3 resultados para Ejido

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The courthouse at El Ejido has a trapezoid floor plan (47 m × 55/26 m) and comprises two distinct volumes that are structurally connected at the basement level and by the footbridges on the upper storeys. A third trapezoid unit featuring a glazed curtain wall facade cantilevers 8 m off the main facade of the front volume. This facade is a structural diaphragm wall, constituted by nine rows of vertical precast concrete members separated by horizontal cast-in-place, self-compacting concrete chords. The location of the courthouse in a seismic area and the small number of horizontal supports for the facade make this wall potentially vulnerable. The high risk, in particular, during construction required careful planning based on a detailed analysis of the interaction between the structure and the ancillary resources used to build it


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La sede judicial en El Ejido, edificio de planta trapezoidal de 47 m x 55 / 26 m, presenta dos volúmenes claramente diferenciados, unidos a nivel de sótano y conectados mediante pasarelas en niveles superiores. Una tercera pieza, de planta trapezoidal y fachada frontal de muro cortina de vidrio, vuela 8 m del plano vertical del edificio más alto. La fachada principal desempeña una función estructural de pantalla y está constituida por 9 filas de pilares prefabricados de hormigón armado entre las que se intercalan unos cordones horizontales de hormigón autocompactante, ejecutados in situ. Debido a la ubicación del edificio en una zona sísmica y el reducido número de apoyos horizontales, la fachada resulta potencialmente vulnerable. Para mitigar los elevados riesgos, particularmente durante las fases constructivas, se hacía necesaria una planificación rigurosa de todo el proceso sobre la base de un análisis específico de la interacción entre la estructura evolutiva de la fachada y la cimbra empleada en su construcción.


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The courthouse at El Ejido has a trapezoid floor plan (47 m. x 55 / 26 m.) and comprises two distinct volumes that are structurally connected at basement level and by footbridges on the upper storeys. A third trapezoid unit featuring a glazed curtain wall façade cantilevers 8 m. off the main façade of the front volume. This façade is a structural diaphragm wall, constituted by nine rows of vertical precast concrete members separated by horizontal cast-in-place, self-compacting concrete chords. The location of the courthouse in a seismic area and the short number of horizontal supports for the façade make this wall potentially vulnerable. The particularly high risk during construction called for careful planning based on a detailed analysis of the interaction between the structure and the ancillary resources used to build it