21 resultados para Expoentes de Lyapunov

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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(SPA) En este trabajo, se propone un nuevo índice basado en el método directo de Lyapunov para el diseño de un algoritmo de reprogramación en tiempo real para líneas de metro. En este estudio se utiliza una versión modificada de un modelo de espacio de estados en tiempo real discreto, que considera los efectos de saturación en la línea de metro. Una vez que el modelo de espacio de estados se ha obtenido, el método directo de Lyapunov se aplica con el fin de analizar la estabilidad del sistema de la línea de metro. Como resultado de este análisis no sólo se propone un nuevo índice de estabilidad, sino también la creación de tres zonas de estabilidad para indicar el estado actual del sistema. Finalmente, se presenta un nuevo algoritmo que permite la reprogramación del calendario de los trenes en tiempo real en presencia de perturbaciones medianas. (ENG) A new Lyapunov-based index for designing a rescheduling algorithm in real time for metro lines has been proposed in this paper. A modified real time discrete space state model which considers saturation effects in the metro line has been utilized in this study. Once the space state model has been obtained, the direct method of Lyapunov is applied in order to analyze the stability of the metro line system. As a result of this analysis not only a new stability index is proposed, but also the establishment of three stability zones to indicate the current state of the system. Finally, a new algorithm which allows the rescheduling of the timetable in the real time of the trains under presence of medium disturbances has been presented.


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This article describes a new visual servo control and strategies that are used to carry out dynamic tasks by the Robotenis platform. This platform is basically a parallel robot that is equipped with an acquisition and processing system of visual information, its main feature is that it has a completely open architecture control, and planned in order to design, implement, test and compare control strategies and algorithms (visual and actuated joint controllers). Following sections describe a new visual control strategy specially designed to track and intercept objects in 3D space. The results are compared with a controller shown in previous woks, where the end effector of the robot keeps a constant distance from the tracked object. In this work, the controller is specially designed in order to allow changes in the tracking reference. Changes in the tracking reference can be used to grip an object that is under movement, or as in this case, hitting a hanging Ping-Pong ball. Lyapunov stability is taken into account in the controller design.


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Time series are proficiently converted into graphs via the horizontal visibility (HV) algorithm, which prompts interest in its capability for capturing the nature of different classes of series in a network context. We have recently shown [B. Luque et al., PLoS ONE 6, 9 (2011)] that dynamical systems can be studied from a novel perspective via the use of this method. Specifically, the period-doubling and band-splitting attractor cascades that characterize unimodal maps transform into families of graphs that turn out to be independent of map nonlinearity or other particulars. Here, we provide an in depth description of the HV treatment of the Feigenbaum scenario, together with analytical derivations that relate to the degree distributions, mean distances, clustering coefficients, etc., associated to the bifurcation cascades and their accumulation points. We describe how the resultant families of graphs can be framed into a renormalization group scheme in which fixed-point graphs reveal their scaling properties. These fixed points are then re-derived from an entropy optimization process defined for the graph sets, confirming a suggested connection between renormalization group and entropy optimization. Finally, we provide analytical and numerical results for the graph entropy and show that it emulates the Lyapunov exponent of the map independently of its sign.


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We analyze the properties of networks obtained from the trajectories of unimodal maps at the transi- tion to chaos via the horizontal visibility (HV) algorithm. We find that the network degrees fluctuate at all scales with amplitude that increases as the size of the network grows, and can be described by a spectrum of graph-theoretical generalized Lyapunov exponents. We further define an entropy growth rate that describes the amount of information created along paths in network space, and find that such en- tropy growth rate coincides with the spectrum of generalized graph-theoretical exponents, constituting a set of Pesin-like identities for the network.


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The employment of nonlinear analysis techniques for automatic voice pathology detection systems has gained popularity due to the ability of such techniques for dealing with the underlying nonlinear phenomena. On this respect, characterization using nonlinear analysis typically employs the classical Correlation Dimension and the largest Lyapunov Exponent, as well as some regularity quantifiers computing the system predictability. Mostly, regularity features highly depend on a correct choosing of some parameters. One of those, the delay time �, is usually fixed to be 1. Nonetheless, it has been stated that a unity � can not avoid linear correlation of the time series and hence, may not correctly capture system nonlinearities. Therefore, present work studies the influence of the � parameter on the estimation of regularity features. Three � estimations are considered: the baseline value 1; a � based on the Average Automutual Information criterion; and � chosen from the embedding window. Testing results obtained for pathological voice suggest that an improved accuracy might be obtained by using a � value different from 1, as it accounts for the underlying nonlinearities of the voice signal.


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In this paper we develop new techniques for revealing geometrical structures in phase space that are valid for aperiodically time dependent dynamical systems, which we refer to as Lagrangian descriptors. These quantities are based on the integration, for a finite time, along trajectories of an intrinsic bounded, positive geometrical and/or physical property of the trajectory itself. We discuss a general methodology for constructing Lagrangian descriptors, and we discuss a “heuristic argument” that explains why this method is successful for revealing geometrical structures in the phase space of a dynamical system. We support this argument by explicit calculations on a benchmark problem having a hyperbolic fixed point with stable and unstable manifolds that are known analytically. Several other benchmark examples are considered that allow us the assess the performance of Lagrangian descriptors in revealing invariant tori and regions of shear. Throughout the paper “side-by-side” comparisons of the performance of Lagrangian descriptors with both finite time Lyapunov exponents (FTLEs) and finite time averages of certain components of the vector field (“time averages”) are carried out and discussed. In all cases Lagrangian descriptors are shown to be both more accurate and computationally efficient than these methods. We also perform computations for an explicitly three dimensional, aperiodically time-dependent vector field and an aperiodically time dependent vector field defined as a data set. Comparisons with FTLEs and time averages for these examples are also carried out, with similar conclusions as for the benchmark examples.


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The type-I intermittency route to (or out of) chaos is investigated within the horizontal visibility (HV) graph theory. For that purpose, we address the trajectories generated by unimodal maps close to an inverse tangent bifurcation and construct their associatedHVgraphs.We showhowthe alternation of laminar episodes and chaotic bursts imprints a fingerprint in the resulting graph structure. Accordingly, we derive a phenomenological theory that predicts quantitative values for several network parameters. In particular, we predict that the characteristic power-law scaling of the mean length of laminar trend sizes is fully inherited by the variance of the graph degree distribution, in good agreement with the numerics. We also report numerical evidence on how the characteristic power-law scaling of the Lyapunov exponent as a function of the distance to the tangent bifurcation is inherited in the graph by an analogous scaling of block entropy functionals defined on the graph. Furthermore, we are able to recast the full set of HV graphs generated by intermittent dynamics into a renormalization-group framework, where the fixed points of its graph-theoretical renormalization-group flow account for the different types of dynamics.We also establish that the nontrivial fixed point of this flow coincides with the tangency condition and that the corresponding invariant graph exhibits extremal entropic properties.


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We examine the connectivity fluctuations across networks obtained when the horizontal visibility (HV) algorithm is used on trajectories generated by nonlinear circle maps at the quasiperiodic transition to chaos. The resultant HV graph is highly anomalous as the degrees fluctuate at all scales with amplitude that increases with the size of the network. We determine families of Pesin-like identities between entropy growth rates and generalized graph-theoretical Lyapunov exponents. An irrational winding number with pure periodic continued fraction characterizes each family. We illustrate our results for the so-called golden, silver, and bronze numbers


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We demonstrate the existence of generalized synchronization in systems that act as mediators between two dynamical units that, in turn, show complete synchronization with each other. These are the so-called relay systems. Specifically, we analyze the Lyapunov spectrum of the full system to elucidate when complete and generalized synchronization appear. We show that once a critical coupling strength is achieved, complete synchronization emerges between the systems to be synchronized, and at the same point, generalized synchronization with the relay system also arises. Next, we use two nonlinear measures based on the distance between phase-space neighbors to quantify the generalized synchronization in discretized time series. Finally, we experimentally show the robustness of the phenomenon and of the theoretical tools here proposed to characterize it.


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Lagrangian descriptors are a recent technique which reveals geometrical structures in phase space and which are valid for aperiodically time dependent dynamical systems. We discuss a general methodology for constructing them and we discuss a "heuristic argument" that explains why this method is successful. We support this argument by explicit calculations on a benchmark problem. Several other benchmark examples are considered that allow us to assess the performance of Lagrangian descriptors with both finite time Lyapunov exponents (FTLEs) and finite time averages of certain components of the vector field ("time averages"). In all cases Lagrangian descriptors are shown to be both more accurate and computationally efficient than these methods.


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En este artículo se presenta el modelado y análisis de un sistema de teloperación bilateral no lineal de n grados de libertad controlado por convergencia de estado. Se considera que el operador humano aplica una fuerza constante sobre el manipulador local mientras realiza la tarea. Además, la interacción entre el manipulador remoto y el entorno se considera pasiva. La comunicación entre el sitio local y remoto se realiza mediante un canal de comunicación con retardo de tiempo. El análisis presentado en este artículo considerada que éste es variable. En este artículo también se demuestra la estabilidad del sistema utilizando la teoría de Lyapunov-Krasovskii demostrándose que el esquema de control por convergencia de estado para el caso con retardo de tiempo variable asegura la estabilidad del sistema de teleoperación no lineal. También se muestra experimentalmente que, para el caso de protocolos de comunicación fiables, el esquema propuesto garantiza que se logra la coordinación posición local-remoto.


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State convergence is a control strategy that was proposed in the early 2000s to ensure stability and transparency in a teleoperation system under specific control gains values. This control strategy has been implemented for a linear system with or without time delay. This paper represents the first attempt at demonstrating, theoretically and experimentantally, that this control strategy can also be applied to a nonlinear teleoperation system with n degrees of freedom and delay in the communication channel. It is assumed that the human operator applies a constant force on the local manipulator during the teleoperation. In addition, the interaction between the remote manipulator and the environment is considered passive. Communication between the local and remote sites is made by means of a communication channel with variable time delay. In this article the theory of Lyapunov-Krasovskii was used to demonstrate that the local-remote teleoperation system is asymptotically stable.


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In this work, we study the bilateral control of a nonlinear teleoperator system with constant delay, proposes a control strategy by state convergence, which directly connect the local and remote manipulator through feedback signals of position and speed. The control signal allows the remote manipulator follow the local manipulator through the state convergence even if it has a delay in the communication channel. The bilateral control of the teleoperator system considers the case when the human operator applies a constant force on the local manipulator and when the interaction of the remote manipulator with the environment is considered passive. The stability analysis is performed using functional of Lyapunov-Krasovskii, it showed that using a control algorithm by state convergence for the case with constant delay, the nonlinear local and remote teleoperation system is asymptotically stable, also speeds converge to zero and position tracking is achieved.


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In this work, we proposes a control strategy that allows the remote manipulator follow the local manipulator through the state convergence even if it has a delay in the communication channel. The bilateral control of the teleoperator system considers the case were the human operator applies a constant force on the local manipulator and when the interaction of the remote manipulator with the environment is considered passive. The stability analysis was performed using Lyapunov- Krasovskii functional, it showed for the case with constant delay, that using a proposed control algorithm by state convergence resulted in asymptotically stable, local and remote the nonlinear teleoperation system.


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In this work, we proposes a control strategy by state convergence applied to bilateral control of a nonlinear teleoperator system with constant delay. The bilateral control of the teleoperator system considers the case when the human operator applies a constant force on the local manipulator and when the interaction of the remote manipulator with the environment is considered passive. The stability analysis is performed using Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional, it showed that using an control algorithm by state convergence for the case with constant delay, the nonlinear local and remote teleoperation system is asymptotically stable, also speeds converge to zero and position tracking is achieved. This work also presents the implementation of an experimental platform. The mechanical structure of the arm that is located in the remote side has been built and the electric servomechanism has been mounted to control their movement.