8 resultados para David L. Whitney

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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In tethered satellite technology, it is important to estimate how many electrons a spacecraft can collect from its ambient plasma by a bare electrodynamic tether. The analysis is however very difficult because of the small but significant Geo-magnetic field and the spacecraft’s relative motion to both ions and electrons. The object of our work is the development of a numerical method, for this purpose. Particle-In-Cell (PIC) method, for the calculation of electron current to a positive bare tether moving at orbital velocity in the ionosphere, i.e. in a flowing magnetized plasma under Maxwellian collisionless conditions. In a PIC code, a number of particles are distributed in phase space and the computational domain has a grid on which Poisson equation is solved for field quantities. The code uses the quasi-neutrality condition to solve for the local potential at points in the plasma which coincide with the computational outside boundary. The quasi-neutrality condition imposes ne - ni on the boundary. The Poisson equation is solved in such a way that the presheath region can be captured in the computation. Results show that the collected current is higher than the Orbital Motion Limit (OML) theory. The OML current is the upper limit of current collection under steady collisionless unmagnetized conditions. In this work, we focus on the flowing effects of plasma as a possible cause of the current enhancement. A deficit electron density due to the flowing effects has been worked and removed by introducing adiabatic electron trapping into our model.


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We have designed and fabricated a microelectromechanical device, based on the alternating field gradient concept, to measure surface magnetic field gradient on planets. Its sensitivity is 4 10-4 T/m, which is appropriate for magnetite outcrops and areas with rocks formed at different stages recording geomagnetic field reversals. We present the results obtained with three different prototypes.


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This paper reports a high efficiency class-F power amplifier based on a gallium nitride high electron mobility transistor (GaN-HEMT), which is designed at the L band of 1640 MHz. The design is based on source and load pull measurements. During the design process, the parasitics of the package of the device are also taken into account in order to achieve the optimal class-F load condition at the intrinsic drain of the transistor. The fabricated class-F power amplifier achieved a maximum drain efficiency (DE) of 77.8% and a output power of 39.6 W on a bandwidth of 280 MHz. Simulation and measurement results have shown good agreement.


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El aceite de pescado ha sido la principal fuente de grasa incluida en la dieta de salmón At¡ntico ya que su uso optimiza el crecimiento y aporta grandes cantidades de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados (PUFA) omega 3, principalmente los ácidos eicosapentaenoico (EPA) y docosahexaenoico (DHA). En los años 90 se utilizaba un 24% de aceite de pescado en los piensos para salmón, sin embargo la escasez del recurso y la presión comercial sobre su demanda por parte de distintos sectores ha dado lugar a una progresiva reducción de su inclusión teniendo la industria como objetivo llegar a utilizar en 2020 tan sólo un 8%. Al reducir los niveles de aceite de pescado disminuye el contenido de EPA y DHA aportado, por lo que se hace necesario diseñar estrategias que permitan maximizar la retención de EPA y DHA en los tejidos del animal. De esta forma, la optimización del uso de antioxidantes para prevenir la peroxidación lipídica de los ácidos grasos poliinsaturados de cadena larga (LC-PUFA), puede ser una estrategia a seguir. Entre los antioxidantes empleados en acuicultura destaca la vitamina E. Aunque el α-tocoferol es el isómero principal de la vitamina E, estudios recientes sugieren que el γ-tocoferol presenta igualmente una potente actividad antioxidante. Sin embargo, hasta la fecha no hay muchos estudios con salmón At¡ntico empleando γ-tocoferol como principal isómero añadido en la dieta. Además de su función como antioxidante, en investigaciones recientes la vitamina E ha mostrado capacidad para inducir de manera directa o indirecta la expresión de genes que codifican enzimas implicadas en el metabolismo de los ácidos grasos. Con esta perspectiva el presente trabajo tiene como principal objetivo determinar si la incorporación de 300 ppm de γ-tocoferol a la dieta del salmón da lugar a una mayor capacidad antioxidante en los tejidos del animal, disminuyendo la oxidación lipídica in vivo y afectando tanto a la composición como al metabolismo lipídico. Un total de 180 esguines de salmón At¡ntico (Salmo Salar) con un peso inicial de 137,4 ± 1g fueron distribuidos al azar y uniformemente en 6 tanques y fueron alimentados con una de las tres dietas experimentales. Se aportó agua salada a los tanques y la temperatura se mantuvo a 12°C. Las dietas experimentales se formularon para tener: bajo contenido en EPA y DHA (CB); alto en EPA y DHA (CA); y con bajos niveles de EPA y DHA pero con un suplemento de 300 ppm de γ-tocoferol como antioxidante (CB+γtoc). Las dietas fueron suministradas en tanques duplicados durante 14 semanas. Al final del experimento, se sacrificaron 4 peces de cada tanque y se tomaron muestras de hígado y filete izquierdo para realizar el análisis de ácidos grasos y de expresión génica. A pesar de que los peces alimentados con la dieta CB+γtoc presentaron 3 veces más concentración de γ-tocoferol en los tejidos, la administración de esta dieta no tuvo un efecto significativo (P>0.05) sobre la composición de EPA, DHA y ácido araquidónico (ARA) en los tejidos del salmón. Los resultados del análisis de expresión de genes mostraron que la incorporación de 300 ppm de γ-tocoferol dio lugar a una cierta inhibición del metabolismo lipídico tanto de genes relacionados con la β-oxidación como de aquellos relacionados con la síntesis de LC-PUFA. En cuanto al sistema de defensa antioxidante GPx4, los resultados indicaron que no hubo efecto estimulatorio del γ-tocoferol sobre el mismo. Sin embargo, se observó un aumento de omega 3 totales (P<0.05) en el músculo del animal. La incorporación de 300 ppm de γ-tocoferol tuvo un efecto limitado sobre la composición lipídica y un efecto inhibitorio del metabolismo lipídico a nivel de expresión.


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Watkin se ha distinguido como uno de los más certeros y sobrios polemistas y críticos arquitectónicos, como lo demuestra su celebérrimo ensayo Morality and Architecture (1977), una de las pocas obras imprescindibles en el debate arquitectónico del siglo XX, así como el gran numero de actos y campañas desarrolladas por él en defensa de la supervivencia de la tradición arquitectónica c¡sica y en solidaridad con los arriesgados arquitectos que hoy en día la representan. Esta faceta pública ha llevado a Watkin a las fronteras de la po­tica y lo ha situado en el centro de un convulso debate público que aún se halla en pleno desarrollo, rodeando cada una de las obras de arquitectos estrella que se levantan en Inglaterra.


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There is an increasing interest in understanding the role of epigenetic variability in forest species and how it may contribute to their rapid adaptation to changing environments. In this study we have conducted a genome-wide analysis of cytosine methylation pattern in Pinus pinea, a species characterized by very low levels of genetic variation and a remarkable degree of phenotypic plasticity. DNA methylation profiles of different vegetatively propagated trees from representative natural Spanish populations of P. pinea were analyzed with the Methylation Sensitive Amplified Polymorphism (MSAP) technique. A high degree of cytosine methylation was detected (64.36% of all scored DNA fragments). Furthermore, high levels of epigenetic variation were observed among the studied individuals. This high epigenetic variation found in P. pinea contrasted with the lack of genetic variation based on Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) data. In this manner, variable epigenetic markers clearly discriminate individuals and differentiates two well represented populations while the lack of genetic variation revealed with the AFLP markers fail to differentiate at both, individual or population levels. In addition, the use of different replicated trees allowed identifying common polymorphic methylation sensitive MSAP markers among replicates of a given propagated tree. This set of MSAPs allowed discrimination of the 70% of the analyzed trees.


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Gamma tocopherol (gT) exhibits beneficial cardiovascular effects partly due to its anti-inflammatory activity. Important sources of gT are vegetable oils. However, little is known to what extent gT can be transferred into marine animal species such as Atlantic salmon by feeding. Therefore, in this study we have investigated the transfer of dietary gT into salmon. To this end, fish were fed a diet supplemented with 170 ppm gT for 16 weeks whereby alpha tocopherol levels were adjusted to 190 ppm in this and the control diet. Feeding gT-rich diets resulted in a three-fold increase in gT concentrations in the liver and fillet compared to non-gT-supplemented controls. Tissue alpha tocopherol levels were not decreased indicating no antagonistic interaction between gamma- and alpha tocopherol in salmon. The concentration of total omega 3 fatty acids slightly increased in response to dietary gT. Furthermore, dietary gT significantly decreased malondialdehyde in the fillet, determined as a biomarker of lipid peroxidation. In the liver of gT fed salmon we observed an overall down-regulation of genes involved in lipid homeostasis. Additionally, gT improved the antioxidant capacity by up-regulating Gpx4a gene expression in the pyloric caeca. We suggest that Atlantic salmon may provide a marine functional source capable of enriching gT for human consumption.


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The aim of this study is to determine the yield and composition of the essential oil of cornmint (Mentha arvensis L.) grown in the irrigation area of Santiago del Estero, Argentina. Field tests were carried out under irrigation conditions, harvesting when 70% flowering was reached (in the summer and at the end of the winter seasons). Essential oil yields were 2% in the first cut and 1.6% in the second cut, respectively, the major constituents of the essential oil being menthol, menthone, isomenthone and menthofuran. In both cases, a high concentration of menthol was obtained, although during the winter the content decreased, increasing the concentration of menthofuran. It is concluded that during the summer a higher yield and better quality of essential oil are produced.