67 resultados para Design experimental

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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In this article an experimental campaign aimed at validating a previously published simplified serviceability design method of the columns of long jointless structures is presented. The proposed method is also extended to include tension stiffening effects which proved to be significant in structures with small amount of reinforcement subjected to small axial loading. This extension allows significant improvement of predictions for this type of element. The campaign involved columns with different reinforcement and squashing load ratios, given that these parameters had been identified as crucial when designing columns subjected to imposed displacements. Experimental results are presented and discussed, with particular regard to cracking behaviour and structural stiffness. Considerations on tension stiffening effects are also made. Finally, the application of the method to typical bridge and building cases is presented, showing the feasibility of jointless construction, and the limits which should be respected.


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Gran cantidad de servicios de telecomunicación tales como la distribución de televisión o los sistemas de navegación están basados en comunicaciones por satélite. Del mismo modo que ocurre en otras aplicaciones espaciales, existe una serie de recursos clave severamente limitados, tales como la masa o el volumen. En este sentido, uno de los dispositivos pasivos más importantes es el diplexor del sistema de alimentación de la antena. Este dispositivo permite el uso de una única antena tanto para transmitir como para recibir, con la consiguiente optimización de recursos que eso supone. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es diseñar un diplexor que cumpla especificaciones reales de comunicaciones por satélite. El dispositivo consiste en dos estructuras filtrantes unidas por una bifurcación de tres puertas. Además, es imprescindible utilizar tecnología de guía de onda para su implementación debido a los altos niveles de potencia manejados. El diseño del diplexor se lleva a cabo dividiendo la estructura en diversas partes, con el objetivo de que todo el proceso sea factible y eficiente. En primer lugar, se han desarrollado filtros con diferentes respuestas – paso alto, paso bajo y paso banda – aunque únicamente dos de ellos formarán el diplexor. Al afrontar su diseño inicial, se lleva a cabo un proceso de síntesis teórica utilizando modelos circuitales. A continuación, los filtros se optimizan con técnicas de diseño asistido por ordenador (CAD) full-wave, en concreto mode matching. En este punto es esencial analizar las estructuras y su simetría para determinar qué modos electromagnéticos se están propagando realmente por los dispositivos, para así reducir el esfuerzo computacional asociado. Por último, se utiliza el Método de los Elementos Finitos (FEM) para verificar los resultados previamente obtenidos. Una vez que el diseño de los filtros está terminado, se calculan las dimensiones correspondientes a la bifurcación. Finalmente, el diplexor al completo se somete a un proceso de optimización para cumplir las especificaciones eléctricas requeridas. Además, este trabajo presenta un novedoso valor añadido: la implementación física y la caracterización experimental tanto del diplexor como de los filtros por separado. Esta posibilidad, impracticable hasta ahora debido a su elevado coste, se deriva del desarrollo de las técnicas de manufacturación aditiva. Los prototipos se imprimen en plástico (PLA) utilizando una impresora 3D de bajo coste y posteriormente se metalizan. El uso de esta tecnología conlleva dos limitaciones: la precisión de las dimensiones geométricas (±0.2 mm) y la conductividad de la pintura metálica que recubre las paredes internas de las guías de onda. En este trabajo se incluye una comparación entre los valores medidos y simulados, así como un análisis de los resultados experimentales. En resumen, este trabajo presenta un proceso real de ingeniería: el problema de diseñar un dispositivo que satisfaga especificaciones reales, las limitaciones causadas por el proceso de fabricación, la posterior caracterización experimental y la obtención de conclusiones.


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This paper presents the application of the Integral Masonry System (IMS) to the construction of earthquake resistant houses and its experimental study. To verify the security of this new type of building in seismic areas of the third world two prototypes have been tested, one with adobe and the other with hollow brick. In both cases it’s a two-story 6x6x6 m3 house built to scale 1/2. The tests are carried out at the Laboratory of Antiseismic Structures of the Department of Engineering, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru in Lima, in collaboration with the UPM (Technical University of Madrid). This article shows the design process of the prototypes to test, including the sizing of the reinforcements, the characteristics of the tests and the results obtained. These results show that the IMS with adobe or brick remains stable with no significant cracks faced with a severe earthquake, with an estimated acceleration of 1.8 g. Este artículo presenta una aplicación del Sistema de Albañilería Integral (SAI) a la construcción de viviendas sismorresistentes y su estudio experimental. Para verificar su seguridad para su construcción en zonas sísmicas del tercer mundo se han ensayado dos prototipos, uno con adobe, y otro con ladrillo hueco. Se trata de una vivienda de 6x6x6 m3 y dos plantas que se construyen a escala 1/2. Los ensayos se realizaron en el Laboratorio de Estructuras Antisísmicas del Departamento de Ingeniería de la Pontificia Católica Universidad del Perú (PUCP) de Lima en colaboración con la UPM (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). Este artículo muestra el proceso de diseño de los prototipos a ensayar, incluido el dimensionado de los refuerzos, las características de los ensayos y los resultados obtenidos. Estos resultados muestran que el SAI con adobe o ladrillo permanece estable sin grietas significativas ante un sismo severo, con una aceleración estimada de 1,8 g.


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This Doctoral Thesis entitled Contribution to the analysis, design and assessment of compact antenna test ranges at millimeter wavelengths aims to deepen the knowledge of a particular antenna measurement system: the compact range, operating in the frequency bands of millimeter wavelengths. The thesis has been developed at Radiation Group (GR), an antenna laboratory which belongs to the Signals, Systems and Radiocommunications department (SSR), from Technical University of Madrid (UPM). The Radiation Group owns an extensive experience on antenna measurements, running at present four facilities which operate in different configurations: Gregorian compact antenna test range, spherical near field, planar near field and semianechoic arch system. The research work performed in line with this thesis contributes the knowledge of the first measurement configuration at higher frequencies, beyond the microwaves region where Radiation Group features customer-level performance. To reach this high level purpose, a set of scientific tasks were sequentially carried out. Those are succinctly described in the subsequent paragraphs. A first step dealed with the State of Art review. The study of scientific literature dealed with the analysis of measurement practices in compact antenna test ranges in addition with the particularities of millimeter wavelength technologies. Joint study of both fields of knowledge converged, when this measurement facilities are of interest, in a series of technological challenges which become serious bottlenecks at different stages: analysis, design and assessment. Thirdly after the overview study, focus was set on Electromagnetic analysis algorithms. These formulations allow to approach certain electromagnetic features of interest, such as field distribution phase or stray signal analysis of particular structures when they interact with electromagnetic waves sources. Properly operated, a CATR facility features electromagnetic waves collimation optics which are large, in terms of wavelengths. Accordingly, the electromagnetic analysis tasks introduce an extense number of mathematic unknowns which grow with frequency, following different polynomic order laws depending on the used algorithmia. In particular, the optics configuration which was of our interest consisted on the reflection type serrated edge collimator. The analysis of these devices requires a flexible handling of almost arbitrary scattering geometries, becoming this flexibility the nucleus of the algorithmia’s ability to perform the subsequent design tasks. This thesis’ contribution to this field of knowledge consisted on reaching a formulation which was powerful at the same time when dealing with various analysis geometries and computationally speaking. Two algorithmia were developed. While based on the same principle of hybridization, they reached different order Physics performance at the cost of the computational efficiency. Inter-comparison of their CATR design capabilities was performed, reaching both qualitative as well as quantitative conclusions on their scope. In third place, interest was shifted from analysis - design tasks towards range assessment. Millimetre wavelengths imply strict mechanical tolerances and fine setup adjustment. In addition, the large number of unknowns issue already faced in the analysis stage appears as well in the on chamber field probing stage. Natural decrease of dynamic range available by semiconductor millimeter waves sources requires in addition larger integration times at each probing point. These peculiarities increase exponentially the difficulty of performing assessment processes in CATR facilities beyond microwaves. The bottleneck becomes so tight that it compromises the range characterization beyond a certain limit frequency which typically lies on the lowest segment of millimeter wavelength frequencies. However the value of range assessment moves, on the contrary, towards the highest segment. This thesis contributes this technological scenario developing quiet zone probing techniques which achieves substantial data reduction ratii. Collaterally, it increases the robustness of the results to noise, which is a virtual rise of the setup’s available dynamic range. In fourth place, the environmental sensitivity of millimeter wavelengths issue was approached. It is well known the drifts of electromagnetic experiments due to the dependance of the re sults with respect to the surrounding environment. This feature relegates many industrial practices of microwave frequencies to the experimental stage, at millimeter wavelengths. In particular, evolution of the atmosphere within acceptable conditioning bounds redounds in drift phenomena which completely mask the experimental results. The contribution of this thesis on this aspect consists on modeling electrically the indoor atmosphere existing in a CATR, as a function of environmental variables which affect the range’s performance. A simple model was developed, being able to handle high level phenomena, such as feed - probe phase drift as a function of low level magnitudes easy to be sampled: relative humidity and temperature. With this model, environmental compensation can be performed and chamber conditioning is automatically extended towards higher frequencies. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to go further into the knowledge of millimetre wavelengths involving compact antenna test ranges. This knowledge is dosified through the sequential stages of a CATR conception, form early low level electromagnetic analysis towards the assessment of an operative facility, stages for each one of which nowadays bottleneck phenomena exist and seriously compromise the antenna measurement practices at millimeter wavelengths.


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The engineering design of fissionchambers as on-line radiation detectors for IFMIF is being performed in the framework of the IFMIF-EVEDA works. In this paper the results of the experiments performed in the BR2 reactor during the phase-2 of the foreseen validation activities are addressed. Two detectors have been tested in a mixedneutron-gamma field with high neutron fluence and gamma absorbed dose rates, comparable with the expected values in the HFTM in IFMIF. Since the neutron spectra in all BR2 channels are dominated by the thermal neutron component, the detectors have been surrounded by a cylindrical gadolinium screen to cut the thermal neutron component, in order to get a more representative test for IFMIF conditions. The integrated gamma absorbed dose was about 4 × 1010 Gy and the fast neutron fluence (E > 0.1 MeV) 4 × 1020 n/cm2. The fissionchambers were calibrated in three BR2 channels with different neutron-to-gamma ratio, and the long-term evolution of the signals was studied and compared with theoretical calculations


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Los polímeros armados con fibras (FRP) se utilizan en refuerzos de estructuras de hormigón debido sobre todo a sus excelentes propiedades mecánicas, su resistencia a la corrosión y a su ligereza que se traduce en facilidad y ahorro en el transporte, puesta en obra y aplicación, la cual se realiza de forma muy rápida, con pocos operarios y utilizando medios auxiliares ligeros, minimizándose las interrupciones del uso de la estructura y las molestias a los usuarios. Las razones presentadas anteriormente, han despertado un gran inter´es por parte de diferentes grupos de investigación a nivel mundial y que actualmente se encuentran desarrollando nuevas técnicas de aplicación y métodos de cálculo. Sin embargo, las investigaciones realizadas hasta la fecha, muestran un procedimiento bien definido y aceptado en lo referente al cálculo a flexión, lo cual no ocurre con el refuerzo a cortante y aunque se ha demostrado que el refuerzo con FRP es un sistema eficaz para incrementar la capacidad ´ultima frente a esfuerzos cortantes, también se pone de manifiesto la necesidad de más estudios experimentales y teóricos para avanzar en el entendimiento de los mecanismos involucrados para este tipo de refuerzo y establecer un procedimiento de diseño apropiado que maximice las excelentes propiedades de este material. Los modelos que explican el comportamiento del refuerzo a cortante de elementos de hormigón armado son complejos y sin transposición directa a fórmulas ingenieriles. Las normas actualmente en vigor, generalmente, establecen empíricamente la capacidad cortante como la suma de las capacidades del hormigón y el refuerzo transversal de acero. Cuando un elemento es reforzado externamente con FRP, los modelos son evidentemente aun más complejos. Las guías y recomendaciones existentes proponen calcular la capacidad del elemento añadiendo la resistencia aportada por el refuerzo externo de FRP a la ya dada por el hormigón y acero transversal. Sin embargo, la idoneidad de este acercamiento es cuestionable puesto que no tiene en cuenta una posible interacción entre refuerzos. Con base en lo anterior se da origen al tema objeto de este trabajo, el cual está orientado al estudio a cortante de elementos de hormigón armado (HA), reforzados externamente con material compuesto de tejido unidireccional de fibra de carbono y resina epoxi. Inicialmente se hace una completa revisión del estado actual del conocimiento de la resistencia a cortante en elementos de hormigón armado con y sin refuerzo externo de FRP, prestando especial atención en los mecanismos actuantes estudiados hasta la fecha. La bibliografía consultada ha sido exhaustiva y actualizada lo que ha permitido el estudio de los modelos propuestos más importantes, tanto para la descripción del fenómeno de adherencia entre hormigón-FRP como de la valoración del aporte al cortante total hecho por el FRP, a través de sendas bases de datos de ensayos de pull-out y de vigas de hormigón armado ensayadas a cortante. Con base en todo lo anterior, se expusieron los mecanismos actuantes en el aporte a cortante hecho por el FRP en elementos de hormigón armado y la forma como las principales guías de cálculo existentes hasta la fecha los abordan. De igual forma se define un modelo de resistencia de esfuerzos para el FRP y se proponen dos modelos para el cálculo de las tensiones o deformaciones efectivas, de los cuales uno esta basado en el modelo de adherencia propuesto por Oller (2005) y el otro en una regresión multivariante para los mecanismos expuestos. Como complemento del estudio de los trabajos encontrados en la literatura, se lleva acabo un programa experimental que, además de aportar más registros a la exigua base de datos existentes, aporte mayor luz a los puntos que se consideran están deficientemente resueltos. Dentro de este programa se realizaron 32 ensayos sobre 16 vigas de 4.5 m de longitud (dos ensayos por viga), reforzadas a cortante con tejido unidireccional de CFRP. Finalmente, estos estudios han permitido proponer modificaciones a las formulaciones existentes en los códigos y guías en vigor. Abstract Its excellent mechanical properties, as well as its corrosion resistance and light weight, which make it easy to apply and inexpensive to ship to the worksite, are the basis of the extended use of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) as external strengthening for structures. FRP strengthening is a rapid operation calling for only limited labor and lightweight ancillary equipment, all of which minimizes both the interruption of facility usage and user inconvenience. These advantages have aroused considerable interest in civil engineering science and technology and have led to countless applications the world over. Research studies on the shear strength of FRP-strengthened members have been much fewer in number and more controversial than the research on flexural strengthening, for which a more or less standardized and generally accepted procedure has been established. The research conducted and a host of applications around the world have shown that FRP strengthening is an effective technique for raising ultimate shear strength, but it has also revealed a need for further experimental and theoretical research to advance in the understanding of the mechanisms involved and establish suitable design procedures that optimize the excellent properties of this material The models that explain reinforced concrete (RC) shear strength behavior are complex and cannot be directly transposed to engineering formulas. The standards presently in place generally establish shear capacity empirically as the sum of the capacities of the concrete and the passive reinforcement. When members are externally strengthened with FRP, the models are obviously even more complex. The existing guides and recommendations propose calculating capacity by adding the external strength provided by the FRP to the contributions of the concrete and passive reinforcement. The suitability of this approach is questionable, however, because it fails to consider the interaction between passive reinforcement and external strengthening. The subject of this work is based in above, which is focused on externally shear strengthening for reinforced concrete members with unidirectional carbon fiber sheets bonded with epoxy resin. v Initially a thorough literature review on shear of reinforced concrete beams with and without external FRP strengthening was performed, paying special attention to the acting mechanisms studied to date, which allowed the study of the most important models both to describe the bond phenomenon as well as calculating the FRP shear contribution, through separate databases of pull-out tests and shear tests on reinforced concrete beams externally strengthened with FRP. Based on above, they were exposed the acting mechanisms in a FRP shear strengthening on reinforced concrete beams and how guidelines deal the topic. The same way, it is defined a FRP stress strength model and two more models are proposed for calculating the effective stress, one of these is based on the Oller (2005) bond model and another one is the data best fit, taking into account most of the acting mechanisms. To complement the theoretical part we develop an experimental program that, in addition to providing more records to the meager existing database provide greater understanding to the points considered poorly resolved. The test program included 32 tests of 16 beams (2 per beam) of 4.5 m long, shear strengthened with FRP, externally. Finally, modifications to the existing codes and guidelines are proposed.


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Virtual certification partially substitutes by computer simulations the experimental techniques required for rail vehicle certification. In this paper, several works were these techniques were used in the vehicle design and track maintenance processes are presented. Dynamic simulation of multibody systems was used to virtually apply the EN14363 standard to certify the dynamic behaviour of vehicles. The works described are: assessment of a freight bogie design adapted to meter-gauge, assessment of a railway track layout for a subway network, freight bogie design with higher speed and axle load, and processing of the data acquired by a track recording vehicle for track maintenance.


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This paper has analysed the effect of the utilization of internal finned tubes for the design of parabolic trough collectors with computational fluid dynamics tools. Our numerical approach has been qualified with the computational estimation of reported experimental data regarding phenomena involved in finned tube applications and solar irradiation of parabolic trough collector. The application of finned tubes to the design of parabolic trough collectors must take into account features as the pressure losses, thermal losses and thermo-mechanical stress and thermal fatigue. Our analysis shows an improvement potential in parabolic trough solar plants efficiency by the application of internal finned tubes.


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The development of a novel optical design for the high concentration photovoltaics (HPCV) nonimaging concentrator (>500x) that utilizes a built-in spectrum splitting concept is presented. The primary optical element (POE) is a flat Fresnel lens and the secondary optical element (SOE) is a free-form RXI-type concentrator with a band-pass filter embedded in it. The POE and SOE perform Köhler integration to produce light homogenization on the receiver. The system uses a combination of a commercial concentration GaInP/GaInAs/Ge 3J cell and a concentration Back-PointContact (BPC) silicon cell for efficient spectral utilization, and an external confinement technique for recovering the 3J cell’s reflection. A design target of an “equivalent” cell efficiency ~46% is predicted using commercial 39% 3J and 26% Si cells. A projected CPV module efficiency of greater than 38% is achievable at a concentration level greater than 500X with a wide acceptance angle of ±1º. A first proof-of concept receiver prototype has been manufactured using a simpler optical architecture (with a lower concentration, ~100x and lower simulated added efficiency), and experimental measurements have shown up to 39.8% 4J receiver efficiency using a 3J cell with a peak efficiency of 36.9%


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Development of a novel HCPV nonimaging concentrator with high concentration (>500x) and built-in spectrum splitting concept is presented. It uses the combination of a commercial concentration GaInP/GaInAs/Ge 3J cell and a concentration Back-Point-Contact (BPC) silicon cell for efficient spectral utilization, and external confinement techniques for recovering the 3J cell's reflection. The primary optical element (POE) is a flat Fresnel lens and the secondary optical element (SOE) is a free-form RXI-type concentrator with a band-pass filter embedded in it - Both the POE and SOE performing Köhler integration to produce light homogenization on the receiver. The band-pass filter transmits the IR photons in the 900-1200 nm band to the silicon cell. A design target of an "equivalent" cell efficiency ~46% is predicted using commercial 39% 3J and 26% Si cells. A projected CPV module efficiency of greater than 38% is achievable at a concentration level larger than 500X with a wide acceptance angle of ±1°. A first proof-of concept receiver prototype has been manufactured using a simpler optical architecture (with a lower concentration, ~100x and lower simulated added efficiency), and experimental measurements have shown up to 39.8% 4J receiver efficiency using a 3J cell with a peak efficiency of 36.9%.


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A metal-less RXI collimator has been designed. Unlike to the conventional RXI collimators, whose back surface and central part of the front surface have to be metalized, this collimator does not include any mirrored surface. The back surface is designed as a grooved surface providing two TIR reflections for all rays impinging on it. The main advantage of the presented design is lower manufacturing cost since there is no need for the expensive process of metalization. Also, unlike to the conventional RXI collimators this design performs good colour mixing. The first prototype of V-groove RXI collimator has been made of PMMA by direct cutting using a five axis diamond turning machine. The experimental measurements of the first prototype are presented.


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Purpose: In this work, we present the analysis, design and optimization of one experimental device recently developed in the UK, called the 'GP' Thrombus Aspiration Device (GPTAD). This device has been designed to remove blood clots without the need to make contact with the clot itself thereby potentially reducing the risk of problems such as downstream embolisation. Method: To obtain the minimum pressure necessary to extract the clot and to optimize the device, we have simulated the performance of the GPTAD analysing the resistances, compliances and inertances effects. We model a range of diameters for the GPTAD considering different forces of adhesion of the blood clot to the artery wall, and different lengths of blood clot. In each case we determine the optimum pressure required to extract the blood clot from the artery using the GPTAD, which is attached at its proximal end to a suction pump. Result: We then compare the results of our mathematical modelling to measurements made in laboratory using plastic tube models of arteries of comparable diameter. We use abattoir porcine blood clots that are extracted using the GPTAD. The suction pressures required for such clot extraction in the plastic tube models compare favourably with those predicted by the mathematical modelling. Discussion & Conclusion: We conclude therefore that the mathematical modelling is a useful technique in predicting the performance of the GPTAD and may potentially be used in optimising the design of the device.


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This paper proposes an interleaved multiphase buck converter with minimum time control strategy for envelope amplifiers in high efficiency RF power amplifiers. The solution of the envelope amplifier is to combine the proposed converter with a linear regulator in series. High system efficiency can be obtained through modulating the supply voltage of the envelope amplifier with the fast output voltage variation of the converter working with several particular duty cycles that achieve total ripple cancellation. The transient model for minimum time control is explained, and the calculation of transient times that are pre-calculated and inserted into a look-up table is presented. The filter design trade-off that limits capability of envelope modulation is also discussed. The experimental results verify the fast voltage transient obtained with a 4-phase buck prototype.


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In this paper, an interleaved multiphase buck converter with minimum time control strategy for envelope amplifiers in high efficiency RF power amplifiers is proposed. The solution for the envelope amplifier is to combine the proposed converter with a linear regulator in series. High efficiency of envelope amplifier can be obtained through modulating the supply voltage of the linear regulator. Instead of tracking the envelope, the buck converter has discrete output voltage that corresponding to particular duty cycles which achieve total ripple cancellation. The transient model for minimum time control is explained, and the calculation of transient times that are pre-calculated and inserted into a lookup table is presented. The filter design trade-off that limits capability of envelope modulation is also discussed. The experimental results verify the fast voltage transient obtained with a 4-phase buck prototype.


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In this paper, filter design methodology and application of GaN HEMTs for high efficiency Envelope Amplifier in RF transmitters are proposed. The main objectives of the filter design are generation of the envelope reference with the minimum possible distortion and high efficiency of the amplifier obtained by the optimum trade-off between conduction and switching losses. This optimum point was determined using power losses model for synchronous buck with sinusoidal output voltage and experimental results showed good correspondence with the model and verified the proposed methodology. On the other hand, comparing to Si MOSFETs, GaN HEMTs can provide higher efficiency of the envelope amplifier, due to superior conductivity and switching characteristics. Experimental results verified benefits of GaN devices comparing to the appliance of Si switching devices with very good Figure Of Merit, for this particular application