3 resultados para European law

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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En el presente proyecto, se han abordado las distintas soluciones constructivas para tratar las principales exigencias en edificación: aislamiento acústico, acondicionamiento acústico y ruido y vibraciones de las instalaciones. Estas soluciones constructivas, se enmarcan dentro de un conjunto de leyes vigentes en España, provenientes de la trasposición de la legislación Europea. Basándose en el Documento Básico HR Protección frente al ruido, donde se encuentran las soluciones constructivas, comentadas anteriormente, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio exhaustivo de las mismas, con la finalidad de crear una herramienta de consulta de fácil y rápido acceso para cualquier persona. En especial, se enfoca a una finalidad didáctica accesible al personal universitario. Se pretende que cualquier persona, con base mínima en la materia, pueda acceder y entender la herramienta creada. Para lograr a esta finalidad, se ha analizado otra documentación, como la Guía de aplicación del DB HR, donde se explica de forma más detallada el Documento Básico HR Protección frente al ruido. Además, se han consultado diferentes normativas españolas, para conseguir que la información aportada al usuario sea completa y no sea necesario acudir a diferentes documentos externos. De esta manera, un usuario podrá realizar un proyecto para: aislar, acondicionar o controlar el ruido y vibraciones de las instalaciones, en una edificación, acudiendo a esta herramienta. Con el objeto de que sea un proyecto enmarcado en un contexto didáctico, con fácil acceso y tratando que sea lo más intuitivo posible, se buscó una plataforma de acceso gratuito y disponible para distintos equipos y sistemas operativos. El programa empleado ha sido tomado del paquete Office creado por Microsoft. El programa se denomina OneNote. Se trata de un programa para realizar, compartir y gestionar notas de forma rápida y sencilla. Los archivos creados en él, se almacenan en OneDrive, por lo tanto, el usuario puede acceder a ellos desde cualquier parte, en cualquier momento y plataforma disponible. ABSTRACT. The aforementioned project approaches the diverse solutions available to accomplish the chief edification requirements in the Spanish Legal System, remarkably influenced by the European Law, in Construction Planning. The key elements of those solutions are acoustic isolation, acoustic conditioning and noise and vibration of installations. Basing most part of our research in the academic report “Documento Básico HR Protección frente al ruido”, which addresses effective solutions about the mentioned queries, but also implements a useful tool that supplies access to the broad public to obtain a wide variety of answers regarding those issues. Its main aim is to improve the knowledge about that subject, however also the access and usage to that system, of every person, although its previous experience. In order to achieve that purpose, the paper also combines an analysis of the study “Guía de aplicación del DB HR” where different elements of the report “Documento Básico HR Protección frente al ruido” are examined in further detail. It is important to remark that all the information provided comply with the current legislation present in Spain at the time this paper was written, so the reader may work on a project of isolation, conditioning or control of noise and vibrations of installations without the requirement of applying external resources. Conclusively, with the intention of giving the paper an educational usage, with intuitive and easy access, the reader is able to join to the platform OneNote by Microsoft Office, software available in utmost part of operating systems and devices. This program allows us to produce, share and manage notes swiftly and efficiently, but also it stores them in The Cloud called OneDrive, so the user can get access to them anywhere and anytime.


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Spanish coastal legislation has changed in response to changing circumstances. The objective of the 1969 Spanish Coastal Law was to assign responsibilities in the Public Domain to the authorities. The 1980 Spanish Coastal Law addressed infractions and sanctions issues. The 1988 Spanish Coastal Law completed the responsibilities and sanctions aspects and included others related to the delimitation of the Public Domain, the private properties close to the Public Domain, and limitations on landuse in this area. The 1988 Spanish Coastal Law has been controversial since its publication. The “European Parliament Report on the impact of extensive urbanization in Spain on individual rights of European citizen, on the environment and on the application of EU law, based upon petitions received”, published in 2009 recommended that the Spanish Authorities make an urgent revision of the Coastal Law with the main objective of protecting property owners whose buildings do not have negative effects on the coastal environment. The revision recommended has been carried out, in the new Spanish Coastal Law “Ley 2/2013, de 29 de mayo, de protección y uso sostenible del litoral y de modificación de la Ley 22/1988, de 28 de Julio, de Costas”, published in May of 2013. This is the first major change in the 25 years since the previous 1988 Spanish Coastal Law. This paper compares the 1988 and 2013 Spanish Coastal Law documents, highlighting the most important issues like the Public Domain description, limitations in private properties close to the Public Domain limit, climate change influence, authorizations length, etc. The paper includes proposals for further improvements.


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The fracture behavior of rock block contacts has been studied for many years. Unfortunately, up to now, there is not a rigorous formulation or a solid theoretical foundation to support it. A mathematical development to represent the failure mechanism which occurs in the contacts between rock blocks is presented to evaluate the performance of breaking mechanism of such blocks relating it to the morphology of the contact and mechanical parameters of the material. The examined framework includes the evaluation of the surface roughness of first order in the failure mechanism of the granular particles of large size and the development of a theoretical model describing the morphology of the contact between rock blocks.