13 resultados para Derivative instruments

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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During the last five years, in order to improve understanding of content related to "Coordinate Metrology", the Laboratorio de Metrología y Metrotecnia (LMM) from the Polytechnic University of Madrid offers its PhD students, as a course work, the construction of a virtual instrument. This virtual instrument simulates the imaging of a part to be measured by optical dimensional metrology instruments (microscopes, profile projectors, vision machines). The LMM provides students with images similar to those they would obtain with real instrumentation for the instrument adjustment and calibration process. Working with these images, students should determine the adjustment parameters of the virtual instrument. Once these parameters are set, the student can perform the proper calibration of the virtual instrument. Beyond this process, the instrument is already able to perform traceable measurement. In order to do that, LMM offers students some images of parts. Students should perform some measurements using those images and estimate the corresponding uncertainties.


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Se trata de estudiar el comportamiento de un sistema basado en el chip CC1110 de Texas Instruments, para aplicaciones inalámbricas. Los dispositivos basados en este tipo de chips tienen actualmente gran profusión, dada la demanda cada vez mayor de aplicaciones de gestión y control inalámbrico. Por ello, en la primera parte del proyecto se presenta el estado del arte referente a este aspecto, haciendo mención a los sistemas operativos embebidos, FPGAs, etc. También se realiza una introducción sobre la historia de los aviones no tripulados, que son el vehículo elegido para el uso del enlace de datos. En una segunda parte se realiza el estudio del dispositivo mediante una placa de desarrollo, verificando y comprobando mediante el software suministrado, el alcance del mismo. Cabe resaltar en este punto que el control con la placa mencionada se debe hacer mediante programación de bajo nivel (lenguaje C), lo que aporta gran versatilidad a las aplicaciones que se pueden desarrollar. Por ello, en una tercera parte se realiza un programa funcional, basado en necesidades aportadas por la empresa con la que se colabora en el proyecto (INDRA). Este programa es realizado sobre el entorno de Matlab, muy útil para este tipo de aplicaciones, dada su versatilidad y gran capacidad de cálculo con variables. Para terminar, con la realización de dichos programas, se realizan pruebas específicas para cada uno de ellos, realizando pruebas de campo en algunas ocasiones, con vehículos los más similares a los del entorno real en el que se prevé utilizar. Como implementación al programa realizado, se incluye un manual de usuario con un formato muy gráfico, para que la toma de contacto se realice de una manera rápida y sencilla. Para terminar, se plantean líneas futuras de aplicación del sistema, conclusiones, presupuesto y un anexo con los códigos de programación más importantes. Abstract In this document studied the system behavior based on chip CC1110 of Texas Instruments, for wireless applications. These devices currently have profusion. Right the increasing demand for control and management wireless applications. In the first part of project presents the state of art of this aspect, with reference to the embedded systems, FPGAs, etc. It also makes a history introduction of UAVs, which are the vehicle for use data link. In the second part is studied the device through development board, verifying and checking with provided software the scope. The board programming is C language; this gives a good versatility to develop applications. Thus, in third part performing a functionally program, it based on requirements provided by company with which it collaborates, INDRA Company. This program is developed with Matlab, very useful for such applications because of its versatility and ability to use variables. Finally, with the implementation of such programs, specific tests are performed for each of them, field tests are performed in several cases, and vehicles used for this are the most similar to the actual environment plain to use. Like implementing with the program made, includes a graphical user manual, so your understanding is conducted quickly and easily. Ultimately, present future targets for system applications, conclusions, budget and annex of the most important programming codes.


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We present a technique to reconstruct the electromagnetic properties of a medium or a set of objects buried inside it from boundary measurements when applying electric currents through a set of electrodes. The electromagnetic parameters may be recovered by means of a gradient method without a priori information on the background. The shape, location and size of objects, when present, are determined by a topological derivative-based iterative procedure. The combination of both strategies allows improved reconstructions of the objects and their properties, assuming a known background.


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The first derivative of spectral reflectance of tomatoes was studied to see whether it can detect molds and sunscald damage on the fruit. The results indicate that a quality index based on the derivative values of reflectance at 590- and 710-nm wavelengths can be used to separate good tomates from those with black mold, gray mold, and sunscald.


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Este trabajo presenta un estudio sobre el funcionamiento y aplicaciones de las células de combustible de membrana tipo PEM, o de intercambio de protones, alimentadas con hidrógeno puro y oxigeno obtenido de aire comprimido. Una vez evaluado el proceso de dichas células y las variables que intervienen en el mismo, como presión, humedad y temperatura, se presenta una variedad de métodos para la instrumentación de tales variables así como métodos y sistemas para la estabilidad y control de las mismas, en torno a los valores óptimos para una mayor eficacia en el proceso. Tomando como variable principal a controlar la temperatura del proceso, y exponiendo los valores concretos en torno a 80 grados centígrados entre los que debe situarse, es realizado un modelo del proceso de calentamiento y evolución de la temperatura en función de la potencia del calentador resistivo en el dominio de la frecuencia compleja, y a su vez implementado un sistema de medición mediante sensores termopar de tipo K de respuesta casi lineal. La señal medida por los sensores es amplificada de manera diferencial mediante amplificadores de instrumentación INA2126, y es desarrollado un algoritmo de corrección de error de unión fría (error producido por la inclusión de nuevos metales del conector en el efecto termopar). Son incluidos los datos de test referentes al sistema de medición de temperatura , incluyendo las desviaciones o error respecto a los valores ideales de medida. Para la adquisición de datos y implementación de algoritmos de control, es utilizado un PC con el software Labview de National Instruments, que permite una programación intuitiva, versátil y visual, y poder realizar interfaces de usuario gráficas simples. La conexión entre el hardware de instrumentación y control de la célula y el PC se realiza mediante un interface de adquisición de datos USB NI 6800 que cuenta con un amplio número de salidas y entradas analógicas. Una vez digitalizadas las muestras de la señal medida, y corregido el error de unión fría anteriormente apuntado, es implementado en dicho software un controlador de tipo PID ( proporcional-integral-derivativo) , que se presenta como uno de los métodos más adecuados por su simplicidad de programación y su eficacia para el control de este tipo de variables. Para la evaluación del comportamiento del sistema son expuestas simulaciones mediante el software Matlab y Simulink determinando por tanto las mejores estrategias para desarrollar el control PID, así como los posibles resultados del proceso. En cuanto al sistema de calentamiento de los fluidos, es empleado un elemento resistor calentador, cuya potencia es controlada mediante un circuito electrónico compuesto por un detector de cruce por cero de la onda AC de alimentación y un sistema formado por un elemento TRIAC y su circuito de accionamiento. De manera análoga se expone el sistema de instrumentación para la presión de los gases en el circuito, variable que oscila en valores próximos a 3 atmosferas, para ello es empleado un sensor de presión con salida en corriente mediante bucle 4-20 mA, y un convertidor simple corriente a tensión para la entrada al sistema de adquisición de datos. Consecuentemente se presenta el esquema y componentes necesarios para la canalización, calentamiento y humidificación de los gases empleados en el proceso así como la situación de los sensores y actuadores. Por último el trabajo expone la relación de algoritmos desarrollados y un apéndice con información relativa al software Labview. ABTRACT This document presents a study about the operation and applications of PEM fuel cells (Proton exchange membrane fuel cells), fed with pure hydrogen and oxygen obtained from compressed air. Having evaluated the process of these cells and the variables involved on it, such as pressure, humidity and temperature, there is a variety of methods for implementing their control and to set up them around optimal values for greater efficiency in the process. Taking as primary process variable the temperature, and exposing its correct values around 80 degrees centigrade, between which must be placed, is carried out a model of the heating process and the temperature evolution related with the resistive heater power on the complex frequency domain, and is implemented a measuring system with thermocouple sensor type K performing a almost linear response. The differential signal measured by the sensor is amplified through INA2126 instrumentation amplifiers, and is developed a cold junction error correction algorithm (error produced by the inclusion of additional metals of connectors on the thermocouple effect). Data from the test concerning the temperature measurement system are included , including deviations or error regarding the ideal values of measurement. For data acquisition and implementation of control algorithms, is used a PC with LabVIEW software from National Instruments, which makes programming intuitive, versatile, visual, and useful to perform simple user interfaces. The connection between the instrumentation and control hardware of the cell and the PC interface is via a USB data acquisition NI 6800 that has a large number of analog inputs and outputs. Once stored the samples of the measured signal, and correct the error noted above junction, is implemented a software controller PID (proportional-integral-derivative), which is presented as one of the best methods for their programming simplicity and effectiveness for the control of such variables. To evaluate the performance of the system are presented simulations using Matlab and Simulink software thereby determining the best strategies to develop PID control, and possible outcomes of the process. As fluid heating system, is employed a heater resistor element whose power is controlled by an electronic circuit comprising a zero crossing detector of the AC power wave and a system consisting of a Triac and its drive circuit. As made with temperature variable it is developed an instrumentation system for gas pressure in the circuit, variable ranging in values around 3 atmospheres, it is employed a pressure sensor with a current output via 4-20 mA loop, and a single current to voltage converter to adequate the input to the data acquisition system. Consequently is developed the scheme and components needed for circulation, heating and humidification of the gases used in the process as well as the location of sensors and actuators. Finally the document presents the list of algorithms and an appendix with information about Labview software.


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Four-dimensional flow in the phase space of three amplitudes of circularly polarized Alfven waves and one relative phase, resulting from a resonant three-wave truncation of the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation, has been analyzed; wave 1 is linearly unstable with growth rate , and waves 2 and 3 are stable with damping 2 and 3, respectively. The dependence of gross dynamical features on the damping model as characterized by the relation between damping and wave-vector ratios, 2 /3, k2 /k3, and the polarization of the waves, is discussed; two damping models, Landau k and resistive k2, are studied in depth. Very complex dynamics, such as multiple blue sky catastrophes and chaotic attractors arising from Feigenbaum sequences, and explosive bifurcations involving Intermittency-I chaos, are shown to be associated with the existence and loss of stability of certain fixed point P of the flow. Independently of the damping model, P may only exist as against flow contraction just requiring.In the case of right-hand RH polarization, point P may exist for all models other than Landau damping; for the resistive model, P may exist for RH polarization only if 2+3/2.


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Purpose: To compare assessment capabilities of a motion analysis tool against a validated checklist during laparoscopic training.


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Background Objective assessment of psychomotor skills has become an important challenge in the training of minimally invasive surgical (MIS) techniques. Currently, no gold standard defining surgical competence exists for classifying residents according to their surgical skills. Supervised classification has been proposed as a means for objectively establishing competence thresholds in psychomotor skills evaluation. This report presents a study comparing three classification methods for establishing their validity in a set of tasks for basic skills’ assessment. Methods Linear discriminant analysis (LDA), support vector machines (SVM), and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems (ANFIS) were used. A total of 42 participants, divided into an experienced group (4 expert surgeons and 14 residents with >10 laparoscopic surgeries performed) and a nonexperienced group (16 students and 8 residents with <10 laparoscopic surgeries performed), performed three box trainer tasks validated for assessment of MIS psychomotor skills. Instrument movements were captured using the TrEndo tracking system, and nine motion analysis parameters (MAPs) were analyzed. The performance of the classifiers was measured by leave-one-out cross-validation using the scores obtained by the participants. Results The mean accuracy performances of the classifiers were 71 % (LDA), 78.2 % (SVM), and 71.7 % (ANFIS). No statistically significant differences in the performance were identified between the classifiers. Conclusions The three proposed classifiers showed good performance in the discrimination of skills, especially when information from all MAPs and tasks combined were considered. A correlation between the surgeons’ previous experience and their execution of the tasks could be ascertained from results. However, misclassifications across all the classifiers could imply the existence of other factors influencing psychomotor competence.


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In previous papers, the type-I intermittent phenomenon with continuous reinjection probability density (RPD) has been extensively studied. However, in this paper type-I intermittency considering discontinuous RPD function in one-dimensional maps is analyzed. To carry out the present study the analytic approximation presented by del Río and Elaskar (Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos 20:1185-1191, 2010) and Elaskar et al. (Physica A. 390:2759-2768, 2011) is extended to consider discontinuous RPD functions. The results of this analysis show that the characteristic relation only depends on the position of the lower bound of reinjection (LBR), therefore for the LBR below the tangent point the relation {Mathematical expression}, where {Mathematical expression} is the control parameter, remains robust regardless the form of the RPD, although the average of the laminar phases {Mathematical expression} can change. Finally, the study of discontinuous RPD for type-I intermittency which occurs in a three-wave truncation model for the derivative nonlinear Schrodinger equation is presented. In all tests the theoretical results properly verify the numerical data


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We present a compact formula for the derivative of a 3-D rotation matrix with respect to its exponential coordinates. A geometric interpretation of the resulting expression is provided, as well as its agreement with other less-compact but better-known formulas. To the best of our knowledge, this simpler formula does not appear anywhere in the literature. We hope by providing this more compact expression to alleviate the common pressure to reluctantly resort to alternative representations in various computational applications simply as a means to avoid the complexity of differential analysis in exponential coordinates.


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One of the core objectives of urban planning practice is to provide spatial equity in terms of opportunities and use of public space and facilities. Accessibility is the element that serves this purpose as a concept linking the reciprocal relationship between transport and land use, thus shaping individual potential mobility to reach the desired destinations. Accessibility concepts are increasingly acknowledged as fundamental to understand the functioning of cities and urban regions. Indeed, by introducing them in planning practice, better solutions can be achieved in terms of spatial equity. The COST Action TU1002 "Accessibility instruments for planning practice" was specifically designed to address the gap between scientific research in measuring and modelling accessibility, and the current use of indicators of accessibility in urban planning practice. This paper shows the full process of introducing an easily understandable measure of accessibility to planning practitioners in Madrid, which is one of the case studies of the above-mentioned COST action. Changes in accessibility after the opening of a new metro line using contour measures were analyzed and then presented to a selection of urban planners and practitioners in Madrid as part of a workshop to evaluate the usefulness of this tool for planning practice. Isochrone maps were confirmed as an effective tool, as their utility can be supplemented by other indicators, and being GIS-based, it can be easily computed (when compared with transport models) and integrated with other datasets.


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El presente proyecto es un estudio teórico-práctico de una plataforma: Multi-Standart Senortag (denominada “Sensortag” en este proyecto). En este contexto se evalúa la viabilidad de Sensortag como plataforma de desarrollo para redes de sensores, y su competitividad en diferentes aspectos respecto a las Cookies, otra plataforma desarrollada por el Centro de Electrónica Industrial (CEI). El objetivo de presente trabajo es estudiar las posibilidades de Sensortag, tanto para medir como procesar y transmitir la información, así como evaluar su simplicidad de uso. Para lograrlo se introducen los conceptos de Red Inalámbrica de Sensores y Internet de Cosas, se desarrolla una serie de aplicaciones prácticas de prueba, y para completar el estudio se propone posibles aplicaciones en la vida real así como vías de investigación futura. El estudio se puede dividir según la siguiente estructura: - Introducción y avances tecnológicos relacionados con el ámbito de estudio (Capítulos 1). - Desarrollo del proyecto (Capítulo 2): - Sensortag: sus características y sus prestaciones. - El estudio del dispositivo, su arquitectura, su diseño de Hardware. - El estudio de las herramientas y del Software que puede soportar: - El procesado – el Sistema Operativo - Transmisión de datos - Protocolos de comunicación - Las pruebas y las aplicaciones realizadas: - Resultados (Capítulo 3) - Experiencia, conclusiones y líneas futuras de investigación (Capítulo 4): - Trabajos previos y experiencia personal, - Resumen y conclusiones del estudio - Propuestas para seguir investigando


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Physical and social transformation processes that take place in urban contexts with strong spatial growth and hardly any economic development frequently have significant adverse impacts for the affected people, which tend to be made invisible. This paper presents an analytical framework to explore different ways to approach urban transformation processes (supply side), their impacts on the set of needs of the community (demand side) and their consequences on the urban environment as a whole (context). The proposed method has been used to assess three actions related to the physical and social transformation of the largest self-made settlement in the city of Dakar, Senegal, during the 2005–2012 period. Research findings show how exogenous interests are privileged over the common good when the affected citizens are not effectively involved in decision-making processes.