15 resultados para Digital computer simulation

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The aim of this thesis is the subjective and objective evaluation of angledependent absorption coefficients. As the assumption of a constant absorption coefficient over the angle of incidence is not always held, a new model acknowledging an angle-dependent reflection must be considered, to get a more accurate prediction in the sound field. The study provides information about the behavior of different materials in several rooms, depending on the reflection modeling of incident sound waves. An objective evaluation was run for an implementation of angle-dependent reflection factors in the image source and ray tracing simulation models. Results obtained were analysed after comparison to diffuse-field averaged data. However, changes in acoustic characteristics of a room do not always mean a variation in the listener’s perception. Thus, additional subjective evaluation allowed a comparison between the different results obtained with the computer simulation and the response from the individuals who participated in the listening test. The listening test was designed following a three-alternative forced-choice (3AFC) paradigm. In each interaction asked to the subjects a sequence of either three pink noise bursts or three natural signals was alternated. These results were supposed to show the influence and perception of the two different ways to implement surface reflection –either with diffuse or angle-dependent absorption properties. Results show slightly audible effects when material properties were exaggerated. El objetivo de este trabajo es la evaluación objetiva y subjetiva del coeficiente de absorción en función del ángulo de incidencia de la onda de sonido. La suposición de un coeficiente de absorción constante con respecto al ángulo de incidencia no siempre se sostiene. Por ello, un nuevo modelo considerando la reflexión dependiente del ángulo se debe tener en cuenta para obtener predicciones más certeras en el campo del sonido. El estudio proporciona información sobre el comportamiento de diferentes materiales en distintos recintos, dependientes del modelo de reflexión de las ondas de sonido incidentes. Debido a las dificultades a la hora de realizar las medidas y, por lo tanto, a la falta de datos, los coeficientes de absorción dependientes del ángulo a menudo no se tienen en cuenta a la hora de realizar las simulaciones. Hoy en día, aún no hay una tendencia de aplicar el coeficiente de absorción dependiente del ángulo para mejorar los modelos de reflexión. Por otra parte, para una medición satisfactoria de la absorción dependiente del ángulo, sólo hay unos pocos métodos. Las técnicas de medición actuales llevan mucho tiempo y hay algunos materiales, condiciones y ángulos que no pueden ser reproducidos y, por lo tanto, no es posible su medición. Sin embargo, en el presente estudio, los ángulos de incidencia de las ondas de sonido son conocidos y almacenados en una de base de datos para cada uno de los materiales, de modo que los coeficientes de absorción para el ángulo dado pueden ser devueltos siempre que sean requeridos por el usuario. Para realizar el estudio se llevó a cabo una evaluación objetiva, por medio de la implementación del factor de reflexión dependiente del ángulo en los modelos de fuentes imagen y trazado de rayos. Los resultados fueron analizados después de ser comparados con el promedio de los datos obtenidos en medidas en el campo difuso. La simulación se hizo una vez se configuraron un número de materiales creados por el autor, a partir de los datos existentes en la literatura y los catálogos de fabricantes. Los modelos de Komatsu y Mechel sirvieron como referencia para los materiales porosos, configurando la resistividad al aire o el grosor, y para los paneles perforados, introduciendo el radio de los orificios y la distancia entre centros, respectivamente. Estos materiales se situaban en la pared opuesta a la que se consideraba que debía alojar a la fuente sonora. El resto de superficies se modelaban con el mismo material, variando su coeficiente de absorción y/o de dispersión. Al mismo tiempo, una serie de recintos fueron modelados para poder reproducir distintos escenarios de los que obtener los resultados. Sin embargo, los cambios en las características acústicas de un recinto no significan variaciones en la percepción por parte del oyente. Por ello, una evaluación subjetiva adicional permitió una comparación entre los diferentes resultados obtenidos mediante la simulación informática y la respuesta de los individuos que participaron en la prueba de escucha. Ésta fue diseñada bajo las pautas del modelo de test three-alternative forced-choice (3AFC), con treinta y dos preguntas diferentes. En cada iteración los sujetos fueron preguntados por una secuencia alterna entre tres señales, siendo dos de ellas iguales. Éstas podían ser tanto ráfagas de ruido rosa como señales naturales, en este test se utilizó un fragmento de una obra clásica interpretada por un piano. Antes de contestar al cuestionario, los bloques de preguntas eran ordenados al azar. Para cada ensayo, la mezcla era diferente, así los sujetos no repetían la misma prueba, evitando un sesgo por efectos de aprendizaje. Los bloques se barajaban recordando siempre el orden inicial, para después almacenar los resultados reordenados. La prueba de escucha fue realizada por veintitrés personas, toda ellas con conocimientos dentro del campo de la acústica. Antes de llevar a cabo la prueba de escucha en un entorno adecuado, una hoja con las instrucciones fue facilitada a cada persona. Los resultados muestran la influencia y percepción de las dos maneras distintas de implementar las reflexiones de una superficie –ya sea con respecto a la propiedad de difusión o de absorción dependiente del ángulo de los materiales. Los resultados objetivos, después de ejecutar las simulaciones, muestran los datos medios obtenidos para comprender el comportamiento de distintos materiales de acuerdo con el modelo de reflexión utilizado en el caso de estudio. En las tablas proporcionadas en la memoria se muestran los valores del tiempo de reverberación, la claridad y el tiempo de caída temprana. Los datos de las características del recinto obtenidos en este análisis tienen una fuerte dependencia respecto al coeficiente de absorción de los diferentes materiales que recubren las superficies del cuarto. En los resultados subjetivos, la media de percepción, a la hora de distinguir las distintas señales, por parte de los sujetos, se situó significativamente por debajo del umbral marcado por el punto de inflexión de la función psicométrica. Sin embargo, es posible concluir que la mayoría de los individuos tienden a ser capaces de detectar alguna diferencia entre los estímulos presentados en el 3AFC test. En conclusión, la hipótesis de que los valores del coeficiente de absorción dependiente del ángulo difieren es contrastada. Pero la respuesta subjetiva de los individuos muestra que únicamente hay ligeras variaciones en la percepción si el coeficiente varía en intervalos pequeños entre los valores manejados en la simulación. Además, si los parámetros de los materiales acústicos no son exagerados, los sujetos no perciben ninguna variación. Los primeros resultados obtenidos, proporcionando información respecto a la dependencia del ángulo, llevan a una nueva consideración en el campo de la acústica, y en la realización de nuevos proyectos en el futuro. Para futuras líneas de investigación, las simulaciones se deberían realizar con distintos tipos de recintos, buscando escenarios con geometrías irregulares. También, la implementación de distintos materiales para obtener resultados más certeros. Otra de las fases de los futuros proyectos puede realizarse teniendo en cuenta el coeficiente de dispersión dependiente del ángulo de incidencia de la onda de sonido. En la parte de la evaluación subjetiva, realizar una serie de pruebas de escucha con distintos individuos, incluyendo personas sin una formación relacionada con la ingeniería acústica.


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In a large number of physical, biological and environmental processes interfaces with high irregular geometry appear separating media (phases) in which the heterogeneity of constituents is present. In this work the quantification of the interplay between irregular structures and surrounding heterogeneous distributions in the plane is made For a geometric set image and a mass distribution (measure) image supported in image, being image, the mass image gives account of the interplay between the geometric structure and the surrounding distribution. A computation method is developed for the estimation and corresponding scaling analysis of image, being image a fractal plane set of Minkowski dimension image and image a multifractal measure produced by random multiplicative cascades. The method is applied to natural and mathematical fractal structures in order to study the influence of both, the irregularity of the geometric structure and the heterogeneity of the distribution, in the scaling of image. Applications to the analysis and modeling of interplay of phases in environmental scenarios are given.


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A 2D computer simulation method of random packings is applied to sets of particles generated by a self-similar uniparametric model for particle size distributions (PSDs) in granular media. The parameter p which controls the model is the proportion of mass of particles corresponding to the left half of the normalized size interval [0,1]. First the influence on the total porosity of the parameter p is analyzed and interpreted. It is shown that such parameter, and the fractal exponent of the associated power scaling, are efficient packing parameters, but this last one is not in the way predicted in a former published work addressing an analogous research in artificial granular materials. The total porosity reaches the minimum value for p = 0.6. Limited information on the pore size distribution is obtained from the packing simulations and by means of morphological analysis methods. Results show that the range of pore sizes increases for decreasing values of p showing also different shape in the volume pore size distribution. Further research including simulations with a greater number of particles and image resolution are required to obtain finer results on the hierarchical structure of pore space.


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Fragmentation schemes inspired by theoretical results and conjectures of Kolmogorov are applied to produce particle size distributions of different natures, depending on fragmentation parameters. A two-dimensional computer simulation method of packing is applied to the resulting distributions and the void fraction is evaluated. The relationship between the void fraction and characteristic parameters of the fragmentation process is studied.


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Fragmentation schemes inspired by theoretical results and conjectures of Kolmogorov are applied to produce particle size distributions of different natures, depending on fragmentation parameters. A two-dimensional computer simulation method of packing is applied to the resulting distributions and the void fraction is evaluated. The relationship between the void fraction and characteristic parameters of the fragmentation process is studied.


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In this paper an approach to the synchronization of chaotic circuits has been reported. It is based on an optically programmable logic cell and the signals involved are fully digital. It is based on the reception of the same input signal on sender and receiver and from this approach, with a posterior correlation between both outputs, an identical chaotic output is obtained in both systems. No conversion from analog to digital signals is needed. The model here presented is based on a computer simulation.


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A possible approach to the synchronization of chaotic circuits is reported. It is based on an Optically Programmable Logic Cell and as a consequence its output is digital, its application to cryptography in Optical Communications comes directly from its properties. The model here presented is based on a computer simulation.


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Recently, we have presented some studies concerning the analysis, design and optimization of one experimental device developed in the UK - GPTAD - which has been designed to remove blood clots without the need to make contact with the clot itself, thereby potentially reducing the risk of problems such as downstream embolisation. Based on the idea of a modification of the previous device, in this work, we present a model based in the use of stents like the SolitaireTM FR, which is in contact with the clot itself. In the case of such devices, the stent is self-expandable and the extraction of the blood clot is faciliatated by the stent, which must be inside the clot. Such stents are generally inserted in position by using the guidewire inserted into the catheter. This type of modeling could potentially be useful in showing how the blood clot is moved by the various different forces involved. The modelling has been undertaken by analyzing the resistances, compliances and inertances effects. We model an artery and blood clot for range of forces for the guidewire. In each case we determine the interaction between blood clot, stent and artery.


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A Monte Carlo computer simulation technique, in which a continuum system is modeled employing a discrete lattice, has been applied to the problem of recrystallization. Primary recrystallization is modeled under conditions where the degree of stored energy is varied and nucleation occurs homogeneously (without regard for position in the microstructure). The nucleation rate is chosen as site saturated. Temporal evolution of the simulated microstructures is analyzed to provide the time dependence of the recrystallized volume fraction and grain sizes. The recrystallized volume fraction shows sigmoidal variations with time. The data are approximately fit by the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami equation with the expected exponents, however significant deviations are observed for both small and large recrystallized volume fractions. Under constant rate nucleation conditions, the propensity for irregular grain shapes is decreased and the density of two sided grains increases.


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The extraordinary increase of new information technologies, the development of Internet, the electronic commerce, the e-government, mobile telephony and future cloud computing and storage, have provided great benefits in all areas of society. Besides these, there are new challenges for the protection of information, such as the loss of confidentiality and integrity of electronic documents. Cryptography plays a key role by providing the necessary tools to ensure the safety of these new media. It is imperative to intensify the research in this area, to meet the growing demand for new secure cryptographic techniques. The theory of chaotic nonlinear dynamical systems and the theory of cryptography give rise to the chaotic cryptography, which is the field of study of this thesis. The link between cryptography and chaotic systems is still subject of intense study. The combination of apparently stochastic behavior, the properties of sensitivity to initial conditions and parameters, ergodicity, mixing, and the fact that periodic points are dense, suggests that chaotic orbits resemble random sequences. This fact, and the ability to synchronize multiple chaotic systems, initially described by Pecora and Carroll, has generated an avalanche of research papers that relate cryptography and chaos. The chaotic cryptography addresses two fundamental design paradigms. In the first paradigm, chaotic cryptosystems are designed using continuous time, mainly based on chaotic synchronization techniques; they are implemented with analog circuits or by computer simulation. In the second paradigm, chaotic cryptosystems are constructed using discrete time and generally do not depend on chaos synchronization techniques. The contributions in this thesis involve three aspects about chaotic cryptography. The first one is a theoretical analysis of the geometric properties of some of the most employed chaotic attractors for the design of chaotic cryptosystems. The second one is the cryptanalysis of continuos chaotic cryptosystems and finally concludes with three new designs of cryptographically secure chaotic pseudorandom generators. The main accomplishments contained in this thesis are: v Development of a method for determining the parameters of some double scroll chaotic systems, including Lorenz system and Chua’s circuit. First, some geometrical characteristics of chaotic system have been used to reduce the search space of parameters. Next, a scheme based on the synchronization of chaotic systems was built. The geometric properties have been employed as matching criterion, to determine the values of the parameters with the desired accuracy. The method is not affected by a moderate amount of noise in the waveform. The proposed method has been applied to find security flaws in the continuous chaotic encryption systems. Based on previous results, the chaotic ciphers proposed by Wang and Bu and those proposed by Xu and Li are cryptanalyzed. We propose some solutions to improve the cryptosystems, although very limited because these systems are not suitable for use in cryptography. Development of a method for determining the parameters of the Lorenz system, when it is used in the design of two-channel cryptosystem. The method uses the geometric properties of the Lorenz system. The search space of parameters has been reduced. Next, the parameters have been accurately determined from the ciphertext. The method has been applied to cryptanalysis of an encryption scheme proposed by Jiang. In 2005, Gunay et al. proposed a chaotic encryption system based on a cellular neural network implementation of Chua’s circuit. This scheme has been cryptanalyzed. Some gaps in security design have been identified. Based on the theoretical results of digital chaotic systems and cryptanalysis of several chaotic ciphers recently proposed, a family of pseudorandom generators has been designed using finite precision. The design is based on the coupling of several piecewise linear chaotic maps. Based on the above results a new family of chaotic pseudorandom generators named Trident has been designed. These generators have been specially designed to meet the needs of real-time encryption of mobile technology. According to the above results, this thesis proposes another family of pseudorandom generators called Trifork. These generators are based on a combination of perturbed Lagged Fibonacci generators. This family of generators is cryptographically secure and suitable for use in real-time encryption. Detailed analysis shows that the proposed pseudorandom generator can provide fast encryption speed and a high level of security, at the same time. El extraordinario auge de las nuevas tecnologías de la información, el desarrollo de Internet, el comercio electrónico, la administración electrónica, la telefonía móvil y la futura computación y almacenamiento en la nube, han proporcionado grandes beneficios en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad. Junto a éstos, se presentan nuevos retos para la protección de la información, como la suplantación de personalidad y la pérdida de la confidencialidad e integridad de los documentos electrónicos. La criptografía juega un papel fundamental aportando las herramientas necesarias para garantizar la seguridad de estos nuevos medios, pero es imperativo intensificar la investigación en este ámbito para dar respuesta a la demanda creciente de nuevas técnicas criptográficas seguras. La teoría de los sistemas dinámicos no lineales junto a la criptografía dan lugar a la ((criptografía caótica)), que es el campo de estudio de esta tesis. El vínculo entre la criptografía y los sistemas caóticos continúa siendo objeto de un intenso estudio. La combinación del comportamiento aparentemente estocástico, las propiedades de sensibilidad a las condiciones iniciales y a los parámetros, la ergodicidad, la mezcla, y que los puntos periódicos sean densos asemejan las órbitas caóticas a secuencias aleatorias, lo que supone su potencial utilización en el enmascaramiento de mensajes. Este hecho, junto a la posibilidad de sincronizar varios sistemas caóticos descrita inicialmente en los trabajos de Pecora y Carroll, ha generado una avalancha de trabajos de investigación donde se plantean muchas ideas sobre la forma de realizar sistemas de comunicaciones seguros, relacionando así la criptografía y el caos. La criptografía caótica aborda dos paradigmas de diseño fundamentales. En el primero, los criptosistemas caóticos se diseñan utilizando circuitos analógicos, principalmente basados en las técnicas de sincronización caótica; en el segundo, los criptosistemas caóticos se construyen en circuitos discretos u ordenadores, y generalmente no dependen de las técnicas de sincronización del caos. Nuestra contribución en esta tesis implica tres aspectos sobre el cifrado caótico. En primer lugar, se realiza un análisis teórico de las propiedades geométricas de algunos de los sistemas caóticos más empleados en el diseño de criptosistemas caóticos vii continuos; en segundo lugar, se realiza el criptoanálisis de cifrados caóticos continuos basados en el análisis anterior; y, finalmente, se realizan tres nuevas propuestas de diseño de generadores de secuencias pseudoaleatorias criptográficamente seguros y rápidos. La primera parte de esta memoria realiza un análisis crítico acerca de la seguridad de los criptosistemas caóticos, llegando a la conclusión de que la gran mayoría de los algoritmos de cifrado caóticos continuos —ya sean realizados físicamente o programados numéricamente— tienen serios inconvenientes para proteger la confidencialidad de la información ya que son inseguros e ineficientes. Asimismo una gran parte de los criptosistemas caóticos discretos propuestos se consideran inseguros y otros no han sido atacados por lo que se considera necesario más trabajo de criptoanálisis. Esta parte concluye señalando las principales debilidades encontradas en los criptosistemas analizados y algunas recomendaciones para su mejora. En la segunda parte se diseña un método de criptoanálisis que permite la identificaci ón de los parámetros, que en general forman parte de la clave, de algoritmos de cifrado basados en sistemas caóticos de Lorenz y similares, que utilizan los esquemas de sincronización excitador-respuesta. Este método se basa en algunas características geométricas del atractor de Lorenz. El método diseñado se ha empleado para criptoanalizar eficientemente tres algoritmos de cifrado. Finalmente se realiza el criptoanálisis de otros dos esquemas de cifrado propuestos recientemente. La tercera parte de la tesis abarca el diseño de generadores de secuencias pseudoaleatorias criptográficamente seguras, basadas en aplicaciones caóticas, realizando las pruebas estadísticas, que corroboran las propiedades de aleatoriedad. Estos generadores pueden ser utilizados en el desarrollo de sistemas de cifrado en flujo y para cubrir las necesidades del cifrado en tiempo real. Una cuestión importante en el diseño de sistemas de cifrado discreto caótico es la degradación dinámica debida a la precisión finita; sin embargo, la mayoría de los diseñadores de sistemas de cifrado discreto caótico no ha considerado seriamente este aspecto. En esta tesis se hace hincapié en la importancia de esta cuestión y se contribuye a su esclarecimiento con algunas consideraciones iniciales. Ya que las cuestiones teóricas sobre la dinámica de la degradación de los sistemas caóticos digitales no ha sido totalmente resuelta, en este trabajo utilizamos algunas soluciones prácticas para evitar esta dificultad teórica. Entre las técnicas posibles, se proponen y evalúan varias soluciones, como operaciones de rotación de bits y desplazamiento de bits, que combinadas con la variación dinámica de parámetros y con la perturbación cruzada, proporcionan un excelente remedio al problema de la degradación dinámica. Además de los problemas de seguridad sobre la degradación dinámica, muchos criptosistemas se rompen debido a su diseño descuidado, no a causa de los defectos esenciales de los sistemas caóticos digitales. Este hecho se ha tomado en cuenta en esta tesis y se ha logrado el diseño de generadores pseudoaleatorios caóticos criptogr áficamente seguros.


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Swift heavy ion irradiation (ions with mass heavier than 15 and energy exceeding MeV/amu) transfer their energy mainly to the electronic system with small momentum transfer per collision. Therefore, they produce linear regions (columnar nano-tracks) around the straight ion trajectory, with marked modifications with respect to the virgin material, e.g., phase transition, amorphization, compaction, changes in physical or chemical properties. In the case of crystalline materials the most distinctive feature of swift heavy ion irradiation is the production of amorphous tracks embedded in the crystal. Lithium niobate is a relevant optical material that presents birefringence due to its anysotropic trigonal structure. The amorphous phase is certainly isotropic. In addition, its refractive index exhibits high contrast with those of the crystalline phase. This allows one to fabricate waveguides by swift ion irradiation with important technological relevance. From the mechanical point of view, the inclusion of an amorphous nano-track (with a density 15% lower than that of the crystal) leads to the generation of important stress/strain fields around the track. Eventually these fields are the origin of crack formation with fatal consequences for the integrity of the samples and the viability of the method for nano-track formation. For certain crystal cuts (X and Y), these fields are clearly anisotropic due to the crystal anisotropy. We have used finite element methods to calculate the stress/strain fields that appear around the ion-generated amorphous nano-tracks for a variety of ion energies and doses. A very remarkable feature for X cut-samples is that the maximum shear stress appears on preferential planes that form +/-45º with respect to the crystallographic planes. This leads to the generation of oriented surface cracks when the dose increases. The growth of the cracks along the anisotropic crystal has been studied by means of novel extended finite element methods, which include cracks as discontinuities. In this way we can study how the length and depth of a crack evolves as function of the ion dose. In this work we will show how the simulations compare with experiments and their application in materials modification by ion irradiation.


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A possible approach to the synchronization of chaotic circuits is reported. It is based on an Optically Programmable Logic Cell and the signals are fully digital. A method to study the characteristics of the obtained chaos is reported as well as a new technique to compare the obtained chaos from an emitter and a receiver. This technique allows the synchronization of chaotic signals. The signals received at the receiver, composed by the addition of information and chaotic signals, are compared with the chaos generated there and a pure information signal can be detected. Its application to cryptography in Optical Communications comes directly from these properties. The model here presented is based on a computer simulation.


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La tecnología moderna de computación ha permitido cambiar radicalmente la investigación tecnológica en todos los ámbitos. El proceso general utilizado previamente consistía en el desarrollo de prototipos analógicos, creando múltiples versiones del mismo hasta llegar al resultado adecuado. Este es un proceso costoso a nivel económico y de carga de trabajo. Es por ello por lo que el proceso de investigación actual aprovecha las nuevas tecnologías para lograr el objetivo final mediante la simulación. Gracias al desarrollo de software para la simulación de distintas áreas se ha incrementado el ritmo de crecimiento de los avances tecnológicos y reducido el coste de los proyectos en investigación y desarrollo. La simulación, por tanto, permite desarrollar previamente prototipos simulados con un coste mucho menor para así lograr un producto final, el cual será llevado a cabo en su ámbito correspondiente. Este proceso no sólo se aplica en el caso de productos con circuitería, si bien es utilizado también en productos programados. Muchos de los programas actuales trabajan con algoritmos concretos cuyo funcionamiento debe ser comprobado previamente, para después centrarse en la codificación del mismo. Es en este punto donde se encuentra el objetivo de este proyecto, simular algoritmos de procesado digital de la señal antes de la codificación del programa final. Los sistemas de audio están basados en su totalidad en algoritmos de procesado de la señal, tanto analógicos como digitales, siendo estos últimos los que están sustituyendo al mundo analógico mediante los procesadores y los ordenadores. Estos algoritmos son la parte más compleja del sistema, y es la creación de nuevos algoritmos la base para lograr sistemas de audio novedosos y funcionales. Se debe destacar que los grupos de desarrollo de sistemas de audio presentan un amplio número de miembros con cometidos diferentes, separando las funciones de programadores e ingenieros de la señal de audio. Es por ello por lo que la simulación de estos algoritmos es fundamental a la hora de desarrollar nuevos y más potentes sistemas de audio. Matlab es una de las herramientas fundamentales para la simulación por ordenador, la cual presenta utilidades para desarrollar proyectos en distintos ámbitos. Sin embargo, en creciente uso actualmente se encuentra el software Simulink, herramienta especializada en la simulación de alto nivel que simplifica la dificultad de la programación en Matlab y permite desarrollar modelos de forma más rápida. Simulink presenta una completa funcionalidad para el desarrollo de algoritmos de procesado digital de audio. Por ello, el objetivo de este proyecto es el estudio de las capacidades de Simulink para generar sistemas de audio funcionales. A su vez, este proyecto pretende profundizar en los métodos de procesado digital de la señal de audio, logrando al final un paquete de sistemas de audio compatible con los programas de edición de audio actuales. ABSTRACT. Modern computer technology has dramatically changed the technological research in multiple areas. The overall process previously used consisted of the development of analog prototypes, creating multiple versions to reach the proper result. This is an expensive process in terms of an economically level and workload. For this reason actual investigation process take advantage of the new technologies to achieve the final objective through simulation. Thanks to the software development for simulation in different areas the growth rate of technological progress has been increased and the cost of research and development projects has been decreased. Hence, simulation allows previously the development of simulated protoypes with a much lower cost to obtain a final product, which will be held in its respective field. This process is not only applied in the case of circuitry products, but is also used in programmed products. Many current programs work with specific algorithms whose performance should be tested beforehand, which allows focusing on the codification of the program. This is the main point of this project, to simulate digital signal processing algorithms before the codification of the final program. Audio systems are entirely based on signal processing, both analog and digital systems, being the digital systems which are replacing the analog world thanks to the processors and computers. This algorithms are the most complex part of every system, and the creation of new algorithms is the most important step to achieve innovative and functional new audio systems. It should be noted that development groups of audio systems have a large number of members with different roles, separating them into programmers and audio signal engineers. For this reason, the simulation of this algorithms is essential when developing new and more powerful audio systems. Matlab is one of the most important tools for computer simulation, which has utilities to develop projects in different areas. However, the use of the Simulink software is constantly growing. It is a simulation tool specialized in high-level simulations which simplifies the difficulty of programming in Matlab and allows the developing of models faster. Simulink presents a full functionality for the development of algorithms for digital audio processing. Therefore, the objective of this project is to study the posibilities of Simulink to generate funcional audio systems. In turn, this projects aims to get deeper into the methods of digital audio signal processing, making at the end a software package of audio systems compatible with the current audio editing software.


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In recent decades, full electric and hybrid electric vehicles have emerged as an alternative to conventional cars due to a range of factors, including environmental and economic aspects. These vehicles are the result of considerable efforts to seek ways of reducing the use of fossil fuel for vehicle propulsion. Sophisticated technologies such as hybrid and electric powertrains require careful study and optimization. Mathematical models play a key role at this point. Currently, many advanced mathematical analysis tools, as well as computer applications have been built for vehicle simulation purposes. Given the great interest of hybrid and electric powertrains, along with the increasing importance of reliable computer-based models, the author decided to integrate both aspects in the research purpose of this work. Furthermore, this is one of the first final degree projects held at the ETSII (Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineers) that covers the study of hybrid and electric propulsion systems. The present project is based on MBS3D 2.0, a specialized software for the dynamic simulation of multibody systems developed at the UPM Institute of Automobile Research (INSIA). Automobiles are a clear example of complex multibody systems, which are present in nearly every field of engineering. The work presented here benefits from the availability of MBS3D software. This program has proven to be a very efficient tool, with a highly developed underlying mathematical formulation. On this basis, the focus of this project is the extension of MBS3D features in order to be able to perform dynamic simulations of hybrid and electric vehicle models. This requires the joint simulation of the mechanical model of the vehicle, together with the model of the hybrid or electric powertrain. These sub-models belong to completely different physical domains. In fact the powertrain consists of energy storage systems, electrical machines and power electronics, connected to purely mechanical components (wheels, suspension, transmission, clutch…). The challenge today is to create a global vehicle model that is valid for computer simulation. Therefore, the main goal of this project is to apply co-simulation methodologies to a comprehensive model of an electric vehicle, where sub-models from different areas of engineering are coupled. The created electric vehicle (EV) model consists of a separately excited DC electric motor, a Li-ion battery pack, a DC/DC chopper converter and a multibody vehicle model. Co-simulation techniques allow car designers to simulate complex vehicle architectures and behaviors, which are usually difficult to implement in a real environment due to safety and/or economic reasons. In addition, multi-domain computational models help to detect the effects of different driving patterns and parameters and improve the models in a fast and effective way. Automotive designers can greatly benefit from a multidisciplinary approach of new hybrid and electric vehicles. In this case, the global electric vehicle model includes an electrical subsystem and a mechanical subsystem. The electrical subsystem consists of three basic components: electric motor, battery pack and power converter. A modular representation is used for building the dynamic model of the vehicle drivetrain. This means that every component of the drivetrain (submodule) is modeled separately and has its own general dynamic model, with clearly defined inputs and outputs. Then, all the particular submodules are assembled according to the drivetrain configuration and, in this way, the power flow across the components is completely determined. Dynamic models of electrical components are often based on equivalent circuits, where Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws are applied to draw the algebraic and differential equations. Here, Randles circuit is used for dynamic modeling of the battery and the electric motor is modeled through the analysis of the equivalent circuit of a separately excited DC motor, where the power converter is included. The mechanical subsystem is defined by MBS3D equations. These equations consider the position, velocity and acceleration of all the bodies comprising the vehicle multibody system. MBS3D 2.0 is entirely written in MATLAB and the structure of the program has been thoroughly studied and understood by the author. MBS3D software is adapted according to the requirements of the applied co-simulation method. Some of the core functions are modified, such as integrator and graphics, and several auxiliary functions are added in order to compute the mathematical model of the electrical components. By coupling and co-simulating both subsystems, it is possible to evaluate the dynamic interaction among all the components of the drivetrain. ‘Tight-coupling’ method is used to cosimulate the sub-models. This approach integrates all subsystems simultaneously and the results of the integration are exchanged by function-call. This means that the integration is done jointly for the mechanical and the electrical subsystem, under a single integrator and then, the speed of integration is determined by the slower subsystem. Simulations are then used to show the performance of the developed EV model. However, this project focuses more on the validation of the computational and mathematical tool for electric and hybrid vehicle simulation. For this purpose, a detailed study and comparison of different integrators within the MATLAB environment is done. Consequently, the main efforts are directed towards the implementation of co-simulation techniques in MBS3D software. In this regard, it is not intended to create an extremely precise EV model in terms of real vehicle performance, although an acceptable level of accuracy is achieved. The gap between the EV model and the real system is filled, in a way, by introducing the gas and brake pedals input, which reflects the actual driver behavior. This input is included directly in the differential equations of the model, and determines the amount of current provided to the electric motor. For a separately excited DC motor, the rotor current is proportional to the traction torque delivered to the car wheels. Therefore, as it occurs in the case of real vehicle models, the propulsion torque in the mathematical model is controlled through acceleration and brake pedal commands. The designed transmission system also includes a reduction gear that adapts the torque coming for the motor drive and transfers it. The main contribution of this project is, therefore, the implementation of a new calculation path for the wheel torques, based on performance characteristics and outputs of the electric powertrain model. Originally, the wheel traction and braking torques were input to MBS3D through a vector directly computed by the user in a MATLAB script. Now, they are calculated as a function of the motor current which, in turn, depends on the current provided by the battery pack across the DC/DC chopper converter. The motor and battery currents and voltages are the solutions of the electrical ODE (Ordinary Differential Equation) system coupled to the multibody system. Simultaneously, the outputs of MBS3D model are the position, velocity and acceleration of the vehicle at all times. The motor shaft speed is computed from the output vehicle speed considering the wheel radius, the gear reduction ratio and the transmission efficiency. This motor shaft speed, somehow available from MBS3D model, is then introduced in the differential equations corresponding to the electrical subsystem. In this way, MBS3D and the electrical powertrain model are interconnected and both subsystems exchange values resulting as expected with tight-coupling approach.When programming mathematical models of complex systems, code optimization is a key step in the process. A way to improve the overall performance of the integration, making use of C/C++ as an alternative programming language, is described and implemented. Although this entails a higher computational burden, it leads to important advantages regarding cosimulation speed and stability. In order to do this, it is necessary to integrate MATLAB with another integrated development environment (IDE), where C/C++ code can be generated and executed. In this project, C/C++ files are programmed in Microsoft Visual Studio and the interface between both IDEs is created by building C/C++ MEX file functions. These programs contain functions or subroutines that can be dynamically linked and executed from MATLAB. This process achieves reductions in simulation time up to two orders of magnitude. The tests performed with different integrators, also reveal the stiff character of the differential equations corresponding to the electrical subsystem, and allow the improvement of the cosimulation process. When varying the parameters of the integration and/or the initial conditions of the problem, the solutions of the system of equations show better dynamic response and stability, depending on the integrator used. Several integrators, with variable and non-variable step-size, and for stiff and non-stiff problems are applied to the coupled ODE system. Then, the results are analyzed, compared and discussed. From all the above, the project can be divided into four main parts: 1. Creation of the equation-based electric vehicle model; 2. Programming, simulation and adjustment of the electric vehicle model; 3. Application of co-simulation methodologies to MBS3D and the electric powertrain subsystem; and 4. Code optimization and study of different integrators. Additionally, in order to deeply understand the context of the project, the first chapters include an introduction to basic vehicle dynamics, current classification of hybrid and electric vehicles and an explanation of the involved technologies such as brake energy regeneration, electric and non-electric propulsion systems for EVs and HEVs (hybrid electric vehicles) and their control strategies. Later, the problem of dynamic modeling of hybrid and electric vehicles is discussed. The integrated development environment and the simulation tool are also briefly described. The core chapters include an explanation of the major co-simulation methodologies and how they have been programmed and applied to the electric powertrain model together with the multibody system dynamic model. Finally, the last chapters summarize the main results and conclusions of the project and propose further research topics. In conclusion, co-simulation methodologies are applicable within the integrated development environments MATLAB and Visual Studio, and the simulation tool MBS3D 2.0, where equation-based models of multidisciplinary subsystems, consisting of mechanical and electrical components, are coupled and integrated in a very efficient way.


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Synchronous machines with brushless excitation have the disadvantage that the field winding is not accessible for the de-excitation of the machine. This means that, despite the proper operation of the protection system, the slow de-excitation time constant may produce severe damage in the event of an internal short circuit. A high-speed de-excitation system for these machines was developed, and this study presents the continuation of a previously published study. This study presents the design by computer simulation and the results of the first commissioning of this de-excitation system in a commercial 20 MVA hydro-generator. The de-excitation is achieved by inserting resistance in the field circuit, obtaining a dynamic response similar to that achieved in machines with static excitation. In this case, a non-linear discharge resistor was used, making the dynamic response even better.