9 resultados para Fermi liquids

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Contaminated soil reuse was investigated, with higher profusion, throughout the early 90’s, coinciding with the 1991 Gulf War, when efforts to amend large crude oil releases began in geotechnical assessment of contaminated soils. Isolated works referring to geotechnical testing with hydrocarbon ground contaminants are described in the state-of-the-art, which have been extended to other type of contaminated soil references. Contaminated soils by light non-aquous phase liquids (LNAPL) bearing capacity reduction has been previously investigated from a forensic point of view. To date, all the research works have been published based on the assumption of constant contaminant saturation for the entire soil mass. In contrast, the actual LNAPLs distribution plumes exhibit complex flow patterns which are subject to physical and chemical changes with time and distance travelled from the release source. This aspect has been considered along the present text. A typical Madrid arkosic soil formation is commonly known as Miga sand. Geotechnical tests have been carried out, with Miga sand specimens, in incremental series of LNAPL concentrations in order to observe the soil engineering properties variation due to a contamination increase. Results are discussed in relation with previous studies and as a matter of fact, soil mechanics parameters change in the presence of LNAPL, showing different tendencies according to each test and depending on the LNAPL content, as well as to the specimen’s initially planned relative density, dense or loose. Geotechnical practical implications are also commented on and analyzed. Variation on geotechnical properties may occur only within the external contour of contamination distribution plume. This scope has motivated the author to develop a physical model based on transparent soil technology. The model aims to reproduce the distribution of LNAPL into the ground due to an accidental release from a storage facility. Preliminary results indicate that the model is a potentially complementary tool for hydrogeological applications, site-characterization and remediation treatment testing within the framework of soil pollution events. A description of the test setup of an innovative three dimensional physical model for the flow of two or more phases, in porous media, is presented herein, along with a summary of the advantages, limitations and future applications for modeling with transparent material. En los primeros años de la década de los años 90, del siglo pasado, coincidiendo con la Guerra del Golfo en 1991, se investigó intensamente sobre la reutilización de suelos afectados por grandes volúmenes de vertidos de crudo, fomentándose la evaluación geotécnica de los suelos contaminados. Se describen, en el estado del arte de esta tésis, una serie de trabajos aislados en relación con la caracterización geotécnica de suelos contaminados con hidrocarburos, descripción ampliada mediante referencias relacionadas con otros tipos de contaminación de suelos. Existen estudios previos de patología de cimentaciones que analizan la reducción de la capacidad portante de suelos contaminados por hidrocarburos líquidos ligeros en fase no acuosa (acrónimo en inglés: LNAPL de “Liquid Non-Aquous Phase Liquid”). A fecha de redacción de la tesis, todas las publicaciones anteriores estaban basadas en la consideración de una saturación del contaminante constante en toda la extensión del terreno de cimentación. La distribución real de las plumas de contaminante muestra, por el contrario, complejas trayectorias de flujo que están sujetas a cambios físico-químicos en función del tiempo y la distancia recorrida desde su origen de vertido. Éste aspecto ha sido considerado y tratado en el presente texto. La arena de Miga es una formación geológica típica de Madrid. En el ámbito de esta tesis se han desarrollado ensayos geotécnicos con series de muestras de arena de Miga contaminadas con distintas concentraciones de LNAPL con el objeto de estimar la variación de sus propiedades geotécnicas debido a un incremento de contaminación. Se ha realizado una evaluación de resultados de los ensayos en comparación con otros estudios previamente analizados, resultando que las propiedades mecánicas del suelo, efectivamente, varían en función del contenido de LNAPL y de la densidad relativa con la que se prepare la muestra, densa o floja. Se analizan y comentan las implicaciones de carácter práctico que supone la mencionada variación de propiedades geotécnicas. El autor ha desarrollado un modelo físico basado en la tecnología de suelos transparentes, considerando que las variaciones de propiedades geotécnicas únicamente deben producirse en el ámbito interior del contorno de la pluma contaminante. El objeto del modelo es el de reproducir la distribución de un LNAPL en un terreno dado, causada por el vertido accidental de una instalación de almecenamiento de combustible. Los resultados preliminares indican que el modelo podría emplearse como una herramienta complementaria para el estudio de eventos contaminantes, permitiendo el desarrollo de aplicaciones de carácter hidrogeológico, caracterización de suelos contaminados y experimentación de tratamientos de remediación. Como aportación de carácter innovadora, se presenta y describe un modelo físico tridimensional de flujo de dos o más fases a través de un medio poroso transparente, analizándose sus ventajas e inconvenientes así como sus limitaciones y futuras aplicaciones.


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The laminar low Mach number flow of a gas in a tube is analyzed for very small and very large values of the inlet-to-wall temperature ratio. When this ratio tends to zero, pressure forces confine the cold gas to a thin core around the axis of the tube. This core is neatly bounded by an ablation front that consumes it at a finite distance from the tube inlet. When the temperature ratio tends to infinity, the temperature of the gas increases smoothly from the wall to the axis of the tube and the shear stress and heat flux are positive at the wall despite the fact that the viscosity and thermal conductivity of the gas scaled with their inlet values tend to zero at the wall.


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We propose a model of nonequilibrium quantum transport of particles and energy in a system connected to mesoscopic Fermi reservoirs (mesoreservoir). The mesoreservoirs are in turn thermalized to prescribed temperatures and chemical potentials by a simple dissipative mechanism described by the Lindblad equation. As an example, we study transport in monoatomic and diatomic chains of noninteracting spinless fermions. We show numerically the breakdown of the Onsager reciprocity relation due to the dissipative terms of the model.


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We study particle current in a recently proposed model for coherent quantum transport. In this model, a system connected to mesoscopic Fermi reservoirs (meso-reservoir) is driven out of equilibrium by the action of super-reservoirs thermalized to prescribed temperatures and chemical potentials by a simple dissipative mechanism described by the Lindblad equation. We compare exact (numerical) results with theoretical expectations based on the Landauer formula.


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We study a model of nonequilibrium quantum transport of particles and energy in a many-body system connected to mesoscopic Fermi reservoirs (the so-called meso-reservoirs). We discuss the conservation laws of particles and energy within our setup as well as the transport properties of quasi-periodic and disordered chains.


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The stability of a liquid layer with an undeformable interface open to the atmo- sphere, subjected to a horizontal temperature gradient, is theoretically analysed. Buoyancy and surface tension forces give rise to a basic flow for any temperature dif- ference applied on the system. Depending on the liquid depth, this basic flow is desta- bilised either by an oscillatory instability, giving rise to the so-called hydrothermal waves, or by a stationary instability leading to corotating rolls. Oscillatory perturba- tions are driven by the basic flow and therefore one must distinguish between convec- tive and absolute thresholds. The instability mechanisms as well as the di¿erent re- gimes observed in experiments are discussed. The calculations are performed for a fluid used in recent experiments, namely silicone oil of 0.65 cSt ðPr 1?4 10Þ. In partic- ular, it is shown that two branches of absolute instability exist, which may be related to the two types of hydrothermal waves observed experimentally


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In the framework of the so-called third generation solar cells, three main concepts have been proposed in order to exceed the limiting efficiency of single-gap solar cells: the hot-carrier solar cell, the impact-ionization or multiple-exciton-generation solar cell, and the intermediate-band solar cell. At first sight, the three concepts are different, but in this paper, we illustrate how all these concepts, including the single-gap solar cell, share a common trunk that we call "core photovoltaic material." We demonstrate that each one of these next-generation concepts differentiates in fact from this trunk depending on the hypotheses that are made about the physical principles governing the electron electrochemical potentials. In the process, we also clarify the differences between electron, phonon, and photon chemical potentials (the three fundamental particles involved in the operation of the solar cell). The in-depth discussion of the physics involved about the operation of these cells also provides new insights about the operation of these cells.


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En esta tesis se investiga la interacción entre un fluido viscoso y un cuerpo sólido en presencia de una superficie libre. El problema se expresa teóricamente poniendo especial atención a los aspectos de conservación de energía y de la interacción del fluido con el cuerpo. El problema se considera 2D y monofásico, y un desarrollo matemático permite una descomposición de los términos disipativos en términos relacionados con la superficie libre y términos relacionados con la enstrofía. El modelo numérico utilizado en la tesis se basa en el método sin malla Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). De manera análoga a lo que se hace a nivel continuo, las propiedades de conservación se estudian en la tesis con el sistema discreto de partículas. Se tratan también las condiciones de contorno de un cuerpo que se mueve en un flujo viscoso, implementadas con el método ghost-fluid. Se ha desarrollado un algoritmo explícito de interacción fluido / cuerpo. Se han documentado algunos casos de modo detallado con el objetivo de comprobar la capacidad del modelo para reproducir correctamente la disipación de energía y el movimiento del cuerpo. En particular se ha investigado la atenuación de una onda estacionaria, comparando la simulación numérica con predicciones teóricas. Se han realizado otras pruebas para monitorizar la disipación de energía para flujos más violentos que implican la fragmentación de la superficie libre. La cantidad de energía disipada con los diferentes términos se ha evaluado en los casos estudiados con el modelo numérico. Se han realizado otras pruebas numéricas para verificar la técnica de modelización de la interacción fluido / cuerpo, concretamente las fuerzas ejercidas por las olas en cuerpos con formas simples, y el equilibrio de un cuerpo flotante con una forma compleja. Una vez que el modelo numérico ha sido validado, se han realizado simulaciones numéricas para obtener una comprensión más completa de la física implicada en casos (casi) realistas sobre los había aspectos que no se conocían suficientemente. En primer lugar se ha estudiado el el flujo alrededor de un cilindro bajo la superficie libre. El estudio se ha realizado con un número de Reynolds moderado, para un rango de inmersiones del cilindro y números de Froude. La solución numérica permite una investigación de los patrones complejos que se producen. La estela del cilindro interactúa con la superficie libre. Se han identificado algunos inestabilidades características. El segundo estudio se ha realizado sobre el problema de sloshing, tanto experimentalmente como numéricamente. El análisis se restringe a aguas poco profundas y con oscilación horizontal, pero se ha estudiado un gran número de condiciones, lo que lleva a una comprensión bastante completa de los sistemas de onda involucradas. La última parte de la tesis trata también sobre un problema de sloshing pero esta vez el tanque está oscilando con rotación y hay acoplamiento con un sistema mecánico. El sistema se llama pendulum-TLD (Tuned Liquid Damper - con líquido amortiguador). Este tipo de sistema se utiliza normalmente para la amortiguación de las estructuras civiles. El análisis se ha realizado analíticamente, numéricamente y experimentalmente utilizando líquidos con viscosidades diferentes, centrándose en características no lineales y mecanismos de disipación. ABSTRA C T The subject of the present thesis is the interaction between a viscous fluid and a solid body in the presence of a free surface. The problem is expressed first theoretically with a particular focus on the energy conservation and the fluid-body interaction. The problem is considered 2D and monophasic, and some mathematical development allows for a decomposition of the energy dissipation into terms related to the Free Surface and others related to the enstrophy. The numerical model used on the thesis is based on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH): a computational method that works by dividing the fluid into particles. Analogously to what is done at continuum level, the conservation properties are studied on the discrete system of particles. Additionally the boundary conditions for a moving body in a viscous flow are treated and discussed using the ghost-fluid method. An explicit algorithm for handling fluid-body coupling is also developed. Following these theoretical developments on the numerical model, some test cases are devised in order to test the ability of the model to correctly reproduce the energy dissipation and the motion of the body. The attenuation of a standing wave is used to compare what is numerically simulated to what is theoretically predicted. Further tests are done in order to monitor the energy dissipation in case of more violent flows involving the fragmentation of the free-surface. The amount of energy dissipated with the different terms is assessed with the numerical model. Other numerical tests are performed in order to test the fluid/body interaction method: forces exerted by waves on simple shapes, and equilibrium of a floating body with a complex shape. Once the numerical model has been validated, numerical tests are performed in order to get a more complete understanding of the physics involved in (almost) realistic cases. First a study is performed on the flow passing a cylinder under the free surface. The study is performed at moderate Reynolds numbers, for various cylinder submergences, and various Froude numbers. The capacity of the numerical solver allows for an investigation of the complex patterns which occur. The wake from the cylinder interacts with the free surface, and some characteristical flow mechanisms are identified. The second study is done on the sloshing problem, both experimentally and numerically. The analysis is restrained to shallow water and horizontal excitation, but a large number of conditions are studied, leading to quite a complete understanding of the wave systems involved. The last part of the thesis still involves a sloshing problem but this time the tank is rolling and there is coupling with a mechanical system. The system is named pendulum-TLD (Tuned Liquid Damper). This kind of system is normally used for damping of civil structures. The analysis is then performed analytically, numerically and experimentally for using liquids with different viscosities, focusing on non-linear features and dissipation mechanisms.


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In this work we study theoretically and experimentally the equilibrium profiles attained under spontaneous capillary rise of viscous liquids in the wedge-shaped narrow gap between two vertical plates intersecting at a tight angle α<<1. We contrast the differences among the case with vertical edge and those in which the arista is tilted to the vertical. Our theoretical description agrees well with experimental data for several analyzed inclinations.