5 resultados para Droit de la construction

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Plate-bandes are straight masonry arches (they are called, also, flat arches or lintel arches). Ideally they have the surfaces of extrados and intrados plane and horizontal. The stones or bricks have radial joints converging usually in one centre. The voussoirs have the form of wedges and in French they are called "claveaux". A plate-bande is, in fact, a lintel made of several stones and the proportions of lintels and plate-bandes are similar. Proportions of plate-bandes, that is the relationship between the thickness t and the span s (t/s)varies, typically between 1/4–1/3 in thick plate-bandes, and is less than 1/20 in the most slender ones. A ratio of circa 1/8 was usual in the 18th Century and follows a simple geometrical rule: the centre form with the intrados an equilateral triangle and the plate-bande should contain an arc of circle. The joints are usually plane, but in some cases present a «rebated» or «stepped» form. Plate-bandes exert an inclined thrust as any masonry arch. This thrust is usually very high and it requires either massive buttresses, or to be built in the middle of thick walls. Master builders and architects have tried since antiquity to calculate the abutment necessary for any arch. A modern architect or engineer will measure the arch thrust in units of force, kN or tons. Traditionally, the thrust has been measured as the size of the buttresses to resist it safely. Old structural rules, then, addressed the design problem establishing a relationship between the span and the depth of the buttress. These were empirical rules, particular for every type of arch or structure in every epoch. Thus, the typical gothic buttress is 1/4 of the vault span, but a Renaissance or baroque barrel vault will need more than 1/3 of the span. A plate-bande would require more than one half of the span; this is precisely the rule cited by the French engineer Gautier, who tried unsuccessfully to justify it by static reasons. They were used, typically, to form the lintels of windows or doors (1-2 m, typically); in Antiquity they were used, also, though rarely, at the gates of city walls or in niches (ca. 2 m, reaching 5.2 m). Plate-bandes may show particular problems: it is not unusual that some sliding of the voussoirs can be observed, particularly in thick plate-bandes. The stepped joints on Fig. 1, left, were used to avoid this problem. There are other «hidden» methods, like iron cramps or the use of stone wedges, etc. In seismic zones these devices were usual. Another problem relates to the deformation; a slight yielding of the abutments, or even the compression of the mortar joints, may lead to some cracking and the descent of the central keystone. Even a tiny descent will convert the original straight line of the intrados in a broken line with a visible «kink» or angle in the middle. Of course, both problems should be avoided. Finally, the wedge form of the voussoirs lead to acute angles in the stones and this can produce partial fractures; this occurs usually at the inferior border of the springers at the abutments. It follows, that to build a successful plate-bande is not an easy matter. Also, the structural study of plate-bandes is far from simple, and mechanics and geometry are related in a particular way. In the present paper we will concentrate on the structural aspects and their constructive consequences, with a historical approach. We will outline the development of structural analysis of plate-bandes from ca. 1700 until today. This brief history has a more than purely academic interest. Different approaches and theories pointed to particular problem, and though the solution given may have been incorrect, the question posed was often pertinent. The paper ends with the application of modern Limit Analysis of Masonry Structures, developed mainly by professor Heyman in the last fifty years. The work aims, also, to give some clues for the actual architect and engineer involved in the analysis or restoration of masonry buildings.


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The specific research described in this dissertation is based on the author’s work over the years as head of the Eduardo Torroja Institute for Construction Science’s4 Technical Unit for the Assessment of Innovative Construction Products. The hypothesis proposed is the feasibility of developing methodology able to deliver a preliminary estimate (in just 1‐3 months’ time) of the technical suitability of certain innovative construction products for their intended use. The product families studied are the object of technical assessment guides or guidelines authored by two European organisations, the Union Européenne pour l'agrément technique dans la construction (UEAtc) and the European Organization for Technical Assessment (EOTA). Such families are eligible for or have been awarded technical approvals (TAs, also referred to in English under the French term “agréments”) or European Technical Approvals (ETAs), which is presently an 11‐month process. The proposed methodology would consist of a pre‐assessment procedure referred to hereunder as DIT PREASSESSMENT/PREEVALUACIÓN (Spanish initials, PPD). Based on the experience obtained from trials, calculations and studies undertaken in the framework of this research, the proposed procedure would identify the performance factors (primarily identification and fitness for use, although also durability where ascertainable via shortterm testing) that predict construction product or system suitability in a more immediate time frame.


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Esta investigación se plantea con la hipótesis radical de cómo habitar el desierto de forma sostenible, desde una actitud pragmática y experimental basada en el progreso. La justificación se basa en primer lugar en los 2.000 millones de personas en el mundo que viven en entornos desérticos, el 80% de ellas, en países en desarrollo, porque el 40% de la superficie terrestre está bajo amenaza de desertificación afectando al 37% de la población mundial, con 12 millones de hectáreas al año perdidas por esa causa, y por último, porque se considera el desierto como un entorno de gran atractivo y potencial. El contenido de la investigación se estructura en tres movimientos: posicionamiento, mirada y acción: Desde el posicionamiento se define en primer lugar la sostenibilidad, aportando un nuevo diagrama donde se incorpora el ámbito arquitectónico como uno de los pilares principales, y, posteriormente, se establecen los criterios de evaluación de la sostenibilidad, aportando un sistema de indicadores donde se incorporan parámetros adecuados a las circunstancias del oasis. Del mismo modo, se estudian y analizan metodologías de actuación y proyectos de desarrollo sostenible existentes que enmarcan el estado del arte, constatando la dificultad de adaptación de los mismos a las condiciones de los oasis, por lo que se elabora una metodología propia donde se modifica la dinámica estratégica, de forma que el impulso se plantea desde la acción social, a través de hipótesis de estrategias basadas en sistemas low-cost, autoconstruidas, asumibles económicamente y de implantación factible. El caso de estudio específico radica en la situación extrema de las condiciones en el oasis de M’hamid, donde se evidencia un proceso de desintegración y abandono. Esto es debido a una acumulación de circunstancias externas e internas, de múltiples factores: naturales y antrópicos que afectan al oasis, llevando al extremo las condiciones climáticas y la escasez de recursos, naturales y artificiales. Factores como el cambio climático, la sequía, los cambios en las políticas del agua, la amenaza de desertificación, los conflictos sociales, el desequilibrio ecológico, la escasez económica, la crisis energética, la obsolescencia arquitectónica, el patrimonio construido prácticamente destruido, y la malentendida nueva arquitectura. Es importante constatar la escasa documentación gráfica existente sobre la zona de actuación lo que ha conllevado un amplio trabajo de documentación, tanto cartográfica como de observación directa, aportada a la tesis como investigación de elaboración propia. La mirada analítica al caso de estudio permite conocer los recursos disponibles y las potencialidades latentes del oasis de M’hamid, que permitirán actuar para subvertir la dinámica involutiva imperante, de forma que los dibujos iniciales de apropiación contextual y análisis críticos derivan en mapas de acción diagramados conformados por un sistema de objetos y la definición de estrategias transversales, deconstruyendo el pasado y reconstruyendo el futuro, incorporando sistemas alternativos que se definen en 7 líneas estratégicas de acción formuladas desde los 3 ámbitos relacionados con el ecosistema: ecológico, socio- económico y arquitectónico. Así, la tesis defiende la acción arquitectónica como impulsora del desarrollo sostenible, apoyada en 3 elementos: - la creación de objetos “tecnoartesanos”, para el aprovechamiento de los recursos energéticos - las transformaciones arquitectónicas, para reformular el hábitat desde la eficiencia energética y el progreso - y el impulso de acciones cotidianas, que redefinan las relaciones sociales, creando entornos cooperativos y colaborativos. En el ámbito ecológico se proponen actuaciones anti desertificación mediante incubadoras de árboles; sistemas alternativos de gestión del agua, como la lluvia sólida; estrategias de potenciación de la producción agrícola; la construcción de mecanismos de obtención de energía a partir de residuos, como los paneles solares con botellas PET. En el ámbito socioeconómico se plantean nuevas formas de acción social y de reactivación económica. Por último, en el ámbito urbano-arquitectónico, se incorporan modificaciones morfológicas a la arquitectura existente y una relectura contemporánea de la tierra, como material que permite nuevas geometrías, obteniendo arena petrificada por procesos microbiológicos, y potenciando la tierra como recurso artístico. Esta tesis es un punto de partida, recoge sistemas, estrategias y experiencias, para funcionar como un estímulo o impulso dinamizador del futuro desarrollo sostenible del oasis, abriendo vías de investigación y experimentación. ABSTRACT This research puts forth the radical hypothesis of how to inhabit the desert in a sustainable way, using a pragmatic and experimental approach based on progress. The justification for this resides in the fact that there are 2,000 million people in the world living in desert environments, 80% of them in developing countries. Forty percent of the earth’s surface is under threat of desertification, affecting 37% of the world population and with 12 million hectares being lost each year. And finally, the desert is considered as an attractive environment and therefore, with great potential. The content of the research is structured in three main sections: positioning, observation and action: As a point of departure, sustainability is defined, proposing a new framework where architecture is incorporated as one of the main pillars. Then, the criteria for evaluating sustainability are established. These provide a system of indicators, which incorporate parameters based on the specific circumstances of the oasis. Methodologies and existing sustainable development projects that represent the state-of-the-art are analyzed, discussing the difficulty of adapting them to conditions of oases. A methodology that modifies strategic concepts is developed, whereby the catalyst is social action, and strategies are developed based on low-cost, self-built, and feasible implementation systems. The specific case study lies in the extreme conditions in the oasis of M'hamid, where a process of decay and neglect is evident. This deterioration is due to an accumulation of external and internal circumstances, and of natural and anthropogenic factors that affect the oasis, leading to extreme weather conditions and a shortage of both natural and artificial resources. Factors include; climate change, drought, changes in water policies, the threat of desertification, social conflicts, ecological imbalance, economic shortage, the energy crisis, architectural obsolescence, destruction of built heritage, and misunderstood new architecture. It is important to note the extremely limited graphic information about the area has led me to produce an extensive archive of maps and drawings, many developed by direct observation, that contribute to the research. The case study analysis of the oasis of M'hamid examines the resources available and the latent potential to slow the prevailing trend towards deterioration. The initial drawings of contextual appropriation and critical analysis result in maps and diagrams of action, which are formed by a system of objects and the definition of strategies. These can be thought of as understanding or “deconstructing” the past to reconstruct the future. Alternative approaches defined in seven strategies for action are based on three fields related to the ecosystem: ecological, socioeconomic and architectural. Thus, the thesis defends architectural action to promote sustainable development, based on three elements: - The creation of "techno-artisans", to make use of energy resources - Architectural changes, to reformulate habitat in terms of energy efficiency and progress - And the promotion of everyday actions, to redefine social relations, creating cooperative and collaborative environments. In the ecological field, I propose anti-desertification actions such as; tree incubators, alternative water management systems(such as solid rain),; strategies to empower the agricultural production, energy from low-cost systems made out from recycled materials(such as solar panels from PET bottles or wind turbine from bicycle wheels). In the socioeconomic sphere, I propose to implement new forms of social action and economic regeneration. Finally, within the urban and architectural field, I propose morphological changes to the existing architecture and a contemporary reinterpretation of the earth as a material that allows new geometries, creating petrified sand by microbiological processes or enhancing nature as an artistic and energy resource. This thesis is a starting point. It collects systems, strategies and experiences to serve as a stimulus or dynamic momentum for future sustainable development of the oasis, opening new avenues of research and experimentation. RÉSUMÉ Cette recherche part d'une hypothèse radicale : comment habiter le désert de façon durable, et ce à partir d'une approche pragmatique et expérimentale basée sur le progrès. Cette hypothèse se justifie en raison des 2 milliards de personnes qui dans le monde habitent des environnements désertiques, 80% d'entre eux dans des pays en voie de développement, mais aussi parce que 40% de la surface de la planète est sous menace de désertification, un phénomène affectant 37% de la population mondiale et qui cause la perte de 12 millions d'hectares par an; et enfin parce que le désert est considéré comme un environnement très attrayant et fort d’un grand potentiel. Le contenu de la recherche se divise en trois mouvements: le positionnement, le regard et l'action : Du point de vue du positionnement on définit tout d'abord la durabilité, présentant un nouveau schéma où le domaine de l'architecture devient un des principaux piliers, et, par la suite, des critères d'évaluation de la durabilité sont établis, en fournissant un système d’indicateurs qui intègre les paramètres appropriés aux circonstances de l'oasis. De même, des méthodologies et des projets de développement durable existants sont étudiés et analysés, ce qui encadre l'état de l'art, remarquant la difficulté de les adapter aux conditions des oasis. De cette difficulté découle l'élaboration d'une méthodologie qui modifie la dynamique stratégique, de sorte que l'impulsion provient de l'action sociale, à travers des hypothèses de stratégie basées sur des systèmes low-cost, auto-construits, et de mise en oeuvre économiquement viable. Le cas d'étude spécifique réside en la situation extrême des conditions de l'oasis de M’hamid, où un processus de décadence et de négligence est évident. Cela est dû à une accumulation de circonstances externes et internes, de multiples facteurs: les facteurs naturels et anthropiques qui affectent l'oasis, menant à l'extrême les conditions météorologiques et la pénurie de ressources, autant naturelles qu'artificielles. Des facteurs tels que le changement climatique, la sécheresse, les changements dans les politiques de l'eau, la menace de la désertification, les conflits sociaux, le déséquilibre écologique, la pénurie économique, la crise de l'énergie, l'obsolescence architecturale, le patrimoine bâti pratiquement détruit et une mauvais compréhensif de la nouvelle architecture. Il est important de de faire remarquer le peu d'informations graphiques du domaine d'action, ce qui a conduit à un vaste travail de documentation, autant cartographique que relative à l'observation directe. Cette documentation s'ajoute à la thèse en tant que recherche propre. Le regard analytique sur le cas d'étude permet de connaître les ressources disponibles et le potentiel latent de l'oasis de M’hamid, qui agiront pour renverser la dynamique d'involution en vigueur. Ainsi, les premiers dessins d'appropriation contextuelle et analyse critique deviennent des cartes d'action schématisées formées par un système d'objets et la définition de stratégies transversales, qui déconstruisent le passé et reconstruisent l'avenir, en incorporant des systèmes alternatifs qui se définissent sur 7 lignes stratégiques d'action formulées à partir des 3 domaines en relation avec l’écosystème: l’écologique, le socio-économique et l'architectural. Ainsi, la thèse défend l'action architecturale en tant que promotrice du développement durable, et ce basé sur 3 éléments: - la création d'objets "technoartisans" pour l'exploitation des ressources énergétiques - les modifications architecturales, pour reformuler l'habitat du point de vue de l'efficacité énergétique et le progrès - et la promotion des actions quotidiennes, pour redéfinir les relations sociales, et la création d'environnements de coopération et collaboration. Dans le domaine de l'écologie des actions de lutte contre la désertification sont proposées à travers des pépinières d'arbres, des systèmes alternatifs de gestion de l'eau comme par exemple la pluie solide, des stratégies de mise en valeur de la production agricole, la construction de mécanismes de production d'énergie à partir de résidus, tels que les panneaux solaires ou les bouteilles en PET. Dans le domaine socio-économique, l'on propose de nouvelles formes d'action sociale et de reprise économique. Enfin, dans le domaine de l'urbain et de l'architectural, on incorpore des changements morphologiques à l'architecture existante et une relecture contemporaine de la terre, comme matériau qui permet de nouvelles géométries, en obtenant du sable pétrifié par des procédés microbiologiques et en mettant en valeur la terre comme une ressource artistique. Cette thèse n'est qu'un point de départ. Elle recueille des systèmes, des stratégies et des expériences pour servir de stimulus ou d'impulsion dynamisatrice du futur développement durable de l'oasis, en ouvrant des voies de recherche et d'expérimentation.


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In the past two decades the History of Construction has started to become an independent discipline. On one hand, the number of articles, theses and books that could be assigned to this field has grown exponentially. Furthermore, there have been numerous and remarkably successful Congresses: 12 National (Spain 8; France 2; United Kingdom 1; Germany 1) and 4 International Congresses (Madrid 2003, Cambridge 2006, Cottbus 2009, Paris 2012), see Table 1 below. However, the situation is far from that corresponding to an already recognized discipline, such as the History of Art or the History of Science. There are no University chairs and departments, and in the reference databases “Construction History” is not listed as a common descriptor. This is not surprising; it reflects the inertia of academia to accept new disciplines. In what follows we will discuss the current state of discipline in Spain. Previous articles have tackled the matter. We will try to avoid unnecessary repetitions and concentrate on: 1) The activities of the Spanish Society of Construction History; 2) Its consequences on teaching and research, taken as a case study the experience in the School of Architecture of Madrid, and 3) We will give a provisional List of dissertations on Construction History read in Spain in the last forty years. First, we will try to define with the least possible ambiguity its field and its objectives. The intention is not to enter into the actual debate on the "definition" of Construction History, but to expose, in as detached as possible way, the ideas behind the actions made.


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Introduction and motivation: A wide variety of organisms have developed in-ternal biomolecular clocks in order to adapt to cyclic changes of the environment. Clock operation involves genetic networks. These genetic networks have to be mod¬eled in order to understand the underlying mechanism of oscillations and to design new synthetic cellular clocks. This doctoral thesis has resulted in two contributions to the fields of genetic clocks and systems and synthetic biology, generally. The first contribution is a new genetic circuit model that exhibits an oscillatory behav¬ior through catalytic RNA molecules. The second and major contribution is a new genetic circuit model demonstrating that a repressor molecule acting on the positive feedback of a self-activating gene produces reliable oscillations. First contribution: A new model of a synthetic genetic oscillator based on a typical two-gene motif with one positive and one negative feedback loop is pre¬sented. The originality is that the repressor is a catalytic RNA molecule rather than a protein or a non-catalytic RNA molecule. This catalytic RNA is a ribozyme that acts post-transcriptionally by binding to and cleaving target mRNA molecules. This genetic clock involves just two genes, a mRNA and an activator protein, apart from the ribozyme. Parameter values that produce a circadian period in both determin¬istic and stochastic simulations have been chosen as an example of clock operation. The effects of the stochastic fluctuations are quantified by a period histogram and autocorrelation function. The conclusion is that catalytic RNA molecules can act as repressor proteins and simplify the design of genetic oscillators. Second and major contribution: It is demonstrated that a self-activating gene in conjunction with a simple negative interaction can easily produce robust matically validated. This model is comprised of two clearly distinct parts. The first is a positive feedback created by a protein that binds to the promoter of its own gene and activates the transcription. The second is a negative interaction in which a repressor molecule prevents this protein from binding to its promoter. A stochastic study shows that the system is robust to noise. A deterministic study identifies that the oscillator dynamics are mainly driven by two types of biomolecules: the protein, and the complex formed by the repressor and this protein. The main conclusion of this study is that a simple and usual negative interaction, such as degradation, se¬questration or inhibition, acting on the positive transcriptional feedback of a single gene is a sufficient condition to produce reliable oscillations. One gene is enough and the positive transcriptional feedback signal does not need to activate a second repressor gene. At the genetic level, this means that an explicit negative feedback loop is not necessary. Unlike many genetic oscillators, this model needs neither cooperative binding reactions nor the formation of protein multimers. Applications and future research directions: Recently, RNA molecules have been found to play many new catalytic roles. The first oscillatory genetic model proposed in this thesis uses ribozymes as repressor molecules. This could provide new synthetic biology design principles and a better understanding of cel¬lular clocks regulated by RNA molecules. The second genetic model proposed here involves only a repression acting on a self-activating gene and produces robust oscil¬lations. Unlike current two-gene oscillators, this model surprisingly does not require a second repressor gene. This result could help to clarify the design principles of cellular clocks and constitute a new efficient tool for engineering synthetic genetic oscillators. Possible follow-on research directions are: validate models in vivo and in vitro, research the potential of second model as a genetic memory, investigate new genetic oscillators regulated by non-coding RNAs and design a biosensor of positive feedbacks in genetic networks based on the operation of the second model Resumen Introduccion y motivacion: Una amplia variedad de organismos han desarro-llado relojes biomoleculares internos con el fin de adaptarse a los cambios ciclicos del entorno. El funcionamiento de estos relojes involucra redes geneticas. El mo delado de estas redes geneticas es esencial tanto para entender los mecanismos que producen las oscilaciones como para diseiiar nuevos circuitos sinteticos en celulas. Esta tesis doctoral ha dado lugar a dos contribuciones dentro de los campos de los circuitos geneticos en particular, y biologia de sistemas y sintetica en general. La primera contribucion es un nuevo modelo de circuito genetico que muestra un comportamiento oscilatorio usando moleculas de ARN cataliticas. La segunda y principal contribucion es un nuevo modelo de circuito genetico que demuestra que una molecula represora actuando sobre el lazo de un gen auto-activado produce oscilaciones robustas. Primera contribucion: Es un nuevo modelo de oscilador genetico sintetico basado en una tipica red genetica compuesta por dos genes con dos lazos de retroa-limentacion, uno positivo y otro negativo. La novedad de este modelo es que el represor es una molecula de ARN catalftica, en lugar de una protefna o una molecula de ARN no-catalitica. Este ARN catalitico es una ribozima que actua despues de la transcription genetica uniendose y cortando moleculas de ARN mensajero (ARNm). Este reloj genetico involucra solo dos genes, un ARNm y una proteina activadora, aparte de la ribozima. Como ejemplo de funcionamiento, se han escogido valores de los parametros que producen oscilaciones con periodo circadiano (24 horas) tanto en simulaciones deterministas como estocasticas. El efecto de las fluctuaciones es-tocasticas ha sido cuantificado mediante un histograma del periodo y la función de auto-correlacion. La conclusion es que las moleculas de ARN con propiedades cataliticas pueden jugar el misnio papel que las protemas represoras, y por lo tanto, simplificar el diseno de los osciladores geneticos. Segunda y principal contribucion: Es un nuevo modelo de oscilador genetico que demuestra que un gen auto-activado junto con una simple interaction negativa puede producir oscilaciones robustas. Este modelo ha sido estudiado y validado matematicamente. El modelo esta compuesto de dos partes bien diferenciadas. La primera parte es un lazo de retroalimentacion positiva creado por una proteina que se une al promotor de su propio gen activando la transcription. La segunda parte es una interaction negativa en la que una molecula represora evita la union de la proteina con el promotor. Un estudio estocastico muestra que el sistema es robusto al ruido. Un estudio determinista muestra que la dinamica del sistema es debida principalmente a dos tipos de biomoleculas: la proteina, y el complejo formado por el represor y esta proteina. La conclusion principal de este estudio es que una simple y usual interaction negativa, tal como una degradation, un secuestro o una inhibition, actuando sobre el lazo de retroalimentacion positiva de un solo gen es una condition suficiente para producir oscilaciones robustas. Un gen es suficiente y el lazo de retroalimentacion positiva no necesita activar a un segundo gen represor, tal y como ocurre en los relojes actuales con dos genes. Esto significa que a nivel genetico un lazo de retroalimentacion negativa no es necesario de forma explicita. Ademas, este modelo no necesita reacciones cooperativas ni la formation de multimeros proteicos, al contrario que en muchos osciladores geneticos. Aplicaciones y futuras lineas de investigacion: En los liltimos anos, se han descubierto muchas moleculas de ARN con capacidad catalitica. El primer modelo de oscilador genetico propuesto en esta tesis usa ribozimas como moleculas repre¬soras. Esto podria proporcionar nuevos principios de diseno en biologia sintetica y una mejor comprension de los relojes celulares regulados por moleculas de ARN. El segundo modelo de oscilador genetico propuesto aqui involucra solo una represion actuando sobre un gen auto-activado y produce oscilaciones robustas. Sorprendente-mente, un segundo gen represor no es necesario al contrario que en los bien conocidos osciladores con dos genes. Este resultado podria ayudar a clarificar los principios de diseno de los relojes celulares naturales y constituir una nueva y eficiente he-rramienta para crear osciladores geneticos sinteticos. Algunas de las futuras lineas de investigation abiertas tras esta tesis son: (1) la validation in vivo e in vitro de ambos modelos, (2) el estudio del potential del segundo modelo como circuito base para la construction de una memoria genetica, (3) el estudio de nuevos osciladores geneticos regulados por ARN no codificante y, por ultimo, (4) el rediseno del se¬gundo modelo de oscilador genetico para su uso como biosensor capaz de detectar genes auto-activados en redes geneticas.