12 resultados para District Heating

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The Esperanza Zn-Pb-Ag vein, owned by Compañía de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A., lies over 4000 to 4650 masl in the Western Cordillera of the Peruvian Central Andes. The Esperanza low sulphidation epithermal vein trends ~E-W along 1500 m; it dips to the South and can be followed to 350 m depth. As other veins of the district, like Teresita and Bienaventurada, it is hosted by intermediate to felsic volcanics (andesitic to dacitic compositions) of the Huachocolpa Group (Middle Miocene to Upper Pliocene). The mineralisation occurs mostly as open space filling related to fracture development during the Quechua III deformational event. Main ore minerals are sphalerite, galena, tetrahedrite, pyrite, chalcopyrite and Ag and Pb sulfosalts; quartz, barite and calcite are the main gangue minerals. Current production grades are ~5% Zn, ~8Oz/t Ag, ~3% Pb; usually very low Cu (mean ~0.04%).


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New 40Ar/39Ar ages for alunite from the Moore and Monte Negro deposits in the Pueblo Viejo district, as well as from a newly discovered alunite-bearing zone on Loma la Cuaba west of the known deposits, are reported here. The ages range from about 80 to 40 Ma, with closely adjacent samples exhibiting very different ages. Interpretation of these results in the context of estimated closure temperatures for alunite and the geologic and tectonic evolution of Hispaniola does not lead to a simple conclusion about the age of mineralization. The simplest interpretation, that mineralization was caused by a buried Late Cretaceous (~80 Ma) intrusion, is complicated by lack of intrusions of this age in the area and absence of alteration in overlying limestone. The alternative interpretation, that mineralization was formed during Early Cretaceous (~110 Ma) magmatism and that the 40Ar/39Ar ages were completely reset by Late Cretaceous thrusting, is complicated by a lack of information on the timing and thermal effects of thrusting in central Hispaniola. Alunite studies have yielded similar unclear results in other pre-Cenozoic ore systems, notably those of the Lachlan fold belt in Australia


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Semiconductor nanowires (NWs) are fundamental structures for nanoscale devices. The excitation of NWs with laser beams results in thermal effects that can substantially change the spectral shape of the spectroscopic data. In particular, the interpretation of the Raman spectrum is greatly influenced by excitation induced temperature. A study of the interaction of the NWs with the excitation laser beam is essential to interpret the spectra. We present herein a finite element analysis of the interaction between the laser beam and the NWs. The resultas are applied to the interpretation of the Raman spectrum of bundles of NWs


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El alcance del proyecto es describir las directrices técnicas, la definición de criterios, y la estrategia de suministro de energía (Electricidad. Calefacción y Agua Caliente Sanitaria (ACS)) a un barrio modelo situado en un entorno urbano. De inicio se estudia los diversos modelos energéticos atendiendo a la normativa y tecnología, que se pueden aplicar en un conjunto residencial, dando como resultado el modelo propuesto de abastecimiento energético, mediante calefacción de distrito, que incorporara el diseño de una planta de producción de energía termo-eléctrica o Central de Energías basada en la tecnología de condensación de baja temperatura para calefacción y A.C.S. incluyendo una cogeneración con pila de combustible. Al mismo tiempo se han calculado y diseñado una serie de chimeneas externas para dar cumplida necesidad técnica y legal al proyecto. Estos estudios nos sirven de punto de partida para analizar la amortización de la inversión y por tanto la rentabilidad y viabilidad del proyecto, comparándose con los costes económicos derivados de la generación por sistemas convencionales. Para finalizar se hace mención a las ventajas medioambientales y a los grados de seguridad en la planta de producción ABSTRACT The scope of this work is the description of an energy supply project ( Electricity, heat and hot water ) to a housing development in a urban neibourhood , including technical criteria in their different options. Initially, several solutions are studied based on available technologies and legal restrictions. The final proposal is based on the district hearing model including electricity production in cogeneration via fuel cell technology as well as heating and hot water produced by low temperature condensation boilers It includes calculations and design criteria of the exhaust gases system and chimeneys in compliance with legal requirement in urban areas. This work also includes an economical model including payback, IRR and VAN analysis and an economical comparaison with the standard solutions. Finally, environmental advantages of the preferred solution over other standards as well as safety issues are also presented.


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Estudio de la cinética de la crioconservación de tejidos vegetales


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El yacimiento de Pasto Bueno se localiza en el extremo nordeste del Batolito de la Cordillera Blanca, comprende diversas vetas, generalmente subverticales, asociadas al stock cuarzomonzonitico de Consuzo, datado como Terciario Superior, que intruye a las pizarras de la fm. Chicama y cuarcitas de la fm. Chimu. Las principales vetas discurren con direccion N-S cortando al stock, aunque tambien existen sistemas NE-SW asi como NW-SE encajados sobre las rocas metamorficas. La mineralogia de mena reconocida comprende wolframita (hubnerita), tetraedrita/tenantita, esfalerita y galena, en una ganga de cuarzo, fluorita, sericita, pirita y carbonatos, ademas de molibdenita, calcopirita, bornita, arsenopirita, enargita (luzonita), stolzita, scheelita, zinnwaldita, topacio, tungstita y arsenico nativo. Estudios previos han caracterizado Pasto Bueno como un yacimiento con una gran componente de greisen, con una evolucion de las vetas desde un episodio temprano esteril de 400 oC, depositando la mineralizacion economica en torno a los 220-250 oC y con un evento postumo de 175-220 oC rico en CO2. La precipitacion de la wolframita se produjo a partir de un fluido netamente hidrotermal, sin embargo, dicha precipitacion estuvo controlada por el aporte al sistema de aguas externas meteoricas y/o metamorficas. El trabajo llevado a cabo ha consistido en la realizacion de un estudio microtermometrico de las 3 principales estructuras del distrito: Consuelo, Alonso-Fenix y Chabuca, para caracterizar la evolucion del fluido mineralizador desde el stock (veta Consuelo) hacia las rocas metasedimentarias de las fm. Chicama y Chimu (manto Alonso-Fenix y veta Chabuca). Para ello se realizo un muestreo sobre el evento principal de mineralizacion. Dichas muestras se sometieron a un estudio petrografico de lamina gruesa para seleccionar las muestras optimas para el posterior estudio microtermometrico. Previamente a la obtencion de las medidas de temperatura de fusion del hielo (criotermometria) y de homogenizacion del fluido; se realizo un estudio de petrografia de inclusiones fluidas para caracterizarlas y seleccionar las representativas. La interpretacion de los resultados ha permitido confirmar la existencia de un episodio previo de alta temperatura, superior a 282 oC y un evento mineralizador con temperaturas en torno a los 200-240 oC. Sin embargo, las salinidades obtenidas son mucho menores que las previamente publicadas, en torno al 5 % peso eq. NaCl, frente a 11-17 % peso eq. NaCl. Tambien se ha observado un fluido postumo rico en CO2, pero de temperatura superior, en torno a los 270 oC. Los gradientes isotermicos muestran dos focos para dichos fluidos hidrotermales: el primero asociado al stock en la veta Consuelo, y el segundo en la veta Chabuca, asociado a la zona de cabalgamiento de las pizarras de la fm. Chicama sobre las cuarcitas de la fm. Chimu. Este segundo foco puede corresponder con los aportes externos de aguas metamorficas. Para finalizar, se dan una serie de pautas para guiar las futuras exploraciones en el yacimiento. ABSTRACT The Pasto Bueno deposit is located at the northeastern end of the Cordillera Blanca Batholith. It comprises several veins, generally subvertical, associated with the quartz-monzonite stock of Consuzo, dated as Tertiary, which intrudes the Chicama fm. slates and the Chimu fm. quartzites. The main veins trend N-S cutting the stock, although there are also NE-SW and NWSE systems, hosted by the metamorphic rocks. The ore mineralogy comprises wolframite (hubnerite), tetrahedrite/tennantite, sphalerite and galena in a gangue of quartz, fluorite, sericite, pyrite and carbonates, and minor molybdenite, chalcopyrite, bornite, arsenopyrite, enargite (luzonite), stolzite, scheelite, zinnwaldite, topaz, tungstite and native arsenic. Previous studies have characterized Pasto Bueno as a deposit with a large component of greisen, with an evolution of the veins from an early barren 400 oC event , followed by economic mineralization of about 220-250 °C and a late event of 175 -220 oC rich in CO2. Wolframite precipitation occurred from a purely hydrothermal fluid; however, this precipitation was controlled by an external flux of meteoric and/or metamorphic waters. Microthermometric studies of the 3 main structures of the district (Consuelo, Alonso-Fenix and Chabuca veins) have been carried out to depict the evolution of the mineralizing fluid coming from the stock (Consuelo vein) into the metasedimentary rocks of the Chimu and Chicama fm. (Alonso-Fenix and Chabuca veins). The sampling was performed over the main event of mineralization. These samples were subject to a quick plate petrography study in order to select the optimal samples for further microthermometry studies. Before the freezing/heating measures, a fluid inclusion petrography study was done to characterize and select the representative F.I. Interpretation of results has confirmed the existence of a previous episode of higher temperature, over 282 °C, and a mineralizing event with temperatures of about 200-240 °C. However, obtained salinities, about 5 wt% NaCl equivalents, are much lower than those previously reported, about 11-17 wt% NaCl equivalents. A last fluid, rich in CO2, but of higher temperature, about 270 oC, has been characterized. Isothermal gradients show two foci for the hydrothermal fluids: the first one associated to the Consuzo stock as shown in the Consuelo vein, and the second one related to the thrust fault which places the Chicama fm. slates over the Chimu fm. quartzites in the Chabuca vein area. This second focus may correspond to an external input of metamorphic waters. Finally, some guidelines have been given to guide future explorations.


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A study of the assessment of the irrigation water use has been carried out in the Spanish irrigation District “Río Adaja” that has analyzed the water use efficiency and the water productivity indicators for the main crops for three years: 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013. A soil water balance model was applied taking into ccount climatic data for the nearby weather station and soil properties. Crop water requirements were calculated by the FAO Penman- Monteith with the application of the dual crop coefficient and by considering the readily vailable soil water content (RAW) concept. Likewise, productivity was measured by the indexes: annual relative irrigation supply (ARIS), annual relative water supply (ARWS), relative rainfall supply (RRS), the water productivity (WP), the evapotranspiration water productivity (ETWP), and the irrigation water productivity (IWP. The results show that in most crops deficit irrigation was applied (ARIS<1) in the first two years however, the IWP improved. This was higher in 2010-2011 which corresponded to the highest effective precipitation Pe. In general, the IWP (€.m-3) varied amongcrops but crops such as: onion (4.14, 1.98 and 2.77 respectively for the three years), potato (2.79, 1.69 and 1.62 respectively for the three years), carrot (1.37, 1.70 and 1.80 respectively for the three years) and barley (1.21, 1.16 and 0.68 respectively for the three years) showed the higher values. Thus, it is highlighted the y could be included into the cropping pattern which would maximize the famer’s gross income in the irrigation district.


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The conference program will cover all areas of environmental and resource economics, ranging from topics prevailing in the general debate, such as climate change, energy sources, water management and ecosystem services evaluation, to more specialized subjects such as biodiversity conservation or persistent organic pollutants. The congress will be held on the Faculty of Economics of the University of Girona, located in Montilivi, a city quarter situated just few minutes from the city center, conveniently connected by bus lines L8 and L11.


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The emission of different harmful gases during the storage of solid fuels is a common phenomenon. The gases emitted during the heating process of those combustibles are the same as those emitted during combustion, mainly CO and CO2[1]. Nowadays, measurement of these emissions is mandatory. That is why in many industrial facilities different gas detectors are located to measure these gases. But it should be also useful if emissions could be predicted and the temperatures at the beginning of the emission process could be determined.


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Water supply instability is one of the main risks faced by irrigation districts and farmers. Water procurement decision optimisation is essential in order to increase supply reliability and reduce costs. Water markets, such as spot purchases or water supply option contracts, can make this decision process more flexible. We analyse the potential interest in an option contract for an irrigation district that has access to several water sources. We apply a stochastic recursive mathematical programming model to simulate the water procurement decisions of an irrigation district?s board operating in a context of water supply uncertainty in south-eastern Spain. We analyse what role different option contracts could play in securing its water supply. Results suggest that the irrigation district would be willing to accept the proposed option contract in most cases subject to realistic values of the option contract financial terms. Of nine different water sources, desalination and the option contract are the main substitutes, where the use of either depends on the contract parameters. The contract premium and optioned volume are the variables that have a greater impact on the irrigation district?s decisions. Key words: Segura Basin, stochastic recursive programming, water markets, water supply option contract, water supply risk.


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The temperature in a ferromagnetic nanostripe with a notch subject to Joule heating has been studied in detail. We first performed an experimental real-time calibration of the temperature versus time as a 100 ns current pulse was injected into a Permalloy nanostripe. This calibration was repeated for different pulse amplitudes and stripe dimensions and the set of experimental curves were fitted with a computer simulation using the Fourier thermal conduction equation. The best fit of these experimental curves was obtained by including the temperature-dependent behavior of the electrical resistivity of the Permalloy and of the thermal conductivity of thesubstrate(SiO2). Notably, a nonzero interface thermal resistance between the metallic nanostripe and thesubstrate was also necessary to fit the experimental curves. We found this parameter pivotal to understand ourresults and the results from previous works. The higher current density in the notch, together with the interface thermal resistance, allows a considerable increase of the temperature in the notch, creating a large horizontal thermal gradient. This gradient, together with the high temperature in the notch and the larger current density close to the edges of the notch, can be very influential in experiments studying the current assisted domain wall motion.