28 resultados para Data selection

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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With the advent of cloud computing model, distributed caches have become the cornerstone for building scalable applications. Popular systems like Facebook [1] or Twitter use Memcached [5], a highly scalable distributed object cache, to speed up applications by avoiding database accesses. Distributed object caches assign objects to cache instances based on a hashing function, and objects are not moved from a cache instance to another unless more instances are added to the cache and objects are redistributed. This may lead to situations where some cache instances are overloaded when some of the objects they store are frequently accessed, while other cache instances are less frequently used. In this paper we propose a multi-resource load balancing algorithm for distributed cache systems. The algorithm aims at balancing both CPU and Memory resources among cache instances by redistributing stored data. Considering the possible conflict of balancing multiple resources at the same time, we give CPU and Memory resources weighted priorities based on the runtime load distributions. A scarcer resource is given a higher weight than a less scarce resource when load balancing. The system imbalance degree is evaluated based on monitoring information, and the utility load of a node, a unit for resource consumption. Besides, since continuous rebalance of the system may affect the QoS of applications utilizing the cache system, our data selection policy ensures that each data migration minimizes the system imbalance degree and hence, the total reconfiguration cost can be minimized. An extensive simulation is conducted to compare our policy with other policies. Our policy shows a significant improvement in time efficiency and decrease in reconfiguration cost.


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En la presente Tesis se ha llevado a cabo el contraste y desarrollo de metodologías que permitan mejorar el cálculo de las avenidas de proyecto y extrema empleadas en el cálculo de la seguridad hidrológica de las presas. En primer lugar se ha abordado el tema del cálculo de las leyes de frecuencia de caudales máximos y su extrapolación a altos periodos de retorno. Esta cuestión es de gran relevancia, ya que la adopción de estándares de seguridad hidrológica para las presas cada vez más exigentes, implica la utilización de periodos de retorno de diseño muy elevados cuya estimación conlleva una gran incertidumbre. Es importante, en consecuencia incorporar al cálculo de los caudales de diseño todas la técnicas disponibles para reducir dicha incertidumbre. Asimismo, es importante hacer una buena selección del modelo estadístico (función de distribución y procedimiento de ajuste) de tal forma que se garantice tanto su capacidad para describir el comportamiento de la muestra, como para predecir de manera robusta los cuantiles de alto periodo de retorno. De esta forma, se han realizado estudios a escala nacional con el objetivo de determinar el esquema de regionalización que ofrece mejores resultados para las características hidrológicas de las cuencas españolas, respecto a los caudales máximos anuales, teniendo en cuenta el numero de datos disponibles. La metodología utilizada parte de la identificación de regiones homogéneas, cuyos límites se han determinado teniendo en cuenta las características fisiográficas y climáticas de las cuencas, y la variabilidad de sus estadísticos, comprobando posteriormente su homogeneidad. A continuación, se ha seleccionado el modelo estadístico de caudales máximos anuales con un mejor comportamiento en las distintas zonas de la España peninsular, tanto para describir los datos de la muestra como para extrapolar a los periodos de retorno más altos. El proceso de selección se ha basado, entre otras cosas, en la generación sintética de series de datos mediante simulaciones de Monte Carlo, y el análisis estadístico del conjunto de resultados obtenido a partir del ajuste de funciones de distribución a estas series bajo distintas hipótesis. Posteriormente, se ha abordado el tema de la relación caudal-volumen y la definición de los hidrogramas de diseño en base a la misma, cuestión que puede ser de gran importancia en el caso de presas con grandes volúmenes de embalse. Sin embargo, los procedimientos de cálculo hidrológico aplicados habitualmente no tienen en cuenta la dependencia estadística entre ambas variables. En esta Tesis se ha desarrollado un procedimiento para caracterizar dicha dependencia estadística de una manera sencilla y robusta, representando la función de distribución conjunta del caudal punta y el volumen en base a la función de distribución marginal del caudal punta y la función de distribución condicionada del volumen respecto al caudal. Esta última se determina mediante una función de distribución log-normal, aplicando un procedimiento de ajuste regional. Se propone su aplicación práctica a través de un procedimiento de cálculo probabilístico basado en la generación estocástica de un número elevado de hidrogramas. La aplicación a la seguridad hidrológica de las presas de este procedimiento requiere interpretar correctamente el concepto de periodo de retorno aplicado a variables hidrológicas bivariadas. Para ello, se realiza una propuesta de interpretación de dicho concepto. El periodo de retorno se entiende como el inverso de la probabilidad de superar un determinado nivel de embalse. Al relacionar este periodo de retorno con las variables hidrológicas, el hidrograma de diseño de la presa deja de ser un único hidrograma para convertirse en una familia de hidrogramas que generan un mismo nivel máximo en el embalse, representados mediante una curva en el plano caudal volumen. Esta familia de hidrogramas de diseño depende de la propia presa a diseñar, variando las curvas caudal-volumen en función, por ejemplo, del volumen de embalse o la longitud del aliviadero. El procedimiento propuesto se ilustra mediante su aplicación a dos casos de estudio. Finalmente, se ha abordado el tema del cálculo de las avenidas estacionales, cuestión fundamental a la hora de establecer la explotación de la presa, y que puede serlo también para estudiar la seguridad hidrológica de presas existentes. Sin embargo, el cálculo de estas avenidas es complejo y no está del todo claro hoy en día, y los procedimientos de cálculo habitualmente utilizados pueden presentar ciertos problemas. El cálculo en base al método estadístico de series parciales, o de máximos sobre un umbral, puede ser una alternativa válida que permite resolver esos problemas en aquellos casos en que la generación de las avenidas en las distintas estaciones se deba a un mismo tipo de evento. Se ha realizado un estudio con objeto de verificar si es adecuada en España la hipótesis de homogeneidad estadística de los datos de caudal de avenida correspondientes a distintas estaciones del año. Asimismo, se han analizado los periodos estacionales para los que es más apropiado realizar el estudio, cuestión de gran relevancia para garantizar que los resultados sean correctos, y se ha desarrollado un procedimiento sencillo para determinar el umbral de selección de los datos de tal manera que se garantice su independencia, una de las principales dificultades en la aplicación práctica de la técnica de las series parciales. Por otra parte, la aplicación practica de las leyes de frecuencia estacionales requiere interpretar correctamente el concepto de periodo de retorno para el caso estacional. Se propone un criterio para determinar los periodos de retorno estacionales de forma coherente con el periodo de retorno anual y con una distribución adecuada de la probabilidad entre las distintas estaciones. Por último, se expone un procedimiento para el cálculo de los caudales estacionales, ilustrándolo mediante su aplicación a un caso de estudio. The compare and develop of a methodology in order to improve the extreme flow estimation for dam hydrologic security has been developed. First, the work has been focused on the adjustment of maximum peak flows distribution functions from which to extrapolate values for high return periods. This has become a major issue as the adoption of stricter standards on dam hydrologic security involves estimation of high design return periods which entails great uncertainty. Accordingly, it is important to incorporate all available techniques for the estimation of design peak flows in order to reduce this uncertainty. Selection of the statistical model (distribution function and adjustment method) is also important since its ability to describe the sample and to make solid predictions for high return periods quantiles must be guaranteed. In order to provide practical application of previous methodologies, studies have been developed on a national scale with the aim of determining a regionalization scheme which features best results in terms of annual maximum peak flows for hydrologic characteristics of Spanish basins taking into account the length of available data. Applied methodology starts with the delimitation of regions taking into account basin’s physiographic and climatic characteristics and the variability of their statistical properties, and continues with their homogeneity testing. Then, a statistical model for maximum annual peak flows is selected with the best behaviour for the different regions in peninsular Spain in terms of describing sample data and making solid predictions for high return periods. This selection has been based, among others, on synthetic data series generation using Monte Carlo simulations and statistical analysis of results from distribution functions adjustment following different hypothesis. Secondly, the work has been focused on the analysis of the relationship between peak flow and volume and how to define design flood hydrographs based on this relationship which can be highly important for large volume reservoirs. However, commonly used hydrologic procedures do not take statistical dependence between these variables into account. A simple and sound method for statistical dependence characterization has been developed by the representation of a joint distribution function of maximum peak flow and volume which is based on marginal distribution function of peak flow and conditional distribution function of volume for a given peak flow. The last one is determined by a regional adjustment procedure of a log-normal distribution function. Practical application is proposed by a probabilistic estimation procedure based on stochastic generation of a large number of hydrographs. The use of this procedure for dam hydrologic security requires a proper interpretation of the return period concept applied to bivariate hydrologic data. A standard is proposed in which it is understood as the inverse of the probability of exceeding a determined reservoir level. When relating return period and hydrological variables the only design flood hydrograph changes into a family of hydrographs which generate the same maximum reservoir level and that are represented by a curve in the peak flow-volume two-dimensional space. This family of design flood hydrographs depends on the dam characteristics as for example reservoir volume or spillway length. Two study cases illustrate the application of the developed methodology. Finally, the work has been focused on the calculation of seasonal floods which are essential when determining the reservoir operation and which can be also fundamental in terms of analysing the hydrologic security of existing reservoirs. However, seasonal flood calculation is complex and nowadays it is not totally clear. Calculation procedures commonly used may present certain problems. Statistical partial duration series, or peaks over threshold method, can be an alternative approach for their calculation that allow to solve problems encountered when the same type of event is responsible of floods in different seasons. A study has been developed to verify the hypothesis of statistical homogeneity of peak flows for different seasons in Spain. Appropriate seasonal periods have been analyzed which is highly relevant to guarantee correct results. In addition, a simple procedure has been defined to determine data selection threshold on a way that ensures its independency which is one of the main difficulties in practical application of partial series. Moreover, practical application of seasonal frequency laws requires a correct interpretation of the concept of seasonal return period. A standard is proposed in order to determine seasonal return periods coherently with the annual return period and with an adequate seasonal probability distribution. Finally a methodology is proposed to calculate seasonal peak flows. A study case illustrates the application of the proposed methodology.


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Mass spectrometry (MS) data provide a promising strategy for biomarker discovery. For this purpose, the detection of relevant peakbins in MS data is currently under intense research. Data from mass spectrometry are challenging to analyze because of their high dimensionality and the generally low number of samples available. To tackle this problem, the scientific community is becoming increasingly interested in applying feature subset selection techniques based on specialized machine learning algorithms. In this paper, we present a performance comparison of some metaheuristics: best first (BF), genetic algorithm (GA), scatter search (SS) and variable neighborhood search (VNS). Up to now, all the algorithms, except for GA, have been first applied to detect relevant peakbins in MS data. All these metaheuristic searches are embedded in two different filter and wrapper schemes coupled with Naive Bayes and SVM classifiers.


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This paper addresses the question of maximizing classifier accuracy for classifying task-related mental activity from Magnetoencelophalography (MEG) data. We propose the use of different sources of information and introduce an automatic channel selection procedure. To determine an informative set of channels, our approach combines a variety of machine learning algorithms: feature subset selection methods, classifiers based on regularized logistic regression, information fusion, and multiobjective optimization based on probabilistic modeling of the search space. The experimental results show that our proposal is able to improve classification accuracy compared to approaches whose classifiers use only one type of MEG information or for which the set of channels is fixed a priori.


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Complex networks have been extensively used in the last decade to characterize and analyze complex systems, and they have been recently proposed as a novel instrument for the analysis of spectra extracted from biological samples. Yet, the high number of measurements composing spectra, and the consequent high computational cost, make a direct network analysis unfeasible. We here present a comparative analysis of three customary feature selection algorithms, including the binning of spectral data and the use of information theory metrics. Such algorithms are compared by assessing the score obtained in a classification task, where healthy subjects and people suffering from different types of cancers should be discriminated. Results indicate that a feature selection strategy based on Mutual Information outperforms the more classical data binning, while allowing a reduction of the dimensionality of the data set in two orders of magnitude


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In ubiquitous data stream mining applications, different devices often aim to learn concepts that are similar to some extent. In these applications, such as spam filtering or news recommendation, the data stream underlying concept (e.g., interesting mail/news) is likely to change over time. Therefore, the resultant model must be continuously adapted to such changes. This paper presents a novel Collaborative Data Stream Mining (Coll-Stream) approach that explores the similarities in the knowledge available from other devices to improve local classification accuracy. Coll-Stream integrates the community knowledge using an ensemble method where the classifiers are selected and weighted based on their local accuracy for different partitions of the feature space. We evaluate Coll-Stream classification accuracy in situations with concept drift, noise, partition granularity and concept similarity in relation to the local underlying concept. The experimental results show that Coll-Stream resultant model achieves stability and accuracy in a variety of situations using both synthetic and real world datasets.


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Using the Bayesian approach as the model selection criteria, the main purpose in this study is to establish a practical road accident model that can provide a better interpretation and prediction performance. For this purpose we are using a structural explanatory model with autoregressive error term. The model estimation is carried out through Bayesian inference and the best model is selected based on the goodness of fit measures. To cross validate the model estimation further prediction analysis were done. As the road safety measures the number of fatal accidents in Spain, during 2000-2011 were employed. The results of the variable selection process show that the factors explaining fatal road accidents are mainly exposure, economic factors, and surveillance and legislative measures. The model selection shows that the impact of economic factors on fatal accidents during the period under study has been higher compared to surveillance and legislative measures.


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Species selection for forest restoration is often supported by expert knowledge on local distribution patterns of native tree species. This approach is not applicable to largely deforested regions unless enough data on pre-human tree species distribution is available. In such regions, ecological niche models may provide essential information to support species selection in the framework of forest restoration planning. In this study we used ecological niche models to predict habitat suitability for native tree species in "Tierra de Campos" region, an almost totally deforested area of the Duero Basin (Spain). Previously available models provide habitat suitability predictions for dominant native tree species, but including non-dominant tree species in the forest restoration planning may be desirable to promote biodiversity, specially in largely deforested areas were near seed sources are not expected. We used the Forest Map of Spain as species occurrence data source to maximize the number of modeled tree species. Penalized logistic regression was used to train models using climate and lithological predictors. Using model predictions a set of tools were developed to support species selection in forest restoration planning. Model predictions were used to build ordered lists of suitable species for each cell of the study area. The suitable species lists were summarized drawing maps that showed the two most suitable species for each cell. Additionally, potential distribution maps of the suitable species for the study area were drawn. For a scenario with two dominant species, the models predicted a mixed forest (Quercus ilex and a coniferous tree species) for almost one half of the study area. According to the models, 22 non-dominant native tree species are suitable for the study area, with up to six suitable species per cell. The model predictions pointed to Crataegus monogyna, Juniperus communis, J.oxycedrus and J.phoenicea as the most suitable non-dominant native tree species in the study area. Our results encourage further use of ecological niche models for forest restoration planning in largely deforested regions.


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Publishing Linked Data is a process that involves several design decisions and technologies. Although some initial guidelines have been already provided by Linked Data publishers, these are still far from covering all the steps that are necessary (from data source selection to publication) or giving enough details about all these steps, technologies, intermediate products, etc. Furthermore, given the variety of data sources from which Linked Data can be generated, we believe that it is possible to have a single and uni�ed method for publishing Linked Data, but we should rely on di�erent techniques, technologies and tools for particular datasets of a given domain. In this paper we present a general method for publishing Linked Data and the application of the method to cover di�erent sources from di�erent domains.


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Several activities in service oriented computing, such as automatic composition, monitoring, and adaptation, can benefit from knowing properties of a given service composition before executing them. Among these properties we will focus on those related to execution cost and resource usage, in a wide sense, as they can be linked to QoS characteristics. In order to attain more accuracy, we formulate execution costs / resource usage as functions on input data (or appropriate abstractions thereof) and show how these functions can be used to make better, more informed decisions when performing composition, adaptation, and proactive monitoring. We present an approach to, on one hand, synthesizing these functions in an automatic fashion from the definition of the different orchestrations taking part in a system and, on the other hand, to effectively using them to reduce the overall costs of non-trivial service-based systems featuring sensitivity to data and possibility of failure. We validate our approach by means of simulations of scenarios needing runtime selection of services and adaptation due to service failure. A number of rebinding strategies, including the use of cost functions, are compared.


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The estimation of modal parameters of a structure from ambient measurements has attracted the attention of many researchers in the last years. The procedure is now well established and the use of state space models, stochastic system identification methods and stabilization diagrams allows to identify the modes of the structure. In this paper the contribution of each identified mode to the measured vibration is discussed. This modal contribution is computed using the Kalman filter and it is an indicator of the importance of the modes. Also the variation of the modal contribution with the order of the model is studied. This analysis suggests selecting the order for the state space model as the order that includes the modes with higher contribution. The order obtained using this method is compared to those obtained using other well known methods, like Akaike criteria for time series or the singular values of the weighted projection matrix in the Stochastic Subspace Identification method. Finally, both simulated and measured vibration data are used to show the practicability of the derived technique. Finally, it is important to remark that the method can be used with any identification method working in the state space model.


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Many diseases have a genetic origin, and a great effort is being made to detect the genes that are responsible for their insurgence. One of the most promising techniques is the analysis of genetic information through the use of complex networks theory. Yet, a practical problem of this approach is its computational cost, which scales as the square of the number of features included in the initial dataset. In this paper, we propose the use of an iterative feature selection strategy to identify reduced subsets of relevant features, and show an application to the analysis of congenital Obstructive Nephropathy. Results demonstrate that, besides achieving a drastic reduction of the computational cost, the topologies of the obtained networks still hold all the relevant information, and are thus able to fully characterize the severity of the disease.


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Linked data offers a promising setting to encode, publish and share metadata of resources. As the matter of fact, it is already adopted by data producers such as European Environment Agency, US and some EU Governs, whose first ambition is to share (meta)data making their processes more effective and transparent. Such as an increasing interest and involvement of data providers surely represents a genuine witness of the web of data success, but in a longer perspective, frameworks supporting linked data consumers in their decision making processes will be a compelling need. In this respect, the talk is introducing SSONDE, a framework enabling in detailed comparison, ranking and selection of linked data resources through the analysis of their RDF ontology driven metadata. SSONDE implements an instance similarity especially designed to support in resource selection, namely the process stakeholders engage to choose a set of resources suitable for a given analysis purpose: (i) it deploys an asymmetric similarity assessment to emphasize information about gains and losses the stakeholders get adopting a resource in place of another; (ii) it relies on an explicit formalization of contexts to tailor the similarity assessment with respect to specific user-defined selection goals. The talk aims at providing an insight on SSONDE instance similarity and it will briefly describe some examples of SSONDE deployment in the context of linked data consumption.


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This research proposes a generic methodology for dimensionality reduction upon time-frequency representations applied to the classification of different types of biosignals. The methodology directly deals with the highly redundant and irrelevant data contained in these representations, combining a first stage of irrelevant data removal by variable selection, with a second stage of redundancy reduction using methods based on linear transformations. The study addresses two techniques that provided a similar performance: the first one is based on the selection of a set of the most relevant time?frequency points, whereas the second one selects the most relevant frequency bands. The first methodology needs a lower quantity of components, leading to a lower feature space; but the second improves the capture of the time-varying dynamics of the signal, and therefore provides a more stable performance. In order to evaluate the generalization capabilities of the methodology proposed it has been applied to two types of biosignals with different kinds of non-stationary behaviors: electroencephalographic and phonocardiographic biosignals. Even when these two databases contain samples with different degrees of complexity and a wide variety of characterizing patterns, the results demonstrate a good accuracy for the detection of pathologies, over 98%.The results open the possibility to extrapolate the methodology to the study of other biosignals.


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Ubiquitous computing software needs to be autonomous so that essential decisions such as how to configure its particular execution are self-determined. Moreover, data mining serves an important role for ubiquitous computing by providing intelligence to several types of ubiquitous computing applications. Thus, automating ubiquitous data mining is also crucial. We focus on the problem of automatically configuring the execution of a ubiquitous data mining algorithm. In our solution, we generate configuration decisions in a resource aware and context aware manner since the algorithm executes in an environment in which the context often changes and computing resources are often severely limited. We propose to analyze the execution behavior of the data mining algorithm by mining its past executions. By doing so, we discover the effects of resource and context states as well as parameter settings on the data mining quality. We argue that a classification model is appropriate for predicting the behavior of an algorithm?s execution and we concentrate on decision tree classifier. We also define taxonomy on data mining quality so that tradeoff between prediction accuracy and classification specificity of each behavior model that classifies by a different abstraction of quality, is scored for model selection. Behavior model constituents and class label transformations are formally defined and experimental validation of the proposed approach is also performed.