9 resultados para Cuticular waxes

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Background Most aerial plant parts are covered with a hydrophobic lipid-rich cuticle, which is the interface between the plant organs and the surrounding environment. Plant surfaces may have a high degree of hydrophobicity because of the combined effects of surface chemistry and roughness. The physical and chemical complexity of the plant cuticle limits the development of models that explain its internal structure and interactions with surface-applied agrochemicals. In this article we introduce a thermodynamic method for estimating the solubilities of model plant surface constituents and relating them to the effects of agrochemicals. Results Following the van Krevelen and Hoftyzer method, we calculated the solubility parameters of three model plant species and eight compounds that differ in hydrophobicity and polarity. In addition, intact tissues were examined by scanning electron microscopy and the surface free energy, polarity, solubility parameter and work of adhesion of each were calculated from contact angle measurements of three liquids with different polarities. By comparing the affinities between plant surface constituents and agrochemicals derived from (a) theoretical calculations and (b) contact angle measurements we were able to distinguish the physical effect of surface roughness from the effect of the chemical nature of the epicuticular waxes. A solubility parameter model for plant surfaces is proposed on the basis of an increasing gradient from the cuticular surface towards the underlying cell wall. Conclusions The procedure enabled us to predict the interactions among agrochemicals, plant surfaces, and cuticular and cell wall components, and promises to be a useful tool for improving our understanding of biological surface interactions.


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Background Most aerial plant parts are covered with a hydrophobic lipid-rich cuticle, which is the interface between the plant organs and the surrounding environment. Plant surfaces may have a high degree of hydrophobicity because of the combined effects of surface chemistry and roughness. The physical and chemical complexity of the plant cuticle limits the development of models that explain its internal structure and interactions with surface-applied agrochemicals. In this article we introduce a thermodynamic method for estimating the solubilities of model plant surface constituents and relating them to the effects of agrochemicals. Results Following the van Krevelen and Hoftyzer method, we calculated the solubility parameters of three model plant species and eight compounds that differ in hydrophobicity and polarity. In addition, intact tissues were examined by scanning electron microscopy and the surface free energy, polarity, solubility parameter and work of adhesion of each were calculated from contact angle measurements of three liquids with different polarities. By comparing the affinities between plant surface constituents and agrochemicals derived from (a) theoretical calculations and (b) contact angle measurements we were able to distinguish the physical effect of surface roughness from the effect of the chemical nature of the epicuticular waxes. A solubility parameter model for plant surfaces is proposed on the basis of an increasing gradient from the cuticular surface towards the underlying cell wall. Conclusions The procedure enabled us to predict the interactions among agrochemicals, plant surfaces, and cuticular and cell wall components, and promises to be a useful tool for improving our understanding of biological surface interactions.


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Larvae of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), that were orally treated with RH-0345 at 0.1 mg l?1, RH-5849 at 10 and 50 mg l?1, tebufenozide at 2 g l?1, and 20-hydroxyecdysone at 2 g l?1, showed symptoms of prematuremoulting, followed by inhibition of ecdysis. In addition, fresh weight gain and total protein content were blocked. The effects on haemolymphal and cuticular polypeptides after PAGE were linked with premature, new epicuticle deposition as was observed under the electron microscope. These observations support the concept that the ecdysteroid-mimicking action of the three nonsteroidal molecules is specific


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The leaf cuticular ultrastructure of some plant species has been examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in only few studies. Attending to the different cuticle layers and inner structure, plant cuticles have been grouped into six general morphological types. With the aim of critically examining the effect of cuticle isolation and preparation for TEM analysis on cuticular ultrastructure, adaxial leaf cuticles of blue-gum eucalypt, grey poplar, and European pear were assessed, following a membrane science approach. The embedding and staining protocols affected the ultrastructure of the cuticles analysed. The solubility parameter, surface tension, and contact angles with water of pure Spurr's and LR-White resins were within a similar range. Differences were however estimated for resin : solvent mixtures, since Spurr’s resin is combined with acetone and LR-White resin is mixed with ethanol. Given the composite hydrophilic and lipophilic nature of plant cuticles, the particular TEM tissue embedding and staining procedures employed may affect sample ultrastructure and the interpretation of the results in physicochemical and biological terms. It is concluded that tissue preparation procedures may be optimised to facilitate the observation of the micro- and nanostructure of cuticular layers and components with different degrees of polarity and hydrophobicity.


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Plant trichomes play important protective functions and may have a major influence on leaf surface wettability. With the aim of gaining insight into trichome structure, composition and function in relation to water-plant surface interactions, we analyzed the adaxial and abaxial leaf surface of Quercus ilex L. (holm oak) as model. By measuring the leaf water potential 24 h after the deposition of water drops on to abaxial and adaxial surfaces, evidence for water penetration through the upper leaf side was gained in young and mature leaves. The structure and chemical composition of the abaxial (always present) and adaxial (occurring only in young leaves) trichomes were analyzed by various microscopic and analytical procedures. The adaxial surfaces were wettable and had a high degree of water drop adhesion in contrast to the highly unwettable and water repellent abaxial holm oak leaf sides. The surface free energy, polarity and solubility parameter decreased with leaf age, with generally higher values determined for the abaxial sides. All holm oak leaf trichomes were covered with a cuticle. The abaxial trichomes were composed of 8% soluble waxes, 49% cutin, and 43% polysaccharides. For the adaxial side, it is concluded that trichomes and the scars after trichome shedding contribute to water uptake, while the abaxial leaf side is highly hydrophobic due to its high degree of pubescence and different trichome structure, composition and density. Results are interpreted in terms of water-plant surface interactions, plant surface physical-chemistry, and plant ecophysiology.


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The plant cuticle has traditionally been conceived as an independent hydrophobic layer that covers the external epidermal cell wall. Due to its complexity, the existing relationship between cuticle chemical composition and ultra-structure remains unclear to date. This study aimed to examine the link between chemical composition and structure of isolated, adaxial leaf cuticles of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and E. globulus by the gradual extraction and identification of lipid constituents (cutin and soluble lipids), coupled to spectroscopic and microscopic analyses. The soluble compounds and cutin monomers identified could not be assigned to a concrete internal cuticle ultra-structure. After cutin depolymerization, a cellulose network resembling the cell wall was observed, with different structural patterns in the regions ascribed to the cuticle proper and cuticular layer, respectively. Our results suggest that the current cuticle model should be revised, stressing the presence and major role of cell wall polysaccharides. It is concluded that the cuticle may be interpreted as a modified cell wall region which contains additional lipids. The major heterogeneity of the plant cuticle makes it difficult to establish a direct link between cuticle chemistry and structure with the existing methodologies.


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En los últimos años, debido a la creciente preocupación por el calentamiento global y el cambio climático, uno de los retos más importantes a los que se enfrenta nuestra sociedad es el uso eficiente y económico de energía así como la necesidad correspondiente de reducir los gases de efecto invernadero (GEI). Las tecnologías de mezclas semicalientes se han convertido en un nuevo e importante tema de investigación en el campo de los materiales para pavimentos ya que ofrece una solución potencial para la reducción del consumo energético y las emisiones de GEI durante la producción y puesta en obra de las mezclas bituminosas. Por otro lado, los pavimentos que contienen polvo de caucho procedente de neumático fuera de uso, al hacer uso productos de desecho, ahorran energía y recursos naturales. Estos pavimentos ofrecen una resistencia mejorada a la formación de roderas, a la fatiga y a la fisuración térmica, reducen los costes de mantenimiento y el ruido del tráfico así como prolongan la vida útil del pavimento. Sin embargo, estas mezclas presentan un importante inconveniente: la temperatura de fabricación se debe aumentar en comparación con las mezclas asfálticas convencionales, ya que la incorporación de caucho aumenta la viscosidad del ligante y, por lo tanto, se producen mayores cantidades de emisiones de GEI. En la presente Tesis, la tecnología de mezclas semicalientes con aditivos orgánicos (Sasobit, Asphaltan A, Asphaltan B, Licomont) se incorporó a la de betunes de alta viscosidad modificados con caucho (15% y 20% de caucho) con la finalidad de dar una solución a los inconvenientes de mezclas con caucho gracias a la utilización de aditivos reductores de la viscosidad. Para este fin, se estudió si sería posible obtener una producción más sostenible de mezclas con betunes de alto contenido en caucho sin afectar significativamente su nivel de rendimiento mecánico. La metodología aplicada para evaluar y comparar las características de las mezclas consistió en la realización de una serie de ensayos de laboratorio para betunes y mezclas con caucho y con aditivos de mezclas semicalientes y de un análisis del ciclo de vida híbrido de la producción de mezclas semicalientes teniendo en cuenta la papel del aditivo en la cadena de suministro con el fin de cuantificar con precisión los beneficios de esta tecnología. Los resultados del estudio indicaron que la incorporación de los aditivos permite reducir la viscosidad de los ligantes y, en consecuencia, las temperaturas de producción y de compactación de las mezclas. Por otro lado, aunque la adición de caucho mejoró significativamente el comportamiento mecánico de los ligantes a baja temperatura reduciendo la susceptibilidad al fenómeno de fisuración térmica, la adición de las ceras aumentó ligeramente la rigidez. Los resultados del estudio reológico mostraron que la adición de porcentajes crecientes de caucho mejoraban la resistencia del pavimento con respecto a la resistencia a la deformación permanente a altas temperaturas y a la fisuración térmica a bajas temperaturas. Además, se observó que los aditivos mejoran la resistencia a roderas y la elasticidad del pavimento al aumentar el módulo complejo a altas temperaturas y al disminuir del ángulo de fase. Por otra parte, el estudio reológico confirmó que los aditivos estudiados aumentan ligeramente la rigidez a bajas temperaturas. Los ensayos de fluencia llevados a cabo con el reómetro demostraron una vez más la mejora en la elasticidad y en la resistencia a la deformación permanente dada por la adición de las ceras. El estudio de mezclas con caucho y aditivos de mezclas semicalientes llevado a cabo demostró que las temperaturas de producción/compactación se pueden disminuir, que las mezclas no experimentarían escurrimiento, que los aditivos no cambian significativamente la resistencia conservada y que cumplen la sensibilidad al agua exigida. Además, los aditivos aumentaron el módulo de rigidez en algunos casos y mejoraron significativamente la resistencia a la deformación permanente. Asimismo, a excepción de uno de los aditivos, las mezclas con ceras tenían la misma o mayor resistencia a la fatiga en comparación con la mezcla control. Los resultados del análisis de ciclo de vida híbrido mostraron que la tecnología de mezclas semicalientes es capaz de ahorrar significativamente energía y reducir las emisiones de GEI, hasta un 18% y 20% respectivamente, en comparación con las mezclas de control. Sin embargo, en algunos de los casos estudiados, debido a la presencia de la cera, la temperatura de fabricación debe reducirse en un promedio de 8 ºC antes de que los beneficios de la reducción de emisiones y el consumo de combustible puedan ser obtenidos. Los principales sectores contribuyentes a los impactos ambientales generados en la fabricación de mezclas semicalientes fueron el sector de los combustibles, el de la minería y el de la construcción. Due to growing concerns over global warming and climate change in recent years, one of the most important challenges facing our society is the efficient and economic use of energy, and with it, the corresponding need to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) technology has become an important new research topic in the field of pavement materials as it offers a potential solution for the reduction of energy consumption and GHG emissions during the production and placement of asphalt mixtures. On the other hand, pavements containing crumb-rubber modified (CRM) binders save energy and natural resources by making use of waste products. These pavements offer an improved resistance to rutting, fatigue and thermal cracking; reduce traffic noise and maintenance costs and prolong pavement life. These mixtures, however, present one major drawback: the manufacturing temperature is higher compared to conventional asphalt mixtures as the rubber lends greater viscosity to the binder and, therefore, larger amounts of GHG emissions are produced. In this dissertation the WMA technology with organic additives (Sasobit, Asphaltan A, Asphaltan B and Licomont) was applied to CRM binders (15% and 20% of rubber) in order to offer a solution to the drawbacks of asphalt rubber (AR) mixtures thanks to the use of fluidifying additives. For this purpose, this study sought to determine if a more sustainable production of AR mixtures could be obtained without significantly affecting their level of mechanical performance. The methodology applied in order to evaluate and compare the performance of the mixtures consisted of carrying out several laboratory tests for the CRM binders and AR mixtures with WMA additives (AR-WMA mixtures) and a hybrid input-output-based life cycle assessment (hLCA) of the production of WMA. The results of the study indicated that the incorporation of the organic additives were able to reduce the viscosity of the binders and, consequently, the production and compaction temperatures. On the other hand, although the addition of rubber significantly improved the mechanical behaviour of the binders at low temperatures reducing the susceptibility to thermal cracking phenomena, the addition of the waxes slightly increased the stiffness. Master curves showed that the addition of increasing percentages of rubber improved the resistance of the pavement regarding both resistance to permanent deformation at high temperatures and thermal cracking at low temperatures. In addition, the waxes improved the rutting resistance and the elasticity as they increased the complex modulus at high temperatures and decreased the phase angle. Moreover, master curves also attest that the WMA additives studied increase the stiffness at low temperatures. The creep tests carried out proved once again the improvement in the elasticity and in the resistance to permanent deformation given by the addition of the waxes. The AR-WMA mixtures studied have shown that the production/compaction temperatures can be decreased, that the mixtures would not experience binder drainage, that the additives did not significantly change the retained resistance and fulfilled the water sensitivity required. Furthermore, the additives increased the stiffness modulus in some cases and significantly improved the permanent deformation resistance. Except for one of the additives, the waxes had the same or higher fatigue resistance compared to the control mixture. The results of the hLCA demonstrated that the WMA technology is able to significantly save energy and reduce GHG emissions, up to 18% and 20%, respectively, compared to the control mixtures. However, in some of the case studies, due to the presence of wax, the manufacturing temperature at the asphalt plant must be reduced by an average of 8ºC before the benefits of reduced emissions and fuel usage can be obtained. The results regarding the overall impacts generated using a detailed production layer decomposition indicated that fuel, mining and construction sectors are the main contributors to the environmental impacts of manufacturing WMA mixtures.


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Primer trabajo a nivel mundial sobre la diferenciación de especies de Pinus con clave dicotómica a través de la estructura cuticular


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The surface of most aerial plant organs is covered with a cuticle that provides protection against multiple stress factors including dehydration. Interest on the nature of this external layer dates back to the beginning of the 19th century and since then, several studies facilitated a better understanding of cuticular chemical composition and structure. The prevailing undertanding of the cuticle as a lipidic, hydrophobic layer which is independent from the epidermal cell wall underneath stems from the concept developed by Brongniart and von Mohl during the first half of the 19th century. Such early investigations on plant cuticles attempted to link chemical composition and structure with the existing technologies, and have not been directly challenged for decades. Beginning with a historical overview about the development of cuticular studies, this review is aimed at critically assessing the information available on cuticle chemical composition and structure, considering studies performed with cuticles and isolated cuticular chemical components. The concept of the cuticle as a lipid layer independent from the cell wall is subsequently challenged, based on the existing literature, and on new findings pointing toward the cell wall nature of this layer, also providing examples of different leaf cuticle structures. Finally, the need for a re-assessment of the chemical and structural nature of the plant cuticle is highlighted, considering its cell wall nature and variability among organs, species, developmental stages, and biotic and abiotic factors during plant growth.