pocos operarios y utilizando medios auxiliares ligeros, minimizándose las interrupciones del uso de la estructura y las molestias a los usuarios. Las razones presentadas anteriormente, han despertado un gran inter´es por parte de diferentes grupos de investigación a nivel mundial y que actualmente se encuentran desarrollando nuevas técnicas de aplicación y métodos de cálculo. Sin embargo, las investigaciones realizadas hasta la fecha, muestran un procedimiento bien definido y aceptado en lo referente al cálculo a flexión, lo cual no ocurre con el refuerzo a cortante y aunque se ha demostrado que el refuerzo con FRP es un sistema eficaz para incrementar la capacidad ´ultima frente a esfuerzos cortantes, también se pone de manifiesto la necesidad de más estudios experimentales y teóricos para avanzar en el entendimiento de los mecanismos involucrados para este tipo de refuerzo y establecer un procedimiento de diseño apropiado que maximice las excelentes propiedades de este material. Los modelos que explican el comportamiento del refuerzo a cortante de elementos de hormigón armado son complejos y sin transposición directa a fórmulas ingenieriles. Las normas actualmente en vigor, generalmente, establecen empíricamente la capacidad cortante como la suma de las capacidades del hormigón y el refuerzo transversal de acero. Cuando un elemento es reforzado externamente con FRP, los modelos son evidentemente aun más complejos. Las guías y recomendaciones existentes proponen calcular la capacidad del elemento añadiendo la resistencia aportada por el refuerzo externo de FRP a la ya dada por el hormigón y acero transversal. Sin embargo, la idoneidad de este acercamiento es cuestionable puesto que no tiene en cuenta una posible interacción entre refuerzos. Con base en lo anterior se da origen al tema objeto de este trabajo, el cual está orientado al estudio a cortante de elementos de hormigón armado (HA), reforzados externamente con material compuesto de tejido unidireccional de fibra de carbono y resina epoxi. Inicialmente se hace una completa revisión del estado actual del conocimiento de la resistencia a cortante en elementos de hormigón armado con y sin refuerzo externo de FRP, prestando especial atención en los mecanismos actuantes estudiados hasta la fecha. La bibliografía consultada ha sido exhaustiva y actualizada lo que ha permitido el estudio de los modelos propuestos más importantes, tanto para la descripción del fenómeno de adherencia entre hormigón-FRP como de la valoración del aporte al cortante total hecho por el FRP, a través de sendas bases de datos de ensayos de pull-out y de vigas de hormigón armado ensayadas a cortante. Con base en todo lo anterior, se expusieron los mecanismos actuantes en el aporte a cortante hecho por el FRP en elementos de hormigón armado y la forma como las principales guías de cálculo existentes hasta la fecha los abordan. De igual forma se define un modelo de resistencia de esfuerzos para el FRP y se proponen dos modelos para el cálculo de las tensiones o deformaciones efectivas, de los cuales uno esta basado en el modelo de adherencia propuesto por Oller (2005) y el otro en una regresión multivariante para los mecanismos expuestos. Como complemento del estudio de los trabajos encontrados en la literatura, se lleva acabo un programa experimental que, además de aportar más registros a la exigua base de datos existentes, aporte mayor luz a los puntos que se consideran están deficientemente resueltos. Dentro de este programa se realizaron 32 ensayos sobre 16 vigas de 4.5 m de longitud (dos ensayos por viga), reforzadas a cortante con tejido unidireccional de CFRP. Finalmente, estos estudios han permitido proponer modificaciones a las formulaciones existentes en los códigos y guías en vigor. Abstract Its excellent mechanical properties, as well as its corrosion resistance and light weight, which make it easy to apply and inexpensive to ship to the worksite, are the basis of the extended use of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) as external strengthening for structures. FRP strengthening is a rapid operation calling for only limited labor and lightweight ancillary equipment, all of which minimizes both the interruption of facility usage and user inconvenience. These advantages have aroused considerable interest in civil engineering science and technology and have led to countless applications the world over. Research studies on the shear strength of FRP-strengthened members have been much fewer in number and more controversial than the research on flexural strengthening, for which a more or less standardized and generally accepted procedure has been established. The research conducted and a host of applications around the world have shown that FRP strengthening is an effective technique for raising ultimate shear strength, but it has also revealed a need for further experimental and theoretical research to advance in the understanding of the mechanisms involved and establish suitable design procedures that optimize the excellent properties of this material The models that explain reinforced concrete (RC) shear strength behavior are complex and cannot be directly transposed to engineering formulas. The standards presently in place generally establish shear capacity empirically as the sum of the capacities of the concrete and the passive reinforcement. When members are externally strengthened with FRP, the models are obviously even more complex. The existing guides and recommendations propose calculating capacity by adding the external strength provided by the FRP to the contributions of the concrete and passive reinforcement. The suitability of this approach is questionable, however, because it fails to consider the interaction between passive reinforcement and external strengthening. The subject of this work is based in above, which is focused on externally shear strengthening for reinforced concrete members with unidirectional carbon fiber sheets bonded with epoxy resin. v Initially a thorough literature review on shear of reinforced concrete beams with and without external FRP strengthening was performed, paying special attention to the acting mechanisms studied to date, which allowed the study of the most important models both to describe the bond phenomenon as well as calculating the FRP shear contribution, through separate databases of pull-out tests and shear tests on reinforced concrete beams externally strengthened with FRP. Based on above, they were exposed the acting mechanisms in a FRP shear strengthening on reinforced concrete beams and how guidelines deal the topic. The same way, it is defined a FRP stress strength model and two more models are proposed for calculating the effective stress, one of these is based on the Oller (2005) bond model and another one is the data best fit, taking into account most of the acting mechanisms. To complement the theoretical part we develop an experimental program that, in addition to providing more records to the meager existing database provide greater understanding to the points considered poorly resolved. The test program included 32 tests of 16 beams (2 per beam) of 4.5 m long, shear strengthened with FRP, externally. Finally, modifications to the existing codes and guidelines are proposed.


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El refuerzo de estructuras existentes mediante el encolado exterior de láminas de polímeros reforzados con fibras (FRP) se ha convertido en la aplicación más común de los materiales compuestos avanzados en construcción. Estos materiales presentan muchas ventajas frente a los materiales convencionales (sin corrosión, ligeros, de fácil aplicación, etc.). Pero a pesar de las numerosas investigaciones realizadas, aún persisten ciertas dudas sobre algunos aspectos de su comportamiento y las aplicaciones prácticas se llevan a cabo sólo con la ayuda de guías, sin que haya una normativa oficial. El objetivo de este trabajo es incrementar el conocimiento sobre esta técnica de refuerzo, y más concretamente, sobre el refuerzo a flexión de estructuras de fábrica. Con frecuencia el elemento reforzado es de hormigón armado y las láminas de FRP encoladas al exterior sirven para mejorar su resistencia a flexión, cortante o compresión (encamisados). Sin embargo su empleo en otros materiales como las estructuras de fábrica resulta muy prometedor. Las fábricas se caracterizan por soportar muy bien los esfuerzos de compresión pero bastante mal los de tracción. Adherir láminas de materiales compuestos puede servir para mejorar la capacidad resistente de elementos de fábrica sometidos a esfuerzos de flexión. Pero para ello, debe quedar garantizada una correcta adherencia entre el FRP y la fábrica, especialmente en edificios antiguos cuya superficie puede estar deteriorada por encontrarse a la intemperie o por el propio paso del tiempo. En el capítulo II se describen los objetivos fundamentales del trabajo y el método seguido. En el capítulo III se hace una amplia revisión del estado de conocimiento sobre el tema. En el apartado III.1 se detallan las principales características y propiedades mecánicas de fibras, matrices y materiales compuestos así como sus principales aplicaciones, haciendo especial hincapié en aspectos relativos a su durabilidad. En el apartado III.2 se incluye una revisión histórica de las líneas de investigación, tanto teóricas como empíricas, publicadas sobre estructuras de hormigón reforzadas a flexión encolando materiales compuestos. El apartado III.3 se centra en el aspecto fundamental de la adherencia refuerzo-soporte. Se hace un repaso a distintos modelos propuestos para prevenir el despegue distinguiendo si éste se inicia en la zona de anclaje o si está inducido por fisuras en la zona interior del elemento. Se observa falta de consenso en las propuestas. Además en este punto se relatan las campañas experimentales publicadas acerca de la adherencia entre materiales compuestos y fábricas. En el apartado III.4 se analizan las particularidades de las estructuras de fábrica. Además, se revisan algunas de las investigaciones relativas a la mejora de su comportamiento a flexión mediante láminas de FRP. El comportamiento mecánico de muros reforzados solicitados a flexión pura (sin compresión) ha sido documentado por varios autores, si bien es una situación poco frecuente en fábricas reales. Ni el comportamiento mecánico de muros reforzados solicitados a flexocompresión ni la incidencia que el nivel de compresión soportado por la fábrica tiene sobre la capacidad resistente del elemento reforzado han sido suficientemente tratados. En cuanto a los trabajos teóricos, las diferentes propuestas se basan en los métodos utilizados para hormigón armado y comparten los principios habituales de cálculo. Sin embargo, presentan diferencias relativas, sobre todo, a tres aspectos: 1) la forma de modelar el comportamiento de la fábrica, 2) el valor de deformación de cálculo del refuerzo, y 3) el modo de fallo que se considera recomendable buscar con el diseño. A pesar de ello, el ajuste con la parte experimental de cada trabajo suele ser bueno debido a una enorme disparidad en las variables consideradas. Cada campaña presenta un modo de fallo característico y la formulación que se propone resulta apropiada para él. Parece necesario desarrollar un método de cálculo para fábricas flexocomprimidas reforzadas con FRP que pueda ser utilizado para todos los posibles fallos, tanto atribuibles a la lámina como a la fábrica. En el apartado III.4 se repasan algunas lesiones habituales en fábricas solicitadas a flexión y se recogen ejemplos de refuerzos con FRP para reparar o prevenir estos daños. Para mejorar el conocimiento sobre el tema, se llevan a cabo dos pequeñas campañas experimentales realizadas en el Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja. La primera acerca de la adherencia de materiales compuestos encolados a fábricas deterioradas (apartado IV.1) y la segunda sobre el comportamiento estructural a flexocompresión de probetas de fábrica reforzadas con estos materiales (apartado IV.2). En el capítulo V se analizan algunos de los modelos de adherencia propuestos para prevenir el despegue del extremo del refuerzo. Se confirma que las predicciones obtenidas con ellos resultan muy dispares. Se recopila una base de datos con los resultados experimentales de campañas sobre adherencia de FRP a fábricas extraídas de la literatura y de los resultados propios de la campaña descrita en el punto IV.1. Esta base de datos permite conocer cual de los métodos analizados resulta más adecuado para dimensionar el anclaje de láminas de FRP adheridas a fábricas. En el capítulo VI se propone un método para la comprobación en agotamiento de secciones de fábrica reforzadas con materiales compuestos sometidas a esfuerzos combinados de flexión y compresión. Está basado en el procedimiento de cálculo de la capacidad resistente de secciones de hormigón armado pero adaptado a las fábricas reforzadas. Para ello, se utiliza un diagrama de cálculo tensión deformación de la fábrica de tipo bilineal (acorde con el CTE DB SE-F) cuya simplicidad facilita el desarrollo de toda la formulación al tiempo que resulta adecuado para predecir la capacidad resistente a flexión tanto para fallos debidos al refuerzo como a la fábrica. Además se limita la deformación de cálculo del refuerzo teniendo en consideración ciertos aspectos que provocan que la lámina adherida no pueda desarrollar toda su resistencia, como el desprendimiento inducido por fisuras en el interior del elemento o el deterioro medioambiental. En concreto, se propone un “coeficiente reductor por adherencia” que se determina a partir de una base de datos con 68 resultados experimentales procedentes de publicaciones de varios autores y de los ensayos propios de la campaña descrita en el punto IV.2. También se revisa la formulación propuesta con ayuda de la base de datos. En el capítulo VII se estudia la incidencia de las principales variables, como el axil, la deformación de cálculo del refuerzo o su rigidez, en la capacidad final del elemento. Las conclusiones del trabajo realizado y las posibles líneas futuras de investigación se exponen en el capítulo VIII. ABSTRACT Strengthening of existing structures with externally bonded fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) has become the most common application of advanced composite materials in construction. These materials exhibit many advantages in comparison with traditional ones (corrosion resistance, light weight, easy to apply, etc.). But despite countless researches have been done, there are still doubts about some aspects of their behaviour and applications are carried out only with the help of guidelines, without official regulations. The aim of this work is to improve the knowledge on this retrofitting technique, particularly in regard to flexural strengthening of masonry structures. Reinforced concrete is often the strengthened material and external glued FRP plates are used to improve its flexural, shear or compressive (by wrapping) capacity. However the use of this technique on other materials like masonry structures looks promising. Unreinforced masonry is characterized for being a good material to support compressive stresses but really bad to withstand tensile ones. Glue composite plates can improve the flexural capacity of masonry elements subject to bending. But a proper bond between FRP sheet and masonry must be ensured to do that, especially in old buildings whose surface can be damaged due to being outside or ageing. The main objectives of the work and the methodology carried out are described In Chapter II. An extensive overview of the state of art is done in Chapter III. In Section III.1 physical and mechanical properties of fibers, matrix and composites and their main applications are related. Durability aspects are especially emphasized. Section III.2 includes an historical overview of theoretical and empirical researches on concrete structures strengthened gluing FRP plates to improve their flexural behaviour. Section III.3 focuses on the critical point of bonding between FRP and substrate. Some theoretical models to prevent debonding of FRP laminate are reviewed, it has made a distinction between models for detachment at the end of the plate or debonding in the intermediate zones due to the effects of cracks. It is observed a lack of agreement in the proposals. Some experimental studies on bonding between masonry and FRP are also related in this chapter. The particular characteristics of masonry structures are analyzed in Section III.4. Besides some empirical and theoretical investigations relative to improve their flexural capacity with FRP sheets are reviewed. The mechanical behaviour of strengthened walls subject to pure bending (without compression) has been established by several authors, but this is an unusual situation for real masonry. Neither mechanical behaviour of walls subject to bending and compression nor influence of axial load in the final capacity of the strengthened element are adequately studied. In regard to theoretical studies, the different proposals are based on reinforced concrete analytical methods and share common design principles. However, they present differences, especially, about three aspects: 1) the constitutive law of masonry, 2) the value of ultimate FRP strain and 3) the desirable failure mode that must be looked for. In spite of them, a good agreement between each experimental program and its theoretical study is often exhibited due to enormous disparity in considered test parameters. Each experimental program usually presents a characteristic failure mode and the proposed formulation results appropriate for this one. It seems necessary to develop a method for FRP strengthened walls subject to bending and compression enable for all failure modes (due to FRP or masonry). Some common damages in masonry subject to bending are explained in Section III.4. Examples of FRP strengthening to repair or prevent these damages are also written. Two small experimental programs are carried out in Eduardo Torroja Institute to improve the knowledge on this topic. The first one is concerned about the bond between FRP plates and damaged masonry (section IV.1) and the second one is related to the mechanical behaviour of the strengthened masonry specimens subject to out of plane bending combined with axial force (section IV.2). In the Chapter V some bond models to prevent the debonding at the FRP plate end are checked. It is confirmed that their predictions are so different. A pure-shear test database is compiled with results from the existing literature and others from the experimental program described in section IV.1. This database lets know which of the considered model is more suitable to design anchorage lengths of glued FRP to masonry. In the Chapter VI a method to check unreinforced masonry sections with external FRP strengthening subject to bending and compression to the ultimate limit state is proposed. This method is based on concrete reinforced one, but it is adapted to strengthened masonry. A bilinear constitutive law is used for masonry (according to CTE DB SE-F). Its simplicity helps to develop the model formulation and it has proven to be suitable to predict bending capacity either for FRP failures or masonry crushing. With regard to FRP, the design strain is limited. It is taken into account different aspects which cause the plate can’t reach its ultimate strength, like intermediate FRP debonding induced by opening cracking or environmental damage. A “bond factor” is proposed. It is obtained by means of an experimental bending test database that includes 68 results from the existing literature and from the experimental program described in section IV.2. The proposed formulation has also been checked with the help of bending database. The effects of the main parameters, like axial load, FRP design effective strain or FRP stiffness, on the bending capacity of the strengthened element are studied in Chapter VII. Finally, the main conclusions from the work carried out are summarized in Chapter VIII. Future lines of research to be explored are suggested as well.


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Fiber reinforced polymer composites (FRP) have found widespread usage in the repair and strengthening of concrete structures. FRP composites exhibit high strength-to-weight ratio, corrosion resistance, and are convenient to use in repair applications. Externally bonded FRP flexural strengthening of concrete beams is the most extended application of this technique. A common cause of failure in such members is associated with intermediate crack-induced debonding (IC debonding) of the FRP substrate from the concrete in an abrupt manner. Continuous monitoring of the concrete?FRP interface is essential to pre- vent IC debonding. Objective condition assessment and performance evaluation are challenging activities since they require some type of monitoring to track the response over a period of time. In this paper, a multi-objective model updating method integrated in the context of structural health monitoring is demonstrated as promising technology for the safety and reliability of this kind of strengthening technique. The proposed method, solved by a multi-objective extension of the particle swarm optimization method, is based on strain measurements under controlled loading. The use of permanently installed fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors embedded into the FRP-concrete interface or bonded onto the FRP strip together with the proposed methodology results in an automated method able to operate in an unsupervised mode.


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El empleo de refuerzos de FRP en vigas de hormigón armado es cada vez más frecuente por sus numerosas ventajas frente a otros métodos más tradicionales. Durante los últimos años, la técnica FRP-NSM, consistente en introducir barras de FRP sobre el recubrimiento de una viga de hormigón, se ha posicionado como uno de los mejores métodos de refuerzo y rehabilitación de estructuras de hormigón armado, tanto por su facilidad de montaje y mantenimiento, como por su rendimiento para aumentar la capacidad resistente de dichas estructuras. Si bien el refuerzo a flexión ha sido ampliamente desarrollado y estudiado hasta la fecha, no sucede lo mismo con el refuerzo a cortante, debido principalmente a su gran complejidad. Sin embargo, se debería dedicar más estudio a este tipo de refuerzo si se pretenden conservar los criterios de diseño en estructuras de hormigón armado, los cuales están basados en evitar el fallo a cortante por sus consecuencias catastróficas Esta ausencia de información y de normativa es la que justifica esta tesis doctoral. En este pro-yecto se van a desarrollar dos metodologías alternativas, que permiten estimar la capacidad resistente de vigas de hormigón armado, reforzadas a cortante mediante la técnica FRP-NSM. El primer método aplicado consiste en la implementación de una red neuronal artificial capaz de predecir adecuadamente la resistencia a cortante de vigas reforzadas con este método a partir de experimentos anteriores. Asimismo, a partir de la red se han llevado a cabo algunos estudios a fin de comprender mejor la influencia real de algunos parámetros de la viga y del refuerzo sobre la resistencia a cortante con el propósito de lograr diseños más seguros de este tipo de refuerzo. Una configuración óptima de la red requiere discriminar adecuadamente de entre los numerosos parámetros (geométricos y de material) que pueden influir en el compor-tamiento resistente de la viga, para lo cual se han llevado a cabo diversos estudios y pruebas. Mediante el segundo método, se desarrolla una ecuación de proyecto que permite, de forma sencilla, estimar la capacidad de vigas reforzadas a cortante con FRP-NSM, la cual podría ser propuesta para las principales guías de diseño. Para alcanzar este objetivo, se plantea un pro-blema de optimización multiobjetivo a partir de resultados de ensayos experimentales llevados a cabo sobre vigas de hormigón armado con y sin refuerzo de FRP. El problema multiobjetivo se resuelve mediante algoritmos genéticos, en concreto el algoritmo NSGA-II, por ser más apropiado para problemas con varias funciones objetivo que los métodos de optimización clásicos. Mediante una comparativa de las predicciones realizadas con ambos métodos y de los resulta-dos de ensayos experimentales se podrán establecer las ventajas e inconvenientes derivadas de la aplicación de cada una de las dos metodologías. Asimismo, se llevará a cabo un análisis paramétrico con ambos enfoques a fin de intentar determinar la sensibilidad de aquellos pa-rámetros más sensibles a este tipo de refuerzo. Finalmente, se realizará un análisis estadístico de la fiabilidad de las ecuaciones de diseño deri-vadas de la optimización multiobjetivo. Con dicho análisis se puede estimar la capacidad resis-tente de una viga reforzada a cortante con FRP-NSM dentro de un margen de seguridad espe-cificado a priori. ABSTRACT The use of externally bonded (EB) fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites has gained acceptance during the last two decades in the construction engineering community, particularly in the rehabilitation of reinforced concrete (RC) structures. Currently, to increase the shear resistance of RC beams, FRP sheets are externally bonded (EB-FRP) and applied on the external side surface of the beams to be strengthened with different configurations. Of more recent application, the near-surface mounted FRP bar (NSM-FRP) method is another technique successfully used to increase the shear resistance of RC beams. In the NSM method, FRP rods are embedded into grooves intentionally prepared in the concrete cover of the side faces of RC beams. While flexural strengthening has been widely developed and studied so far, the same doesn´t occur to shearing strength mainly due to its great complexity. Nevertheless, if design criteria are to be preserved more research should be done to this sort of strength, which are based on avoiding shear failure and its catastrophic consequences. However, in spite of this, accurately calculating the shear capacity of FRP shear strengthened RC beams remains a complex challenge that has not yet been fully resolved due to the numerous variables involved in the procedure. The objective of this Thesis is to develop methodologies to evaluate the capacity of FRP shear strengthened RC beams by dealing with the problem from a different point of view to the numerical modeling approach by using artificial intelligence techniques. With this purpose two different approaches have been developed: one concerned with the use of artificial neural networks and the other based on the implementation of an optimization approach developed jointly with the use of artificial neural networks (ANNs) and solved with genetic algorithms (GAs). With these approaches some of the difficulties concerned regarding the numerical modeling can be overcome. As an alternative tool to conventional numerical techniques, neural networks do not provide closed form solutions for modeling problems but do, however, offer a complex and accurate solution based on a representative set of historical examples of the relationship. Furthermore, they can adapt solutions over time to include new data. On the other hand, as a second proposal, an optimization approach has also been developed to implement simple yet accurate shear design equations for this kind of strengthening. This approach is developed in a multi-objective framework by considering experimental results of RC beams with and without NSM-FRP. Furthermore, the results obtained with the previous scheme based on ANNs are also used as a filter to choose the parameters to include in the design equations. Genetic algorithms are used to solve the optimization problem since they are especially suitable for solving multi-objective problems when compared to standard optimization methods. The key features of the two proposed procedures are outlined and their performance in predicting the capacity of NSM-FRP shear strengthened RC beams is evaluated by comparison with results from experimental tests and with predictions obtained using a simplified numerical model. A sensitivity study of the predictions of both models for the input parameters is also carried out.


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The figure of the coordinator in health and safety issues in the construction sector first appeared in our legislation through the incorporation of the European Directives (in our case Royal Decree 1627/97 on the minimum health and safety regulations in construction works), and is viewed differently in different countries of the European Union regarding the way they are hired and their role in the construction industry. Coordinating health and safety issues is also a management process that requires certain competencies that are not only based on technical or professional training, but which, taking account of the work environment, require the use of strategies and tools that are related to experience and personal skills. Through a piece of research that took account of expert opinions in the matter, we have found which competencies need to be possessed by the health and safety coordinator in order to improve the safety in the works they are coordinating. The conclusions of the analyses performed using the appropriate statistical methods (comparing means and multivariate analysis techniques), will enable training programmes to be designed and ensure that the health and safety coordinators selected have the competencies required to carry out their duties.


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This work indicates the importance of the Final Year Project (FYP) in the strengthening of competences of engineering students. The study also shows which personal competences of students are reinforced most during the FYP process,including the preparation, elaboration, presentation and defence stages. In order to gather information on this subject, a survey was conducted at two different Spanish technical universities—one public and one private—and a comparative analysis was performed of the questionnaires collected. The competence model considered is that used by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), since the official title of the public university has been accredited by this model. The results indicate which personal and professional competences of students are reinforced well by undertaking the FYP. Any significant differences in response by university are explained in the study. For validation purposes, the results were contrasted with the instructor’s perspective using the triangulation methodology. Finally, the conclusions drawn will permit the design of new study plans to cope more effectively with the challenges of the FYP in the new Bologna framework.


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This document presents an innovative, formal educational initiative that is aimed at enhancing the development of engineering students’ specific competences when studying Project Management (PM) subject. The framework of the experience combines (1) theoretical concepts, (2) the development of a real-case project carried out by multidisciplinary groups of three different universities, (3) the use of software web 2.0 tools and (4) group and individual assignments of students that play different roles (project managers and team members). Under this scenario, the study focuses on monitoring the communication competence in the ever growing PM virtual environment. Factors such as corporal language, technical means, stage, and PM specific vocabulary among others have been considered in order to assess the students’ performance on this issue. As a main contribution, the paper introduces an ad-hoc rubric that, based on previous investigations, has been adapted and tested for the first time to this new and specific context. Additionally, the research conducted has provided some interesting findings that suggest further actions to improve and better define future rubrics, oriented to communication or even other competences. As specific PM subject concerns, it has been detected that students playing the role of Project Managers strengthen their competences more than those ones that play the role of Team Members. It has also been detected that students have more difficulty assimilating concepts related to risk and quality management. However those concepts related with scope, time or cost areas of knowledge have been better assimilated by the students.


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The figure of the coordinator in health and safety issues in the construction sector first appeared in our legislation through the incorporation of the European Directives (in our case Royal Decree 1627/97 on the minimum health and safety regulations in construction works), and is viewed differently in different countries of the European Union regarding the way they are hired and their role in the construction industry. Coordinating health and safety issues is also a management process that requires certain competencies that are not only based on technical or professional training, but which, taking account of the work environment, require the use of strategies and tools that are related to experience and personal skills. Through a piece of research that took account of expert opinions in the matter, we have found which competencies need to be possessed by the health and safety coordinator in order to improve the safety in the works they are coordinating. The conclusions of the analyses performed using the appropriate statistical methods (comparing means and multivariate analysis techniques), will enable training programmes to be designed and ensure that the health and safety coordinators selected have the competencies required to carry out their duties.


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The flexural vibration of a homogeneous isotropic linearly elastic cylinder of any aspect ratio is analysed in this paper. Natural frequencies of a cylinder under uniformly distributed axial loads acting on its bases are calculated numerically by the Ritz method with terms of power series in the coordinate directions as approximating functions. The effect of axial loads on the flexural vibration cannot be described by applying infinitesimal strain theory, therefore, geometrically nonlinear strain–displacement relations with second-order terms are considered here. The natural frequencies of free–free, clamped–clamped, and sliding–sliding cylinders subjected to axial loads are calculated using the proposed three-dimensional Ritz approach and are compared with those obtained with the finite element method and the Bernoulli–Euler theory. Different experiments with cylinders axially compressed by a hydraulic press are carried out and the experimental results for the lowest flexural frequency are compared with the numerical results. An approach based on the Ritz formulation is proposed for the flexural vibration of a cylinder between the platens of the press with constraints varying with the intensity of the compression. The results show that for low compressions the cylinder behaves similarly to a sliding–sliding cylinder, whereas for high compressions the cylinder vibrates as a clamped–clamped one.


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The new highway M-410 in Madrid was constructed in the year 2007. This motorway near to Parla city crosses the road from Madrid to Toledo. To solve this crossing it was needed to constructed three bridges, the central with two spans over the existing motorway and the other two with one span at each side of the previous one.


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This paper deals with the assessment of the contribution of the second flexural mode to the dynamic behaviour of simply supported railway bridges. Alluding to the works of other authors, it is suggested in some references that the dynamic behaviour of simply supported bridges could be adequately represented taking into account only the contribution of the fundamental flexural mode. On the other hand, the European Rail Research Institute (ERRI) proposes that the second mode should also be included whenever the associated natural frequency is lower than 30 Hz]. This investigation endeavours to clarify the question as much as possible by establishing whether the maximum response of the bridge, in terms of displacements, accelerations and bending moments, can be computed accurately not taking account of the contribution of the second mode. To this end, a dimensionless formulation of the equations of motion of a simply supported beam traversed by a series of equally spaced moving loads is presented. This formulation brings to light the fundamental parameters governing the behaviour of the beam: damping ratio, dimensionless speed $ \alpha$=VT/L, and L/d ratio (L stands for the span of the beam, V for the speed of the train, T represents the fundamental period of the bridge and d symbolises the distance between consecutive loads). Assuming a damping ratio equal to 1%, which is a usual value for prestressed high-speed bridges, a parametric analysis is conducted over realistic ranges of values of $ \alpha$ and L/d. The results can be extended to any simply supported bridge subjected to a train of equally spaced loads in virtue of the so-called Similarity Formulae. The validity of these formulae can be derived from the dimensionless formulation mentioned above. In the parametric analysis the maximum response of the bridge is obtained for one thousand values of speed that cover the range from the fourth resonance of the first mode to the first resonance of the second mode. The response at twenty-one different locations along the span of the beam is compared in order to decide if the maximum can be accurately computed with the sole contribution of the fundamental mode.


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This paper uses the metaphor of a pressure cooker to highlight how water problems in Spain are highly geographical and sectorial in nature, with some specific hotspots which raise the temperature of the whole water complex system, turning many potentially solvable water problems into ?wicked problems?. The paper discusses the tendency for water governance to be hydrocentric, when often the drivers and in turn the ?solutions? to Spanish water problems lie outside the water sphere. The paper analyzes of the current water governance system by looking at water governance as both a process, and its key attributes like participation, trans- parency, equity and rule of law, as well as an analysis of water governance as an outcome by looking at efficiency and sustainability of water use in Spain. It concludes on the need to have a deeper knowledge on the interactions of water governance as a process and as an outcome and potential synergies and arguing that water governance is an inherently political process which calls for strengthening the capacity of the system by looking at the interactions of these different governance attributes.


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Una técnica de refuerzo de elementos flectados en general y, en particular, de vigas y forjados de hormigón armado, consiste en la disposición de perfiles metálicos por debajo de los elementos a reforzar y retacados a ellos. En muchos casos este refuerzo se diseña con un planteamiento pasivo, es decir, los perfiles no entran en carga hasta que no se incrementan las acciones sobre el elemento reforzado, o lo hacen sólo ligeramente y de forma cuantitativamente no controlada efectuando el retacado mediante cuñas metálicas. En el presente trabajo se estudia la alternativa del refuerzo de vigas de hormigón armado frente a momentos flectores con un planteamiento activo, introduciendo unas fuerzas (por ejemplo, mediante gatos o barras roscadas) entre el perfil y el elemento a reforzar, y retacando posteriormente el perfil a la viga en los puntos de introducción de las fuerzas, mediante cuñas metálicas, mortero, etc. La propuesta que formulamos en el presente trabajo de investigación para el control de las fuerzas introducidas consiste en la medida de las flechas que se producen en el perfil metálico al hacerlo reaccionar contra la viga. Esto permite el empleo de procedimientos sencillos para la predeformación del perfil que no dispongan de dispositivos de medida de la carga introducida, o bien controlar la veracidad de las medidas de las fuerzas que dan tales dispositivos. La gran fiabilidad que tiene el cálculo de flechas en jácenas metálicas hace que con este procedimiento se puedan conocer con gran precisión las fuerzas introducidas. Las medidas de las flechas se pueden llevar a cabo mediante los procedimientos de instrumentación habituales en pruebas de carga, con una precisión más que suficiente para conocer y controlar con fiabilidad el valor de las fuerzas que el perfil ejerce sobre la viga. Los perfiles necesarios para el refuerzo con esta técnica son netamente inferiores a los que se precisarían con el planteamiento pasivo antes indicado. En el trabajo de investigación se recoge un estudio sobre el número, posición y valor de las fuerzas de refuerzo a introducir, en función de la carga para la que se diseña el refuerzo y la capacidad resistente del elemento a reforzar, y se analizan los valores máximos que pueden tener dichas fuerzas, en función de la capacidad de la pieza frente a momentos de signo contrario a los debidos a las cargas gravitatorias. A continuación se analiza la interacción viga-perfil al incrementarse las cargas sobre la viga desde el instante de la ejecución del refuerzo, interacción que hace variar el valor de las fuerzas que el perfil ejerce sobre la viga. Esta variación permite contar con un incremento en las fuerzas de refuerzo si, con las cargas permanentes presentes al reforzar, no podemos introducirlas inicialmente con el valor necesario, o si se producen pérdidas en las propias fuerzas. Este es uno de los criterios a la hora de seleccionar las características del perfil. Por el contrario, dicha variación puede suponer que en algunos puntos a lo largo del vano se supere la capacidad a flexión frente a momentos de signo contrario a los debidos a las cargas gravitatorias, lo que también debe ser tenido en cuenta. Seguidamente se analizan diferentes aspectos que producen una variación en el valor de las fuerzas de refuerzo, como son las deformaciones diferidas del hormigón (fluencia y retracción), los gradientes de temperatura en la pieza, o la actuación de sobrecargas en los vanos adyacentes. Se concluye los efectos de estos fenómenos, que en ocasiones tienen gran influencia, pueden ser cuantificados por el proyectista, recogiéndose propuestas sencillas para su consideración en casos habituales. Posteriormente recogemos una propuesta de metodología de comprobación del refuerzo, en cuanto a cómo considerar la fisuración y evolución del módulo de deformación de la viga, la introducción de la seguridad, la influencia de las tolerancias de laminación en el perfil sobre el valor calculado de las flechas necesarias en el perfil para introducir las fuerzas iniciales proyectadas, o la situación accidental de fuego, entre otros aspectos. Por último, se exponen las conclusiones más relevantes de la investigación realizada, y se proponen futuras líneas de investigación. One technique for strengthening flexural members in general, and reinforced concrete beams and slabs in particular, entails caulking the underside of these members with steel shapes. This sort of strengthening is often designed from a passive approach; i.e., until the load is increased, the shapes are either not loaded or are only slightly loaded to some unquantified extent by caulking with steel shims. The present study explored the possibility of actively strengthening the capacity of reinforced concrete beams to resist bending moments by applying forces (with jacks or threaded bars, for instance) between the shape and the member to be strengthened. The shape is subsequently caulked under the beam at the points where the forces are applied with steel shims, mortar or similar. The proposal put forward in the present study to monitor the forces applied consists in measuring the deflection on the steel shape as it reacts against the beam. With this technique, the shape can be pre-strained using simple procedures that do not call for devices to measure the force applied, or the accurancy of the respective measurements can be verified. As deflection calculations in steel girders are extremely reliable, the forces applied with this procedure can be very precisely determined. Standard instrumental procedures for load testing can be used to measure deflection with more than sufficient precision to reliably determine and monitor the value of the forces exerted on the beam by the shape. Moreover, the shapes required to strengthen members with this technique are substantially smaller than the ones needed in the aforementioned passive approach. This study addressed the number, position and value of the strengthening forces to be applied in terms of the load for which strengthening was designed and the bearing capacity of the member to be strengthened. The maximum value of such forces was also analysed as a function of the capacity of the member to resist counter-gravity moments. An analysis was then conducted of beam-shape interaction when the load on the beam raises since the instant that strengthening is applied, interaction that alters the forces applied to the beam by the shape. This variation can provide an increment in the forces if we cannot introduce them initially with the value calculated as necessary because they were limited by the permanent loads existing when strengthening, or if losses occur in the forces themselves. This is one of the criteria for defining shape specifications. Conversely, such variation may cause the forces to exceed beam counter-gravity bending strength at some points in the span, a development that must also be taken into consideration. Other factors inducing variations in the strengthening force values were then analysed, including deferred concrete strain (creep and shrinkage), temperature gradients in the member and the live loads acting on adjacent spans. The inference drawn was that these developments, which may on occasion have a heavy impact, can be quantified by the design engineer, particularly in ordinary situations, for which simple procedures are proposed. Methodology is likewise proposed for verifying strength in terms of how to appraise beam's cracking and variations in modulus of deformation; safety concerns; the effect of shape lamination tolerance on the calculated deflection necessary for the shape to apply the design forces; and fire-induced situations, among others. Lastly, the most prominent conclusions are discussed and future lines of research are suggested.


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Advanced composite materials are increasingly used in the strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) structures. The use of externally bonded strips made of fibre-reinforced plastics (FRP) as strengthening method has gained widespread acceptance in recent years since it has many advantages over the traditional techniques. However, unfortunately, this strengthening method is often associated with a brittle and sudden failure caused by some form of FRP bond failure, originated at the termination of the FRP material or at intermediate areas in the vicinity of flexural cracks in the RC beam. Up to date, little effort in the early prediction of the debonding in its initial instants even though this effect is not noticeable by simple visual observation. An early detection of this phenomenon might help in taking actions to prevent future catastrophes. Fibre-optic Bragg grating (FBG) sensors are able to measure strains locally with high resolution and accuracy. Furthermore, as their physical size is extremely small compared with other strain measuring components, it enables to be embedded at the concrete-FRP interface for determining the strain distribution without influencing the mechanical properties of the host materials. This paper shows the development of a debonding identification methodology based on strains experimentally measured. For, it a simplified model is implemented to simulate the behaviour of FRP-strengthened reinforced concrete beams. This model is taken as a basis to. develop an model updating procedure able to detect minor debonding at the concrete-FRP interface from experimental strains obtained by using FBG sensors embedded at the interface


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Since 2010 the Industrial Engineering School at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ETSII UPM) has its Plan Study accredited by ABET. Since then a big motivation has been promoted from the management team encouraging teachers to work on the measurement and strengthening of student¿s competences. Generic skills or behavior acquired significant importance in the workplace, particularly in relation to project management. Because of this, and framed within the requirements of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the curriculum of the new degrees are being developed under the competence-based learning. This situation leads to the need to have a clear measurement tool skills as a basis for developing them within the curriculum. A group of multidisciplinary teachers have been working together during two years to design measuring instruments valid for engineering students.