3 resultados para Equity pleading and procedure--Virginia

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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En algunos países, como por ejemplo España, es común que entre un origen y un destino existan dos carreteras paralelas en las que existen ciertas diferencias. La más importante es que una de las vías es una autopista que ofrece a los usuarios una mayor comodidad y un menor tiempo de viaje a cambio del pago de un peaje, el cual no es necesario abonar en la carretera convencional paralela. Así, el problema de la tarificación vial ha sido estudiado en diversas ocasiones. Existe un amplio consenso en que para lograr el máximo bienestar social, los usuarios deben internalizar las externalidades que producen y no perciben a través de un peaje. Sin embargo, dicho peaje puede perjudicar a los usuarios con bajos ingresos. Dependiendo del objetivo (por ejemplo, maximizar el bienestar, maximizar la equidad social, la amortización de la construcción de la carretera, etc) el peaje óptimo podría variar sustancialmente. La literatura académica acerca de los peajes, la eficiencia y la equidad es vasta y diversa. Sin embargo, hemos encontrado una deficiencia en dicha literatura sobre el peaje óptimo, en corredores donde una carretera y una autopista con diferentes características de calidad compiten para capturar el tráfico. Particularmente no se ha encontrado ninguna investigación acerca del establecimiento del peaje que maximice el bienestar social o la equidad para distintas distribuciones del valor del tiempo de viaje (VTT), caracterizadas por su media y varianza. Por ello, el principal objetivo de la investigación es estimar la influencia que tiene la distribución de la renta de una sociedad sobre el peaje óptimo. La presente tesis doctoral trata de obtener, por medio de una metodología robusta, las diferentes políticas de peajes que los planificadores de transporte deberían llevar a cabo según la riqueza y cohesión social de los potenciales usuarios del corredor, la demanda y el objetivo que se busque con dicha tarificación, esto es, maximizar el bienestar social o la equidad. Adicionalmente también se obtienen los peajes óptimos dependiendo de si el corredor se encuentra totalmente tarificado o únicamente se debe pagar un peaje por circular en la autopista. In some countries, such as Spain, it is very common that in the same corridor there are two roads with the same origin and destination but with some differences. The most important contrast is that one is a toll highway which offers a better quality than the parallel road in exchange of a price. The users decide if the price of the toll worth to pay for the advantages offered. The problem of road pricing has been largely studied. It is well acknowledged that in order to achieve the maximum social welfare, users must internalize the externalities they produce and do not perceive through a toll. However, that toll can harm users with low income. Depending on the objective (e.g. maximize welfare, maximize social equity, amortize the construction of the road, etc) the optimal toll might vary substantially. The academic literature about pricing, efficiency and equity is vast and diverse. However, as far as we have found, there is a gap in the literature regarding the optimal price where a road and a highway with different quality characteristics compete for capturing the traffic in a corridor. Particularly we did not find any research estimating the optimal welfare price or the optimal equity price for different Value of Travel Time (VTT) distributions characterized by different VTT average and variance. The objective of the research is to fill this gap. In this research a theoretical model in order to obtain the optimal price in a toll highway that competes for capturing the traffic with a conventional road is developed. This model is done from the welfare and equity perspective and for non‐usual users who decide over the expectation of free flow conditions. The model is finally applied to the variables we want to focus on: average value of travel time (VTT) which is strongly related with income, dispersion of this VTT, different kind of distributions of VTT and traffic levels, from free flow to congestion. Furthermore, we also obtain the optimal tolls with the corridor completely charged or with untolled alternative.


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From the 60s to the 90s, a great number of events related to the Emergency Core Cooling Systems Strainers have been happened in all kind of reactors all over the world. Thus, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission of the USA emitted some Bulletins to address the concerns about the adequacy of Emergency Core Cooling Systems (ECCS) strainer performance at boiling water reactors (BWR). In Spain the regulatory body (Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear, CSN) adopted the USA regulation and Cofrentes NPP installed new strainers with a considerable bigger size than the old strainers. The nuclear industry conducted significant and extensive research, guidance development, testing, reviews, and hardware and procedure changes during the 90s to resolve the issues related to debris blockage of BWR strainers. In 2001 the NRC and CSN closed the Bulletins. Thereafter, the strainers issues were moved to the PWR reactors. In 2004 the NRC issued a Generic Letter (GL). It requested the resolution of several effects which were not noted in the past. The GL regarded to be resolved by the PWR reactors but the NRC in USA and the CSN in Spain have requested that the BWR reactors investigate differences between the methodologies used by the BWRs and PWRs. The developments and improvements done for Cofrentes NPP are detailed. Studies for this plant show that the head loss due to the considered debris is at most half of the limited head loss for the ECCS strainer and the NPSH (Net Positive Suction Head) required for the ECCS pumps is at least three times lower than the NPSH available.


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Urban areas benefit from significant improvements in accessibility when a new high speed rail (HSR) project is built. These improvements, which are due mainly to a rise in efficiency, produce locational advantagesand increase the attractiveness of these cities, thereby possibly enhancing their competitivenessand economic growth. However, there may be equity issues at stake, as the main accessibility benefits are primarily concentrated in urban areas with a HSR station, whereas other locations obtain only limited benefits. HSR extensions may contribute to an increase in spatial imbalance and lead to more polarized patterns of spatial development. Procedures for assessing the spatial impacts of HSR must therefore follow a twofold approach which addresses issues of both efficiency and equity. This analysis can be made by jointly assessing both the magnitude and distribution of the accessibility improvements deriving from a HSR project. This paper describes an assessment methodology for HSR projects which follows this twofold approach. The procedure uses spatial impact analysis techniques and is based on the computation of accessibility indicators, supported by a Geographical Information System (GIS). Efficiency impacts are assessed in terms of the improvements in accessibility resulting from the HSR project, with a focus on major urban areas; and spatial equity implications are derived from changes in the distribution of accessibility values among these urban agglomerations.