23 resultados para Dwelling Brachiopods

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Land value bears significant weight in house prices in historical town centers. An essential aim for regulating the mortgage market, particularly in the financial and property crisis that countries such as Spain are undergoing, is to have at hand objective procedures for its valuation, whatever the conditions (location, construction, planning). Of all the factors contributing to house price make-up, the land is the only one whose value does not depend on acquisition cost, but rather on the location-time binomial. That is to say, the specific circumstances at that point and at the exact moment of valuation. For this reason, the most commonly applied procedure for land valuation in town centers is the use of the residual method: once the selling price of new housing in a district is known, the other necessary costs and expenses of development are deducted, including those of building and the developer’s profit. The value left is that of the land. To apply these procedures it is vital to have figures such as building costs, technical fees, tax costs, etc. But, above all, it is essential to obtain the selling price of the new housing. This is not always feasible, on account of the lack of newbuild development in this location. This shortage of information occurs in historical town cities, where urban renewal is slight due to the heritage-protection policies, and where, nevertheless there is substantial activity in the secondary market. In these circumstances, as an alternative for land valuation in consolidated urban areas, we have the adaptation of the residual method to the particular characteristics of the secondary market. To these ends, there is the proposal for the appreciation of the dwelling which follows, in a backwards direction, the application of traditional depreciation methods proposed by the various valuation manuals and guidelines. The reliability of the results obtained is analyzed by contrasting it with published figures for newly-built properties, according to different rules applied in administrative appraisals in Spain and the incidence of an eventual correction due to conservation state.


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In 2008, the City Council of Rivas-Vaciamadrid (Spain) decided to promote the construction of “Rivasecopolis”, a complex of sustainable buildings in which a new prototype of a zero-energy house would become the office of the Energy Agency. According to the initiative of the City Council, it was decided to recreate the dwelling prototype “Magic-box” which entered the 2005 Solar Decathlon Competition. The original project has been adapted to a new necessities programme, by adding the necessary spaces that allows it to work as an office. A team from university has designed and carried out the direction of the construction site. The new Solar House is conceived as a “testing building”. It is going to become the space for attending citizens in all questions about saving energy, energy efficiency and sustainable construction, having a permanent small exhibition space additional to the working places for the information purpose. At the same time, the building includes the use of experimental passive architecture systems and a monitoring and control system. Collected data will be sent to University to allow developing research work about the experimental strategies included in the building. This paper will describe and analyze the experience of transforming a prototype into a real durable building and the benefits for both university and citizens in learning about sustainability with the building


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In October 2002, under the auspices of Spanish Cooperation, a pilot electrification project put into operation two centralised PV-diesel hybrid systems in two different Moroccan villages. These systems currently provide a full-time energy service and supply electricity to more than a hundred of families, six community buildings, street lighting and one running water system. The appearance of the electricity service is very similar to an urban one: one phase AC supply (230V/50Hz) distributed up to each dwelling using a low-voltage mini-grid, which has been designed to be fully compatible with a future arrival of the utility grid. The management of this electricity service is based on a “fee-for-service” scheme agreed between a local NGO, partner of the project, and electricity associations created in each village, which are in charge of, among other tasks, recording the daily energy production of systems and the monthly energy consumption of each house. This register of data allows a systematic evaluation of both the system performance and the energy consumption of users. Now, after four years of operation, this paper presents the experience of this pilot electrification project and draws lessons that can be useful for designing, managing and sizing this type of small village PV-hybrid system


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Marcel Breuer arquitecto húngaro y afamado diseñador de mobiliario procedente de la Bauhaus, emigra a Estados Unidos en 1937, invitado por Gropius como profesor en Harvard. Allí comienzan, Breuer y Gropius, una nueva etapa basada en la experimentación de la casa como revisión de los postulados de la arquitectura moderna: la casa como máquina de habitar, propuesta por Le Corbusier, procedente de la vieja Europa; versus la humanización de la máquina a través del efecto del material sobre la estructura y la forma extendidas y en contacto con el territorio, propuesta por Frank Lloyd Wright procedente de la nueva América. Sus experimentos domésticos sobre la casa-cabaña acercaron los métodos tradicionales de la construcción americana a una visión renovada abstracta y pura, donde los modos de vida, los requerimientos básicos, prácticos y funcionales se transformaron en la conexión del "Arte de Construir" a través del material y su puesta en obra. La búsqueda de una respuesta clara del habitar que satisfacía objetivos opuestos y necesidades humanas, llevó a su arquitectura de la abstracción a reconciliar al hombre con la naturaleza, dotarla de arte y vida, arquitectura y paisaje que pasaron a convertirse en los ideales modernos de la cabaña americana. ABSTRACT. Marcel Breuer, Hungarian architect and famed to furniture's designer of the Bauhaus emigrated to America in 1937, invited by Gropius as a professor at Harvard. Breuer and Gropius, there begin a new stage based on the experimentation of the house as a revision to the postulates of modern architecture: the house as a dwell machine proposed by Le Corbusier from old Europe; versus the humanization of the machine through the effect of material on the structure and form extended and in contact with the territory, proposed by Frank LI. Wright from the new America. His experiments on the house-cottage approached traditional methods of the American construction methods to a new vision, abstract and pure, where ways of life, and basic, practical and functional requirements became the connection to "Art of Building" trough the material and its placing. The search for a clear answer of dwelling that satisfied conflicting objectives and human needs, led to the architecture of abstraction to reconcile man with nature, endow it with life and art, an architecture and a landscape that became the modern ideals of American cottage.


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La habitación rupestre en la Península Ibérica conforma un amplio conjunto de manifestaciones cuyos orígenes son difíciles de dilucidar. Existen conjuntos primitivos, posiblemente horadados durante la Antigüedad Clásica y Tardía, y otros que probablemente se originaron y excavaron en la Alta Edad Media, en los que se mezclan grupos de origen religioso y otros de probable uso defensivo. El conjunto peninsular es sin duda el más variado de Europa Occidental, pues recibió influencias árabes y usos de la cristiandad antigua, importados de Oriente Próximo, que por tanto relacionan estas manifestaciones con otras del arco mediterráneo. La supervivencia del uso de las cuevas a lo largo de la Baja Edad Media -una vez afianzada la Reconquista- es una incógnita, pero los usos rupestres volvieron a generalizarse en ciertos sectores de la Península durante la Edad Moderna, toda vez que el hábitat cuevero manifestó una eclosión relacionada con la peripecia de los moriscos, primero desterrados de sus habitaciones en el Sur y Este peninsular y luego expulsados en los albores del siglo XVII. Los que quedaron, nominalmente conversos, debieron habitar de nuevo cuevas en sus lugares de origen. Esos núcleos son los más abundantes, particularmente en la provincia de Granada y aledañas. Este substrato fue seguramente el punto de apoyo para la proliferación de las cuevas de habitación a partir del siglo XIX, en el cual un creciente proletariado agrícola y urbano necesitó de alojamientos baratos y no hizo sino imitar usos preexistentes, que se pueden rastrear en muchos de los núcleos rupestres que sobrevivieron mayoritariamente hasta bien entrado el siglo XX, y que se abandonaron gradualmente a partir de los años 60 de esa centuria. Para entonces, existían barrios de cuevas extensos en muchas provincias, destacando, aparte de las andaluzas, ciertas zonas de la Cuenca del Ebro (aragonesa, navarra y riojana), del arco periurbano de Valencia, del Sur de Madrid, de la Mancha toledana, o de las provincias de Albacete, Guadalajara, Murcia e incluso de Palencia. Los núcleos antiguos se excavaron -en razón de su origen dedicado a defensa y refugio- en lugares poco accesibles, que mayoritariamente se dan en relieves anfractuosos, en las orlas marginales detríticas y carbonatadas de las cuencas terciarias y en terrenos más antiguos de la geológicamente denominada Cuenca Vasco Cantábrica, en las cuales florecieron centros de eremitismo del primitivo condado de Castilla. También son lugares inaccesibles los riscos asomados a cantiles fluviales, cuya regularización morfológica natural ha sido causa de la ruina de múltiples hipogeos que se labraron con las mismas intenciones de refugio, defensa o retiro espiritual. Los núcleos modernos se han excavado ya en terrenos más propicios (los que componen las cuencas terciarias o "España arcillosa", mayoritariamente), y por ello observamos cómo abundan las litologías sedimentarias, que son aquellas en las que se horadaron casi todas las "colmenas" de habitación moderna en la Península. En unos casos y otros, existen rasgos comunes en lo relativo a la litología y comportamiento de los materiales excavados, y también en lo relativo a su evolución, meteorización y conservación. Se han estudiado por ello estas pautas comunes -como un posible avance para el establecimiento futuro de estudios de geoconservación del patrimonio rupestre habitado-, que se traducen en la determinación de los procesos de meteorización más característicos en los antros de la Península Ibérica -sean modernos o antiguos- y en la determinación de las relaciones más habituales entre geomorfología y tipología de las cuevas de habitación. También se exponen algunas conclusiones relativas a la resistencia de los tipos pétreos en relación a la antigüedad de los emplazamientos. Esta relación se explica bien si tenemos en cuenta que las cuevas antiguas trataban de ser lugares apartados en los que dominan rocas más resistentes -como se ha explicado- y que en las modernas se ha buscado la habitación permanente, en los materiales más blandos ocupan las depresiones terciarias del Centro, Este y Sur de la Península, colonizados no ya como refugios sino de modo seguro, y ya en arrabales "extramuros" de las ciudades. Geomorfológicamente, esta razón histórica tiene consecuencias sobre la posición de las cuevas, sobre su organización, y sobre su conservación. La extensión del dominio estudiado obliga prácticamente a bosquejar algunas de estas conclusiones geológicas, pero permite a su vez proporcionar una visión global acerca del patrimonio troglodítico desde una perspectiva geológica, y en ello radica la principal novedad de la investigación. Cave dwelling in the Iberian Peninsula comprises a great deal of examples whose origins are sometimes difficult to elucidate. There are primitive groups of caves, probably belonging to Classical and Late Antiquity, and other settlements that appear to have been created and excavated in the Early Middle Ages. Some of them are due to religious reasons and some others may probably have served for defensive uses. The Peninsular group is very likely the most diverse in Western Europe, for it was not only influenced by Arabs, but it also assimilated uses from the Antique Christendom, imported from the Middle East. In this sense, Iberian cave dwellings connect with those of the Mediterranean area. There is not total certainty about the survival of caves serving for dwelling throughout the Late Middle Ages, once the Reconquista was a fact. However, underground excavations for human habitation were once again dispread in certain zones of the Peninsula during the Early Modern period. This growth of underground habitats appears in connexion with Morisco’s vicissitudes; first of all, their removal from their settlements in South and Eastern Peninsula, and finally their expulsion from Spanish territory at the very beginning of XVII th century. Those of them who rested in Spain –and that were nominally “converts”- seem to have returned to cave dwelling in their places of origin, particularly in the province of Granada and its neighbouring zones. This substrate may have been the toehold for a new spreading of cave dwellings since XIX th century, when the increasing rural and urban proletariat returned to the pre-existent uses of caves in order to solve the necessity of affordable housing. This fact can still be detected in many of the rock settlements that have survived during a great part of the XX th century and which were gradually abandoned from the 60´s onwards. There were important cave dwelling districts in many Spanish territories by that time, and not only in Andalusia. We also find them in certain areas of the Ebro basin (those of Aragon, Navarra and La Rioja), in the peri-urban arc of Valencia, in the South of Madrid province and also in the provinces of Toledo (the so called “Mancha toledana”), Albacete, Guadalajara, Murcia or even Palencia as well. Due to their defensive and refuge uses, primitive underground habitats were dug in hardly accessible places. The majority of them are located in mountainous and rough areas, when not in the marginal borders of Tertiary basins, where coarse detritic and carbonate formations outcrop. Cave dwellings can also be found in more ancient rock masses, such as those of the Basque Cantabrian Mesozoic Basin, which is the area where hermit centres of the primitive County of Castile first flourished. Cliffs surrounding fluvial valleys are as well inaccessible places, but here we find that geological evolution has caused the destruction of many rock sanctuaries and cliff dwellings that were originally dug with the same purposes of defence, refuge and spiritual retreat. Later modern cave settlements were dug in quite more favourable terrains, mainly in the soils that compose the Tertiary basins, generally known as “España arcillosa” or “Clayey Spain”. Therefore, we find abundant sedimentary fine and medium grained lithologies, which are the ones that have hosted the majority of Modern Era warren cave dwellings in the Iberian Peninsula. Actually, both types of cave dwelling share some standards regarding the lithology of the excavated materials, and they share as well certain patterns that affect to their evolution, weathering and preservation. These common patterns have been studied here in order to determine the most characteristic weathering processes that affect the majority of the Iberian caves, both Antique and Modern. And also with a view to establish the most habitual relationships between geomorphology and typology of cave dwellings. The study may as well provide a first basis for future studies on geo-preservation of cave dwellings heritage. We also reach some conclusions about the strength of different rocks concerning the antiquity of the sites. As we have already pointed out, this relation comes from the fact that ancient caves were placed in remote or isolated locations, where harder rocks outcrop, while more modern ones result from people´s search of permanent dwelling. In this sense, the softer rocks of the Tertiary Basins of Middle, East and South Peninsula provided a secure colonization to this second and modern group. And moreover, considering geomorphological features, this historical reason has had an effect not only on the position and location of the caves, but also on their organisation/structure/distribution and preservation. The huge extension of our domain of interest almost forces to sketch out some of these geological conclusions. But at the same time it gives a global panorama of Spanish troglodyte heritage, seen from a geological perspective. And here is the main novelty of this research.


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El propósito de esta tesis era analizar las consecuencias arquitectónicas de la obsesión orientalista en tres autores de finales del XIX, intentando plantear con ello los fundamentos de lo que llamamos “imaginario” orientalista. Las autores estudiados son, un escritor, Pierre Loti, y dos pintores, Sir Frederic Leighton y Claude Monet, exponentes cada uno de un enfoque particular del orientalismo. Los tres casos estudiados incluyen las casas donde vivieron transformadas ahora en museos abiertos a la curiosidad de cualquiera. El estudio de estos casos nos llevó a acometer una serie de temáticas que se perfilan en el transcurso de la escritura como lo mas importante del trabajo. Estas temáticas son: la construcción de la interioridad, el rol del vacío como entidad material y física en esas arquitecturas, el orden de los objetos y su protagonismo en esos interiores, las categorías ontológicas del habitar en esas viviendas. Estas temáticas de alguna manera fueron enfocadas y realizadas por el “orientalismo” como dispositivos que intervienen poderosamente en los imaginarios relacionados con Oriente… con ramificaciones en las problemáticas políticas, sociales y culturales que estaba viviendo el “sujeto europeo culto” en el advenimiento de la modernidad. ABSTRACT The purpose of this thesis in the first instance was to analyze three expressions of Orientalism from the field of architecture , trying to prove through them as these examples constituted a closure of Orientalist discourse , while they complete the Orientalist imaginary that starts its construction through literature and painting finishing in architecture. Because of this, the case studies comprise a writer, Pierre Loti, and two painters, Sir Frederic Leighton and Claude Monet, each one as an exponent of a different facet of Orientalism. In each case the legacy of these artists has included his house , which now transformed into a museum , it is possible to visit and study despite the time of its construction. The study of these cases allowed on a second instance, to present a number of issues that in the end were the most important thing in this work, these issues deal with problems such as the construction of interiority in the late nineteenth century , the role which the vacuum play as a mental and physical entity in this architecture , the order of the objects and their role in the interiors of the time, the political and social control and discipline of housing space , the ontological categories of dwelling , etc. . All these issues somehow were enhanced by Orientalism , which with their devices intervened powerfully in building an imaginary not only related to East, but also with the political, social and cultural issues , that Europeans were living in the transit to the advent of modernity, and that will put under a critical view all these issues.


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Applications involving travel behavior from the perspective of land use are dating from the 1990s. Usually, four important components are distinguished: density, diversity and design (3D?s of Cervero and Kockelman) and accessibility (introduced by Geurs and van Wee). But there is not a general agreement on how to measure each of those 4 components. Density is used to be measured as population and employment densities, but others authors separate population density between residential and building densities. A lot of measures have been developed to estimate diversity: among others, a dissimilarity index to indicate the degree to which different land uses lie within one another?s surrounding, an entropy index to quantify the degree of balance across various land use types or proximities to commercial-retail uses. Design has been characterized by site design, and dwelling and street characteristics. Lastly, accessibility has become a frequently used concept, but its meaning on travel behavior field always refers to the ability ?to reach activities or locations by means of a travel mode?, measured as accessibility to jobs, to leisure activities, and others. Furthermore, the previous evidence is mainly based on US data or on north European countries. Therefore, this paper adds some new evidence from a Spanish perspective to the research debate. Through a Madrid smartphone-based survey, factor analysis is used to linearly combine variables into the 3D?s and accessibility dimensions of the built environment. At a first step for future investigations, land use variables will be treated to define accurately the previous 4 components.


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Desde la revolución ilustrada e industrial de finales del s. XVIII se ha venido desarrollando, con fuerza inigualada a lo largo de la historia, algo que es consustancial al hombre y que le ha permitido constituirse como tal frente al resto de animales: la técnica. Como sentencia Ortega, no hay hombre sin técnica. Pero, al mismo tiempo, va quedando cada vez más claro -como también nos señala Ortega- que el sentido y la causa de la técnica están fuera de ella, y que la técnica no es en rigor lo primero, sino que su finalidad le ha de ser prefijada por un deseo original pre-técnico. Si esto no fuera así el hombre perdería su propio sentido, pues el hombre es puro afán, un ente cuyo ser consiste no en lo que ya es, sino en la que aún no es. Sin embargo, el progresivo desencantamiento del mundo como consecuencia del desarrollo de la sociedad industrial vino a sustituir los viejos mitos por una interpretación racional y abstracta que renunciaba a cualquier búsqueda de sentido que trascendiese los hechos brutos. De este modo, la perdida de sentido del hombre frente a la técnica desarrollada por él mismo le dejaba desnortado y convertido en un sujeto pasivo en manos de un malentendido progreso. Frente a esta pérdida de sentido detectada ya a principios del siglo XX y denunciada con más fuerza a partir de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el postmodernismo del último tramo del pasado siglo pudo no sólo oficializar su desaparición, sino consignar su deslegitimación. Ante a esto, sostenemos la necesaria existencia de sentido en cualquier arquitectura que se desarrolle plenamente y, especialmente, en la arquitectura de la modernidad -y aún de la modernidad tardía o postmodernidad- muchas de las veces no explicitado como tal frente al sobredimensionamiento técnico que ha venido marcando la pauta desde la revolución industrial. Al mismo tiempo, ya no se puede hablar de un único sentido, universalizable, sino de una pluralidad de sentidos que definirán distintas arquitecturas. Partiendo de la petitio principii de que el tema capital de la arquitectura en la modernidad ha sido la vivienda, el objeto arquitectónico que reúne las mejores características para desarrollar esta búsqueda de sentido lo hemos encontrado en la cabaña moderna, donde se cumple el aforismo corbusierano que señala que “quand l’économie est au maximum, l’intensité est au maximum”. Al mismo tiempo “al representar la plenitud a través de su misma negación”, la cabaña moderna se puede entender como una sublimación de la arquitectura a través de pequeños objetos donde han quedado destiladas las distintas esencias de la modernidad. Mediante el análisis de seis pequeñas construcciones situadas en archipiélagos arquitectónicos radicalmente distantes –el campamento de Ocatillo (F. Ll. Wright, 1929); la Caja (R. Erskine, 1942); el Cabanon (Le Corbusier, 1952); la casa cúpula en Carbondale (R. B. Fuller, 1960); el refugio en Oropesa (F. J. Sáenz de Oíza, c.1967-1977) y el pabellón de invitados en Kempsey (G. Murcutt, 1992)- la aparente aporía que supone la cabaña moderna, frente a la más lógica, en principio, cabaña primitiva, cobra sentido. Efectiva mente, el referente mítico de la cabaña primitiva, tal y como fue enunciado por Laugier, se correspondía con el estadio más primitivo de la modernidad, con sus orígenes, precisamente porque la crítica que se hacía en ella de la arquitectura se basaba en criterios exclusivamente técnicos que remitían a los orígenes constructivos de la arquitectura como fórmula para salir del entramado retórico en el que ésta se encontraba perdida. La cabaña moderna trasciende, sin embargo, aquella primitiva fase de la modernidad, de la que la cabaña de Laugier es paradigma, en la medida en que la crítica que se realiza ahora es doble, pues a la crítica de carácter técnico que encontramos en cada una de las cabañas se le añade una crítica de sentido que no se encuentra supeditada, en ninguno de los casos, a la componente técnica, tal y como sin embargo sucedía con Laugier, donde la pretendida regeneración moral de la arquitectura era consecuencia directa de su depuración técnica. En la cabaña moderna, al contrario, encontramos una pluralidad de sentidos que orientan y fuerzan el desarrollo de la techné en direcciones que llegan a ser radicalmente diferentes, construyendo unos relatos que habrán de ser, por tanto, necesariamente parciales, pero de los que la arquitectura, en cualquier caso no podrá prescindir si es que quiere seguir siendo fiel a sí misma, tal y como, efectivamente, lo comprendieron Wright, Erskine, Le Corbusier, Fuller, Sáenz de Oíza y Murcutt, cuando se esforzaron por que estas pequeñas arquitecturas que hemos visitado, tan sólo unas cabañas, fueran unas cabañas con sentido, unas cabañas modernas. ABSTRACT Since the illustrated and industrial revolution of the XVIII century it has been developing, with unequally strength through history, something that is inherent to man and that has allowed him to become himself against the rest of animals: technique. As Ortega says, there is no man without technique. But, at the same time, it is becoming increasingly clear –as Ortega also says- that the sense and the cause of the technique are beyond technique itself, and that technique is not actually the first thing, but that its purpose must be predefined by a pre-technique original desire. If it were not like this, man would lose his own sense, because man is pure desire, an entity whose being is not what already is, but what still doesn’t is. However, the progressive disenchantment of the world as the result of the development of the industrial society came to change the old myths by a rational and abstract interpretation that renounced to any search of meaning that transcended the brute facts. Thereby, the loss of sense of man against the technique developed by man himself let him aimless and converted in a passive object in the hands of a misunderstood progress. Against this loss of sense already detected at the beginning of the XX century and denounced in a stronger way since the Second World War, the postmodernism of the late decades of the last century could not only formalize its disappearance, but also consign its delegitimization. On the contrary, we maintain the necessary existence of sense in any architecture that is fully developed and, specially, in the modern architecture –and even in the late Modernism or Postmodernism- many times not made explicit as such against the technique oversizing that has been setting the pattern since the industrial revolution. At the same time, we can not talk about an only and universal sense, but about a plurality of senses that will define different architectures. On the basis of the petitio principii that dwelling has been the capital issue of modern architecture, the architectonic object that possesses the best features for developing this search of sense has been found in the modern hut, where is fulfil the Corbusieran aphorism that says that “quand l’économie est au maximum, l’intensité est au maximum”. At the same time, “representing plenitude through its own negation” the modern hut can be understood as a sublimation of architecture through small objects where the different essences of modernity have been distilled. Through the analysis of six small buildings located in radically distant architectonic archipelagos –the Ocatillo dessert camp (F. Ll. Wright, 1929); the Box (R. Erskine, 1942); the Cabanon (Le Corbusier, 1952); the dome-home in Carbondale (R. B. Fuller, 1960); the retreat in Oropesa (F. J. Sáenz de Oíza, c. 1967-1977) and the guest house in Kimpsey (G. Murcutt, 1992)- the apparent aporia that represents the modern hut, against the, initially, more logical primitive hut, makes sense. Indeed, the mythical reference of the primitive hut, as it was enunciated by Laugier, belonged to the most primitive state of modernity, with its origins, precisely because the criticism of the architecture that was made there was based in exclusively technique criteria, referring to the constructive origins of architecture as the formula to get out of the rhetoric labyrinth in which architecture was lost at the moment. However, the modern hut transcends that primitive phase of modernity, of which Laugier’s hut is paradigm, since the criticism that is made is double, because to the criticism on the technique that we find in every hut we must add a criticism on the sense that is never subordinated to the technique component, as it was the case in Laugier, where the intended architectonic moral regeneration was a direct consequence of its technical depuration. In the modern hut, on the contrary, we find a plurality of senses that guides and drives the development of techné in radically different directions, building narratives that must be, then, necessarilly partial, but of which architecture could never leave aside if it still wants to be faithful to itself, as Wright, Erskine, Le Corbusier, Fuller, Sáenz de Oíza and Murcutt seemed to understand when they tried hardly to make these small architectures that we have visited, these huts, huts full of sense, modern huts.


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Resumen: La infrautilización del parque de viviendas en España se ha convertido en un problema que puede agravarse con las situaciones sobrevenidas tras el estallido de la burbuja inmobiliaria. En este contexto, el artículo aborda el análisis detallado de la dimensión y localización de dicho parque en el ámbito urbano aportando información que permita mejorar la gestión del existente y ajustar las previsiones del planeamiento a corto y medio plazo. Abstract: The significant unused housing stock in Spain has become a problem that may be aggravated by situations occurred after the burst of the housing bubble. In this context, the article discusses the detailed analysis of the size and location of the dwelling stock in urban areas providing information to improve the management of existing stock and adjust planning forecasts in short and medium term.


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Fuel poverty can be defined as “the inability to afford adequate warmth in the home" and it is the result of the combination of three items: low household income, housing lack of energy efficiency and high energy bills. Although it affects a growing number of households within the European Union only some countries have an official definition for it. In 2013, the European Parliament claimed the Commission and Estate Members to develop different policies in order to fight household energy vulnerability. The importance of tackling fuel poverty is based on the critical consequences it has for human health living below certain temperatures. In Spain some advances have been made in this field but main existing studies remain at the statistical level and do not deepen the understanding of the problem from the perspective of dwelling indoor habitability conditions. What is more, this concept is yet to be officially defined. This paper presents the evaluation of fuel poverty in a building block of social housing located in the centre of Zaragoza and how this issue determined the strategies implemented in the energy retrofitting intervention project. At a first step, fuel poverty was appraised through the exploration of indoor thermal conditions. The adaptive thermal comfort (UNE-EN 15251:2008) method was used to establish the appropriate indoor temperatures and consequently to determine what can be called 'comfort gap'. Results were collated and verified with energy bills collection and a survey work that gathered data from neighbours. All this permitted pointing out those households more in need. Results from the social analysis combined with the evaluation of the building thermal performance determined the intervention. The renovation project was aimed at the implementation of passive strategies that improve households thermal comfort in order to alleviate households fuel poverty situation. This research is part of the project NewSolutions4OldHousing (LIFE10 ENV/ES/439) cofounded by the European Commission under the LIFE+ Programme.


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This paper shows the importance of a holistic comprehension of the Earth as a living planet, where man inhabits and is exposed to environmental incidences of different nature. The aim of the paper here summarized is a reflection on all these concepts and scientific considerations related to the important role of men in the handling of natural hazards. Our Planet is an unstable and dynamical system highly sensitive to initial conditions, as proposed by Chaos theory (González-Miranda 2004); it is a complex organic whole, which responds to minimal variations which can affect several natural phenomena such as plate tectonics, solar flares, fluid turbulences, landscape formation, forest fires, growth and migration of populations and biological evolution. This is known as the “butterfly effect” (Lorenz 1972), which means that a small change of the system causes a chain of events leading to large-scale unpredictable consequences. The aim of this work is dwelling on the importance of the knowledge of these natural and catastrophic geological, biological and human systems so much sensible to equilibrium conditions, to prevent, avoid and mend their effects, and to face them in a resilient way


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La producción habitacional moderna chilena del siglo xx proporcionó modelos valiosos en los que abundaban espacios proclives al encuentro de la comunidad que, además, han logrado perdurar en el tiempo. Sin embargo, el estado de degradación en que se encuentran algunos de estos conjuntos ha puesto en entredicho sus cualidades efectivas para resolver el problema de la vivienda, tanto por su racionalidad excesiva como por su escasa capacidad para acoger los modos de vida propios de sus habitantes. A día de hoy, ante la masificación indiscriminada del mercado inmobiliario, cabe plantearse una mirada retrospectiva hacia algunos de estos conjuntos que mediaron entre la renovación y la realidad local preexistente, como ocurrió en algunos contextos geográficos complejos como el ‘Gran Valparaíso’. Las ciudades de Valparaíso y Viña del Mar destacan por su peculiar morfología urbana entre planicie y cerros, conformada tanto por construcciones espontáneas como planificadas, generalmente adaptadas a la geografía. La aparición de nuevos modelos en altura en los cerros tuvo consecuencias significativas para la escala del barrio y la ciudad, como la apropiación del patrimonio común de los ciudadanos —la vista hacia el paisaje de la bahía— y un cierto descontrol en las relaciones entre lo construido y su entorno inmediato. Dicha situación se tradujo en la deshumanización de los espacios colectivos y la pérdida del ‘sentido de lo comunitario’, dos situaciones propias del habitar local. Sin embargo, algunos conjuntos modernos dieron importancia a este tipo de espacios, que utilizaron como complemento a los reducidos recintos comunes de la unidad habitacional. Así, mediante la integración de circulaciones, espacios comunitarios y dotaciones, se estimuló la ‘comunidad’ y se favoreció la relación socio-espacial entre la vecindad y el barrio. El hecho de que en su implantación recogiesen cualidades locales —o no— requiere de un estudio más exhaustivo, especialmente en lo que toca a los modos de vida asociados. Esta tesis presenta la trayectoria y el proceso de desarrollo comunitario de siete conjuntos habitacionales modernos construidos en Valparaíso y Viña del Mar. Una evolución que estuvo impulsada por las cualidades formales y funcionales de los espacios comunes, profundamente arraigados al lugar. A través de un análisis retrospectivo de los ámbitos de encuentro y la trayectoria de la vida cotidiana, y construido desde la documentación junto con los recuerdos de los habitantes originarios, este trabajo revisa el estado actual de dichos conjuntos, sus singularidades y los cambios que han experimentado en el tiempo. ABSTRACT The twentieth century’s Chilean modern housing production has provided valuable models in which abounded spaces likely to community encounter, that also have managed to survive over time. However, some modern housing complexes exhibit an evident state of deterioration, that contradicts their characteristics for solving housing problems, both for its excessive rationality as their limited capacity to accommodate the ways of life of its inhabitants. However while the housing market has established a model based on standardization and individuality, an evaluation of the real characteristics of the main modern constructions is required, that mediate between the renewal and the existing local reality especially in cities emplaced in geographic complexes such as the ‘Gran Valparaíso’. The cities of Valparaiso and Viña del Mar are notable for its unique urban morphology between flat land and hills, formed both by spontaneous as planned constructions, generally adapted to the geography. The emergence of these new height models, particularly in the hills, had significant consequences at neighborhood and city. On the one hand has implied ownership of the common heritage of the people —the view of the landscape of the bay— and on the other hand have devalued the relationship between the built and the immediate environment. That situation even involved the dehumanization of collective spaces and loss of ‘sense of community’, both part of the local ways of live. However some modern collective housing gave importance to such spaces as a way to address the lack of common spaces in the dwelling unit. Through the integration of circulations, community spaces and endowments, ‘community’ was stimulated and socio-spatial relationship between vicinity and the neighborhood was favored. The fact that in its implementation to collect local qualities —or not— requires further study, especially in terms of associated lifestyles. This thesis presents the trajectory and community development process of seven modern housing complexes built in Valparaíso and Viña del Mar. As will be seen, without a doubt the formal and functional qualities of common spaces prompted the neighborhood’s evolution, deeply rooted in place.. Through a built from the documentation with the memories of the original inhabitants retrospective analysis of the areas of encounter and experience of everyday life, this research reviews the current status of these sets, their singularities and the changes that have experienced over time.


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This research was published online by the Spanish Ministry of Public Works in 2012. It collects 20 years of work that contributes to recognizing and enhancing the vernacular architecture in Spain, which has no known author, but has significant values and shows a wide variety of adaptation examples to climatic and environmental conditions. The research analyzes in detail and from different scales 15 houses in different climatic conditions and geographic regions in order to go deeper into the specific characteristics of each one of them from the perspective of sustainability. These houses are located in Tenerife, Salamanca, Huelva, Granada, Toledo, Madrid, Menorca, Alicante, Mallorca, Almería, La Coruña, Cantabria, Huesca and Lugo. The article analyzes the traditional dwelling, the natural environment and conditions that surround it and intends to discover the formal dialogue among them, as well as the origin of the design strategies


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Present research is framed within the project MODIFICA (MODelo predictivo - edIFIcios - Isla de Calor urbanA) aimed at developing a predictive model for dwelling energy performance under the urban heat island effect in order to implement it in the evaluation of real energy demand and consumption of dwellings as well as in the selection of energy retrofitting strategies. It is funded by Programa de I+D+i orientada a los retos de la sociedad 'Retos Investigación' 2013. Despite great advances on building energy performance have been achieved during the last years, available climate data is derived from weather stations placed in the outskirts of the city. Hence, urban heat island effect is not considered in energy simulations, which implies an important lack of accuracy. Since 1980's several international studies have been conducted on the urban heat island (UHI) phenomena, which modifies the atmospheric conditions of the urban centres due to urban agglomeration [1][2][3][4]. In the particular case of Madrid, multiple maps haven been generated using different methodologies during the last two decades [5][6][7]. These maps allow us to study the UHI phenomena from a wide perspective, offering however an static representation of it. Consequently a dynamic model for Madrid UHI is proposed, in order to evaluate it in a continuous way, and to be able to integrate it in building energy simulations.


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Present research is framed within the project MODIFICA (MODelo predictivo - edIFIcios - Isla de Calor Urbana) aimed at developing a predictive model for dwelling energy performance under the urban heat island effect in order to implement it in the evaluation of real energy demand and consumption of dwellings as well as in the selection of energy retrofitting strategies. It is funded by Programa de I+D+i orientada a los retos de la sociedad 'Retos Investigación' 2013. The scope of our predictive model is defined by the heat island effect (UHI) of urban structures that compose the city of Madrid. In particular, we focus on the homogeneous areas for urban structures with the same urban and building characteristics. Data sources for the definition of such homogeneous areas were provided by previous research on the UHI of Madrid. The objective is to establish a critical analysis of climate records used for energy simulation tools, which data come from weather stations placed in decontextualized areas from the usual urban reality, where the thermal conditions differs by up to 6ºC. In this way, we intend to develop a new predictive model for the consumption and demand in buildings depending on their location, the urban structure and the associated UHI, improving the future energy rehabilitation interventions