6 resultados para Construction sites.

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The difficulty of dealing with construction and demolition waste (CDW) on construction sites is not new and continues to be a significant environmental problem. Currently the CDW collection system in Spain is done in a decentralized manner by each sub-contracted company, being necessary to implement effective waste management measures ensuring a correct management and minimization. During the last years several measures have been launched in order to improve and encourage the reuse and recycling of CDW. A widespread solution for CDW recovery is using them as a landscaping aggregate or for road bases and sub-bases. However, measures encouraging onsite prevention still need to be enhanced. This paper studies the major work stage generating CDW and analyses the categories of CDW produced during its execution. For this, several real building sites have been analysed in order to quantify the estimation of CDW generated. Results of this study show that a significant contributor to the CDW generation on building construction sites in Spain are the masonry works. Finally, a Best Practices Manual (BPM) is proposed containing several strategies on masonry works aimed not only at CDW prevention, but also at improving their management and minimization. The use of this BPM together with the Study and Plan of CDW management --required by law--, promotes the environmental management of the company, favouring the cohesion of the construction process organization at all stages giving rise to establishing responsibilities in the field of waste and providing a greater control over the process. Keywords: construction and demolition waste, management, masonry works, good practice measures, prevention.


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La necesidad de mejorar la eficacia preventiva del sector de la construcción en España exige profundizar en el análisis del modelo regulatorio vigente a la vez que evaluar los resultados del mismo. Considerando que la regulación española emana de la Directiva 92/57/CEE, es preciso partir de un estudio específico de dicha referencia normativa para, seguidamente, identificar tanto las diferencias y particularidades introducidas en nuestra transposición nacional como, en su caso, la coherencia de las mismas con la regulación comunitaria. Para todo ello, la memoria realizada analiza de manera discriminada las diferencias que, cada modelo regulatorio de la UE-15, introduce en las figuras y herramientas de gestión preventiva instauradas por la citada Directiva. Adicionalmente, la presente investigación evalúa los resultados que, en términos de siniestralidad laboral, costes económicos y responsabilidades legales, han arrojado los vigentes modelos de regulación del sector a nivel comunitario (UE-15) y español. Dicho análisis permite identificar, además, aquellos estados miembros de la UE-15 que, en términos comparativos, han logrado una mayor eficacia preventiva específica en el sector de la construcción y establecer, en su caso, la correspondiente correlación con el tipo de modelo regulatorio. Por otra parte, se analiza la vinculación existente entre los accidentes de trabajo en la construcción y las decisiones tomadas en la etapa de diseño (incluyendo un estudio experimental) así como, con carácter específico, las técnicas desarrolladas para integrar los aspectos preventivos en dicha etapa. Dichas técnicas, englobadas a nivel internacional bajo la denominación de Prevention Through Design (PtD), son analizadas en detalle a la vez que se prospecciona su aplicación al modelo regulatorio español. Por último, se realiza un análisis comparativo del modelo regulatorio español frente a aquellos sistemas que, a nivel internacional, han logrado mejores resultados relativos para, en base al mismo, efectuar una propuesta justificada y pormenorizada de modificación del actual modelo regulatorio de la seguridad y salud en la construcción en España. The need to improve risk prevention efficacy in construction sites in Spain requires a deeper analysis of the current regulatory model while evaluating its results. Whereas the Spanish regulation stems from Directive 92/57/EEC, it is necessary to start from a specific study of such reference, and then pass to identify both the differences and particularities introduced in national transposition and, where appropriate, its consistency with the European regulation system. Above from that, this research analyzes how each country of the EU15 has adapted the provisions in Directive 92/57/EEC and their respective regulation of the preventive management tools introduced by it. Additionally, this research evaluates the results, in terms of workplace accidents, economic costs and liabilities, produced by the current models of sector regulation both at EU-15 and Spanish level. This analysis allows to identify also those member states of the EU-15 that, in comparison, have achieved greater efficiency in specific preventive construction sector and establish, where appropriate, the corresponding correlation with the type of regulatory model. Moreover, we analyze the link between occupational accidents in the construction and the decisions taken at the design stage (including a pilot study) and, with specificity, the techniques developed to integrate the preventive aspects in the design works. Such techniques, included internationally under the name of Prevention through Design (PtD), are analyzed in detail while collating their application routes to the Spanish regulatory model. Finally, we develop a comparative analysis of the Spanish regulatory model against those systems that, worldwide, have achieved better results relating to make a justified and detailed proposal to amend the current regulatory model and health and safety in construction in Spain.


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En el sector de la edificación, las grandes constructoras comienzan a considerar aspectos medioambientales, no limitándose a lo establecido por la legislación vigente, y buscando la implementación de buenas prácticas. Si bien este hecho es una realidad para las grandes empresas constructoras, todavía falta que la gran mayoría de las empresas del sector (pequeñas y medianas) adopten ésta tendencia. En este sentido, las publicaciones y estadísticas consultadas revelan que el sector de la construcción sigue siendo el sector con menor número de Sistemas de Gestión Ambiental (SGA) certificados en comparación con otros sectores industriales, debido principalmente a las peculiaridades de su actividad. Por otra parte, el sector de la construcción genera grandes cantidades de residuos de construcción y demolición (RCD). Aunque, en los últimos años la actividad de la construcción ha disminuido, debido a la crisis económica del país, no hay que olvidar todos los problemas causados por este tipo de residuos, o mejor dicho, por su gestión. La gestión de los RCD actual está lejos de alcanzar la meta propuesta en la Directiva Marco de Residuos (DMR), la cual exige un objetivo global para el año 2020 en el que el 70% de todos los RCD generados deberán ser reciclados en los países de la UE. Pero, la realidad es que sólo el 50% de la RCD generados en la Unión Europea se recicla. Por este motivo, en los últimos años se ha producido una completa modificación del régimen jurídico aplicable a los RCD, incorporando importantes novedades a nuestro ordenamiento interno como son: la redacción de un Estudio de gestión de RCD (en fase de diseño) y un Plan de gestión de RCD (en fase de ejecución). Entre estas medidas destaca el poder conocer, con la antelación suficiente, la cantidad y el momento en que los RCD son generados, para así poder planificar la gestión más adecuada para cada categoría de RCD. Es por ello que el desarrollo de cualquier instrumento que determine la estimación de RCD así como iniciativas para su control debe ser considerado como una herramienta para dar respuestas reales en el campo de la sostenibilidad en la edificación. Por todo lo anterior, el principal objetivo de la Tesis Doctoral es mejorar la gestión actual de los RCD, a través de la elaboración e implementación en obra de un Sistema de gestión de RCD en fase de ejecución que podrá ser incluido en el Sistema de Gestión Ambiental de las empresas constructoras. Para ello, se ha identificado la actividad que más residuo genera, así como las diferentes categorías de RCD generadas durante su ejecución, a través del análisis de nueve obras de edificación de nueva planta. Posteriormente, se han determinado y evaluado, en función de su eficacia y viabilidad, veinte buenas prácticas encaminadas a reducir la generación de RCD. También, se han identificado y evaluado, en función de su coste económico, cinco alternativas de gestión para cada categoría de RCD generada. Por último, se ha desarrollado e implementado un Sistema de Gestión de RCD en una empresa de construcción real. En definitiva, el Sistema de Gestión de RCD propuesto contiene una herramienta de estimación de RCD y también proporciona una relación de buenas prácticas, según su viabilidad y eficacia, sobre los aspectos más significativos en cuanto a la gestión de RCD se refiere. El uso de este Sistema de gestión de RCD ayudará a los técnicos de la construcción en el desarrollo de los documentos "Estudio de gestión de RCD " y "Plan de gestión de RCD " - requeridos por ley -. Además, el Sistema promueve la gestión ambiental de la empresa, favoreciendo la cohesión del proceso constructivo, estableciendo responsabilidades en el ámbito de RCD y proporcionando un mayor control sobre el proceso. En conclusión, la implementación de un sistema de gestión de RCD en obra ayuda a conseguir una actividad de edificación, cuyo principal objetivo sea la generación de residuos cero. ABSTRACT Currently, in the building sector, the main construction companies are considering environmental issues, not being limited to the current legislation, and seeking the implementation of good practices. While this fact is a reality for large construction companies, still the vast majority of construction companies (small and medium enterprises) need to accept this trend. In this sense, official publications and statistics reveal that the construction sector remains with the lowest number of certified Environmental Management Systems (EMS) compared to other industrial sectors, mainly due to the peculiarities of its activity. Moreover, the construction industry in Spain generates large volumes of construction and demolition waste (CDW) achieving a low recycling rate compared to other European Union countries and to the target set for 2020. Despite the complete change in the legal regime for CDW in Spain, there are still several difficulties for their application at the construction works. Among these difficulties the following can be highlighted: onsite segregation, estimating CDW generation and managing different CDW categories. Despite these difficulties, the proper CDW management must be one of the main aspects considered by construction companies in the EMS. However, at present the EMS used in construction companies consider very superficially CDW management issues. Therefore, current EMS should go a step further and include not only procedures for managing CDW globally, but also specific procedures for each CDW category, taking into account best practices for prevention, minimization and proper CDW management in order to achieve building construction works with zero waste generation. The few scientific studies analysing EMS implementation in construction enterprises focus on studying the benefits and barriers of their implementation. Despite the drawbacks found, implementing an EMS would bring benefits such as improving the corporate image in relation to the environment, ensuring compliance with the law or reducing environmental risks. Also, the international scientific community has shown great interest in defining models to estimate in advance the CDW that will be generated during the building construction or rehabilitation works. These studies analyse the overall waste generation and its different CDW categories. However, despite the many studies found on CDW quantification, analysing its evolution throughout the construction activities is a factor that must be further studied and discussed in greater depth, as results would be of great significance when planning the CDW management. According to the scientific studies analysing the implementation of good environmental practices in construction sites, it seems that, in general, the CDW collection system is done in a decentralized manner by each subcontracted company. In addition, the corporate image generated when poor practices are done may adversely affect the company's reputation and can result in loss of contracts. Finally, although there are numerous guides and manuals of good practices for CDW management, no references have been found implementing these measures in the Environmental Management System of the construction companies. From all the above, this thesis aims to provide answers to reduce the environmental impact caused by CDW generation in building construction works, in order to get a building process with zero waste generation. In this sense, is essential to generate new knowledge in order to implement a system which can carry out comprehensive management of CDW generated onsite, at the design stage until the end of its life cycle, taking into account both technical and economic criteria. Therefore, the main objective of this thesis is to define and implement a CDW management system for residential building construction works, helping construction agents not only to manage the CDW in accordance with current legislation, but also minimizing their generation on site by applying best practices, resulting in achieving the goal of zero waste in building works.


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Although previous studies report on the effect of street washing on ambient particulate matter levels, there is a lack of studies investigating the results of street washing on the emission strength of road dust. A sampling campaign was conducted in Madrid urban area during July 2009 where road dust samples were collected in two sites, namely Reference site (where the road surface was not washed) and Pelayo site (where street washing was performed daily during night). Following the chemical characterization of the road dust particles the emission sources were resolved by means of Positive Matrix Factorization, PMF (Multilinear Engine scripting) and the mass contribution of each source was calculated for the two sites. Mineral dust, brake wear, tire wear, carbonaceous emissions and construction dust were the main sources of road dust with mineral and construction dust being the major contributors to inhalable road dust load. To evaluate the effectiveness of street washing on the emission sources, the sources mass contributions between the two sites were compared. Although brake wear and tire wear had lower concentrations at the site where street washing was performed, these mass differences were not statistically significant and the temporal variation did not show the expected build-up after dust removal. It was concluded that the washing activities resulted merely in a road dust moistening, without effective removal and that mobilization of particles took place in a few hours between washing and sampling. The results also indicated that it is worth paying attention to the dust dispersed from the construction sites as they affect the emission strength in nearby streets.


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La figura del Coordinador de seguridad y salud, como técnico necesario y competente dentro de la actividad edificatoria, surge en España el día 25 de diciembre de 1997, dos meses después de la publicación del Real Decreto 1627/1997, de 24 de octubre, por el que se establecen las disposiciones mínimas de seguridad y salud en las obras de construcción (BOE sábado 25 de octubre de 1997). Dicha figura proviene de la trasposición española de la Directiva 92/57/CEE y como en nuestro país, los diferentes estados miembros de la Unión Europea la introducen en su sector de la construcción de diferentes maneras. Desde su concreta aparición ya han transcurrido casi dieciocho años. Esta “mayoría de edad” relativa a la presencia de los coordinadores dentro de las obras, puede considerarse ya un plazo suficiente, para detenerse y efectuar un estudio desde los diferentes puntos de vista que afectan a dicha figura. Se pretende con el presente estudio optimizar integralmente dicha figura. Para ello se estudia su situación actual en nuestro país. De dicho estudio se establece la estructura de la figura del coordinador, definida en cinco apartados que cubren todos sus aspectos. Junto con el estudio de los mismos, se realizan otros análisis en relación con su funcionamiento en nuestro entorno inmediato (los diferentes miembros de la UE-28), así como otros determinados a definir aspectos necesarios para evaluar su implantación, gestión y responsabilidades adquiridas por los técnicos coordinadores de seguridad en España, a través de su actividad desarrollada tras los dieciocho años de implantación. Completa el estudio su actualidad inmediata y se focaliza en un entorno suficiente para determinar su utilidad. Todo ello, con la finalidad de elevar unas conclusiones que unidas a las necesarias propuestas de actuación, nos permitan concretar la optimización de la figura estudiada. ABSTRACT The figure of the Safety and Health Coordinator, both as a necessary and competent technician within the building activity, was established in Spain on December 25th, 1997, just two months after the publishing of the Real Decreto (Royal Decree) 1627/1997 of 24 October, which implemented the minimum requirements for safety and health in construction sites (BOE Saturday, October 25, 1997). The above mentioned figure develops from the Spanish transposition of Directive 92/57/EEC. And as it has happened in Spain, the rest of the EU members have implemented it in the construction sector in various ways. Almost eighteen years have passed since its enactment. This lapse of time can be considered satisfactory to stop at this point and carry out a study on this new position in construction sites but taking into account different points of view that affect it. The present dissertation attempts to fully optimize the figure of the Safety and Health Coordinator by undertaking a research of its current situation in Spain. This study establishes the organizational structure of the Coordinator’s figure, covering all its aspects in five main headings. Alongside with the study of these five sections, further analyses have been carried out in relation to their performance in our immediate surroundings (the research has been extended to different members of the EU-28). Likewise, different studies have been made to determine the necessary aspects to assess the implementation, management and responsibilities acquired by these Safety and Health Coordinators throughout the last eighteen years. This study is completed with the immediate present and focuses on assess and determine its utility in the future. All this with the aim of raising some conclusions that along with the necessary proposals for action, will allow us to achieve the optimization of the studied figure.


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The construction of a Gothic vault implied the solution of several technical challenges. The literature on Gothic vault construction is quite large and its growth continues steadily. The main challenge of any structure is that, during and after construction, it must be "safe", that is, it must not collapse. Indeed, it must be amply safe, able to support different loads for long periods of time. Masonry architecture has shown its structural safety for centuries or millennia. The Pantheon of Rome stands today after almost 2,000 years without having needed any structural reinforcement (of course, the survival of any building implies continuous maintenance) . Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, finished in the 6th century AD, has withstood not only the dead loads but also many severe earthquakes . Finally, the Gothic cathedrals, with their appearance of weakness, are• more than a half millennium old. The question arises of what the source of this amazing strength is and how the illiterate master masons were able to design such daring and safe structures . This question is usually evaded in manuals of Gothic architecture. This is quite surprising, the structure being a fundamental part of Gothic buildings. The present article aims to give such an explanation, which has been studied in detail elsewhere. In the first part, the Gothic design methods "V ill be discussed. In the second part, the validity of these methods wi11 be verified within the frame of the modern theory of masonry structures . References have been reduced to a minimum to make the text simpler and more direct.