6 resultados para Diurnal Type Scale
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
RESUMO – Objetivou-se com este estudo caracterizar o perfil e avaliar o nível de satisfação que reflete na qualidade de vida no trabalho (QVT) de trabalhadores da colheita de madeira de duas contratadas (C1 e C2), por duas grandes empresas do setor florestal, sendo uma do segmento de papel e celulose (PC) e, a outra, do segmento de carvão vegetal (CV). A avaliação ocorreu a partir da percepção dos trabalhadores das contratadas em questão, utilizando um modelo pré-concebido que contempla 11 blocos ou dimensões referentes a variáveis intervenientes e definidores da QVT, englobando 48 trabalhadores em três categorias funcionais: operador de motosserra (7 trabalhadores da C1 PC e 10 da C2 CV), ajudante de motosserrista (7 trabalhadores da C1 PC e 8 da C2 CV) e operador de carregador florestal (11 trabalhadores da C1 PC e 5 da C2 CV). Os dados referentes às variáveis intervenientes na QVT foram obtidos a partir de escala fechada do tipo Likert, com os escores variando de 1 a 7, em que 1 correspondeu ao nível "bastante insatisfeito" e 7, ao nível "bastante satisfeito". O perfil dos trabalhadores é de pessoa jovem, baixo nível de escolaridade e pouco tempo de serviço na empresa. Quanto ao nível de satisfação no trabalho, constatou-se que os trabalhadores da C1 PC se encontravam "satisfeitos" e os da C2 CV, "mediamente satisfeitos" com o trabalho e as condições proporcionadas pelas respectivas empresas, apesar de estatisticamente não ter sido detectada diferença entre os valores médios encontrados nas duas situações, pelo teste de Mediana (P>0,01). Os fatores que mais contribuíram para esses resultados favoráveis foram os benefícios extras oferecidos pelas prestadoras de serviços, as condições de segurança no trabalho e o contentamento com o emprego formal. ABSTRACT – The objective of this study was to characterize profile and satisfaction level, which reflects the quality of life (QOL) of forest workers of two contracts for harvest activities, one in the pulp and paper industry (PI) and another in charcoal industry (CI). The evaluation of the satisfaction indexes was carried out according to the workers perception by using a model including 11 parameters to reflect these workers QOL. The group study of 48 workers encompassed three functional categories: chainsaw operators (7 from C1 and 10 from C2), chainsaw operator's assistant (7 from C1 and 8 from C2), and log loader operators (11 from C1 and 5 from C2). Data regarding the factors involved in QOL were collected from a closed, Likert-type scale with scores ranging from 1-7, in which level 1 corresponded to "very dissatisfied" and level 7 to "very satisfied". The general profile of the group shows that most of them are young, with low level of education and employed in the companies for a short time. Overall, the employees of contractors of the paper and pulp industry are "satisfied" and those working for the charcoal company are only "moderately satisfied" with the work and policies offered by the respective companies, although no significant statistical difference was detected between the two groups, for the median test (P> 0.01). The main reasons behind these results are the general beneficts offered by the companies, the safety measurements and the overall satisfaction for been employed.
La participación de los jóvenes en los procesos de planificación urbana en Lisboa, Madrid y Fortaleza ha sido tema central de la presente tesis. Los principales objetivos perseguidos consisten en: caracterizar y analizar críticamente las dimensiones más importantes de la participación de jóvenes universitarios en los procesos participativos; aportar características de interés juvenil para un “modelo” de planificación urbana; elaborar directrices para el diseño de actuaciones en un proceso urbano participativo desde la perspectiva de los jóvenes; establecer el alcance de un instrumento urbano participativo reglamentado por el gobierno local entre los jóvenes; determinar si la percepción de los jóvenes universitarios acerca de las acciones del gobierno local tiene influencia en los procesos participativos. El universo estadístico de la muestra lo conforman la totalidad de 737 jóvenes universitarios encuestados en Lisboa, Madrid y Fortaleza. Que se distribuye en 104 encuestados en Lisboa, 329 en Madrid, y 304 en la ciudad de Fortaleza. El cuestionario contiene preguntas: abiertas, cerradas y mixtas. La mayor parte de las cuestiones son cerradas, y en cuanto a las opciones de respuesta: en muchas preguntas se ha aplicado, una escala tipo Likert, entre 1 y 4, siendo 4 el grado más alto (totalmente de acuerdo), y 1 el grado más bajo (nada de acuerdo), y para otras, una opción múltiple, con solamente una opción de respuesta. Se realizó un cuestionario de 31 preguntas en Lisboa, y tras su aplicación y obtención de resultados se revisó y mejoró obteniendo un cuestionario de 23 preguntas que fue aplicado en Madrid y Fortaleza. Se realizan análisis descriptivos, y algún análisis factorial en diversas preguntas del cuestionario, y se estudian diferencias en función de las variables sociodemográficas planteadas. Los resultados constatan que es muy baja la participación en los procesos institucionalizados por el gobierno local, en contrapartida es bastante alta en los procesos organizados por los ciudadanos. La información limita la participación de los jóvenes y ya que estos reconocen como motivación estar más y mejor informados y controlar y acompañar las acciones de su gobierno local. Por otra parte, desean participar en grupo en foros y debates presenciales. Los jóvenes madrileños consideran que las etapas más importantes en un proceso urbano participativo son: información, seguimiento y evaluación, mientras que para los jóvenes de Fortaleza son: Fiscalización, concienciación e información. Se ha verificado que desde la percepción de los jóvenes de Lisboa los ciudadanos son consultados en los procesos urbanos participativos y de acuerdo con los jóvenes de Madrid y Fortaleza los ciudadanos son dirigidos, influenciados y manipulados. Los problemas de carácter urbano no tienen una conceptualización clara y precisa entre los jóvenes universitarios y los problemas urbanos que más afectan la vida de los jóvenes universitarios son aparcamientos, contaminación y seguridad urbana. Sin embargo, los transportes son apuntados por los jóvenes universitarios de Lisboa, Madrid y Fortaleza. Además no saben identificar los problemas de su barrio. Así como de las causas y consecuencias y soluciones de los problemas urbanos. Eligen como mejor estrategia para desarrollar un proceso urbano participativo el acuerdo entre técnicos, población y el gobierno local. Los jóvenes universitarios de Fortaleza apuntan directrices para una planificación urbana con énfasis en la seguridad urbana, la sostenibilidad y la investigación, tecnología e innovación. Por otro lado, los jóvenes universitarios de Madrid perfilan tres “modelos” de planificación urbana: un “Modelo” socio-económica, un “Modelo” sostenible e innovadora y un “Modelo” de Planificación Urbana con énfasis en espacios públicos, entretenimiento, seguridad urbana y deporte. Los jóvenes universitarios rechazan la idea que la planificación urbana lleva en cuenta sus perspectivas y opiniones. Respeto al Presupuesto Participativo, el alcance de dicho proceso entre los jóvenes universitarios es extremamente bajo. Sin embargo, opinan que la aproximación entre ciudadanos, técnicos y gobierno en los procesos de Presupuesto Participativo mejora la rendición de cuentas. Además los jóvenes creen que dichos procesos conceden un poder moderado a los ciudadanos, y consideran que el poder concedido en los procesos urbanos influye directamente en el interés y empeño en participar. ABSTRACT Youth participation in urban planning processes in Lisbon, Madrid and Fortaleza is the main subject of this thesis. Our key goals are the following: characterising and critically analysing the most important dimensions of young university students’ participation in participative processes; providing features of interest for the young for an urban planning “model”; developing a variety of guidelines for designing actions in a participative urban process from the perspective of young people; analysing the impact upon the young of a participative urban instrument implemented by the local government; determining whether young university students’ perception of local government actions influences participative processes. The statistical universe of the sample comprises a total of 737 young university students who were surveyed in Lisbon, Madrid and Fortaleza, distributed as follows: 104 respondents in Lisbon, 329 in Madrid, and 304 in Fortaleza. The survey is made up of open-ended, closed-ended and mixed questions. Most questions are closed-ended. Regarding the answer options, a Likert-type scale has been used in many questions. The scale ranges from 1 to 4, 4 being the highest value (completely agree) and 1 the lowest (completely disagree). Besides, there are multiple-choice questions with only one possible answer. A 31- question survey was conducted in Lisbon. After the survey was run and the results were obtained, it was reviewed and improved. The improved version was a 23- question survey which was conducted in Madrid and Fortaleza. Descriptive analyses as well as some factorial analyses are carried out in several questions, and differences are studied depending on the socio-demographic variables involved. The results show that participation in processes implemented by local governments is very low. In contrast, participation is quite high in processes organised by citizens. Information limits youth participation, as young people point out that they are motivated by more and better information and by the possibility of monitoring and keeping track of their local government actions. They also wish to take part in face-to-face group forums and discussions. Young people from Madrid think that the most important stages in participative urban processes are information, follow-up and assessment, whereas young people from Fortaleza highlight tax matters, awareness and information. It has been confirmed that Lisbon youth perceive that citizens are consulted in participative urban processes. Youth from Madrid and Fortaleza, on the other hand, state that citizens are directed, influenced and manipulated. Young university students do not have a clear, precise concept of urban problems. Among these, they are most affected by car parks, pollution and urban safety, but the transport problem is pointed out by young university students from Lisbon, Madrid and Fortaleza. Furthermore, they cannot identify the problems in their neighbourhoods, nor are they able to specify the causes, consequences and solutions of urban problems. Their preferred strategy for developing a participative urban process is an agreement between technicians, the population and the local government. Young university students from Fortaleza suggest guidelines for an urban planning approach emphasising urban safety, sustainability and research, technology and innovation. Those from Madrid, for their part, outline three urban planning “models”: a socioeconomic “model”, a sustainable and innovative “model”, and an urban planning “model” with a focus on public areas, entertainment, urban safety and sport. Young university students disagree that urban planning takes their perspectives and views into account. Moreover, the impact of the Participative Budget upon their lives is extremely low. In their opinion, however, closer collaboration between citizens, technicians and governments in Participative Budget processes promotes accountability. The young also think that these processes give moderate power to citizens, and in their view the power that can be exerted in urban processes directly influences the interest in participating and the will to do so.
The threat of impact or explosive loads is regrettably a scenario to be taken into account in the design of lifeline or critical civilian buildings. These are often made of concrete and not specifically designed for military threats. Numerical simulation of such cases may be undertaken with the aid of state of the art explicit dynamic codes, however several difficult challenges are inherent to such models: the material modeling for the concrete anisotropic failure, consideration of reinforcement bars and important structural details, adequate modeling of pressure waves from explosions in complex geometries, and efficient solution to models of complete buildings which can realistically assess failure modes. In this work we employ LS-Dyna for calculation, with Lagrangian finite elements and explicit time integration. Reinforced concrete may be represented in a fairly accurate fashion with recent models such as CSCM model [1] and segregated rebars constrained within the continuum mesh. However, such models cannot be realistically employed for complete models of large buildings, due to limitations of time and computer resources. The use of structural beam and shell elements for this purpose would be the obvious solution, with much lower computational cost. However, this modeling requires careful calibration in order to reproduce adequately the highly nonlinear response of structural concrete members, including bending with and without compression, cracking or plastic crushing, plastic deformation of reinforcement, erosion of vanished elements etc. The main objective of this work is to provide a strategy for modeling such scenarios based on structural elements, using available material models for structural elements [2] and techniques to include the reinforcement in a realistic way. These models are calibrated against fully three-dimensional models and shown to be accurate enough. At the same time they provide the basis for realistic simulation of impact and explosion on full-scale buildings
The new requirement placed on students in tertiary settings in Spain to demonstrate a B1 or a B2 proficiency level of English, in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL), has led most Spanish universities to develop a program of certification or accreditation of the required level. The first part of this paper aims to provide a rationale for the type of test that has been developed at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid for the accreditation of a B2 level, a multiple choice version, and to describe how it was constructed and validated. Then, in the second part of the paper, the results from its application to 924 students enrolled in different degree courses at a variety of schools and faculties at the university are analyzed based on a final test version item analysis. To conclude, some theoretical as well as practical conclusions about testing grammar that affect the teaching and learning process are drawn. RESUMEN. Las nuevas exigencias sobre niveles de competencia B1 y B2 en inglés según el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas (MCERL) que se imponen sobre los estudiantes de grado y posgrado han llevado a la mayoría de las universidades españolas a desarrollar programas de acreditación o de certificación de estos niveles. La primera parte de este trabajo trata sobre las razones que fundamentan la elección de un tipo concreto de examen para la acreditación del nivel B2 de lengua inglesa en la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Se trata de un test de opción múltiple y en esta parte del trabajo se describe cómo fue diseñado y validado. En la segunda parte, se analizan los resultados de la aplicación del test a gran escala a un total de 924 estudiantes matriculados en varias escuelas y Facultades de la Universidad. Para terminar, se apuntan una serie de conclusiones teóricas y prácticas sobre la evaluación de la gramática y de qué modo influye en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje.
Fast ignition of inertial fusion targets driven by quasi-monoenergetic ion beams is investigated by means of numerical simulations. Light and intermediate ions such as lithium, carbon, aluminum and vanadium have been considered. Simulations show that the minimum ignition energies of an ideal configuration of compressed Deuterium-Tritium are almost independent on the ion atomic number. However, they are obtained for increasing ion energies, which scale, approximately, as Z2, where Z is the ion atomic number. Assuming that the ion beam can be focused into 10 ?m spots, a new irradiation scheme is proposed to reduce the ignition energies. The combination of intermediate Z ions, such as 5.5 GeV vanadium, and the new irradiation scheme allows a reduction of the number of ions required for ignition by, roughly, three orders of magnitude when compared with the standard proton fast ignition scheme.
This paper investigates the gasification of two biomass types (pine wood and olive stones) in a laboratory scale bubbling fluidized bed reactor, in order to evaluate comparatively their potential in the production of syngas.