19 resultados para Correction of acidity

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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This work presents a method to estimate and correct slow time-dependent position errors due to non perfect ground station synchronization and tropospheric propagation. It uses opportunity traffic emissions, i.e. signals transmitted from the aircrafts within the coverage zone. This method is used to overcome the difficulty of installing reference beacons simultaneously visible by all the base stations in a given Wide Area Multilateration (WAM) system.


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A method for fast colour and geometric correction of a tiled display system is presented in this paper. Such kind of displays are a common choice for virtual reality applications and simulators, where a high resolution image is required. They are the cheapest and more flexible alternative for large image generation but they require a precise geometric and colour correction. The purpose of the proposed method is to correct the projection system as fast as possible so in case the system needs to be recalibrated it doesn’t interfere with the normal operation of the simulator or virtual reality application. This technique makes use of a single conventional webcam for both geometric and photometric correction. Some previous assumptions are made, like planar projection surface and negligibleintra-projector colour variation and black-offset levels. If these assumptions hold true, geometric and photometric seamlessness can be achievedfor this kind of display systems. The method described in this paper is scalable for an undefined number of projectors and completely automatic.


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During the years 1992-1996 a climatic change took place in the Iberian Peninsula, changing from dry years to humid years, giving place to numerous and abundant rainfalls that, in the zone of Andalusia caused enough problems in embankments of the roads.


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Effects of considering the particle comminution rate -kc- in addition to particle rumen outflow -kp- and the ruminal microbial contamination on estimates of by-pass and intestinal digestibility of DM, organic matter and crude protein were examined in perennial ryegrass and oat hays. By-pass kc-kp-based values of amino acids were also determined. This study was performed using particle transit, in situ and 15N techniques on three rumen and duodenum-cannulated wethers. The above estimates were determined using composite samples from rumen-incubated residues representative of feed by-pass. Considering the comminution rate, kc, modified the contribution of the incubated residues to these samples in both hays and revealed a higher microbial contamination, consistently in oat hay and only as a tendency for crude protein in ryegrass hay. Not considering kc or rumen microbial contamination overvalued by-pass and intestinal digestibility in both hays. Therefore, non-microbial-corrected kp-based values of intestinal digested crude protein were overestimated as compared with corrected and kc-kp-based values in ryegrass hay -17.4 vs 4.40%- and in oat hay -5.73 vs 0.19%-. Both factors should be considered to obtain accurate in situ estimates in grasses, as the protein value of grasses is very conditioned by the microbial synthesis derived from their ruminal fermentation. Consistent overvaluations of amino acid by-pass due to not correcting microbial contamination were detected in both hays, with large variable errors among amino acids. A similar degradation pattern of amino acids was recorded in both hays. Cysteine, methionine, leucine and valine were the most degradation-resistant amino acids.


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Esta tesis trata sobre métodos de corrección que compensan la variación de las condiciones de iluminación en aplicaciones de imagen y video a color. Estas variaciones hacen que a menudo fallen aquellos algoritmos de visión artificial que utilizan características de color para describir los objetos. Se formulan tres preguntas de investigación que definen el marco de trabajo de esta tesis. La primera cuestión aborda las similitudes que se dan entre las imágenes de superficies adyacentes en relación a su comportamiento fotométrico. En base al análisis del modelo de formación de imágenes en situaciones dinámicas, esta tesis propone un modelo capaz de predecir las variaciones de color de la región de una determinada imagen a partir de las variaciones de las regiones colindantes. Dicho modelo se denomina Quotient Relational Model of Regions. Este modelo es válido cuando: las fuentes de luz iluminan todas las superficies incluídas en él; estas superficies están próximas entre sí y tienen orientaciones similares; y cuando son en su mayoría lambertianas. Bajo ciertas circunstancias, la respuesta fotométrica de una región se puede relacionar con el resto mediante una combinación lineal. No se ha podido encontrar en la literatura científica ningún trabajo previo que proponga este tipo de modelo relacional. La segunda cuestión va un paso más allá y se pregunta si estas similitudes se pueden utilizar para corregir variaciones fotométricas desconocidas en una región también desconocida, a partir de regiones conocidas adyacentes. Para ello, se propone un método llamado Linear Correction Mapping capaz de dar una respuesta afirmativa a esta cuestión bajo las circunstancias caracterizadas previamente. Para calcular los parámetros del modelo se requiere una etapa de entrenamiento previo. El método, que inicialmente funciona para una sola cámara, se amplía para funcionar en arquitecturas con varias cámaras sin solape entre sus campos visuales. Para ello, tan solo se necesitan varias muestras de imágenes del mismo objeto capturadas por todas las cámaras. Además, este método tiene en cuenta tanto las variaciones de iluminación, como los cambios en los parámetros de exposición de las cámaras. Todos los métodos de corrección de imagen fallan cuando la imagen del objeto que tiene que ser corregido está sobreexpuesta o cuando su relación señal a ruido es muy baja. Así, la tercera cuestión se refiere a si se puede establecer un proceso de control de la adquisición que permita obtener una exposición óptima cuando las condiciones de iluminación no están controladas. De este modo, se propone un método denominado Camera Exposure Control capaz de mantener una exposición adecuada siempre y cuando las variaciones de iluminación puedan recogerse dentro del margen dinámico de la cámara. Los métodos propuestos se evaluaron individualmente. La metodología llevada a cabo en los experimentos consistió en, primero, seleccionar algunos escenarios que cubrieran situaciones representativas donde los métodos fueran válidos teóricamente. El Linear Correction Mapping fue validado en tres aplicaciones de re-identificación de objetos (vehículos, caras y personas) que utilizaban como caracterísiticas la distribución de color de éstos. Por otra parte, el Camera Exposure Control se probó en un parking al aire libre. Además de esto, se definieron varios indicadores que permitieron comparar objetivamente los resultados de los métodos propuestos con otros métodos relevantes de corrección y auto exposición referidos en el estado del arte. Los resultados de la evaluación demostraron que los métodos propuestos mejoran los métodos comparados en la mayoría de las situaciones. Basándose en los resultados obtenidos, se puede decir que las respuestas a las preguntas de investigación planteadas son afirmativas, aunque en circunstancias limitadas. Esto quiere decir que, las hipótesis planteadas respecto a la predicción, la corrección basada en ésta y la auto exposición, son factibles en aquellas situaciones identificadas a lo largo de la tesis pero que, sin embargo, no se puede garantizar que se cumplan de manera general. Por otra parte, se señalan como trabajo de investigación futuro algunas cuestiones nuevas y retos científicos que aparecen a partir del trabajo presentado en esta tesis. ABSTRACT This thesis discusses the correction methods used to compensate the variation of lighting conditions in colour image and video applications. These variations are such that Computer Vision algorithms that use colour features to describe objects mostly fail. Three research questions are formulated that define the framework of the thesis. The first question addresses the similarities of the photometric behaviour between images of dissimilar adjacent surfaces. Based on the analysis of the image formation model in dynamic situations, this thesis proposes a model that predicts the colour variations of the region of an image from the variations of the surrounded regions. This proposed model is called the Quotient Relational Model of Regions. This model is valid when the light sources illuminate all of the surfaces included in the model; these surfaces are placed close each other, have similar orientations, and are primarily Lambertian. Under certain circumstances, a linear combination is established between the photometric responses of the regions. Previous work that proposed such a relational model was not found in the scientific literature. The second question examines whether those similarities could be used to correct the unknown photometric variations in an unknown region from the known adjacent regions. A method is proposed, called Linear Correction Mapping, which is capable of providing an affirmative answer under the circumstances previously characterised. A training stage is required to determine the parameters of the model. The method for single camera scenarios is extended to cover non-overlapping multi-camera architectures. To this extent, only several image samples of the same object acquired by all of the cameras are required. Furthermore, both the light variations and the changes in the camera exposure settings are covered by correction mapping. Every image correction method is unsuccessful when the image of the object to be corrected is overexposed or the signal-to-noise ratio is very low. Thus, the third question refers to the control of the acquisition process to obtain an optimal exposure in uncontrolled light conditions. A Camera Exposure Control method is proposed that is capable of holding a suitable exposure provided that the light variations can be collected within the dynamic range of the camera. Each one of the proposed methods was evaluated individually. The methodology of the experiments consisted of first selecting some scenarios that cover the representative situations for which the methods are theoretically valid. Linear Correction Mapping was validated using three object re-identification applications (vehicles, faces and persons) based on the object colour distributions. Camera Exposure Control was proved in an outdoor parking scenario. In addition, several performance indicators were defined to objectively compare the results with other relevant state of the art correction and auto-exposure methods. The results of the evaluation demonstrated that the proposed methods outperform the compared ones in the most situations. Based on the obtained results, the answers to the above-described research questions are affirmative in limited circumstances, that is, the hypothesis of the forecasting, the correction based on it, and the auto exposure are feasible in the situations identified in the thesis, although they cannot be guaranteed in general. Furthermore, the presented work raises new questions and scientific challenges, which are highlighted as future research work.


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Context. This thesis is framed in experimental software engineering. More concretely, it addresses the problems arisen when assessing process conformance in test-driven development experiments conducted by UPM's Experimental Software Engineering group. Process conformance was studied using the Eclipse's plug-in tool Besouro. It has been observed that Besouro does not work correctly in some circumstances. It creates doubts about the correction of the existing experimental data which render it useless. Aim. The main objective of this work is the identification and correction of Besouro's faults. A secondary goal is fixing the datasets already obtained in past experiments to the maximum possible extent. This way, existing experimental results could be used with confidence. Method. (1) Testing Besouro using different sequences of events (creation methods, assertions etc..) to identify the underlying faults. (2) Fix the code and (3) fix the datasets using code specially created for this purpose. Results. (1) We confirmed the existence of several fault in Besouro's code that affected to Test-First and Test-Last episode identification. These faults caused the incorrect identification of 20% of episodes. (2) We were able to fix Besouro's code. (3) The correction of existing datasets was possible, subjected to some restrictions (such us the impossibility of tracing code size increase to programming time. Conclusion. The results of past experiments dependent upon Besouro's data could no be trustable. We have the suspicion that more faults remain in Besouro's code, whose identification requires further analysis.


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Although there has been a lot of interest in recognizing and understanding air traffic control (ATC) speech, none of the published works have obtained detailed field data results. We have developed a system able to identify the language spoken and recognize and understand sentences in both Spanish and English. We also present field results for several in-tower controller positions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that field ATC speech (not simulated) is captured, processed, and analyzed. The use of stochastic grammars allows variations in the standard phraseology that appear in field data. The robust understanding algorithm developed has 95% concept accuracy from ATC text input. It also allows changes in the presentation order of the concepts and the correction of errors created by the speech recognition engine improving it by 17% and 25%, respectively, absolute in the percentage of fully correctly understood sentences for English and Spanish in relation to the percentages of fully correctly recognized sentences. The analysis of errors due to the spontaneity of the speech and its comparison to read speech is also carried out. A 96% word accuracy for read speech is reduced to 86% word accuracy for field ATC data for Spanish for the "clearances" task confirming that field data is needed to estimate the performance of a system. A literature review and a critical discussion on the possibilities of speech recognition and understanding technology applied to ATC speech are also given.


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Interface discontinuity factors based on the Generalized Equivalence Theory are commonly used in nodal homogenized diffusion calculations so that diffusion average values approximate heterogeneous higher order solutions. In this paper, an additional form of interface correction factors is presented in the frame of the Analytic Coarse Mesh Finite Difference Method (ACMFD), based on a correction of the modal fluxes instead of the physical fluxes. In the ACMFD formulation, implemented in COBAYA3 code, the coupled multigroup diffusion equations inside a homogenized region are reduced to a set of uncoupled modal equations through diagonalization of the multigroup diffusion matrix. Then, physical fluxes are transformed into modal fluxes in the eigenspace of the diffusion matrix. It is possible to introduce interface flux discontinuity jumps as the difference of heterogeneous and homogeneous modal fluxes instead of introducing interface discontinuity factors as the ratio of heterogeneous and homogeneous physical fluxes. The formulation in the modal space has been implemented in COBAYA3 code and assessed by comparison with solutions using classical interface discontinuity factors in the physical space


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The main purpose of robot calibration is the correction of the possible errors in the robot parameters. This paper presents a method for a kinematic calibration of a parallel robot that is equipped with one camera in hand. In order to preserve the mechanical configuration of the robot, the camera is utilized to acquire incremental positions of the end effector from a spherical object that is fixed in the word reference frame. The positions of the end effector are related to incremental positions of resolvers of the motors of the robot, and a kinematic model of the robot is used to find a new group of parameters which minimizes errors in the kinematic equations. Additionally, properties of the spherical object and intrinsic camera parameters are utilized to model the projection of the object in the image and improving spatial measurements. Finally, the robotic system is designed to carry out tracking tasks and the calibration of the robot is validated by means of integrating the errors of the visual controller.


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Tiled projector displays are a common choice for training simulators, where a high resolution output image is required. They are cheap for the resolution that they can reach and can be configured in many different ways. Nevertheless, such kinds of displays require geometric and color correction so that the composite image looks seamless. Display correction is an even bigger challenge when the projected images include dark scenes combined with brighter scenes. This is usually a problem for railway simulators when the train is positioned inside a tunnel and the black offset effect becomes noticeable. In this paper, a method for fast photometric and geometric correction of tiled display systems where dark and bright scenes are combined is presented. The image correction is carried out in two steps. First, geometric alignment and overlapping areas attenuation for brighter scenes is applied. Second, in the event of being inside a tunnel, the brightness of the scene is increased in certain areas using light sources in order to create the impression of darkness but minimizing the effect of the black offset


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Natural regeneration in stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) managed forests in the Spanish Northern Plateau is not achieved successfully under current silviculture practices, constituting a main concern for forest managers. We modelled spatio-temporal features of primary dispersal to test whether (a) present low stand densities constrain natural regeneration success and (b) seed release is a climate-controlled process. The present study is based on data collected from a 6 years seed trap experiment considering different regeneration felling intensities. From a spatial perspective, we attempted alternate established kernels under different data distribution assumptions to fit a spatial model able to predict P. pinea seed rain. Due to P. pinea umbrella-like crown, models were adapted to account for crown effect through correction of distances between potential seed arrival locations and seed sources. In addition, individual tree fecundity was assessed independently from existing models, improving parameter estimation stability. Seed rain simulation enabled to calculate seed dispersal indexes for diverse silvicultural regeneration treatments. The selected spatial model of best fit (Weibull, Poisson assumption) predicted a highly clumped dispersal pattern that resulted in a proportion of gaps where no seed arrival is expected (dispersal limitation) between 0.25 and 0.30 for intermediate intensity regeneration fellings and over 0.50 for intense fellings. To describe the temporal pattern, the proportion of seeds released during monthly intervals was modelled as a function of climate variables – rainfall events – through a linear model that considered temporal autocorrelation, whereas cone opening took place over a temperature threshold. Our findings suggest the application of less intensive regeneration fellings, to be carried out after years of successful seedling establishment and, seasonally, subsequent to the main rainfall period (late fall). This schedule would avoid dispersal limitation and would allow for a complete seed release. These modifications in present silviculture practices would produce a more efficient seed shadow in managed stands.


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Effects of considering the comminution rate -kc- and the correction of microbial contamination -using 15N techniques- of particles in the rumen on estimates of ruminally undegraded fractions and their intestinal digestibility were examined generating composite samples -from rumen-incubated residues- representative of the undegraded feed rumen outflow. The study used sunflower meal -SFM- and Italian ryegrass hay -RGH- and three rumen and duodenum cannulated wethers fed with a 40:60 RGH to concentrate diet -75 g DM/kgBW0.75-. Transit studies up to the duodenum with Yb-SFM and Eu-RGH marked samples showed higher kc values -/h- in SFM than in RGH -0.577 vs. 0.0892, p = 0.034-, whereas similar values occurred for the rumen passage rate -kp-. Estimates of ruminally undegraded and intestinal digestibility of all tested fractions decreased when kc was considered and also applying microbial correction. Thus, microbial uncorrected kp-based proportions of intestinal digested undegraded crude protein overestimated those corrected and kc-kp-based by 39% in SFM -0.146 vs. 0.105- and 761% in RGH -0.373 vs. 0.0433-. Results show that both kc and microbial contamination correction should be considered to obtain accurate in situ estimates in grasses, whereas in protein concentrates not considering kc is an important source of error.


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Subtraction of Ictal SPECT Co-registered to MRI (SISCOM) is an imaging technique used to localize the epileptogenic focus in patients with intractable partial epilepsy. The aim of this study was to determine the accuracy of registration algorithms involved in SISCOM analysis using FocusDET, a new user-friendly application. To this end, Monte Carlo simulation was employed to generate realistic SPECT studies. Simulated sinograms were reconstructed by using the Filtered BackProjection (FBP) algorithm and an Ordered Subsets Expectation Maximization (OSEM) reconstruction method that included compensation for all degradations. Registration errors in SPECT-SPECT and SPECT-MRI registration were evaluated by comparing the theoretical and actual transforms. Patient studies with well-localized epilepsy were also included in the registration assessment. Global registration errors including SPECT-SPECT and SPECT-MRI registration errors were less than 1.2 mm on average, exceeding the voxel size (3.32 mm) of SPECT studies in no case. Although images reconstructed using OSEM led to lower registration errors than images reconstructed with FBP, differences after using OSEM or FBP in reconstruction were less than 0.2 mm on average. This indicates that correction for degradations does not play a major role in the SISCOM process, thereby facilitating the application of the methodology in centers where OSEM is not implemented with correction of all degradations. These findings together with those obtained by clinicians from patients via MRI, interictal and ictal SPECT and video-EEG, show that FocusDET is a robust application for performing SISCOM analysis in clinical practice.


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A validation of the burn-up simulation system EVOLCODE 2.0 is presented here, involving the experimental measurement of U and Pu isotopes and some fission fragments production ratios after a burn-up of around 30 GWd/tU in a Pressurized Light Water Reactor (PWR). This work provides an in-depth analysis of the validation results, including the possible sources of the uncertainties. An uncertainty analysis based on the sensitivity methodology has been also performed, providing the uncertainties in the isotopic content propagated from the cross sections uncertainties. An improvement of the classical Sensitivity/ Uncertainty (S/U) model has been developed to take into account the implicit dependence of the neutron flux normalization, that is, the effect of the constant power of the reactor. The improved S/U methodology, neglected in this kind of studies, has proven to be an important contribution to the explanation of some simulation-experiment discrepancies for which, in general, the cross section uncertainties are, for the most relevant actinides, an important contributor to the simulation uncertainties, of the same order of magnitude and sometimes even larger than the experimental uncertainties and the experiment- simulation differences. Additionally, some hints for the improvement of the JEFF3.1.1 fission yield library and for the correction of some errata in the experimental data are presented.


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Many image processing methods, such as techniques for people re-identification, assume photometric constancy between different images. This study addresses the correction of photometric variations based upon changes in background areas to correct foreground areas. The authors assume a multiple light source model where all light sources can have different colours and will change over time. In training mode, the authors learn per-location relations between foreground and background colour intensities. In correction mode, the authors apply a double linear correction model based on learned relations. This double linear correction includes a dynamic local illumination correction mapping as well as an inter-camera mapping. The authors evaluate their illumination correction by computing the similarity between two images based on the earth mover's distance. The authors compare the results to a representative auto-exposure algorithm found in the recent literature plus a colour correction one based on the inverse-intensity chromaticity. Especially in complex scenarios the authors’ method outperforms these state-of-the-art algorithms.