4 resultados para Fire situation

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The main objective of ventilation systems in tunnels is to reach the highest possible safety level both in service and fire situation; being the fire one, the most relevant when designing the system. When designing a longitudinal ventilation system, the methodology to evaluate the capacity of the system is similar both in service and fire situation, with the exception of the chimney effect and the phenomena of thermal transfer which is responsible or the changes in the density of the air. When facing the dimensioning task for longitudinal ventilated tunnels, although similar methodologies are used in different countries, specific hypothesis (aerodynamic, thermal properties, traffic) even if discussed in the literature or current practice, are not usually detailed in the regulations or recommendations. The aim of this paper is to propose a probabilistic approach to the problem which would allow the designer, and the tunnel owner, to understand the uncertainty and sensibility adopted in the results and, eventually, identify possible ways of optimizing the ventilation solution to be adopted.


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En situación de incendio, los elementos estructurales de madera laminada encolada (?MLE?) sufren una degradación térmica que les lleva a una pérdida de sección portante. El Código Técnico de la Edificación cuantifica esta pérdida en 0,55 - 0,70 mm/min por cada cara sometida a carga, según especie y densidad, pero no propone una metodología específica para el cálculo de uniones carpinteras en situación de incendio. Para conocer el comportamiento de este tipo de uniones en situación de incendio, la Plataforma de Ingeniería de la Madera Estructural (PEMADE) de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, el Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja y el Centro Tecnológico CIDEMCO-Tecnalia han realizado conjuntamente una serie de ensayos experimentales sobre probetas ensambladas con unión carpintera del tipo cola de milano. Se han sometido las probetas a cargas térmicas variantes en el tiempo siguiendo la norma ISO 834-1, tal y como indica el CTE. Se registró usando termopares la variación de la temperatura a lo largo de la duración del ensayo. En este trabajo se expone en detalle la metodología desarrollada para realizar los ensayos, así como los primeros resultados obtenidos. In a fire event, glued laminated timber ("GLULAM") elements suffer a thermal degradation that produces in them a decrease of bearing section. Spanish technical building normative (?CTE?) quantify this decreasing from 0.55 to 0.70 mm / min according to species and density, but does not propose a specific methodology for calculating carpenter joints in a fire situation. In order to understand the behavior of such joints in a fire situation, the Platform for Structural Timber Engineering (PEMADE) of University of Santiago de Compostela; Institute of Science Construction Eduardo Torroja and Technology Center CIDEMCO-Tecnalia conducted together a series of experimental tests on glulam specimens assembled with a carpenter union type called ?dovetail?. Specimens were subjected to thermal loads varying in time according to ISO 834-1, as indicated by the CTE. Thermocouples were inserted in the specimens, recording the temperature variation along the length of the test. This paper details the methodology developed for the test and the first results.


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La cuantificación de la reducción de las propiedades resistentes y de la sección de un elemento estructural en situación de incendio es fundamental de cara a garantizar la estabilidad estructural en situación de incendio. Existen investigaciones que tratan de determinar la variación de las propiedades térmicas y mecánicas de la madera sometida a cargas térmicas, y la reducción de sección transversal de un elemento estructural de madera. La normativa europea en materia de construcción con madera, el Eurocódigo 5, propone unas simplificaciones para determinar la sección residual de un elemento estructural de madera en situación de incendio. Los objetivos de este trabajo comprenden una revisión de algunos trabajos realizados en el campo de la variación en función de la temperatura de las propiedades térmicas de la madera (calor específico, densidad y conductividad térmica), y la construcción con los distintos valores propuestos de varios modelos de elementos finitos que se someterán a cargas térmicas definidas por la curva ISO 834-1. Los resultados se compararán con un modelo construido con los valores que el Eurocódigo propone y con un ensayo experimental. Como resultado final, se propone finalmente un modelo de elementos finitos que emule el comportamiento del ensayo experimental. The quantification of the decrease of strength properties and section of a structural element in a fire situation is critical in order to guarantee the structural stability in such a fire event. There are some researches in literature trying to find the variation of thermal and mechanical properties of wood subjected to thermal loads, and the decrease of cross section of a wooden structural element. The European legislation on timber construction, Eurocode 5, proposes a simplification to determine the residual section of a wooden structural element in a fire situation. This paper objectives consist in a review of some researches in the field of variations, depending on the temperature, of the thermal properties of wood (specific heat, density and thermal conductivity); and in the construction of a few finite element models of timber structural elements affected by thermal loads according to ISO 834-1. The results were compared with a model based in Eurocode 5 and with an experimental test. As final result, at last, we propose a finite element model that simulates the behavior of the experimental tested element.


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The main objective of ventilation systems in case of fire is the reduction of the possible consequences by achieving the best possible conditions for the evacuation of the users and the intervention of the emergency services. The required immediate transition, from normal to emergency functioning of the ventilation equipments, is being strengthened by the use of automatic and semi-automatic control systems, what reduces the response times through the help to the operators, and the use of pre-defined strategies. A further step consists on the use of closed-loop algorithms, which takes into account not only the initial conditions but their development (air velocity, traffic situation, etc.), optimizing smoke control capacity.