29 resultados para Domain-specific visual language

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The dHDL language has been defined to improve hardware design productivity. This is achieved through the definition of a better reuse interface (including parameters, attributes and macroports) and the creation of control structures that help the designer in the hardware generation process.


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We present a methodology for legacy language resource adaptation that generates domain-specific sentiment lexicons organized around domain entities described with lexical information and sentiment words described in the context of these entities. We explain the steps of the methodology and we give a working example of our initial results. The resulting lexicons are modelled as Linked Data resources by use of established formats for Linguistic Linked Data (lemon, NIF) and for linked sentiment expressions (Marl), thereby contributing and linking to existing Language Resources in the Linguistic Linked Open Data cloud.


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In this paper we present a dataset componsed of domain-specific sentiment lexicons in six languages for two domains. We used existing collections of reviews from Trip Advisor, Amazon, the Stanford Network Analysis Project and the OpinRank Review Dataset. We use an RDF model based on the lemon and Marl formats to represent the lexicons. We describe the methodology that we applied to generate the domain-specific lexicons and we provide access information to our datasets.


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As a common reference for many in-development standards and execution frameworks, special attention is being paid to Service-Oriented Architectures. SOAs modeling, however, is an area in which a consensus has not being achieved. Currently, standardization organizations are defining proposals to offer a solution to this problem. Nevertheless, until very recently, non-functional aspects of services have not been considered for standardization processes. In particular, there exists a lack of a design solution that permits an independent development of the functional and non-functional concerns of SOAs, allowing that each concern be addressed in a convenient manner in early stages of the development, in a way that could guarantee the quality of this type of systems. This paper, leveraging on previous work, presents an approach to integrate security-related non-functional aspects (such as confidentiality, integrity, and access control) in the development of services.


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Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA), and Web Services (WS), the technology generally used to implement them, achieve the integration of heterogeneous technologies, providing interoperability, and yielding the reutilization of pre-existent systems. Model-driven development methodologies provide inherent benefits such as increased productivity, greater reuse, and better maintainability, to name a few. Efforts on achieving model-driven development of SOAs already exist, but there is currently no standard solution that addresses non-functional aspects of these services as well. This paper presents an approach to integrate these non-functional aspects in the development of web services, with an emphasis on security.


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RESUMEN En los últimos años, debido al incremento en la demanda por parte de las empresas de tecnologías que posibiliten la monitorización y el análisis de un gran volumen de datos en tiempo real, la tecnología CEP (Complex Event Processing) ha surgido como una potencia en alza y su uso se ha incrementado notablemente en ciertos sectores como, por ejemplo, la gestión y automatización de procesos de negocios, finanzas, monitorización de redes y aplicaciones, así como redes de sensores inteligentes como el caso de estudio en el que nos centraremos. CEP se basa en un lenguaje de procesamiento de eventos (Event Processing Language,EPL) cuya utilización puede resultar bastante compleja para usuarios inexpertos. Esta complejidad supone un hándicap y, por lo tanto, un problema a la hora de que su uso se extienda. Este Proyecto Fin de Grado (PFG) pretende dar una solución a este problema, acercando al usuario la tecnología CEP mediante técnicas de abstracción y modelado. Para ello, este PFG ha definido un lenguaje de modelado específico dominio, sencillo e intuitivo para el usuario inexperto, al que se ha dado soporte mediante el desarrollo de una herramienta de modelado gráfico (CEP Modeler) en la que se pueden modelar consultas CEP de forma gráfica, sencilla y de manera más accesible para el usuario. ABSTRACT Over recent years, more and more companies demand technology for monitoring and analyzing a vast volume of data in real time. In this regard, the CEP technology (Complex Event Processing) has emerged as a novel approach to that end, and its use has increased dramatically in certain domains, such as, management and automation of business processes, finance, monitoring of networks and applications, as well as smart sensor networks as the case study in which we will focus. CEP is based on in the Event Processing Language (EPL). This language can be rather difficult to use for new users. This complexity can be a handicap, and therefore, a problem at the time of extending its use. This project aims to provide a solution to this problem, trying to approach the CEP technology to users through abstraction and modelling techniques. To that end, this project has defined an intuitive and simple domain-specific modelling language for new users through a web tool (CEP Modeler) for graphically modeling CEP queries, in an easier and more accessible way.


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La evolución de las redes eléctricas se dirige hacia lo que se conoce como “Smart Grids” o “Redes Eléctricas Inteligentes”. Estas “Smart Grids” se componen de subestaciones eléctricas, que a su vez se componen de unos dispositivos llamados IEDs (Dispositivos Electrónicos Inteligentes – Intelligent Electronic Devices). El diseño de IEDs se encuentra definido en la norma IEC 61850, que especifica además un Lenguaje de Configuración de Subestaciones (Substation Configuration Language SCL) para la definición de la configuración de subestaciones y sus IEDs. Hoy en día, este estándar internacional no sólo se utiliza para diseñar correctamente IEDs y asegurar su interoperabilidad, sino que también se utiliza para el diseño de otros dispositivos de la red eléctrica, como por ejemplo, medidores inteligentes. Sin embargo, aunque existe una tendencia cada vez mayor del uso de este estándar, la comprensión y el manejo del mismo resulta difícil debido al gran volumen de información que lo compone y del nivel de detalle que utiliza, por lo que su uso para el diseño de IEDs se hace tedioso sin la ayuda de un soporte software. Es por ello que, para facilitar la aplicación del estándar IEC 61850 en el diseño de IEDs se han desarrollado herramientas como “Visual SCL”, “SCL Explorer” o “61850 SCLVisual Design Tool”. En concreto, “61850 SCLVisual Design Tool” es una herramienta gráfica para el modelado de subestaciones electricas, generada mediante el uso de los frameworks Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) y Epsilon Generative Modeling Technologies (GMT) y desarrollada por el grupo de investigación SYST de la UPM. El objetivo de este proyecto es añadir una nueva funcionalidad a la herramienta “61850 Visual SCL DesignTool”. Esta nueva funcionalidad consiste en la generación automática de un fichero de configuración de subestaciones eléctricas según el estándar IEC 61850 a partir de de una herramienta de diseño gráfico. Este fichero, se denomina SCD (Substation Configuration Description), y se trata de un fichero XML conforme a un esquema XSD (XML Schema Definition) mediante el que se define el lenguaje de configuración de subestaciones SCL del IEC 61850. Para el desarrollo de este proyecto, es necesario el estudio del lenguaje para la configuración de subestaciones SCL, así como del lenguaje gráfico específico de dominio definido por la herramienta “61850 SCLVisual Design Tool”, la estructura de los ficheros SCD, y finalmente, del lenguaje EGL (Epsilon Generation Language) para la transformación y generación automática de código a partir de modelos EMF. ABSTRACT Electrical networks are evolving to “Smart Grids”. Smart Grids are composed of electrical substations that in turn are composed of devices called IEDs (Intelligent Electronic Devices). The design of IEDs is defined by the IEC 61850 standard, which also specifies a Substation Configuration Languaje (SCL) used to define the configuration of substations and their IEDs. Nowadays, this international standard is not only used to design properly IEDs and guarantee their interoperability, but it is also used to design different electrical network devices, such as, smart meters. However, although the use of this standard is growing, its compression as well as its management, is still difficult due to its large volume of information and its level of detail. As a result, designing IEDs becomes a tedious task without a software support. As a consequence of this, in order to make easier the application of the IEC 61850 standard while designing IEDs, some software tools have been developed, such as: “Visual SCL”, “SCL Explorer” or “61850 SCLVisual Design Tool”. In particular, “61850 SCLVisual Design Tool” is a graphical tool used to make electrical substations models, and developed with the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) and Epsilon Generative Modeling Technologies (GMT) by the research group SYST of the UPM. The aim of this project is to add a new functionality to “61850 Visual SCL DesignTool”. This new functionality consists of the automatic code generation of a substation configuration file according to the IEC 61850 standard. This file is called SCD (Substation Configuration Description), and it is a XML file that follows a XSD (XML Schema Definition) that defines the Substation Configuration Language (SCL) of the IEC 61850. In order to develop this project, it is necessary to study the Substation Configuration Language (SCL), the domain-specific graphical languaje defined by the tool “61850 SCLVisual Design Tool”, the structure of a SCD file, and the Epsilon Generation Language (EGL) used for the automatic code generation from EMF models


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When mapping is formulated in a Bayesian framework, the need of specifying a prior for the environment arises naturally. However, so far, the use of a particular structure prior has been coupled to working with a particular representation. We describe a system that supports inference with multiple priors while keeping the same dense representation. The priors are rigorously described by the user in a domain-specific language. Even though we work very close to the measurement space, we are able to represent structure constraints with the same expressivity as methods based on geometric primitives. This approach allows the intrinsic degrees of freedom of the environment’s shape to be recovered. Experiments with simulated and real data sets will be presented


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Durante el transcurso de esta Tesis Doctoral se ha realizado un estudio de la problemática asociada al desarrollo de sistemas de interacción hombre-máquina sensibles al contexto. Este problema se enmarca dentro de dos áreas de investigación: los sistemas interactivos y las fuentes de información contextual. Tradicionalmente la integración entre ambos campos se desarrollaba a través de soluciones verticales específicas, que abstraen a los sistemas interactivos de conocer los procedimientos de bajo nivel de acceso a la información contextual, pero limitan su interoperabilidad con otras aplicaciones y fuentes de información. Para solventar esta limitación se hace imprescindible potenciar soluciones interoperables que permitan acceder a la información del mundo real a través de procedimientos homogéneos. Esta problemática coincide perfectamente con los escenarios de \Computación Ubicua" e \Internet de las Cosas", donde se apunta a un futuro en el que los objetos que nos rodean serán capaces de obtener información del entorno y comunicarla a otros objetos y personas. Los sistemas interactivos, al ser capaces de obtener información de su entorno a través de la interacción con el usuario, pueden tomar un papel especial en este escenario tanto como consumidores como productores de información. En esta Tesis se ha abordado la integración de ambos campos teniendo en cuenta este escenario tecnológico. Para ello, en primer lugar se ha realizado un an álisis de las iniciativas más importantes para la definición y diseño de sistemas interactivos, y de las principales infraestructuras de suministro de información. Mediante este estudio se ha propuesto utilizar el lenguaje SCXML del W3C para el diseño de los sistemas interactivos y el procesamiento de los datos proporcionados por fuentes de contexto. Así, se ha reflejado cómo las capacidades del lenguaje SCXML para combinar información de diferentes modalidades pueden también utilizarse para procesar e integrar información contextual de diferentes fuentes heterogéneas, y por consiguiente diseñar sistemas de interacción sensibles al contexto. Del mismo modo se presenta a la iniciativa Sensor Web, y a su extensión semántica Semantic Sensor Web, como una iniciativa idónea para permitir un acceso y suministro homogéneo de la información a los sistemas interactivos sensibles al contexto. Posteriormente se han analizado los retos que plantea la integración de ambos tipos de iniciativas. Como resultado se ha conseguido establecer una serie de funcionalidades que son necesarias implementar para llevar a cabo esta integración. Utilizando tecnologías que aportan una gran flexibilidad al proceso de implementación y que se apoyan en recomendaciones y estándares actuales, se implementaron una serie de desarrollos experimentales que integraban las funcionalidades identificadas anteriormente. Finalmente, con el fin de validar nuestra propuesta, se realizaron un conjunto de experimentos sobre un entorno de experimentación que simula el escenario de la conducción. En este escenario un sistema interactivo se comunica con una extensión semántica de una plataforma basada en los estándares de la Sensor Web para poder obtener información y publicar las observaciones que el usuario realizaba al sistema. Los resultados obtenidos han demostrado la viabilidad de utilizar el lenguaje SCXML para el diseño de sistemas interactivos sensibles al contexto que requieren acceder a plataformas avanzadas de información para consumir y publicar información a la vez que interaccionan con el usuario. Del mismo modo, se ha demostrado cómo la utilización de tecnologías semánticas en los procesos de consulta y publicación de información puede facilitar la reutilización de la información publicada en infraestructuras Sensor Web por cualquier tipo de aplicación, y de este modo contribuir al futuro escenario de Internet de las Cosas. ABSTRACT In this Thesis, we have addressed the difficulties related to the development of context-aware human-machine interaction systems. This issue is part of two research fields: interactive systems and contextual information sources. Traditionally both fields have been integrated through domain-specific vertical solutions that allow interactive systems to access contextual information without having to deal with low-level procedures, but restricting their interoperability with other applications and heterogeneous data sources. Thus, it is essential to boost the research on interoperable solutions that provide access to real world information through homogeneous procedures. This issue perfectly matches with the scenarios of \Ubiquitous Computing" and \Internet of Things", which point toward a future in which many objects around us will be able to acquire meaningful information about the environment and communicate it to other objects and to people. Since interactive systems are able to get information from their environment through interaction with the user, they can play an important role in this scenario as they can both consume real-world data and produce enriched information. This Thesis deals with the integration of both fields considering this technological scenario. In order to do this, we first carried out an analysis of the most important initiatives for the definition and design of interactive systems, and the main infrastructures for providing information. Through this study the use of the W3C SCXML language is proposed for both the design of interactive systems and the processing of data provided by different context sources. Thus, this work has shown how the SCXML capabilities for combining information from different modalities can also be used to process and integrate contextual information from different heterogeneous sensor sources, and therefore to develope context-aware interaction systems. Similarly, we present the Sensor Web initiative, and its semantic extension Semantic Sensor Web, as an appropriate initiative to allow uniform access and delivery of information to the context-aware interactive systems. Subsequently we have analyzed the challenges of integrating both types of initiatives: SCXML and (Semantic) Sensor Web. As a result, we state a number of functionalities that are necessary to implement in order to perform this integration. By using technologies that provide exibility to the implementation process and are based on current recommendations and standards, we implemented a series of experimental developments that integrate the identified functionalities. Finally, in order to validate our approach, we conducted different experiments with a testing environment simulating a driving scenario. In this framework an interactive system can access a semantic extension of a Telco plataform, based on the standards of the Sensor Web, to acquire contextual information and publish observations that the user performed to the system. The results showed the feasibility of using the SCXML language for designing context-aware interactive systems that require access to advanced sensor platforms for consuming and publishing information while interacting with the user. In the same way, it was shown how the use of semantic technologies in the processes of querying and publication sensor data can assist in reusing and sharing the information published by any application in Sensor Web infrastructures, and thus contribute to realize the future scenario of \Internet of Things".


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The aim of this paper is to discuss the meaning of five neologisms in the domain of videogames in Spanish: título, aventura, personaje, plataforma, and rol. Our study focuses on a special type of neologism since the Spanish terms we deal with here are not strictly new words; they are what have been called sense neologisms or neosemanticisms, that is, old words taking a new sense in a different domain. These words were identified as new concepts after a process of analysis based on contextual evidence. This study of neology is based on the analysis of a corpus of press articles evaluating videogames published by the Spanish newspaper El País from 1998 to 2008. The analysis of the instances of use of domain specific terms in the corpus revealed that they acquired new senses different to those they have in other domains where they are also used. The paper explains the process of discovering the specialized meaning these words have developed in the domain of videogames and how the analysis of collocational behavior helps in the process of discovering the new sense and in the design of the definition provided.


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Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado recoge el diseño e implementación de un compilador y una librería de entorno de ejecución para el lenguaje específico del dominio TESL, un lenguaje de alto nivel para el análisis de series temporales diseñado por un grupo de investigación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Este compilador es el primer compilador completo disponible para TESL y sirve como base para la continuación del desarrollo del lenguaje, estando ideado para permitir su adaptación a cambios en el mismo. El compilador ha sido implementado en Java siguiendo la arquitectura clásica para este tipo de aplicaciones, incluyendo un Analizador Léxico, Sintáctico y Semántico, así como un Generador de Código. Se ha documentado su arquitectura y las decisiones de diseño que han conducido a la misma. Además, se ha demostrado su funcionamiento con un caso práctico de análisis de eventos en métricas de servidores. Por último, se ha documentado el lenguaje TESL, en cuyo desarrollo se ha colaborado. ---ABSTRACT---This Bachelor’s Thesis describes the design and implementation of a compiler and a runtime library for the domain-specific language TESL, a high-level language for analyzing time series events developed by a research group from the Technical University of Madrid. This is the first fully implemented TESL compiler, and serves as basis for the continuation of the development of the language. The compiler has been implemented in Java following the classical architecture for this kind of systems, having a four phase compilation with a Lexer, a Parser, a Semantic Analyzer and a Code Generator. Its architecture and the design decisions that lead to it have been documented. Its use has been demonstrated in an use-case in the domain of server metrics. Finally, the TESL language itself has been extended and documented.


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The aim of this paper is to discuss the meaning of five neologisms in the domain of videogames in Spanish: título, aventura, personaje, plataforma, and rol. Our study focuses on a special type of neologism since the Spanish terms we deal with here are not strictly new words; they are what have been called sense neologisms or neosemanticisms, that is, old words taking a new sense in a different domain. These words were identified as new concepts after a process of analysis based on contextual evidence. This study of neology is based on the analysis of a corpus of press articles evaluating videogames published by the Spanish newspaper El País from 1998 to 2008. The analysis of the instances of use of domain specific terms in the corpus revealed that they acquired new senses different to those they have in other domains where they are also used. The paper explains the process of discovering the specialized meaning these words have developed in the domain of videogames and how the analysis of collocational behavior helps in the process of discovering the new sense and in the design of the definition provided. RESUMEN: En este trabajo se presentan cinco neologismos del ámbito del videojuego en español: “título”, “aventura”, “personaje”, “plataforma” y “rol”. Se trata de un tipo especial de neologismo, conocido también como “neologismo semántico” o “neosemanticismo”, ya que son palabras ya existentes en la lengua que adquieren un nuevo significado. Los nuevos significados que adquieren estos términos en el ámbito del videojuego se establecieron tras el análisis del contexto de uso en un corpus periodístico de críticas de videojuegos. Este corpus recoge las críticas de videojuegos publicadas por el periódico El País entre 1998 y 2008. El análisis de los casos de uso de los términos en el corpus de videojuegos reveló que adquirían un nuevo significado diferente al de su uso en otros ámbitos o en el lenguaje general. El artículo describe cada uno de los neologismos y el proceso de análisis contextual que conduce a descubrir el nuevo significado y elaborar su definición.


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El Framework Lógico de Edimburgo ha demostrado ser una poderosa herramienta en el estudio formal de sistemas deductivos, como por ejemplo lenguajes de programación. Sin embargo su principal implementación, el sistema Twelf, carece de expresividad, obligando al programador a escribir código repetitivo. Este proyecto presenta una manera alternativa de utilizar Twelf: a través de un EDSL (Lenguaje Embebido de Dominio Específico) en Scala que permite representar firmas del Framework Lógico, y apoyándonos en Twelf como backend para la verificación, abrimos la puerta a diversas posibilidades en términos de metaprogramación. El código fuente, así como instrucciones para instalar y configurar, está accesible en https://github.com/akathorn/elfcala. ---ABSTRACT---The Edinburgh Logical Framework has proven to be to be a powerful tool in the formal study of deductive systems, such as programming languages. However, its main implementation, the Twelf system, lacks expressiveness, requiring the programmer to write repetitive code. This project presents an alternative way of using Twelf: by providing a Scala EDSL (Embedded Domain Specific Language) that can encode Logical Framework signatures and relying on Twelf as a backend for the verification, we open the door to different possibilities in terms of metaprogramming. The source code, along with instructions to install and configure, is accessible at https://github.com/akathorn/elfcala


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This paper describes a framework for annotation on travel blogs based on subjectivity (FATS). The framework has the capability to auto-annotate -sentence by sentence- sections from blogs (posts) about travelling in the Spanish language. FATS is used in this experiment to annotate com- ponents from travel blogs in order to create a corpus of 300 annotated posts. Each subjective element in a sentence is annotated as positive or negative as appropriate. Currently correct annotations add up to about 95 per cent in our subset of the travel domain. By means of an iterative process of annotation we can create a subjectively annotated domain specific corpus.


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The properties of data and activities in business processes can be used to greatly facilítate several relevant tasks performed at design- and run-time, such as fragmentation, compliance checking, or top-down design. Business processes are often described using workflows. We present an approach for mechanically inferring business domain-specific attributes of workflow components (including data Ítems, activities, and elements of sub-workflows), taking as starting point known attributes of workflow inputs and the structure of the workflow. We achieve this by modeling these components as concepts and applying sharing analysis to a Horn clause-based representation of the workflow. The analysis is applicable to workflows featuring complex control and data dependencies, embedded control constructs, such as loops and branches, and embedded component services.