4 resultados para Deviant peer affiliation
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Active learning is one of the most efficient mechanisms for learning, according to the psychology of learning. When students act as teachers for other students, the communication is more fluent and knowledge is transferred easier than in a traditional classroom. This teaching method is referred to in the literature as reciprocal peer teaching. In this study, the method is applied to laboratory sessions of a higher education institution course, and the students who act as teachers are referred to as ‘‘laboratory monitors.’’ A particular way to select the monitors and its impact in the final marks is proposed. A total of 181 students participated in the experiment, experiences with laboratory monitors are discussed, and methods for motivating and training laboratory monitors and regular students are proposed. The types of laboratory sessions that can be led by classmates are discussed. This work is related to the changes in teaching methods in the Spanish higher education system, prompted by the Bologna Process for the construction of the European Higher Education Area
En países de sismicidad moderada es habitual el uso de puentes cuyo tablero está unido mediante apoyos elastoméricos y/o deslizantes, tanto a las pilas como a los estribos. La principal vulnerabilidad sísmica de estos puentes está asociada a los choques. Dicha vulnerabilidad puede valorarse estimando la probabilidad de que se produzca un determinado daño en un periodo de tiempo. En este artículo se plantean las líneas actuales para estudiar este problema, y se aplican al estudio de la vulnerabilidad de un paso superior situado en la provincia de Granada, que puede considerarse como sísmicamente aislado. El marco del estudio es la metodología del Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, cuya aplicación se ha adaptado al caso estudiado. En el artículo se describen cada una de las etapas de que consta, aunque se presta especial atención a la identificación y caracterización de los daños susceptibles de producirse. El modelo de la estructura, que debe permitir una adecuada caracterización de los choques, también será presentado en detalle. Dado que el puente es representativo de una gran cantidad de estructuras del inventario construido en España, los resultados son doblemente importantes. Por una parte, sirven de guía para la aplicación de esta metodología a estructuras similares. Y por otra, proporcionan valores de probabilidades que pueden servir de referencia.
Collaborative e-learning is increasingly appealing as a pedagogical approach that can positively affect student learning. We propose a didactical model that integrates multimedia with collaborative tools and peer assessment to foster collaborative e-learning. In this paper, we explain it and present the results of its application to the “International Seminars on Materials Science” online course. The proposed didactical model consists of five educational activities. In the first three, students review the multimedia resources proposed by the teacher in collaboration with their classmates. Then, in the last two activities, they create their own multimedia resources and assess those created by their classmates. These activities foster communication and collaboration among students and their ability to use and create multimedia resources. Our purpose is to encourage the creativity, motivation, and dynamism of the learning process for both teachers and students.
When used appropriately, self- and peer-assessment are very effective learning tools. In the present work, instructor formative assessment and feedback, self-assessment (SA), and peer-assessment (PA) have been compared. During the first part of a semester, the students followed a continuous formative assessment. Subsequently, they were divided into two subgroups based on similar performances. One subgroup performed SAs, and the other followedPAduring the last part of the course. The performances of the two groups in solving problems were compared. Results suggest that PA is a more effective learning tool than SA, and both are more effective than instructor formative assessment. However, a survey that was conducted at the end of the experiment showed higher student confidence in instructor assessment than in PA. The students recognized the usefulness of acting as peer assessors, but believed that SA helped them more than PA.