em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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As a consequence of cinema screens being placed in front of screen-speakers, a reduction in sound quality has been noticed. Cinema screens not only let the sound go through them, but also absorb a small amount of it and reflect the sound which impacts on the screen to the back, coming forward again in case it impacts on the loudspeaker. This backwards reflection in addition to the signal coming from the loudspeaker can lead to constructive or destructive interference at certain frequencies which usually results in comb filtering. In this project, this effect has been studied through researching amongst various data sheet provided by different manufacturers, acoustical measurements completed in the large anechoic chamber of the ISVR and some theoretical models developed with MatLab software. If results obtained with MatLab are accurate enough in comparison to the real measurements taken in the anechoic chamber this would lead to a good way to predict which would be the attenuation added to the system at each frequency, given that not all manufacturers provide an attenuation curve, but only an average attenuation. This average attenuation might be useless as sound waves have different wavelengths and its propagation through partitions varies. In fact, sound is composed by high and low frequencies, where high frequencies are characterised by a small wavelength which is usually easier to attenuate than low frequencies that characterised by bigger wavelengths. Furthermore, this information would be of great value to both screen manufacturers, who could offer a much more precise data in their data sheets; and customers, who would have a great amount of information to their disposal before purchasing and installing anything in their cinemas, being able to know by themselves which screen or loudspeaker should be best to meet their expectative. RESUMEN. La aparición de la digitalización de las bandas sonoras para las películas hace posible la mejora en la calidad de sonido de los cines. Sin embargo, un aspecto a tener en cuenta en esta calidad del sonido es la transmisión de éste a través de la pantalla, ya que normalmente tras ella se encuentran situados los altavoces. Las propiedades acústicas varían dependiendo del tipo de pantalla que se utilice, además de haber poca información a la que acceder para poder valorar su comportamiento. A lo largo de este proyecto, se analizan tres muestras de pantallas distintas donadas por distintos fabricantes para poder llegar a la conclusión de dependiendo del tipo de pantalla cuál es la distancia óptima a la que localizar la pantalla respecto al altavoz y con qué inclinación. Dicho análisis se realizó en la cámara anecoica del ISVR (University of Southampton) mediante la construcción de un marco de madera de 2x2 m en el que tensar las pantallas de cine, y un altavoz cuyo comportamiento sea el más similar al de los altavoces de pantalla reales. Los datos se captaron mediante cuatro micrófonos colocados en posiciones distintas y conectados al software Pulse de Brüel & Kjær, a través del cual se obtuvieron las respuestas en frecuencia del altavoz sin pantalla y con ella a diferentes distancias del altavoz. Posteriormente, los datos se analizaron con MatLab donde se calculó la atenuación, el factor de transmisión de la presión (PTF) y el análisis cepstrum. Finalmente, se realizó un modelo teórico del comportamiento de las pantallas perforadas basado en las placas perforadas utilizadas para atenuar el sonido entre distintas habitaciones. Como conclusión se llegó a que las pantallas curvadas son acústicamente más transparentes que las pantallas perforadas que a partir de 6 kHz son más acústicamente opacas. En las pantallas perforadas la atenuación depende del número de perforaciones por unidad de área y el diámetro de éstas. Dicha atenuación se reducirá si se reduce el diámetro de las perforaciones de la pantalla, o si se incrementa la cantidad de perforaciones. Acerca del efecto filtro peine, para obtener la mínima amplitud de éste la pantalla se deberá situar a una distancia entre 15 y 30 cm del altavoz, encontrando a la distancia de 30 cm que la última reflexión analizada a través de Cepstrum llega 5 ms más tarde que la señal directa, por lo cual no debería dañar el sonido ni la claridad del habla.


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La variación en el contenido de humedad (CH) tiene una influencia significativa tanto en las propiedades físico- químicas de la madera, como en sus propiedades electromagnéticas y por tanto afecta a las características de la propagación de las ondas. En concreto, en este trabajo se estudia la capacidad del georradar (GR) empleando una antena de 1.6GHz de frecuencia central para registrar las variaciones que se producen en la velocidad y en la amplitud de las ondas electromagnéticas cuando se propagan en unas viguetas de madera de Pinus pinaster Ait de uso estructural cuyo CH va disminuyendo. Se ha comprobado como cuando el CH descendía la velocidad de propagación y las amplitudes, tanto de la onda directa como de la reflejada aumentaba. Los altos factores de correlación encontrados demuestran que el GR es una técnica capaz de evaluar, de forma no destructiva, el CH de la madera de uso estructural. The moisture content variations in wood have a significant influence in wood?s physicochemical properties, as well as in its electromagnetic properties and to specific effects upon waves? characteristics. In particular, this paper focuses on the analysis of the Ground-penetrating Radar?s (GPR) using an antenna of 1.6 GHz central frequency capacity to register the velocity and the amplitude of the electromagnetic waves? variation during the drying process of Pinus pinaster Ait timber joists. The results showed that when timber MC descended, the propagation velocity and amplitude of both the direct and the reflected wave increased. The high correlation found between the variables studied demonstrates GPR efficiency and the innovative application of this technique as a non-destructive evaluation tool for timber structures, particularly when studying its moisture content.


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This paper studies the relationship between aging, physical changes and the results of non-destructive testing of plywood. 176 pieces of plywood were tested to analyze their actual and estimated density using non-destructive methods (screw withdrawal force and ultrasound wave velocity) during a laboratory aging test. From the results of statistical analysis it can be concluded that there is a strong relationship between the non-destructive measurements carried out, and the decline in the physical properties of the panels due to aging. The authors propose several models to estimate board density. The best results are obtained with ultrasound. A reliable prediction of the degree of deterioration (aging) of board is presented.


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El estudio de materiales, especialmente biológicos, por medios no destructivos está adquiriendo una importancia creciente tanto en las aplicaciones científicas como industriales. Las ventajas económicas de los métodos no destructivos son múltiples. Existen numerosos procedimientos físicos capaces de extraer información detallada de las superficie de la madera con escaso o nulo tratamiento previo y mínima intrusión en el material. Entre los diversos métodos destacan las técnicas ópticas y las acústicas por su gran versatilidad, relativa sencillez y bajo coste. Esta tesis pretende establecer desde la aplicación de principios simples de física, de medición directa y superficial, a través del desarrollo de los algoritmos de decisión mas adecuados basados en la estadística, unas soluciones tecnológicas simples y en esencia, de coste mínimo, para su posible aplicación en la determinación de la especie y los defectos superficiales de la madera de cada muestra tratando, en la medida de lo posible, no alterar su geometría de trabajo. Los análisis desarrollados han sido los tres siguientes: El primer método óptico utiliza las propiedades de la luz dispersada por la superficie de la madera cuando es iluminada por un laser difuso. Esta dispersión produce un moteado luminoso (speckle) cuyas propiedades estadísticas permiten extraer propiedades muy precisas de la estructura tanto microscópica como macroscópica de la madera. El análisis de las propiedades espectrales de la luz laser dispersada genera ciertos patrones mas o menos regulares relacionados con la estructura anatómica, composición, procesado y textura superficial de la madera bajo estudio que ponen de manifiesto características del material o de la calidad de los procesos a los que ha sido sometido. El uso de este tipo de láseres implica también la posibilidad de realizar monitorizaciones de procesos industriales en tiempo real y a distancia sin interferir con otros sensores. La segunda técnica óptica que emplearemos hace uso del estudio estadístico y matemático de las propiedades de las imágenes digitales obtenidas de la superficie de la madera a través de un sistema de scanner de alta resolución. Después de aislar los detalles mas relevantes de las imágenes, diversos algoritmos de clasificacion automatica se encargan de generar bases de datos con las diversas especies de maderas a las que pertenecían las imágenes, junto con los márgenes de error de tales clasificaciones. Una parte fundamental de las herramientas de clasificacion se basa en el estudio preciso de las bandas de color de las diversas maderas. Finalmente, numerosas técnicas acústicas, tales como el análisis de pulsos por impacto acústico, permiten complementar y afinar los resultados obtenidos con los métodos ópticos descritos, identificando estructuras superficiales y profundas en la madera así como patologías o deformaciones, aspectos de especial utilidad en usos de la madera en estructuras. La utilidad de estas técnicas esta mas que demostrada en el campo industrial aun cuando su aplicación carece de la suficiente expansión debido a sus altos costes y falta de normalización de los procesos, lo cual hace que cada análisis no sea comparable con su teórico equivalente de mercado. En la actualidad gran parte de los esfuerzos de investigación tienden a dar por supuesto que la diferenciación entre especies es un mecanismo de reconocimiento propio del ser humano y concentran las tecnologías en la definición de parámetros físicos (módulos de elasticidad, conductividad eléctrica o acústica, etc.), utilizando aparatos muy costosos y en muchos casos complejos en su aplicación de campo. Abstract The study of materials, especially the biological ones, by non-destructive techniques is becoming increasingly important in both scientific and industrial applications. The economic advantages of non-destructive methods are multiple and clear due to the related costs and resources necessaries. There are many physical processes capable of extracting detailed information on the wood surface with little or no previous treatment and minimal intrusion into the material. Among the various methods stand out acoustic and optical techniques for their great versatility, relative simplicity and low cost. This thesis aims to establish from the application of simple principles of physics, surface direct measurement and through the development of the more appropriate decision algorithms based on statistics, a simple technological solutions with the minimum cost for possible application in determining the species and the wood surface defects of each sample. Looking for a reasonable accuracy without altering their work-location or properties is the main objetive. There are three different work lines: Empirical characterization of wood surfaces by means of iterative autocorrelation of laser speckle patterns: A simple and inexpensive method for the qualitative characterization of wood surfaces is presented. it is based on the iterative autocorrelation of laser speckle patterns produced by diffuse laser illumination of the wood surfaces. The method exploits the high spatial frequency content of speckle images. A similar approach with raw conventional photographs taken with ordinary light would be very difficult. A few iterations of the algorithm are necessary, typically three or four, in order to visualize the most important periodic features of the surface. The processed patterns help in the study of surface parameters, to design new scattering models and to classify the wood species. Fractal-based image enhancement techniques inspired by differential interference contrast microscopy: Differential interference contrast microscopy is a very powerful optical technique for microscopic imaging. Inspired by the physics of this type of microscope, we have developed a series of image processing algorithms aimed at the magnification, noise reduction, contrast enhancement and tissue analysis of biological samples. These algorithms use fractal convolution schemes which provide fast and accurate results with a performance comparable to the best present image enhancement algorithms. These techniques can be used as post processing tools for advanced microscopy or as a means to improve the performance of less expensive visualization instruments. Several examples of the use of these algorithms to visualize microscopic images of raw pine wood samples with a simple desktop scanner are provided. Wood species identification using stress-wave analysis in the audible range: Stress-wave analysis is a powerful and flexible technique to study mechanical properties of many materials. We present a simple technique to obtain information about the species of wood samples using stress-wave sounds in the audible range generated by collision with a small pendulum. Stress-wave analysis has been used for flaw detection and quality control for decades, but its use for material identification and classification is less cited in the literature. Accurate wood species identification is a time consuming task for highly trained human experts. For this reason, the development of cost effective techniques for automatic wood classification is a desirable goal. Our proposed approach is fully non-invasive and non-destructive, reducing significantly the cost and complexity of the identification and classification process.


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In this work, the capacity and the interference statistics of the uplink of high-altitude platforms (HAPs) for asynchronous and synchronous WCDMA system assuming finite transmission power and imperfect power control are studied. Propagation loss used to calculate the received signal power is due to the distance, shadowing, and wall insertion loss. The uplink capacity for 3- and 3.75-G services is given for different cell radius assuming outdoor and indoor voice users only, data users only and a combination of the two services. For 37 macrocells HAP, the total uplink capacity is 3,034 outdoor voice users or 444 outdoor data users. When one or more than one user is an indoor user, the uplink capacity is 2,923 voice users or 444 data users when the walls entry loss is 10 dB. It is shown that the effect of the adjacent channels interference is very small.


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Time-resolved reflectance is proposed and effectively used for the nondestructive measurement of the optical properties in apples. The technique is based on the detection of the temporal dispersion of a short laser pulse injected into the probed medium. The time-distribution of re-emitted photons interpreted with a solution of the Diffusion equation yields the mean values of the absorption and reduced scattering coefficients of the medium. The proposed technique proved valuable for the measurement of the absorption and scattering spectra of different varieties of apples. No major variations were observed in the experimental data when the fruit was peeled, proving that the measured optical properties are referred to the pulp. The depth of probed volume was determined to be about 2 cm. Finally, the technique proved capable to follow the change in chlorophyll absorption during storage.


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Time-resolved reflectance is proposed and effectively used for the nondestructive measurement of the optical properties in apples. The technique is based on the detection of the temporal dispersion of a short laser pulse injected into the probed medium. The time-distribution of re-emitted photons interpreted with a solution of the Diffusion equation yields the mean values of the absorption and reduced scattering coefficients of the medium. The proposed technique proved valuable for the measurement of the absorption and scattering spectra of different varieties of apples. No major variations were observed in the experimental data when the fruit was peeled, proving that the measured optical properties are referred to the pulp. The depth of probed volume was determined to be about 2 cm. Finally, the technique proved capable to follow the change in chlorophyll absorption during storage.


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One of the main causes for age-related declines in working memory is a higher vulnerability to retroactive interference due to a reduced ability to suppress irrelevant information. However, the underlying neural correlates remain to be established. Magnetoencephalography was used to investigate differential neural patterns in young and older adults performing an interference-based memory task with two experimental conditions, interrupting and distracting, during successful recognition. Behaviorally, both types of retroactive interference significantly impaired accuracy at recognition more in older adults than in young adults with the latter exhibiting greater disruptions by interrupters. Magnetoencephalography revealed the presence of differential age-related neural patterns. Specifically, time-modulated activations in temporo-occipital and superior parietal regions were higher in young adults compared with older adults for the interrupting condition. These results suggest that age-related deficits in inhibitory mechanisms that increase vulnerability to retroactive interference may be associated with neural under-recruitments in a high-interference task.


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Current to a cylindrical probe of arbitrary cross section is discussed. Previous results for circular cylinders at the high bias and moderate radius R of interest for electrodynamic bare tethers, for which space charge may be ignored over a large neighborhood of the probe, depend in separate ways on both R and perimeter p. These results are extended to a general convex cross section by introducing certain equivalent radius Req. For any concave cross section, results use a proper equivalent perimeter peq , in addition to Req. Finally, for the joint cross section of separate parallel probes, certain effective perimeter peff replaces peq. Rules to determine Req. peq. and peff are used to discuss collection interference among two or more parallel cylinders when brought from far away to contact


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Fruits of two varieties of both apples and pears were tested in the laboratory to measure their response to a small energy impact applied by an impact tester. Samples of fruits of increasing maturity were tested during several weeks. Non-destructive impacts and other destructive and non-destructive measurements of post-harvest ripeness were applied. A new software was created to control the impact test, calculate the eleven parameters, and sort out the fruit. This software needs a data base and may create new ones. The implementation of an on-line impact device for automatic detection of texture is being designed (patent pending).


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Good results evaluating material properties using non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques have been achieved for decades. Several studies to understand the influence of temperature and moisture content on NDT have concluded different effects. In this study, NDT parameters were measured on the principal structural Spanish sawn timber species, Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). NDT were conducted on 216 specimens of nominal dimensions 20 by 20 by 400 mm. Specimens were divided into several groups and studied at six different temperatures and four different moisture contents. Commercial equipment and techniques applied were Sylvatest Duo (ultrasonic wave technique), Steinkamp BPV (ultrasonic wave technique), and Grindo Sonic Mk5 "Industrial" (vibration analysis technique). Differences in NDT values within specimens at different temperatures and moisture contents were obtained. Main results of this study and relationships that describe changes in NDT values by effect of temperature and moisture content are presented.


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Increasing attention is being paid to the possible development of non-invasive tests for the assessment of the quality of fruits We propose a novel non-destructive method for the measurement of the internal optical properties of fruits and vegetables by means of time resolved reflectance spectroscopy in the visible and NIR range. A fully automated instrumentation for time-resolved reflectance measurements was developed It is based on mode-locked laser sources and electronics for time-correlated single photon counting, and provides a time-resolution of 120-160 ps The system was used to probe the optical properties of several species and varieties of fruits and vegetables in the red and NIR range (650-1000 nm). In most fruits, the absorption line shape is dominated by the absorption peak of water, centred around 970 nm Generally, the absorption spectra also show the spectral features typical of chlorophyll, with maximum at 675 nm In particular, for what concerns apples, variations in peak intensity are observed depending on the variety, the degree of ripeness as well as the position on the apple. For all the species and varieties considered, the transport scattering coefficient decreases progressively upon increasing the wavelength.


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Increasing attention is being paid to the possible development of non-invasive tests for the assessment of the quality of Fruits. We propose a novel non-destructive method for the measurement of the internal optical properties of fruits and vegetables by means of lime-resolved reflectance spectroscopy in the visible and NIR range. A Fully automated instrumentation for time-resolved reflectance measurements was developed. It is based on mode-locked laser sources and electronics for time-correlated single photon counting, and provides a time-resolution of 120-160 ps. The system was used to probe the optical properties of several species and varieties of Fruits and vegetables in the red and NIR range (650-1000 nm). In most Fruits, the absorption line shape is dominated by the absorption peak of water, centred around 970 nm. Generally, the absorption spectra also show the spectral features typical of chlorophyll, with maximum at 675 nm. In particular, for what concerns apples, variations in peak intensity are observed depending on the variety, the degree of ripeness as well as the position on the apple. For all the species and varieties considered, the transport scattering coefficient decreases progressively upon increasing the wavelength.


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Woolliness (mealiness in other fruits) is a negative attribute of peach sensory texture that is a physiological disorder associated with inadequate cold storage. It is characterised by lack of crispness and juiciness without variation in the tissue water content (Harker and Hallet, 1992). Many attempts have been made to develop destructive instrumental procedures to detect mealiness and woolliness. Non-destructive procedures attempted include using nuclear magnetic resonance (Sonego et al., 1995). However, this technique has economical limitations and is not practical at present. Non-destructive impact tests and NIR are non-destructive techniques which have been used to assess internal characteristics of fruits (Chen and Sun, 1991). The objective of this study was to develop a novel non-destructive procedure to identify woolly peaches by combining impact and NIR approaches.


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The increasing of quality fruit demanded by the consumers is originating an advance in the development and application of sensors capable of measuring parameters of quality (sugar, acids, firmness, etc) on a non destructive way. Some of these sensors are already operative for their use in laboratory and even in lines. The Physical Properties laboratory of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, is developing different sensors for their implementation in lines. One of them is a non destructive impact sensor to measure fruit firmness.