6 resultados para Diversion

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Run-of-river hydropower plants usually lack significant storage capacity; therefore, the more adequate control strategy would consist of keeping a constant water level at the intake pond in order to harness the maximum amount of energy from the river flow or to reduce the surface flooded in the head pond. In this paper, a standard PI control system of a run-of-river diversion hydropower plant with surge tank and a spillway in the head pond that evacuates part of the river flow plant is studied. A stability analysis based on the Routh-Hurwitz criterion is carried out and a practical criterion for tuning the gains of the PI controller is proposed. Conclusions about the head pond and surge tank areas are drawn from the stability analysis. Finally, this criterion is applied to a real hydropower plant in design state; the importance of considering the spillway dimensions and turbine characteristic curves for adequate tuning of the controller gains is highlighted


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A particle accelerator is any device that, using electromagnetic fields, is able to communicate energy to charged particles (typically electrons or ionized atoms), accelerating and/or energizing them up to the required level for its purpose. The applications of particle accelerators are countless, beginning in a common TV CRT, passing through medical X-ray devices, and ending in large ion colliders utilized to find the smallest details of the matter. Among the other engineering applications, the ion implantation devices to obtain better semiconductors and materials of amazing properties are included. Materials supporting irradiation for future nuclear fusion plants are also benefited from particle accelerators. There are many devices in a particle accelerator required for its correct operation. The most important are the particle sources, the guiding, focalizing and correcting magnets, the radiofrequency accelerating cavities, the fast deflection devices, the beam diagnostic mechanisms and the particle detectors. Most of the fast particle deflection devices have been built historically by using copper coils and ferrite cores which could effectuate a relatively fast magnetic deflection, but needed large voltages and currents to counteract the high coil inductance in a response in the microseconds range. Various beam stability considerations and the new range of energies and sizes of present time accelerators and their rings require new devices featuring an improved wakefield behaviour and faster response (in the nanoseconds range). This can only be achieved by an electromagnetic deflection device based on a transmission line. The electromagnetic deflection device (strip-line kicker) produces a transverse displacement on the particle beam travelling close to the speed of light, in order to extract the particles to another experiment or to inject them into a different accelerator. The deflection is carried out by the means of two short, opposite phase pulses. The diversion of the particles is exerted by the integrated Lorentz force of the electromagnetic field travelling along the kicker. This Thesis deals with a detailed calculation, manufacturing and test methodology for strip-line kicker devices. The methodology is then applied to two real cases which are fully designed, built, tested and finally installed in the CTF3 accelerator facility at CERN (Geneva). Analytical and numerical calculations, both in 2D and 3D, are detailed starting from the basic specifications in order to obtain a conceptual design. Time domain and frequency domain calculations are developed in the process using different FDM and FEM codes. The following concepts among others are analyzed: scattering parameters, resonating high order modes, the wakefields, etc. Several contributions are presented in the calculation process dealing specifically with strip-line kicker devices fed by electromagnetic pulses. Materials and components typically used for the fabrication of these devices are analyzed in the manufacturing section. Mechanical supports and connexions of electrodes are also detailed, presenting some interesting contributions on these concepts. The electromagnetic and vacuum tests are then analyzed. These tests are required to ensure that the manufactured devices fulfil the specifications. Finally, and only from the analytical point of view, the strip-line kickers are studied together with a pulsed power supply based on solid state power switches (MOSFETs). The solid state technology applied to pulsed power supplies is introduced and several circuit topologies are modelled and simulated to obtain fast and good flat-top pulses.


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El propósito de la presente investigación es determinar si, a través del estudio y análisis de los estudios de tráfico en autopistas de peaje, se pueden determinar las razones de los incumplimientos en las previsiones de estos estudios. La metodología se basa en un análisis empírico ex- post facto de los estudios de tráfico contenidos en los anteproyectos de las autopistas Radial 3 y Radial 5 y los datos realmente verificados. Tras una introducción para presentar las principales características de las autopistas de peaje, se realiza una revisión de la bibliografía sobre el cumplimiento de las previsiones de tráfico. Lo anterior permite establecer una serie de aspectos que pueden contribuir a estos incumplimientos, así como una serie de medidas encontradas para mejorar las futuras previsiones. Ya en el núcleo fundamental de la investigación, esta se centra en el análisis del cumplimiento de las previsiones de tráfico contenidas en los anteproyectos de la Radial 3 y Radial 5. Se realiza un análisis crítico de la metodología adoptada, así como de las variables e hipótesis realizadas. Tras este primer análisis, se profundiza en la fase de asignación de los estudios. Siempre con base a los tráficos reales y para el año 2006, se cuantifica el efecto en los incumplimientos, por un lado de las variables utilizadas, y por otro, del propio método ó curva de asignación. Finalmente, y con base en los hallazgos anteriores, se determinan una serie de limitaciones en el método de asignación de tráficos entre recorridos alternativos para el caso de entornos urbanos usado. El planteamiento con base a las teorías del agente racional y maximización de la utilidad esperada es criticado desde la perspectiva de la teoría de decisión bajo condiciones de riesgo planteada por Kahneman y Tversky. Para superar las limitaciones anteriores, se propone una nueva curva de asignación semi empírica que relaciona la proporción del tráfico que circula por la autopista de peaje con la velocidad media en la autovía libre alternativa. ABSTRACT The aim of this research is to confirm whether the forensic analysis of the traffic forecast studies for tolled highways may bring to light the reasons behind the lack of accuracy. The methodology used on this research is empirical and is based on the ex –post facto analysis of the real traffic numbers compared to the forecasted for the tolled highways Radial 3 and Radial 5. Firstly the main features of tolled highways are presented as an introductory chapter. Secondly a broad bibliographic search is presented, this is done from a global perspective and from the Spanish perspective too. From this review, a list of the main causes behind the systematic inaccuracy together with measures to improve future traffic forecast exercises are shown. In what we could consider as the core of the research, it focuses on the ratios of actual / forecast traffic for the tolled highways Radial 3 y Radial 5 in Madrid outskirts. From a critical perspective, the methodology and inputs used in the traffic studies are analysed. In a further step, the trip assignment stage is scrutinised to quantify the influence of the inputs and the assignment model itself in the accuracy of the traffic studies. This exercise is bases on the year 2006. Finally, the assignment model used is criticised for its application in tolled urban highways. The assumptions behind the model, rational agent and expected utility maximization theories, are questioned under the theories presented by Kahneman and Tversky (Prospect Theory). To overcome these assignment model limitations, the author presents a semi empiric new diversion curve. This curve links the traffic proportion using the tolled highway and the average speed in the toll free alternative highway.


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Modernization of irrigation schemes, generally understood as transformation of surface irrigation systems into pressure –sprinkler and trickle- irrigation systems, aims at, among others, improving irrigation efficiency and reduction of operation and maintenance efforts made by the irrigators. However, pressure irrigation systems, in contrast, carry a serious energy cost. Energy requirements depend on decisions taken on management strategies during the operation phase, which are conditioned by previous decisions taken on the design project of the different elements which compose the irrigation system. Most of the countries where irrigation activity is significant bear in mind that modernization irrigation must play a key role in the agricultural infrastructure policies. The objective of this study is to characterize and estimate the mean and variation of the energy consumed by common types of irrigation systems and their management possibilities. The work includes all processes involved from the diversion of water into irrigation specific infrastructure to water discharge by the emitters installed on the crop fields. Simulation taking into account all elements comprising the irrigation system has been used to estimate the energy requirements of typical irrigation systems of several crop production systems. It has been applied to extensive and intensive crop systems, such us extensive winter crops, summer crops and olive trees, fruit trees and vineyards and intensive horticulture in greenhouses. The simulation of various types of irrigation systems and management strategies, in the framework imposed by particular cropping systems, would help to develop criteria for improving the energy balance in relation to the irrigation water supply productivity.


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Lately, several researchers have pointed out that climate change is expected to increase temperatures and lower rainfall in Mediterranean regions, simultaneously increasing the intensity of extreme rainfall events. These changes could have consequences regarding rainfall regime, erosion, sediment transport and water quality, soil management, and new designs in diversion ditches. Climate change is expected to result in increasingly unpredictable and variable rainfall, in amount and timing, changing seasonal patterns and increasing the frequency of extreme weather events. Consequently, the evolution of frequency and intensity of drought periods is of most important as in agro-ecosystems many processes will be affected by them. Realising the complex and important consequences of an increasing frequency of extreme droughts at the Ebro River basin, our aim is to study the evolution of drought events at this site statistically, with emphasis on the occurrence and intensity of them. For this purpose, fourteen meteorological stations were selected based on the length of the rainfall series and the climatic classification to obtain a representative untreated dataset from the river basin. Daily rainfall series from 1957 to 2002 were obtained from each meteorological station and no-rain period frequency as the consecutive numbers of days were extracted. Based on this data, we study changes in the probability distribution in several sub-periods. Moreover we used the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) for identification of drought events in a year scale and then we use this index to fit log-linear models to the contingency tables between the SPI index and the sub-periods, this adjusted is carried out with the help of ANOVA inference.


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Esta Tesis analiza, en primer lugar, las posibilidades y condiciones de los puertos españoles de Algeciras, Valencia y Barcelona para acoger en el futuro una terminal totalmente automatizada (robotizada) de contenedores con una capacidad aproximada de 1,3-1,4 millones de contenedores/año o 2 millones de TEU/año. Entre las posibles amenazas y oportunidades que pueden afectar al actual tráfico de esos puertos, la Tesis se centra en el desvío del tráfico de contenedores de transbordo, la sustitución de los tráficos marinos por tráficos ferroviarios, la posibilidad de convertir al Mediterráneo español en la puerta de entrada de productos asiáticos, el cambio de la ruta Asia-Europa a través del Canal de Suez por la ruta Asia-Europa a través del Ártico, la posibilidad de circunvalar África para evitar el Canal de Suez y la próxima apertura de nuevo Canal de Panamá ampliado. La Tesis describe el Estado del Arte de la tecnología para las terminales de contenedores automatizadas que pudiera ser aplicada en nuestro país y desarrolla una terminal automatizada con la capacidad ya mencionada de 2 millones de TEU/año. El tema del ferrocarril en las terminales de contenedores, como futura lanzadera para la proyección de la influencia de los puertos, está desarrollado como una parte esencial de una terminal de contenedores. Se investiga, también, la automatización total o parcial en la transferencia de mercancía buque-ferrocarril La Tesis también desarrolla una metodología para desglosar los costes e ingresos de una terminal automatizada. A través de esos costes e ingresos se va desarrollando, mediante la utilización de hojas Excel relacionadas, el método para mostrar la estructuración de los hitos económicos fundamentales hasta llegar al VAN, TIR y Periodo de Retorno de la Inversión como elementos clave para la calificación de la terminal como proyecto de inversión. La Tesis realiza la misma metodología para la terminal convencional de contenedores más habitual en el Mediterráneo español: la terminal que utiliza sistemas de grúas sobre ruedas (RTG) en el patio de contenedores. Por último, la Tesis establece la comparativa entre los dos tipos de terminales analizadas: la convencional y la automatizada, basándose en el coste de la mano de obra portuaria como elemento clave para dicha comparativa. Se establece la frontera que determina en qué niveles de coste del personal portuario la terminal automatizada es mejor proyecto de inversión que la terminal convencional con RTG. Mediante la creación de la metodología descrita, la Tesis permite: - La comparativa entre diferentes tipos de terminales - La posibilidad de analizar un modelo de terminal variando sus parámetros fundamentales: costes de los estibadores, nuevas tecnologías de manipulación, diferentes rendimientos, variación de los ingresos, etc. - Descubrir el modelo más rentable de una futura terminal mediante la comparación de las diferentes tecnologías que se puedan emplear para la construcción de dicha terminal ABSTRACT This Thesis examines, first, the possibilities and conditions of the Spanish ports of Algeciras, Valencia and Barcelona to host in the future a fully automated container terminal (robotized) with a capacity of approximately 1.3-1.4 million containers/year or 2 million TEU/year. Among the potential threats and opportunities that may affect the current traffic of these ports, the thesis focuses on the diversion of container transhipment traffic, the replacing of marine traffic by rail traffic, the possibility of converting the Spanish Mediterranean in the door input of Asian products, the changing of the Asia-Europe route through the Suez Canal by the Asia-Europe route through the Arctic, the possibility of circumnavigating Africa to avoid the Suez Canal and the upcoming opening of the new expanded Canal of Panama. The Thesis describes the state-of-the-art technology for automated container terminals that could be applied in our country and develops an automated terminal with the listed capacity of 2 million TEUs / year. The use of the railway system in container terminals to be used as future shuttle to the projection of the influence of the ports is developed as an essential part of a container terminal. We also investigate the total or partial automation in transferring goods from ship to rail. The Thesis also develops a methodology to break down the costs and revenues of an automated terminal. Through these costs and revenues is developed, using linked Excel sheets, the method to show the formation of structured key economic milestones until the NPV, IRR and Period of Return of Investment as key to determining the terminal as an investment project. The Thesis takes the same methodology for the conventional container terminal more common in the Spanish Mediterranean: the terminal using rubber tyred cranes (RTG) in the container yard. Finally, the Thesis provides a comparison between the two types of analyzed terminals: conventional and automated, based on the cost of stevedores labor as a key point for that comparison. It establishes the boundary that determines what levels of stevedore costs make automated terminal to be better investment project than a conventional terminal using RTG. By creating the above methodology, the Thesis allows: - The comparison between different types of terminals - The possibility of analyzing a model of terminal varying its key parameters: stevedores costs, new technologies of container handling, different loading/unloading rates, changes in incomes and so on - Unveil the most profitable model for a future terminal by comparing the different technologies that can be employed for the construction of that terminal