15 resultados para FREEZING

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Freezing of water or salt solution in concrete pores is a main cause for severe damage and significant reduction of the service life. Most of the freeze-thaw (F-T) accelerated tests measure the scaling of concrete by weighting. This paper presents complementary procedures based on the use of strain gages and ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) for measuring the deterioration of concrete due to freezing and thawing. These non-destructive testing (NDT) procedures are applied to two types of concretes, one susceptible to F-T damage and the other does not. The results show a good correlation between scaling and the measurements obtained with NDT. Showing NDT the advantage to detect before the damage and to perform continuous measurement


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Some experiments have been performed to investigate the cyclic freeze-thaw deterioration of concrete, using traditional and non-traditional techniques. Two concrete mixes, with different pore structure, were tested in order to compare the behavior of a freeze-thaw resistant concrete from one that is not. One of the concretes was air entrained, high content of cement and low w/c ratio, and the other one was a lower cement content and higher w/c ratio, without air-entraining agent. Concrete specimens were studied under cyclic freeze-thaw conditions according to UNE-CENT/TS 12390-9 test, using 3% NaCl solution as freezing medium (CDF test: Capillary Suction, De-icing agent and Freeze-thaw Test). The temperature and relative humidity were measured during the cycles inside the specimens using embedded sensors placed at different heights from the surface in contact with the de-icing agent solution. Strain gauges were used to measure the strain variations at the surface of the specimens. Also, measurements of ultrasonic pulse velocity through the concrete specimens were taken before, during, and after the freeze-thaw cycles. According to the CDF test, the failure of the non-air-entraining agent concrete was observed before 28 freeze-thaw cycles; contrariwise, the scaling of the air-entraining agent concrete was only 0.10 kg/m 2 after 28 cycles, versus 3.23 kg/m 2 in the deteriorated concrete, after 28 cycles. Similar behavior was observed on the strain measurements. The residual strain in the deteriorated concrete after 28 cycles was 1150 m versus 65 m, in the air-entraining agent concrete. By means of monitoring the changes of ultrasonic pulse velocity during the freeze-thaw cycles, the deterioration of the tested specimens were assessed


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Developing products having a high nutritional value and good storage stability during freezing is a challenge. Inulin (I) and extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) have interesting functional properties. The e?ect of the addition of I and EVOO blends at di?erent I:EVOO ratios (0:0, 0:60, 15:45, 30:30, 45:15, 60:0, 30:45 and 45:30) on the rheological, physical, sensory and structural properties of fresh and frozen ? thawed mashed potatoes formulated without and with added cryoprotectants was analysed and compared. Addition of I and EVOO (either alone or blended) reduced apparent viscosity and pseudoplasticity producing softer systems, indicating that both ingredients behave as soft ?llers. Samples with added I at the higher concentrations )1 (?45 g kg ) showed lower ?ow index and consistency, which is related to formation of smaller I particles; microphotographs indicated that gelling properties of I depended mostly upon processing. Frozen ? thawed samples were judged more acceptable and creamier than their fresh counterparts.


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Esta tesis estudia la monitorización y gestión de la Calidad de Experiencia (QoE) en los servicios de distribución de vídeo sobre IP. Aborda el problema de cómo prevenir, detectar, medir y reaccionar a las degradaciones de la QoE desde la perspectiva de un proveedor de servicios: la solución debe ser escalable para una red IP extensa que entregue flujos individuales a miles de usuarios simultáneamente. La solución de monitorización propuesta se ha denominado QuEM(Qualitative Experience Monitoring, o Monitorización Cualitativa de la Experiencia). Se basa en la detección de las degradaciones de la calidad de servicio de red (pérdidas de paquetes, disminuciones abruptas del ancho de banda...) e inferir de cada una una descripción cualitativa de su efecto en la Calidad de Experiencia percibida (silencios, defectos en el vídeo...). Este análisis se apoya en la información de transporte y de la capa de abstracción de red de los flujos codificados, y permite caracterizar los defectos más relevantes que se observan en este tipo de servicios: congelaciones, efecto de “cuadros”, silencios, pérdida de calidad del vídeo, retardos e interrupciones en el servicio. Los resultados se han validado mediante pruebas de calidad subjetiva. La metodología usada en esas pruebas se ha desarrollado a su vez para imitar lo más posible las condiciones de visualización de un usuario de este tipo de servicios: los defectos que se evalúan se introducen de forma aleatoria en medio de una secuencia de vídeo continua. Se han propuesto también algunas aplicaciones basadas en la solución de monitorización: un sistema de protección desigual frente a errores que ofrece más protección a las partes del vídeo más sensibles a pérdidas, una solución para minimizar el impacto de la interrupción de la descarga de segmentos de Streaming Adaptativo sobre HTTP, y un sistema de cifrado selectivo que encripta únicamente las partes del vídeo más sensibles. También se ha presentado una solución de cambio rápido de canal, así como el análisis de la aplicabilidad de los resultados anteriores a un escenario de vídeo en 3D. ABSTRACT This thesis proposes a comprehensive approach to the monitoring and management of Quality of Experience (QoE) in multimedia delivery services over IP. It addresses the problem of preventing, detecting, measuring, and reacting to QoE degradations, under the constraints of a service provider: the solution must scale for a wide IP network delivering individual media streams to thousands of users. The solution proposed for the monitoring is called QuEM (Qualitative Experience Monitoring). It is based on the detection of degradations in the network Quality of Service (packet losses, bandwidth drops...) and the mapping of each degradation event to a qualitative description of its effect in the perceived Quality of Experience (audio mutes, video artifacts...). This mapping is based on the analysis of the transport and Network Abstraction Layer information of the coded stream, and allows a good characterization of the most relevant defects that exist in this kind of services: screen freezing, macroblocking, audio mutes, video quality drops, delay issues, and service outages. The results have been validated by subjective quality assessment tests. The methodology used for those test has also been designed to mimic as much as possible the conditions of a real user of those services: the impairments to evaluate are introduced randomly in the middle of a continuous video stream. Based on the monitoring solution, several applications have been proposed as well: an unequal error protection system which provides higher protection to the parts of the stream which are more critical for the QoE, a solution which applies the same principles to minimize the impact of incomplete segment downloads in HTTP Adaptive Streaming, and a selective scrambling algorithm which ciphers only the most sensitive parts of the media stream. A fast channel change application is also presented, as well as a discussion about how to apply the previous results and concepts in a 3D video scenario.


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El yacimiento de Pasto Bueno se localiza en el extremo nordeste del Batolito de la Cordillera Blanca, comprende diversas vetas, generalmente subverticales, asociadas al stock cuarzomonzonitico de Consuzo, datado como Terciario Superior, que intruye a las pizarras de la fm. Chicama y cuarcitas de la fm. Chimu. Las principales vetas discurren con direccion N-S cortando al stock, aunque tambien existen sistemas NE-SW asi como NW-SE encajados sobre las rocas metamorficas. La mineralogia de mena reconocida comprende wolframita (hubnerita), tetraedrita/tenantita, esfalerita y galena, en una ganga de cuarzo, fluorita, sericita, pirita y carbonatos, ademas de molibdenita, calcopirita, bornita, arsenopirita, enargita (luzonita), stolzita, scheelita, zinnwaldita, topacio, tungstita y arsenico nativo. Estudios previos han caracterizado Pasto Bueno como un yacimiento con una gran componente de greisen, con una evolucion de las vetas desde un episodio temprano esteril de 400 oC, depositando la mineralizacion economica en torno a los 220-250 oC y con un evento postumo de 175-220 oC rico en CO2. La precipitacion de la wolframita se produjo a partir de un fluido netamente hidrotermal, sin embargo, dicha precipitacion estuvo controlada por el aporte al sistema de aguas externas meteoricas y/o metamorficas. El trabajo llevado a cabo ha consistido en la realizacion de un estudio microtermometrico de las 3 principales estructuras del distrito: Consuelo, Alonso-Fenix y Chabuca, para caracterizar la evolucion del fluido mineralizador desde el stock (veta Consuelo) hacia las rocas metasedimentarias de las fm. Chicama y Chimu (manto Alonso-Fenix y veta Chabuca). Para ello se realizo un muestreo sobre el evento principal de mineralizacion. Dichas muestras se sometieron a un estudio petrografico de lamina gruesa para seleccionar las muestras optimas para el posterior estudio microtermometrico. Previamente a la obtencion de las medidas de temperatura de fusion del hielo (criotermometria) y de homogenizacion del fluido; se realizo un estudio de petrografia de inclusiones fluidas para caracterizarlas y seleccionar las representativas. La interpretacion de los resultados ha permitido confirmar la existencia de un episodio previo de alta temperatura, superior a 282 oC y un evento mineralizador con temperaturas en torno a los 200-240 oC. Sin embargo, las salinidades obtenidas son mucho menores que las previamente publicadas, en torno al 5 % peso eq. NaCl, frente a 11-17 % peso eq. NaCl. Tambien se ha observado un fluido postumo rico en CO2, pero de temperatura superior, en torno a los 270 oC. Los gradientes isotermicos muestran dos focos para dichos fluidos hidrotermales: el primero asociado al stock en la veta Consuelo, y el segundo en la veta Chabuca, asociado a la zona de cabalgamiento de las pizarras de la fm. Chicama sobre las cuarcitas de la fm. Chimu. Este segundo foco puede corresponder con los aportes externos de aguas metamorficas. Para finalizar, se dan una serie de pautas para guiar las futuras exploraciones en el yacimiento. ABSTRACT The Pasto Bueno deposit is located at the northeastern end of the Cordillera Blanca Batholith. It comprises several veins, generally subvertical, associated with the quartz-monzonite stock of Consuzo, dated as Tertiary, which intrudes the Chicama fm. slates and the Chimu fm. quartzites. The main veins trend N-S cutting the stock, although there are also NE-SW and NWSE systems, hosted by the metamorphic rocks. The ore mineralogy comprises wolframite (hubnerite), tetrahedrite/tennantite, sphalerite and galena in a gangue of quartz, fluorite, sericite, pyrite and carbonates, and minor molybdenite, chalcopyrite, bornite, arsenopyrite, enargite (luzonite), stolzite, scheelite, zinnwaldite, topaz, tungstite and native arsenic. Previous studies have characterized Pasto Bueno as a deposit with a large component of greisen, with an evolution of the veins from an early barren 400 oC event , followed by economic mineralization of about 220-250 °C and a late event of 175 -220 oC rich in CO2. Wolframite precipitation occurred from a purely hydrothermal fluid; however, this precipitation was controlled by an external flux of meteoric and/or metamorphic waters. Microthermometric studies of the 3 main structures of the district (Consuelo, Alonso-Fenix and Chabuca veins) have been carried out to depict the evolution of the mineralizing fluid coming from the stock (Consuelo vein) into the metasedimentary rocks of the Chimu and Chicama fm. (Alonso-Fenix and Chabuca veins). The sampling was performed over the main event of mineralization. These samples were subject to a quick plate petrography study in order to select the optimal samples for further microthermometry studies. Before the freezing/heating measures, a fluid inclusion petrography study was done to characterize and select the representative F.I. Interpretation of results has confirmed the existence of a previous episode of higher temperature, over 282 °C, and a mineralizing event with temperatures of about 200-240 °C. However, obtained salinities, about 5 wt% NaCl equivalents, are much lower than those previously reported, about 11-17 wt% NaCl equivalents. A last fluid, rich in CO2, but of higher temperature, about 270 oC, has been characterized. Isothermal gradients show two foci for the hydrothermal fluids: the first one associated to the Consuzo stock as shown in the Consuelo vein, and the second one related to the thrust fault which places the Chicama fm. slates over the Chimu fm. quartzites in the Chabuca vein area. This second focus may correspond to an external input of metamorphic waters. Finally, some guidelines have been given to guide future explorations.


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Direct Steam Generation (DSG) in Linear Fresnel (LF) solar collectors is being consolidated as a feasible technology for Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plants. The competitiveness of this technology relies on the following main features: water as heat transfer fluid (HTF) in Solar Field (SF), obtaining high superheated steam temperatures and pressures at turbine inlet (500ºC and 90 bar), no heat tracing required to avoid HTF freezing, no HTF degradation, no environmental impacts, any heat exchanger between SF and Balance Of Plant (BOP), and low cost installation and maintenance. Regarding to LF solar collectors, were recently developed as an alternative to Parabolic Trough Collector (PTC) technology. The main advantages of LF are: the reduced collector manufacturing cost and maintenance, linear mirrors shapes versus parabolic mirror, fixed receiver pipes (no ball joints reducing leaking for high pressures), lower susceptibility to wind damages, and light supporting structures allowing reduced driving devices. Companies as Novatec, Areva, Solar Euromed, etc., are investing in LF DSG technology and constructing different pilot plants to demonstrate the benefits and feasibility of this solution for defined locations and conditions (Puerto Errado 1 and 2 in Murcia Spain, Lidellin Newcastle Australia, Kogran Creek in South West Queensland Australia, Kimberlina in Bakersfield California USA, Llo Solar in Pyrénées France,Dhursar in India,etc). There are several critical decisions that must be taken in order to obtain a compromise and optimization between plant performance, cost, and durability. Some of these decisions go through the SF design: proper thermodynamic operational parameters, receiver material selection for high pressures, phase separators and recirculation pumps number and location, pipes distribution to reduce the amount of tubes (reducing possible leaks points and transient time, etc.), etc. Attending to these aspects, the correct design parameters selection and its correct assessment are the main target for designing DSG LF power plants. For this purpose in the recent few years some commercial software tools were developed to simulatesolar thermal power plants, the most focused on LF DSG design are Thermoflex and System Advisor Model (SAM). Once the simulation tool is selected,it is made the study of the proposed SFconfiguration that constitutes the main innovation of this work, and also a comparison with one of the most typical state-of-the-art configuration. The transient analysis must be simulated with high detail level, mainly in the BOP during start up, shut down, stand by, and partial loads are crucial, to obtain the annual plant performance. An innovative SF configurationwas proposed and analyzed to improve plant performance. Finally it was demonstrated thermal inertia and BOP regulation mode are critical points in low sun irradiation day plant behavior, impacting in annual performance depending on power plant location.


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La artroplastia de cadera se considera uno de los mayores avances quirúrgicos de la Medicina. La aplicación de esta técnica de Traumatología se ha incrementado notablemente en los últimos anos, a causa principalmente del progresivo incremento de la esperanza de vida. En efecto, con la edad aumentan los problemas de artrosis y osteoporosis, enfermedades típicas de las articulaciones y de los huesos que requieren en muchos casos la sustitución protésica total o parcial de la articulación. El buen comportamiento funcional de una prótesis depende en gran medida de la estabilidad primaria, es decir, el correcto anclaje de la prótesis en el momento de su implantación. Las prótesis no cementadas basan su éxito a largo plazo en la osteointegración que tiene lugar entre el material protésico y el tejido óseo, y para lograrla es imprescindible conseguir unas buenas condiciones de estabilidad primaria. El aflojamiento aséptico es la principal causa de fallo de artroplastia total de cadera. Este es un fenómeno en el que, debido a complejas interacciones de factores mecánicos y biológicos, se producen movimientos relativos que comprometen la funcionalidad del implante. La minimización de los correspondientes danos depende en gran medida de la detección precoz del aflojamiento. Para lograr la detección temprana del aflojamiento aséptico del vástago femoral se han ensayado diferentes técnicas, tanto in vivo como in vitro: análisis numéricos y técnicas experimentales basadas en sensores de movimientos provocados por cargas transmitidas natural o artificialmente, tales como impactos o vibraciones de distintas frecuencias. Los montajes y procedimientos aplicados son heterogéneos y, en muchas ocasiones, complejos y costosos, no existiendo acuerdo sobre una técnica simple y eficaz de aplicación general. Asimismo, en la normativa vigente que regula las condiciones que debe cumplir una prótesis previamente a su comercialización, no hay ningún apartado referido específicamente a la evaluación de la bondad del diseño del vástago femoral con respecto a la estabilidad primaria. El objetivo de esta tesis es desarrollar una metodología para el análisis, in vitro, de la estabilidad de un vástago femoral implantado, a fin de poder evaluar las técnicas de implantación y los diferentes diseños de prótesis previamente a su oferta en el mercado. Además se plantea como requisito fundamental que el método desarrollado sea sencillo, reversible, repetible, no destructivo, con control riguroso de parámetros (condiciones de contorno de cargas y desplazamientos) y con un sistema de registro e interpretación de resultados rápido, fiable y asequible. Como paso previo, se ha realizado un análisis cualitativo del problema de contacto en la interfaz hueso-vástago aplicando una técnica optomecánica del campo continuo (fotoelasticidad). Para ello se han fabricado tres modelos en 2D del conjunto hueso-vástago, simulando tres tipos de contactos en la interfaz: contacto sin adherencia y con holgura, contacto sin adherencia y sin holgura, y contacto con adherencia y homogéneo. Aplicando la misma carga a cada modelo, y empleando la técnica de congelación de tensiones, se han visualizado los correspondientes estados tensionales, siendo estos más severos en el modelo de unión sin adherencia, como cabía esperar. En todo caso, los resultados son ilustrativos de la complejidad del problema de contacto y confirman la conveniencia y necesidad de la vía experimental para el estudio del problema. Seguidamente se ha planteado un ensayo dinámico de oscilaciones libres con instrumentación de sensores resistivos tipo galga extensométrica. Las muestras de ensayo han sido huesos fémur en todas sus posibles variantes: modelos simplificados, hueso sintético normalizado y hueso de cadáver, seco y fresco. Se ha diseñado un sistema de empotramiento del extremo distal de la muestra (fémur) con control riguroso de las condiciones de anclaje. La oscilación libre de la muestra se ha obtenido mediante la liberación instantánea de una carga estética determinada y aplicada previamente, bien con una maquina de ensayo o bien por gravedad. Cada muestra se ha instrumentado con galgas extensométricas convencionales cuya señal se ha registrado con un equipo dinámico comercial. Se ha aplicado un procedimiento de tratamiento de señal para acotar, filtrar y presentar las respuestas de los sensores en el dominio del tiempo y de la frecuencia. La interpretación de resultados es de tipo comparativo: se aplica el ensayo a una muestra de fémur Intacto que se toma de referencia, y a continuación se repite el ensayo sobre la misma muestra con una prótesis implantada; la comparación de resultados permite establecer conclusiones inmediatas sobre los efectos de la implantación de la prótesis. La implantación ha sido realizada por un cirujano traumatólogo utilizando las mismas técnicas e instrumental empleadas en el quirófano durante la práctica clínica real, y se ha trabajado con tres vástagos femorales comerciales. Con los resultados en el dominio del tiempo y de la frecuencia de las distintas aplicaciones se han establecido conclusiones sobre los siguientes aspectos: Viabilidad de los distintos tipos de muestras sintéticas: modelos simplificados y fémur sintético normalizado. Repetibilidad, linealidad y reversibilidad del ensayo. Congruencia de resultados con los valores teóricos deducidos de la teoría de oscilaciones libres de barras. Efectos de la implantación de tallos femorales en la amplitud de las oscilaciones, amortiguamiento y frecuencias de oscilación. Detección de armónicos asociados a la micromovilidad. La metodología se ha demostrado apta para ser incorporada a la normativa de prótesis, es de aplicación universal y abre vías para el análisis de la detección y caracterización de la micromovilidad de una prótesis frente a las cargas de servicio. ABSTRACT Total hip arthroplasty is considered as one of the greatest surgical advances in medicine. The application of this technique on Traumatology has increased significantly in recent years, mainly due to the progressive increase in life expectancy. In fact, advanced age increases osteoarthritis and osteoporosis problems, which are typical diseases of joints and bones, and in many cases require full or partial prosthetic replacement on the joint. Right functional behavior of prosthesis is highly dependent on the primary stability; this means it depends on the correct anchoring of the prosthesis at the time of implantation. Uncemented prosthesis base their long-term success on the quality of osseointegration that takes place between the prosthetic material and bone tissue, and to achieve this good primary stability conditions is mandatory. Aseptic loosening is the main cause of failure in total hip arthroplasty. This is a phenomenon in which relative movements occur, due to complex interactions of mechanical and biological factors, and these micromovements put the implant functionality at risk. To minimize possible damage, it greatly depends on the early detection of loosening. For this purpose, various techniques have been tested both in vivo and in vitro: numerical analysis and experimental techniques based on sensors for movements caused by naturally or artificially transmitted loads, such as impacts or vibrations at different frequencies. The assemblies and methods applied are heterogeneous and, in many cases, they are complex and expensive, with no agreement on the use of a simple and effective technique for general purposes. Likewise, in current regulations for governing the conditions to be fulfilled by the prosthesis before going to market, there is no specific section related to the evaluation of the femoral stem design in relation to primary stability. The aim of this thesis is to develop a in vitro methodology for analyzing the stability of an implanted femoral stem, in order to assess the implantation techniques and the different prosthesis designs prior to its offer in the market. We also propose as a fundamental requirement that the developed testing method should be simple, reversible, repeatable, non-destructive, with close monitoring of parameters (boundary conditions of loads and displacements) and with the availability of a register system to record and interpret results in a fast, reliable and affordable manner. As a preliminary step, we have performed a qualitative analysis of the contact problems in the bone-stem interface, through the application of a continuous field optomechanical technique (photoelasticity). For this proposal three 2D models of bone–stem set, has been built simulating three interface contact types: loosened an unbounded contact, unbounded and fixed contact, and bounded homogeneous contact. By means of applying the same load to each model, and using the stress freezing technique, it has displayed the corresponding stress states, being more severe as expected, in the unbounded union model. In any case, the results clearly show the complexity of the interface contact problem, and they confirm the need for experimental studies about this problem. Afterward a free oscillation dynamic test has been done using resistive strain gauge sensors. Test samples have been femur bones in all possible variants: simplified models, standardized synthetic bone, and dry and cool cadaveric bones. An embedding system at the distal end of the sample with strong control of the anchoring conditions has been designed. The free oscillation of the sample has been obtained by the instantaneous release of a static load, which was previously determined and applied to the sample through a testing machine or using the gravity force. Each sample was equipped with conventional strain gauges whose signal is registered with a marketed dynamic equipment. Then, it has applied a signal processing procedure to delimit, filter and present the time and frequency response signals from the sensors. Results are interpreted by comparing different trials: the test is applied to an intact femur sample which is taken as a reference, and then this test is repeated over the same sample with an implanted prosthesis. From comparison between results, immediate conclusions about the effects of the implantation of the prosthesis can be obtained. It must be said that the implementation has been made by an expert orthopedic surgeon using the same techniques and instruments as those used in clinical surgery. He has worked with three commercial femoral stems. From the results obtained in the time and frequency domains for the different applications the following conclusions have been established: Feasibility of the different types of synthetic samples: simplified models and standardized synthetic femur. Repeatability, linearity and reversibility of the testing method. Consistency of results with theoretical values deduced from the bars free oscillations theory. Effects of introduction of femoral stems in the amplitude, damping and frequencies of oscillations Detection of micromobility associated harmonics. This methodology has been proved suitable to be included in the standardization process of arthroplasty prosthesis, it is universally applicable and it allows establishing new methods for the analysis, detection and characterization of prosthesis micromobility due to functional loads.


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The use of biofuels in the aviation sector has economic and environmental benefits. Among the options for the production of renewable jet fuels, hydroprocessed esters and fatty acids (HEFA) have received predominant attention in comparison with fatty acid methyl esters (FAME), which are not approved as additives for jet fuels. However, the presence of oxygen in methyl esters tends to reduce soot emissions and therefore particulate matter emissions. This sooting tendency is quantified in this work with an oxygen-extended sooting index, based on smoke point measurements. Results have shown considerable reduction in the sooting tendency for all biokerosenes (produced by transesterification and eventually distillation) with respect to fossil kerosenes. Among the tested biokerosenes, that made from palm kernel oil was the most effective one, and nondistilled methyl esters (from camelina and linseed oils) showed lower effectiveness than distilled biokerosenes to reduce the sooting tendency. These results may constitute an additional argument for the use of FAME’s as blend components of jet fuels. Other arguments were pointed out in previous publications, but some controversy has aroused over the use of these components. Some of the criticism was based on the fact that the methods used in our previous work are not approved for jet fuels in the standard methods and concluded that the use of FAME in any amount is, thus, inappropriate. However, some of the standard methods are not updated for considering oxygenated components (like the method for obtaining the lower heating value), and others are not precise enough (like the methods for measuring the freezing point), whereas some alternative methods may provide better reproducibility for oxygenated fuels.


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El interés creciente en encontrar alimentos precocinados congelados que se asemejen a productos naturales, capaces de superar un procesado con el menor daño, ha generado un aumento en el estudio de nuevos productos en este campo de la investigación. Las características de cada matriz alimentaria, la composición y estructura de los ingredientes, así como el efecto de las interacciones entre ellos, modifica la textura, estructura y las propiedades físicas y sensoriales del alimento, así como su aceptación por el consumidor. En este contexto, la investigación realizada en esta tesis doctoral se ha llevado a cabo en puré de patata considerado como una matriz alimentaria semisólida y se ha centrado en analizar los efectos de la concentración y modificación de la composición en las propiedades reológicas y de textura, en las propiedades físico-químicas y estructurales, así como en los atributos sensoriales de los purés de patata cuando a estos se le añaden diferentes ingredientes funcionales como fibra de guisante, inulina, aceite de oliva, aislado de proteína de soja, ácidos grasos omega 3 y/o sus mezclas. Para ello, se han realizado cuatro estudios donde se determinan las propiedades reológicas mediante ensayos dinámicos oscilatorios y en estado estacionario, los parámetros instrumentales de textura mediante ensayos de extrusión inversa y de penetración cónica, además de los cambios estructurales a través de cromatografía iónica con detector de pulsos amperométrico, cromatografía de gases con detector de ionización de llama y microscopía electrónica de barrido. Conjuntamente, se han evaluado los atributos sensoriales de los diferentes purés generando los descriptores que mejor definen la calidad sensorial del producto, utilizando un panel de jueces entrenados y valorándose la aceptación global de los nuevos productos mediante un panel de consumidores. En un primer estudio, el puré de patata natural congelado elaborado con crioprotectores se enriqueció con fibra dietética insoluble (fibra de guisante), fibra dietética soluble (inulina) y sus mezclas. La fibra de guisante influyó significativa y negativamente en la textura del puré de patata, percibiéndose en el producto un incremento de la dureza y de la arenosidad, mientras que la inulina produjo un ablandamiento del sistema. En un segundo estudio, el puré de patata natural fresco y congelado/descongelado elaborado con y sin crioprotectores, se enriqueció con fibra dietética soluble (inulina), aceite de oliva virgen extra y sus mezclas. La adición de estos dos ingredientes generó un ablandamiento de la matriz del sistema, produciéndose, sin embargo, un efecto sinérgico entre ambos ingredientes funcionales. La inulina tuvo un efecto más significativo en la viscosidad aparente del producto, mientras que el aceite de oliva virgen extra afectó más significativamente a la pseudoplasticidad, al índice de consistencia y a la viscosidad plástica del mismo. El proceso de congelación y descongelación utilizado favoreció la reducción del tamaño de las partículas de inulina haciéndolas imperceptibles al paladar, obteniéndose productos más cremosos y con mayor aceptabilidad global que sus homólogos frescos. En un tercer estudio, el puré de patata natural fresco y congelado/descongelado elaborado con crioprotectores se enriqueció con mezclas de fibra dietética soluble (inulina) y aislado de proteína de soja. Los resultados demostraron que el ciclo de congelación y descongelación realizado no afecta el grado de polimerización de la inulina. La estructura química de la inulina tampoco se vio afectada por la incorporación de la soja. El proceso de congelación/descongelación, así como la adición de concentraciones altas de inulina y bajas de aislado de proteína de soja, favorecen la disminución de la contribución de la componente viscosa en las propiedades viscoelásticas del puré de patata. La cremosidad fue el único atributo sensorial que presentó una correlación lineal significativa entre las puntuaciones otorgadas por panelistas entrenados y no entrenados. Por último, se elaboró un puré de patata natural fresco y congelado/descongelado optimizado con crioprotectores y enriquecido con la suma de ácido docosahexaenoico (DHA, C22:6 n-3) y ácido eicosapentaenoico (EPA, C20:5 n-3) y con ácido α-linolénico (ALA, C18:3 n-3) microencapsulados. El ciclo de congelación y descongelación no afectó al perfil de ácidos grasos del puré de patata. La adición de omega 3 procedente de aceites de lino y pescado microencapsulados mejora los indicadores nutricionales que definen la calidad de la grasa, obteniéndose un producto más saludable. ABSTRACT The growing interest in finding frozen precooked products that are like a natural product and capable of withstanding initial processing with minimum damage and remaining stable during preservation and reheating prior to consumption has generated an increase in studies of new products in this field of research. The characteristics of each food matrix, the composition and structure of the ingredients and the effect of interactions between them alter the texture, structure and physical and sensory properties of the food product and its acceptance by the consumer. In this context, the research conducted in this doctoral thesis was carried out on mashed potato, considered as a semi-solid food matrix, and focused on analysing the effects of concentration and modification of the composition of the mashed potato matrix on the rheological and textural properties, physicochemical and structural properties and sensory attributes of mashed potato when various functional ingredients are added to it, such as pea fibre, inulin, olive oil, soy protein isolate, omega 3 fatty acids and/or mixtures of these ingredients. Four studies were conducted for this purpose. Rheological properties were determined by oscillatory dynamic tests and stationary state tests, and instrumental texture parameters by backward extrusion and cone penetration tests. Structural changes were studied by ion chromatography with pulsed amperometric detector, gas chromatography with flame ionisation detector and scanning electron microscopy. The sensory attributes of the various mashed potato mixtures were evaluated by generating the descriptors that best defined the sensory quality of the products and using a panel of trained judges, and overall acceptance of the new products was evaluated by a panel of consumers. In the first study, frozen natural mashed potato incorporating cryoprotectants was enriched with insoluble dietary fibre (pea fibre), soluble dietary fibre (inulin) and mixtures of the two. Pea fibre had a significant negative influence on the texture of the mashed potato, producing an increase in hardness and granularity, whereas inulin produced a softening of the system. In the second study, fresh and frozen/thawed natural mashed potato prepared with and without cryoprotectants was enriched with soluble dietary fibre (inulin), extra virgin olive oil and mixtures of the two. The addition of these two ingredients generated softening of the matrix of the system, but a synergic effect between the two functional ingredients was produced. Inulin had a more significant effect on the apparent viscosity of the product, whereas extra virgin olive oil had a more significant effect on its pseudoplasticity, consistency index and plastic viscosity. The freezing and thawing process that was used contributed to a reduction in the size of the inulin particles, making them imperceptible to the palate and producing creamier products with greater overall acceptability than their fresh equivalents. In the third study, the fresh and frozen/thawed natural mashed potato incorporating cryoprotectants was enriched with mixtures of soluble dietary fibre (inulin) and soy protein isolate. The results showed that the freezing and thawing process that was performed did not affect the degree of polymerisation of the inulin. The chemical structure of the inulin was also not affected by the incorporation of soy. The freezing and thawing process and the addition of high concentrations of inulin and low concentrations of soy protein isolate favoured a decrease in the contribution of the viscous component to the viscoelastic properties of the mashed potato. Creaminess was the only sensory attribute that presented a significant linear correlation between the scores given by trained and untrained panellists. Lastly, fresh and frozen/thawed natural mashed potato optimised with cryoprotectants was prepared and enriched with the sum of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22:6 n-3) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, C20:5 n-3) and with α-linolenic acid (ALA, C18:3 n-3), microencapsulated. The freezing and thawing process did not affect the fatty acid profile of the mashed potato. The addition of omega 3 obtained from microencapsulated linseed and fish oils improved the nutritional indicators that define the quality of the fat, producing a healthier product.


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Purpose Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plants based on parabolic troughs utilize auxiliary fuels (usually natural gas) to facilitate start-up operations, avoid freezing of HTF and increase power output. This practice has a significant effect on the environmental performance of the technology. The aim of this paper is to quantify the sustainability of CSP and to analyse how this is affected by hybridisation with different natural gas (NG) inputs. Methods A complete Life Cycle (LC) inventory was gathered for a commercial wet-cooled 50 MWe CSP plant based on parabolic troughs. A sensitivity analysis was conducted to evaluate the environmental performance of the plant operating with different NG inputs (between 0 and 35% of gross electricity generation). ReCiPe Europe (H) was used as LCA methodology. CML 2 baseline 2000 World and ReCiPe Europe E were used for comparative purposes. Cumulative Energy Demands (CED) and Energy Payback Times (EPT) were also determined for each scenario. Results and discussion Operation of CSP using solar energy only produced the following environmental profile: climate change 26.6 kg CO2 eq/KWh, human toxicity 13.1 kg 1,4-DB eq/KWh, marine ecotoxicity 276 g 1,4-DB eq/KWh, natural land transformation 0.005 m2/KWh, eutrophication 10.1 g P eq/KWh, acidification 166 g SO2 eq/KWh. Most of these impacts are associated with extraction of raw materials and manufacturing of plant components. The utilization NG transformed the environmental profile of the technology, placing increasing weight on impacts related to its operation and maintenance. Significantly higher impacts were observed on categories like climate change (311 kg CO2 eq/MWh when using 35 % NG), natural land transformation, terrestrial acidification and fossil depletion. Despite its fossil nature, the use of NG had a beneficial effect on other impact categories (human and marine toxicity, freshwater eutrophication and natural land transformation) due to the higher electricity output achieved. The overall environmental performance of CSP significantly deteriorated with the use of NG (single score 3.52 pt in solar only operation compared to 36.1 pt when using 35 % NG). Other sustainability parameters like EPT and CED also increased substantially as a result of higher NG inputs. Quasilinear second-degree polynomial relationships were calculated between various environmental performance parameters and NG contributions. Conclusions Energy input from auxiliary NG determines the environmental profile of the CSP plant. Aggregated analysis shows a deleterious effect on the overall environmental performance of the technology as a result of NG utilization. This is due primarily to higher impacts on environmental categories like climate change, natural land transformation, fossil fuel depletion and terrestrial acidification. NG may be used in a more sustainable and cost-effective manner in combined cycle power plants, which achieve higher energy conversion efficiencies.


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Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plants typically incorporate one or various auxiliary boilers operating in parallel to the solar field to facilitate start up operations, provide system stability, avoid freezing of heat transfer fluid (HTF) and increase generation capacity. The environmental performance of these plants is highly influenced by the energy input and the type of auxiliary fuel, which in most cases is natural gas (NG). Replacing the NG with biogas or biomethane (BM) in commercial CSP installations is being considered as a means to produce electricity that is fully renewable and free from fossil inputs. Despite their renewable nature, the use of these biofuels also generates environmental impacts that need to be adequately identified and quantified. This paper investigates the environmental performance of a commercial wet-cooled parabolic trough 50 MWe CSP plant in Spain operating according to two strategies: solar-only, with minimum technically viable energy non-solar contribution; and hybrid operation, where 12 % of the electricity derives from auxiliary fuels (as permitted by Spanish legislation). The analysis was based on standard Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology (ISO 14040-14040). The technical viability and the environmental profile of operating the CSP plant with different auxiliary fuels was evaluated, including: NG; biogas from an adjacent plant; and BM withdrawn from the gas network. The effect of using different substrates (biowaste, sewage sludge, grass and a mix of biowaste with animal manure) for the production of the biofuels was also investigated. The results showed that NG is responsible for most of the environmental damage associated with the operation of the plant in hybrid mode. Replacing NG with biogas resulted in a significant improvement of the environmental performance of the installation, primarily due to reduced impact in the following categories: natural land transformation, depletion of fossil resources, and climate change. However, despite the renewable nature of the biofuels, other environmental categories like human toxicity, eutrophication, acidification and marine ecotoxicity scored higher when using biogas and BM.


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El deterioro del hormigón por ciclos de hielo-deshielo en presencia de sales fundentes es causa frecuente de problemas en los puentes e infraestructuras existentes en los países europeos. Los daños producidos por los ciclos de hielo-deshielo en el hormigón pueden ser internos, fundamentalmente la fisuración y/o externos como el descascarillamiento (desgaste superficial). La España peninsular presenta unas características geográficas y climáticas particulares. El 18% de la superficie tiene una altura superior a 1000mts y, además, la altura media geográfica con respecto al nivel del mar es de 660mts (siendo el segundo país más montañoso de toda Europa).Esto hace que la Red de Carreteras del Estado se vea afectada, durante determinados periodos, por fenómenos meteorológicos adversos, en particular por nevadas y heladas, que pueden comprometer las condiciones de vialidad para la circulación de vehículos. Por este motivo la Dirección General de Carreteras realiza trabajos anualmente (campañas de vialidad invernal, de 6 meses de duración) para el mantenimiento de la vialidad de las carreteras cuando éstas se ven afectadas por estos fenómenos. Existen protocolos y planes operativos que permiten sistematizar estos trabajos de mantenimiento que, además, se han intensificado en los últimos 10 años, y que se fundamentan en el empleo de sales fundentes, principalmente NaCl, con la misión de que no haya placas de hielo, ni nieve, en las carreteras. En zonas de fuerte oscilación térmica, que con frecuencia en España se localizan en la zona central del Pirineo, parte de la cornisa Cantábrica y Sistema Central, se producen importantes deterioros en las estructuras y paramentos de hormigón producidos por los ciclos de hielo- deshielo. Pero además el uso de fundentes de vialidad invernal acelera en gran medida la evolución de estos daños. Los tableros de hormigón de puentes de carretera de unos 40-50 años de antigüedad carecen, en general, de un sistema de impermeabilización, y están formados frecuentemente por un firme de mezcla asfáltica, una emulsión adherente y el hormigón de la losa. En la presente tesis se realiza una investigación que pretende reproducir en laboratorio los procesos que tienen lugar en el hormigón de tableros de puentes existentes de carreteras, de unos 40-50 años de antigüedad, que están expuestos durante largos periodos a sales fundentes, con objeto de facilitar la vialidad invernal, y a cambios drásticos de temperatura (hielo y deshielo). Por ello se realizaron cuatro campañas de investigación, teniendo en cuenta que, si bien nos basamos en la norma europea UNE-CEN/TS 12390-9 “Ensayos de hormigón endurecido. Resistencia al hielo-deshielo. Pérdida de masa”, se fabricaron probetas no estandarizadas para este ensayo, pensado en realidad para determinar la afección de los ciclos únicamente a la pérdida de masa. Las dimensiones de las probetas en nuestro caso fueron 150x300 mm, 75 x 150mm (cilíndricas normalizadas para roturas a compresión según la norma UNE-EN 12390-3) y 286x76x76 (prismáticas normalizadas para estudiar cambio de volumen según la norma ASTM C157), lo cual nos permitió realizar sobre las mismas probetas más ensayos, según se presentan en la tesis y, sobre todo, poder comparar los resultados con probetas extraídas de dimensiones similares en puentes existentes. En la primera campaña, por aplicación de la citada norma, se realizaron ciclos de H/D, con y sin contacto con sales de deshielo (NaCl en disolución del 3% según establece dicha norma). El hormigón fabricado en laboratorio, tratando de simular el de losas de tableros de puentes antiguos, presentó una fc de 22,6 MPa y relación agua/cemento de 0,65. Las probetas de hormigón fabricadas se sometieron a ciclos agresivos de hielo/deshielo (H/D), empleando una temperatura máxima de +20ºC y una temperatura mínima de -20ºC al objeto de poder determinar la sensibilidad de este ensayo tanto al tipo de hormigón elaborado como al tipo de probeta fabricado (cilíndrica y prismática). Esta campaña tuvo una segunda fase para profundizar más en el comportamiento de las probetas sometidas a ciclos H/D en presencia de sales. En la segunda campaña, realizada sobre probetas de hormigón fabricadas en laboratorio iguales a las anteriores, la temperaturas mínima del ensayo se subió a -14ºC, lo que nos permitió analizar el proceso de deterioro con más detalle. (Realizando una serie de ensayos de caracterización no destructivos y otros destructivos, y validando su aplicación a la detección de los deterioros causados tras los ensayos acelerados de hielodeshielo. También mediante aplicación de técnicas de microscopía electrónica.) La tercera campaña, se realizó sobre probetas de hormigón de laboratorio similares a las anteriores, fc de 29,3Mpa y relación a/c de 0,65, en las que se aplicó en una cara un revestimiento asfáltico de 2-4cms, según fueran prismáticas y cilíndricas respectivamente, compuesto por una mezcla asfáltica real (AC16), sobre una imprimación bituminosa. (Para simular el nivel de impermeabilización que produce un firme sobre el tablero de un puente) La cuarta campaña, se desarrolló tras una cuidadosa selección de dos puentes de hormigón de 40-50 años de antigüedad, expuestos y sensibles a deterioros de hielodeshielo, y en carreteras con aportación de fundentes. Una vez esto se extrajeron testigos de hormigón de zonas sanas (nervios del tablero), para realizar en laboratorio los mismos ensayos acelerados de hielo-deshielo y de caracterización, de la segunda campaña, basados en la misma norma. De los resultados obtenidos se concluye que cuando se emplean sales fundentes se acelera de forma significativa el deterioro, aumentando tanto el contenido de agua en los poros como el gradiente generado (mecanismo de deterioro físico). Las sales de deshielo aceleran claramente la aparición del daño, que se incrementa incluso en un factor de 5 según se constata en esta investigación para los hormigones ensayados. Pero además se produce un gradiente de cloruros que se ha detectado tanto en los hormigones diseñados en laboratorio como en los extraídos de puentes existentes. En casi todos los casos han aparecido cambios en la microestructura de la pasta de cemento (mecanismo de deterioro químico), confirmándose la formación de un compuesto en el gel CSH de la pasta de cemento, del tipo Ca2SiO3Cl2, que posiblemente está contribuyendo a la alteración de la pasta y a la aceleración de los daños en presencia de sales fundentes. Existe un periodo entre la aparición de fisuración y la pérdida de masa. Las fisuras progresan rápidamente desde la interfase de los áridos más pequeños y angulosos, facilitando así el deterioro del hormigón. Se puede deducir así que el tipo de árido afecta al deterioro. En el caso de los testigos con recubrimiento asfáltico, parece haberse demostrado que la precipitación de sales genera tensiones en las zonas de hormigón cercanas al recubrimiento, que terminan por fisurar el material. Y se constata que el mecanimo de deterioro químico, probablemente tenga más repercusión que el físico, por cuanto el recubrimiento asfáltico es capaz de retener suficiente agua, como para que el gradiente de contenido de agua en el hormigón sea mucho menor que sin el recubrimiento. Se constató, sin embargo, la importancia del gradiente de cloruros en el hormigon. Por lo que se deduce que si bien el recubrimiento asfáltico es ciertamente protector frente a los ciclos H/D, su protección disminuye en presencia de sales; es decir, los cloruros acabarán afectando al hormigón del tablero del puente. Finalmente, entre los hormigones recientes y los antiguos extraídos de puentes reales, se observa que existen diferencias significativas en cuanto a la resistencia a los ciclos H/D entre ellos. Los hormigones más recientes resultan, a igualdad de propiedades, más resistentes tanto a ciclos de H/D en agua como en sales. Posiblemente el hecho de que los hormigones de los puentes hayan estado expuestos a condiciones de temperaturas extremas durante largos periodos de tiempo les ha sensibilizado. La tesis realizada, junto con nuevos contrastes que se realicen en el futuro, nos permitirá implementar una metodología basada en la extracción de testigos de tableros de puente reales para someterlos a ensayos de hielo-deshielo, basados en la norma europea UNECEN/ TS 12390-9 aunque con probetas no normalizadas para el mismo, y, a su vez, realizar sobre estas probetas otros ensayos de caracterización destructivos, que posibilitarán evaluar los daños ocasionados por este fenómeno y su evolución temporal, para actuar consecuentemente priorizando intervenciones de impermeabilización y reparación en el parque de puentes de la RCE. Incluso será posible la elaboración de mapas de riesgo, en función de las zonas de climatología más desfavorable y de los tratamientos de vialidad invernal que se lleven a cabo. Concrete damage by freeze-thaw cycles in the presence of melting salts frequently causes problems on bridges and infrastructures in European countries. Damage caused by freeze-thaw cycles in the concrete can be internal, essentially cracking and / or external as flaking (surface weathering due to environmental action). The peninsular Spain presents specific climatic and geographical characteristics. 18% of the surface has a height greater than 1,000 m and the geographical average height from the sea level is 660 m (being the second most mountainous country in Europe). This makes the National Road Network affected during certain periods due to adverse weather, particularly snow and ice, which can compromise road conditions for vehicular traffic. For this reason the National Road Authority performs works annually (Winter Road Campaign, along 6 months) to maintain the viability of the roads when they are affected by these phenomena. There are protocols and operational plans that allow systematize these maintenance jobs, that also have intensified in the last 10 years, and which are based on the use of deicing salts, mainly NaCl, with the mission that no ice sheets, or snow appear on the roads. In areas of strong thermal cycling, which in Spain are located in the central area of the Pyrenees, part of the Cantabrian coast and Central System, significant deterioration take place in the structures and wall surfaces of concrete due to freeze-thaw. But also the use of deicing salts for winter maintenance greatly accelerated the development of such damages. The concrete decks for road bridges about 40-50 years old, lack generally a waterproofing system, and are often formed by a pavement of asphalt, an adhesive emulsion and concrete slab. In this thesis the research going on aims to reproduce in the laboratory the processes taking place in the concrete of an existing deck at road bridges, about 40-50 years old, they are exposed for long periods to icing salt, to be performed in order to facilitate winter maintenance, and drastic temperature changes (freezing and thawing). Therefore four campaigns of research were conducted, considering that while we rely on the European standard UNE-CEN/TS 12390-9 "Testing hardened concrete. Freezethaw resistance. Mass loss", nonstandard specimens were fabricated for this test, actually conceived to determine the affection of the cycles only to the mass loss. Dimensions of the samples were in our case 150x300 mm, 75 x 150mm (standard cylindrical specimens for compression fractures UNE-EN 12390-3) and 286x76x76 (standard prismatic specimens to study volume change ASTM C157), which allowed us to carry on same samples more trials, as presented in the thesis, and especially to compare the results with similar sized samples taken from real bridges. In the first campaign, by application of that European standard, freeze-thaw cycles, with and without contact with deicing salt (NaCl 3% solution in compliance with such standard) were performed. Concrete made in the laboratory, trying to simulate the old bridges, provided a compressive strength of 22.6 MPa and water/cement ratio of 0.65. In this activity, the concrete specimens produced were subjected to aggressive freeze/thaw using a maximum temperature of +20ºC and a minimum temperature of - 20°C in order to be able to determine the sensitivity of this test to the concrete and specimens fabricated. This campaign had a second phase to go deeper into the behavior of the specimens subjected to cycled freeze/thaw in the presence of salts. In the second campaign, conducted on similar concrete specimens manufactured in laboratory, temperatures of +20ºC and -14ºC were used in the tests, which allowed us to analyze the deterioration process in more detail (performing a series of non-destructive testing and other destructive characterization, validating its application to the detection of the damage caused after the accelerated freeze-thaw tests, and also by applying electron microscopy techniques). The third campaign was conducted on concrete specimens similar to the above manufactured in laboratory, both cylindrical and prismatic, which was applied on one side a 4 cm asphalt coating, consisting of a real asphalt mixture, on a bituminous primer (for simulate the level of waterproofing that produces a pavement on the bridge deck). The fourth campaign was developed after careful selection of two concrete bridges 40- 50 years old, exposed and sensitive to freeze-thaw damage, in roads with input of melting salts. Concrete cores were extracted from healthy areas, for the same accelerated laboratory freeze-thaw testing and characterization made for the second campaign, based on the same standard. From the results obtained it is concluded that when melting salts are employed deterioration accelerates significantly, thus increasing the water content in the pores, as the gradient. Besides, chloride gradient was detected both in the concrete designed in the laboratory and in the extracted in existing bridges. In all cases there have been changes in the microstructure of the cement paste, confirming the formation of a compound gel CSH of the cement paste, Ca2SiO3Cl2 type, which is possibly contributing to impair the cement paste and accelerating the damage in the presence of melting salts. The detailed study has demonstrated that the formation of new compounds can cause porosity at certain times of the cycles may decrease, paradoxically, as the new compound fills the pores, although this phenomenon does not stop the deterioration mechanism and impairments increase with the number of cycles. There is a period between the occurrence of cracking and mass loss. Cracks progress rapidly from the interface of the smallest and angular aggregate, thus facilitating the deterioration of concrete. It can be deduced so the aggregate type affects the deterioration. The presence of melting salts in the system clearly accelerates the onset of damage, which increases even by a factor of 5 as can be seen in this investigation for concrete tested. In the case of specimens with asphalt coating, it seems to have demonstrated that the precipitation of salts generate tensions in the areas close to the concrete coating that end up cracking the material. It follows that while the asphalt coating is certainly a protection against the freeze/thaw cycles, this protection decreases in the presence of salts; so the chlorides will finally affect the concrete bridge deck. Finally, among the recent concrete specimens and the old ones extracted from real bridges, it is observed that the mechanical strengths are very similar to each other, as well as the porosity values and the accumulation capacity after pore water saturation. However, there are significant differences in resistance to freeze/thaw cycles between them. More recent concrete are at equal properties more resistant both cycles freeze/thaw in water with or without salts. Possibly the fact that concrete bridges have been exposed to extreme temperatures for long periods of time has sensitized them. The study, along with new contrasts that occur in the future, allow us to implement a methodology based on the extraction of cores from the deck of real bridges for submission to freeze-thaw tests based on the European standard UNE-CEN/TS 12390-9 even with non-standard specimens for it, and in turn, performed on these samples other destructive characterization tests, which will enable to assess the damage caused by this phenomenon and its evolution, to act rightly prioritizing interventions improving the waterproofing and other repairs in the bridge stock of the National Road Network. It will even be possible to develop risk maps, depending on the worst weather areas and winter road treatments to be carried out.


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Cinchona officinalis (Rubiaceae), especie endémica del Valle de Loja, ubicado en la región sur del Ecuador, es un recurso forestal de importancia medicinal y ecológica, además la especie ha sido catalogada como planta nacional y es un ícono de la región sur por su aporte a la farmacopea mundial. Esta especie, entre los siglos XVII-XIX sufrió una gran presión en sus poblaciones debido a la extracción masiva de la corteza para la cura del paludismo. Aunque la actividad extractiva generó grandes ingresos a la Corona Española y a la región Sur del Ecuador, ésta fue poco o nada sustentable ecológicamente, provocando la desaparición de la especie en muchos sitios de la provincia, pues, en su momento, no se consideraron alternativas de recuperación de las poblaciones naturales. Actualmente la extracción y consumo de la corteza en la zona de origen es baja o nula, sin embargo esta zona enfrenta nuevas amenazas. La deforestación a causa de proyectos de desarrollo en infraestructuras, la práctica de actividades agrícolas y de ganadería, y los efectos del cambio climático han ocasionado, en estos últimos años, la fragmentación de los ecosistemas. La mayoría de los bosques del sur del Ecuador se han convertido en parches aislados (los bosques en los que se distribuye C. officinalis no son la excepción) siendo esta la principal causa para que la especie se encuentre en estado de amenaza. Los individuos de la especie tienen una alta capacidad de rebrote y producen semillas durante todo el año; sin embargo la capacidad germinativa y la tasa de sobrevivencia son bajas, además de estas dificultades la especie requiere de la asociación con otras especies vegetales para su desarrollo, lo cual ha limitado su distribución en pequeños parches aislados. Con esta problemática, la recuperación natural de las poblaciones es una necesidad evidente. Varios trabajos y esfuerzos previos se han realizado a nivel local: i. Identificación de la distribución actual y potencial; ii. Determinación de la fenología y fructificación iii. Programas de educación ambiental, iv. Análisis moleculares para determinar la diversidad genética. v. Ensayos de propagación vegetativa; y otras acciones de tipo cultural. No obstante, el estado de conservación y manejo de las poblaciones naturales no ha mejorado significativamente, siendo necesaria la aplicación de estrategias integradas de conservación in situ y ex situ, que permitan la recuperación y permanencia de las poblaciones naturales a largo plazo. El presente trabajo tiene como fin dar alternativas para el cultivo de tejidos in vitro de Cinchona officinalis centrados en la propagación masiva a partir de semillas, análisis de la fidelidad genética y alternativas de conservación de tejidos. Los objetivos específicos que se plantean son: i. Analizar el proceso de germinación y proliferación in vitro. ii. Evaluar la estabilidad genética en explantes cultivados in vitro, mediante marcadores ISSR. iii. Establecer protocolos de conservación in vitro mediante limitación del crecimiento y criopreservación de segmentos nodales y yemas. Los resultados más significativos de esta investigación fueron: i. El desarrollo de protocolos eficientes para mejorar los porcentajes de germinación y la proliferación de brotes en explantos cultivados in vitro. Para evaluar el efecto de los fenoles sobre la germinación, se determinó el contenido total de fenoles y el porcentaje de germinación en semillas de C. officinalis comparados con una especie de control, C. pubescens. Para inducir a proliferación, se utilizaron segmentos nodales de plántulas germinadas in vitro en medio Gamborg (1968) suplementado con diferentes combinaciones de reguladores de crecimiento (auxinas y citoquininas). Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que el contenido de compuestos fenólicos es alto en las semillas de C. officinalis en comparación con las semillas de C. pubescens. Estos fenoles pueden eliminarse con peróxido de hidrógeno o con lavados de agua para estimular la germinación. La formación de nuevos brotes y callos en la mayoría de las combinaciones de reguladores de crecimiento se observó en un período de 45 días. El mayor porcentaje de proliferación de brotes, formación de callos y presencia de brotes adventicios se obtuvo en medio Gamborg (B5) suplementado con 5.0 mg/l 6-bencil-aminopurina y 3.0 mg/l de ácido indol-3-butírico. ii. La evaluación de la fidelidad genética de los explantes obtenidos con distintas combinaciones de reguladores de crecimiento vegetal y diversos subcultivos. Se realizó el seguimiento a los explantes obtenidos de la fase anterior, determinando el índice de multiplicación y analizando la fidelidad genética de los tejidos obtenidos por las dos vías regenerativas: brotación directa y regeneración de brotes a partir de callos. Este análisis se realizó por amplificación mediante PCR de las secuencias ubicadas entre microsatélites-ISSR (Inter simple sequence repeat). El medio Gamborg (B5) con 3.0 mg/l de AIB y 5.0 mg/l de BAP usado como medio de inducción en la primera etapa de cultivo generó el mayor índice de proliferación (11.5). Un total de 13 marcadores ISSR fueron analizados, 6 de éstos fueron polimórficos. El mayor porcentaje de variación somaclonal fue inducido en presencia de 1.0 mg/l 2,4-D combinado con 0.2 mg/l Kin con un 1.8% en el segundo sub-cultivo de regeneración, la cual incrementó a 3.6% en el tercer sub-cultivo. Todas las combinaciones con presencia de 2,4-D produjeron la formación de callos y presentaron variación genética. Por su parte la fidelidad genética se mantuvo en los sistemas de propagación directa a través de la formación de brotes a partir de meristemos preformados. iii. El establecimiento de protocolos de conservación in vitro y crioconservación de segmentos nodales y yemas. Para la conservación limitando el crecimiento, se cultivaron segmentos nodales en los medios MS y B5 en tres concentraciones de sus componentes (25, 50 y 100%); y en medio B5 más agentes osmóticos como el manitol, sorbitol y sacarosa en diferentes concentraciones (2, 4 y 8%); los cultivos se mantuvieron por 12 meses sin subcultivos. Para el establecimiento de protocolos para la crioconservación (paralización del metabolismo) se usaron yemas axilares y apicales a las cuales se les aplicaron los métodos de encapsulación-deshidratación y vitrificación. La efectividad de los protocolos usados se determinó en función de la sobrevivencia, reducción del crecimiento y regeneración. Los resultados obtenidos en este apartado reflejan que un crecimiento limitado puede mantener tejidos durante 12 meses de almacenamiento, usando medio B5 más manitol entre 2 y 8%. En los protocolos de crioconservación, se obtuvo el mayor porcentaje de recuperación tras la congelación en NL en el tratamiento control seguido por el método crioprotector de encapsulación-deshidratación. Este trabajo brinda alternativas para la propagación de C. officinalis bajo condiciones in vitro, partiendo de material vegetal con alta diversidad genética. El material propagado puede ser fuente de germoplasma para la recuperación y reforzamiento de las poblaciones naturales así como una alternativa de producción para las comunidades locales debido a la demanda actual de corteza de la zona de origen para la elaboración de agua tónica. ABSTRACT Cinchona officinalis (Rubiaceae) is endemic to the Loja Valley, located in the southern area of Ecuador. The importance of this plant as medical and ecological resource is so great that it has been designated as the national flower and is an icon of the southern region for its contribution to the world pharmacopoeia. Between XVII-XIX centuries its population suffered great reduction due to massive harvesting of the bark to cure malaria. Although extraction activity generated large revenues to the Spanish Crown and the southern region of Ecuador, this was not ecologically sustainable, causing the disappearance of the species in many areas of the province, because during that time alternatives to prevent extinction and recover natural populations were not taken in account. Currently the extraction and consumption of bark in the area of origin is almost absent, but this species faces new threats. Deforestation due to infrastructure development, the practice of farming and ranching, and the effects of climate change had led to the fragmentation of ecosystems during the recent years. Most of the forests of southern Ecuador have become isolated patches, including those where C. officinalis is diffused. The lack of suitable habitat is today the main threat for the species. The species has a high capacity for regeneration and produces seeds throughout the year, but the germination rate is low and the growth is slow. In addition, the species requires the association with other plant species to develop. All these factors had limited its distribution to small isolated patches. The natural recovery of populations is essential to face this problem. Several studies and previous efforts had been made at local level: i. Identification of current and potential distribution; ii. Phenology determination. iii. Environmental education programs, iv. Molecular analisis to determine the genetic diversity. v. Testing of vegetative propagation; and other actions of cultural nature. Despite these efforts, the state of conservation and management of natural populations has not improved significantly. Implementation of integrated in situ and ex situ conservation strategies for the recovery and permanence of long-term natural populations is still needed. This work aims to provide alternatives for in vitro culture of tissue of Cinchona officinalis focused on mass propagation from seeds, genetic fidelity analysis and tissue conservation alternatives. The specific aims are: i. Analyze the process of germination and proliferation in vitro. ii. To evaluate the genetic stability of the explants cultured in vitro by ISSR markers. iii. Establish protocols for in vitro conservation by limiting growth and cryopreservation of nodal segments and buds. The most significant results of this research were: i. The development of efficient protocols to improve germination rates and proliferation of buds in explants cultured in vitro. To study the effect of phenols on germination, the total phenolic content and percentage germination was measured in C. officinalis and in a control species, C. pubescens, for comparison. The content of phenolic compounds in C. officinalis seeds is higher than in C. pubescens. These phenols can be removed with hydrogen peroxide or water washes to stimulate germination. To analyze the regeneration, we used nodal explants from seedlings germinated in vitro on Gamborg medium (1968) supplemented with different combinations of growth regulators (auxins and cytokinins) to induce proliferation. The formation of new shoots and calluses was observed within a period of 45 days in most combinations of growth regulators. The highest percentage of shoot proliferation, callus formation and adventitious buds were obtained in B5 medium supplemented with 5.0 mg/l 6-benzyl-aminopurine and 3.0 mg/l indole-3-butyric acid. ii. Evaluating genetic fidelity explants obtained with various combinations of plant growth regulators and different subcultures. The genetic fidelity was analyzed in tissues obtained by the two regenerative pathways: direct sprouting and shoot regeneration from callus. This analysis was performed by PCR amplification of the sequences located between microsatellite-ISSR (Inter Simple Sequence Repeat). Among a total of 13 ISSR markers analyzed, 6 were polymorphic. The highest percentage of somaclonal variation was induced in the presence of 1.0 mg/l 2,4-D combined with 0.2 mg/l Kin with 1.8% in the second round of regeneration, and increased to 3.6% in the third round. The presence of 2,4-D induced genetic variation in all the combinations of growth regulators. Meanwhile genetic fidelity remained systems propagation through direct shoot formation from meristems preformed. iii. Establishing conservation protocols in vitro and cryoconservation of nodal segments and buds. For medium-term conservation (limited growth) nodal segments were cultured in MS and B5 media at three concentrations (25, 50 and 100%); we tested B5 medium with different concentrations of osmotic agents such as mannitol, sorbitol and sucrose (2, 4 and 8%); cultures were maintained for 12 months with regular subculturing. To establish protocols for cryoconservation (cessation of metabolism) different methods of encapsulation-dehydration and vitrification were applied to axillary and apical buds. The effectiveness of the used protocols is determined based on the survival, growth and regeneration success. The results show that these tissues can be maintained in storage for 12 months, using B5 medium plus mannitol between 2 and 8%. The cryoconservation protocol with highest percentage of recovery was obtained by contral treatment, followed by freezing in NL with encapsulation-dehydration method. This work provides alternatives for the propagation in vitro of C. officinalis, starting from plant material with high genetic diversity. The obtained material represents a source of germplasm to support the recovery and strengthening of natural populations as well as a creation of alternative sources for local communities due to the current demand of bark for the preparation of tonic water.


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La imagen fotográfica es un bloque espacio tiempo congelado, un fragmento referido al antes y el después de algo. Al contemplar una fotografía de un interior doméstico, descubrimos un entretejido sutil entre el habitante y su hábitat. Somos capaces de recaer en más detalles de los que el ojo humano puede apreciar en su visión cotidiana, siempre ligada al devenir espacio temporal. El acto de fotografiar el hogar, de congelar unidades habitadas infinitesimales, se revela como una manifestación radical del modo unipersonal de habitar de cada fotógrafo, profesional o aficionado, y por extensión, dado que hoy todos somos fotógrafos; de cada habitante. Por un lado, la fotografía se piensa aquí como herramienta, capaz de desvelar, de poner en el mundo, los elementos, percepciones y acontecimientos, que subyacen imbricados en la construcción del hogar. Por otro, la imagen se entiende como medio de expresión y de comunicación, como el lenguaje universal de nuestro tiempo, por todos conocido y utilizado. En este momento de interconexión máxima, entre redes, datos y capas de cognición, de velocidad y aceleración, esta tesis doctoral se plantea como una vuelta a la reflexión, a la contemplación del objeto imagen, desde la certeza de que para que ésta hable hay que darle tiempo. Así, la investigación hay que entenderla desde una base ontológica y fenomenológica; desde la experiencia del ser que habita un entorno concreto y determinado. Se enmarca en el actual entorno socio cultural de occidente, se busca desvelar el significado y modo de habitar del habitante común, poniendo de manifiesto aquello que acontece para que una casa cualquiera, de un habitante cualquiera, devenga hogar. Los primeros indicios sobre el tema surgirán del análisis y la reinterpretación hermenéutica de un atlas de imágenes del habitar: cuerpo de imágenes reunido a partir de series fotográficas de hogares, de habitantes anónimos, puestos a luz por la mirada de un grupo de artistas. Posteriormente, ponemos a prueba el conocimiento adquirido en el análisis anterior, mientras que expandimos la investigación hacia el sentir del habitante común, mediante la realización de tres experimentos participativos, o estudios de campo cualitativos. Los resultados, de ambos grupos de casos de estudio, se compilan, organizan y estructuran en una taxonomía del habitar. Esta taxonomía está compuesta por cuarenta y siete parámetros, que explicitan la naturaleza compleja del hogar del siglo XXI. Este hogar es entendido como un constructo personal de cada habitante, un proceso que acontece en el tiempo y en el espacio, y que entraña la propia construcción del habitante. Esta extensa taxonomía se organiza según tres ámbitos del ser humano, en el primero se expresan los factores relacionados con el modo de "estar físicamente" en el hogar, incluyendo: al propio habitante, la casa como espacio arquitectónico y como materialidad: objetos, muebles, iconos y símbolos que pueblan el hogar. En segundo lugar, se manifiestan los parámetros relacionados con el modo de “percibir”: por un lado, aquello que se deriva de lo que se ve, y por otro, lo que se deriva de aquello que no se ve, pero se siente. En tercer lugar, se explicitan los factores relativos al habitante que "crea/juega" su hogar, quién por un lado, es en el mundo actuando, y que por otro, siente el mundo construyéndolo mediante una serie de relaciones que establece con él. Finalmente, la investigación intenta revelar las sinergias, conexiones y relaciones, entre todos estos elementos extraídos del sentir del habitante común, y que fueron inducidos mediante el análisis y reinterpretación de los casos de estudio, poniendo de manifiesto un orden de cosas en el habitar occidental contemporáneo. ABSTRACT The photographic image is a frozen space time block, a fragment referred to a something before and after. When we stare at the photography of domestic interiors we discover a subtle interweaving between the inhabitant and her habitat. We are able to acknowledge infinite more details than the human eye, in its continuous quotidian vision always linked to the space time progression, appreciates. The act of photographing the home, of freezing infinitesimal inhabited units, reveals as a radical statement of the concept of inhabiting for each photographer, professional or amateur, and by extension, as we today all are photographers, for each inhabitant. On the one hand, photography is here conceived as a tool that is capable of revealing, "of placing in the world" the elements, perceptions and happenings that underlie imbricated in the construction of a home. On the other hand, image is thought as an expression and communication media, as the universal language of our time (as far as it is known and used by all of us). In this precise moment of maximum interconnection between networks, data and cognitive layers; of speed and acceleration, this PhD Dissertation is conceived as a return to reflection; to the contemplation of object image, from the certainty of its need of time for talking. Therefore, this research from an ontological and phenomenological base; from the experience of the self who inhabits a determined and concrete environment, that of the western countries at the present, pursues to unveil the meaning and way of inhabiting of a common dweller and manifest what conforms the transformation of any house, of any inhabitant into a home. The first clues will arise from the analysis and hermeneutical reinterpretation of the Atlas of inhabiting; an assembled body of images of anonymous inhabitants houses, brought into life through a group of artist´s glance. Afterwards, we will test the analysis´s acquired knowledge, while extending the investigation to the feel of the common inhabitant (and no longer the expert^ artist) through the execution of three participative experiments conceived as qualitative field works. The results of both case study groups, will be compiled, organized and structured in a taxonomy of the inhabiting. This taxonomy is composed by forty seven parameters that explicitly state the complex nature of the XXI century home, regarded as a personal construct of every single inhabitant, as a process that happens through time and space and that entails the construction of the inhabitant. This wide taxonomy is organized regarding three spheres of the human being, In first place, those elements related to the way of “physically being” at home are expressed, including: the inhabitant its self, the house as architectural space and as materiality: objects, furniture, icons and symbols that fill the home. In second place, parameters related to the way of “perceiving“ are manifested; on the one hand, those that derive from what we see; on the other hand, those that derive from what we do not see, but feel. In third place, those factors deriving from the inhabitant as a home "creator/player" who is acting in the world and feeling the world while constructing it through a myriad of relationships he establishes with it. Finally, the investigation tries to reveal the synergies, connections and relations between all these elements extracted from the feelings of the common inhabitant, induced through the analysis and reinterpretation of the case studies, and therefore exposing a state of things belonging to western world at present.


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Antarctica contains some of the most challenging environmental conditions on the planet due to freezing temperatures, prolonged winters and lack of liquid water. Whereas 99.7% of Antarctica is permanently covered by ice and snow, some coastal areas and mountain ridges have remained ice-free and are able to sustain populations of microinvertebrates. Tardigrades are one of the more dominant groups of microfauna in soil and limno-terrestrial habitats, but little is known of their diversity and distribution across Antarctica. Here, we examine tardigrades sampled from across an extensive region of continental Antarctica, and analyse and compare their partial mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene sequences with those from the Antarctic Peninsula, maritime and sub-Antarctica, Tierra del Fuego and other worldwide locations in order to recognise operational taxonomic units (OTUs). From 439 new tardigrade COI sequences, we identified 98 unique haplotypes (85 from Antarctica) belonging to Acutuncus, Diphascon, Echiniscus, Macrobiotus, Milnesium and unidentified Parachela. Operational taxonomic units were delimited by Poisson tree processes and general mixed Yule coalescent methods, resulting in 58 and 55 putative species, respectively. Most tardigrades appear to be locally endemic (i.e. restricted to a single geographic region), but some (e.g. Acutuncus antarcticus (Richters, 1904)) are widespread across continental Antarctica. Our molecular results reveal: (i) greater diversity than has previously been appreciated with distinct OTUs that potentially represent undescribed species, and (ii) a lack of connectivity between most OTUs from continental Antarctica and those from other Antarctic geographical zones.