12 resultados para Diagnostics Intergráficas S.A. Company

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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This work aims at identifying commonpotentialproblems that futurefusiondevices will encounter for both magnetic and inertialconfinement approaches in order to promote joint efforts and to avoid duplication of research. Firstly, a comparison of radiation environments found in both fusion reaction chambers will be presented. Then, wall materials, optical components, cables and electronics will be discussed, pointing to possible future areas of common research. Finally, a brief discussion of experimental techniques available to simulate the radiation effect on materials is included


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Customer evolution and changes in consumers, determine the fact that the quality of the interface between marketing and sales may represent a true competitive advantage for the firm. Building on multidimensional theoretical and empirical models developed in Europe and on social network analysis, the organizational interface between the marketing and sales departments of a multinational high-growth company with operations in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay is studied. Both, attitudinal and social network measures of information exchange are used to make operational the nature and quality of the interface and its impact on performance. Results show the existence of a positive relationship of formalization, joint planning, teamwork, trust and information transfer on interface quality, as well as a positive relationship between interface quality and business performance. We conclude that efficient design and organizational management of the exchange network are essential for the successful performance of consumer goods companies that seek to develop distinctive capabilities to adapt to markets that experience vertiginous changes


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Motivated by the observation of spiral patterns in a wide range of physical, chemical, and biological systems, we present an automated approach that aims at characterizing quantitatively spiral-like elements in complex stripelike patterns. The approach provides the location of the spiral tip and the size of the spiral arms in terms of their arc length and their winding number. In addition, it yields the number of pattern components (Betti number of order 1), as well as their size and certain aspects of their shape. We apply the method to spiral defect chaos in thermally driven Rayleigh- Bénard convection and find that the arc length of spirals decreases monotonically with decreasing Prandtl number of the fluid and increasing heating. By contrast, the winding number of the spirals is nonmonotonic in the heating. The distribution function for the number of spirals is significantly narrower than a Poisson distribution. The distribution function for the winding number shows approximately an exponential decay. It depends only weakly on the heating, but strongly on the Prandtl number. Large spirals arise only for larger Prandtl numbers. In this regime the joint distribution for the spiral length and the winding number exhibits a three-peak structure, indicating the dominance of Archimedean spirals of opposite sign and relatively straight sections. For small Prandtl numbers the distribution function reveals a large number of small compact pattern components.


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In order to establish an active internal know-how -reserve~ in an information processing and engineering services . company, a training architecture tailored to the company as an whole must be defined. When a company' s earnings come from . advisory services dynamically structured i.n the form of projects, as is the case at hand, difficulties arise that must be taken into account in the architectural design. The first difficulties are of a psychological nature and the design method proposed here begjns wi th the definition of the highest training metasystem, which is aimed at making adjustments for the variety of perceptions of the company's human components, before the architecture can be designed. This approach may be considered as an application of the cybernetic Law of Requisita Variety (Ashby) and of the Principle of Conceptual Integrity (Brooks) . Also included is a description of sorne of the results of the first steps of metasystems at the level of company organization.


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Surveillance of core barrel vibrations has been performed in the Swedish Ringhals PWRs for several years. This surveillance is focused mainly on the pendular motion of the core barrel, which is known as the beam mode. The monitoring of the beam mode has suggested that its amplitude increases along the cycle and decreases after refuelling. In the last 5 years several measurements have been taken in order to understand this behaviour. Besides, a non-linear fitting procedure has been implemented in order to better distinguish the different components of vibration. By using this fitting procedure, two modes of vibration have been identified in the frequency range of the beam mode. Several results coming from the trend analysis performed during these years indicate that one of the modes is due to the core barrel motion itself and the other is due to the individual flow induced vibrations of the fuel elements. In this work, the latest results of this monitoring are presented.


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Surveillance of core barrel vibrations has been performed in the Swedish Ringhals PWRs for several years. This surveillance is focused mainly on the pendular motion of the core barrel, which is known as the beam mode. The monitoring of the beam mode has suggested that its amplitude increases along the cycle and decreases after refuelling. In the last 5 years several measurements have been taken in order to understand this behaviour. Besides, a non-linear fitting procedure has been implemented in order to better distinguish the different components of vibration. By using this fitting procedure, two modes of vibration have been identified in the frequency range of the beam mode. Several results coming from the trend analysis performed during these years indicate that one of the modes is due to the core barrel motion itself and the other is due to the individual flow induced vibrations of the fuel elements. In this work, the latest results of this monitoring are presented.


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The Semantics Difficulty Model (SDM) is a model that measures the difficult of introducing semantics technology into a company. SDM manages three descriptions of stages, which we will refer to as ?snapshots?: a company semantic snapshot, data snapshot and semantic application snapshot. Understanding a priory the complexity of introducing semantics into a company is important because it allows the organization to take early decisions, thus saving time and money, mitigating risks and improving innovation, time to market and productivity. SDM works by measuring the distance between each initial snapshot and its reference models (the company semantic snapshots reference model, data snapshots reference model, and the semantic application snapshots reference model) with Euclidian distances. The difficulty level will be "not at all difficult" when the distance is small, and becomes "extremely difficult" when the the distance is large. SDM has been tested experimentally with 2000 simulated companies with arrangements and several initial stages. The output is measured by five linguistic values: "not at all difficult, slightly difficult, averagely difficult, very difficult and extremely difficult". As the preliminary results of our SDM simulation model indicate, transforming a search application into integrated data from different sources with semantics is a "slightly difficult", in contrast with data and opinion extraction applications for which it is "very difficult".


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Las sondas eléctricas se emplean habitualmente en la diagnosis de plasmas. La presente tesis aborda la operación de las sondas colectoras y emisoras de Langmuir en plasmas fríos de baja densidad. El estudio se ha centrado en la determinación del potencial de plasma, Vsp, mediante el potencial flotante de una sonda emisora. Esta técnica consiste en la medida del potencial de la sonda correspondiente a la condición de corriente neta igual a cero, el cual se denomina potencial flotante, VF. Este potencial se desplaza hacia el potencial del plasma según aumenta la emisión termoiónica de la sonda, hasta que se satura cerca de Vsp. Los experimentos llevados a cabo en la pluma de plasma de un motor iónico y en un plasma de descarga de glow muestran que la corriente de electrones termoiónicos es mayor que la corriente de electrones recogidos para una sonda polarizada por debajo del potencial del plasma, resultado inconsistente con la teoría tradicionalmente aceptada. Para investigar estos resultados se ha introducido el parámetro R, definido como el cociente entre la corriente de electrones emitidos y recogidos por la sonda. Este parámetro, que está relacionado con la diferencia de potencial VF - Vsp, también es útil para la descripción de los modos de operación de la sonda emisora (débil, fuerte y más allá del fuerte). Los resultados experimentales evidencian que, al contrario de lo que indica la teoría, R es mayor que la unidad. Esta discrepancia se puede solucionar introduciendo una población efectiva de electrones. Con dicha población, el nuevo modelo para la corriente total de la sonda reproduce los datos experimentales. El origen de este grupo electrónico es todavía una cuestión abierta, pero podría estar originada por una nueva estructura de potencial cerca de la sonda cuando ésta trabaja en el régimen de emisión fuerte. Para explicar dicha estructura de potencial, se propone un modelo unidimensional compuesto por un mínimo de potencial cerca de la superficie de la sonda. El análisis numérico indica que este pozo de potencial aparece para muy altas temperaturas de la sonda, reduciendo la cantidad de electrones emitidos que alcanzan el plasma y evitando así cualquier posible perturbación de éste. Los aspectos experimentales involucrados en el método del potencial flotante también se han estudiado, incluyendo cuestiones como las diferentes técnicas de obtención del VF, el cociente señal-ruido, el acoplamiento de la señal de los equipos utilizados para la obtención de las curvas I-V o la evidencia experimental de los diferentes modos de operación de la sonda. Estas evidencias empíricas se encuentran en todos los aspectos de operación de la sonda: la recolección de electrones, el potencial flotante, la precisión en las curvas I-V y la emisión electrónica. Ésta última también se estudia en la tesis, debido a que un fenómeno de super emisión tiene lugar en el régimen de emisión fuerte. En este modo de operación, las medidas experimentales indican que las corrientes termoiónicas de electrones son mayores que aquéllas predichas por la ecuación de Richardson-Dushman clásica. Por último, la diagnosis de plasmas usando sondas eléctrica bajo presencia de granos de polvo (plasmas granulares) en plasmas fríos de baja densidad también se ha estudiado, mediante la aplicación numérica de la técnica del potencial flotante de la sonda emisora en un plasma no convencional. Los resultados apuntan a que el potencial flotante de una sonda emisora se vería afectado por altas densidades de polvo o grandes partículas. ABSTRACT Electric probes are widely employed for plasma diagnostics. This dissertation concerns the operation of collecting and emissive Langmuir probes in low density cold plasmas. The study is focused on the determination of the plasma potential, Vsp, by means of the floating potential of emissive probes. This technique consists of the measurement of the probe potential, corresponding to the zero net probe current, which is the so-called floating potential, VF . This potential displaces towards the plasma potential as the thermionic electron emission increases, until it saturates near Vsp. Experiments carried out in the plasma plume of an ion thruster and in a glow discharge plasma show the thermionic electron current of the emissive Langmuir probe is higher than the collected electron current, for a probe with a bias potential below Vsp, which is inconsistent with the traditional accepted theory. To investigate these results, a parameter R is introduced as the ratio between the emitted and the collected electron current. This parameter, which is related to the difference VF - Vsp, is also useful for the description of the operation modes of the emissive Langmuir probe (weak, strong and beyond strong). The experimental results give an inconsistency of R > 1, which is solved by a modification of the theory for emissive probes, with the introduction of an effective electron population. With this new electron group, the new model for the total probe current agrees with the experimental data. The origin of this electron group remains an open question, but it might be originated by a new potential structure near the emissive probe when it operates in the strong emission regime. A simple one-dimension model composed by a minimum of potential near the probe surface is discussed for strongly emitting emissive probes. The results indicate that this complex potential structure appears for very high probe temperatures and the potential well might reduce the emitted electrons population reaching the plasma bulk. The experimental issues involved in the floating potential method are also studied, as the different obtaining techniques of VF, the signal-to-noise ratio, the signal coupling of the I-V curve measurement system or the experimental evidence of the probe operation modes. These empirical proofs concern all the probe operation aspects: the electron collection, the floating potential, the I-V curve accuracy as well as the electron emission. This last issue is also investigated in this dissertation, because a super emission takes place in the strong emission regime. In this operation mode, the experimental results indicate that the thermionic electron currents might be higher than those predicted by the classical Richardson-Dushman equation. Finally, plasma diagnosis using electric probes in the presence of dust grains (dusty plasmas) in low density cold plasmas is also addressed. The application of the floating potential technique of the emissive probe in a non-conventional complex plasma is numerically investigated, whose results point out the floating potential of the emissive probe might be shifted for high dust density or large dust particles.


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This article shows how a very small company has tailored Scrum according to its own needs. The main additions made were the “sprint design” phase and the “sprint test” phase. Before the sprint 0, the requirements elicitation and the functional specification were made in order to meet deadlines and costs agreed with clients. Besides, the introduction of an agile project management tool has supported all the process and it is considered the main success factor for the institutionalization of the Scrum process.


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From its humble beginnings as a small workshop established by Tomáš Baťa in 1874, the Bata Shoe Company became a gigantic concern in the 1920s, built on the principles of scientific management and welfare capitalism. The growth of the company engulfed Zlín (in today’s Czech Republic), its hometown, and transformed it into a modern industrial garden city satisfying the needs of both a growing industrial population, and those of the company itself. As a reaction to the aftermath of the crisis of 1929, the enterprise began a strategy of decentralization and international expansion characterized by the design and construction of a series of modern industrial towns that replicated the model of Zlín around the globe. This study is an exhaustive survey of these cities, their rationale, design, and their postindustrial conditions; it is a comparative work that has used field trips, photography, interviews, and archival material to explain the logics behind Bata’s project, to document the design and implementation of the model to multiple contexts and geographies, and to evaluate of the urban legacy of this undertaking. Finally, the research explores the question of what can the design disciplines, and other parties involved, learn from a full synthesis on the history and urbanism of the Bata satellite cities with regard to the re-imagination and sustainability of contemporary industry-sponsored interventions in developing geographies. RESUMEN Con origen en un humilde y pequeño taller fundado en 1874 por Tomáš Baťa, la Bata Shoe Company creció hasta convertirse en una gigantesca empresa en los anos 20, fundada en principios de control científico de la producción y capitalismo de bienestar. El crecimiento de la compañía se extendió por Zlín (en la actual República Checa), su pueblo de nacimiento, y la transformó en una moderna ciudad jardín industrial capaz de satisfacer las necesidades tanto de una población en alza como de la propia empresa. Como reacción a la crisis de 1929, Bata inició una estrategia de descentralización y expansión internacional caracterizada por el proyecto y construcción de modernas ciudades industriales que replicaron el modelo de Zlín por el mundo. Esta tesis es un estudio exhaustivo de estas ciudades: las razones detrás del proyecto, su diseño, y su condición post-industrial; es un estudio comparativo que se ha servido de trabajo de campo, documentación fotográfica, entrevistas y materiales de archivo para explicar la lógica detrás del proyecto de Bata, documentar el diseño e implementación de tal modelo en múltiples contextos y geografías, y valorar el legado urbano de esta empresa. Finalmente, la investigación evalúa qué podrían aprender las disciplinas del diseño y otras partes implicadas de una síntesis completa de la historia y el urbanismo de las ciudades satélite de Bata, en lo relativo a la reinvención y sostenibilidad de proyectos contemporáneos de la industria en geografías en desarrollo.


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As sustainability reporting (SR) practices have being increasingly adopted by corporations over the last twenty years, most of the existing literature on SR has stressed the role of external determinants (such as institutional and stakeholder pressures) in explaining this uptake. However, given that recent evidence points to a broader range of motives and uses (both external and internal) of SR, we contend that its role within company-level activities deserves greater academic attention. In order to address this research gap, this paper seeks to provide a more detailed examination of the organizational characteristics acting as drivers and/or barriers of SR integration within corporate sustainability practices at the company-level. More specifically, we suggest that substantive SR implementation can be predicted by assessing the level of fit between the organization and the SR framework being adopted. Building on this hypothesis, our theoretical model defines three forms of fit (technical, cultural and political) and identifies organizational characteristics associated to each of these fits. Finally, implications for academic research, businesses and policy-makers are derived.


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As sustainability reporting (SR) practices have being increasingly adopted by corporations over the last twenty years, most of the existing literature on SR has stressed the role of external determinants (such as institutional and stakeholder pressures) in explaining this uptake. However, given that recent evidence points to a broader range of motives and uses (both external and internal) of SR, we contend that its role within company-level activities deserves greater academic attention. In order to address this research gap, this paper seeks to provide a more integrated perspective of both institutional and efficiency explanations of SR dynamics, as well as to highlight the role of company-level characteristics in explaining its contribution to sustainability management practices. More specifically, we suggest that substantive SR implementation can be predicted by assessing the level of fit between the organization and the SR framework being adopted. Building on this idea, our theoretical model defines three forms of fit (technical, cultural and political) and identifies organizational characteristics associated to each of these fits. Finally, implications for academic research, businesses and policy-makers are derived.