8 resultados para Evaluation. Effectiveness. Efficacy. Efficiency. Participation

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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In this paper we propose a complete scheme for automatic exploitation of independent and-parallelism in CLP programs. We first discuss the new problems involved because of the different properties of the independence notions applicable to CLP. We then show how independence can be derived from a number of standard analysis domains for CLP. Finally, we perform a preliminary evaluation of the efficiency, accuracy, and effectiveness of the approach by implementing a parallehzing compiler for CLP based on the proposed ideas and applying it on a number of CLP benchmarks.


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La productividad es un factor importante que influye en la viabilidad económica de un cultivo energético de sauce y maximizarla se convierte en un tema primordial. Esta investigación está directamente relacionada con dicha característica. La productividad varía según los clones cultivados, que pueden ser mejorados y seleccionados genéticamente. Los programas genéticos requieren de una información previa (productividad media en función del porte y número de los tallos, características de las hojas, resistencia a las plagas, etc.) que ayudará a obtener clones más productivos y resistentes. Por ello, nuestra investigación consta de dos estudios: (1) Evaluación de la eficiencia del uso de la luz o LUE (Light Use Efficiency). El incremento de biomasa y la eficiencia del uso de la luz (LUE) fue estudiado en 15 clones del genero Salix durante los meses de junio a septiembre de 2011 en Belleville (Central New York, USA). Los objetivos de este estudio fueron: (1) Evaluar la eficiencia del uso de la luz en la explicación a la variación en la producción de biomasa y (2) Determinar si existen diferencias significativas entre clones evaluando el índice de área foliar (LAI) y algunos componentes de las hojas (N, P, K,…). Se concluye que la variación de biomasa está relacionada con la cantidad de luz interceptada y con la eficiencia de su uso. Dicha información debe de ser transferida para ayudar a mejorar genéticamente los futuros clones a comercializar, con el fin de maximizar la productividad y aumentar la resistencia a plagas. (2) Estimación de biomasa a través de modelos de regresión. Los estudios de investigación relacionados con la productividad requieren estimaciones no destructivas de la biomasa aérea. Sin embargo, el nivel de precisión requerido y la inversión de tiempo son excesivos para operaciones comerciales con grandes extensiones (plantaciones de 10.000 ha). Por esta razón, se estudia el nivel de especificidad (específico, intermedio y general) en la toma de datos de campo sobre los mismos 15 clones (12 de ellos se pueden agrupar en 5 grupos según su genotipo origen) del genero Salix, empleados en el estudio anterior. Para todos los niveles estudiados se observaron diferencias significativas. Pero desde nuestro punto de vista, las diferencias obtenidas no son relevantes. Para validar los modelos finalmente seleccionados se calcularon los porcentajes de error entre la biomasa estimada por los modelos de regresión calculados y la biomasa real obtenida tras los pesajes de biomasa, todo ello se realizó para cada clon según nivel de especificidad. ABSTRACT Productivity is an important factor in the economic viability of a willow crop´s, therefore, maximize it becomes a major factor. This study is directly related to this feature. Productivity, among other factors, may vary depending on different clones, which can be improved and selected genetically. Genetic programs require prior information (average productivity, size and number of stems, leaf characteristics, resistance to pests, etc.) to help you get more productive clones resistant to local pests. Our research consists of two studies: (1) Evaluation of the efficiency of use of light (LUE, Light Use Efficiency). The increase of biomass and light use efficiency (LUE) was tested on 15 clones of the genus Salix during June and September 2011 in Belleville (Central New York, USA). The objectives of this study were: (1) evaluate the light use efficiency and its relationship with the variation in biomass production and (2) determine whether there are significant differences between clones evaluating the leaf area index (LAI) and some traits of the leaves (N, P, K). We studied the correlation with the light use efficiency. It is concluded that the variation of biomass was related to the amount of light intercepted and its efficiency. Such information must be transferred to help improve future genetically clones to market in order to maximize productivity and increase resistance to pests. (2) Estimation of biomass through regression models. Research studies related to productivity estimates require precision and non destructive biomass. However, the level of accuracy required and the investment of time are excessive for large commercial operations with extensions (plantations of 10,000 ha). Precisely for this reason, we study the level of specificity (specific, intermediate and general) in making field data on the same 15 clones (12 of them can be grouped into five groups according to their genotype origin) of the genus Salix, employees in the previous study. For all levels studied some significant differences were observed. But from our practical standpoint, the differences are not relevant. Finally, to validate the selected models, we calculated the percent of bias between estimated biomass (by the regression models) and real biomass obtained after the weighing of biomass, all this process was done for each clone by level of specificity.


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La Especificación Aeroespacial y de Defensa 2000M, también conocida como S2000M, es un protocolo de intercambio electrónico de datos utilizado en el apoyo logístico de equipos de defensa. La S2000M, resultado de un trabajo conjunto entre Fuerzas Armadas (FFAA) y empresas de Naciones diversas desarrollado durante las últimas cuatro décadas, define tanto los procesos para la adquisición y mantenimiento de componentes militares, como los mensajes normalizados en apoyo de dichos procesos. Equipos de trabajo constituidos por representantes de las citadas FFAA e industria mantienen actualizada la S2000M, por lo que el protocolo evoluciona continuamente con objeto de adaptarse a las necesidades que puedan surgir. Como consecuencia de dicha actualización, existen diversas versiones de la S2000M actualmente en servicio, y este trabajo se basa en la versión denominada 2.1, si bien, una parte importante de las conclusiones del estudio pueden aplicarse a otras versiones del protocolo. A través de los años, la S2000M se ha convertido en un elemento esencial del comercio electrónico de piezas de repuesto y de servicios de mantenimiento y reparación de modernos sistemas aeronáuticos Europeos tales como los aviones de combate Typhoon, Tornado y Rafale, el avion de transporte A400M y los helicópteros NH90 y Tiger, por lo que la S2000M constituye un elemento esencial en el apoyo logístico necesario para asegurar la disponibilidad operativa de dichos sistemas. Así mismo, la S2000M juega un papel fundamental en el comercio electrónico entre las principales empresas aeronáuticas europeas y las organizaciones logísticas de defensa de Naciones tales como Alemania, España, Francia, Holanda, Italia, etc. En consecuencia, la importancia de la S2000M en aspectos tales como logística, nivel de operatividad de los sistemas de armas mencionados, comercio electrónico y sistemas de información es manifiesta, por lo que resulta necesario evaluar la eficacia y eficiencia del protocolo para optimizarlo al máximo. Con este propósito, el presente trabajo estudia la S2000M con objeto de encontrar una respuesta a la pregunta que ha constituido la base de la investigación: ¿Cómo medir el éxito de la Especificación Aeroespacial y de Defensa S2000M? Como la S2000M se utiliza para intercambiar información logística en formato electrónico entre organizaciones y entidades por medio de documentos estructurados y de procesos automatizados, los sistemas de información juegan un papel fundamental en este trabajo. En consecuencia, la base teoríca para tratar de responder a la pregunta anteriormente citada se sustenta en las investigaciones en curso sobre el éxito de los sistemas de información, adaptadas a la problemática específica del protocolo S2000M. Para finalizar, es importante mencionar que debido a que la investigación sobre la S2000M es prácticamente inexistente, este trabajo se centra en un área específica de conocimiento hasta ahora casi inexplorada. El resultado de la investigación se materializa en una serie de propuestas teoricas y prácticas con las que se contribuyen al desarrollo de tres áreas de conocimiento: S2000M, Sistemas de Información e Intercambio Electrónico de Datos. Asimismo, se proponen nuevas áreas de estudio en las tres áreas mencionadas. ABSTRAC The Aerospace and Defence Specification 2000M, in short S2000M, is an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standard used in the logistic support of defence equipment. The S2000M is the result of the joint effort undertaken by the Armed Forces and industry of several Nations over the last four decades. The protocol defines the business processes for the supply, maintenance and repair of military components, as well as the standard messages on support of the said processes. Representatives from industry and military keep the S2000M up-to-date and therefore, the protocol evolves continuously to support new requirements that may arise. Consequently, there are different versions of the standard currently available and this study is about one of them, precisely, Revision 2.1; however, many of the research outcomes are also be valid for other versions of the protocol. Through the years, the S2000M has become an essential element for the electronic trade of spare parts and repair services on support of modern European aeronautical systems such as the fighters Typhoon, Tornado and Rafale, the airlifter A400M and the helicopters NH90 and Tiger. As a result, the S2000M is at the center of the logistic support required to ensure the operational availability of these systems. Further, the protocol plays a key role in the electronic exchanges among main European aeronautical players and defence logistics organizations from Nations such as France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, etc. Therefore, the significance of the S2000M on the operational availability of the mentioned weapon systems, and in logistics, electronic business and Information Systems (IS) terms is noticeable, and it is then worth evaluating how the S2000M is doing with respect to its effectiveness and efficiency in order to improve these two areas as much as possible. To this end, this work analyzes the S2000M with the aim to find a response to the following research question: How to measure the success of the Aerospace and Defence Specification 2000M? As in the end the S2000M is about the electronic exchange of logistics information among organizations and firms by means of standard messages and processes automation, IS are at the core of this dissertation. For that reason, the theoretical foundation to tackle the research question rests on the ongoing stream of research on IS success, which will be extended to take into consideration the S2000M standpoint as well. Last, it is worth noting that due to the practically inexistent research on the S2000M M, this investigation help filling a gap in this domain. The outcomes from this study materialize in a number of conceptual and practical proposals that contribute to the theory and practice on three main knowledge areas, that is, S2000M, IS and EDI. Further, this work opens the door for further research in the said or related fields.


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In this work a WSN Support Tool for developing, testing, monitoring and debugging new application prototypes in a reliable and robust way is proposed, by combining a Hardware -Software Integration Platform with the implementation of a parallel communication channel that helps users to interact to the experiments in runtime without interfering in the operation of the wireless network. As a pre-deployment tool, prototypes can be validated in a real environment before implementing them in the final application, aiming to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the technology. This infrastructure is the support of CookieLab: a WSN testbed based on the Cookie Nodes Platform.


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A system to evaluate nanoparticles efficiency in hyperthermia applications is presented. The method allows a direct measurement of the power dissipated by the nanoparticles through the determination of the first harmonic component of the in quadrature magnetic moment induced by the applied field. The magnetic moment is measured by using an induction method. To avoid errors and reduce the noise signal a double in phase demodulation technique is used. To test the system viability we have measured nanowires, nanoparticles and copper samples of different volumes to prove by comparing experimental and modeled results


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An accepted fact in software engineering is that software must undergo verification and validation process during development to ascertain and improve its quality level. But there are too many techniques than a single developer could master, yet, it is impossible to be certain that software is free of defects. So, it is crucial for developers to be able to choose from available evaluation techniques, the one most suitable and likely to yield optimum quality results for different products. Though, some knowledge is available on the strengths and weaknesses of the available software quality assurance techniques but not much is known yet on the relationship between different techniques and contextual behavior of the techniques. Objective: This research investigates the effectiveness of two testing techniques ? equivalence class partitioning and decision coverage and one review technique ? code review by abstraction, in terms of their fault detection capability. This will be used to strengthen the practical knowledge available on these techniques.


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In order to show the choice of transparency as the guiding principle of the accreditation process, the article evaluates its influence on the fundamental subprocess of self-evaluation, thereby confirming that transparency is an essential tool for continuous improvement of academic processes and those of educational quality management. It fosters educational innovation and permits the sustainability of the continuous accreditation process over time, resulting in greater probabilities of university self-regulation through systemization of the process, with the objective of continuous improvement of university degree programs. The article analyzes the influence of transparency on each activity of the self-evaluation process according to the Peruvian accreditation model prepared under the total quality approach, as a reference for other accreditation models, proposing concrete transparency actions and evaluating its influence on the stakeholder groups in the self-evaluation process, as well as on the efficiency and effectiveness of the process. It is concluded that transparency has a positive influence on the training of human capital and the formation of the university?s organizational culture, facilitating dissemination, understanding and involvement of the stakeholder groups in the continuous improvement of accreditation activities and increasing their acceptance of change and commitment to the process. It is confirmed that transparency contributes toward increasing the efficiency index of the self-evaluation process by reducing operating costs through adequate, accessible, timely contribution of information by the stakeholders and through the optimization of the time spent gathering relevant information. In addition, it is concluded that transparency contributes toward increasing the effectiveness index of self-evaluation by facilitating the achievement of its objectives through synthetic, useful, reliable interpretation of the education situation and the formulation of feasible improvement plans based on the adequacy, relevance, visibility, pertinence and truthfulness of the information analyzed.


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Given the global energy and environmental situation, the European Union has been issuing directives with increasingly demanding requirements in term of the energy efficiency in buildings. The international competition of sustainable houses, Solar Decathlon Europe (SDE), is aligned with these European objectives. SDE houses are low energy solar buildings that must reach the near to zero energy houses’ goal. In the 2012 edition, in order to emphasize its significance, the Energy Efficiency Contest was added. SDE houses’ interior comfort, functioning and energy performance is monitored. The monitoring data can give an idea about the efficiency of the houses. However, a jury comprised by international experts is responsible for carrying out the houses energy efficiency evaluation. Passive strategies and houses services are analyzed. Additionally, the jury's assessment has been compared with the behavior of the houses during the monitoring period. Comparative studies make emphasis on the energy aspects, houses functioning and their interior comfort. Conclusions include thoughts related with the evaluation process, the results of the comparative studies and suggestions for the next competitions.