11 resultados para Crash cushions.

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The failure detector class Omega (Ω) provides an eventual leader election functionality, i.e., eventually all correct processes permanently trust the same correct process. An algorithm is communication-efficient if the number of links that carry messages forever is bounded by n, being n the number of processes in the system. It has been defined that an algorithm is crash-quiescent if it eventually stops sending messages to crashed processes. In this regard, it has been recently shown the impossibility of implementing Ω crash quiescently without a majority of correct processes. We say that the membership is unknown if each process pi only knows its own identity and the number of processes in the system (that is, i and n), but pi does not know the identity of the rest of processes of the system. There is a type of link (denoted by ADD link) in which a bounded (but unknown) number of consecutive messages can be delayed or lost. In this work we present the first implementation (to our knowledge) of Ω in partially synchronous systems with ADD links and with unknown membership. Furthermore, it is the first implementation of Ω that combines two very interesting properties: communication-efficiency and crash-quiescence when the majority of processes are correct. Finally, we also obtain with the same algorithm a failure detector () such that every correct process eventually and permanently outputs the set of all correct processes.


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The set agreement problem states that from n proposed values at most n-1 can be decided. Traditionally, this problem is solved using a failure detector in asynchronous systems where processes may crash but not recover, where processes have different identities, and where all processes initially know the membership. In this paper we study the set agreement problem and the weakest failure detector L used to solve it in asynchronous message passing systems where processes may crash and recover, with homonyms (i.e., processes may have equal identities) and without a complete initial knowledge of the membership.


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The numerical analysis of certain safety related problems presents serious difficulties, since the large number of components present leads to huge finite elementmodels that can only be solved by using large and expensive computers or by making rough approaches to the problem. Tangling, or clashing, in the turbine of a jet engine airplane is an example of such problems. This is caused by the crash and friction between rotor and stator blades in the turbine after an eventual shaft failure. When facing the study of an event through numerical modelling, the accurate simulation of this problem would require the engineer to model all the rotor and stator blades existing in the turbine stage, using a small element size in all pieces. Given that the number of stator and rotor blades is usually around 200, such simulations would require millions of elements. This work presents a new numerical methodology, specifically developed for the accurate modelling of the tangling problem that, depending on the turbine configuration, is able to reduce the number of nodes up to an order of magnitude without losing accuracy. The methodology, which benefits from the cyclic configuration of turbines, is successfully applied to the numerical analysis of a hypothetical tangling event in a turbine, providing valuable data such as the rotating velocity decrease of the turbine, the braking torque and the damage suffered by the blades. The methodology is somewhat general and can be applied to any problem in which damage caused by the interaction between a rotating and static piece is to be analysed.


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The set agreement problem states that from n proposed values at most n?1 can be decided. Traditionally, this problem is solved using a failure detector in asynchronous systems where processes may crash but do not recover, where processes have different identities, and where all processes initially know the membership. In this paper we study the set agreement problem and the weakest failure detector L used to solve it in asynchronous message passing systems where processes may crash and recover, with homonyms (i.e., processes may have equal identities) and without a complete initial knowledge of the membership.


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This paper is on homonymous distributed systems where processes are prone to crash failures and have no initial knowledge of the system membership (?homonymous? means that several processes may have the same identi?er). New classes of failure detectors suited to these systems are ?rst de?ned. Among them, the classes H? and H? are introduced that are the homonymous counterparts of the classes ? and ?, respectively. (Recall that the pair h?,?i de?nes the weakest failure detector to solve consensus.) Then, the paper shows how H? and H? can be implemented in homonymous systems without membership knowledge (under different synchrony requirements). Finally, two algorithms are presented that use these failure detectors to solve consensus in homonymous asynchronous systems where there is no initial knowledge ofthe membership. One algorithm solves consensus with hH?, H?i, while the other uses only H?, but needs a majority of correct processes. Observe that the systems with unique identi?ers and anonymous systems are extreme cases of homonymous systems from which follows that all these results also apply to these systems. Interestingly, the new failure detector class H? can be implemented with partial synchrony, while the analogous class A? de?ned for anonymous systems can not be implemented (even in synchronous systems). Hence, the paper provides us with the ?rst proof showing that consensus can be solved in anonymous systems with only partial synchrony (and a majority of correct processes).


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This paper describes an experimental procedure consisting of impact tests that simulate a collision of a human head with an industrial robot with the aim to validate a safety index named as New Index for Robots (NIR) and its outputs. The experiments in this paper are based on lab tests. It is an attempt to characterize the NIR index underlying the main parameters that are involved in crash interaction and to highlight limitations and weakness of suggested impact tests.


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Because of the high number of crashes occurring on highways, it is necessary to intensify the search for new tools that help in understanding their causes. This research explores the use of a geographic information system (GIS) for an integrated analysis, taking into account two accident-related factors: design consistency (DC) (based on vehicle speed) and available sight distance (ASD) (based on visibility). Both factors require specific GIS software add-ins, which are explained. Digital terrain models (DTMs), vehicle paths, road centerlines, a speed prediction model, and crash data are integrated in the GIS. The usefulness of this approach has been assessed through a study of more than 500 crashes. From a regularly spaced grid, the terrain (bare ground) has been modeled through a triangulated irregular network (TIN). The length of the roads analyzed is greater than 100 km. Results have shown that DC and ASD could be related to crashes in approximately 4% of cases. In order to illustrate the potential of GIS, two crashes are fully analyzed: a car rollover after running off road on the right side and a rear-end collision of two moving vehicles. Although this procedure uses two software add-ins that are available only for ArcGIS, the study gives a practical demonstration of the suitability of GIS for conducting integrated studies of road safety.


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In classical distributed systems, each process has a unique identity. Today, new distributed systems have emerged where a unique identity is not always possible to be assigned to each process. For example, in many sensor networks a unique identity is not possible to be included in each device due to its small storage capacity, reduced computational power, or the huge number of devices to be identified. In these cases, we have to work with anonymous distributed systems where processes cannot be identified. Consensus cannot be solved in classical and anonymous asynchronous distributed systems where processes can crash. To bypass this impossibility result, failure detectors are added to these systems. It is known that ? is the weakest failure detector class for solving consensus in classical asynchronous systems when amajority of processes never crashes. Although A? was introduced as an anonymous version of ?, to find the weakest failure detector in anonymous systems to solve consensus when amajority of processes never crashes is nowadays an open question. Furthermore, A? has the important drawback that it is not implementable. Very recently, A? has been introduced as a counterpart of ? for anonymous systems. In this paper, we show that the A? failure detector class is strictly weaker than A? (i.e., A? provides less information about process crashes than A?). We also present in this paper the first implementation of A? (hence, we also show that A? is implementable), and, finally, we include the first implementation of consensus in anonymous asynchronous systems augmented with A? and where a majority of processes does not crash.


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The distributed computing models typically assume every process in the system has a distinct identifier (ID) or each process is programmed differently, which is named as eponymous system. In such kind of distributed systems, the unique ID is helpful to solve problems: it can be incorporated into messages to make them trackable (i.e., to or from which process they are sent) to facilitate the message transmission; several problems (leader election, consensus, etc.) can be solved without the information of network property in priori if processes have unique IDs; messages in the register of one process will not be overwritten by others process if this process announces; it is useful to break the symmetry. Hence, eponymous systems have influenced the distributed computing community significantly either in theory or in practice. However, every thing in the world has its own two sides. The unique ID also has disadvantages: it can leak information of the network(size); processes in the system have no privacy; assign unique ID is costly in bulk-production(e.g, sensors). Hence, homonymous system is appeared. If some processes share the same ID and programmed identically is called homonymous system. Furthermore, if all processes shared the same ID or have no ID is named as anonymous system. In homonymous or anonymous distributed systems, the symmetry problem (i.e., how to distinguish messages sent from which process) is the main obstacle in the design of algorithms. This thesis is aimed to propose different symmetry break methods (e.g., random function, counting technique, etc.) to solve agreement problem. Agreement is a fundamental problem in distributed computing including a family of abstractions. In this thesis, we mainly focus on the design of consensus, set agreement, broadcast algorithms in anonymous and homonymous distributed systems. Firstly, the fault-tolerant broadcast abstraction is studied in anonymous systems with reliable or fair lossy communication channels separately. Two classes of anonymous failure detectors AΘ and AP∗ are proposed, and both of them together with a already proposed failure detector ψ are implemented and used to enrich the system model to implement broadcast abstraction. Then, in the study of the consensus abstraction, it is proved the AΩ′ failure detector class is strictly weaker than AΩ and AΩ′ is implementable. The first implementation of consensus in anonymous asynchronous distributed systems augmented with AΩ′ and where a majority of processes does not crash. Finally, a general consensus problem– k-set agreement is researched and the weakest failure detector L used to solve it, in asynchronous message passing systems where processes may crash and recover, with homonyms (i.e., processes may have equal identities), and without a complete initial knowledge of the membership.


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The distributed computing models typically assume every process in the system has a distinct identifier (ID) or each process is programmed differently, which is named as eponymous system. In such kind of distributed systems, the unique ID is helpful to solve problems: it can be incorporated into messages to make them trackable (i.e., to or from which process they are sent) to facilitate the message transmission; several problems (leader election, consensus, etc.) can be solved without the information of network property in priori if processes have unique IDs; messages in the register of one process will not be overwritten by others process if this process announces; it is useful to break the symmetry. Hence, eponymous systems have influenced the distributed computing community significantly either in theory or in practice. However, every thing in the world has its own two sides. The unique ID also has disadvantages: it can leak information of the network(size); processes in the system have no privacy; assign unique ID is costly in bulk-production(e.g, sensors). Hence, homonymous system is appeared. If some processes share the same ID and programmed identically is called homonymous system. Furthermore, if all processes shared the same ID or have no ID is named as anonymous system. In homonymous or anonymous distributed systems, the symmetry problem (i.e., how to distinguish messages sent from which process) is the main obstacle in the design of algorithms. This thesis is aimed to propose different symmetry break methods (e.g., random function, counting technique, etc.) to solve agreement problem. Agreement is a fundamental problem in distributed computing including a family of abstractions. In this thesis, we mainly focus on the design of consensus, set agreement, broadcast algorithms in anonymous and homonymous distributed systems. Firstly, the fault-tolerant broadcast abstraction is studied in anonymous systems with reliable or fair lossy communication channels separately. Two classes of anonymous failure detectors AΘ and AP∗ are proposed, and both of them together with a already proposed failure detector ψ are implemented and used to enrich the system model to implement broadcast abstraction. Then, in the study of the consensus abstraction, it is proved the AΩ′ failure detector class is strictly weaker than AΩ and AΩ′ is implementable. The first implementation of consensus in anonymous asynchronous distributed systems augmented with AΩ′ and where a majority of processes does not crash. Finally, a general consensus problem– k-set agreement is researched and the weakest failure detector L used to solve it, in asynchronous message passing systems where processes may crash and recover, with homonyms (i.e., processes may have equal identities), and without a complete initial knowledge of the membership.


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El siglo XIX fue un siglo dedicado a los grandes edificios públicos. Los teatros, las academias, los museos. Sin embargo la arquitectura durante el siglo XX se dedicará al estudio de la casa. Todos los usos y tipologías se verán fuertemente revisados pero el núcleo de todos los esfuerzos y verdadero inicio de la arquitectura moderna será la vivienda. A partir de ella todos los preceptos modernos se irán aplicando a los distintos programas. Nikolaus Pevsner señala a William Morris como el primer arquitecto moderno porque precisamente entendió que un arte verdaderamente social, en consonancia con su tiempo y la sociedad a la que sirve, ha de ocuparse de aquello que preocupe a la gente. Con la nueva situación de la vivienda en el centro de las motivaciones disciplinares el mueble adopta un nuevo protagonismo. En un momento avanzado de su carrera Marcel Breuer observa entre curioso e irónico cómo el mueble moderno había sido promocionado paradójicamente no por los diseñadores de muebles sino por los arquitectos1. La respuesta la da Le Corbusier en una de sus conferencias de 1931 recogida en Precisiones 2 cuando señala la reformulación del mobiliario como el "nudo gordiano" de cuya resolución pendía la renovación de la planta moderna. El Movimiento Moderno se había visto obligado a atacar este tema para poder avanzar en sus propuestas domésticas. El Movimiento Moderno se propuso solucionar los problemas de la vivienda y de una Europa en reconstrucción pero se exigía además ser capaz de aportar una visión propositiva de la vida moderna. No se trataba únicamente de resolver los problemas ya existentes sino que además había la necesidad autoimpuesta de anticipar la domesticidad del futuro. Para ello sus viviendas al completo, mueble e inmueble, debían de presentarse bajo esa nueva imagen. El manifiesto fundacional de la Deustcher Werkbund extendía el radio de acción del nuevo arquitecto desde la construcción de las ciudades a los cojines del sofá. Este mobiliario tenía la compleja misión de condensar sintéticamente todos esos ideales que la modernidad había traído consigo: abstracción, higiene, fascinación maquínica, confianza positivista en la ciencia o la expresión material optimizada. Objetos de la vida moderna, en palabras de Le Corbusier, susceptibles de suscitar un estado de vida moderno. Pocas sillas en la historia del diseño habrán acarreado tanta polémica y tanta disputa por su autoría como la sillas voladas de tubo de acero en sus diferentes versiones. Para entenderlo situémonos en el año 1927 a las puertas de la exposición "Die Wohnung" ("La vivienda") organizada por los maestros de la Bauhaus y dirigida por Mies van der Rohe en la ladera Weissenhof de Stuttgart. Muchos nombres célebres de la arquitectura mostraron en esa ocasión su personal propuesta para la vivienda moderna y los objetos que la habitan. Entre ellos los muebles con tubo de acero fueron una presencia constante en la exposición pero hubo una pieza que destacó sobre todas las demás por su novedad y audacia. La pieza en cuestión era el modelo de silla volada, esto es, sin apoyos posteriores y cuya rigidez estaba conferida al esfuerzo solidario de la estructura continua de tubo de acero y que terminaría por convertirse en el cruce de caminos de tres figuras de la disciplina arquitectónica: Marcel Breuer, Mies van der Rohe y Mart Stam. Cada uno de ellos desarrolló su propio modelo de silla volada en sus versiones MR por parte de Mies, L&C Arnold de Stam y el posterior modelo BR 33 de Marcel Breuer. Los tres, en algún momento de su vida reclamaron de uno u otro modo su autoría como objetos que les pertenecían intelectualmente. Estas sillas se convirtieron en la expresión máxima de uno de los ansiados anhelos de la modernidad, la propia materialidad del acero, en su versión optimizada, era la que había derivado en una forma completamente nueva de un objeto cotidiano y cuyo tipo estaba ya totalmente asumido. Los nuevos materiales y las nuevas formas de hacer habían irrumpido hasta en los utensilios domésticos, y habían sido capaces de reformularlos. El punto de partida para esta investigación es precisamente esa coincidencia de tres figuras de la arquitectura moderna, los tres de formación artesanal, en un mismo modelo de silla y en una misma fecha. Tres arquitectos que se habían encargado de asegurar que el movimiento moderno no reconocía problemas formales sino solamente de construcción, iban a coincidir en el mismo tiempo y lugar, precisamente en una misma forma, como si tal coincidencia hubiera sido producto de una voluntad de época. Sin embargo el interés de este estudio no radica en una indagación sobre la autoría sino sobre cómo un mismo objeto resulta ser propositivo e interesante en campos muy diversos y la forma en que cada uno lo hace suyo incorporándolo a su propia investigación proyectual. La silla, más allá de ser un objeto de diseño exclusivamente, trasciende su propia escala para situarse inmersa en un proceso de búsqueda y exploración a nivel conceptual, formal, constructivo y estructural en la arquitectura cada uno de ellos. En un momento en que el oficio del arquitecto está siendo intensamente redefinido considero especialmente pertinente esta investigación, que en definitiva versa sobre la forma distintiva en que el pensamiento arquitectónico es capaz de proyectarse sobre cualquier disciplina para reformularla. ABSTRACT The nineteenth century was a century dedicated to the great public buildings; theaters, schools or museums. However the architecture in the twentieth century was devoted to the study of housing. All uses and typologies were heavily revised but the focus of all efforts and true beginning of modern architecture was housing. From these beginnings all modern precepts were applied to the various programs. Nikolaus Pevsner points to William Morris as the first modern architect precisely because he understood that a truly social art in line with its time and the society it serves must deal with social concerns at that time. With the new housing situation at the center of disciplinary concerns furniture took on a new prominence. At an advanced stage of his career Marcel Breuer observed partly with curiosity, partly with irony how modern furniture had been promoted not by furniture designers but by architects. The answer is given by Le Corbusier in one of his lectures of 1931 collected in Precisions when he pointed the reformulation of furniture as the "Gordian knot" for the renewal of modern plan resolution. Modernism had been forced to confront this issue in order to advance their domestic approaches. Modernism not only put forward a solution to the problems of housing and a Europe under reconstruction but is also needed to be able to contribute to an exciting vision of modern life. Not only did solve existing problems but also it had the self-imposed necessity of anticipating future domesticity and to do their houses full, movable and immovable, they should be submitted under this new image. The founding manifesto of the Deutsche Werkbund extended the scope of the new architect from building cities to the couch cushions. This furniture had the complex mission of synthetically condensing all the ideals of modernity had brought with it: abstraction, hygiene, mechanization, positivist confidence in science or material expression. Objects of modern life, in words of Le Corbusier, were likely to give rise a state of modern life. Few chairs in design history have resulted in so much controversy and so much dispute over their invention as the various versions of cantilevered tubular steel chairs. To understand this let us place ourselves in 1927 at the gates of the exhibition "Die Wohnung" ("Housing") organized by the teachers of the Bauhaus and directed by Mies van der Rohe in Stuttgart Weissenhoflung. Many famous names in architecture at that time showed their personal proposals for modern housing and the objects that inhabit them. Amongst these objects, the steel tube furniture was a constant presence at the exhibition but there was a piece so audacious that it stood out from all the others. This piece in question was the cantilever model chair, that is, which had no further rear support and whose rigidity was attributed to the solidity of its continues structure of steel tube. This piece would eventually become the crossroads of three very different personalities: Mart Stam, Marcel Breuer and Mies van der Rohe. Each of them developed their own model of cantilevered chair in different versions; The MR model developed by Mies van der Rohe, the L&C by Arnold Stam and a later model BR 33 by Marcel Breuer, and the three, at some point in their lives demanded the authorship of its invention as objects that belonged to them intellectually. These chairs epitomized one of the coveted objects of modernity, steel material in its optimized version, was what had led to a completely new form of an everyday object whose this type was fully adopted on board in design. New materials and production methods had burst into world of household objects, and had been able to reformulate their design. The bold design then became a dark object of controversy. The starting point for this doctoral thesis is the concurrent invention of the same model of chair by three different figures of modern architecture. These three architects, who were responsible for ensuring that the modern movement considered construction rather than form as the main design consideration, were working in the same place and at the same point in time. It was almost as if these three architects were shaped by the culture of the time (Zeitgeist). However the focus of this study lies not in an investigation of responsibility of ownership but in the investigation fo how the same object can turn out to be purposeful and interesting in many different fields and the way in which each researcher makes it his own by developing his own project research. 1927, the year of their meeting, was a initiatory year in the career of our players. The chair, beyond being only a design object transcended its own scale and became immersed in a process of research and development on a conceptual, formal, structural and constructive level in the architectural approach of each of the architects. At a time when the role of the architect is being redefined intensely I consider this research, which ultimately concerns the distinctive way the architectural thought can be projected onto and reformulate any discipline, to be particularly relevant.