em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The research work that here is summarized, it is classed on the area of dynamics and measures of railway safety, specifically in the study of the influence of the cross wind on the high-speed trains as well as the study of new mitigation measures like wind breaking structures or wind fences, with optimized shapes. The work has been developed in the Research Center in Rail Technology (CITEF), and supported by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain.


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El ferrocarril está llamado a ser uno de los modos de transporte del futuro tanto para mercancías como para viajeros. Esto conduce a la necesidad de reducir los efectos negativos que la explotación ferroviaria produce, y entre ellos los más relevantes son el ruido y las vibraciones, que causan molestias a usuarios y habitantes cercanos y perturbaciones en infraestructuras propias de la red o cercanas a la misma. En el trabajo de investigación que aquí se resume, se ha realizado un estudio teórico exhaustivo de los fenómenos de emisión de ruido ferroviario analizando sus causas y parámetros de influencia. A partir de este estudio, se ha elaborado una metodología completa y sencilla para la caracterización del ruido de paso que cubre todas las fases necesarias, desde la adquisición de datos de ruido, hasta la obtención de resultados numéricos y de forma gráfica a través de una herramienta software desarrollada a tal efecto. De las distintas metodologías de caracterización se escogió, por ser la más representativa para el estudio, la caracterización del ruido de paso de vehículos (a velocidad constante). La herramienta informática, la metodología en sí y sus resultados han sido comprobados y ratificados con ensayos reales en las instalaciones de Alta Velocidad de la red española, registrándose el paso de diferentes composiciones. Además se puede afirmar que cumplen con las especificaciones y restricciones establecidas por la normativa vigente en España y Europa. Este trabajo ha sido desarrollado en el Centro de Investigación en Tecnologías Ferroviarias (CITEF), centro ligado a la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.


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The Bioinstrumentation Laboratory belongs to the Centre for Biomedical Technology (CTB) of the Technical University of Madrid and its main objective is to provide the scientific community with devices and techniques for the characterization of micro and nanostructures and consequently finding their best biomedical applications. Hyperthermia (greek word for “overheating”) is defined as the phenomenon that occurs when a body is exposed to an energy generating source that can produce a rise in temperature (42-45ºC) for a given time [1]. Specifically, the aim of the hyperthermia methods used in The Bioinstrumentation Laboratory is the development of thermal therapies, some of these using different kinds of nanoparticles, to kill cancer cells and reduce the damage on healthy tissues. The optical hyperthermia is based on noble metal nanoparticles and laser irradiation. This kind of nanoparticles has an immense potential associated to the development of therapies for cancer on account of their Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) enhanced light scattering and absorption. In a short period of time, the absorbed light is converted into localized heat, so we can take advantage of these characteristics to heat up tumor cells in order to obtain the cellular death [2]. In this case, the laboratory has an optical hyperthermia device based on a continuous wave laser used to kill glioblastoma cell lines (1321N1) in the presence of gold nanorods (Figure 1a). The wavelength of the laser light is 808 nm because the penetration of the light in the tissue is deeper in the Near Infrared Region. The first optical hyperthermia results show that the laser irradiation produces cellular death in the experimental samples of glioblastoma cell lines using gold nanorods but is not able to decrease the cellular viability of cancer cells in samples without the suitable nanorods (Figure 1b) [3]. The generation of magnetic hyperthermia is performed through changes of the magnetic induction in magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) that are embedded in viscous medium. The Figure 2 shows a schematic design of the AC induction hyperthermia device in magnetic fluids. The equipment has been manufactured at The Bioinstrumentation Laboratory. The first block implies two steps: the signal selection with frequency manipulation option from 9 KHz to 2MHz, and a linear output up to 1500W. The second block is where magnetic field is generated ( 5mm, 10 turns). Finally, the third block is a software control where the user can establish initial parameters, and also shows the temperature response of MNPs due to the magnetic field applied [4-8]. The Bioinstrumentation Laboratory in collaboration with the Mexican company MRI-DT have recently implemented a new research line on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Hyperthermia, which is sustained on the patent US 7,423,429B2 owned by this company. This investigation is based on the use of clinical MRI equipment not only for diagnosis but for therapy [9]. This idea consists of two main facts: Magnetic Resonance Imaging can cause focal heating [10], and the differentiation in resonant frequency between healthy and cancer cells [11]. To produce only heating in cancer cells when the whole body is irradiated, it is necessary to determine the specific resonant frequency of the target, using the information contained in the spectra of the area of interest. Then, special RF pulse sequence is applied to produce fast excitation and relaxation mechanism that generates temperature increase of the tumor, causing cellular death or metabolism malfunction that stops cellular division


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Based on theoretical arguments, we propose a possible route for controlling the band-gap in the promising photovoltaic material CdIn2S4. Our ab initio calculations show that the experimental degree of inversion in this spinel (fraction of tetrahedral sites occupied by In) corresponds approximately to the equilibrium value given by the minimum of the theoretical inversion free energy at a typical synthesis temperature. Modification of this temperature, or of the cooling rate after synthesis, is then expected to change the inversion degree, which in turn sensitively tunes the electronic band-gap of the solid, as shown here by screened hybrid functional calculations.


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Con motivo de la 52ª Reunión científica de la Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos (SEEP) celebrada en Badajoz del 8 a 12 de abril pasados, tuvimos la oportunidad de visitar la Heredade dos Esquerdos buque insignia de la empresa familiar FERTIPRADO. David Crespo, fundador de la empresa, y su hijo Juan Pablo nos recibieron en su empresa. FERTIPRADO es hoy una multinacional dedicada a la mejora, producción y distribución de semillas pratenses. Tiene representación,además de en su país de origen, Portugal, en España, Italia y Uruguay.


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The intermediate band solar cell (IBSC) is a solar cell that, in order to increase its efficiency over that of single gap solar cells, takes advantage of the absorption of below-bandgap energy photons by means of an intermediate band (IB) located in the semiconductor bandgap. For this process to improve the solar cell performance, the belowbandgap photon absorption has to be effective and the IB cannot limit the open-circuit voltage of the cell. In this paper we provide a guide to the new researcher interested in the idea in order he can quickly become familiar with the concept and updated with the most relevant experimental results.


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IBPOWER is a Project awarded under the 7th European Framework Programme that aims to advance research on intermediate band solar cells (IBSCs). These are solar cells conceived to absorb below bandgap energy photons by means of an electronic energy band that is located within the semiconductor bandgap, whilst producing photocurrent with output voltage still limited by the total semiconductor bandgap. IBPOWER employs two basic strategies for implementing the IBSC concept. The first is based on the use of quantum dots, the IB arising from the confined energy levels of the electrons in the dots. Quantum dots have led to devices that demonstrate the physical operation principles of the IB concept and have allowed identification of the problems to be solved to achieve actual high efficiencies. The second approach is based on the creation of bulk intermediate band materials by the insertion of an appropriate impurity into a bulk semiconductor. Under this approach it is expected that, when inserted at high densities, these impurities will find it difficult to capture electrons by producing a breathing mode and will cease behaving as non-radiative recombination centres. Towards this end the following systems are being investigated: a) Mn: In1-xGax N; b) transition metals in GaAs and c) thin films.


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El objeto del presente proyecto es dotar al parque público “Juan Pablo II”, de una cartografía a escala 1/250, además de realizar el modelo digital del terreno de dicho parque. El trabajo va a consistir en un levantamiento topográfico del sector oeste del parque público “Juan Pablo II”. Dado que el parque en toda su dimensión se encuentra dividido en dos por la Avenida de Machupichu, siendo la oeste la que forma parte de este proyecto. El levantamiento se realizará mediante el método de observación G.N.S.S. denominado R.T.K. (Real Time Kinematic) que consiste en la obtención de coordenadas en tiempo real. Este levantamiento se realizará apoyándose en puntos de una red implantada, a la que se dotará de coordenadas por el método de observación G.N.S.S. denominado “Estático” y por metodología clásica. A la red se le dotará de coordenadas en el Sistema de Referencia Oficial. Se realizará la cartografía del parque a partir de los datos del levantamiento y con el uso de programas de CAD. Finalmente, se realizará un modelo digital del terreno. El parque público “Juan Pablo II” se encuentra situado en barrio de La Piovera, en el término municipal de Madrid, provincia de Madrid. El parque ocupa 6 hectáreas y es el elegido para nuestro proyecto. Este parque está limitado por el norte por la Avda. del Papa Negro, por el sur está limitado por la Avda. de las Piceas, por el este por la Avda. Machupichu, por el oeste por un pinar. 1.- Estudio de Redes para la obtención de la Red Básica: Por metodología G.N.S.S., se ha realizado cuatro simulaciones, teniendo como criterios: Longitud de la líneas base; Tiempo de observación; Precisiones obtenidas. Y comprobación de la Red Básica por metodología Clásica. 2.- Creación de aplicación para representar redes en Google Earth (Geodesicas-kml). Ante la falta de aplicaciones libres para esta opción de difusión de redes de manera fácil y gratuita, se creó esta aplicación. 3.- Diseño cartográfico, mapas a escala 1/250. Esta escala fue elegida porque se quería tener un buen detalle para la creación del MDT. 4.- Creación de MDT, y adaptado a visualización en Google Earth. Se eligió esta plataforma para que no se necesitase ninguna aplicación de pago y por su gran difusión, facilitando la divulgación de los MDT. 5.- Paseo virtual en el interior del parque. Película de un recorrido dentro del parque con todos los elementos más representativos.


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Tin disulfide SnS2 was recently proposed as a high efficiency solar cell precursor [1]. The aim of this work is a deep study of the structural disposition of the most important polytipes of this layered material, not only describing the electronic correlation but also the interatomic Van der Waals interactions that is present between the layers. The two recent implementations to take Van der Waals interactions into account in the VASP code are the self-consistent Dion et al. [2] functional optimized for solids by Michaelides et al [3] and the Grimme [4] dispersion correction that is applied after each autoconsistent PBE electronic calculation. In this work these two methods are compared with DFT PBE functional. The results we will presented at this Conference, demonstrates the enhancement of the geometric parameters by the use of the Van der Waals interactions in agreement with the experimental values.


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The concept of "intermediate band solar cell" (IBSC) is, apparently, simple to grasp. However, since the idea was proposed, our understanding has improved and we feel now that we can explain better some concepts than we initially introduced. Clarifying these concepts is important, even if they are well-known for the advanced researcher, so that efforts can be driven in the right direction from start. The six pieces of this work are: Does a miniband need to be formed when the IBSC is implemented with quantum dots?; What are the problems of each of the main practical approaches that exist today? What are the simplest experimental techniques to demonstrate whether an IBSC is working as such or not? What is the issue with the absorption coefficient overlap? and Mott's transition? What the best system would be, if any?


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Estudio de caso correspondiente a la rehabilitación de la vivienda en donde nació la reconocida cantante ecuatoriana Carlota Jaramillo, que inmortalizó entre otros la música nacional, ubicada en la población de Calacalí. Construida con técnicas vernáculas de la serrania ecuatoriana, se rehabilitó para convertirla en casa-museo, volviendo a poner en práctica dichas técnicas de construcción, debido al estado ruinoso en que se hallaba, rescatando así un testigo patrimonial de arquitectura popular de inicios del siglo XX.


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Subtraction of Ictal SPECT Co-registered to MRI (SISCOM) is an imaging technique used to localize the epileptogenic focus in patients with intractable partial epilepsy. The aim of this study was to determine the accuracy of registration algorithms involved in SISCOM analysis using FocusDET, a new user-friendly application. To this end, Monte Carlo simulation was employed to generate realistic SPECT studies. Simulated sinograms were reconstructed by using the Filtered BackProjection (FBP) algorithm and an Ordered Subsets Expectation Maximization (OSEM) reconstruction method that included compensation for all degradations. Registration errors in SPECT-SPECT and SPECT-MRI registration were evaluated by comparing the theoretical and actual transforms. Patient studies with well-localized epilepsy were also included in the registration assessment. Global registration errors including SPECT-SPECT and SPECT-MRI registration errors were less than 1.2 mm on average, exceeding the voxel size (3.32 mm) of SPECT studies in no case. Although images reconstructed using OSEM led to lower registration errors than images reconstructed with FBP, differences after using OSEM or FBP in reconstruction were less than 0.2 mm on average. This indicates that correction for degradations does not play a major role in the SISCOM process, thereby facilitating the application of the methodology in centers where OSEM is not implemented with correction of all degradations. These findings together with those obtained by clinicians from patients via MRI, interictal and ictal SPECT and video-EEG, show that FocusDET is a robust application for performing SISCOM analysis in clinical practice.


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Las células solares de banda intermedia se inventaron en España. Constituyen una propuesta para aumentar la eficiencia de las células solares por encima del límite de Shockley y Queisser para células de un solo gap. El número de ideas para llevarlas a la práctica (desde la utilización de puntos cuánticos a la implantación selectiva de impurezas) se ha ido expandiendo a medida que nuestra comprensión ha ido aumentando. En este artículo repasamos el concepto de célula solar de banda intermedia y algunas de estas ideas para llevarla a la práctica.


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Durante de la fecunda obra de Palazuelo, existen sendos viajes cruciales tanto para su formación como para la evolución de su obra. In 1933, continuó sus estudios arquitectónicos en la School of Arts and Crafts of the city of Oxford, donde el pintor español recibió la formación que le permitió adquirir no sólo nuevas herramientas gráficas, sino también un método proyectual que implementó a lo largo de su producción. El segundo viaje iniciático se produjo en Paría, donde aplicó las enseñanzas aprendidas en su incipiente carrera artística. Para ilustrar ambos momentos, el presente texto desvela archivos gráficos inéditos procedentes de los fondos de la Fundación Palazuelo que estuve catalogando. During Palazuelo successful career, two trips were crucial turning points for both his formation and the evolution of his work. In 1933, he continued his architectural studies at the School of Arts and Crafts of the city of Oxford, were this Spanish painter received an education that allowed him not only endow new graphical tools, but also a procedural method he implemented throughout his production. The second initiation voyage took place in Paris, where he applied the lessons learned in his fledgling artistic career. To illustrate both moments this text unveils unpublished graphic files from Palazuelo Foundation that I catalogued.