11 resultados para Existence of solutions

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The aim of this work is to solve a question raised for average sampling in shift-invariant spaces by using the well-known matrix pencil theory. In many common situations in sampling theory, the available data are samples of some convolution operator acting on the function itself: this leads to the problem of average sampling, also known as generalized sampling. In this paper we deal with the existence of a sampling formula involving these samples and having reconstruction functions with compact support. Thus, low computational complexity is involved and truncation errors are avoided. In practice, it is accomplished by means of a FIR filter bank. An answer is given in the light of the generalized sampling theory by using the oversampling technique: more samples than strictly necessary are used. The original problem reduces to finding a polynomial left inverse of a polynomial matrix intimately related to the sampling problem which, for a suitable choice of the sampling period, becomes a matrix pencil. This matrix pencil approach allows us to obtain a practical method for computing the compactly supported reconstruction functions for the important case where the oversampling rate is minimum. Moreover, the optimality of the obtained solution is established.


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Very recently (Banerjee et al. in Astrophys. Space, doi:1007/s10509-011-0836-1, 2011) the statistics of geomagnetic Disturbance storm (Dst) index have been addressed, and the conclusion from this analysis suggests that the underlying dynamical process can be modeled as a fractional Brownian motion with persistent long-range correlations. In this comment we expose several misconceptions and flaws in the statistical analysis of that work. On the basis of these arguments, the former conclusion should be revisited.


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In this paper we consider a system of three parabolic equations modeling the behavior of two biological species moving attracted by a chemical factor. The chemical substance verifies a parabolic equation with slow diffusion. The system contains second order terms in the first two equations modeling the chemotactic effects. We apply an iterative method to obtain the global existence of solutions using that the total mass of the biological species is conserved. The stability of the homogeneous steady states is studied by using an energy method. A final example is presented to illustrate the theoretical results.


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This article presents the model of a multi-agent system (SMAF), which objectives are the input of fuzzy incidents as the human experts express them with different severities degrees and the further search and suggestion of solutions. The solutions will be later confirm or not by the users. This model was designed, implemented and tested in the telecommunications field, with heterogeneous agents in a cooperative model. In the design, different abstract levels where considered, according to the agents? objectives, their ways to carry it out and the environment in which they act. Each agent is modeled with different spectrum of the knowledge base


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This paper studies feature subset selection in classification using a multiobjective estimation of distribution algorithm. We consider six functions, namely area under ROC curve, sensitivity, specificity, precision, F1 measure and Brier score, for evaluation of feature subsets and as the objectives of the problem. One of the characteristics of these objective functions is the existence of noise in their values that should be appropriately handled during optimization. Our proposed algorithm consists of two major techniques which are specially designed for the feature subset selection problem. The first one is a solution ranking method based on interval values to handle the noise in the objectives of this problem. The second one is a model estimation method for learning a joint probabilistic model of objectives and variables which is used to generate new solutions and advance through the search space. To simplify model estimation, l1 regularized regression is used to select a subset of problem variables before model learning. The proposed algorithm is compared with a well-known ranking method for interval-valued objectives and a standard multiobjective genetic algorithm. Particularly, the effects of the two new techniques are experimentally investigated. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is able to obtain comparable or better performance on the tested datasets.


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The existence of discontinuities within the double-adiabatic Hall-magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) model is discussed. These solutions are transitional layers where some of the plasma properties change from one equilibrium state to another. Under the assumption of traveling wave solutions with velocity C and propagation angle θ with respect to the ambient magnetic field, the Hall-MHD model reduces to a dynamical system and the waves are heteroclinic orbits joining two different fixed points. The analysis of the fixed points rules out the existence of rotational discontinuities. Simple considerations about the Hamiltonian nature of the system show that, unlike dissipative models, the intermediate shock waves are organized in branches in parameter space, i.e., they occur if a given relationship between θ and C is satisfied. Electron-polarized (ion-polarized) shock waves exhibit, in addition to a reversal of the magnetic field component tangential to the shock front, a maximum (minimum) of the magnetic field amplitude. The jumps of the magnetic field and the relative specific volume between the downstream and the upstream states as a function of the plasma properties are presented. The organization in parameter space of localized structures including in the model the influence of finite Larmor radius is discussed


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En este trabajo se han analizado varios problemas en el contexto de la elasticidad no lineal basándose en modelos constitutivos representativos. En particular, se han analizado problemas relacionados con el fenómeno de perdida de estabilidad asociada con condiciones de contorno en el caso de material reforzados con fibras. Cada problema se ha formulado y se ha analizado por separado en diferentes capítulos. En primer lugar se ha mostrado el análisis del gradiente de deformación discontinuo para un material transversalmente isótropo, en particular, el modelo del material considerado consiste de una base neo-Hookeana isótropa incrustada con fibras de refuerzo direccional caracterizadas con un solo parámetro. La solución de este problema se vincula con instabilidades que dan lugar al mecanismo de fallo conocido como banda de cortante. La perdida de elipticidad de las ecuaciones diferenciales de equilibrio es una condición necesaria para que aparezca este tipo de soluciones y por tanto las inestabilidades asociadas. En segundo lugar se ha analizado una deformación combinada de extensión, inación y torsión de un tubo cilíndrico grueso donde se ha encontrado que la deformación citada anteriormente puede ser controlada solo para determinadas direcciones de las fibras refuerzo. Para entender el comportamiento elástico del tubo considerado se ha ilustrado numéricamente los resultados obtenidos para las direcciones admisibles de las fibras de refuerzo bajo la deformación considerada. En tercer lugar se ha estudiado el caso de un tubo cilíndrico grueso reforzado con dos familias de fibras sometido a cortante en la dirección azimutal para un modelo de refuerzo especial. En este problema se ha encontrado que las inestabilidades que aparecen en el material considerado están asociadas con lo que se llama soluciones múltiples de la ecuación diferencial de equilibrio. Se ha encontrado que el fenómeno de instabilidad ocurre en un estado de deformación previo al estado de deformación donde se pierde la elipticidad de la ecuación diferencial de equilibrio. También se ha demostrado que la condición de perdida de elipticidad y ^W=2 = 0 (la segunda derivada de la función de energía con respecto a la deformación) son dos condiciones necesarias para la existencia de soluciones múltiples. Finalmente, se ha analizado detalladamente en el contexto de elipticidad un problema de un tubo cilíndrico grueso sometido a una deformación combinada en las direcciones helicoidal, axial y radial para distintas geotermias de las fibras de refuerzo . In the present work four main problems have been addressed within the framework of non-linear elasticity based on representative constitutive models. Namely, problems related to the loss of stability phenomena associated with boundary value problems for fibre-reinforced materials. Each of the considered problems is formulated and analysed separately in different chapters. We first start with the analysis of discontinuous deformation gradients for a transversely isotropic material under plane deformation. In particular, the material model is an augmented neo-Hookean base with a simple unidirectional reinforcement characterised by a single parameter. The solution of this problem is related to material instabilities and it is associated with a shear band-type failure mode. The loss of ellipticity of the governing differential equations is a necessary condition for the existence of these material instabilities. The second problem involves a detailed analysis of the combined non-linear extension, inflation and torsion of a thick-walled circular cylindrical tube where it has been found that the aforementioned deformation is controllable only for certain preferred directions of transverse isotropy. Numerical results have been illustrated to understand the elastic behaviour of the tube for the admissible preferred directions under the considered deformation. The third problem deals with the analysis of a doubly fibre-reinforced thickwalled circular cylindrical tube undergoing pure azimuthal shear for a special class of the reinforcing model where multiple non-smooth solutions emerge. The associated instability phenomena are found to occur prior to the point where the nominal stress tensor changes monotonicity in a particular direction. It has been also shown that the loss of ellipticity condition that arises from the equilibrium equation and ^W=2 = 0 (the second derivative of the strain-energy function with respect to the deformation) are equivalent necessary conditions for the emergence of multiple solutions for the considered material. Finally, a detailed analysis in the basis of the loss of ellipticity of the governing differential equations for a combined helical, axial and radial elastic deformations of a fibre-reinforced circular cylindrical tube is carried out.


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Galileo postulated the existence of an insurmountable size for stone columns bearing a useful load as the size for which the structure is only able to resist its self-weight. Herein a method for the determination of the unsurmountable size for truss-like structures is shown, given the form of these structures and the ratio between the allowable stress and the specific weight of the material (the material structural scope). Three types of bars are considered: straight bars, with solid and hollow rectangular cross-section, and catenary bars with circular cross-section —a limit and theoretical case for estimating a meaningful upper bound of the structural scope—. An approximate rule to estimate the structural efficiency —here named GA rule— is shown, and is compared with numerical solutions using the proposed method.


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The increasing use of very light structures in aerospace applications are given rise to the need of taking into account the effects of the surrounding media in the motion of a structure (as for instance, in modal testing of solar panels or antennae) as it is usually performed in the motion of bodies submerged in water in marine applications. New methods are in development aiming at to determine rigid-body properties (the center of mass position and inertia properties) from the results of oscillations tests (at low frequencies during modal testing, by exciting the rigid-body modes only) by using the equations of the rigid-body dynamics. As it is shown in this paper, the effect of the surrounding media significantly modifies the oscillation dynamics in the case of light structures and therefore this effect should be taken into account in the development of the above-mentioned methods. The aim of the paper is to show that, if a central point exists for the aerodynamic forces acting on the body, the motion equations for the small amplitude rotational and translational oscillations can be expressed in a form which is a generalization of the motion equations for a body in vacuum, thus allowing to obtain a physical idea of the motion and aerodynamic effects and also significantly simplifying the calculation of the solutions and the interpretation of the results. In the formulation developed here the translational oscillations and the rotational motion around the center of mass are decoupled, as is the case for the rigid-body motion in vacuum, whereas in the classical added mass formulation the six motion equations are coupled. Also in this paper the nonsteady motion of small amplitude of a rigid body submerged in an ideal, incompressible fluid is considered in order to define the conditions for the existence of the central point in the case of a three-dimensional body. The results here presented are also of interest in marine applications.


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Bismuth ultra-thin films grown on n-GaAs electrodes via electrodeposition are porous due to a blockade of the electrode surface caused by adsorbed hydrogen when using acidic electrolytes. In this study, we discuss the existence of two sources of hydrogen adsorption and we propose different routes to unblock the n-GaAs surface in order to improve Bi films compactness. Firstly, we demonstrate that increasing the electrolyte temperature provides compact yet polycrystalline Bi films. Cyclic voltammetry scans indicate that this low crystal quality might be a result of the incorporation of Bi hydroxides within the Bi film as a result of the temperature increase. Secondly, we have illuminated the semiconductor surface to take advantage of photogenerated holes. These photocarriers oxidize the adsorbed hydrogen unblocking the surface, but also create pits at the substrate surface that degrade the Bi/GaAs interface and prevent an epitaxial growth. Finally, we show that performing a cyclic voltammetry scan before electrodeposition enables the growth of compact Bi ultra-thin films of high crystallinity on semiconductor substrates with a doping level low enough to perform transport measurements.


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We study a climatologically important interaction of two of the main components of the geophysical system by adding an energy balance model for the averaged atmospheric temperature as dynamic boundary condition to a diagnostic ocean model having an additional spatial dimension. In this work, we give deeper insight than previous papers in the literature, mainly with respect to the 1990 pioneering model by Watts and Morantine. We are taking into consideration the latent heat for the two phase ocean as well as a possible delayed term. Non-uniqueness for the initial boundary value problem, uniqueness under a non-degeneracy condition and the existence of multiple stationary solutions are proved here. These multiplicity results suggest that an S-shaped bifurcation diagram should be expected to occur in this class of models generalizing previous energy balance models. The numerical method applied to the model is based on a finite volume scheme with nonlinear weighted essentially non-oscillatory reconstruction and Runge–Kutta total variation diminishing for time integration.