15 resultados para Containment of rainwater
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Soil erosion is a complex phenomenon involving the detachment and transport of soil particles, storage and runoff of rainwater, and infiltration. The relative magnitude and importance of these processes depends on several factors being one of them surface microtopography, usually quantified trough soil surface roughness (SSR). Surface soil porosity and SSR can be altered by tillage operation. Even though the surface porosity is an important parameter of a tilled field, however, no practical technique for rapid and non-contact measurement of surface porosity has been developed yet.
Soil erosion is a complex phenomenon involving the detachment and transport of soil particles, storage and runoff of rainwater, and infiltration. The relative magnitude and importance of these processes depends on several factors being one of them surface micro-topography, usually quanti[U+FB01]ed trough soil surface roughness (SSR). SSR greatly affects surface sealing and runoff generation, yet little information is available about the effect of roughness on the spatial distribution of runoff and on flow concentration. The methods commonly used to measure SSR involve measuring point elevation using a pin roughness meter or laser, both of which are labor intensive and expensive. Lately a simple and inexpensive technique based on percentage of shadow in soil surface image has been developed to determine SSR in the field in order to obtain measurement for wide spread application. One of the first steps in this technique is image de-noising and thresholding to estimate the percentage of black pixels in the studied area. In this work, a series of soil surface images have been analyzed applying several de-noising wavelet analysis and thresholding algorithms to study the variation in percentage of shadows and the shadows size distribution
En este proyecto se describe el cálculo y diseño de una serie de medidas correctoras propuestas a raíz de un deslizamiento de ladera que tuvo lugar en noviembre de 2010 y afectó a parte de la calzada de la autovía A-4 en el P.K. 340 entre Córdoba y Jaén; principalmente en la ejecución de una pantalla de pilotes como elemento estructural de estabilización y contención del terreno, por medio del método de equilibrio límite y cálculo del módulo de reacción o coeficiente de balasto horizontal, a través del empleo de los programas Slope/W y RIDO respectivamente. ABSTRACT This project describes the calculation and design of a series of proposed corrective measures following a landslide of which took place in November 2010 and hit part of the road A-4 on the P.K. 340 between Cordoba and Jaen, mainly in the execution of a pile wall as a structural element of stabilization and containment of the terrain, through the limit equilibrium method and calculating the reaction module or horizontal ballast coefficient, through employment of the Slope/W and RIDO programs respectively.
En un contexto de rápido crecimiento de la población urbana y de cambio climático global, la consecución de un modelo de desarrollo sostenible pasa inevitablemente por construir ciudades más sostenibles. Basado en una intensiva impermeabilización de los suelos, el modelo actual de desarrollo urbano modifica profundamente el ciclo natural del agua en las ciudades. La drástica reducción de la capacidad de infiltración del terreno hace que gran parte de la precipitación se transforme en escorrentía superficial, que se concentra rápidamente originando grandes caudales punta. Además, el lavado de las superficies urbanas aporta altas cargas de contaminación a la escorrentía que producen importantes impactos en los medios receptores. Esta realidad motiva la realización de la presente tesis doctoral cuyo objetivo general es contribuir a la consecución de ciudades sostenibles a través de la gestión integral de las aguas de lluvia en los entornos urbanos. Con el objetivo prioritario de minimizar los riesgos de inundación, el enfoque convencional del drenaje urbano desarrolló las primeras soluciones en relación a los caudales punta, centralizando su gestión en el sistema de saneamiento e incorporando la escorrentía al mismo tan rápido como fuera posible. Pero en episodios de lluvias intensas la sobrecarga tanto hidráulica como de contaminación del sistema provoca un incremento de la vulnerabilidad de la población a las inundaciones, una falta de garantía de salud pública y graves impactos sobre los medios receptores. La aprobación en 1987 del CleanWaterAct en Estados Unidos, en el que se reconoció por primera vez el problema de la contaminación aportada por la escorrentía urbana, fue el punto de partida de un nuevo enfoque que promueve un conjunto de técnicas de drenaje que integran aspectos como cantidad de agua, calidad de agua y servicio a la sociedad. Estas técnicas, conocidas como Sistemas de Drenaje Sostenible (SUDS), son consideradas como las técnicas más apropiadas para gestionar los riesgos resultantes de la escorrentía urbana así como para contribuir a la mejora medioambiental de la cuenca y de los ecosistemas receptores. La experiencia internacional apunta a que la efectiva incorporación de los SUDS como sistemas habituales en el desarrollo urbano debe basarse en tres elementos clave: El desarrollo de un marco normativo, la aplicación de instrumentos económicos y la participación ciudadana activa en el proceso. Además se identifica como una de las líneas estratégicas para avanzar en la resolución de la problemática el desarrollo y aplicación de metodologías que apoyen el proceso de toma de decisiones basadas en indicadores cuantificables. Convergiendo con esta línea estratégica la presente tesis doctoral define unos indicadores de sostenibilidad focalizados en una temática no desarrollada hasta el momento, la gestión integral de las aguas de lluvia. Para ello, se aplica el marco analítico Presión-Estado–Respuesta bajo un enfoque que rebasa el sistema de saneamiento, enmarcando la gestión de las aguas de lluvia en las múltiples y complejas interrelaciones del sistema urbano. Así se determinan indicadores de presión, de estado y de respuesta para cada elemento del sistema urbano (Medio Receptor – Cuenca Urbana – Sistema de Saneamiento), definiendo para cada indicador el objetivo específico, la unidad de medición, la tendencia deseada de evolución y la periodicidad de seguimiento recomendada. La validez de la metodología propuesta se comprueba en el estudio de caso de la ciudad de Zaragoza. La determinación de los indicadores permite realizar un diagnóstico y definir unas líneas estratégicas de actuación que contemplan mejoras no sólo en el sistema de saneamiento y drenaje urbano, sino también en el marco normativo, urbanístico, económico, social y ambiental. Finalmente, se concluye que la integración de la gestión de las aguas de lluvia en las políticas de ordenación del territorio, el desarrollo de mecanismos de coordinación institucional, la mejora del marco normativo y la aplicación de instrumentos económicos son elementos clave para la gestión integral de las aguas de lluvia y el consecuente desarrollo de ciudades más sostenibles en España. In a context of rapid urbanization and global climate change, coping with sustainable development challenges requires the development of sustainable cities. Based on an intensive soil permeability reduction, the current development model deeply modifies the natural water cycle in the urban environment. Reduction of soil infiltration capacity turns most of the rainwater into surface runoff, rapidly leading to heavy peak flows which are highly contaminated due to the flushing of the urban surface. This is the central motivation for this thesis, which aspires to contribute to the attainment of more sustainable cities through an integrated management of rainwater in urban environments. With the main objective of minimizing floods, the conventional approach of drainage systems focused on peak flows, centralizing their management on the sewage system and incorporating flows as fast as possible. But during heavy rains the hydraulic and contamination overcharge of the sewage system leads to an increase in the vulnerability of the population, in regards to floods and lack of public health, as well as to severe impacts in receiving waters. In 1987, the United States’Clean Water Act Declaration, which firstly recognized the problem of runoff contamination, was the starting point of a new approach that promotes a set of techniques known as Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDS)that integrates issues such as quantity of water, quality of water and service to society. SUDS are considered the most suitable set of techniques to manage the risks resulting from urban runoff, as well as to contribute to the environmental enhancement of urban basins and of the aquatic ecosystems. International experience points out that the effective adoption of SUDS as usual systems in urban development must be based on three key elements: The enhancement of the legal frame, the application of economic tools and the active public participation throughout the process. Additionally, one of the strategic actions to advance in the resolution of the problem is the development and application of methodologies based in measurable indicators that support the decision making process. In that line, this thesis defines a set of sustainability indicators focused in integrated management of rainwater. To that end, the present document applies the analytical frame Pressure – State – Response under an approach that goes beyond the sewage system and considers the multiple and complex interrelations within urban systems. Thus, for the three basic elements that interact in the issue (Receiving Water Bodies – Urban Basin – Sewage System) a set of Pressure – State – Response indicators are proposed, and the specific aim, the measurement unit, the desired evolution trend and the regularity of monitoring are defined for each of the indicators. The application of the proposed indicators to the case study of the city of Zaragoza acknowledged their suitability for the definition of lines of action that encompass not only the enhancement of the performance of sewage and drainage systems during rain events, but also the legal, urban, economic, social and environmental framework. Finally, this thesis concludes that the inclusion of urban rainwater management issues in the definition of regional planning policies, the development of mechanisms to attain an effective institutional coordination, the enhancement of the legal framework and the application of economic tools are key elements in order to achieve an integrated rainwater management and the subsequent sustainability of urban development in Spain.
Soil erosion is a serious environmental threat in the Mediterranean region due to torrential rainfalls, and it contributes to the degradation of agricultural land. Techniques such as rainwater harvesting may improve soil water storage and increase agricultural productivity, which could result in more effective land usage. Reservoir tillage is an effective system of harvesting rainwater, but it has not been scientifically evaluated like other tillage systems. Its suitability for the conditions in Spain has not been determined. To investigate and quantify water storage from reservoir tillage and how it could be adapted to improve infiltration of harvested rainwater, a laboratory-scale rainfall simulator was developed. Rainfall characteristics, including rainfall intensity, spatial uniformity and raindrop size, confirm that natural rainfall conditions are simulated with sufficient accuracy. The simulator was auto-controlled by a solenoid valve and three pressure nozzles were used to spray water corresponding to five rainfall intensities ranging from 36 to 112 mm h-1 for 3 to 101-year return period with uniformity coefficients between 83 and 94%. In order to assess the reservoir tillage method under surface slopes of 0, 5, and 10%, three soil scooping devices with identical volume were used to make depressions in the following forms: a) truncated square pyramid, b) triangular prism, and c) truncated cone. These depressions were compared to a control soil surface with no depression. For the loam soil used in this study, results show that reservoir tillage was able to reduce soil erosion and surface runoff and significantly increase infiltration. There was significant difference between the depressions and the control. Compared to the control, depression (a) reduced surface runoff by about 61% and the sediment yield concentration by about 79%.
La escasez del agua en las regiones áridas y semiáridas se debe a la escasez de precipitaciones y la distribución desigual en toda la temporada, lo que hace de la agricultura de secano una empresa precaria. Un enfoque para mejorar y estabilizar el agua disponible para la producción de cultivos en estas regiones es el uso de tecnologías de captación de agua de lluvia in situ y su conservación. La adopción de los sistemas de conservación de la humedad del suelo in situ, tales como la labranza de conservación, es una de las estrategias para mejorar la gestión de la agricultura en zonas áridas y semiáridas. El objetivo general de esta tesis ha sido desarrollar una metodología de aplicación de labranza de depósito e investigar los efectos a corto plazo sobre las propiedades físicas del suelo de las diferentes prácticas de cultivo que incluyen labranza de depósito: (reservoir tillage, RT), la laboreo mínimo: (minimum tillage, MT), la no laboreo: (zero tillage, ZT) y laboreo convencional: (conventional tillage, CT) Así como, la retención de agua del suelo y el control de la erosión del suelo en las zonas áridas y semiáridas. Como una primera aproximación, se ha realizado una revisión profunda del estado de la técnica, después de la cual, se encontró que la labranza de depósito es un sistema eficaz de cosecha del agua de lluvia y conservación del suelo, pero que no ha sido evaluada científicamente tanto como otros sistemas de labranza. Los trabajos experimentales cubrieron tres condiciones diferentes: experimentos en laboratorio, experimentos de campo en una región árida, y experimentos de campo en una región semiárida. Para investigar y cuantificar el almacenamiento de agua a temperatura ambiente y la forma en que podría adaptarse para mejorar la infiltración del agua de lluvia recolectada y reducir la erosión del suelo, se ha desarrollado un simulador de lluvia a escala de laboratorio. Las características de las lluvias, entre ellas la intensidad de las precipitaciones, la uniformidad espacial y tamaño de la gota de lluvia, confirmaron que las condiciones naturales de precipitación son simuladas con suficiente precisión. El simulador fue controlado automáticamente mediante una válvula de solenoide y tres boquillas de presión que se usaron para rociar agua correspondiente a diferentes intensidades de lluvia. Con el fin de evaluar el método de RT bajo diferentes pendientes de superficie, se utilizaron diferentes dispositivos de pala de suelo para sacar un volumen idéntico para hacer depresiones. Estas depresiones se compararon con una superficie de suelo control sin depresión, y los resultados mostraron que la RT fue capaz de reducir la erosión del suelo y la escorrentía superficial y aumentar significativamente la infiltración. Luego, basándonos en estos resultados, y después de identificar la forma adecuada de las depresiones, se ha diseñado una herramienta combinada (sistema integrado de labranza de depósito (RT)) compuesto por un arado de una sola línea de chisel, una sola línea de grada en diente de pico, sembradora modificada, y rodillo de púas. El equipo fue construido y se utiliza para comparación con MT y CT en un ambiente árido en Egipto. El estudio se realizó para evaluar el impacto de diferentes prácticas de labranza y sus parámetros de funcionamiento a diferentes profundidades de labranza y con distintas velocidades de avance sobre las propiedades físicas del suelo, así como, la pérdida de suelo, régimen de humedad, la eficiencia de recolección de agua, y la productividad de trigo de invierno. Los resultados indicaron que la RT aumentó drásticamente la infiltración, produciendo una tasa que era 47.51% más alta que MT y 64.56% mayor que la CT. Además, los resultados mostraron que los valores más bajos de la escorrentía y pérdidas de suelos 4.91 mm y 0.65 t ha-1, respectivamente, se registraron en la RT, mientras que los valores más altos, 11.36 mm y 1.66 t ha-1, respectivamente, se produjeron en el marco del CT. Además, otros dos experimentos de campo se llevaron a cabo en ambiente semiárido en Madrid con la cebada y el maíz como los principales cultivos. También ha sido estudiado el potencial de la tecnología inalámbrica de sensores para monitorizar el potencial de agua del suelo. Para el experimento en el que se cultivaba la cebada en secano, se realizaron dos prácticas de labranza (RT y MT). Los resultados mostraron que el potencial del agua del suelo aumentó de forma constante y fue consistentemente mayor en MT. Además, con independencia de todo el período de observación, RT redujo el potencial hídrico del suelo en un 43.6, 5.7 y 82.3% respectivamente en comparación con el MT a profundidades de suelo (10, 20 y 30 cm, respectivamente). También se observaron diferencias claras en los componentes del rendimiento de los cultivos y de rendimiento entre los dos sistemas de labranza, el rendimiento de grano (hasta 14%) y la producción de biomasa (hasta 8.8%) se incrementaron en RT. En el experimento donde se cultivó el maíz en regadío, se realizaron cuatro prácticas de labranza (RT, MT, ZT y CT). Los resultados revelaron que ZT y RT tenían el potencial de agua y temperatura del suelo más bajas. En comparación con el tratamiento con CT, ZT y RT disminuyó el potencial hídrico del suelo en un 72 y 23%, respectivamente, a la profundidad del suelo de 40 cm, y provocó la disminución de la temperatura del suelo en 1.1 y un 0.8 0C respectivamente, en la profundidad del suelo de 5 cm y, por otro lado, el ZT tenía la densidad aparente del suelo y resistencia a la penetración más altas, la cual retrasó el crecimiento del maíz y disminuyó el rendimiento de grano que fue del 15.4% menor que el tratamiento con CT. RT aumenta el rendimiento de grano de maíz cerca de 12.8% en comparación con la ZT. Por otra parte, no hubo diferencias significativas entre (RT, MT y CT) sobre el rendimiento del maíz. En resumen, según los resultados de estos experimentos, se puede decir que mediante el uso de la labranza de depósito, consistente en realizar depresiones después de la siembra, las superficies internas de estas depresiones se consolidan de tal manera que el agua se mantiene para filtrarse en el suelo y por lo tanto dan tiempo para aportar humedad a la zona de enraizamiento de las plantas durante un período prolongado de tiempo. La labranza del depósito podría ser utilizada como un método alternativo en regiones áridas y semiáridas dado que retiene la humedad in situ, a través de estructuras que reducen la escorrentía y por lo tanto puede resultar en la mejora de rendimiento de los cultivos. ABSTRACT Water shortage in arid and semi-arid regions stems from low rainfall and uneven distribution throughout the season, which makes rainfed agriculture a precarious enterprise. One approach to enhance and stabilize the water available for crop production in these regions is to use in-situ rainwater harvesting and conservation technologies. Adoption of in-situ soil moisture conservation systems, such as conservation tillage, is one of the strategies for upgrading agriculture management in arid and semi-arid environments. The general aim of this thesis is to develop a methodology to apply reservoir tillage to investigate the short-term effects of different tillage practices including reservoir tillage (RT), minimum tillage (MT), zero tillage (ZT), and conventional tillage (CT) on soil physical properties, as well as, soil water retention, and soil erosion control in arid and semi-arid areas. As a first approach, a review of the state of the art has been done. We found that reservoir tillage is an effective system of harvesting rainwater and conserving soil, but it has not been scientifically evaluated like other tillage systems. Experimental works covered three different conditions: laboratory experiments, field experiments in an arid region, and field experiments in a semi-arid region. To investigate and quantify water storage from RT and how it could be adapted to improve infiltration of harvested rainwater and reduce soil erosion, a laboratory-scale rainfall simulator was developed. Rainfall characteristics, including rainfall intensity, spatial uniformity and raindrop size, confirm that natural rainfall conditions are simulated with sufficient accuracy. The simulator was auto-controlled by a solenoid valve and three pressure nozzles were used to spray water corresponding to different rainfall intensities. In order to assess the RT method under different surface slopes, different soil scooping devices with identical volume were used to create depressions. The performance of the soil with these depressions was compared to a control soil surface (with no depression). Results show that RT was able to reduce soil erosion and surface runoff and significantly increase infiltration. Then, based on these results and after selecting the proper shape of depressions, a combination implement integrated reservoir tillage system (integrated RT) comprised of a single-row chisel plow, single-row spike tooth harrow, modified seeder, and spiked roller was developed and used to compared to MT and CT in an arid environment in Egypt. The field experiments were conducted to evaluate the impact of different tillage practices and their operating parameters at different tillage depths and different forward speeds on the soil physical properties, as well as on runoff, soil losses, moisture regime, water harvesting efficiency, and winter wheat productivity. Results indicated that the integrated RT drastically increased infiltration, producing a rate that was 47.51% higher than MT and 64.56% higher than CT. In addition, results showed that the lowest values of runoff and soil losses, 4.91 mm and 0.65 t ha-1 respectively, were recorded under the integrated RT, while the highest values, 11.36 mm and 1.66 t ha -1 respectively, occurred under the CT. In addition, two field experiments were carried out in semi-arid environment in Madrid with barley and maize as the main crops. For the rainfed barley experiment, two tillage practices (RT, and MT) were performed. Results showed that soil water potential increased quite steadily and were consistently greater in MT and, irrespective of the entire observation period, RT decreased soil water potential by 43.6, 5.7, and 82.3% compared to MT at soil depths (10, 20, and 30 cm, respectively). In addition, clear differences in crop yield and yield components were observed between the two tillage systems, grain yield (up to 14%) and biomass yield (up to 8.8%) were increased by RT. For the irrigated maize experiment, four tillage practices (RT, MT, ZT, and CT) were performed. Results showed that ZT and RT had the lowest soil water potential and soil temperature. Compared to CT treatment, ZT and RT decreased soil water potential by 72 and 23% respectively, at soil depth of 40 cm, and decreased soil temperature by 1.1 and 0.8 0C respectively, at soil depth of 5 cm. Also, ZT had the highest soil bulk density and penetration resistance, which delayed the maize growth and decreased the grain yield that was 15.4% lower than CT treatment. RT increased maize grain yield about 12.8% compared to ZT. On the other hand, no significant differences among (RT, MT, and CT) on maize yield were found. In summary, according to the results from these experiments using reservoir tillage to make depressions after seeding, these depression’s internal surfaces are consolidated in such a way that the water is held to percolate into the soil and thus allowing time to offer moisture to the plant rooting zone over an extended period of time. Reservoir tillage could be used as an alternative method in arid and semi-arid regions and it retains moisture in-situ, through structures that reduce runoff and thus can result in improved crop yields.
There is a need for in-situ soil moisture conservation in arid and semi-arid regions due to insufficient rainfall for agriculture. For this purpose, a combination implement [integrated reservoir tillage system (RT)] comprised of a single-row chisel plow, single-row spike tooth harrow, modified seeder, and spiked roller was developed and compared to the popular tillage practices, viz., minimum tillage (MT) and conventional tillage (CT) in an arid Mediterranean environment in Egypt. The different tillage practices were conducted at tillage depths of 15, 20, and 25 cm and forward speeds of 0.69, 1, 1.25, and 1.53 m s-1. Some soil physical properties, runoff, soil loss, water harvesting efficiency and yield of wheat were evaluated. The different tillage practices caused significant differences in soil physical properties as the RT increased soil infiltration, producing a rate of 48% and 65% higher than that obtained in MT and CT, respectively. The lowest values of runoff and soil loss were recorded under RT as 4.91 mm and 0.65 t ha-1, whereas the highest values were recorded under CT as 11.36 mm and 1.66 t ha-1, respectively. In conclusion, the RT enhanced the infiltration rate, increased water harvesting efficiency, reduced runoff and achieved the highest yield of wheat. The best tillage operating parameters appeared to be at a tillage depth of 20 cm and speed between 1.00 and 1.25 m s-1.
Soil erosion is a serious environmental threat in the Mediterranean region due to torrential rainfalls, and it contributes to the degradation of agricultural land. Techniques such as rainwater harvesting may improve soil water storage and increase agricultural productivity, which could result in more effective land usage. Reservoir tillage is an effective system of harvesting rainwater, but it has not been scientifically evaluated like other tillage systems. Its suitability for the conditions in Spain has not been determined. To investigate and quantify water storage from reservoir tillage and how it could be adapted to improve infiltration of harvested rainwater, a laboratory-scale rainfall simulator was developed. Rainfall characteristics, including rainfall intensity, spatial uniformity and raindrop size, confirm that natural rainfall conditions are simulated with sufficient accuracy. The simulator was auto-controlled by a solenoid valve and three pressure nozzles were used to spray water corresponding to five rainfall intensities ranging from 36 to 112 mm h− 1 for 3 to 101-year return period with uniformity coefficients between 83 and 94%. In order to assess the reservoir tillage method under surface slopes of 0, 5, and 10%, three soil scooping devices with identical volume were used to make depressions in the following forms: a) truncated square pyramid, b) triangular prism, and c) truncated cone. These depressions were compared to a control soil surface with no depression. For the loam soil used in this study, results show that reservoir tillage was able to reduce soil erosion and surface runoff and significantly increase infiltration. There was significant difference between the depressions and the control. Compared to the control, depression (a) reduced surface runoff by about 61% and the sediment yield concentration by about 79%.
The simulation of design basis accidents in a containment building is usually conducted with a lumped parameter model. The codes normally used by Westinghouse Electric Company (WEC) for that license analysis are WGOTHIC or COCO, which are suitable to provide an adequate estimation of the overall peak temperature and pressure of the containment. However, for the detailed study of the thermal-hydraulic behavior in every room and compartment of the containment building, it could be more convenient to model the containment with a more detailed 3D representation of the geometry of the whole building. The main objective of this project is to obtain a standard PWR Westinghouse as well as an AP1000® containment model for a CFD code to analyze the thermal-hydraulic detailed behavior during a design basis accident. In this paper the development and testing of both containment models is presented.
In order to determine the presence of Fusarium spp. in atmospheric dust and rainfall dust, samples were collected during September 2007, and July, August, and October 2008. The results reveal the prevalence of airborne Fusarium species coming from the atmosphere of the South East coast of Spain. Five different Fusarium species were isolated from the settling dust: Fusarium oxysporum, F. solani, F. equiseti, F. dimerum, and F. proliferatum. Moreover, rainwater samples were obtained during significant rainfall events in January and February 2009. Using the dilution-plate method, 12 fungal genera were identified from these rainwater samples. Specific analyses of the rainwater revealed the presence of three species of Fusarium: F. oxysporum, F. proliferatum and F. equiseti. A total of 57 isolates of Fusarium spp. obtained from both rainwater and atmospheric rainfall dust sampling were inoculated onto melon (Cucumis melo L.) cv. Piñonet and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) cv. San Pedro. These species were chosen because they are the main herbaceous crops in Almeria province. The results presented in this work indicate strongly that spores or propagules of Fusarium are able to cross the continental barrier carried by winds from the Sahara (Africa) to crop or coastal lands in Europe. Results show differences in the pathogenicity of the isolates tested. Both hosts showed root rot when inoculated with different species of Fusarium, although fresh weight measurements did not bring any information about the pathogenicity. The findings presented above are strong indications that long-distance transmission of Fusarium propagules may occur. Diseases caused by species of Fusarium are common in these areas. They were in the past, and are still today, a problem for greenhouses crops in Almería, and many species have been listed as pathogens on agricultural crops in this region. Saharan air masses dominate the Mediterranean regions. The evidence of long distance dispersal of Fusarium spp. by atmospheric dust and rainwater together with their proved pathogenicity must be taken into account in epidemiological studies.
This paper evaluates the water footprint of Spanish olives and olive oil over the period 1997-2008. In particular, it analyses the three colour components of the water footprint: green (rainwater stored in the soil), blue (surface and groundwater) and grey (freshwater required to assimilate load of pollutants). Apparent water productivity and virtual water embedded in olive oil exports have also been studied. Results show more than 99.5% of the water footprint of one liter of bottled olive oil is related to the olive production, whereas less than 0.5% is due to the other components such as bottle, cap and label. Over the studied period, the green water footprint in absolute terms of Spanish olive oil production represents about 72% in rainfed systems and just 12% in irrigated olive orchards. Blue and grey water footprints represent 6% and 10% of the national water footprint, respectively. It is shown that olive production is concentrated in regions with the smallest water footprint per unit of product. However, the increase of groundwater consumption in the main olive producing region (Andalusia), from 98 to 378 Mm3 between 1997 and 2008, has added significant pressure in the upstream Guadalquivir basin. This raises questions about the sustainability of irrigated olive orchards for export from the region. Finally, the virtual water related to olive oil exports illustrate the importance of green water footprint of rainfed olives amounting to about 77% of the total virtual water exports.
The wetting front is the zone where water invades and advances into an initially dry porous material and it plays a crucial role in solute transport through the unsaturated zone. Water is an essential part of the physiological process of all plants. Through water, necessary minerals are moved from the roots to the parts of the plants that require them. Water moves chemicals from one part of the plant to another. It is also required for photosynthesis, for metabolism and for transpiration. The leaching of chemicals by wetting fronts is influenced by two major factors, namely: the irregularity of the fronts and heterogeneity in the distribution of chemicals, both of which have been described by using fractal techniques. Soil structure can significantly modify infiltration rates and flow pathways in soils. Relations between features of soil structure and features of infiltration could be elucidated from the velocities and the structure of wetting fronts. When rainwater falls onto soil, it doesn?t just pool on surfaces. Water ?or another fluid- acts differently on porous surfaces. If the surface is permeable (porous) it seeps down through layers of soil, filling that layer to capacity. Once that layer is filled, it moves down into the next layer. In sandy soil, water moves quickly, while it moves much slower through clay soil. The movement of water through soil layers is called the the wetting front. Our research concerns the motion of a liquid into an initially dry porous medium. Our work presents a theoretical framework for studying the physical interplay between a stationary wetting front of fractal dimension D with different porous materials. The aim was to model the mass geometry interplay by using the fractal dimension D of a stationary wetting front. The plane corresponding to the image is divided in several squares (the minimum correspond to the pixel size) of size length ". We acknowledge the help of Prof. M. García Velarde and the facilities offered by the Pluri-Disciplinary Institute of the Complutense University of Madrid. We also acknowledge the help of European Community under project Multi-scale complex fluid flows and interfacial phenomena (PITN-GA-2008-214919). Thanks are also due to ERCOFTAC (PELNoT, SIG 14)
Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR) sequences in Pressurized Water Reactors are known to be one of the most demanding transients for the operating crew. SGTR are a special kind of transient as they could lead to radiological releases without core damage or containment failure, as they can constitute a direct path from the reactor coolant system to the environment. The first methodology used to perform the Deterministic Safety Analysis (DSA) of a SGTR did not credit the operator action for the first 30 min of the transient, assuming that the operating crew was able to stop the primary to secondary leakage within that period of time. However, the different real SGTR accident cases happened in the USA and over the world demonstrated that the operators usually take more than 30 min to stop the leakage in actual sequences. Some methodologies were raised to overcome that fact, considering operator actions from the beginning of the transient, as it is done in Probabilistic Safety Analysis. This paper presents the results of comparing different assumptions regarding the single failure criteria and the operator action taken from the most common methodologies included in the different Deterministic Safety Analysis. One single failure criteria that has not been analysed previously in the literature is proposed and analysed in this paper too. The comparison is done with a PWR Westinghouse three loop model in TRACE code (Almaraz NPP) with best estimate assumptions but including deterministic hypothesis such as single failure criteria or loss of offsite power. The behaviour of the reactor is quite diverse depending on the different assumptions made regarding the operator actions. On the other hand, although there are high conservatisms included in the hypothesis, as the single failure criteria, all the results are quite far from the regulatory limits. In addition, some improvements to the Emergency Operating Procedures to minimize the offsite release from the damaged SG in case of a SGTR are outlined taking into account the offsite dose sensitivity results.
The design of containment walls suffering seismic loads traditionally has been realized with methods based on pseudoanalitic procedures such as Mononobe- Okabe's method, which it has led in certain occasions to insecure designs, that they have produced the ruin of many containment walls suffering the action of an earthquake. A method is proposed in this papers for the design of containment walls in different soils, suffering to the action of an earthquake, based on the Performance-Based Seismic Design.
The design of containment walls suffering seismic loads traditionally has been realized with methods based on pseudoanalitic procedures such as Mononobe-Okabe's method, which it has led in certain occasions to insecure designs, that they have produced the ruin of many containment walls suffering the action of an earthquake. The recommendations gathered in Mononobe-Okabe's theory have been included in numerous Codes of Seismic Design. It is clear that a revision of these recommendations must be done. At present there is taking place an important review of the design methods of anti-seismic structures such as containment walls placed in an area of numerous earthquakes, by means of the introduction at the beginning of the decade of 1990 the Displacement Response Spectrum (DRS) and the Capacity Demand Diagram (CDD) that suppose an important change in the way of presenting the Elastic Response Spectrum (ERS). On the other hand in case of action of an earthquake, the dynamic characteristics of a soil have been referred traditionally to the speed of the shear waves that can be generated in a site, together with the characteristics of plasticity and damping of the soil. The Principle of the energy conservation explains why a shear upward propagating seismic wave can be amplified when travelling from a medium with high shear wave velocity (rock) to other medium with lower velocity (soil deposit), as it happened in the earthquake of Mexico of 1985. This amplification is a function of the speed gradient or of the contrast of impedances in the border of both types of mediums. A method is proposed in this paper for the design of containment walls in different soils, suffering to the action of an earthquake, based on the Performance-Based Seismic Design.