5 resultados para FCTP problema trasporti costi fissi fixed charge transportation problem tabu search

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The quasisteady structure of the corona of a laser-irradiated pellet is completely determined for arbitrary Z, (ion charge number} and re/ra (ratio of critical and ablation radii), and for heat-flux saturation factor/above approximately 0.04. The ion-to-electron temperature ratio at rc grows sensibly with Z,; all other quantities depend weakly and nonmonotonically on Z,. For rc /ra close to unity, and all Z, of interest (Z, < 47}, the flow is subsonic at rc. For a given laser power W, flux saturation may decrease (low/) or increase (high/) the ablation pressure Pa relative to the value obtained when saturation is not considered; in some cases a decrease in/with W fixed increases Pa. For intermediate^ ~0.1), Pa cc (W/r* )2/3 p\n\pc = critical density), independently of rc/ra; for/~0.6, Pa «s larger by a factor of about [rc/raf13. For rjra > 1.2 roughly, the mass ablation rate is C{Z,) [{m/kZ.f^Kr^Pl) l,\ independent of pc and/, and barely dependent on Z,(m, is ion mass; k, Boltzmann's constant; K, conductivity coefficient; and C, a tabulated function).


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An integrated approach composed of a random utility-based multiregional input-output model and a road transport network model was developed for evaluating the application of a fee to heavy-goods vehicles (HGVs) in Spain. For this purpose, a distance-based charge scenario (in euros per vehicle kilometer) for HGVs was evaluated for a selected motorway network in Spain. Although the aim of this charging policy was to increase the efficiency of transport, the approach strongly identified direct and indirect impacts on the regional economy. Estimates of the magnitude and extent of indirect effects on aggregated macroeconomic indicators (employment and gross domestic product) are provided. The macroeconomic effects of the charging policy were found to be positive for some regions and negative for other regions.


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This paper analyses the driving cycles of a fleet of vehicles with predetermined urban itineraries. Most driving cycles developed for such type of vehicles do not properly address variability among itineraries. Here we develop a polygonal driving cycle that assesses each group of related routes, based on microscopic parameters. It measures the kinematic cycles of the routes traveled by the vehicle fleet, segments cycles into micro-cycles, and characterizes their properties, groups them into clusters with homogeneous kinematic characteristics within their specific micro-cycles, and constructs a standard cycle for each cluster. The process is used to study public bus operations in Madrid.


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The option value problem with two costs is written as a variational inequality. The advantage of this formulation is that it takes place in a fixed domain. Thus no front tracking is needed for numerical approximation of the free boundary. An iterative algorithm is proposed which can be used to solve the nonlinear system obtained by finite differences or finite elements procedures. Especial care has to be taken in the design of differences finites schemes o finite elements due to the degeneracy of the differential operator. These schemes can be absortion or convection dominated nearly to the axis. This is a preliminary note to the study of this kind of problems.


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En esta memoria estudiamos problemas geométricos relacionados con la Localización de Servicios. La Localización de Servicios trata de la ubicación de uno o más recursos (radares, almacenes, pozos exploradores de petróleo, etc) de manera tal que se optimicen ciertos objetivos (servir al mayor número de usuarios posibles, minimizar el coste de transporte, evitar la contaminación de poblaciones cercanas, etc). La resolución de este tipo de problemas de la vida real da lugar a problemas geométricos muy interesantes. En el planteamiento geométrico de muchos de estos problemas los usuarios potenciales del servicio son representados por puntos mientras que los servicios están representados por la figura geométrica que mejor se adapta al servicio prestado: un anillo para el caso de radares, antenas de radio y televisión, aspersores, etc, una cuña si el servicio que se quiere prestar es de iluminación, por ejemplo, etc. Estas son precisamente las figuras geométricas con las que hemos trabajado. En nuestro caso el servicio será sólo uno y el planteamiento formal del problema es como sigue: dado un anillo o una cuña de tamaño fijo y un conjunto de n puntos en el plano, hallar cuál tiene que ser la posición del mismo para que se cubra la mayor cantidad de puntos. Para resolver estos problemas hemos utilizado arreglos de curvas en el plano. Los arreglos son una estructura geométrica bien conocida y estudiada dentro de la Geometría Computacional. Nosotros nos hemos centrado en los arreglos de curvas de Jordán no acotadas que se intersectan dos a dos en a lo sumo dos puntos, ya que estos fueron los arreglos con los que hemos tenido que tratar para la resolución de los problemas. De entre las diferentes técnicas para la construcción de arreglos hemos estudiado el método incremental, ya que conduce a algoritmos que son en general más sencillos desde el punto de vista de la codificación. Como resultado de este estudio hemos obtenido nuevas cotas que mejoran la complejidad del tiempo de construcción de estos arreglos con algoritmos incrementales. La nueva cota Ο(n λ3(n)) supone una mejora respecto a la cota conocida hasta el momento: Ο(nλ4(n)).También hemos visto que en ciertas condiciones estos arreglos pueden construirse en tiempo Ο(nλ2(n)), que es la cota óptima para la construcción de estos arreglos. Restringiendo el estudio a curvas específicas, hemos obtenido que los arreglos de n circunferencias de k radios diferentes pueden construirse en tiempo Ο(n2 min(log(k),α(n))), resultado válido también para arreglos de elipses, parábolas o hipérbolas de tamaños diferentes cuando las figuras son todas isotéticas.---ABSTRACT--- In this work some geometric problems related with facility location are studied. Facility location deals with location of one or more facilities (radars, stores, oil wells, etc.) in such way that some objective functions are to be optimized (to cover the maximum number of users, to minimize the cost of transportation, to avoid pollution in the nearby cities, etc.). These kind of real world problems give rise to very interesting geometrical problems. In the geometric version of many of these problems, users are represented as points while facilities are represented as different geometric objects depending on the shape of the corresponding facility: an annulus in the case of radars, radio or TV antennas, agricultural spraying devices, etc. A wedge in many illumination or surveillance applications. These two shapes are the geometric figures considered in this Thesis. The formal setting of the problem is the following: Given an annulus or a wedge of fixed size and a set of n points in the plane, locate the best position for the annulus or the wedge so that it covers as many points as possible. Those problems are solved by using arrangements of curves in the plane. Arrangements are a well known geometric structure. Here one deals with arrangements of unbounded Jordan curves which intersect each other in at most two points. Among the different techniques for computing arrangements, incremental method is used because it is easier for implementations. New time complexity upper bounds has been obtained in this Thesis for the construction of such arrangements by means of incremental algorithms. New upper bound is Ο(nλ3(n)) which improves the best known up to now Ο(nλ4(n)). It is shown also that sometimes this arrangements can be constructed in Ο(nλ2(n)), which is the optimal bound for constructing these arrangements. With respect to specific type of curves, one gives an Ο(n2 min(log(k),α(n))), algorithm that constructs the arrangement of a set of n circles of k different radii. This algorithm is also valid for ellipses parabolas or hyperbolas of k different sizes when all of them are isothetic.